

A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 ● 734.453.6464 ●

In Covenant Agreement with Mtenthera CCAP Church in Malawi

Regular Worship Times: Sanctuary - 9:00 and 10:30AM Upper Room - 10:35 AM

Rev. Emily Riley Campbell

Associate Minister

Rev. Anne Schaefer

Interim Senior Minister

A Family of Faith

We are a family of faith,

called to celebrate God’s message

of love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

Guided by the living Word of God, we nurture one another

through worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship.

Led by the Holy Spirit, we reach out

with hearts and hands to those in need,

seeking to inspire hope in an ever-changing

community and world.

(FPCP Vision Statement)

December 4, 2016 2nd Sunday in Advent: Peace


The Lord’s day in Worship

at First Presbyterian Church, Plymouth, MI

PRELUDE “Christmas Medley” G. Martin



(9:00) James, Anne, Clare and Alexander Davidson

(10:30) Christopher, Rachel, Joshua and Madeleine Machnacki

ADVENT PRAYER (in unison)

Loving God, you are our hope and our peace. We thank you for bringing light into the darkness of

our lives and world. Help us to prepare room in our hearts for your coming so that that we may be

strengthened to work for peace in your name. Amen.


*PROCESSIONAL HYMN NO. 182 “O Come, All Ye Faithful”



CHORAL ANTHEM “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Schwoebel

Chancel Choir


Holy One, You call us to wake from sleep, to become aware to our surroundings. The dawn of a new

time of preparation is upon us. Forgive us when sleepiness takes its toll, when our discussions

become battles, when our judgement and self-judgement outweigh our faith. Let us put on the light

of Christ and live as You have called us in respect, mutual dialogue, and in healthy living. Help us

so that everything we do reflects Christ’s light. Amen. (Taken from PCUSA - Fight the Bees)

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Silence for personal confession)


RESPONSIVE SONG NO. 178 “Emmanuel, Emmanuel”

Emmanuel, Emmanuel, his name is called Emmanuel. God with us, revealed in us, his name is called

Emmanuel (sung once)


Pew Bible, Old Testament

OFFERING OUR GIFTS TO GOD (Members and Visitors, please take this time to sign and pass our friendship pads which are located in the book rack of

your pew.)

OFFERTORY “Holy Is Thy Name” (9:00) McDonald

Chancel Choir

“O Little Town of Bethlehem” (10:30) arr. D. Cherwien

*DOXOLOGY NO. 34 “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”


SCRIPTURE LESSON Philippians 4:4-7

Pew Bible, New Testament

SERMON “The Gift of Peace” Rev. Anne Schaefer

*HYMN NO. 180 “O Little Town of Bethlehem”



INVITATION: (All who love the Lord Jesus Christ and would be His faithful disciples, including

baptized children, are invited to His table.)




Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it

is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and

lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the

glory, forever. Amen.

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH FPCP Vision Statement (sung) found on front cover

*HYMN NO. 176 “Lift Up Your Heads, O Mighty Gates”



POSTLUDE “Angels From the Realms of Glory” arr. R. Thygerson *All who are able are invited to stand +++Please be seated


The Salvation Army Concert Band We are again sponsoring an all-community Christmas Carol Sing-Along at


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 @ 4:00 PM. Refreshments served afterward at

First Presbyterian Church 701 Church Street

Plymouth, MI Please come and join in singing the traditional songs

and Carols of the Christmas season.

Please join us this morning at 10:00 am in the Narthex

for Christmas cookies and punch

to welcome the Rev. Anne Schaefer.


Welcome and Passing of the Peace *Opening Praise “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!” Opening Prayer of Praise and Confession Sermon Series Intro: The Gift of Hope, Peace, Joy, Love Today’s Theme: Peace Theme Video Intro Scripture Reading Psalm 122 (NSRV) Philippians 4: 4-7 (NIV) Call to Offering Offering Praise “It is Well”

Sermon “The Gift of Peace” Call to Communion Great Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer Communion Music “Be Still My Soul” Closing Prayer Responsive Praise “O Little Town of Bethlehem” “In Christ Alone” *Benediction & Blessing Ushers this morning : George & Heidi Herr

Order of Worship The UPPER ROOM

Rev. Emily Riley Campbell

Worship Leader: Bekah Greenman

Gluten Free bread will be served on Communion


It will be in the CENTER of the tray

Please join us this morning for cookies and punch

after the Upper Room service to welcome

Bekah Greenman to our FPCP family.


