  • . -..—— .....1111111111152GMSea819 52G/MSE-11-C VALORA LAKE


    Area: VMi-OA



    CLAIM No,

    ?A 3 755-3

    P/) 37555

    P fi 37553

    Pfl 37555

    ffi 37W

    W 37Sfr

    P/) 37555

    ffi Z75tO

    PA 375^6

    P/) 375*0

    P/) 375^o

    f/) 375^0

    f/) 3755?

    f A 375^0

    To/4 1:NOTES:

    :fl UK/

    FOR: S TG *

    : SAME As

    : OTHER l

    HOLE No,

    BB. gBB- C

    BB- 7BB- #BB- '15B-IOBB- MBB- i ABb- 1 3BB-I45B- IS"BB- 1 6

    BB- 17

    BB- l?

    - y vti


    EP ^ocK I gc

    ABOVE [ 3





    I3o. ^'.


    i*s. r115.16WO.?'


    13. V'/10.7'


    15- o ;lU^ 1

    |67. lo'


    Report No:

    *# M INE 5 LIMITED


    mitfJune/ ^7

    June | ^7j s ̂

    junc/ 67

    July J ^7i i

    3uiy| ^7jui 1//^;auiy/^7jMly/^7juiy l ^7/U3//7/} 113/^7flU3/^I1U3//7




    DIP l


    LOGGED Bit



    6* 6"

    14* 10"

    25* O"

    43* 8"

    44' 3"

    44* 6"

    451 6"



    P.P. HOLE #BB-5

    Claim Pa.37553285* South and 30* East of Port No. k


    Collar vertical

    May 24, 196?

    DEPARTURE; 17538E

    AZIMUTH* Vertical Hole DEPTH; 152*

    COMPLETED t May 28, 196?

    L. B. Stalnes and 5 . J . Carryer


    6* 6" Overburden - Sand and boulders.

    14' 10" Silicified GranitQ - Blue-grey medium grained quartz richgranitic rock. Contains varying amounts of pyrite comprising less than 1^ of rock. Silicification decreases with depth. 7* 7" to 8' 2" narrow (to 1/8") discontinuous streak of MoS2 parallel to core axis. 12* 2" to 12' 6" - shear zone with chloritic lineations at core angle 500 at 12' 2" tending to 900 at 12* 6".

    25' O" Quarts-Feldspar Porphyry - Blue-grey fine grained rock with medium grained phenocrysts of quartz (15^) and feldspar (40^). The proportion of quartz decreases with depth. *Tinely dissemin ated pyrite is present in minor amounts.14* 10" - 16' 8" strongly sheared at core angle 350 . Shearing decreases from 16' 7" to 16' 9". 14' H" - rusty fracture at core angle 30O . 20' 11" -21* 6" dark schist zone with schistosity and contacts at 400 .

    43* 8" Feldspar Porphyry - Blue-grey fine grained rock with mediumgrained phenocrysts of feldspar (25^). Minor pyrite is dissemin ated throughout the rock. Occasional low angle fractures occurring at irregular intervals contain smears of pyrite.

    44* 3" Dark Schist - Black and white banded schistose rock with schistosity at 450 *

    44* 6" Silicified Granite - as 6* 6" to 14' 10" with about 1# pyrite.

    45* 6" Dark Schist - A* 43' 8" to 44* 3" with schistosity at core angle 350 to 450 .

    73 f 4" Feldspar Porphyry - As 25* O" to 43* 8".53* 8" to 60* 2" - well fractured with chlorite and pyrite alongfracture faces. At 54* 6" the fractures grade into ehearing atcore angle about 400 . 65* 8" to 68* 10" - sheared and fractured.68* 10" - 1/2" fracture containing pyrite chalcopyrite andpyrrhotite.69* O" - 1/8" fracture containing pyrite and pyrrhotite. 71' 2" to71* 5" barren quartz veins.

  • - 2 -

    P.P. HOLE ffBH-5 (cont.)


    73* 4"

    75' 8"

    90* 3"

    106* 6"

    110* O"

    110t 6"


    75* 8"

    90* 3"

    106* 6"

    110* O"

    110* 6"

    112* 10"

    116* 3"

    117* 4"



    Silicified Granite - AB 6* 6" to 14* 10" with pyrrhotite chalcopyrite and pyrite.

    sulphides as

    Feldspar Porphyry - Similar to 25* O" to 43* but usually some what mottled due to well crystallized phenocrysts of feldspar comprising 4C# to 80# of rock. Minor pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Occasional fractures have pyrite smears on the faces. 85* 2" - 1/2" quartz stringer containing 5# sulphides (pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite). 86* O" to 86* 3W - silicified shear zone.

    Silicified Granite - As 6* 6" to 14* 10" with 1# disseminated sulphides as pyrrhotite vdth minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. Irregular fractures occurring at intervals are usually chloritized and show pyrite, rarely with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, on the fracture faces.90* 8" to 90* 10" - fine grained granite. 105* 3" to 105* 9" - fine grained quartz diorite with gradational contacts.

    Quartz Diorite - Dark grey fine grained siliceous rock with gradational contacts to nilicified granite. Contains minor pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite disseminated throughout.

    Quartz veining - barren.

    Dark Schist - a v;eak3y flnelnnic black and whito banded rock with schistosity at variable core angles O0 to 500 .

    Silicified Oranite - As 6* 6" to 14* 10" well fractured with i# to 2# Bulphidoo as pyrite and chalcopyrite.

    Dark Se hint - As 110* 6" to 112* 10".116* 3" to 116* 5" - quartz feldspar blebs. Upper contact at coreangle

  • - 2 - 1 1P.P. HOLE #Bn-5 (cont.)


    73* A" 75* 8" Silicified Granite - As 6* 6" to 14' 10" with 2# sulphides aspyrrhotite chalcopyrite and pyrite.

    3"75* 8" 90* 3" Feldspar Porphyry - Similar to 25' O" to 43' but usually some

    what mottled due to well crystallized phenocrysts of feldspar comprising 40?6 to 80# of rock. Minor pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Occasional fractures have pyrite smears on the faces. 85* 2" - 1/2" quartz stringer containing 5# sulphides (pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite). 86* O" to 86' 3M - silicified shear zone.

    90* 3" 106* 6" Silicified Granite - As 6* 6" to 14' 10" with 1# disseminatedsulphides as pyrrhotite with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. Irregular fractures occurring at intervals are usually chloritized and show pyrite, rarely with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, on the fracture faces.90* 8" to 90' 10" - fine grained granite. 105' 3" to 105' 9" - fine grained quartz diorite with gradational contacts.

    106* 6" 110* O" Quartz Diorite - Dark grey fine gained siliceous rock withgradational contacts to silicified granite. Contains minor pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite disseminated throughout.

    110* O" 110* 6" Quartz veining - barren.

    110* 6" 112* 10" Dark Schist - a weakly Rneinnic black and white Handed rock withschistosity at variable core angles O0 to 500 .

    112* 10" 116* 3" Silicified Oranite - As 6' 6" to 14' 10" well fractured withli?? to 2^ sulphide a as pyrite and chalcopyrite.

    116' 3" 117* 4" Dark Schist - As 110* 6" to 112* 10".116* 3" to 116* 5" - quartz feldspar blebs. Upper contact at core angle 500 , lower contact at core angle 30O .

    117* 4" 152* 7" Quartz-Feldspar Porphyry - A, 14' 10" to 25' O" with minorpyrite and pyrrhotite. Occasional fractures have chlorite and pyrite smeared on the faces.

    152' 7" END OF HOLE,

  • . 3 -

    D. D, HOLE ffBB-5 ( cont.)

    Sample Footage

    5536 6 t 6" -14* 10" 0.055537 14* 10" - 25 ' O"5538 25' O" -35' O"5539 35* O" - 43' 8"5540 43* 6" -45' 6"5541 45* 6" - to' O"5542 60* O" - 73' 4"5543 73' 4" - 75' ft" 0.12 0.0035544 75' *" -90' 3"5545 90' 3" - 100* O" 0.17 0.0045546 100* O" - 110' 6" 0.16 0.0015547 110' 6" - 112' 10"

    116* 8" -117' 4"5548 112'10" - 116' 3" 0.08 0.0065549 117' 4" - 131' O"5550 131' O" - 143' O"5751 143' O" -152' 7"




    P.P. HOLE DD-6

    LOCATION: Claim Pa. 37555 LATt 9831* N PEP; 17448* F, 350* South ft 55* West of Pont ffi

    DIP: Collar -A30 AZIMUTH-. 1500 DEPTH t 169'

    STARTED i May 30, 196? COMPLETED; June 5, 196?

    LOGGED BY i L. B. Staines and S. J. Carryer


    O* 14* 4" Orerburden - sand and bouldorn

    14* 4" 16* 4" Silici fied Granite, - grey-green medium grained rock with coarse grainedblue quartz eyes. Less than 1^ sulphides vdth pyrite and minor pyrrhotite. Well fractured p.t low angles to core length.

    16* 4" 17* 2" Park Schist - Fina grained black and white weakly banded schistoserock with occasional quartz-feldspar stringers oblique to schistosity. Schistosity at core angle 800 . Strongly chloritised at lower contact. Contact at core angle 90O .

    17* 2" 21* 2" Silicified Granite - Aa 14* 4" to 16* 4" with 12 sulphidss , pyriteand pyrrhotite with minor chalcopyrite. The pyrite i s concentrated along fractures which occur at intervale at various angles to core. 19 f 3* - 3/gtt quartz stringer at core angle 200 vdth heavy pyrite and chalcopyrite.

    21* 2* 23* 2" Quartz-Feldspar Porphyry - Blue-grey fine grained rock with mediumgrained phenocrysts of quartz (15?!) and feldspar (l5#). Containn leos than 1?5 sulphides aa disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite (l:l). 211 2" - l" sericitised weak shear at core angle 500 .

