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Transfiguration of Jesus Catholic Church

Important Information Parish Registration: Welcome to our parish. New members are asked to call the Parish office to register. Current parishioners who relocate are requested to inform us of your move. To update your registration information, please contact Elaine Masinick ([email protected].).

Community: If you know of anyone who is ill, bereaved, celebrating a significant event or anniversary, or just needing a cheerful message, please contact Judi Matthews at 289-1738 so she can send a card from the parish to the person or family. Judi will need the name, address, and information on the occasion in order to do so. Homebound Ministry: If you know of someone who is homebound and would like to receive the Holy Eucharist, please contact Rosanna Hirshkind at 285-8647.

In need of a Priest: Deacon Mike can be contacted at 910-271- 4444 should you have an emergency or any

life and death situation that requires a priest.


Baptism: Parents must attend 2 preparation classes prior to having your child baptized. Please schedule an appointment with Father Roch or with Deacon Mike to discuss this procedure.

Marriage: The marriage preparation program for the Diocese of Raleigh takes six months. Call the parish office to schedule an appointment with Father Roch.

Sacrament of Penance: Thursday after Mass, Saturday before Mass or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick: Please call Father Roch if anyone is in need of this sacrament


Pastor Fr. Roch Drozdzik

910-665-1530 (O) 919-906-0464 (C)

[email protected]


Deacon Mike Vandiver 910-285-4737

Mass Schedule: Mondays – 9 am Tuesdays – 5 pm Communion Service Wednesdays (mass in Magnolia at St. Clara) Thursdays -- 9 am Fridays -- 9 am Saturdays at 5 pm (Eng) Sundays at 8:30 am (Eng) & 11 am (Spanish) See Bulletin for possible changes

Adoration: Thursday after Mass until

6:00 p.m.

Reconciliation Thursday after Mass and Saturday before Mass or

by appointment

Fr. Roch Office Hours:

Thursday: 9:30-11am or feel free also to set an appointment by email.

Mass Intentions and Mass Cards Geri Cullen


Parish Council Chair: Huck Booz

Financial Council

Chair: Mark Hopkins

December 18, 2016 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Flower Donation:

Sanctuary candle in memory/honor of:

In honor of Jill from Margaret Rosanna Donating Flowers and Sanctuary Candles to decorate our Altar and Church is a great way to honor our beloved ones!

Please call, text or email Kathy Lord [email protected] Cell & Text: 910-271-4660 Home: 910-285-8008

Parish Communitotes

Our Mission To love and know more

profoundly our Catholic Faith, worship the Lord, minister to our members and to further

spread our faith in the community.

Prayer List: Jill, Breton Pankoke, Phillip Wilburn, Tracy Moore, Cheryl Keenan, Jim

Bruggeman, John Finocchiaro, Elizabeth Edwards, and all members of the military especially those in harm’s way and for our seminarians, Omeed Huemiller and Marlon Mendieta.

At the beginning of each month, The Prayer List will start a new prayer list. If someone, friend or family is sick, please let us know by emaili, ng [email protected] and we will list them in the bulletin.

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Poinsettia and Decorating: Those who would like to donate Poinsettia to the church can drop off at the church hall Thursday, Dec. 22 and Friday, Dec 23. And Please join your fellow parishioners on Friday, December 23rd after 9am Mass to assist in decorating the church. Your help will be greatly appreciated and a wonderful way to prepare for the birth of the Lord. Pro-Life Bulletin Announcement-Tradition teaches us Christ was conceived on the Feast of the Annunciation. We will watch the parallel development of “Gabriela” in the womb beginning on March 25 (Feast of the Annunciation) until December 25. The Office of Human Life and Dignity is making available a series of bulletin messages describing the fetal development of “Gabriela.”

December 18 (week 39) Gabriela now weighs between 5 and 9 pounds. The average size of a baby is 7 pounds. It’s really crowded in here, and it’s very hard to move. The umbilical cord doesn’t have any nerve endings (this means that neither Mom nor Gabriela will feel any pain when it is cut!), and it is about ½ inch thick. The good news for Mom is it’s easier to breathe because the baby is moving down. The bad news is Mom may be running to the bathroom every two minutes. “God [had] from my mother’s womb set me apart and called me through his grace…” (Galatians1:15)

Take this Journey together: All are welcome to join us on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the parish hall for Journey of Faith. Topics and presenters listed below: Dec 22nd The RCIA Process & Rite / The Sacraments: An Introduction Father Roch

- Thanks to Parishioners, and the Community, The Knights will be distribute the coats during Faith Formation at Transfiguration and our Mission on Sunday. Thank YOU. Your donations will keep many people warm this winter and winters to come. Also, the Knights would like to thank everyone who purchased Christmas cards in support of our Keep Christ in Christmas, which benefits our local Council. If you have a need for more cards, contact Rich Ciuccoli. Mark Hopkins, Grand Knight NO Sunday Breakfast on Sunday, January 1st, 2017 because of the New Year’s Day holiday. We'll start up again in February.