Worship With Us SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11th Third Sunday in Advent - Joy 9 am & 10:30 am Sanctuary services. Annual Chancel Choir Christmas Concert: “Christmas Favorites” 10:35 am Upper Room Service, Rev. Schaefer, The Gift of Joy.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th Fourth Sunday in Advent - Love 9 am & 10:30 am Sanctuary services. Rev. Schaefer preaching on The Gift of Love, The Joyful Ringers. 10:35 am Upper Room Service, Rev. Campbell preaching. 7 pm Longest Night Service, Rev. Campbell preaching, Dale Hicks

CHRISTMAS EVE, SATURDAY, DEC 24th - Emmanuel 5pm Family Service in Sanctuary Instrumentalists begin at 4:45 pm 8pm Lessons and Carols in the Sanctuary Rev. Anne Schaefer will be leading, Chancel Choir 8pm Upper Room Service, Candlelight Communion Rev. Emily Campbell will lead, Dale Hicks and sons and Bekah Greenman 11pm Lessons and Carols in the Sanctuary Rev. Schaefer, Rev. Campbell will be leading, soloists


CHRISTMAS DAY, SUNDAY DEC 25TH 10:30 am Sanctuary (one service only on this day!)


We hope that you will put a pause in your own family celebrations to celebrate with us the source of all of our hope, peace, joy and love. On Christmas Day, our worship service will last 45 minutes. Rev. Campbell will be leading this service.

Children….please feel free to come to worship in your pajamas and bring your toys! (We’re serious about this!) Adults…please feel free to come casually dressed and with your bed head.


10:30 am Sanctuary (one service only on this day!) Our New Years Day service is also a relaxed service. Come, casually dressed. Rev. Schaefer will be preaching. Come and celebrate the gift of a new year with us!




Dale Dauderman Sally Evans

Bucky Farrow Susan Goerge

Elizabeth Gribble Lindsey Jones Carol Loesch

Cynthia Alexander Ralph Bonser Meera Martin Don Morgan

Nancy Morman Cathy Tartaglia

Patti Wert

Family & Friends of Members

Members Receiving Long-term Care

Don Loesch Barb Mason Cal Mason

Dana Pedersen Carmen Ryan Walter Scott

Our Sympathies To Pixie Nash, friend of FPCP, whose husband Frank Nash passed away November 12, 2016

To Kris Black and family, whose husband, Ken Black, passed away November 5, 2016

To our friend Abineri Kuleza from our sister church in Malawi, on the loss this week of his wife Hendrina Kuleza

Praise & Thanksgiving

The flowers today are given to the GLORY OF GOD and … In loving memory of our parents Mary Ann &

Donald Haislet and Velma & Bert Ashton, brother of Donald Haislet, and brother Richard Ashton and sister-in-law Martha, by John & Nancy Ashton

Please pray for our Kids Hope U.S.A. program: Please pray for the program leaders, the counselors, teachers and principals of Bird Elementary and West Middle

School that they will identify at-risk students who would benefit from mentoring, and volunteers who would be great mentors, and that "God's fingerprints" would be on the matches. Finally, please pray for those with a call to this ministry to hear and answer.

Church Wide Concerns

Our Deacons of the Day are: Kim Pierson and Patti Devine

Our Ushers today at 9:00 are: Elizabeth & Brian Detter, John Roose and Linda Luke Our Ushers at 10:30 are: Jack & Kiki Farrow, Steve & Sandy Marulis

Counting Team this week: Wayne Krupin, Kathleen Barker and Steve Renaldi

Prayer Concerns Please pray for the following church members and friends who are in special circumstances. In the listings below members’ names will be printed in bold type. The names of family & friends will be printed in italic. Questions or concerns about the prayer list should be directed to Julie Thompson in the church office or [email protected]. Names are only left in the bulletin for 3 weeks

unless you call again or the office is aware of the circumstances.

