
hurry up, you’re going to be late again!”

“I just need to get my gear and we can get

outta here.”

This would be the last conversation that

Sean would remember having with his family. It

had snowed enough to make the roads slick.

One car ahead stopping too fast and slick roads

brought silence into Sean’s life. This led to his

wish. For Christmas, all he wanted was for the

silence to end. Sure, it was a simple wish, but it

was the very thing that helped carry him through

to Christmas; this hope that the silence in his life

would come to an end.

It wasn’t that hard getting used to living

in his uncle’s house who he had only seen on

special occasions. The part that Sean had trouble

getting used to the most was the silence. Sure

his uncle was hurting; he lost a close brother

after all, but he wouldn’t even look at Sean.

What Sean didn’t know that the same fear that

kept everyone so distant is the same fear his

uncle was experiencing. Christmas Eve night

came just a few short weeks later. Nothing had

changed, but Sean was still looking forward to

the silence being broken.

“I’m going to church…”

The words caught him off guard as much

as it did his uncle. Was that really his voice? It

was the first time he had spoken since the

accident; since his world was plunged into

silence. No time to dwell on it now, he opened

the door and listened for the click as the door

latched behind him. The church was just down

The Christmas Wish

Silence. That’s what he was used to.

Silence at home, silence on the bus, silence at

school; his world was silent. It’s not like it was

on purpose; not one person really knew what to

say, so they said nothing. Sean’s world became

one of silence, and even though his family was

now laid to rest in the grave, the rest of the

world went on as if he didn’t exist. It’s not

because they wanted him to feel alone, they

were just so afraid of saying or doing the wrong

thing that they left him alone. How do you sit

with a boy who lost his family without making

it hurt?

It wasn’t always like this. Sean may

have been an only child, but his world was

anything but silent. His mom and dad wanted to

make sure he was involved in as many things as

he could. There was football, basketball, track,

band, choir, doing volunteer work, and going to

school, oh, and there was hockey too. When he

wasn’t doing that he was hanging out with

friends, doing homework, or doing his daily

chores (at least when mom or dad badgered him

enough to actually do them). If he could just

hear their voices again. Break the silence and

make things go back to the way they once were.

For a moment he thought he heard that

familiar sound, “Sean, get down here and…”

Then it was gone. Just like everything

else, it had become a fleeting moment. Just like

the accident. It was time for hockey practice,

and as usual they were running late. “Sean,

Faithfully Yours M e mb e r s h i p N e w s l e t t e r D e c e mb e r 2 0 1 5

Faith Lutheran Church Rev. David Johnson, Pastor

Church (906) 486-9083, Parsonage (906) 204-2401, [email protected]


F r o m t h e P a s t o r ’ s D e s k c o n t . . .

from one person to another until that once dark

room was filled with light! Could it be?

He didn’t notice anyone next to him, but as

the room got brighter he saw a hand reaching out

to him to give him a candle. The moment Sean

grabbed the candle, music played and the church

broke out in singing Silent Night. Silence was

broken, darkness was gone, and the entire church

was singing a song about life coming into his

world to break the silence. Once the song was

over, the lights came on, and the music played

even louder, “Joy to the World…” was erupting

and echoing and killing the silence.

Here on Christmas Eve night, Sean

experienced a God who entered into his world of

silence; who entered into the darkest places of his

soul and brought forth light, life, and an end to the

silence that he had so longed for; that he had

wished for. May you share this light with others

this Christmas season and always.

Merry Christmas, Pastor Dave

the road and he heard the bells of the church ringing

as they announced the start of the Christmas Eve

service. He was late!

Sean started running, he didn’t want to be

late for church; not for this service anyways. He

didn’t know why, but he knew he needed to be

there. As he ran and listened to his feet hit the

pavement, it hit him that the last time he was

running late was only a few weeks ago. That night

when the silence entered in.

