Page 1: · Beth Van Duyne Republican Candidate in Texas’ 24th Congressional District Research Book – 2020 Last Updated May 2020

Beth Van Duyne

Republican Candidate in Texas’ 24th Congressional District

Research Book – 2020 Last Updated May 2020

Prepared by the DCCC Research Department

Beth Van Duyne (TX-24) Research Report The following report contains research on Beth Van Duyne, a Republican candidate in Texas’

24th district. Research for this research book was conducted by the DCCC’s Research Department between December 2019 and May 2020. By accepting this report, you are

accepting responsibility for all information and analysis included. Therefore, it is your responsibility to verify all claims against the original documentation before you make use of it. Make sure you understand the facts behind our conclusions before making any specific

charges against anyone.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ....................................................................................... 1

Key Findings .............................................................................................. 3

Thematics .................................................................................................. 7

Van Duyne Put The Wealthy And Corporations Ahead Of Texans In Need

................................................................................................................... 8

Van Duyne Routinely Attacked Community Members And The Press ... 24

Van Duyne Went From A Reluctant Trump Supporter To A Wannabe Fox

News Star ................................................................................................. 30

Van Duyne Gained Notoriety For Her Anti-Muslim Rhetoric ................. 44

Van Duyne Hindered Local Development While Mayor ......................... 65

Key Visuals.............................................................................................. 80

Personal & Professional History .............................................................. 84

Biography ................................................................................................ 85

Personal Finance ...................................................................................... 91

Political Career ........................................................................................ 92

Housing And Urban Development ......................................................... 116

Ethics ..................................................................................................... 129

Relationships ......................................................................................... 135

Donald Trump ........................................................................................ 143

Issues ..................................................................................................... 151

Abortion & Women’s Health Issues ...................................................... 152

Crime & Public Safety Issues ................................................................ 155

Education Issues .................................................................................... 158

Election Law & Campaign Finance Issues............................................. 160

Energy Issues ......................................................................................... 163

Environmental Issues ............................................................................. 167

Equal Rights & Workplace Fairness ...................................................... 170

FEMA & Disaster Relief Issues ............................................................. 176

Foreign Policy Issues ............................................................................. 178

Gun Issues ............................................................................................. 185

Health Care Issues ................................................................................. 192

Housing Issues ....................................................................................... 202

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Infrastructure & Transportation Issues ................................................... 206

Immigration & Border Issues ................................................................. 210

Labor & Working Families .................................................................... 222

Local Issues ........................................................................................... 224

Tax Issues .............................................................................................. 228

Trade & Outsourcing Issues ................................................................... 232

Veterans & Military Family Issues ........................................................ 233

Appendix I – Personal Financial Disclosures ......................................... 234

Appendix II – Campaign Finance .......................................................... 236

Appendix III – Vote Statistics ................................................................ 238

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Key Findings

Van Duyne Put The Wealthy And Corporations Ahead Of Texans In Need

Van Duyne celebrated the GOP tax cuts that helped the wealthy and corporations… Van Duyne celebrated

Trump’s tax bill, claiming it was “putting dollars back into the pockets of the middle class.” In actuality, the 2017

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included a “significant tax break for the very wealthy” and “a massive tax cuts for

corporation” – all while raising taxes for the middle class. Separately, Van Duyne also supported a slate of tax

policies that would primarily help the wealthiest Texans, like ending personal income tax and the estate tax,

slashing corporate tax rates, and opposing any and all efforts to increase “the marginal income tax rates for

individuals and/or businesses.”

…While fighting against health care reforms. The tax cut was a loser for health care, as Republicans

recommended paying for an increase in federal debt caused by the bill with cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

Additionally, the tax bill would lead to more expensive health insurance and 13 million more uninsured Americans.

Van Duyne expressed opposition toward the Affordable Care Act – saying it was “based on lies,” funded

dishonestly, and has done profound damage to American health care – and celebrated Trump’s executive orders to

scale back the ACA. Van Duyne supported Association Health Plans – plans which have a “long, well-documented

history of fraud and abuse” leaving “hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid medical bills” – and have allowed

discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions. As mayor, Van Duyne saved the City of Irving $1.5

million annually by cutting health care for city workers.