Bill Paquette, brother-in-law of Bev Girard

Robert Kern, cousin of Debbie Johnson

Ann Brindle, sister of Patti Devine

Michelle Devine, sister-in-law of

Denny & Patti Devine & Mike & Mary Devine

Ron Gosse, brother-in-law of Carole & Dwight Matthews

Maria, daughter of Karen Kowalski

Bev Gibson, friend of Diana & Bob Markley

Chuck & Mary Beth Baker, friends of Tom & Nancy Brady

Leanne Becker, friend of Emily Campbell

Gary Chapman, brother-in-law of Mark & Molly Burgett

Linda Condash, sister of Pat Butzin

Reg Kuo, son of Tom and Sue Kage

Theresa Dykes, friend of Dianne Cumming

Robert Evans, son of Sally Evans

John Imboden, father of Josh Imboden

Paul Imboden, brother of Josh Imboden

Dana Johnson, husband of Debbie Johnson

Deanna Jones, family member of Kay Bruner

Florence, mother of Karen Kowalski

Otto Pedersen, father of Dana Pedersen

Cindy Richards, daughter of David & Milanne Richards

Kim Scartelli, daughter of Jan Strube

Renee Sendelbach, daughter-in-law of

Neil & Ingrid Sendelbach

Nancy Walther, niece of Louise Hinkson

For all our family & friends serving in the Military Prayers of praise and thanksgiving that Heather Shephard is overall doing much better. Prayers of praise and thanksgiving that Bryn Gerich Renaldi is a year from chemo and radiation treatment. She gives “great thanks to the many kind people who have prayed for me and my family. The support provided through the church has been tremendous and I am grateful to be a part of the FPCP church community.”


News & Announcements

Would you like to order a poinsettia for Christmas to decorate the church for the season? This can be in honor or in

memory of a loved one or friend. Contributions can also be made to the flower fund. Please fill out the form below and

include your payment and return in an envelope to the attention of Julie Thompson or Stu Dodge. Thank you.

In Memory of:

In Honor of:

Donation to the Flower Fund:

Please return this form to the church office with check made payable to FPCP

TODAY - December 4, 2016 Please make arrangements to pick up your plant after the 11:00 pm service on 12/24 or on 12/25.

Your Name: ___________________________________ Small Poinsettias $11.50 # Total enclosed: $ ___________

Address: _____________________________________ Large Poinsettias $20.00 # Total enclosed: $ ___________


Email : ______________________________________

Christmas is a time of celebration. But it can also be a time filled with feelings of loss as we contemplate Christmas without our loved ones. If you or anyone you know is experiencing pain mixed with the joy of Christmas, we invite you to join us for our Longest Night Service. This will be a time to receive comfort as we share prayers, scripture and communion. Please join us Sunday December 18 at 7:00 pm.

Longest Night Service Sunday, December 18, 2016

7:00 pm

FPCP Caregiver Holiday Gathering Have you been a caregiver? Are you currently a caregiver? Do you anticipate becoming a caregiver in the future? Answer “Yes” to any one of these questions and you are invited to attend the FPCP Caregiver Holiday Gathering on Monday, December 12, at 6:30 PM. We will be meeting offsite at Nancy Sullivan’s home at 217 Ann Street in downtown Plymouth. We will share our ongoing caregiving experiences, as we also celebrate the holidays and enjoy delicious munchies. Feel free to join us near the intersection of Ann and William Streets, just a short drive from FPCP.



SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS needed: We are looking for bell ringers for the Salvation Army Kettle. We are responsible for the following dates/locations: Dec 9/10 Sun & Snow @Main & Ann Arbor Trail Dec 16/17 Greek Island Coney @Main & Penniman If you are able to volunteer, please sign up on the board in the Narthex. Call Lisa Maceratini with any questions at 734-536-0847

2016 Angel Tree

Each year, FPCP supports the Salvation Army through their Angel Tree program benefiting needy children and their families in our local community. To participate, all you need to do is choose a tag from the Angel Tree located in the Narthex. Gift ideas are listed on each tag to make shopping a little easier.

Bring your new, unwrapped gift(s) back to the church no later than Sunday, December 11th.

Be sure to secure the tag to the top of the package. The Deacons will deliver gifts to the Salvation Army for distribution to ensure every child in our area has a blessed Christmas.

Share the joy of Christ’s birth by adopting an Angel of your own!

Merry Christmas, Church Family!