    23* 2" 57* 8" Faldepar Porphyry - Grey fine grained rock with medium grainedphenocrysts of feldspar (35^) and quartz (1C# at 23* 2" grading to 2 to yH at 33 ft.) Minor pyrite finely disseminated throughout and also an fine to medium grained cubes. Occasional fractures occur 23* 10" to 26* 9" - shear zone at core angle about 500 . 36* 2" to 36* 7" - nhear zone at core angle about 45O ; some straining of the rock decrea^inp away from thin zone. 43' 2" to 57* 8" - intermittent shear zones at core angle 40O to 900 . 57* 8" contact with parallel shears at 90 .

    57* y- 60* O" Silicified Quartz Feldspar Porphyry - Blue-groy fine grained rock with"phenocrysts of quartz up to 3/4" long (30?) and medium grained feldspar (1550' The rock is moderately strained across the core axio, and shows evidence of introduction of secondary quartz. Associated with the secondary quartz arc sulphides (leos than 1/5) in the form of pyrrhotite and pyrite (3:1) with minor chalcopyrite.

  • - 2 - . -N

    P.P. HOLE nD-6 (cont.) ^ "'


    60* O" 73)* 10" Silicified Oranite aa 4* 4" to 16' V1 vdth l to 2# finely disseminatedsulphides as pyrite vdth minor pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and occasional grains of Molybdenite. Occasional fractures cut the core at various angles and show associated intensification of mineralization. 63* 10n - coarse gained pyrite stringer up to 1/2" wide at core angle 350 . 65* 3" - l 1/2" dark blue silicified zone with up to 4# sulphides as in rest of rock. 66' O" to 66* 2" fine grained granite with specks of chlorite. 68* 4" to 68* 6" - zone of increased silicification and mineralization as above. 68' 6" - 1/2" sulphide stringer with pyrite and 10# sphalerite. Increased mineralization to 5^ sulphides (pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) extends from 68' 2" to 70' 2". 70' 8" to 70* 11" - band of non silicified granite.

    71* 10" 73* 6" Dark Schist - as 16' 4" to l?' 2" but with well defined bandingwithin 6" of both contacts. Upper contact at core angle 500 , lower at 750 . Schistonity grades from core angle 50O to corn angle 750 .

    73* 6" 75* 3" Fold spar Porphyry. - as 23* 2" to 57* 5" but with only occasional quartzejres. Finely disseminated pyrite constitutes about 1# of rock. 73* 7" to 73' 11" - 3/4" hiphly fractured quartz vein, barron.

    75' 3" 76* l" Feldspar Granite - Grey-green fine grained highly siliceous chloriticrock with If finely disseminated pyrite.

    76* l" 76* 9" Dark Schist - as 16* 4" to 17* 2" with less than l?! finely grained cubesof pyrite. Schistosity at core angle 700 . At upper contact 1/2" quartz feldspar stringer.

    76* 9" 88* O" Feldspar Porphyry - as 23* 2" to 57* 5" with 3Ctf feldspar and l - ttquarts eyes and minor pyrite and pyrrhotite. 77* 9" to 7P* 6" - serici- titic shear zone with a l" brecciated fault zone at 77* 11" at core angle 27O * This fault zone contains a quartz-feldspar cement and about 5# pyrite. 78* 6" - 1/2" fault zone as at 77* 11" core angle 470 . 80* 5" to #2* O" - shear zone at core angl 55O * The rock on either side of thin shear shovrs straining which decreases svay from the shear. 87* 11" to 80* O" - shear zone at 550 which is parallel to contact.

    88* O" 152* 8" Silicified Granite - as 14* 4" to 1.6* 4" vith weakly porphyritic zonesat intervals to 116*. Contains l to 3^ sulphides as pyrrhotite vdth chalcopyrite and pyrite.91* 8" - 2" zone of intense sulphide mineralization to 15^, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite with minor sphalerite. 75* 3" to 96* 2" - weakly silice ous granitic phase containing l to 33 sulphides as before. 97* 10" - 1/2" quartz vein at core angle 55O { contains pyrite and sphalerite with minor chalcopyrite.97* 10" to 100* 2" - weakly siliceous granitic phase mor** finely grained than surrounding silicified granite. At about 116* silicified granite becomes nore uniform vdth a decrease in sulphides to 1#, pyrite with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. 145* 5" to 152* 8" occasional 1/4" to 1/2" quartz stringers with increased sulphides to 3#

  • P.P. HOLE BD-6 (cont.) n -J

    156' 4"


    169* 3"


    153' 8"

    156* 4"

    162' 5W

    1621 5" 167* 3W

    169 f 3"


    Feldspar Granite - as 75* 3" to ?6' l". :

    Snicified Granite - as 14' 4" to 16* 4" Kith 2-3^ sulphides, largely pyrite usually as cubes to 1/8".

    Dark Schist - as 16* 4" to 17' 2" but very woakly schistose at coreangle 650 .1561 4" - l" highly chloritic vdth irregular quartz blebs. l6l' O"to 161' 7" - siliceous injections of 75^ quartz and about 5,^ rulphides;sulphides mainly pyrite as cubes but with minor disseminatedchalcopyrite and pyrrhotite.Lower contact more finely grained than elsewhere and strongly schistose, j

    Silicified Granite - as 14' 4" to 16' 4" vdth X* sulphides as pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. 167' 3" - 1/4" pyrite stringer.

    Oranite - medium to fine grained prey granite vdth minor pyrite ascubes.168' T1 - 1/4" blue quartz stringer at core angle 650 vdt.h l'' pyrrhotite.




    14* 4" -21* 2" -32* 0" -45* 0" -57* 8" -65' 0" -711 10" -76' 9" -88' 0" -96' 0" -104' 0" -112' 0" -120' 0" -129' 0" -138' 0" -147 ' 0" -156' 4" -162' 5" -16?' 3" -

    21* 2"32* 0"45' 0"57' 3"65' 0"71' 10"76' 9"88' 0"96* 0"

    104* 0"112' 0"120* 0"129' 0"138' 0"147' 0"156* 4"162' 5"167' 3"169' 3" (0.23)

    i" ^ i ^




  • P.P. HOLE B3-6 (con*,.)

    Weighted composite of samples 5760 to 5?6? inclusive and sample 5769

    Au Nil Ag Trace.

    A 30 element spectrographic analysis of this sample shows the presence of the following minerals :-















    0.2 oz/ton






    DIP t





    130* 6"




    P.P. HOLE ffm-7

    Cl&im No. Pa. 37553157* south and 80* oast of Post No. 4



    Juno 6 t 196?

    L. B. Staines


    130' 6"

    AZIMUTH; 3250

    DEPARTURE; 17599E

    DEPTH; 130* 6"

    COMPILED; June 9, 196?


    Feldspar Porphyry - medium prey fine grained ground mass with phenocrysts of feldspar up to 3/8" (20# to 40#) and phenoorysts of quartz up to 1/2" (l/f to f#). The rock is mineralized with less than 1# sulphides, mainly pyrite with minor pyrrhotite finely disseminated and in cubes. Occasional fractures ranging from low angles to across core with pyrite smeared on faces. Numerous shear zones occur throughout core;

    From 12' O" to 12* l" a shear zone occurs at #0O to core

    From 15* 7" to 15* 8" a shear z^ne occurs at 70O to core

    From 19* 5" to 20* 10" a shear zone occurs at 700 to core, the ends of which are very fine grained and compact. Two very fine grained feldspar stringers 1/4" and 1/2" occurs at 19' 7" and 19' 9" at 700 to core.

    From 40* 10" to 66' l" a shear zone occurs from 450 t- 700 with a fine grained speckled appearance, with unsheared quartz *yos, and with occasional quartz-feldspar stringer up to 1/2" across core.

    From 67* 5" to 68* 7" a slightly sheared ",one occur-; at 600 to core

    From 69* 11" to 70' 9" a sheared zone occurs at. 60O to core

    From 71* 3" to 73' 3" a shear zone occurs at 60 to core

    From 74* 8" to 75' l" a shear zone occurs f\t 60O to core

    From 77* 5" to PO' 3" a shear zone occurs at 600 to core

    From 110' 4" to 117' "" a shear zone occurs at 600 to core

    At 126* 5" A 1/4" fault zone occurs at 25C to core with stained quartz eyes

    At 126' Q" a 1/4" fault zone occurs at 30O to coro with stained quart?, eyes


    NOTE l No samples were sent for analyc.'s.


    DIP i

    STARTED, t




    Claim Pa. 37555 386* South and



    P.P. HOLE BB-8

    UT: 9790H West of Post #1

    AZIMUTH! H50


    PEP; 17314E

    DEPTH; 164'

    June 26, 196?

    27 f 11"

    32' 6"

    34* l"

    34' 9"


    June 10, 196?

    L. B. Staines


    27* 11" Feldspar Porphyry - light to medium grey fine grained groundmass with feldspar phenocrysts up to l" (up to 50#) and quarta pheno crysts up to 3/6" (up to 25*). Fairly numerous fracturea from 35O to 900 to core length.About VP sulphides chiefly pyrrhotite with some pyrite disseminated in rock.

    From O' - 2' 3" slight shear zone at 35O to core is mineralised with about I^ sulphides chiefly pyrite with minor pyrrhotite.

    At O' O" a 1/8" fault zone at 35 to core is filled with chlorite, feldspar and quartz.

    At O' 9" a l 1/4" barren quartz stringer occurs with obscure contacts.From 11* 2" to 11' 3" a strong shear occurs at 480 to core.At 15' 10" a f" shear zone occurs at 35O to core.From 17* 6" to 20* 3" slight shearing at 450 to core.From 20* 3" to 21* 11" a brecciated zone occurs and is mineralized with

    about 2^ sulphides mostly pyrrhotite with some pyrite.From 21* 11" to 24* O" a strong shear occurs at 720 to core, sparsely

    mineralized with less than 1# sulphides mostly pyrite disseminated and in cubes.

