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Page 1: December 2013

Grace Notes Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Volume 43, Issue 12 December 2013

The Eighty-Second Annual

Candlelight Carol Service

Sunday, December 15,

5:00 p.m.

A traditional service of

Lessons and Carols with

music led by the Chancel,

Junior, and Handbell Choirs

of Grace Covenant

Presbyterian Church.

Reception sponsored by the

Presbyterian Women.

Childcare provided.

Page 2: December 2013

A Note from Bobby:

“Learn the Address” is a project that has been put together by Ken Burns,

PBS, and a host of other partners to commemorate the 150th anniversary of

the Gettysburg Address. The project is simple: they are encouraging eve-

ryone in the United States to record themselves reading or reciting the Get-

tysburg Address. You can then upload your video to their website

( It is a fascinating way not only to remember our his-

tory but, in some sense, indwell it through the words.

I watched about a couple dozen videos from people around the nation.

Some read the address without hardly looking into the camera, some recite

it perfectly from memory, still others dress the part with a top hat and long,

black beard. Truth be told, I want to make a submission, but after one read-through of the Address, I

realize how challenging it is to go beyond merely reading the words. Indeed, Lincoln states his hope

that nothing less than “a new birth of freedom” come to the nation – how does one’s voice capture the

spirit and gravity of such a hope? It’s easy enough to get the words right and dress the part, but truly

indwelling the speech is wholly another thing.

The project made me think about our relationship to Scripture, particularly as we enter this Advent

season. We can read and recite Scripture passages related to the theme of God coming fully among us

in Jesus. We can even memorize long passages. But how do we truly hear God through Scripture?

How do the words so indwell us that our speaking and living them comes forth with integrity? The

short answer is “the Holy Spirit.” Every week in worship we have a Prayer for Illumination in which

we ask the Spirit to illumine Scripture such that we might not only hear it but be transformed by God

through it.

Eugene Peterson adds this: “If we have not entered this text (the Bible) as participants we aren’t going

to understand what is going on. This text cannot be understood by watching it from the bleachers – or

even expensive box seats. We are in on it.” In other words, we come to Scripture not aloofly, but – by

the power of the Holy Spirit – fully intent on participating in God’s story. Indeed, Jesus calls for

nothing short of “new birth” in our lives and this world. To participate is life-changing!

As we enter this Advent season, I invite you to join me in considering a passage that has endured for

centuries as a particularly well-known Scripture. Through poetic form, it richly captures the Gospel. It

is easy enough to get the words right and dress the part, but will we allow Christ to indwell our hearts

all the more this season? It may start with these words from Philippians 2:5-11.

- continued on next page-

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In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

by becoming obedient to death—

even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

The PW are currently studying: An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in

Exodus and Deuteronomy

PW Circle 1

Evening Circle

7:00 p.m.

1502 Park Avenue

Hostess: Cheryl Jacobs

PW Circle 2

11:00 a.m.

Vanguard Room

Hostesses: Ann Pais &

Jean Appich

PW Circle 3 9:30 a.m. Social Room Hostess: Merelyn Hammett

All Circles Meet on Tuesday, December 10

Page 4: December 2013

Stewardship Corner

October’s contributions of $37,300 were only

slightly below those of September, which had five

Sundays, and were up 13.4% from those of September

a year ago. For the first ten months of the year contri-

butions are up 3.4% from last year, due solely to con-

tributions this year associated with last year’s pledges.

Total income in October included $12,000 received

from the Building Fund to underwrite major air condi-

tioning repairs undertaken by the church, and $5,000

transferred from Restricted Accounts to fund designat-

ed Mission donations.

Expenses in October were high at $68,500, but they included $15,300 in various

Mission contributions, $5,200 quarterly insurance expense, and $4,200 in air condition-

ing repair expenses. October’s expenses exceeded income by $7,100, and for the first

ten months of the year accumulated deficit amounts to $32,000.

Our October Loaves and Fishes contributions totaled $885, and our Five Cents Per

Meal collection was $151.