We are a family of faith. In the narthex, the Deacons have provided a folding screen where, with one Christmas card, you can greet your entire church family. This is an opportunity to save your time, money, and the Earth's resources. Please donate the amount of money, large or small, that you might have spent on cards for your church family. Checks can be made out to FPCP with "Deacon's Christmas Cards" noted. This project helps the Deacons raise funds for some of the good causes we support such as College Care packages, Local Mission, and Food and Fellowship Events. The screen is in place in the Narthex. You may leave your cards in the folder on the screen or with the church treasurer. The Deacons, the Earth, and your family of faith all thank you!

Thank you… To everyone who donated clothing to the Deacon’s Clothing Drive. With your help we were able to deliver 75 bags of warm winter clothing for the Fort St. Open Door Mission in Detroit. Thank you for your generosity in helping others less fortunate than ourselves.


Session News Linda Cochran, New Assistant Minister for Family Development

Coming to FPCP in mid-January! At the meeting of November 20, Session members invited Rev. Linda Ellen Cochran to serve as Assistant Minister for Family Development, effective January 15, 2017! The one-year contract with Rev. Cochran may be renewed for one year increments, up to a total of three years. It is hoped that within two years, however, that Rev. Cochran and Session will agree to nominate her to the congregation for election as Associate Pastor.

Linda Cochran, a member of the Detroit Presbytery, is currently serving as Family Life Minister at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Shelby Township, Michigan. Linda’s undergraduate work was completed at Hanover College in southern Indiana, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in History. She received her M. Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. In addition, she has completed continuing education studies in areas closely related to her ministry. Linda writes, “I believe God is calling me to serve along-side other staff who are willing to discern a vision for future ministry that aligns with the skills, talents and needs of the congregation and community. As a wife and mother of four children I believe God has allowed me to deeply understand the importance for balance and patience and to use an abundance of creative skills to live through each day!” A reference for Linda stated, “Children and families know that Linda loves them.” Reference reports show that Linda serves as both a “connector”, a leader, and a team player; she never needs to “own things” or be “the Linda show”.

Linda’s statement of faith includes this passage, “We are called as Christians to bring God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit into this world so others may know the love of God. We bring God into the lives of others by what we do for them. We must bring all our sisters and brothers food, shelter, comfort and true care for their well-being. The coming of God’s fulfilled world is through our ministry with one another, the church community and then taking that out into the world.” Linda and her husband Jeffrey Zurkan have four daughters, Alexandra, 22, Madison, 20, Chloe, nearly 16, and Sophia, 12. They live in Macomb, Michigan.

Rev. Linda Cochran and her husband Jeffrey Zurkan.

Introducing Rebekah (Bekah) Greenman

Upper Room & Youth Music Director

While Bekah Greenman is officially on board at First Church Plymouth on December 1,

regular attendees of the Upper Room worship service have already been introduced to

Bekah and her marvelous singing voice.

Bekah most recently served as Contemporary Music and Youth Leader for First

Presbyterian Church of Northville. She graduated from Eastern Michigan University

with a Bachelor of Music in Classical Guitar Performance. Bekah has additional training

in classical, jazz, electric, and acoustic guitar; classical, jazz and contemporary voice; jazz

and contemporary bass guitar; flute, keyboard and secondary percussion.

At First Church Plymouth, Bekah will coordinate and lead the worship music in the Upper Room worship services.

Bekah will have oversight of all musical elements of the Upper Room worship service, including leading the

congregational singing, providing special music, as well as producing slides and other music video presentations that

are used in worship services.


Planning ahead for Sunday School:

December 18 Third Sunday Sing - start in Fellowship Hall

December 24 Pageant at 5:00 service

December 25 No Sunday School

January 1 No Sunday School

~ Christmas Pageant ~ Only two Rehearsals left!