    32* 6" Dark Schist, with fine gneissic banding of feldspar at 550 to core.

    34* l" Silicified Feldspar Porphyry - fine grained, blue-grey slightlysheared ground mass with about 203 feldspar phenocrysts (distorted) and 107! quartz phenocrysts. The rock is mineralized with about Z.% sulphides, mostly pyrite.

    34* 9" Dark Schist - Similar to 27' 11" to 32' 6" with first 3" beingfeldspar rich.

    At 34* 7" a l" irregular, barren quartz bleb occurs roughly parallel to schistosity which varies from 52O to 70O to core.

    47* 6" Silicified Granite - pale bluish-grey rock with somo less silicified zones. The rock is mineralized with about 1# sulphides, mostly pyrite giving way to pyrrhotite, and minor chalcopyrite. The mineralization is concentrated along and associated with numerous fractures which occur at varying angles to core.

    From 37* #" to 37* 10" a strong shear zone occurs at 500 to core with from 3^ to 435 pyrite.

    From 45* l" to 45' 10" a fine grained porphyritic zone occurs at fiOo to core with about l &S pyrrhotite.


  • P.P. HOLE DB-8 (cont.)


    471 6" 49* l" Quartz Feldspar Porphyry - medium grey, fine grained ground masswith quartz phenocrysts up to ln ( 25#) and feldspar phenocrysts up to 1/4" (lO/C to 15^) some shearing and distortion occurs at about 700 to core. Up to 2# sulphides, mainly pyrrhotite with some pyrite and very minor chalcopyrite are disseminated in rock.

    49* ln 78* 7" Feldspar Porphyry - dark grey fine grained ground mass with pheno-crysts of feldspar up to 3/8" (about 3C#) and quartz phenocryats up to 1/4" (up to 3^) and mineralized with less than 1# sulphides.

    From 54* O" to 54 ! 4" a shear zone occurs including a 1/4" quartz stringer parallel to shearing at 650 to core at 54' l".

    At 59 f 8" a quartz stringer occurs at 250 to core with some coarse pyrrhotite on one contact.

    From ?6 f O" to 78' 7" a strong shear zono occurs at 750 to core.

    78' 7" 791 y\ Quartz Diorite - fine grained, grey green ground mass with irregularquartz "eyes" up to 3/4" (about 30#) with about 2/5 sulphides - pyrrhotite with some minor pyrite and chalcopyrite.

    At 78' 7" a l" quartz feldspar stringer occurs at 500 to core. From 78' 11" to 79' 2" an irregular quartz bleb occurs with about 2#

    coarse pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite in one contact.

    79' 5" 89* 6" Silicified Granite - poorly silicified and porphyritic locally.About 1^ sulphides nainly pyrrhotite with minor pyrite and very minor chalcopyrite aro disseminated in rock.

    From 82' 3" to 82' 7" a shear zone occurs at 500 to core. From 86' l" to 86' 8" a feldspar porphyry inclusion occurs.

    89' 6" 110' 8" Feldspar Porphyry - medium prey fine grained ground mass vdth feld spar phenocrysts up to 1/4" (up to 50#) and quartz phenocrysts up to 3/8" (l# to 25/0 numerous fractures from across to low angles to core upper contact with silicified granite at 300 to core. Mineral ized with about 1^ sulphides mostly pyrrhotite vdth some pyrite and the occasional speck of chalcopyrite.

    At 91* 3" a 3/8" strong shear occurs at 700 .From 94' 8" to 95* 2" a fine grained zone occurs.From 95* 2" to 110* 8" an intermittent shear zone occurs with zones of

    unshearod porphyry within. Shearing is at 50O to core.At 101* 5" a 2" silicified zone with l ty sulphides same as mentioned

    above with a little more chalcopyrite occurs at 50 .At 107' 4" a 1/8" intermittent stringer of amssivs pyrrhotite with linor

    chalcopyrite occurs at 450 -

    110' 8" 116* 11" Dark Schist - schistosity from 45O to 550 .

    116' 11" 135* l" Silicified Granite - poorly silicified from 12?' to 131*. About 12raineral-pyrite mostly for first 2' and then pyrrhotite vdth some nyrite and very minor chalcopyrite.

    At 120' 2" a lj^" quartz stringer with 5# massive sulphides - pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and bornite occurs at 450 to core.

  • -3 -

    P.P. HOLE BB-R (cont.)


    135' 1"

    135' 8"

    142' 2"

    143' 1"


    135' 8" Diorite - fine grained upper contact sharp ax. 700 low*irregular. Slightly sheared.

    142' 2" Silicified Granite - poorly silicified with lesg than mostly pyrrhotite. Quite well fractured.

    143' 1" Dark Schist - very fine grained chloritic with largo.irregular quartz-feldspar blobs up to 5Q# of rock.

    151' 2" Silicified Granite - poorly silicified with less than

    ;r contact

    17" mineral

    up to lA",

    1? mineralmostly pyrite with some pyrrhotite.

    At 143' 9" a 2^" quartz-tourmaline stringer with about l" coarse pyriteoccurs at 550 to core.

    From 143* 11" to 144' 6" a 5^ sulphide zone occur?). The enrichment beinp2 irregular discontinuous otringers of pyrite with occasional speckof chalcopyrite at roughly 45O .

    At 146* O" a 3/4" quartz stringer with about 2# coaroo pyrite andoccasional speck of chalcopyrite occurs at 450 to core.

    151' 2" 152 T 6M Diorito - fine grained groy-green rock with contacts sharp at 75O tocoro. Slight shearing i? ppnrent parallel to contacts.

    152' 6" 158' 2" Silicified Oranite - light Muioh-nrey rock with about l ?? mineral ization mostly pyrite with occasional, npeck of chalcopyrite.

    At 152* 7" a l'." highly fractured quartz stringer with about 3^ mineral mostly but some chalcopyrite and spock of HoS2 at 45O to core.

    From 155' 3" to 155* 9" a qu-irta injection occurs barren except for a 1/16" speck of

    158* 2" 160' 7" Sheared quartz Feldspar Porphyry - a medium grey rock vrith about 2#of tho mineral mostly pyrite. Feldspar phenocrysts mostly destroyed by shearing at 750 -

    At 158* 2" and 159' 3" l" Dark Schist stringers occur at 750 to core.

    160 f 7" 162 ' 6" Dark Schist. - with considerable vrhite feldspar banding. Contactsharp at 700 to core. Schistosity at about 75O to core.

    From 162' 4" to 163* O" fine grained with about 25* pyrite cubes. From 163* O" to 163* 6" pale green-grey coarse grained bleached zone.

    164' 6" END OF HOLE.



    34' 9"78 1 711

    116' li"126' 0"143' l"151' 2"


    47' 6"89' 6"

    126' 0"135' 1"151' 2"158' 2"

    12' 9"10' 11"9' 1"9' 1"*' l"7' 0"

    , -L- jj IM















    P.P. HOLE BB-9

    LOCATION: Claim Pa. 37555 LATi 10,024N DEP: 17,194E 182' South and 312' West of Post #1

    Dip, -450 AZIMUTH! 1790 DEPTH; 168' l"

    STARTED; June 27, 1967 COMPLETED t July 2, 196?

    LOGGED BY i L. B. Stainee


    O' 4* 11" Casing. Sand and boulders

    4* 11" 52' 11" Silicified Granite - a broad zone of varying silicification, alter ation, fracturing and mineralization.

    From 4' 11" to 7* O" bluish preen zone 40# to 50# quartz with occasional fracture, less than 1# mineralization mainly pyrrhotite. No chalco pyrite observed.

    From 7' O" to 13' 3" same as above with about 1/E mineralization mostly pyrite with some chalcopyrite and sphalerite,

    At 13' 3" a 3" zone of heavy sulphides consisting of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena occurs at 300 to core.

    From 13' 6" to 15' 11" same as from 7' O" to 13' 3".From 15' 11" to 19' 3" similar to above with about 2^ sulphides mostly

    pyrrhotite with chalcopyrite visible every inch and some sphalerite.From 19* 3" to 24' 7" medium grey less siliceous zone (about 30^ quartz)

    with a fine grained zone from 22' 2" to 23' 4". Less than IjH sulphidetFrom 24' 7" to 29' 2" bluish grey with up to 50# quartz, about 1&*

    mineralization mostly pyrite with some chalcopyrite Shearing at 450 from 26' 4" to 27'. Shearing and distortion at 450 at 29' O".

    From 29* 2" to 39' 11" bluish light grey rock up to 75# quartz. About 1# sulphides with zones of up to 3# mostly pyrite with some chalcopyrite, pyrite and sphalerite. Fair sericitization.

    From 39* 11" to 52' llff bluish grey-green rock with generally about 40? quartz and about 1^ sulphides well sertcitized and fractured.

    From 39' 11" to 42' 3" i# mineralization, minor chalcopyrite.Frcm 42' 6" to 46' 8" 1&I5 to 2# mineral mostly pyrite with some chalco

    pyrite .From 46' 6" to 49' 3" very siliceous. 3ty. sulphides - pyrite and chalco

    pyrite.At 46* 9" a 1/0" stringer of massive pyrite and chalcopyrite nt 300 to

    core.From 49' 3" to 52' 11" highly sericitized less than l? mineral.

    52* 11" 54* 10" Dark Schist - schistosity generally 800 - locally 600 to core.At 54* 10" a 2" 50# pyrite stringer occurs at SK)0 to core.

  • -2- -

    P.P. HOLE BB-9 (cont.) l


    54' 10" 62* 6" Silicified Granite - slightly silicified with about 30? to 40? quartz,about l J? sulphides, Itl and pyrrhotite with son'; chalcopyrite.