Since ‘tis the season to be jolly…here is your

jolly reminder that contributions for 2013

must be postmarked by December 31. Any

contributions received after that date will be

applied to your 2014 gifts, unless they have

that December 31, 2013, postmark. Should

you have any questions regarding your 2013

pledge, please contact Martha at 359-2463,

ext. 205, or email:

[email protected].

Have a wonderful holiday – Merry Christmas

and Happy New Year!

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Meals for December:

December 4: Brunswick Stew, salad, corn bread, and brownies for dessert.

December 11: Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, collard greens/kale, salad, and banana pudding.

December 18: Rock castle chicken, Harvard beets, salad, and rolls.

Programs for December:

December 4: TBA

December 11: Advent Bible Study: See below

December 18: Advent: Caroling at Westminster Canterbury and Imperial Plaza

PC(USA) Missionaries Ryan and Alethia White will lead the December 11th Wednesday Night Live! Since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, millions of Persian-speaking peoples have migrated to other parts of the

Middle East, to the United States, Europe, and other areas of the world. The migration continues and well over

100,000 Iranians have settled in Germany. The Iranian Presbyterian

Church in Berlin, in addition to providing worship opportunities in

Farsi, helps Iranian refugees and immigrants begin a new life in Ger-


Ryan, Alethia, and their one-year-old daughter, Ariella, will leave for

Germany in January of 2014 and work with the pastor and social

worker of the congregation to offer pastoral care to those who are now

making Germany their home and to serve as church development spe-

cialists. They will also provide training and continuing education op-

portunities for leaders of the Presbyterian Church in Iran. On the 11th,

they will share from Scripture about God's heart for refugees as well as

the ministry in which they will be engaged.

Page 6: December 2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Handbell Choir 8:30 am

Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


Men’s Lunch 12 noon

6:10 CDC Staff Meeting


Staff Meeting 10:00 am

PW Luncheon 12:00 noon

Admin. Committee Meeting

and Missions Meeting 7:00 pm

4 Care Team 3:30 pm

Kids’ Choir 4:30 pm

Junior Choir 5:00 pm

WNL 6:00 pm

Officer Training 6:00 pm

Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

5 CDC Chapel

10:00 am

6 7 Decorating the Church 8:30 am

Choir Rehearsal 10:00 am

Bread Breakers 6:30 pm

8514 Academy Road

8 Handbell Choir 8:30 am

Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

SS Teacher Training 12:30 pm

9 Men’s Lunch 12 noon

CE Committee Meeting

6:00 pm

Property Comm. 7:00 pm


see page 3

Staff Meeting 10:45 am

Finance Committee Meeting

6:00 pm

11 Care Team 3:30 pm

Kids’ Choir 4:30 pm

Junior Choir 5:00 pm

CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm

WNL 6:00 pm

Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

12 CDC Chapel

10:00 am

Children’s SS

Teachers Dinner

6:30 pm

13 Christmas Party Potluck

GCPC kids, CDC kids and

Choir kids 6:30 pm

14 Candlelight Rehearsal 10:00 am


Handbell Choir 8:30 am

Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


16 Men’s Lunch 12 noon


Staff Meeting 10:00 am

18 Care Team 3:30 pm

WNL 6:00 pm

Caroling at Westminster

Canterbury and Imperial


19 CDC Chapel

10:00 am



Reveleys’ Home

7:00 pm

20 21

PEOPLE Group at 6:30 pm

476 Fords Road

22 Prayer 9:15 am

Children’s Pageant 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

23 Men’s Lunch 12 noon





Christmas Eve Service w/City

Church 4:00 pm




26 CDC Chapel

10:00 am

27 28

29 Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

30 Men’s Lunch 12 noon


Staff Meeting 10:00 am



Page 7: December 2013

Page 7

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Handbell Choir 8:30 am

Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


Men’s Lunch 12 noon

6:10 CDC Staff Meeting


Staff Meeting 10:00 am

PW Luncheon 12:00 noon

Admin. Committee Meeting

and Missions Meeting 7:00 pm

4 Care Team 3:30 pm

Kids’ Choir 4:30 pm

Junior Choir 5:00 pm

WNL 6:00 pm

Officer Training 6:00 pm

Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

5 CDC Chapel

10:00 am

6 7 Decorating the Church 8:30 am

Choir Rehearsal 10:00 am

Bread Breakers 6:30 pm

8514 Academy Road

8 Handbell Choir 8:30 am

Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

SS Teacher Training 12:30 pm

9 Men’s Lunch 12 noon

CE Committee Meeting

6:00 pm

Property Comm. 7:00 pm


see page 3

Staff Meeting 10:45 am

Finance Committee Meeting

6:00 pm

11 Care Team 3:30 pm

Kids’ Choir 4:30 pm

Junior Choir 5:00 pm

CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm

WNL 6:00 pm

Chancel Choir 7:15 pm

12 CDC Chapel

10:00 am

Children’s SS

Teachers Dinner

6:30 pm

13 Christmas Party Potluck

GCPC kids, CDC kids and

Choir kids 6:30 pm

14 Candlelight Rehearsal 10:00 am


Handbell Choir 8:30 am

Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm


16 Men’s Lunch 12 noon


Staff Meeting 10:00 am

18 Care Team 3:30 pm

WNL 6:00 pm

Caroling at Westminster

Canterbury and Imperial


19 CDC Chapel

10:00 am



Reveleys’ Home

7:00 pm

20 21

PEOPLE Group at 6:30 pm

476 Fords Road

22 Prayer 9:15 am

Children’s Pageant 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

23 Men’s Lunch 12 noon





Christmas Eve Service w/City

Church 4:00 pm




26 CDC Chapel

10:00 am

27 28

29 Prayer 9:15 am

Sunday School 9:30 am

Worship 10:55 am

Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

30 Men’s Lunch 12 noon


Staff Meeting 10:00 am


Grace Notes Deadline: December 21 is the deadline for

submissions for our January edition.

Page 8: December 2013


December 1 Wayne Casey December 8 Hank Downing December 15 Cal Gray December 22 Rick Nochta December 29 Rob Rosebro

Worship Kits Lisa Cardwell Dottie-Ray Koch Fellowship Hour Schedule

December 1 Savage December 8 Russell December 15 Pritchard December 22 Pais/Kessel December 29 Nevin



2 - Callan Hartman

5 - Karl Rubis

11 - Emily Johnson

13 - Cynthia Holmes

16 - Mary Mitchell

16 - Lloyd Bostian

16 - Pat Bell

18 - Jan Kessel

20 - George Gray, III

21 - Carson Price

21 - Sade White

23 - Louise Buhrman

25 - Cal Gray

25 - Jake Savage

25 - Cissy Mesco

27 - Hampton Harris

27 - Claiborne Hubbard

30 - Michael Luning

Page 9: December 2013

A Study of Christian Marriage: During the Adult Sunday School hour (9:30 - 10:30 a.m.) from January 12 through March 2, 2014, Grace Covenant will undertake an eight-week study of Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The aim of this study is for our worshiping communi-ty to be instructed by Scripture and the movement of the Holy Spirit as our church, our denomination, and our culture grapple with issues regarding the significance and

definition of marriage. At the 220th General Assembly (2012), our denomination's

commissioners called for each congregation in the PC(USA) to engage in such "serious study and discernment" on the question of marriage. Upon completion of the study, we will report the fruits of our learning, conversations, and prayer to the Presbytery of the James.

The course material for our study has been provided by the PC(USA)'s Office of Theology and Worship and is available online:

The study will be structured along the following topics:

Week 1: Introduction - Overview of past General Assembly actions

Week 2: The Gift of Marriage

Week 3: God Created Us

Week 4: The Expression of Love

Week 5: The Well-Being of Society

Week 6: A Holy Mystery

Week 7: A New Way of Life

Week 8: Conclusion & Reflection - What have we learned?

More details regarding the study will be provided in the coming weeks. For any questions, please contact elders Jack Corley ([email protected]) or Virginia Hudson ([email protected]). We hope that you will join us in considering many important questions about God's gift of marriage as the body of Christ together.

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Child Development Center

Grace Covenant Presbyterian,

Thank you for all of your support during this Holiday Season!

