Page 1: December 2017 the Visitor - Flushing United Methodist gift we will ever receive – Jesus hrist our Savior. There

the Visitor a publication of Flushing United Methodist Church

December 2017

Sunday Worship 8:45 am Traditional

11:15 am Contemporary

Holiday Worship Services Christmas Eve Services: 7:00 pm Worship with Praise Music, Children’s Time & Communion 11:00 PM Communion/Candlelight Service December 31: One service @ 10:00 AM

Published the last Wednesday of the month (810)659-5172 Editor: Rose Dessinger 413 E Main St, Flushing MI 48433 e-mail: [email protected]

Our Vision


Preparing servants who

make a difference

in their community

and the world by knowing

Christ, sharing Christ and emulating


Church Staff

Lead Pastor


Line Yencer





Office Manager

Rose Dessinger

Music Coordinator

Christie Dover


Marlene Cooper

Play Place Director

Brooke Booth

Play Place

Sandy Abueita


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Happy December! It is the time of year that we get ready for so many things! Parties, presents, decorating, presents, Santa Claus, presents…do you sense a theme here? Yes, I love presents! If you have ever read the book The 5 Love Languages, it states we all feel loved in a certain way. My love language is the giving and receiving of gifts. Christmas is definitely my holiday! It is not that I am materialistic – what blesses me is to know that somebody loves me enough to find something special for me. When Ron does it – I know he has been thinking about me even while we are apart. I listen to people in my family and I try to pick out gifts that would be something that they would enjoy because of their interests or something they have said through the year. Our theme for Advent is Unwrapping the True Meaning of

Christmas. Each week we will focus on one person or group that was

a part of the first coming of Christ. We will hear and see things from

their point of view. At the end of the sermon we will unwrap a piece

of the nativity scene and place at the foot of the Christmas tree. My

hope and prayer is that in the midst of all that we do for Christmas

time – we will be reminded that it is really the celebration of the

greatest gift we will ever receive – Jesus Christ our Savior. There

will be devotionals available for everyone that have been written by

our brothers and sisters here at Flushing UMC. It also provides

activities for us to do – no matter the age. I pray children of all ages

will participate in our angel garland prayers. We read in 2 Cor. 9:15,

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! May the Lord bless us as

we unwrap and remember Jesus the one who gave his all for God

and for us. Have a blessed Advent season and a glorious Christmas.

Sermons December 3 Zechariah Luke 1:8-15 December 10 Mary Luke 1:26-38 December 17 Joseph Matthew 1:18-24 December 24 (a.m.) Shepherds Luke 2:8-18

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Advent/Christmas We begin the season of Advent – a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord on Sunday, December 3rd. We will offer a family devotional written by people in our congregation and with it is a prayer activity for us all to join in on. We have

special activities to come together and be family together. Be sure to see our Advent brochure to keep track of the events offered. Also give to friends to invite them to be a part of the blessing.

Christmas Eve Offering Bishop David Bard has encouraged us in the Michigan Area to give towards disaster relief through UMCOR for an Advent giving. We will send half of our Christmas offering to help those who are still struggling to have things like water and power after the storms. Please give generously.

Upcoming Series Starting January Do you feel weighted down with worry? Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Are irrational fears your constant companion? Could you use some calm? In this five-session video Bible study, bestselling author Max Lucado explores God’s treatment plan for anxiety found in Philippians 4:4–8. While anxiety

is a part of life, it doesn’t have to dominate your life. With God as your helper and his promises at your side, you can sleep better tonight and smile more tomorrow. You can discover a life of calm and develop tools for combating the onslaught of anxiety. We will have this as a sermon series as well as small group study.

Candlewalk in Flushing On December 7th and 8th the Annual Flushing Candlewalk takes place. Flushing UMC is a warming center for the community. People are invited in for refreshments and an opportunity to purchase tea rings, buckeyes, and cookies from the UMW. Please join us in hosting our neighbors 6-8 pm each night.

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On Sunday, December 17th, a caroling we will go to places that could use some Christmas love. We will have a chili lunch after second service and then go out in groups to share our music talents. Remember—the Lord said to make a joyful noise!