    At 57* 6" a 3" quartz vein occurs at 500 to core.At 58' 5" a 5" fine grained zone occurs.At 5# f 10" a lJ" quartz vein occurs across core.At 59 f 4" a lA" shear occurs at 650 to core.At 60* 11" a f," irregular feldspar stringer with a 1/4" schist band on

    lower contact occurs at 65O .At 61 f 5" a l" chlorite schist band occurs at 800 .

    62' 6" 63* O" Picrite - light grey fine grained rock with less than ,},? pyrite.Lower contact at 75O .

    631 O" 64* O" Oranite (blue quartz eye) - medium bluish-grey medium grained rockwith fair sericite and about 30? bluish "quartz eyes". About Itf mineral montly pyrrhotite vdth fair chalcopjrite.

    64* O" 66' 4" Feldspar Granite - very fine grained vroll fractured with about l?sulphides mostly pyrrhotite and some fine grained chalcopyrite.

    66' 4" 89' O" Silicified Granite - bluish-grey rock with fron 30? to 40? quartz.From 66' 4" to 7*6' 8" 2^ to 3? mineral mostly pyrrhotite vdth chalco

    pyrite, magnetite and sphalerite.

    At 74' H" a 2" quartz stringer vdth 5? pyrrhotite and chalcopyri^(massive).

    From 76' 8" to 83' 11" a 1^ to 2? mineral mostly pyrrhotite with pyrite,'chalcopyrite and sphalerite vdth some magnetite.

    From 83' 11" to 86' O" nlight pinkish color with about 1^ sulphides mostlypyrite.

    At 84' 2" and 85' 5" a 3" and l" dark schist stringer at 750 to core. From 86' O" to 89' O" about l? to 2? sulphides mostly pyrrhotite with

    pyrite, chalcopyrite and (sphalerite).

    89' O" 8?' 8" Dark Schist - schistosity at 800 .

    89* 8" 97 f 3" Silicified Granite - vreakly silicified - from 30? to 40? quartz.From 89' 8" to 91' 3" medium siliceous vdth about 1# sulphides mostly

    pyrite vdth some pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite. From 91' 3" to 93' 3" weakly silicified vdth l?.? sulphides mostly pyrite

    with minor pyrrhotite and (chalcopyrite). Highly scr*citized.Schistosity from 30O to 450 to core.

    From 93* 3" to 94* 5" medium fdlieeou*, about l*ft sulphide s mostlypyrrhotite with some chalcopyrite and pyrite.

    From 94' 9" to 97' 3" wsakly silicified, strongly sericitiaed mediumblue-grey rock with l^- sulphides mostly pyrite vdth minor chalcopyrite

    At 94' 9" a l" schist stringer at GO0 .

    97' 3" 137 f 8" Granite - grey medium grained rock vdth from 15^ to 20? quartz locallyup to yft quartz. Generally less than 1# sulphides vdth occaoional 2" to 3" zones of up to 3? mostly pyrrhotite vdth considerable pyrite and some chalcopyrite and sphalerite.

    At 107' 4" a 1/4" chlorite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite stringer at 3Qo.

    At 124* O" a 3M dark schist stringer at 30O and 800 .

  • P.P. HOLE BD-9 (cont.) S. ;


    137 f 8" 145' 2" Silicified Granite - slightly nilictfied with about 303 to 4Q# quartz,Generally less than 1# nulphides - pyrrhotite, pyrite and minor chalcopyrite.

    From 137' 8" to 138* 6" a quartz stringer along core with minor chalco pyrite.

    145 1 2" 165* 10" Oranite - grey medium grained rock with generally about 1# sulphidespyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Fair magnetite.

    At 150* 5" a l" shear zone occurs at 450 with about 5^ pyrite andpyrrhotite.

    From 154' l" to 154' 9" a ^" quartz stringsr with about 5# sulphides aspyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite occurs at a very 3owangle.

    At 162* 10" a 3/4" band of magnetite with pyrrhotite and chalcopyriteoccurs at 450 to core.

    165' 10" 168* l" Dark Schist - schistosity from 300 to KOO with irregular quartzfeldspar blebs up to 2M .

    168* l" END OF HOLF..


    5777 7' O" to 19' 3" 12' 3" .09 nil tr. nil5778 19* 3" to 24* 7" 5' 4" .075779 24' 7" to 29' 2" 4' 7" .095780 29' 2" to 39' 11" 10* 9" .34 nil nil nil5781 39' 11" to 52* 11" 13* O" .145782 52* 11" to A6* 4" 33' 5" .34 -5783 66* 4" to 76* fl" 10* 4" .34 nil tr. tr.5784 76* 8" to 83* 11" 7' 3" .0? nil tr. nil5785 83* 11" to 97* 3" 13' 4" .10 nil tr. tr.5786 97' 3" to 110' 9" 13* 6" .12 nil tr. tr.5787 HO* 9" to 124' 3" 13' 6" .075788 124' 3" to 137' 3" 13* 5" .105789 137' O" to 151' 9" 14' l" .07 nil tr. tr.5790 151' 9" to 165' 10" 14' l" .07





    DI P l



    Claim Pa. 37555 LATi 10115N 310* West and 65* South of ffi Post.


    PEP i 17190E

    DEPTH; 115' 10"

    COMPLETED t July 7, 196?

    20* 7"

    21* 6"

    42' 10"

    44 f 2"

    46* 3"

    Collar -450

    July 2, 196?

    S. J. Carryer*-


    9*6" Overburden - sand and boulders.

    20* T*1 Granite - a grey medium grained granitic rock with minor sulphides disseminated throughout. Zones of weak to moderate secondary silicification, usually carrying about 15? sulphiden occur at interval,' The sulphide minrals identified are pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite with rare grains of sphalerite. Weak Jointing is generally present.15* 8M to 16*11" - mud. The material from this zone suggests that th1 is a cleft in the bed rock open to the surface.

    21* 6" Feldspar Oranite - A white fine grained rock with disseminated grains of chlori*,e. Occasional fine grains of pyrite are also present.

    42* 10" Oranite - as 9' 6" to 20' 7"29' 11" - J" sericitized shear zone at core angle 450 -30* 7" to 30* 9" - flericitized shear zone at core angle 45 ~*4u* O" to 40* 4" - sericitized shear zone with l to 2# pyrite. At core

    angle 25O .40* 11" to 41* 4" - 1/4" wide feldspar-pyrite (30#) vein, parallel to core.41* 2" - J" schist band at core angle 75O .41* 4" - 5" schist band at core angle 1300 .41* 5" - 1M quartz feldspar vein with minor chalcopyrite and pyrite.41* 11" to 42* l" - schist band.42* l" to 42* 4" - zone of narrow quartz-feldspar veins. These veins

    carry minor chalcopyrite and pyrite.44* 2" Dark Schist - Black weakly banded with white schistose rock with

    schistosity at core angle 60O .42* 10" to 43* 2" - blebs of granite in quartz feldspar vein.W 9" - 1/4" feldspar vein.

    46* 3" Granite - A grey medium grained granitic rock with 2* biotite and 2t pyrite. Numerous (2 per inch) chloritic Joints cut the rock at a variety of angles.

    48* 7" Dark Schist - as 42* 10" to 44* 2" but strongly banded from 46* 9" to47* 4" schistosity at core angle 900 .

    46* 3" - l" feldspar vein across core. 48* 6" - J" diameter feldspar bleb.

  • - 2 - ' ' 3 ̂ >

    P.P. HOLE BB-10 (cont.)


    48* 7" 56* 214 Oranitq - A pale blue grey medium grained granitic rock containing typyrrhotite with minor chalcopyrite disseminated throughout and fa pyrite near contact but pyrite decreases with depth. Rock becomes weakly sericitized near 56*.

    56* 2" 80* 2" Sericitic Granite - Grey granitic rock with texture largely destroyedby the alteration of tho feldspars to sericite. This alteration i f variable and contacts are gradatiortal. Minor pyrrhotite is disseminate: throughout.

    57* 8" to 58* l" - fhear zone containing 5# sulphides as pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite (2i2:l).

    59* 5" to 6l* 5" - weakly altered to unaltered zone coataining f# pyrrhotite66* 6" to 66* 8" - quartz veining with 2^ associated sulphides as pyrrhotite

    chalcopyrite and pyrite.72* l" - i" barren quartz vein.76* 6" to 77* O" - 1^ pyrite ac cubes.78* 10" - 1/8" pyrite and pyrrhotite stringer (irregular).

    80* 2" 94* 8" Granite - as 48* 7" to 56* 2" with minor pyrite and pyrrhotitedisseminated throughout although pyrite with rare grains of sphaleriteis concentrated along Joints.

    89* 8n to 92* 10" ~ increasyd sulphide mineralization to l - 2*; pyrrhotiteand pyrite with minor chalcopyrite were identified.

    92* 10" to 94* 8" biotite granite of siinil^r composition as 44* 2" to46* 3" but with 1/f pyrite as medium grained cubes concentrated alongchloritized joints.

    94* 6" 96* 2** Dark Schist - black and white gneissic rock banded at coro nngle 90O .96* O" - l" feldspar vein.

    96* 2" 107* 4" Granite - aa 48* 7" to 56* 2" with minor disseminated pyrite,pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.

    96* 2" to 96* 7" - blebs of schist with pyrite grains to 1/4" length. 97* 4" to 97* 9" fine grained chloritic phase with minor pyrite and

    pyrrhotite. 101* l" - sulphide stringer containing pyrrhotite and pyrite.

    107* 4" 110* 6" Sericitic Granito - as 56* 2" to 80* 2".107* 8" -1/4" sulphide stringer containing pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and

    pyrite.107* 8" to 107* 11" - fine grained grey chloritic rock as 97* 4" to 97 f 9". 108* 6" - l" barren quartz vein. 110* 5" - sulphide stringer containing chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite with

    quartz eyes.

