Download pdf - December 3 2014

Page 1: December 3 2014



Wednesday 12/3Student Ministry 6:00pmLooking at the Old Testament prophecies of Christ!

Community Group 6:15pmPiasecki HomeEveryone is Welcome! Thursday 12/4Worship Practice 7:00pm Saturday 12/6Basketball 8:30am

Prayer Training 9:00am

Sunday 12/7 Christian Education 9:30am Women’s Study Group Jeremiah Study Jr and Sr High SchoolChildren’s Church 10:45am

Worship Gathering 10:45amRead Luke 1:1-25 to prepare!

AWANA! 6:00pm

Monday 12/8

Martial Arts 6:00pm- Free

BSF Men’s Group 6:45pm

Tuesday 12/9BSF Women’s Group 9:10amFirst Christian Church, Staley Road

Community Group 7:00pmWright Home: Studying LukeSchifo Home: Studying the ExodusEveryone is Welcome!

December 3rd


** Don’t forget to turn in your Helping Hands gifts today! A table will be in the back to collect gifts.

Do you have an iPad, Kindle, Nook, or any other kind of e-reading device? if so here is a great Advent devotional for free from!

Starting this weekend, Saturday the 6th, we are starting a Prayer Study on the book: “Praying Like Jesus the Jew”. If you haven’t signed up to attend come Saturday at 9:00am and we will have extras!

Because of the great discount CBD offered, and because we want to equip you this study is FREE! Come out and be encouraged in Christ!

Thanks to everyone that stopped by to help hang the greens on Tuesday night! The church building is ready to go, and now let us prepare our hearts with expectation in the reminder of the coming Christ. One way is to check out this great new album from Sovereign Grace Music and Bob Kauflin, and his children.

It is available on iTunes for $9.99, or we can order physical copies for $8.00 each if we get 20 interested (bulk discount). Email Pastor Jason if interested at: [email protected] with the subject line: “CD Order”.

Page 2: December 3 2014

We will share the Gospel with the fervent expectation that, because Jesus is alive, my sharing the Gospel is not about me, but all about Him. Because Jesus is alive, we will never fall silent, because we believe, like Paul, that death is gain.

This past weekend at the 10:45 service, we looked at Mark chapter 2. In it, Jesus encounters a large crowd upon returning to Capernaum. I have to say, when I read the gospels I am always curious at how the Word of God handles crowds.

Because we live in a culture that often measures success by the numbers, we can count on the fact that we may celebrate crowds. Crowds for Jesus, though, were no measure of ministry or spiritual success. Never do we find in Mark’s gospel that the crowds were coming to Jesus in repentance and faith. In fact, the condition of the crowd reminds me of the words spoken to the prophet Ezekiel by God:

“As for you, son of man, your people who talk together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, say to one another, each to his brother, ‘Come, and hear what the word is that comes from the Lord.’ 31 And they come to you as people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say but they will not do it; for with lustful talk in their mouths they act; their heart is set on their gain. 32 And behold, you are to them like one who sings lustful songs with a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument, for they hear what you say, but they will not do it. 33 When this comes—and come it will!—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.” Ezekiel 33:30-33.

In the midst of this kind of apathy and complacency in the crowd, Jesus shares not just a word, but The Word of God. Considering the mission to which Jesus came, we know that this Word was a word concerning man’s greatest need; salvation from the sinfulness.

The gospel offers what transcends all other messages and methods, because it addresses directly our greatest need. This is where Christianity is different from all other religions.

While other religions seek to subvert man under the wrath of a little “g” god, Christianity addresses the greatest need of man, which is to escape the wrath of God poured out eternally on sinners bound for hell. Only the gospel and the message of grace can address this need. Only through the gospel can anyone escape the wrath of God. Only through the gospel will sinners find freedom.

This is why Paul tells us in Romans that those bound to sin are perishing - because the wages of sin is death. But death as we know it isn’t the end, because we serve a Savior who rose from death to life. Friends, I would rather appear foolish to those perishing by proclaiming the message of faith through grace, than proving my foolishness in silence.