We will rehearse in the Sanctuary from 12-1:30

On December 11 & December 18

If your child has a solo or wants a speaking part, they MUST ATTEND

these final two rehearsals. Please contact Carole Moon with questions

[email protected]

Mission Trip applications are available NOW and due by December 12. This coming summer our high schoolers will have the opportunity to embark on a mission trip to San Francisco that will forever shape their life and their faith. We will spend the week of (approx) June 17-24, 2017 serving in the Inner-city of San Francisco working with ministries that specialize with working with homeless and families in need. More information and flyers can be found in our youth rooms and in the Narthex at the welcome counter. For questions or more information, contact Josh Imboden at 916-214-6161 Sign up for Text Updates at FPCP Family Ministry exists to Embrace the community, Engage children and teenagers in Christ, Equip them to be disciples and Empower them to do God's will because every child is created in the image of God

Youth Ministry News

Path (Sunday School) News

SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS: 9:00 Children start in Worship

10:30 Children start in Classroom

Alternate Giving Mission Project Children will take Communion with parents




Calling all FPCP members!! The Bridge wants you, yes, YOU to join our wonderful mid-week, multi-generational ministry! We welcome all ages and stages! Please consider joining us on Wednesday nights as we build our faith and make memories together! We have exciting updates for this year - ** Later start time! Bridge will begin at 5:45pm, no need to rush! ** Dinner is Served! Take the night off, thanks to our Kitchen Crew! ** Just Programming Option! If dinner doesn't work, join us at 6:30pm for class! ** Hands-On Mission! Along with monthly missions, we'll have hands-on projects! ** New ADULT Bible Study! Come and grow YOUR faith! Next adult class on 12/7! ** Tuition Free - Try Bridge free for one year! Regular tuition will resume for 2017-2018. This is the PERFECT time to try the Bridge! We will add faith, fellowship and lots of fun to your week. Please contact Lisa Williams at 734-968-5402 or [email protected] for more information. Register online here:

December 7 Red Reindeer &

Red Kettles

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Mark 12:41-44

December Mission: Salvation Army

Bridge News & Announcements

On Wednesday evening, December 7th

, Rev. Emily Campbell will be teaching a one night Bible Study for adults on the subject of Spiritual Pathways. Each of us have been created by God uniquely, which means that we each relate to God in unique ways. Come and learn on this night about some of the different ways people connect with God. This Bible Study is offered as part of the Bridge program. It is open to all and is free of charge. The class will be held from 6:45-7:30 pm in the Hearth Room. You are welcome to come early for a free dinner beginning at 5:45 pm. Please sign up online using the online “Sign Ups” tab on the FPCP home page. Select “Bridge Adult Bible Study”


Local Mission

Threads to Heal the Heart Do you know someone in need of prayer, comfort or support? The prayer shawl display is located in the hallway across from the Library. And now the display includes some prayer quilts. There are forms to be filled out for both quilts and shawls if you would like to take one for someone in need. The shawl forms are in the cup on the display. Just fill the form out and leave it in the cup, and pick out the shawl you would like to give. The forms for the quilts are attached to the quilt sign. Fill out the form and leave it in the Threads to Heal the Heart mail box and pick out the quilt you would like to present.

Contact Ginny Weaver if you have any questions about either the shawls or the quilts.

Earth Care News Recycle your Christmas Cards St. Jude’s Ranch for Children recycles your used greeting cards and creates new holiday and all-occasion greeting cards. Recycled cards are sold to support programs and services for abused, neglected and homeless children, young adults and families. The program is beneficial to everyone – customers receive fun, “green” holiday or other occasion cards they can feel good sending to their friends and loved ones, and the children at St. Jude’s Ranch receive payment for their work and learn basic job skills and the importance of recycling. To Send Cards Year-round, St. Jude’s happily accepts used all-occasion greeting cards. Please review the following tips before sending in your cards.

Only the card front can be used (please check to be sure the back side of the front of the card is clear of any handwriting, etc.)

They cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards

5″ x 7″ size or smaller is preferred To mail large quantities in the least expensive way, use a USPS (United States Post Office) Flat Rate Box (available at your local Post Office), which holds up to 70 pounds

Mail cards to: 100 St. Jude's St. Boulder City, NV 89005

Christmas Lights: Recycling When those bulbs don’t work, or the string is frayed, the color’s wrong, or it’s time to replace: Don’t toss those old strings of lights! Bring them to church on Sunday. We’ll collect them and drop them off for recycling. This offer extends through and including Sunday, December 11.


National & International Mission

Life Long Learning Come Join

Early Word Bible Study Wednesdays, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Hearth Room Thinking of joining a Bible study? Need to get off to work or ready for the day? Want to be part of a great and faithful group of studiers of God’s Word? Come join Early Word and begin studying the Book of Psalms. Just bring your Bible and an open heart and mind for God’s truth. Questions – call Sue Kage at 248-349-6268 or email [email protected].