    HO* 6" 115* 10" Granite - as ;*8* 7" to 56* 2" with zones of sericitization. 1-2^pyrrhotite with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite is disseminated throughout.

    113* 4" - 1/4" barren quartz vein with sulphide stringer containing chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pyrite, cutting it at 300 -

    115* 10" END OF HOLE.

  • - 3 -

    P.P. HOLE BB-10 (coni.)




    9 1 6" 19* 6" 27* 6" 35' 6" 09* 8"

    107* 4"


    19 f 6"27 ' 6"35* 6"U 1 6"92' 10"

    11 5 f 10"



    * - 3 -

    D. D. HOLE BB-10


    91 6"19* 6"27' 6"35' 6"89* 8"

    107 ' 4"


    19' 6"27' 6"35' 6"41' 6"92' 10"

    115' 10"





    P.P. HOLE BB-11





    Claim Pa. 37555 LATt 9814N 305* W*st and 360* South of Poet #1

    AZIMUTH; 359*0


    PEPt 17399E

    LEHSTHi 140* 8"

    July 13, 1967

    29* 6"

    31* 11"


    July 8, 1967

    L. B* Stains s


    2 f 3" Casing - sand and boulders.

    29* 6" Feldspar j*orphyry - medium to dark grey fine grained ground mass withfeldspar phenocryst s up to lAM about 25# to 30# and occasional quartzeye. 0

    From 2* 3" to 6* 10" a shear zone occurs at 57O to 60 with occasionalchalcopyrite, HoSg smear on shear faces.

    From 6* 10" to 29* O" about 1# sulphides occur as pyrrhotite, pyrite,chalcopyrite and MoSj.

    From 29* O" to 29* 6" a shear z^;e occurs, similar to from 2' 3" to 6 f 10".

    31' 11" Silicified Granite - veakly silicified about 40* quartz with fairly strong sericite. Less than 13* mineral occurs as pyrrhotite, pyrite occasional specks chalcopyrite and very occasional specks of HoS2.

    67* 2" Oranite - weakly siliceous zones and zones of fairly heavy serecite.An occasional stringer of heavy sulphide mineral! zaticn occurs.

    At 36 f H" a lrt strongly sereoitized stringer with about 10# pyrite withoccasional specks of sphalerite occurs at 650 .

    At 40* 9" a lA" fault filled with about 10# pyrite, sphalerite andmolybdenite occurs ut 480 to core.

    From 44* 7" to 45 f O" a fine grained zone occurs at 520.. At 52* 10" a l" fine feldspar stringer occurs at 33O . At 58* 11" a 1/8" st-inger of sphalerite with a few specks of molybdenite

    occurs at 550 to core.At 61* 6" a ^" quartz stringer occurs with 5# pyrite at a low angle to core. From 6l* 6" to 6A' O" a zone of Z* mineral with numerous irregular quartz

    stringers and low angle fractures with coarse pyrite and somechalcopyrite (strongly sericitic).

    From 74* O" to 75* 5" a feldspar rich zone pale grey and fine grained. From 75* 8" to 76 f 5" strongly serictic. From 83* 6" to f'4* 3" * i" fine feldspar stringer along core.From 85* 5" to

    at 300 .^6* O" a chlorite schist stringer occurs with schistosity

    87* 2" 89* 4" Feldspar Granite - fine grained pale grey.

  • - 2 -

    P.P. HOLE BB-H (cont.)


    89* 4"

    123* 7"

    124* 10"


    140' 8"

    123* 7" Granite - slight pinkish color generally with occasional chlorite- pyrite filled fractures at various angles to core. Generally less than 1^ mineral.

    124* 10" Qranodicrite - medium-grey medium grained rock. At 124* 8" a p quart* stringer at 500 . Prom 124* 8" to 124* 10" strong shearing at 50O to core.

    140* 8" Granite - generally slight pinkish coloration and less than 1# mineral. At 124' 10" a lg" quarts stringer occurs at 50O to core with 3^ pyrite,

    chlorite and chalcopyrite. At 125* 10" a l^w strongly sericitic stringer occurs at 30O to core with

    3fc pyrite mineralization.





    2* 3" 15* 4"


    15* 4" 29* 6"


    13* l" 14* 2"





    DIP l




    P.P. HOLE BB-12

    Claim Pa.37560 LATt 9360N 324* West and 410' North of Port #2.

    DEP: 15979E


    July Ik, 196?

    L. B. Stainen

    AZIMUTH t 1430 DEPTH; 168* 5"

    COMPLETED t July 19, 1967

    6' l

    71 nn


    6* l"

    7* 11"

    19' 11"

    19' 11" 63* 10"


    Silicified Granite - well rusted and fractured about \ }fc to T& sulphides as pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.

    From O* 3" to J!* 1 2" lost core.

    Chlorite Schist - contacts and schistosity at 700 . From 6* 2" to 7' 2" lost core.

    Silicified Granite - pale blue-grey rock about 2# to 2*# finesulphides as pyrite, pyrrhotite and fair chalcopyrite locally.Zones of highly sericitized granite.

    From 7 1 11" to 8* 5" a quartz tourmaline vein occurs at 600 with minorchalcopyrite.

    At 9 1 2" a 3/8" stringer of quartz occurs at 650 . At 9 ' 9" a 3" quartz tourmaline stringer occurs at 45O with soms

    chalcopyrite .At 11* 6" a 3" zone of Granodiorite occurs. At 12* 7" a J" irregular quartz stringer occurs at 450 with some

    chalcopyrite.From 14' 2" to 14' 9" a zone of Gr&i.y.iiorite occurs. At 18' O" a i" fault zone occurs at 55O .

    Granite - (Blue quartz eye) bluish-grey rock with predominant bluoquartz eyes.

    From 19' 11" to 30* 3" - 2# mineral -pyrrhotite, pyrite and somechalcopyrite .

    At 23* 10" and 24* Q" - i" blue quartz stringers at 450 . From 29* 2" to 30* quartz injected zone. Heavy chalcopyrite at 23' 10". From 30* 3" to 36* O" - 23? to 2?^ sulphides pyrrhotite, pyrite and

    chalcopyrite.From 30 ' 5" to 31' O" quartz veinings, At 80O to core with about 2X chalcopyrite.From 36* O" to 41' O" - 2ty to 3,t sulphides as pyrrhotite, pyrite and

    fair chalcopyrite with irregular quartz injections from 36* to 37*.From 41' O" to 46' O" - 3.^ mineral pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite.From 43* 6" to 46' O" an 8" stringer of chlorite-schist with very good

    chalcopyrite at ]ow angle to core.From 45* to 46* O" a heavy sulphide stringer occurs at low angle to core.At 43* 10" a chlorite stringer with 8# pyrite and pyrrhotite and some

    chalcopyrite occurs at 30O to core.

  • . 2 - -

    P.P. HOLE BB-12 (cont.) if- b


    From 46' O" to 56' 11" - Z& to 3# mineral aa pyrite, pyrrhotite and fair chalcopyrite.

    At 47* O" a 3/4" quartz stringer at 75O with lg chalcopyrite.At 49* 5" a 3/4" quart* chlorite stringer at 50Q with heavy pyrite

    255? and chalcopyrite 5^.From 52* l" to 52' 9" sheared zone heavily sericitized at 48O .At 56* 9" a J." irregular quartz stringer at low angle with 10^ pyrite,

    pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.From 56* 11" to 63* 10" - 2# to 2^ mineral as pyrite, pyrrhotite and

    chalcopyrite. From 60* 5" to 60* 11" a quartz (60^) tourmaline (40#) vein occurs across core with 1# pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite with a 1^" band of chlorite schist on lower contact.

    63* 10" 64* 10" Granite - medium grained fleshy colored. Contact at 75O to core,lower contact obscure. About l* mineralized with pyrrhotite. pyrite and some chalcopyrite.

    64* 10" 70* 6" Granite - (blue quartz eye) - blue-grey medium grained rock withabout 1^# to 2^ sulphides as pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite.

    70* 6" 74* 10" Silicified Granite - up to 60?! quartz. Lower contact gradational.Upper contact obscured by a 3" chlorite schist band at 65O to core.

    From 71* 7" to 72' O" a chlorite schist stringer occurs from 45O toacross with irregular quartz-feldspar blebs and stringers about 35?-

    74* 10" 85* 6" Granite (blue quartz eye) - greyish-blue medium grained rock withbluish quartz eyes and irregular patches with about 2/5 sulphides as pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and some MoS2 (at 65* 5")* well fractured, several at low angles to core.

    At 75* 11" a 3/4" bluish quartz stringer at 250 with accompanying low angle fractures.

    85' 6" 87* 11" Feldspar Granite - contacts gradational. Fine grained honey-greycolored rock with about 1;^ to Z& fine sulphides as pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Occasional fracture with concen trations of sulphides of varying angles to core.

    87* 11" 91* 4" Granite - light grey medium grained rock with from lS to 2#mineral as pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.

    91* 4" 93* O" Granodiorite - medium grained dark grey rock vdth from l? tomineral mostly pyrite, contacts gradational.

    93 t Q" 99* O" Quartz Diorite - dark grey medium to fine grained rock vdth aboutl O& quartz and about 2^ mineral aa pyrite, pyrrhotite and fine chalcopyrite .

    At 98* 11" a *" quartz stringer at 60O to core.

    99* O" 135* 9" Granite (blue quartz eye) - bluieh-grey medium grained rock withgenerally 2^ to 1^ sulphides (decreasing with depth) as pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. At 100' 2" a ij" stringer of Diorite at 750 to core.

  • - 3 - '

    P.P. HOLE BB-12 (cent.)


    From 103* 5" to 103 f 11" an irregular quarts vein from across to lowangle with about 2# pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite.