…While supporting anti-immigration programs despite findings of racial profiling and proven harm to

public safety. In 2006, the Irving Police Department Partnered with ICE on the agency’s “criminal alien

program” (CAP). In 2007, as mayor, Van Duyne bragged about the program, noting that – under the program – if

someone is arrested and cannot provide “documentation that they are a U.S. citizen,” the police contact ICE. In

2009, a Berkeley School of Law report found “that police in Irving, Texas, arrested Hispanics in far greater

number for petty offenses as part of a federal criminal alien program” and showed data indicating arrests of

Hispanics for traffic violations substantially increased “relative to whites.” In 2016, Van Duyne bragged that

Irving police were “the first ones in the country” to participate in CAP and lamented that President Obama cut

resources for the program. In 2019 and 2020, Van Duyne credited bringing ICE into her town with lowering crime

rates and claimed that deporting “criminal illegal aliens” led to lower crime rates in Irving. Van Duyne supported

Irving joining an ICE program that trained police officers to question people about their immigration status, which

studies found harmed public safety by discouraging immigrants from reporting crimes or interacting with police.

After disagreements with her colleagues and the Irving Chief of Police on the program, Van Duyne said it was their

responsibility “to do what we can to protect our own,” while later claiming the program was not about race or


…And while fighting against resources for those in need. In 2014, Van Duyne criticized the decision to use

HUD funds to build a homeless shelter for teenage boys in Irving, saying the boys “should be at the prime of their

health and able to work.” Van Duyne added, “The city and the federal government should not be paying to provide

apartments for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age.” Van Duyne also criticized

cities for taking federal grants.

Van Duyne Routinely Attacked Other Community Members And The Press

A community activist sued Van Duyne for defamation after she called him a “whore.” Irving community

activist Anthony Bond sued Van Duyne for defamation after she called him a ‘whore’ to the Dallas Morning News.

Van Duyne’s comments stemmed from an affidavit from an unrelated lawsuit in which bond claimed city manager

Tommy Gonzalez would often get him tickets to event. Bond did not sue for monetary damages but wanted Van

Duyne to stop making defamatory comments. Van Duyne said she would have her personal attorney defend her.”

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Van Duyne argued the media attention focused on a lawsuit filed against her by a neighbor for unpaid work

was politically motivated. Van Duyne was sued by neighbor and interior designer Karen Thurston for $1,662 for

unpaid work. Van Duyne claimed the media attention the dispute got was politically motivated.

Van Duyne denied accounts she yelled at City Hall staffers. In an interview, a journalist claimed to have heard

several accounts of Van Duyne raising her voice or yelling at staffers in front of colleagues at City Hall. Van

Duyne responded by saying, “I feel I have conducted myself in a civil and professional manner as would be

expected of all city officials.” She also pointed to her approval of increased city salaries and said she was “proud

of and find great value in the work of our city staff.”

Van Duyne accused a county judge of lying about her heckling him. On social media, Van Duyne accused

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins of lying about her heckling him at an event. She proceeded to attack the judge’s

views on immigration, saying “even though we share different views – especially about his sanctuary county

policies, where a single illegal immigrant that he release went on to murder a dozen or more elderly women in

Dallas County – people expect more from their elected officials, starting with basic honesty.”

A local journalist accused Van Duyne of spreading lies about him and “abusing” him in her speeches on a

Tea Party speaking tour. Steve Blow, a journalist with the Dallas Morning News, accused Van Duyne of

spreading lies about him and “abusing” him in her Tea Party speeches. Following an article Blow wrote

bemoaning an anti-Shariah vote taken by Irving’s City Council, Van Duyne called him, and during the call, she

explained she initiated the anti-Shariah vote because two local family lawyers told her that Shariah had already

interfered with their cases. Blow asked Van Duyne to have the lawyers give him a call but never heard back. Van

Duyne later admonished Blow during her Tea Party speaking tour as a member of the “bad old news media” and

claimed the layers did call him but he “never bothered to return their calls.” Blow claimed he asked for the names

of the lawyers, to which she replied, “I disagree with your recollection.” Van Duyne later claimed Blow of going

“ballistic” during phone conversations with her and added she “could have used other descriptions such as

profoundly insulting and demeaning.”