On Sunday, December 3rd at 4 pm, you are invited to be a part of a family Christmas celebration. At 4:00 pm, there will be crafts and games for all ages. We will have sloppy joes (chicken nuggets for kids) and the fixings around 5:00 pm. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 5:30 pm, as we will be re-enacting the Christmas story with church family in the roles. We will conclude with a Happy Birthday Jesus cake! This is a family friendly event so bring friends and neighbors of all ages to be a part of it.

Luke 2:1-20 The Passion Translation During those days, the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, ordered that the first census be taken throughout his empire. (Quirinius was the governor of Syria at that time.) Everyone had to travel to his or her hometown to complete the mandatory census. So Joseph and his fiancé, Mary, left Nazareth, a village in Galilee, and journeyed to their hometown in Judea, to the village of Bethlehem, King David’s ancient home. They were required to register there, since they were both direct descendants of David. Mary was pregnant and nearly ready to give birth. When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, and there she gave birth to her firstborn son. After wrapping the newborn baby in strips of cloth, they laid him in a feeding trough since there was no available space in any upper room in the village.

Family Advent Devotions Available Be sure to pick up our Advent devotion written by members that encourages reflection for this time. We will have angels to remind us to pray for different needs of the season. Pick up yours in the entrance way.

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Appreciation Brunch Sunday, December 10 @ 10:00 am

The youth is sponsoring an Appreciation Brunch to thank all of you who helped support the youth this year. We raised $835 at

the Pie Auction in addition to the other fundraisers this year! Thank you for your generosity!

We offer several ways to be a blessing to others during this season:

Angel Tree - A chance to help provide gifts for local families.

Christmas Eve Offering - Half will go to the Conference Advent offering to help with disaster relief as requested by Bishop Bard.

Food Boxes - Deliver boxes for helping families in our community.

Memorial Poinsettias - Funds go to Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti and Imagine No More Malaria nets.

World Vision

Spread joy with a life changing gift. World Vision gives lifesaving medicine, livestock, malaria nets and much more. You can give gifts to world vision by going


Consider giving donations for disaster relief. UMCOR helps nationally as well as globally. You can give directly online at or by donating through Flushing UMC. Please write UMCOR in the memo line on your check.

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It’s Auction Time!! And it’s on a New Day – TUESDAY

Please join us for the Annual UMW Christmas Auction

The CARE Circle is hosting the Annual UMW Christmas Auction

in the Fellowship Hall of the Church

TUESDAY, December 5, 2017 at 6:30 pm

There will be yummy treats to eat! Lots of fun! Stuff to buy! It will be an evening of fun while we raise funds to help the

Senior Center with their food and prescription program and to help provide food and gifts for families (identified by the church)

that would otherwise not have a Christmas. Please join us this year for an evening of fun, fellowship and laughs! Bring an item to auction but most important

- don’t forget to bring your wallet or checkbook!

We are very grateful for the variety of cereal we received during November. So many families

benefited from your generosity. This month we are asking for

donations of chunky soup. Thank you! ~Terry Bigelow

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From the Building Survey Committee

Thank you for participating in the Building Improvement Survey last month. Your responses have been helpful in focusing on what is important to consider in improving our church facility. The trustees are moving ahead on the top priority, the boiler. Once a final bid is received, the boiler will be ordered in time to have it installed in the spring and arrangements are being made to have the boiler available sooner should there be any issues this winter. Funding has been secured for the boiler using the Capital Improvements line item in the budget. The trustees are also getting estimates for the second priority, the HVAC system for the nursery and Heritage Room. Additionally, the Survey Committee feels that there is sufficient interest and support for other areas included on the survey to warrant recommending the formation of a Building Committee to Ad Council. This committee would examine the feasibility of a remodeling project; to make recommendations; and to further involve the church body in any plans to proceed.

Finance Committee Update Through the end October our offerings were $16,786 less than last year. All our expenses are up to date with the exception of Apportionments. We have paid nearly $20,000 toward the Apportionments, but still owe $29,000 to reach 100%. As in past years we pray that our offerings from November through the end of the holiday season will permit us to pay all our Apportionments in full.

Family Promise Host Week December 10-17 The servant schedule for Family Promise is posted on the Mission bulletin board in Fellowship Hall for our upcoming host week. Since breakfast, lunch and snack foods are being provided again this time by our support church, St. Roberts, FUMC will provide needed supplies. Watch for the Wish List to be posted in Fellowship Hall soon. If you are interested in helping to provide food for dinner, contact Denise Johnson. Any questions, contact Carolyn Malaski.