    At 107* O" a 3" irregular quartz chlorite stringer occurs. At 107* 6" a 2\n dark schist stringer occurs across core. At 112* 5" a l*" bluish quartz stringer at 50O . At 115* 10" a 3 A" quartz stringer occurs at 250 to coro. At 116* 10" a 2" quartz stringer occurs across core. At 118* 4" a 3/4" irregular quartz troumaline stringer occurs. From 121* 6" to 122* l" a medium grained diorite stringer occurs from

    800 to 450 "with about 3* to 1& pyrite with some pyrrhotite andchalcopyrite.

    At 128* 10" a l*** chlorite schist stringer at 450 to core. From 130* 10" to 133* quartz feldspar porphyry zone occurs at 50O to

    core. Contact at 135* 9" is sharp at 45 *

    135* 9" 154* 6" Feldspar Porphyry - dark grey fine grained ground mass with about20# feldspar phenocrystn. Contact at 154* 6" sharp but irregular across core.

    From 139* 9" to 140' 6" lort core.From 144* O" to 14** 5" lost core.At 151* 6" tiro bluish quartz stringers, l A" and 3 A" at 400 to core

    with some chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite.

    154* 6" 163* 4" Granite (blue quartz eye) - dark grey-blue medium grained rock with2f# to 3# milphides as pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.

    At 156 1 10" a l" quartz stringer vdth about 4# pyrrhotite, pyrite andchalcopyrite.

    From 157* 11" to 158* 5" slightly sheared feldspar porphyry at 50O tocore.

    At 159* 6" a l 1;" bluish quartz stringer at 60O with some chalcopyrite,pyrrhotite and speck of MoS2*

    From 160' 3" to 162* l" well sertcitized.

    163* 4" 168' 5 Dark schist light grey and dark grey-black;the light colorationbeing due to fine grained feldspar enrichment. Contact at 50O to core and schistosity highly contorted but generally at 50O .

    From 163* 4" to 163' 11" highly chloratized with a *" band of red hema tite stainin? at 163* 10".

    168* 5" END OF 1101.3.

  • : ; . , -.

    -oAMPLE NO.




    0* 0" to7 f 11" to

    19* 11" to30* 3" to36* 0" to41* 0" to46* 0" to56* 11" to63* 10" to74* 10" to85* 6" to91* 4" to99* 0" to

    112* 4" to124* 0" to154* 6" to

    - 4 -

    D. D. HOLE BB-12

    7* 11"19* U"30* 3"36* 0"41* 0"46* 0"56* 11"63* 10"74* 10"85* 6"91* 4"99* 0"

    112* 4"124* 0"135* 9"163* 4"



    7* 11"12* 0"10* 4"5 f 9n5* 0"5* 0"

    10* 11"6* 11"

    11* 0"10* 8"5* 10"7* f?"

    131 4"11* 8"11* 9"2* 10"

    .. *V '

    Cu #









    P.P. HOLE BB-13

    Claim Pa. 37560 LATj 9370N U.8* North and 331' Heat of Post #2

    DF.P: 15973S

    DEPTHt 13' V

    COMPLETED i July 19, 1967

    DIP r -450 AZIMUTH!

    STARTED l July 19, 196?

    LOGGED BY t L. B. Staines


    O* 6 f lrt Silicifi ,d Granite - badly fractured, weathered and leached, From l* O" to 2' 8" - lost core. From 4* O" to 5* 2" - lost core.

    6* l" 7* 2" Lost core.

    7* 2" 13 f 4" Quartt Feldspar Porphyry - highly rhenred and fractured.From 7* 7" to P' 10" - lost cor*. From 9* 11" to 13* O" - lort core.

    13* 4" END OF HOLE

    NOTE! The hole appeared to be Just skirting the bed rock so it was abandoned.

    (No sampleB taken)



    P.P. HOLE DD-U

    LOCATION i Claim Pa.37560 LATi 9175" PEP t 16095E 225' North and 210' West of Post 02.

    DIP t -460 AZIHirrilt 32fl0 DEFTHt 170' 7"

    STARTED? July 20, 196? COMPLETED l July 27, 1967

    LOGCgP BTi L. B. Staines


    O* 27* 7" Breccia - a medium grey rock of various grain sizes and compositionscomposed of zenoliths of fine grained quartz diorite medium grained granite with some blue quartz eyes, medium grained granodiorite, feldspar porphyry and quartz feldspar porphyry. Quite '.ell fractured with those to 12' 10" being well rusted. Generally about 2? mineralized with pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite with minor MoS2. Some good concentrations of chalcopyrite locally. Contact at 27' 7" at 250 to core.

    From 5* 11" to 6* 3" an irregular quartz v^in with about 5^ pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite with fair molybdenite.

    At 7' 5n a l" quartz stringer with 10# chalcopyrite and fair molybdenite. Contacts obncurod by ground c^re.

    At 7* 11" an Irregular quartz injection with about 0# chalcopyrite with MoS2(From 8* 3" to 9 f T*1 )? ground core.From 10* 3" to 10* 9" a l//*" irregular quartz stringer at a low anple with

    155b chalcopyrite.At 12* O" a li" irregular quartz stringer with fair chalcopyrite.

    27' 7" 79* 2" Feldspar Porphyry - medium proy fine grained ground maM with feldsparphenocrysts up to 3/1" nomprlfin^ up to 30# of **". : V with cecasional bluish quartz eyes. Occasional quartz str^gers and narrow st.I^gers of heavy sulphides occurred at various angles to core.

    From 28' 2" to 21* 7" an irregular inclusion of granite with sharp contacts. At 28* 10" a 1/V blue quartz stringer at. 35O with 5^ chalcopyrite and

    some Ho-^p.At 31* 3" a l1 ' blue quartz stringer at /40O with the occasional speck of HoS? From 32* l" to 32' V about 3 1^ chalcopyrite concentrated around and in

    2 - 1/4" blue quar i stringers at i50 with occasional specks of MoS2* At 33* 5" a l" blue quartz atringer at 50^ with about l* Mof^. At 3A' 8" a f" blue quartz strlnpir with about J& chalcopyrite and ^ KoSj

    at 500 to core. From 36' 3" to 36* 11" - 3 quartz stringers at various angles to core with

    numerous specks of MoS2* At W-' 9" a l" shear zone at 50O to core. From A2' 6'' to i*3' 2" - 3 - i" to 3/4" bluiPh quartz stringers at varying

    angles to core with better than 1^ HoSp.

  • - 2 - -y'

    P.P. HOI.E nn-H (font.)


    At 47 1 4" a strong slip occur? at 30O with about 1*1! chalcopyriteassociatod.

    At 50* 6" a 3/8" bluish quartz stringer occurs at 6.50 to corr; vi lfractured and with a few specks of MoS2.

    At 60* k" a 2" quarts stringer occurs Rt 40O with 40!* massive sulphidesas pyrite and chalcopyrite ('2:3 ) with occasional speck of Mc^.

    At 61* 7" a ^" shear zone with tourmaline, chlorite and chalcopyritefilling at 300 to core.

    At 71* 4" a 1/4" blue quartz stringer at 400 with 15?? chalcopyrite and2# M632 .

    At 74* 3" an irregular bluish quartz stringer at a low angle with about3# chalcopyrite in and associated vdth it.

    From (77* O" to 79' 2")? - lost cere.

    79* 2" 105 1 5" Granite - light groy medium grained rock well fractured withoccasional bluish quartz stringers at varying angles to core.Generally about 2t nineral aa pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.Considerable fine chalcopyrite espoeliily to 90* 10".

    From 81* 10" to 82* 5n ai. irregular felspar inclusion occvrs. At 85* 10" a 1/4" quartz-strecita filled rlip occurs at ^50 to core. From fie* 6" to P* i 9" - 2 - ;V* to 3/4" bluish quartz stringers occur at

    and 450 with considerable (2?f-) pyrite and chalcopyrite (3:1) withsome MoJ^.

    At 90* On a 2" band of feldspar granit.- occurs. Contacts rhscur^d byground corn.

    From 99* 3W to 99* 7" a 3/4" bluir-'i quartz rich rone between 2 fracturesoccurs at 25O with about 5?, sulphides as pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite

    From 104* 9" to 105* 3" a quartz vein occurs at about 50" with about 1# chalcopyrite.

    105* 5" 143* 8" Feldspar Porphyry - similar to from 27* 7N to 79* 2" occasionalnarrow blue quartz stringer:; with chalcopyrite and MoS2 at varying angles to r:ore.

    From llo* 7" to 11 8* 10" highly ser-icitizod zone associated with irregular quartz injections. I.ineatlona are from low angles to 40O .

    At 121* 5" - 5" of weakly sheared porphyry at 35O to core.From 132* O" to 133* 6" sheared porphyry at Q5 to core.At 135* 2" a 2" irregular quartz stringer across with 25# chalcopyrite.

    143* S*1 170* 7" Granite - light grey granitic rock with some bluish-grey "bluequartz eye" sections. Fairly well fractured and occasional narrow (1/8" to V*) bluish quartz stringers at varying angles to coreusually with from l/- to 15^ milphides as pyrrhotite, pyrite andchalcopyrite with some ItoS^.

    From 157* O" to 157* 7" a quartz vein occurs with minor chalcopyrite anda few specks of MoS2 at 50O .

    At 170* 6" blue quartz ey* granite with fair chalcopyrite.

    170* 7" END OF HOLE.

  • -3 -

    P.P. HOLE PS-14 (cent.)




    13* 9" 271 71141* 9"54* 9n67* O" 791 2n90* 10"

    105 ? 5"118* 10"132* 3"143* 8"157* 2"

    13* 9" 27* 7" 41' 9" 54* 9" *7* O"

    79* 2" 90* 10"

    105* 5n 118' 10" 132* 3" 143* 3" 157* 2" 170* 7"


    13*13* 14* 13'IP' 12*n*14* 13* 13*11'13* 13*


    7H5" 5" 5" 6"5"






























    P.P. HOLE PD-13

    LOCATION: Claim Pa. 37560 LATi 9148'fl PEP t 15?98'E 195* North and 965* Eaet of JJ~rost

    DIP- Collar -34O DF.rni! 1?2' AZIMUTH; 32S0

    STARTED; July 29, 196? Cini r.T^O; August 2, 196?