Van Duyne implied she believed in the Deep State and warned of media brainwashing and Socialism. Van

Duyne implied she believed in the “Deep State,” saying “there are deep state bureaucrats who deny the will of the

American people and have undermined President Trump’s Administration.” Van Duyne lamented the lack of “fair

and balanced media coverage” and the need to “tiptoe around” political correctness. Van Duyne posted an article

accusing the media of brainwashing the public to her campaign Facebook page in 2015. Van Duyne later accused

the Dallas Morning News of calling her a “far-right Tea Party lady” because it fit a narrative they wanted.

Van Duyne Went From A Reluctant Trump Supporter To A Wannabe Fox News Star

In 2016, Van Duyne heavily criticized Trump but said she would still vote for him. Van Duyne referred to

trump as an “egotistical vulgarian.” Van Duyne said she had many “face-to-palm moments” over things Trump

said and facts he had “butchered.” Van Duyne said that Trump wasn’t the best republicans had to offer, but that

she would vote for him anyway. Van Duyne claimed the 2016 election wasn’t about picking the best candidate but

was about “choosing the one who will do the least damage.” Van Duyne said she was “comparing Trump to

Clinton, not to god.” Van Duyne called Trump’s blunders on the 2016 campaign trail “deeply insulting.”

Van Duyne was vocally opposed to Trump’s impeachment. Van Duyne criticized efforts to impeach President

Trump, saying “you’re seeing a lot of people waste time and money and energy on trying to reverse the 2016

Presidency.” Van Duyne frequently posted on social media expressing her opposition to impeachment – blaming

Speaker Pelosi, claiming opposition to the “sham” impeachment was bipartisan, and criticizing “extremists” for

encumbering Congress from solving “issues that matter to Americans.” Van Duyne claimed, “the Left has been

trying to [impeach Trump] ever since he was elected” and blamed Democrats for “forcing us further apart.”

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Van Duyne participated in an all-white “Conservative Squad,” a joint fundraising committee, appearing on

Fox News to promote their efforts. Van Duyne was part of a “Conservative Squad,” a joint fundraising

committee, along with other GOP women challengers. Van Duyne touted her appearance on Fox & Friends

leading up to the Conservative Squad interview. She later said she was “excited to have the opportunity to speak on

Fox News.” Van Duyne criticized the “crazy Socialist Squad” as being interested solely in pushing a “Socialist

agenda, an anti-America agenda.”

Van Duyne schmoozed with conservative activists known for spreading conspiracy theories. Van Duyne

posted a photo with Charlie Kirk. Van Duyne posted a photo with Candace Owens. Van Duyne attended the

wedding of conservative radio host Jacki Pick and conservative activist Doug Deason. Van Duyne attended the

black history month celebration at the White House. Van Duyne posed for a photo with Diamond and Silk. Van

Duyne posed for a photo with Kellyanne Conway. Van Duyne attended and event and posed for a photo with Judge

Jeanine Pirro. Van Duyne posed for a photo with conservative commentator and radio host Dana Loesch at the

NRA convention in Dallas.

Van Duyne Gained Notoriety For Her Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Van Duyne was well known for her anti-Muslim rhetoric. The Dallas Morning News wrote Van Duyne “became

a local and national lightning rod often for her outspoken positions on Muslim-related issues”

Van Duyne claimed that a sharia court came to Irving, and asked the Irving City Council to vote to on a bill

that forbade judges from being influence by “foreign laws.” In a Facebook post, Van Duyne accused Irving’s

Muslim community of having a separate “sharia law court.” Van Duyne then asked the Irving City Council to vote

to on a bill that forbade judges from being influence by “foreign laws.” Van Duyne raised money off the backlash,

shared false Facebook posts that she was being asked to “surrender” by Muslims, and went on an anti-Muslim

speaking tour. Because of Van Duyne’s actions, many considered Irving to be a global symbol of Islamophobia.