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Sunday Worship 8:45 am Traditional 11:15 am Contemporary

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Christmas Memorials Remember someone special this holiday season by giving a Christmas Memorial Donation. The poinsettias soon to adorn the Centrum will serve as a reminder of the donations given in honor of or in memory of friends and family members.

Names for whom gifts have been given will be listed in the December 24th Christmas Eve bulletin. A suggested donation is $10, but all donations are welcome. Donations given will support: Grace Children’s Hospital #418520

This hospital has provided health care to children and families since

1967. Recognized as Haiti’s leading medical facility dedicated to the

treatment of children with tuberculosis, Grace Children’s Hospital

reaches out to some of the poorest people in the western hemisphere,

providing them with health and hope.

Imagine No Malaria #418520

Malaria infects more than 500 million people a year and kills more than a million – one person dies about every 30 seconds. Bed nets work by creating a protective barrier against mosquitoes at night. A family of four can sleep under an insecticide-treated bed net, safe from malaria, for up to four years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Christmas Memorials (Return to church office by Sunday, December 17)

Attached is a gift of $____________ Given in loving Honor/Memory of (Circle one, please): _____________________________________________________ Given by:

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Let us be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as through Jesus, You forgave us. Ephesian 4:32

Father God, it is by Your grace we have been saved, and through our faith– this is not from ourselves, but a gift from you –not by our works. Ephesian 2:8-9

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in Hope. Romans 15:4

Help us to love because You first loved us. 1John 4:19

Thank you for being faithful and just in forgiving us our sins and thus purifying us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Let us be merciful, just as our father is merciful. Luke 6:36

Let us be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, and to give the glory and thanks to You Lord! 2 Corinthians 9:11

Let us live in harmony with one another, be sympathetic and compassionate, love as brothers and be humble. 1 Peter 3:8

Let us be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Help us to not merely listen to Your Word, and so deceive ourselves. Help us do what it says. James 1:22-25

Thank you for coming that we may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

Thank you for providing Jesus who is the way, the truth, the life and the only way to You. John 14:6

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New Member Orr, David & Abbie

534 Somerset

Flushing, MI 48433


Updated Addresses: MacArthur, Margaret

Living Joy, 1525 E Pierson Rd,

Flushing, MI 48433


Murray, Mike & Shannon

10160 Calkins Rd,

Swartz Creek, MI 48473

Byers, Lily

198 Circle Dr, Flushing 48433

Davis, Melissa

6081 Westknoll Dr

Grand Blanc, MI 48439-4900

Kinney, Shari & Nina

1939 Woodslea Dr Apt 10

Flint, MI 48507

Schultz, Mary, Ronn and Ron B

6322 Squire Lake Dr 48433 Wisenbaugh, Tom

5456 Maple Park Dr

Flint, MI 48507

Updated Phone Number Alexander, Art & Marjorie


Davis, Diane


Removed Kucharski, Katie

Golladay, Steve

Cronk, Jim & family

Kucharski, Kathryn

Bill, Leah

Herr, Rebecca

Houck, Hunter

Marion, Luther & Sharon

Wright, Marjorie

Removed (Deceased) Golladay, Mary

Pluta, Ed

Buecking, Fay

Johnston, Charlotte

Removed Landline: Hathaway, Bruce & Sylvia

Rundell, Sandy & Jim

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2017 Giving Report

Thank You!

12619 · Christmas & Easter Memorials $910.00

12622 · Campus Ministries $400.00

12631 · Family Promise of FUMC $630.00

12634 · Family Promise of Genesee County $404.35

12637 · Flushing Christian Outreach Center $1,115.00

12640 · Food Boxes $281.49

12643 · General Missions Support $3,015.00

12652 · Loose Change $745.91

12664 · PET of Eastern Michigan $1,025.00

12670 · Red Bird Mission $556.00

12674 · GriefShare $495.00

12676 · UMCOR $2,791.62

12600 · Missions - Other $55.00

12710 · Blanket Sunday $ 822.00

12740 · Human Relations Sunday $ 579.00

12750 · Native American Sunday $ 132.00

12760 · One Great Hour of Sharing $ 915.00

12770 · Peace With Justice Sunday $ 807.00

12780 · World Communion Sunday $ 125.00

12700 · Special Offering - Other $902.15

TOTAL GIVINGS $16,706.52

Below are figures that show how much money has been donated for Missions and Special Sunday Offerings in 2017 through Sunday, November 26, 2017. These figures do not include any money paid or received for Apportionments.