We here at the CDC will be giving thanks to God and our community

with many fun and special activities this year. Our toddler 1 classroom

will be putting together a donated turkey lunch, with each child brining

in a special non-perishable item for a family package. After a high level of interest on Veteran’s Day,

Toddler 2 will be putting together a care package for some of our soldiers stationed overseas away

from their family. By bringing in things like granola bars, cosmetic items, drink mixes, and other non-

perishable and rare items in their remote area, the children will learn how to share with a giving heart

to people making sacrifices to protect our country. In addition, our classes have participated in the

church’s shoeboxes for the elderly and shoeboxes for children overseas. With activities such as gift

exchanges and Secret Santa, our children will also learn how to be generous with each other and share

in the joy of having a giving heart.

The day before Thanksgiving we will all join together in celebration and fellowship over a

turkey luncheon. CDC parents are invited to join their child in their designated classrooms while we

re-enact the first thanksgiving and discuss ways to be thankful. For Christmas, we will host our annual

Potluck Christmas Reception, celebrating the holiday together. The children, in their respective clas-

ses, have all learned a special song to sing for the crowd, and we look forward to lots of jingle bells as

we share the joy. GCPC families of young children are also invited to come and join us for fellowship

and getting together!

In the midst of all the giving and sharing, joying and fellowship, we of course will remem-

ber the reason for the season. Children will, yes, be taught the fun tradition of Santa Claus and the

spirit of generosity. However, we will focus mainly on the Birthday of Jesus, and how he was born in

a humble manger to come and save us from our sins. We’ll sing Happy Birthday to Jesus, and offer up

our prayers of thanksgiving, sounds of joy, and blessings all in his name. God be praised for the bless-

ings of the CDC, and may they continue into the next year with the support and love of Grace Cove-

nant Presbyterian Church!

- Nicole Williams, CDC Director


Please consider donating any of the following items: C and D batteries,

masking tape, wide clear packaging tape, and contact paper. You may leave

these items in the CDC mail slot in the glass office or in the marked box.

Thank you very much from the Members of the Child Development Board,

staff, and friends.

Page 11: December 2013

POJ Upcoming Youth Events in December:

December 7-8: High School Retreat at Camp Hanover

December 8th: Caroling with Ginter Park Presbyterian Church;

for more information email Beth Olker at [email protected]

December 13: A Hanover Christmas hosted by Camp Hanover. A group will be meeting at Over-

brook Presbyterian Church at 5 p.m. where a bus will be available to transport families to Camp Han-


December 14: Christmas Caroling in “the Fan” 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. (free!) Meet at Grace Cove-

nant. Share the spirit of Christ’s birth in song, after getting warmed up with hot chocolate, cider, and

a hearty winter meal! We’ll also collect clothes from our own closets for the Sunny Days Thrift Store,

a business of the ministry of Boaz & Ruth.

For more information contact Katherine Baird: 586-4158 or [email protected] or

Virginia Hudson at 385-4698 or [email protected]

GCPC Kids’ Christmas Pageant

Our Sunday School kids will be rehearsing the next two Sun-

days (December 8 and 15) for the Annual Christmas Pageant

to be held December 22. The pageant begins at 9:30 a.m. and

will be held in the Fellowship Hall.

Page 12: December 2013

The Bread Breakers’ Christmas Party

will be hosted by Carson and Ashby Price

and Vickie and John Overstreet

at the Prices’ home on

Saturday, December 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Please bring a heavy hors d’oeuvre

or finger food to share.

(Please ensure that your dish can be eaten

without utensils.)

8514 Academy Road

Richmond, Virginia 23229.

Please respond to Carson Price,

[email protected] or 804-928-4875

if you plan on attending.



will be Saturday, December 21,

at 6:30 p.m. at the home of

Dottie-Ray Koch.

Please bring an appetizer, salad,

side dish, or dessert to share.

476 Fords Road

Manakin-Sabot, 23103

Page 13: December 2013

Chancel Choir Candlelight Rehearsals Begin This Month

Every year we invite members of Grace Covenant and friends from the community to sing with the

Chancel Choir at the annual Candlelight Carol Service. Candlelight this year will be Sunday, Decem-

ber 15, 5:00 p.m.