The Bureau of American Islamic Relations, a hate group, was bolstered by Van Duyne’s anti-Muslim bill. For

years after the offering the resolution, Van Duyne continued to defend the law and spend misinformation about

Islam. As recently as 2019, asked about her stance on the sharia law case, Van Duyne said that her stance was “a

support of women’s rights”

Van Duyne gained national notoriety her botching of the Ahmed Mohamed, “clock boy,” incident. In

September 2015, Van Duyne defended law enforcement’s decision to arrest 14-year old Ahmed Mohamed. The

Mohamed family sued Van Duyne, along with Glenn Beck and Fox News, for $100,000; Van Duyne reached an

agreement with the plaintiffs to dismiss the case. Van Duyne was criticized by local officials and organizations, but

Van Duyne blamed the media for the criticism, continued to defend herself months after the incident, and said it

was difficult for her and her family.

Van Duyne Hindered Local Development While Mayor

Under Van Duyne’s watch, the City of Irving lost the Dallas Cowboys. Van Duyne voted against a study on the

economic impact of Texas stadium and the benefits of a new Texas stadium in Irving. Van Duyne called the loss of

the Cowboys stadium in 2005 a “tremendous opportunity.” The loss of the Cowboys headquarters and practice

field cost Irving several hundreds of thousands of dollars in business taxes and a several dozen jobs. Van Duyne

had a tense relationship with the Dallas Cowboys before becoming mayor. Van Duyne said she had made it clear

she wanted the cowboys to stay in Irving but couldn’t give them the land they needed because the city council had

already chosen a developer for the land she had in mind.

Van Duyne had a public standoff with a developer over a multi-million dollar development project, costing

the city time and money. Van Duyne campaigned on auditing and stopping the construction of the Las Colinas

entertainment center. Former mayor Gears had accepted more than $500,000 in donations from Las Colinas’

developer. The head of Las Colinas accused Van Duyne of trying to sabotage the project. Las Colinas provided a

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report to the Dallas Morning News that supported that they spent their own money. Las Colinas ended up suing

Irving for $139 million.

Van Duyne blamed developers and previous administrations for the failures of other projects while she was

mayor. During an interview, Van Duyne was asked if she felt responsible for the failure of the Irving Convention

Center deal – to which she responded by placing blame on shady developers. Van Duyne was also asked about

opposing and attempting to obstruct the Music Factory project in Irving. She said she opposed the project because

she believed the city would not receive any sales or property tax revenue from the development. When asked about

the lack of progress on development at Water Street and North Shore, Van Duyne placed blame on past

administrations. When asked what she regretted doing while in office, Van Duyne also placed blame on past

administrations, saying “I wish we could have been more successful at stopping past administrations from getting

the city engaged in wasteful and fraudulent development deals that cost our city tens of millions of dollars.”

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Van Duyne Put The Wealthy And Corporations Ahead Of Texans

In Need

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne celebrated tax cuts that would help the wealthy and corporations…

✓ Van Duyne supported the 2017 Republican tax bill, and claimed it helped the middle class, when

it primarily benefitted the wealthy and corporations

✓ Van Duyne supported tax policies that would overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Texans,

including a ballot initiative to end personal income tax in Texas, slashing corporate tax rates,

and ending the estate tax

✓ …while fighting against health care reforms

✓ Van Duyne expressed opposition to the Affordable Care Act, saying the bill was enacted based

on lies, funded via misappropriations, and damaging the health care of Americans.