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Our Church Family Aware of a concern or joy in our family? Please notify the church, so we can share them with you. Only first names will be published in prayer concerns.

Please remember in your hearts and prayers:

Sympathy To Dean Mosey, family and friends on the loss of his father, Neil Mosey To Marcia Henson, family and friends on the loss of her mother, Charlotte Johnston.

A special thank you to Dave Eavy for the donations of pumpkins and gourds for the 175th Celebration. We also wish to thank Montrose Orchards. -Roxie Casteel

Thank you for all the love and support you have shown our family. The cards and prayers were much appreciated. Thank you to all the hard workers who put on the luncheon. It was delicious. We are blessed to have such a kind, loving church family. -The family of Charlotte Johnston

It takes lots of smiling faces and helpful folks to build a "pictorial directory"-thank you to all of these folks:Sue Martin, Denise Sands, Ruth Jones, Carolyn Malaski, Cheryl & Ed Nixon, Denise Trantham, Ellen Hulet, Denise Johnson, Alta Parsons, Carolyn Jones, Lori Stauffacher, Jim Thomas, Bonnie Wisenbaugh, Bill Martin, Pastor Jeanne, Pastor Debbie, and our dear Rose who is monitoring all of us---hugs and many thanks Laragene and all of the church family .

+ Rick, missing on a hunting trip

+ Duane, with heart, kidney and depression issues

+ Sue, for clinical trial to be effective

+ Richard, who suffered a tragic loss

+ Cathy, who needs a diagnosis

+ David, recovering from knee surgery

+ Prayers for Paul

+ Prayers for Tessa and family

+ Prayers for Lori and family

+ Dan with diverticulits

+ Tracy in ICU, moving to hospice

+ Roxie recovering from surgery

+ Bob in Arizona with poor health

+ Bob in Utah, recovering surgery

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Worship Attendance

Nov 5 – 206 Nov 19 – 180

Nov 12 – 189 Nov 26 – 141

Newsletter Helpers Wednesday, Dec 27

Jim & Laragene Triplett, Germaine Knox

Scripture Readers 8:45 am Dec 3 Laragene Triplett Dec 10 Kris Rundell Dec 17 Melissa Whalen Dec 24 Dec 31 Jeff Welch

Greeters 8:45 am Dec 3 Bill & Sue Martin Dec 10 Ruth Brown, Alta Parsons Dec 17 Mel & Donnie Weeden Coffee Hosts 8:45 am Dec 3 Larry & Sue Ridge Dec 10 Bill & Sue Martin Dec 17 Jim & Laragene Triplett Ushers 8:45 am Dec 3 Bruce & Sylvia Hathaway Dave Lewis, Carolyn Malaski Dec 10 Jerry & Carol Dick, Jim & Laragene Triplett Dec 17 Jim & Liz Fonger, Larry Launstein Mel Weeden

Worship Leader 11:15 am Dec 3 Jeanne Wisenbaugh Dec 10 Debbie Line Yencer Dec 17 Kris Supernaw Dec 24 Jeanne (11:15 am) Debbie (7:00 pm)

Greeters 11:15 am Dec 3 Laragene Triplett Dec 10 Kris Rundell Dec 17 Melissa Whalen Dec 24 Dec 31 10am Becky Stamm

Coffee Hosts 11:15 am Dec 3 Laragene Triplett Dec 10 Kris Rundell Dec 17 Melissa Whalen Dec 24 Dec 31 10am Teresa Casteel

Ushers 11:15 am Dec 3 Laragene Triplett Dec 10 Kris Rundell Dec 17 Melissa Whalen Dec 24

Worship Servants

Articles for January Newsletter Deadline December 15

8:45 am 11:15 am

**We need Greeters, Ushers and Coffee Hosts for 4 services on December 24th. We need servants for our regular services at 8:45 am & 11:15 am as well as our Christmas Eve Services at 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm. We also need Ushers for December 31st service @ 10 am If you are able to volunteer for one of these, please let the office know.

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