Page 1: Dear Parents and arers, her. We send her our warmest

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to our last edition of Headlines for this academic year. As we look back we are so thankful for the amazing year we have had at Coldfall with all our children. It is always a very poignant time for our Year 6 children, as they prepare to move on up to secondary school, sit their final end of school tests and work towards a wonderful inspiring finale with the Year 6 show. We very much look forward to seeing their performances of Aladdin in the last week of term with Toucan on 16th July, Woodpecker on 17th July and Wren on 18th July, all at 6.30pm. Tickets will be on sale shortly.

It has also been lovely seeing our new Nursery and Reception children settle into the daily routine at school; making friends and enjoying discovering so many new learning experiences.

Our Value for July is Responsibility , a very appropriate value, especially for Year 6, as they become more independent and able to make more choices about their lives and futures. We are all responsible for the talents entrusted to us, and hope that Year 6 will really go on to use and develop theirs in their secondary schools.

EducAid Marathon Run

Following on from our inspiring visit to Sierra Leone, and Michael Bardgett’s marathon run, we are ending this academic year with a great global citizenship project, combined with PE. We are asking every child and member of staff to run their own marathon and raise sponsorship for Educaid. Your children will have brought home their sponsorship forms and told you all about it. The aim is to run laps of the field, as many and as often as is possible. Some children and staff have already totaled 104 laps, which is equivalent to 26 miles! Please really support your children with gaining sponsorship and encouraging them to do the laps in school!

Staff Leavers

We say farewell to Ms Caroline Gardner, from Eagle Class, who has taught at Coldfall Primary School for the last 9 years. We are extremely grateful for her dedication and teaching talent and will really miss

her. We send her our warmest wishes for her future.

Mrs Clare Wright one of our dedicated TAs also leaves us this term and we wish her all the best for the future.

We also say goodbye to 6 of our Graduate Trainees: Ms Hawa Edward, Mr Ross Penstone-Smith, Ms Louise Powell, Ms Alice Rosen, Mr Jack Maltby and Ms Louisa Courtenay-Pinfield, who have all secured teaching posts in local schools. We wish them every success going forward in their careers and thank them for their contribution to Coldfall.

We welcome Ms Jenna Buckley-Moran and Mr Damian Mason as permanent members of our Teaching team at Coldfall.

Thank Yous

The end of the school year is always a time to thank those people who do so much to support the school:

The Governing Body has worked tirelessly behind the scenes ensuring sound strategic planning and financial management.

The Friends of Coldfall committee have yet again put on wonderful community events and raised invaluable funds.

Thank you also to all our groups of support staff, without whom the school would not run smoothly – our office, catering, cleaning, clubs and IT teams.

The new term starts on 4th September at 8.50am. Please arrive promptly in the playground and look for your child’s class teacher.

Puffin (Year 4) and all Year 5 and 6 classes will be in the front playground. Year 1 and 2 will be outside their classrooms in the main playground, and Year 3, Pelican and Peacock (Year 4) will be outside the main hall entrance.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer holiday break.

Best wishes,

Mrs EB Davies

Page 2: Dear Parents and arers, her. We send her our warmest [email protected]


Exhibition Evening Thursday 12th July

Leavers’ Ball Friday 13th July

Phasels Wood:

Owl Class 16th-17th July

Nightingale Class 17th-18th July

Magpie Class 18th-19th July

Sports Days:

Year 3 Tuesday 10th July

EYFS Tuesday 17th July

KS1 Wednesday 18th July

KS2 Thursday 19th July

REMINDER - all outstanding payments for dinners, extended day etc must be made by the end of term.

Coldfall Netball Team - Undefeated for 17 Games

On Friday 8th June Coldfall entered the Haringey Schools Girls’ Netball competition held at Highgate School. We entered 2 teams: Coldfall Blue and Coldfall Pink. Due to the high number of entries two competitions were played at the same time. Both the Pink and Blue teams played some outstanding netball in their respective competi-tions. Both teams won every single game they played on the day.

Coldfall Blue were entered into the Pool A compe-tition and played a total of 8 games. They were led by captain Mya-Jai McKay-Pond who helped Maggie Ferguson and Isis Gowan Dakwah to score a number of goals. Also an outstanding defensive performance from My-Linh Tong helped ensure that the Blue team were crowned winners of the Haringey Girls’ Netball Competition.

Coldfall Pink mirrored the success of Coldfall Blue. They won all 9 games they played in the Pool B com-petition. A special mention has to go to Ava Graney, Hannah Marks and Sofia Duarte for their excellent

Upcoming Musical Events

Sunday 1st July at 3pm: Choir perform ‘Carmina Burana’ at The Queen Elizabeth Hall

Monday 2nd July at 3pm: Woodwind Concert (selected students)

Tuesday 3rd July at 9am: Violin Concert (selected stu-dents)

Tuesday 3rd July at 3pm: Year 5 Gospel Concert

Friday 6th July: Year One Trip to see the London Sympho-ny Orchestra

Wednesday 11th July at 2.45: Piano Concert 1 (selected students)

Wednesday 11th July at 2.55: Piano Concert 2 (selected students)

Thursday 12th July at 9am: Trumpet Concert

Monday 16th July: Toucan Class Production

Tuesday 17th July: Woodpecker Class Production

Wednesday 18th July: Wren Class Production


Children must NOT access the MUGA be-fore or after school. Parents should super-vise their children whilst waiting in the playground at drop-off and pick-up. Thank you.

Page 3: Dear Parents and arers, her. We send her our warmest

Chess Success

Max Bird of Year 3 Magpie Class, has been selected to represent England Jun-iors in the European Youth Chess Championship. A fantastic feat.

He will join the England team travelling to Latvia in August to compete against the best junior Chess players in Europe.

Max learnt to play Chess when he was only four years old and has since pro-gressed rapidly. He has enjoyed success at local and national chess tournaments earning him the England call up.