In order to sing with the Chancel Choir at Candlelight, singers must attend at least four rehearsals

from the list below, including the Saturday morning rehearsal prior to the Candlelight service. Contact

Chris Martin for more information. We hope to see you at one of our rehearsals!

Wed., December 4, 7:15-9:00 p.m. The Holly and the Ivy – Matthew Owens

Sat., December 7, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Silent Night – Bob Chilcott

Wed., December 11, 7:15-9:00 p.m. Bethlehem Carol – Shawn Charton

Sat., December 14, 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All the Bells in Paradise – John Rutter

(mandatory dress rehearsal) Stay with Us – Egil Hovland

Thanks to all who donated Christmas cards and calendars for the PW card ministry to the Greensville Correctional Center. After sorting and matching each card to its envelope, they were bundled and packed and sent. The count was 1,323 cards and 35 calen-dars! Thanks to everyone for caring for those in pris-on and ministering to them in this small way.

The session wants to continue and encourage our young families to be present in worship. To that end, they have made the balcony available to all mothers who need to nurse during the worship service.

Page 14: December 2013

New members

We welcome our newest members, Ben Gordon, Llewellyn Harvie, and Leah Soukup. In the coming weeks look for a photo and short bios in the Narthex.

Get into the Christmas Spirit! Please come and help

decorate the Sanctuary for our Christmas Celebrations

on Saturday, December 7, at 8:30 a.m.

Our bookkeeper, Martha Rubin, cor-

dially invites you and your friends to

share in her church’s Advent Lessons

and Carols.

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Bobby Hulme-Lippert Pastor [email protected] Chris Martin Director of Music and Organist [email protected] Vanessa Strait Administrative Assistant [email protected] Martha Rubin Bookkeeper [email protected] Christopher Tweel Christian Education Coordinator for children [email protected] Luke Woodcock Seminary Intern [email protected] James Greene Custodian Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.— 5:00 p.m.

Phone: (804) 359-2463

Fax: (804) 278-6298

Sundays: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages in the Education Building 10:55 a.m. Worship Service in the Sanctuary 12:00 noon Congregational Fellowship in the Social Room Grace Covenant Child Development Center

Nicole Williams Director [email protected]

Our Elders serve the church as leaders.

Our Deacons lead the church in service.

Please feel free to approach them with any questions or feedback about

Grace Covenant’s ministries.

CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley

ELDERS Jordan Ball (’14) - Nominating (M), Finance Wayne Casey (’13) - Property, Small Groups (M) Jack Corley (’13) - Finance, Missions Matt Hartman (’13) - Missions (M), Small Groups Virginia Hudson (’14) - Evangelism (M), CE/Discipleship Cheryl Jacobs (’15) – CE/Discipleship, Fellowship, Worship Caroline Leith (’15) - Administration (Co-M), Property Katie McCullough (’13) - Administration (Co-M) Dana McKnight (’14) - Worship (Co-M), Finance Christof Meyer (’15) – CE/Discipleship (Co-M) Joy Nevin (’14) - Fellowship (M) Everett Reveley (’15) - Finance (M) Nelson Reveley (’15) – CE/Discipleship (Co-M), Evangelism Robert Rosebro (’13) - Property (M) Rob Turner (’14) - Worship (Co-M) DEACONS Compassion Ministry (Flowers, Prayer, Visitation and Care Team)

Jan Kessel (’14), Ann Pais (’14), Dawson Watkins (’13), Carol Wood (’13)

Hospitality Ministry (Ushers/Greeters, Glass Office, Inquirers’ Class, Guest Follow-up)

Lisa Cardwell (’15), Courtney Clements (’15), Jennifer Schooley (’15), Erika Tabor (’14)

Service (Meals, Transportation, Deacons’ Fund) Mary Gray (’15), Ann Pais (’14), Judy Waldron (’14), Dawson Watkins (’13)

TRUSTEES: Lloyd Bostian (’13) Kent Cardwell (’13) Caroline Leith (’14) John Roberts (’15)

The Staff Church Officers