✓ Van Duyne supported association health care plans – which have provided coverage with a long

history of fraud, abuse and discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions

✓ Van Duyne celebrated Trump’s executive orders to scale back the Affordable Care Act

✓ Van Duyne saved Irving $1.5 million annually by cutting health care for city workers

✓ …supporting anti-immigration programs despite findings of racial profiling and harm to public safety

✓ Van Duyne repeatedly bragged about Irving’s “Criminal Alien Program” that referred anyone

arrested who could not provide documentation of citizenship to ICE, even years after a Berkeley

School of Law Report found the program encouraged racial profiling

✓ In 2007, Van Duyne called Irving’s CAP Program “fantastic”

✓ In 2009, a Berkeley School Of Law report found “that police in Irving, Texas arrested

Hispanics in far greater numbers for petty offenses” due to CAP

✓ In 2016, Van Duyne bragged that Irving was “the first ones in the county” to participate

in CAP and lamented that President Obama cut resources for the program

✓ In 2019 and 2020, Van Duyne claimed the program had lowered crime rates in Irving,

and bragged that they city had deported “thousands of criminals”

✓ Van Duyne supported Irving joining an ICE’s 287g program to train police officers to question

people about their immigration status; studies found the program harmed public safety

✓ …and fighting against resources for those in need.

✓ In 2014, Van Duyne was against building a homeless shelter, claiming the inhabitants did not

deserve it

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Van Duyne Celebrated Tax Cuts That Would Help The Wealthy And Corporations…

Van Duyne Supported The 2017 Republican Tax Bill That Benefitted The Wealthy And


Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Success On Tax Reform

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Tax Reform, Claiming It Was “Putting Dollars Back Into The Pockets Of

The Middle Class.” “Absolutely, we have seen it work at a government level and we can do it again. You think

about the things that Trump has been able to accomplish, not only and to me all of his conservative federal court

appointments, but also things like trade agreements. Taking it on, looking at our tax reforms, these are things that

are putting dollars back into the pockets of the middle class, basically every class, but also focusing on jobs

Realizing that it’s not public sector, it’s not government, citizen, taxpayer dollars that’s going to solve everything

it’s getting the private sector dollars to get to be able to work to advance families and communities all across the

country.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Benefitted The Wealthy, Corporations, And Special Interests…

Washington Post: Final Tax Bill Included A “Significant Tax Break For The Very Wealthy” And “A

Massive Tax Cut For Corporations.” “A new tax cut for the rich: The final plan lowers the top tax rate for top

earners. Under current law, the highest rate is 39.6 percent for married couples earning over $470,700. The GOP

bill would drop that to 37 percent and raise the threshold at which that top rate kicks in, to $500,000 for individuals

and $600,000 for married couples. This amounts to a significant tax break for the very wealthy, a departure from

repeated claims by Trump and his top officials that the bill would not benefit the rich. […] A massive tax cut for

corporations “A massive tax cut for corporations: Starting on Jan. 1, 2018, big businesses’ tax rate would fall from

35 percent to just 21 percent, the largest one-time rate cut in U.S. history for the nation’s largest companies.”

[Washington Post, 12/15/17]

…While Millions Of Americans Would Pay More In Taxes

Politifact: GOP Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes For The Middle Class After Individual Tax Cut Provisions

Expired In 2025. “Gillibrand said the Republican ‘tax [plan] raises middle-class taxes.’ That’s not true during the

first years of the new tax provisions. If not for the sunset for the tax changes for individuals, we likely would have

rated Gillibrand’s statement False or perhaps Mostly False. Middle-income taxpayers will either benefit or see no

change in their tax liability through 2025. But her claim could hold up after the bill’s individual provisions expire

that year. There’s no guarantee a future Congress will extend those parts of the bill.” [Politifact, 12/22/17]

Tax Policy Center: In 2018, 5 Percent Of Taxpayers Would Pay More In Taxes Under The GOP Tax

Bill, But Would Increase To 53 Percent Of Taxpayers In 2027. “Some taxpayers would pay more in taxes

under the proposal in 2018 and 2025 than under current law: about 5 percent of taxpayers in 2018 and 9 percent

in 2025. In 2027, however, taxes would increase for 53 percent of taxpayers compared with current law.” [Tax

Policy Center, 12/18/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased The Federal Debt – And Republicans Planned To Pay For It With Cuts To

Medicare And Social Security

Official CBO Estimate Found Final Tax Bill Would Increase The Federal Deficit By $1.9 Trillion. “The

GOP’s signature tax law is projected to increase the national debt by $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028,

according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). According to the report, the tax law would

cost the government $2.3 trillion in revenues, but economic growth would offset that figure by about $461 billion.”