Share the Gift of Food Severe drought conditions have left 6 million people in Malawi with high food

insecurity. This shortage is projected to intensify to crisis and emergency levels by

March 2017.

For only $20, a 110 lb bag of maize (corn) can feed a family of 6 for one month.

$80 will assist one family until the next harvest. We are asking each individual

and family at FPCP to help at least one hungry family in Malawi this Christmas.

Our goal is to raise $13,000 by Christmas.

A handmade Christmas ornament which looks like a miniature bag of maize can

be purchased for $20 in the narthex each Sunday through December 18th or in the church finance

office throughout the week. These ornaments serve as a great reminder of the needs of our

brothers and sisters in Malawi and can be a wonderful gift for the hard-to-buy-for person on your

Christmas gift list. Please share the gift of food today. Thank you for your generosity and for your

prayers for all who are hungry.

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Matthew 25:40


THURDAY EVENINGS from 6:30 pm-6:55 pm in the

Chapel for a time of very

intentional prayer. Our

country is changing, our

church is changing, many of

our lives are also

changing. But thankfully, God does not change. Come

and join us as we pray to God for these needs and

more. Everyone is welcome and no one will be forced to

pray out loud.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,

by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your

requests to God." Phil. 4: 6


Presbyterian Women

“Festival of Tables” There are only a few tickets left for the Festival of Tables Monday night! Peggy Kmieciak will be in the Narthex between services to sell them. Tickets are $10 each.

Start Your Christmas Shopping Early! Fair Trade Coffee makes a great Christmas Gift and supports equality for farmers worldwide!

This would be a great, reasonably priced gift for teachers, neighbors, hair dressers and others. December 4th is the only day Fair Trade coffee/tea will be available for purchase before Christmas. The Presbyterian Coffee Project offers a special link between congregations and communities around the world. Churches can now reach out to neighbors overseas not only with the prayers and offerings we give, but with the goods and products we purchase. A warm cup of coffee (or tea) in our hands is perhaps

the most tangible daily connection we have with farmers around the world. It represents warmth, hospitality, fellowship, hard work and life’s pleasures both fine and simple. Buying fair trade through the Presbyterian Coffee Project ensures that more of the money we spend on coffee reaches the hardworking farmers who actually grow it. You will have the opportunity to purchase this coffee and tea on December 4th between and after services. We have a variety of cof-fees and teas to choose from including decaf, ground and whole bean.

It’s that time of year again, when the snow starts falling and we are thinking of Christmas.

This year our Willing Hands Circle Christmas Pot-Luck Luncheon will be held on

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 12:00 noon

We will be inviting the church staff and the Building and Grounds men to join us in this tradition.

The Helen Beavers women will be joining us again this year for fellowship and to pause to reflect on the

Reason for the Season

Please start arriving at 11:30 am to accommodate all of our goodies and happy faces!

Please bring a dish to pass for 8 - 10 people as follows (last name beginning with):

A-F Vegetable

G-L Entree

M-R Dessert

S-Z Salad

Please mark your calendars and plan to be there. We hope to see all of you then.

Linda & Bev


Sunday, December 4, 2016 Second Sunday in Advent, Communion 8:30 a.m. - Choir Rehearsal, Knox Hall 9:00 a.m. - & 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Service, K-12 Sunday School, Dining Room/Classrooms 10:00 a.m. - Choir Break, Calvin Room 10:35 a.m. - Upper Room Service 11:45 a.m. - Bridge Board Meeting, Library 12:00 p.m. - Festival of Tables set up, Dining Room 6:00 p.m. - Underground—High School Youth Group, YR/FH/DR Monday, December 5 10:30 a.m. - Upper Room Staff Meeting, Calvin Room 6:00 p.m. - Fifth Season Rehearsal, Chapel 7:00 p.m. - Festival of Tables Tuesday, December 6 9:30 a.m. - Staff Prayer, Hearth Room 9:45 a.m. - Staff Meeting, Hearth Room 7:00 p.m. - Stewardship Meeting, Library 7:30 p.m. - Fifth Season Rehearsal, Knox Hall Wednesday, December 7 7:30 a.m. - Early Word Bible Study, Hearth Room 5:45 p.m. - Bridge/Oasis, Whole Church 6:15 p.m. - Warehouse-MS Youth Group, MS, FH, YR 6:45 p.m. - Bridge Adult Bible Study, Hearth Room 7:00 p.m. - Joyful Ringers Rehearsal, Sanctuary Thursday, December 8 11:30 a.m. - Family Ministry Team Meeting, offsite 6:30 p.m. - Evening Devotions, Chapel 6:00 p.m. - Deacons Meeting, Christmas Party, at Campbell’s house 7:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Knox Hall Friday, December 9 Saturday, December 10 8:00 a.m. - Men’s Advent Breakfast, Northville Presbyterian Church Sunday, December 11 Third Sunday in Advent, Christmas Choir Concert 9:00 a.m. - & 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Service, Sunday School, Dining Room/Classrooms 10:35 a.m. - Upper Room service, Knox Hall