    LOGGED BT; S. J. Carryer


    O* 63* O" Quartz-Feldspar Forphyry - Hluo-r.r^y medium to fine grained porphyriticrock with phenocrysts of white feldspar. Some aones contain coarse gained phenocrynls of the feldspar. Foldspar comprises 60 - 75^ and quartz 10 - 15# of the rock generally with a fine grained ground mass, although 3 w-n- phases with a pr.inU.ic ground mass vera notad. Sulphides (:^)* generally pyrrhotite with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite, are present although not connistant. The rock ip waakly fractured and chloritic-pyritic Joints occur occasionally.

    O f to 9" - chloritic fine grained altered zone.7" to 9" - brecciated 1 2" - l" barren quartz vein at com ?.nfle JO' .12' 3" to 12* 5" - quartz vein with a discontinuous sulphide stringer at

    core angle 550 * Sulphides .ir? pyrrhotite, molybdenite and chalcopyrite13' 2" to 15' 3" - sericitized zone with 30 - 50^ feldspar and 10 - 25^

    quartz.16* S" - i" barren quartz voin at 500 .19* H" - l" quartz vein at 55O . 2r sulrhld-n at margins of vein (pyrrhotit-

    chalcopyrite and molybdenite).19* 6" - l" silicified, erroded shoar zrno.23* 6" to 23* 11" - lost core.27* V* to 27* 10" - low anglo chloritic .Joints.33* l" - quartz-pyrrhotite strinp^r at. coro anrle 60O .39* l" to 39' 3" - quartz veins v;]hh 10^ ml ph He s at coro angle 55O ,

    (chalcopyrite an'3 pyrrhotito)39* 3" to M)* 3" - l?*- awlphidos as pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.

    V to /tl* O" - karren cjviartz vein.6" to ^3' O" - n\mrt-7. vnininr ricrnr" crrn (90O ) with ninor pyrite and chalcopyrite.

    43* A" - l A" barren quartz vo.ln at cori nrifjp 70O .43* 7" - irregular pyrrhotite* 9" - irregular pyrrhotite stringer.44* 9" - 3/4" barren quartz vein.

    2" - l" barren quartz voin.4" - two i" rnmrtz veins at core angle 50O with minor sulphides(chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and molybdenite)

    47* 5" - l" quartz vein at core angle 40O with 15-" sulphides (pyrrhotiteand chalcopyrite)

    48* 5" - l" shear zono with 3f eulphidon (pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite) 48? 6rt - ^** quartz vein at core anpl? ^50 vrtth minor pyrrhotite, jnolybdrnite

    and chalcopyrite.

  • - 2 -

    P.P. HOLE BH-15 (cent.)


    63' O" 92* 6"

    92' 6" 107* 9n


    49* 3" - f" quartz vein at COM angle 600 with minor molybdenite.49* 5" - T" quartz vein with Z& sulphides (pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and

    molybdenite) 51* 2" - i" quar*.* vein at core angle 70O vdt.h i" sulphides (pyrrhotite,

    chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite) 51* 6" - 1/8" barren quartz vein at "or*- angle 130O . 52* l" - 1/8" quartz vein with Tt nul;htd"3 (pyrrhotite with minor

    chalcopyrite)57* 10" to 58' V - eericitized zone. 58* l" - l" brecciated zone at cor* angl.9 55C * 58* 4" to 58* 9" - zone containing r*1 0 pink feldspar. 60* l" - barren quartz stringer.62* 3" to 63* O" - dark grey brecciated containing pyrite cubes. 62* 4" - l" zone containing 30* sulphides (pyrrhotite, pyrite and


    Silicified Granite - a p,r*y medium grained granite with about l*sulphides disseminated throughout.. The sulphides consist predominantlyof pyrrhotite with chalcopyrite *nd miner pyrite. Narrow quarts veinsand stringers cut the rock at all anglos *\nd pervasive silicificationis also present.

    64* 4" - 1/4" chloritic shear at core argle 200 with 5? sulphides(pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite)

    66* 10" - 1/4" chloritic shear at cere *np3e ?0O and 5? sulphides as above. 68* 8" - ^" chloritic shear at /t 50 ?nd 5r sulphides as above. 70* 10" - l" qtip.rt.ji vein at core 75O with 1C# s\0.phides (pyrrhotite

    and chalcopyrite) 78* 8" - f" chloritic shear at A50 with parallel suJphido stringer

    containing pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. 82* 5" - *," chloritic she.-"- with 20X salphides (pyrrhotite with chalcopyrite

    and minor rolybdonite)82* 5" to 83* 6" - 5^ sulphides (pyrrhotite /md chalcopyrite) 82* 9" - sulphide stringer ^t core nnp]e 900 with chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite 83* 6" to 89* 6",,- 2* sulphides as above. 83* 11" to P4* 2 - chloritic shear wil,h minor pyrite in association with

    other sulphides as above.

    Sericitic Granite - \ p.rvy rock of cranU.ic composition but with thetexture obscured by sericite. W"nk pirvanive silicification isgenerally prenont. Pulphid-n are also present.

    92* 6" to 101' O" - 1^ nulphides predominantly pyrrhotite but vdthchalcopyrite and miror pjTHe.

    101* O" to 107* 9" - 55^ nulphide? as pyi'lte pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite

    98* 6" - chloritic shear at core an/tie 400 with a parallel pyrrhotitestringer.

    102* 3" to 102* 7" - 10* sulphides; pyrite, chalcopyrite p.r.-l pyrrhotite(3t2tl)

    106* 3" to 106* 5" - 15^ sulphides; pyrite cubes and chalcopyrite (3tl)with minor pyrrhotite.

  • - 3 -

    P.P. HOLE BB-15 (cent.)s.


    107* 9"

    109' 2"

    119* 2"

    140* 11*

    '.43* A"

    146* 2"

    152* 9"


    5682 5683 5684rt tt


    5687 5688 5689


    109* 21* Dark Schist - dark ^rsen fine grained weakly gneissic rock withschistosity at core angle 25^.

    108* 9" to 109* O1* - barren quarts vein.

    119* 2" Sertctic Granite - as 92' 6" to 10?' 9" with 2 to 5JS sulphides aa pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite (3tl:l).

    109* 4" to 109* 9" - 25# pyrita occurring an cubes with minor chalcopyrite and molybdenite.

    140* 11" Silicified Granite - ns 63' 0" to 92' 6" with 1 - 2# sulphides as pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite (3:1 l).

    129* 11" to 130' 5" - 20* pyrite cnli*s with 2* pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. 137 f 1" - 1" chloritic shear at core nn*.le 45O with 25# sulphiden; pyrito

    and pyrrhotite (l:l) and minor chalcopyrite. 140* 0" to 140* 4" - dark schint and with a barren quartz vein. At core

    angle 25O .

    143' 4" Dark Schist - ^ 3 07' 9" to 10?' y 1 wHh schistosity parallel to core.141* 0" to HI* 3" - barren quart?, vin. 142* 10" - 1" barren quartz voin.

    146' 2" Quartz - barron.

    152* 9" Dark Schist - as 107* 9" to 109' 2" with schistosity parallel to core.


    FOOTACK Cut MoS^

    63* 0" - 70' 0" 0.23 70* 0" - f*)' 0'' 0.17 ?0* 0" - 92* 0" 0.2? 92* 0" - 101* 0" 0.23

    101* 0" - ]07* 9" 0.53 0.004 109* 2" - 119* 0" 0.51 0.004 119' 0" - 130' 0" 0.23 0.003 T30' 0" - 140' 11" 0.34 0.003









    Claim Pa. 375^0 285* North and 905 ! East

    Conar -450

    August 3, 19&7

    S. J. Carryer







    D. D. HOLE BD^16

    L.VT: 9237Nof If 3 Post

    AZIHUTH: 32**-p

    soJI and bould^rr-

    Granite - b] no rrry

    PEP; 15942E

    DElTHt 15*

    COmiETJBD: Aupurt. 3, 396?


    r.rainpd granitic rock v/ith sulphides disseminated throughout. The rock is well fractured. The sulphido prnsonh in prrHrnJn.intly pyrrhotite but pyrite and chnlcopyrits arc common .iJon^ fracturon.

    3* O" to 3* 9" lost cere - imsftvo nulpliidss probably largely pyrite.9* l" to 10* 3" .1.0nt corp - probably larr.oly sulphidea.11* 7" to 32* 14" lont cors.14* 9" to 14* 11" lost core.





    2* - 15*






    LOGGED B?:



    3* 6"

    4* 3"

    5' 11"



    P.P. HOLE DB-17

    Clain Pa. 37559 LATi R954N 5* South and 211* East of Poet #4


    August 4, 1967

    L. B. Stainea


    31 6"

    4* 3"

    5* 11"


    DEPj 15234E

    DEPTHt 143' 3"

    COMn.ETF.l)! August 10, 1967

    Casing - sand and boulders

    Breccia? - badly ground, fractured and weathered.

    Lost core*

    21' 10"

    22* 9"

    27 f 4"

    13* 4n

    21' 10"

    22' 9"

    27' 4"

    92' 5"

    Silicified Granite - fine grained (locally) grey rock with occaaional narrow quartz stringer at varioup angles to core. 2# to Jf, sulphides mostly pyrite with minor chalcopyrite.

    Sericitic Granite - medium-dark jtrroy with sericite destroying granitic texture for the most part. Less than l ". rslrV,*-. n as above.