Advent Reconciliation Services with opportunities for individual confessions in parishes of our deanery: Mt Olive: St. Mary of the Angels, Dec. 19, 7:00 p.m. Maria, Reina de las Americas, Dec. 22, 7:00 p.m. Beulaville Santa Teresa, Dec. 20, 7:00 p.m.

The next CD Discussion Group Meeting will be held in the Church Hall on Monday

evening, January 9th at 5:30 PM. We will be discussing the CD Put Not Your Trust in Princes by Christopher Check. Christopher Check reminds us that the crisis of our age is cultural and in the end, spiritual. He explains that a flourishing society is not achieved through legislation or at the ballot box but instead radiates from the family out. It is a great CD! Paul Longsway will be leading the discussion. A pot luck supper will follow the meeting. Please bring a dish to share. OUR SEMINARIANS- Transfiguration has two seminarians studying at St. Charles Borromeo: OMEED HUEMILLER & MARLON MENDIETA Think about remembering them during this Christmas Season with your prayers, Christmas cards, Christmas goodies, gift cards, cash, quarters for laundry, etc. Your prayers, cards, and gifts will be most appreciated by our seminarians. The address is: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary 100 East Wynnewood Road Wynewood, PA 19096

Room at the Inn is a unique, comprehensive program helping homeless, single, pregnant women, not only during their pregnancies but also after the birth of their

babies. By providing shelter, food, clothing, case management, child development services, transportation, life skills education, and counseling in a structured environment, we help these families have new lives of healthy, hope-filled self-sufficiency. They are in need of $25 gift cards for Target and Walmart for use as Christmas gifts for the mothers in the program. Cards can be mailed to: PO Box 13936, Greensboro, NC 27415 Thank you for helping to make room at the inn for single homeless pregnant women in our community this Christmas! Adoration will follow the usual scheduled of Thursday, Dec. 22 and 29. "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift." 2 Cor 9:15

Mass Intentions Sat Dec 17 - Repose of the soul of Frank Hawrylo requested by Mary & Bob Farina Sun Dec 18 - Repose of the soul of Joseph Wassil requested by Karen Mackey Mon Dec 19- Tue Dec 20 Wed Dec 21 Thu Dec 22 Fri Dec 23 – Sat Dec 24 - Special Intentions for Fr. Roch and Transfiguration Parish Community Sun Dec 25 - Special Intentions for Fr. Roch and Transfiguration Parish Community John 11:25-26: Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die” Contact Geri Cullen to schedule Mass Intentions 910-285-7334

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Ideas for the Advent Season can be found on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops website. There is an Advent Calendar is on the website that is wonderful, follow the link. Each Sunday in Advent, we will provide suggestions. Fourth Sunday of Advent Did you know putting up a crèche (nativity scene) is evangelizing? When visitors come over for the holidays, talk to them about your crèche and its importance to your family. You never know, it might inspire them to put up a crèche. Once the crèche is set up, gather the family for this blessing Blessing of a Christmas Manger or Nativity Scene In its present form the custom of displaying figures depicting the birth of Jesus Christ owes its origin to St. Francis of Assisi, who made the Christmas crèche or manger for Christmas Eve of 1223. The blessing of the Christmas manger or nativity scene may take place on the Vigil of Christmas or at another suitable time. When the manger is set up in the home, it is appropriate that it be blessed by a parent or another family member. All make the sign of the cross as the leader says:

Our help is in the name of the Lord. R/. Who made heaven and earth.

One of those present or the leader reads a text of sacred Scripture, for example, Luke 2:1 (lines 1-8) or Isaiah 7:10 (lines 10-15, the birth of Emmanuel).

Reader: The Gospel of the Lord. R/. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

The leader prays with hands joined: God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love. Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns forever and ever. R/. Amen. —From Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers

Take a deeper dive in today's Mass readings with this Lectio Divina guide. Read about the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity in the online flipbook version of the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults and reflect on their particular relevance to the season of Advent.

Apologetics 101: Where in the Bible do I find Perpetual Church? Is 9:6-7 of Christ's government there will be no end Dan 2:44 God's kingdom shall stand forever Dan 7:14 his kingdom shall not be destroyed Lk 1:32,33 no end to Christ's kingdom Mt 7:24 Jesus is like a wise man who built his house on a rock Mt 13:24-30 let wheat * weeds grow together until harvest Mt 16-18 gates of hell will never prevail against Christ's church

Jn 14:16 Holy Spirit will be with you always Mt 28:19-20 I am with you all days All Faithful Invited to Diocesan Respect Life Mass Saturday, January 21 at NOON at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh On Saturday, January 21 at noon, all the faithful are invited to join us at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh for the Diocesan Respect Life Mass, joining over 1,000 youth in a heated tent. It will be a wonderful event. Following the Mass, the faithful are encouraged to join the NC Rally and March for Life, also in Halifax Mall, to offer witness to the sanctity of human life and for the protection of the unborn. Mark your calendars today!