[The Hill, 4/9/18]

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After Passing A Tax Bill That Added Trillions To The Deficit, Speaker Ryan Said Medicare And Medicaid

Would Need To Be “Reformed” In Order To Decrease The Deficit. “With his dream of tax reform now

realized, Ryan is hoping to make progress on two other issues he’s targeted during his two-decade career in

Washington: entitlement and welfare reform. ‘We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform,

which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,’ Ryan, a former Budget Committee chairman, said in a recent

interview this month on the Ross Kaminsky radio talk show. Medicare and Medicaid are the ‘big drivers of debt,’

Ryan said, suggesting Republicans could once again use the budget reconciliation process to avoid a Democratic

filibuster. Medicare is the ‘biggest entitlement that’s got to have reform,’ Ryan added.” [The Hill, 12/27/17]

HEADLINE: After Tax Overhaul, GOP Sets Sights on Medicare, Social Security [US News, 12/7/17]

HEADLINE: Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid spending in 2018

[Washington Post, 12/6/17]

HEADLINE: Paul Ryan Pushes to Keep Overhaul of Safety-Net Programs on GOP Agenda [Wall Street

Journal, 2/4/18]

AP: “A Wide Range Of Economists And Nonpartisan Analysts Have Warned That The Bill Will Likely

Escalate Federal Debt, Intensify Pressure To Cut Spending On Social Programs And Further Widen

America’s Troubling Income Inequality.” “The tax overhaul of 2017 amounts to a high-stakes gamble by

Republicans in Congress: That slashing taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals will accelerate growth and

assure greater prosperity for Americans for years to come. The risks are considerable. A wide range of economists

and nonpartisan analysts have warned that the bill will likely escalate federal debt, intensify pressure to cut

spending on social programs and further widen America’s troubling income inequality.” [Associated Press,


Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Increase Incentives To Move Jobs Overseas

Tax Experts Said The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased Incentives For Companies To Move Jobs Overseas.

“What happened to the workers in Clinton, tax experts say, will probably happen to more Americans if the

Republican tax overhaul becomes law. The legislation fails to eliminate long-standing incentives for companies to

move overseas and, in some cases, may even increase them, they say. ‘This bill is potentially more dangerous than

our current system,’ said Stephen Shay, a senior lecturer at Harvard Law School and former Treasury Department

international tax expert in the Obama administration. ‘It creates a real incentive to shift real activity offshore.’”

[Washington Post, 12/15/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Lead To More Expensive Health Insurance; 13 Million More Uninsured

Final Tax Bill Eliminated Central Affordable Care Act Provision, Leading To 13 Million Fewer Americans

With Insurance. “The individual mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act, and removing it was a top priority for

Trump and congressional Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office projects the change will increase

insurance premiums and lead to 13 million fewer Americans with insurance in a decade, while also cutting

government spending by more than $300 billion over that period.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

GOP Tax Bill Would Cause Health Insurance Premiums To Rise, And Could Lead Insurers To Drop Out Of

Regional Markets. “The final GOP plan will repeal the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance mandate,

which would allow young and healthy people to leave the insurance pool, forcing insurers to compensate by raising

prices due to the higher costs of insuring only less-healthy people. Not only would premiums likely rise, but many

insurers could drop out of regional markets.” [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

HEADLINE: Republican Tax Plan Will Make Health Insurance More Expensive [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

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Van Duyne Supported A Slate Of Tax Policies That Would Primarily Help The Wealthiest Texans

Van Duyne Supported A Ballot Initiative To End Personal Income Tax In Texas

Van Duyne Supported A Ballot Initiative To End Personal Income Tax In Texas. “NO Personal Income Tax in

Texas: Vote FOR Proposition 4 to prevent a personal income tax in Texas! The last day to Early Vote is this Friday.

