Page 1: Debunking Roll Your Own Tobacco Myths

Debunk The Roll Your Own Tobacco


Page 2: Debunking Roll Your Own Tobacco Myths

With the freedom of using tobacco of your own choice, you can enjoy the aroma and flavor of cigarette at a cost that is much easier on your pocket as compared to the cost of factory-made cigarettes.

Smokers are seeing roll your own tobacco as an affordable and less hazardous alternative to factory-made cigarettes.

Although there are some myths associated with self-rolled cigarettes that we will expose in next slides.

Page 3: Debunking Roll Your Own Tobacco Myths

Cuban Tobacco and Cigar Better Than Others?

Many smokers believe that cigars and tobacco from Havana are of upper echelons. Why do they believe so? People sometimes believe that things that are difficult to get and are costly are superior and better than others. The same goes for Cuban cigars and tobacco. No one is denying that Cuba produces the finest quality tobacco and top-notch cigars. However, that does not mean other regions are not producing tobacco of the same quality. It is many a times observed that rolling your own tobacco is far more better option than other buying and smoking factory made cigarettes.

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Roll Your Own Cigarette is Handmade & Hence Is

BetterAs compared to factory made cigars and cigarette, it is always better to roll your own tobacco UK. The factory-made cigarettes are carefully rolled by the machinery that is doing the job quite well. Even when the quality of tobacco is same, these factory-made cigarettes do not endow you with the freedom of using the flavor and quantity of tobacco of your own choice. While RYO cigarette, you can use the amount of tobacco with your desired flavor.

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Whiter The Ash, Higher The Quality

No one knows where this myth came from. Maybe, the light hue makes the smoker believe that the tobacco was made in a pristine way. But the fact is that the high level of magnesium and calcium is the visible reason of the white ash. But that does not mean that the cigarettes with no white ash are of bad quality. A cigar or roll your own cigarette burns into white ash because of that high levels of magnesium and calcium in them.

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These slides are presented by Cheap Tobacco Roll, a leading online store for cigarettes, cigars and other smoking accessories. We deal in sale of best products required to prepare and roll your own tobacco.

Visit our website for more products and deals