He stopped. He couldn’t hold back

the tears and his sobs echoed in that silent night, on

a dark sidewalk a block away from church. Sean

knew he had to get there, even if he was late.

When Sean got to the church, he opened the

doors and saw something that struck him; darkness

and silence. There was a whole room filled with

people waiting in darkness; waiting in silence. Then

one little flicker came into view as he worked his

way towards an empty pew. It was light. Light

from a candle. And soon that light was passed on

Fa i th L u t h er an Ch u rc h Cou n c i l

Jeff Swanson—President

Victor Cox– Vice President

Judy Swanson—Secretary

Norma Denney

Nancy Harmala


Co mmi t t e e L i a i s on s

The Church Council members serving as

Committee Liaisons for 2015:

Mutual Ministry - Dave Magnuson

Finance - Ross Carlson

Worship / Music & Altar Guild - Victor Cox

Property Furnishings - Jeff Swanson/Vic Cox

Fellowship / Evangelism - Nancy Harmala

Share & Care - Judy Swanson

Stewardship - Dave Magnuson

Thrivent - None at this time

Youth & Christian Education - None

Date of Next Council Meeting:

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

6:30pm—8:30pm, Pine Room

M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t It shall be the mission of Faith Lutheran

Church of Ishpeming to develop,

strengthen, and share witness to the

message of the Gospel; through an

increased understanding of our ministry,

and our daily living, both individually and

as a congregation.


Angel Tree—A Christmas tree decorated with paper

ornaments is in the narthex this month. These ornaments list gifts

deserving children and adults wish to receive for Christmas. Faith has

adopted two families this Christmas and we need your help to make

their Christmas a little brighter!

Angel Tree Instructions: Be an Angel and make someone’s Christmas

wonderful . Select a tag with a paper ornament attached. Wrap the item

you purchase and attached the paper ornament. Bring your wrapped gift

back to Church by Sunday, December 13, and place it under the narthex

Christmas Tree! Questions, please see Marilee Koval.


We are doing our Christmas Dinner

Baskets again this year. Please view the

chart located in the Fellowship Hall, and

sign the board for any of the listed food

and supply items.

The ten baskets will be delivered to ten

deserving families in our area. No names

are released – only the sponsor will know

who the recipient is.

Also, we have some baskets available if

you know of anyone who could use a gift

of food for Christmas. Please call Helen

Frederickson at 486 –

9666 to reserve

a basket.



Christmas Eve Service 7:00 pm

Join us for Midweek ADVENT BOOK STUDY

The book we’ll be using is called “Simply Wait:

Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent.”

Wednesday afternoons (12/26, 12/23, 01/06 &

01/13) from 2:00pm —3:00pm. Sign up sheet in

the Fellowship Hall.

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Poinsettia’s—Sign up sheets are in the narthex and in the

Fellowship Hall. This year our cost is $8.00 per Poinsettia. Last day to sign-

up is Thursday, December 10th. On the sign-up sheet, put in your name and

who the plant is given in memory or honor of. Blue Poinsettia’s have been

donated in loving memory of all our loved ones from Faith Lutheran

congregation that have passed.


Please report any discrepancies on this list to Ken Blau by leaving a message at 486-9083.






Pastor Dave &






Lois & Simeon
































Our home-bound and nursing

home residents:

Signe Carter - Eastwood

Mary Denney

Elmer & Shirley Juntila—Valenti

Lois & Simeon Richards

Geraldine Harrison—Valenti

George Koskimaki—Valenti

Those We Prayed for in NOVEMBER

Keep in our Prayers

Family of Donna Rosten

Faith Lutheran Church Congregation and Pastor David,

Thank you so much for all your prayers, wishes, and generous monetary gifts at my recent benefit. Thank you so much

for the wonderful luncheon and to those that contributed dishes, prep work, and clean up. Thank you also to those that provided gifts and crafts that were also sold at the benefit. All in All I just want to say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I feel special to have so many people who love and pray for me as I continue this difficult battle. Sincerely, Jackie Pauls

A huge “THANK YOU” goes out to Judy, Irene, Cheryl, Lois, Lee and Marilee for pitching in to help me fill my Christmas Child boxes. I wouldn’t have been able to do it by myself this year.