14th Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference February 24-25, 2017 Raleigh Convention Center, “Bringing to light the truth of the teachings of the Catholic Church and

igniting in all hearts a love for the Faith” Speakers: Fr. Michael Gaitley, Leah Darrow, Abby Johnson, and more! Friday 7-9:30 PM and Saturday 8:30am-6:30pm with programs for Young Adults, High School, and Middle School Students. Early Registration Discounts: Adults $35, Students (age 10+) $25, includes Friday, Saturday, and Lunch! Friday only: Adults $15, Students (age 10+) free. Questions: 919.789.1428 Complete details and registration:

Washington D.C. March for Life Join faithful from across the Diocese for the North Carolina Mass and March for Life on Friday, January 27,

2017, in Washington D.C. This year, in the Diocese of Raleigh, over 30 buses from parishes and schools are expected to make the trip. The day begins with Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at 11:30 a.m. The march on the mall follows with hundreds of thousands of people from across the United States. Seats are available on buses leaving from parishes across the Diocese. For information about getting a seat on a bus, contact the Office of Human Life and Dignity at (919) 719-8267 or [email protected]. All are invited to the Mass for the Diocesan observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday, January 16, 2017, at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Mass is at 10 am, followed by refreshments provided by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary.

Looking for the Longest Married Couple in 2017 Worldwide Marriage Encounter is searching for the longest married couple. One national winner and

winners from each of the 50 states are recognized each year. This project is held to honor the commitment of married couples and to give hope and inspiration to younger couples that they too can have long and lasting marriages. Nominations must be received by January 10th, 2017. To nominate a couple you know, please visit us at or contact us directly at 321-804-2310.

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Weekly Gifts Actual Required* Difference Last week: Offertory collection $4,589 $2,558 $2,031 All other collections 2,101 218 1,883 Total revenues $6,690 $2,776 $3,914 7/1/16 to 12/11/16: Offertory collection $64,518 $61,376 $3,142 All other collections 19,319 15,428 3,891 Total revenues to date $83,837 $76,804 $7,033 * Required represents the amount needed to fund all of the parish's financial obligations.

OUR MINISTRIES Liturgist: Rosanna Hirshkind (285-8647) or [email protected]

--Adoration: Pat Gasparini (285-4727), Donna Schulz (285-0711) --Altar Servers: Peter Huemiller (385-6281) -- Sacristans: Tish Vandiver (285-4737), Barbara Crecco (665-1231) --Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Greeters: Rosanna Hirshkind (285-8647) -- Extraord. Ministers, Lect, Greeters Scheduler: Maureen McCarthy (285-5194) --Homebound Eucharistic Ministry: Rosanna Hirshkind (285-8647) --Magnificat: Kathy Lord (271-4660) --Music: Lara Capparuccia (910-324-5540)

Faith Formation (Adult & Children): Fran Braks (665-1092)

--Lighthouse CD info, Sheila Bertoldi 410-979-8200

Pastoral Care: Deacon Mike (285-4737) --Bereavement & Hospitality: Kathy Lord (271-4660), Julie Couch (665-1068) --Greetings: Judi Matthews (289-1738) [email protected] --Prayer Shawl: Delores Huemiller (385-7891) --Prayer Tree: Geri Cullen (285-7334), Lita Hopkins (285-2830), Cheryl Partyka (285-6661 --Vocation Liaison: Gary Deininger

Hispanic: Luis Galan (271-4200) or [email protected] or

Fellowship: Nancy Mercure, [email protected] (285-4172)

--Christmas Concert & Dinner: --First Sunday Breakfast: Diana Nizamoff (665-1251), Lillian Jimenez (665-1022), --Feast of the Transfiguration --Heritage Month Feast

Works of Mercy: Deacon Mike Vandiver (285-4737) --Community: Feed Our Hungry Children, Julia Callahan (285-0503), Julie Couch (665-1068) --Human Life & Dignity Committee: Maureen MacCarthy, Julia Bryant ([email protected] --Kitchen of Blessings: Peter Huemiller (385-6281) --Knights of Columbus: Mark Hopkins 910-285-2830, [email protected] --Prison Ministry in Pender County: Deacon Mike Vandiver (285-4737)

Stewardship: Mark Hopkins --Accounting Administrator: JoAnn Booz (285-5250)

Administration: Huck Booz (285-5250) --Bulletin: Eileen Hirshkind ([email protected]) --Calendar: Augie Jimenez ([email protected] ) --Computer Security: John McCarthy --Email, Voicemail, Facebook: Huck Booz or Jo Price --Historian: Julia Callahan (285-0503) [email protected] --Maintenance: Paul Lonsway 285-5982 --Publicity: Julia Callahan (285-0503) [email protected] --Registration: Elaine Masinick ([email protected]); --Safe Environment Education: Fran Braks (665-1092) --Welcome Packets, Kaye Pulzone, 463-1218, [email protected] --Website: Peter Huemiller ([email protected])


Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church PO Box 1601 506 East Main St Wallace, NC 28466 Phone: 910-285-1876 Email: [email protected]

Connect to the Diocese of Raleigh

Being a Knight of Columbus is all about giving back to your community and building bonds of brotherhood. If you wou.ld like to be a part of our efforts to support our parish and our local community contact Mark Hopkins 910-285-2830, 910-305-1396