There are other Constitutional Amendments for your consideration (

election/), make sure to read up and cast an informed vote.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 10/30/19]

Van Duyne Advocated For Slashing Corporate Tax Rates

Van Duyne Advocated For Slashing Corporate Tax Rates. “Conversely, Trump’s policies on the economy,

taxes and national security are more in line with traditional Republican values. Compared with Clinton’s $1.4

trillion in tax hikes, Trump’s commitment to proven pro-growth economic policies is a no-brainer for anyone who

wants more jobs, higher wages and the type of GDP growth our nation desperately needs. Trump’s tax plan, which

he has pledged to move in the first 100 days of his presidency, slashes tax brackets and corporate tax rates, ends the

death tax and, perhaps most important, creates a consumer-friendly IRS. Trump’s commitment to fully secure the

border, to deport criminal illegal aliens and to provide local law enforcement the tools they need to keep our

communities safe are significant issues.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Advocated For Ending The Estate Tax

Van Duyne Advocated For Ending The Estate Tax. “Conversely, Trump’s policies on the economy, taxes and

national security are more in line with traditional Republican values. Compared with Clinton’s $1.4 trillion in tax

hikes, Trump’s commitment to proven pro-growth economic policies is a no-brainer for anyone who wants more

jobs, higher wages and the type of GDP growth our nation desperately needs. Trump’s tax plan, which he has

pledged to move in the first 100 days of his presidency, slashes tax brackets and corporate tax rates, ends the death

tax and, perhaps most important, creates a consumer-friendly IRS. Trump’s commitment to fully secure the border,

to deport criminal illegal aliens and to provide local law enforcement the tools they need to keep our communities

safe are significant issues.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Signed The Taxpayer Protection Pledge, Opposing Any And All Efforts To Increase “The

Marginal Income Tax Rates For Individuals And/Or Businesses”

Van Duyne Signed The Taxpayer Protection Pledge, Opposing Any And All Efforts To Increase “The

Marginal Income Tax Rates For Individuals And/Or Businesses.” “Last night, in front of a full house of

students, precinct chairs and interested citizens, I signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. @GroverNorquist and

@tgiovanetti were there to sign as witnesses. Government takes enough of our hard earned money. Enough is

enough.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/15/19]

Van Duyne Said That Middle Class Income Grew $4,144 In Only 2.5 Years, Versus Only Growing $1,043 In

7.5 Years. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/8/19]

…While Fighting Against Health Care Reforms

Van Duyne Expressed Opposition Toward The Affordable Care Act, Saying The Bill Was Enacted

Based On Lies, Funded Via Misappropriations, And Damaging The Health Care Of Americans

Van Duyne Expressed Opposition Toward The Affordable Care Act, Saying The Bill “Was Enacted Based

On Lies, Kept Afloat Through Misappropriation Of Funds, And Has Done Profound Damage To The Health

Care Of Americans.” Q: “A U.S. appeals court recently ruled the “individual mandate” of the Affordable Care Act

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is unconstitutional, but said other aspects of the law require further review. What changes, if any, would you make

to this law?” A: “The ‘Affordable Care Act,’ more commonly known as Obamacare, was enacted based on lies,

kept afloat through misappropriation of funds, and has done profound damage to the healthcare of Americans. We

need to get rid of the regulations that are strangling doctor/patient relationships. Regulations are also preventing

lower cost health care options with more comprehensive coverage from being offered to the American people. It is

well passed time Congress allowed for Associated Health Care plans where individuals and small businesses can

band together in order to have the same purchasing power as corporations and labor unions to select plans that best

fit their individual needs. Additionally, we need to expand the use of health savings accounts, allow people to

purchase insurance across state lines, and make healthcare plans portable so they follow the individual. The

American people deserve more options, more freedom, and more choice in how they use their precious dollars to

pay for their healthcare needs.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

After Criticizing The Affordable Care Act, Van Duyne Said “We Need To Get Rid Of The Regulations That

Are Strangling Doctor/Patient Relationships.” “The ‘Affordable Care Act,’ more commonly known as

Obamacare, was enacted based on lies, kept afloat through misappropriation of funds, and has done profound

damage to the healthcare of Americans. We need to get rid of the regulations that are strangling doctor/patient

relationships. Regulations are also preventing lower cost health care options with more comprehensive coverage

from being offered to the American people.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Argued That These Regulations Were “Preventing Lower Cost Health Care Options With