With each box filled it means one more special child will be able to enjoy a blessed Christmas. God’s Blessings to all of you!

Appreciatively, Marie

Mitchel Ahola 12/2

Kaleb Smith 12/4

William Brewer 12/4

Steven Racine 12/4

Ryan Argilan 12/5

Melissa Harmala 12/6

Noah Penrose 12/7

Jesse Pietro 12/8

Michael Elenich 12/9

Wayne Helsten 12/9

Jacob Richards 12/9

Joshua Richards 12/9

Jacob Kaare 12/10

Daniel Irish 12/11

Elizabeth Williams 12/11

Mariah Bertucci 12/12

Jack Goldsworthy 12/12

David Helsten 12/12

Cody Magnuson 12/12

Michael Cox 12/14

Billy Helsten 12/15

Jason Kaare 12/15

Sandra Ostola 12/16

Kelly Penrose 12/16

David Johnson 12/18

Abagail Lake 12/20

Roy Anderson 12/21

Lisa Westman 12/26

Joseph Garceau 12/27

Roger T. Pietro 12/27

Kenneth Blau 12/28

Don Darga 12/29

Daniel Dobson 12/29

Jane Hebert 12/29

Robert Helsten 12/29

Tracy Rogers 12/29

Gerald Kippola 12/30

Vicky Jo Racine 12/30

Melissa Heikkila 12/31

Jack and Pam Juntila Dec 3 Karen and James Marshall II Dec 12 Christine and Kurt Alto Dec 17 Victor and Carol Cox Dec 22 Susan and John Hamel Dec 22 Daniel and Lois Poirier Dec 27


FLC Cancellation Policy Sunday: In the event Sunday School and/or services are cancelled, a message

will be on the church answering machine by 8:00am on Sunday morning.

Telephone calls will be made to as many people as can be reached.

Monday—Friday Events: In the event the NICE School District is closed due to inclement

weather, any activities scheduled for that day at church will be cancelled. A message we be

on the church answering machine by 9:00am that day.





December 17

Downtown for

games, hot

chocolate, wagon

rides, fire pits,

photo booth;

followed by a

Living Nativity at

7:00pm. Come

join the festivities.


If you are unable to serve on your scheduled day, please switch with someone or contact the following:

Irene Kindstrand—Lectors and Ushers Kathy Magnuson—Communion Servers Cheryl Salmer—Counters

Cof f ee Servers 12/06 12/13 12/20 Helen Fredericksen 12/27 **Volunteers needed for Coffee Servers during Coffee Fellowship—please sign up on the white board in the kitchen.

Commun ion Servers December Ken Blau

Ushers 12/06 Debbie Kroon Jennifer Kroon 12/13 Kay and Ron Maddock 12/20 Rita Miller and Vic Cox 12/24 Karen and Ken Blau 12/27 Ward and Melissa Harmala 01/03 Marie and Ralph Keto

Lec tors 12/06 Carole WAtson 12/13 Marilee Koval 12/20 Donna Kroon-Harris 12/27 Irene Kindstrand 01/03 Pat Kroon

Counters 12/06 Judy Swanson and Cheryl Salmer 12/13 Elaine Maki and Jerry Kippola 12/20 Carole Watson and Lorraine Wheeler 12/27 Norma Denney and Lois Ombrello 01/03 Debbie Kroon and Kathy Richards

With Thanks to Those Who Serve i n December





Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 Jan 1 2016


Council Meeting


Men’s Bible

Study 10am

Christmas Eve

Service 7pm



Party 1-3pm

Mutual Ministry


Midweek Advent

Book Study


Midweek Advent

Book Study


Sunday School