This Week at our Church

Use this QR code

to check out the FPCP website

Use this QR code to check out the FPCP calendar

2015 Per Capita Our Per Capita for the year 2016 is $28,025. The Per Capita assessment is to cover the costs of operating the Presbytery of Detroit, Synod of the Covenant and General Assembly. They in turn provide direction, support and guidance to the local churches. This year, the Per Capita amount listed on your weekly envelope is $25.00 per person. The church is required to use operating funds to cover the difference between the amount you contribute and the amount our church is required to pay the Presbytery of Detroit. Please help us to defray the cost burden this assessment places on our operating budget.



First Presbyterian Church, Plymouth

First Presbyterian Church. Plymouth ● 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 phone 734-453-6464 ● fax 734-453-6492 ●

Our Community Alcoholics Anonymous American Red Cross Benevolence Fund Kids Hope USA Plymouth-Canton Clothing Bank Plymouth Salvation Army Adopt-an-Angel/Gift Tree Bell Ringing Food Drives Thanksgiving Box Assembly Presbyterian Thrift Shop United Way Collaborative Fund FPCP Matching Scholarship, for Mission Trip Attendees New Hope Center for Grief Support Vista Maria

Our Surrounding Area Ann Arbor Campus Ministries Bogg School/Detroit Calvin East Presbyterian (Detroit) Camelot Hall Convalescent Center Cass Community Service Community meals for homeless Crossroads Faith Communities Coalition Foster Children First Step

Our Nation Supporting our Presbyterian Church (USA) Connectional Ministry through our Benevolence Budget to these governing bodies: Detroit Presbytery Synod of the Covenant General Assembly Causes Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Our World Church World Service Care Kits Colina de Luz Orphanage Compassion International Sponsoring Children Haiti Nursing Foundation Kids Against Hunger Least Coin Malawi Matters Marion Medical Mission Mtenthera CCAP (Our Sister Church in Malawi) Drinking Well & Storage Tank Bibles & Hymnals Prayer House Roofs Nursery School Supplies Women’s Guild Blouses Church Pews Eyeglasses PC(USA) Hunger Ministries One Great Hour of Sharing Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Veritas College, Malawi Presbyterian Colleges and Seminaries: Princeton Seminary Rev. Phil Magee Endowment

Fort Street Open Door Soup Kitchen assistance Financial Assistance Clothing Drives Habitat for Humanity Hope Medical Center Lighthouse Mission/Soup Kitchen Northville Civic Concern Presbyterian Women Faith Goal Relay for Life Samaritan Counseling Second Mile Center Wayne County Family Center

If you are interested in helping in any of these areas, please contact Rev. Emily

Campbell at 734-453-6464, ext. 113

Anne Schaefer Interim Senior Minister

[email protected]; ext 112

Emily Riley Campbell - Assoc. Min. [email protected]; ext.113

Victoria Barkoff -

Dir. Of Children’s Min. [email protected]; ext. 110

Josh Imboden - Dir. of Youth Min.

[email protected]; ext. 120

Stewart Dodge Church/Financial Administrator

[email protected]; ext. 116

Susan Underhill Communication Administrator

[email protected]; ext. 111

Julie Thompson Information Administrator

[email protected]; ext. 115

Audrey Goodison Childcare Coordinator

[email protected]

Jerry Smith Director of Music

[email protected]; ext.119

Bekah Greenman, Upper Room & Youth Music Director

[email protected]

Susan C. Scott Organist

Sharon K. Smith



Ministry Administrative Music