Mark 16:15And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Why does Jesus say to proclaim the gospel “to the whole creation?”

Romans 8:22-23For we know that the whole creation has been groaning

together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Ever since Genesis 3, creation and all those within it have been groaning, weeping, and experiencing a type of increasing pain that accompanies childbirth. Meaning that while evil seems to be abounding, there is an expectancy apparent at the prospect of joyful delivery through a Savior who will in Himself deliver us from evil.

Matthew Henry commenting on this verse says, “For these reasons, and especially because of these reasons we need to be a people (Mark 16:15) who preach the gospel into the ends of and all through creation.”

If the chief end of man, as said in the Westminster Catechism, is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, then there is nothing that will do so like taking up the God glorifying and joy producing mission of seeking and proclaiming to the lost.

On December 20th, the Singing Men of WGNN will be performing a Christmas Concert at the Marketplace Mall, in Champaign. Historically, 500-700 people attend this free concert.

We are planning to set up up a table and share the gospel at this event. My hope is like that of Paul as he entered into the Agora, or the marketplace, and prayed, “somehow, some might be saved” by God, for God, and through God.

Page 3: December 3 2014

Community Evangelical Free Church of Mahomet 2014 Christmas Guide

Greta Henry of Living Alternatives is providing us with the opportunity to be a blessing this Christmas to 10 families that are financially challenged because they decided against abortion, and for life. These families are of varying ages and sizes. We will have a list available this Sunday for you to sign up and adopt a family. This is a great way for Community Evangelical Free Church to serve together.

All gifts need to be collected

by December 10th.

Can’t adopt a family? We will also be collecting

diapers, size NB and 2-4, for babies that are due in December through Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center!

December 16th and 17th from 5-7pm we will be serving Salt and Light in their Two Trees holiday shop! You can be a greeter, gift wrapper, host, or just a happy holiday face wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Dinner will be provided afterwards at McDonalds for those who serve! Come out and give the gift of yourself to those in our community!

On December 20th at 11:45am, we will be sharing the Gospel at the Singing Men of WGNN open air concert at Market Place Mall. We will have a table and hand out copies of “The Story,” Bibles, and sharing with people the greatest gift ever given: Jesus Christ! Come out and share your faith with others!




Adopt a child through Helping Hands. See Deb Henrikson([email protected])

for information

Gifts are due back by December 7th.

Page 4: December 3 2014

The Mahomet Public Library will provide materials for all ages to make ornaments on Saturday, December 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Guests can create an simple-fold, a pinecone elf, a reindeer bell, a monogram ornament and a handprint Santa. This event does not require registration and is free.

The Mahomet-Seymour Madrigal singers will present the 32nd annual Madrigal dinner on December 13 and 14 at Mahomet-Seymour High School.Tickets are full dinner performances on December 13 at 6 p.m. and December 14 at 2 p.m. are $20. Tickets for the dessert performance on December 13 at 2 p.m. are $10.

The Mahomet United Methodist Church will host a Cookie Walk on December 13 from 9 a.m. until they sellout. The fundraiser, which supports local and international organizations, is run by the United Methodist Women.Guests are invited to purchase a cookie box to stuff with a variety of home baked Christmas cookies. Candies, dried herbs and spices along with a craft bazaar will also be available.

Christmas in our Community....

December 6th, from 8:30-10:00am, the Mahomet Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a free Breakfast With Santa at the Mahomet Seymour High School Cafeteria.






The Mahomet Lutheran Church will present their annual Live Nativity on Sunday, December 7 from 4 to 7 p.m. in the drive in front of the church.

Life Community Church invites Mahomet women to a special holiday Christmas Tea on December 13 from 10 a.m. to noon.


$12.00 per person (Sorry, no refunds past December 10th deadline)Register at:


Don’t have anywhere to be Christmas Eve? We would love to have you join us from 6-7pm at the church, and then come to our home to enjoy friendship, treats, and lots of laughs together. Bring an appetizer to share! Everyone is invited!