    Quarts Diorite - dark grey to black modi to fine grained rock with 5# to 6# eulphides mostly pyrito with minor chalcopyrite. Upper contact obacured by ground core. Lower contact at

    92' 5" 98' 5"

    98* 5" 148* 3"

    Dark Schist - with light irregular white feldspar banding schistosity generally at 400 .

    Breccia - a composition of various rock types occurring aa zenoliths with some sharp contacts and some gradational contacts. Zenoliths of granite, feldspar granite, silicified granite, granodiorite, diorite, quartz diorite, dark schist, chlorite schist and occasional irre^lar bleb of quartz were observed.The rock ie generally mineralized with ]ess than 1# sulphides consist ing chiefly of pyrite with some pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite. There are narrow zones with up to ]0/- rmlphides which would carry about itf cu but these arc few .iml far between.

    Dark Schist - similar to 22' 9" to 27' V. Schistosity is locally irregular and contorted but penerally at 250 to 300 .

    Breccia - similar to from 27' 4" to 92' 5".From 128* 5" to 129' an irregular quartz vein occurs with l?? chalcopyrite

    and fair

    148 1 3"


    5693 5694 5695



    3* 6"13* 4"

    138' 3"


    13' 4" 22 f 9"US' 3"


    9' 10" 9 1 5.1

    10' 0"





    DIP t







    P.P. HOLE BD-10

    Claim Pa. 37560 LAT; 9687JI 728* North and 208* East of Post #3.

    AZIMUTH: 1600

    DEFl 15228E

    DEPTH; 107* 10"

    August H, 1967

    16' 7"

    20' 10"


    August 11, 196? CCTTLETF.D:

    t L. B. Staines


    16* T1 Oranite - (blue quartz eye) - dirk blue-prey medium grained granitic rock with 25^ blue quartz eyes, less than 1^ pyrite. Well fractured and numerous leached zones.

    From 2* 6" to 2* 30" - lont core.From 4* 9" to 5* O" - lost core.From 9* 9" to 12' 6" - lost oore.From 13' 11" to l/* 1 7" - dar1 - jchint stringer irregular at 500 . Schistosity

    at A50 . Chloritic for 2" on each contact.

    20* 10" Dark Schist - schistosity at 450 . From 17' 4" to 20* 10" - lost' core.

    37* 7" Sericitic Granite - a light bluish prey rock with the granitic texture destroyed ir. part by tte alteration of t.ho feldspar to sericite. Less than l!* pyrite.

    From 28* 2" to 34* 2" - lost core. The sludge from this zone was very dark and there wan considerable sulphides in the cuttings (mostly pyrite), ^ns ^" piece of chloritic schist was recovered. Schistosity at 600 to core.

    37' 7" 47' l" Granite - well frnctured and minor pyrite. From 38' 11" to 42' 31" - lont core.

    47* l" 48* 2" Dark Schist - *chist.onity at ponoraJDy 500 . Contacts sharp at f*,0 .

    48* 2" 52' 6" Sericitic Granite.- similar to from 20' 10" to 37* 7".From 49* 7" to 51* O" i quartz f-Odspar injected zone at 45O to core.

    Minor pyrite.

    52' 6" 86' 4" Oranite - 3irht bluish grey to li^ht grey rock with fair fracturingand minor pyrite with occasions] sericitic rich zone nnd fine grained phase.

    From 56* 6" to 57' 3" - lost core.From 62' 9" to 63* 6" fine graino'l feldspar granite.At 65* 11" a 3/4" fault zone at 450 to core.

    86* 4" 87* 11" Park Schist - contacts and schistosity at 60O to core.

    87* 11" 107* 10" Granite - similar to above.From 101* R" to 102* 2W a qnartz-tourmnllno-ehlorito-feldspar stringer

    occurs at 450 to core.

    107* 10" END OF HOLE.

    (Ho samples were taken for assay)

  • Azimuth /28 0 3Q'.

    PA 37555 PA 37553

    Dip -*3 D.p -43Dtp 17153* E

    ^^*' r/

    X tl * ^5 V4 x r^^S:'r ~,| * *^~3bj!^

    O Outtrtl r.ldtpor POfp^'y. 6 F*K**pOf PorpAffy

    GfOoif*, o B/ut Ovorri Ey. Gron.f*

    , o Gronirr,


    W T S. REFERENCE 52 - G//4


    SECTCW OF QQ HOLES BB. f.2.3.485CLA/WS R4 37553. PA37555

    SCALE- f MCA* 20 F** r

  • AZIMUTH 1 50"

    Lot. 9,831 Dtp 17,448 E Dip -43 0

    DO H 6

    - o n


    -f o

    S.eor Zone 7 4

    Geological Contact OPsenrtiJ

    Geological Contact Assumed l


    Mossi'vf S ulphide Stringer l



    Dork Schis', u C hlorite S c'"5'

    Quart; Diorite, a Diorite

    a Quartz Feldspar Pnrpnyr), b FelOipcr Porphyr

    Silicified Granite, a Blue Cuartz Eye Granite

    Granite, o: Sericilized Grar.iie, b Grancdiorite

    Feldspar Granite



    UT S - C /14



    DAT C-

    70 fttt L B

  • i a r -nit) N ci i' i ? s p ' f

    B B




    ', o Cfi/ori'c

    f.'io'i'o o

    o C'uCK'/ rp/dspor Porphyry, 6 Feld'.p'ir

    G'ci'ite, o QiufQuam fiy?

    Geo/ogico* Conioc' Obse' vrdGeo'ogicol Contact Asiumfd


    ^OSSive S ulphide S'nngfr




    0471 Jul, . 196'

    J '"f* r ?0 ff (l L B S ra.'

  • AZIMUTH M 5"

    L 4 r 979ON Df P I/.1H f DIP -45"

    y* 88 8


    Dork Schist, a Chlorite Schist

    Quart! Diorite a Diorite

    a:Quartz Feldspar Porphyry, b Feldfoor Porphyry

    Silicified G ranite, a Blue Ouort2 Eye Granite

    Gronitt ,a: Se'iC'tiied Granite,!}: Granodiorite

    .' -

    Feldspar Grant 11


    . T S R triRtNCl 3 2 -


    SECTION OF aa HOLE B.B. 8CLAIM P437555

    L 9

  • ' t *s~

    nV\ X krL\ ;*- ^


    Dork Schitt. a CMorit* Setitr

    wuertz Oiori'*, o~ ** l

    L Ha^^ib ^V"^B o: OuOrTt Ftldtpor Porph;ry,6 f f fdtpor

    /ictfittf Gromrt.o. 9iu* Quarts Eye

    ROCK /RON M/NES LTD.Gronifi.o S*ric(fi7*iGrooif*.to


    CLAIM PA 37555

  • "•i''

    ,to 3c 12 ^- j.*t -, ;f r .ifrvr V1" 5*^ r..r ;.B AT I*PC " *

    OEP'S!--?E B B 13 Di" -*5C .

    \ yr; U?i/- W"r ^ J v '' " * ' i (J WlJUr';ff ^vr"'*"

    COO'11 Dtontt.o Diorife

    J SuOff/ P*(OfPOr Porphyry, t *"c.CJeCr

    ififd Gconif*, o 3/je O w S r'/

    ro^ift, o Strici'tttii Granite, b ro.ont

    ' 'onift



    V.T.S PE^EWf JVCE Si - fi/14


    SECTION OF D.D. HOLES B.8. J2 J38 /4CLA/M m 37560

  • AZIMUTH 328"

    VS* l

    LAT 9237N DIP. 1 5942 E DIP -43"


    LAr 9H8W DCPIS99HC OiP - 14"

    D.D.H i5



    l" ^ ^4C "

    '/' ^v^'^^ ^ ? J ^:: :v'^

    i V,'*^ . . . V-R. \ot^.- l, '3* -*b'"- ?^.Vo





    Dark Schist, o Chlorite Schist

    QuartzDiorite,a Diorite

    a Quartz Feldspar Porphyry, b: Feldspar Porphyry

    Silicified Granite, o Blue Quart! Eye G ranite

    Granite ,a Sericitized Gr .ntte, b-Granodionte

    Feldspar Granite


    L C

    LEGEND5 Sheor Zone

    -"* Geofogico/Ccnfoc/ Ofcsarved

    ^** G*o(ogicol Contact Assumed

    -an Quartz

    ~ s Mossive Sulphide Stringer

    - r" Fault

    Lost Cere

    N.rS Rf'ERENCE 32-S/I4

    ? Overburden



    OX T f A uqutt . 1 967SCALE" lire* ' J, J. CAtffrf • l *fOLOtlsr

  • AZIMUTH 3 4C 0

    B95JN OfPl5?3Jf Si" 4 7 340" B f


    Dark Schist t o Chlorite S chist

    Quartz Diorite,a Diorite

    o Quar't feldspar Porphyry, b Feldspar Porphyry

    Silicified Granite, o Slue Q uartz Eye Granite

    Granite, a, Stn citized Granite, b Granodiorite

    Ftldtpor Grant 19




    Gfolog'col Contact

    Geological Contact Asfjn

    ' Sulphidt Stringf

    i C 1.os* Corf

    N r G /14




    DATE a.'jui' . )'J5 ?

    line' - ?n f f L a

  • \ V.LAT 9 68 1 H CEP. 1 5224* E

    DP -45" W. 160"

    88 18

    Sheor Zone



    L C

    3 IHti'v'5- Ouorf/ Dionfe, o. D'onfe S luBft M'^-J i


    VGeological Contact Observed f.

    Geological Contact A ssumed ^


    Moss've Sulphide Stringer


    Lost Corf


    Dork Schist, o Ch/or fe Sch.'

    o Ouorl; Feldspar y, b feldspar Porphyry

    Silicified Gronife. o Slue Ouorf; Eje Gronife

    6'0'iife, o S enciiiied G ronife, b Gro'iodionfe

    Feldspar (jrc. life


    MTS H lftKEUCE H- C /l J

    Over Our