Page 5: December 3 2014

Prepare your heart for Sunday Worship by reading the passages for the weekly message.December 7th Luke 1:18 (Read Luke 1:1-1:25)And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? December 14Luke 1:37 (Read Luke 1:26-80; Matthew 1:18-25)For nothing will be impossible with God.”December 21Luke 2:10 (Luke 2:1-21; Matthew 2:1-12)And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.December 24Luke 2:14 (Luke 2:13-15)“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”December 28Luke 2:30-31 (Luke 2:22-38)for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,

First Week 11/30-12/6Sunday Isaiah 40:1-5Monday Isaiah 52:7-10Tuesday Isaiah 40:9-11Wednesday Genesis 3:8-15Thursday Genesis 15:1-6Friday Deuteronomy 18:15-19Saturday Psalm 89:1-4

Second Week 12/7-12/13Sunday Isaiah 11:1-10Monday Zechariah 6:12-13Tuesday Micah 5:2-4Wednesday Malachi 3:1-6Thursday John 1:1-8Friday John 1:9-18Saturday Mark 1:1-3

Third Week 12/14-12/20Sunday Luke 1:5-13Monday Luke 1:14-17Tuesday Luke 1:18-25Wednesday Luke 1:39-45Thursday Luke 1:46-56Friday Luke 1:57-66Saturday Luke 1:67-80

Fourth Week 12/21-12-27Sunday Isaiah 7:10-14Monday Luke 1:26-35Tuesday Isaiah 9:2-7Wednesday Matthew 1:18-25Thursday Luke 2:1-20 (Christmas Day)Friday Matthew 2:1-2Saturday Luke 2:21-35

Advent ReadingTake some time over the next three weeks to read these passages as a family...

© Advent Reading Focus on the Family

Page 6: December 3 2014

November 30th

Advent Begins Expectation of

Christ 10:45am

Mahomet Seymour Madrigals


December 1st

Martial Arts 6:00pm

Men’s BSF 6:45pm

December 2nd

Women’s BSF 9:15am

6:30pmDinner Provided

December 3rd

Student Ministry 6:00pm

December 4th

Worship Practice 7:00pm

December 5th December 6th

Prayer Training 9:00am

Basketball 8:30am

December 7th

Christmas 2014 Words

that Bring Life 10:45am

**Helping Hands Gift Collection

AWANA 6:00pm

December 8th

Martial Arts 6:00pm

Men’s BSF 6:45pm

December 9th

Women’s BSF 9:15am

December 10th

Student Ministry 6:00pm

Gift Collected to deliver to Living


December 11th

Worship Practice 7:00pm

December 12th December 13th

Men’s Breakfast 7:00am

Basketball 8:30am

Dinner for Rachel Ross of Forget me Not Ministries

December 14th

Christmas 2014 Words

that bring Life 10:45am

Special Guest: Rachel Ross

AWANA 6:00pm

December 15th

Martial Arts 6:00pm

December 16th

Community Groups serve 5-7pm at:

December 17th

Students Serve 5-7pm at:

December 18th

Worship Practice 7:00pm

How to Share your Faith Fearlessly. 7:00pm

December 19th

Christmas Bash!5:00pm


December 20thBasketball 8:30am

Evangelism during the Singing Men Christmas Concert!Marketplace Mall 12 noon!

December 21st

Christmas Service



December 22nd December 23rd December24th

No Student Ministry

Christmas Eve Service

6:00pmOpen invite to

come to the Schifo Home


December 25th

We want to wish you and yours a very

December 26th

Church Office Closed


Men’s Breakfast 7:00am

Basketball 8:30am


Christmas Words that Bring Life 10:45am

Special Guest:

The Cazier’s


December 29th December 30th December 31st

No Student Ministry

January 1st January 2nd

Church Office Closed

January 3rd

Prayer Training 9:00am

Basketball 8:30am

Why Christianity and Islam


in Serving God

Together.December 12th