More Comprehensive Coverage From Being Offered To The American People.” “The ‘Affordable Care

Act,’ more commonly known as Obamacare, was enacted based on lies, kept afloat through misappropriation

of funds, and has done profound damage to the healthcare of Americans. We need to get rid of the regulations

that are strangling doctor/patient relationships. Regulations are also preventing lower cost health care options

with more comprehensive coverage from being offered to the American people.” [Dallas Morning News –

Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Supported Association Health Care Plans – Which Have Provided Coverage With A

Long History Of Fraud, Abuse And Discrimination Against Those With Pre-Existing Conditions

Van Duyne Said It Was “Well Passed Time Congress Allowed For” Association Health Plans

Van Duyne: “It Is Well Passed Time Congress Allowed For Associated Health Care Plans.” “It is well passed

time Congress allowed for Associated Health Care plans where individuals and small businesses can band together

in order to have the same purchasing power as corporations and labor unions to select plans that best fit their

individual needs.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

DOL: Associated Health Plans Worked By “Allowing Small Businesses, Including Self-Employed

Workers, To band Together By Geography Or Industry To Obtain Healthcare Coverage As If They

Were A Single Large Employer.” “Association Health Plans work by allowing small businesses, including

self-employed workers, to band together by geography or industry to obtain healthcare coverage as if they

were a single large employer.” [U.S. Department of Labor – About Association Health Plans, accessed


DOL: Associated Health Plans Will “Be Able To Strengthen Negotiating Power With Providers From

Largers Risk Pools And Greater Economies Of Scale.” “Association Health Plans will also be able to

strengthen negotiating power with providers from larger risk pools and greater economies of scale.” [U.S.

Department of Labor – About Association Health Plans, accessed 5/13/20]

AHPs Have A Long History Of Fraud And Abuse That Have Allowed Discrimination Against Those With

Pre-Existing Conditions…

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Protect Our Care: AHPs Have A “Long, Well-Documented History Of Fraud And Abuse.” “The fact of the

matter is simple: association health plans (AHPs) are not required to cover the essential health benefits put in place

by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health status, and gender.

This means that while AHPs are required to cover people with pre-existing conditions, they can refuse to cover any

treatment associated with a pre-existing condition. Because these plans lack consumer protections, plans that do

cover essential health benefits could scale back coverage at some point, and consumers wouldn’t know until it was

too late. Fundamentally, association health plans open the door to coverage that is not comprehensive and have a

long, well-documented history of fraud and abuse.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

Association Health Plans (AHPs) Were Not Required To Cover The Essential Health Benefits Put In

Place By The ACA And Allowed Discrimination Based On Age, Health Status And Gender. “The fact of

the matter is simple: association health plans (AHPs) are not required to cover the essential health benefits put

in place by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health status,

and gender.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

While AHPs Were Required To Cover Pre-Existing Conditions, They Could Refuse To Cover

Treatment Associated With A Pre-Existing Condition. “This means that while AHPs are required to cover

people with pre-existing conditions, they can refuse to cover any treatment associated with a pre-existing

condition.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

AHPs Lack Consumer Protections, Allowing Them To Scale Back Coverage Without Consumers

Knowing. “Because these plans lack consumer protections, plans that do cover essential health benefits could

scale back coverage at some point, and consumers wouldn’t know until it was too late.” [Protect Our Care,


New York Times: History Shows The Risks Of An Expansion Of AHPs – If The Plan Becomes Insolvent, The

Impact On Consumers “Can Be Devastating.” “But history shows the risks of an expansion of association health

plans. If a plan becomes insolvent, the impact on consumers can be devastating.” [New York Times, 10/21/17]

…And Have Left Employers And Employees With “Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Unpaid Medical


New York Times: Association Health Plans “Have A Long History Of Fraud And Abuse That Have Left

Employers And Employees With Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Unpaid Medical Bills.” “But these

health plans, created for small businesses, have a darker side: They have a long history of fraud and abuse that have

left employers and employees with hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid medical bills. The problems are

described in dozens of court cases and enforcement actions taken over more than a decade by federal and state

officials who regulate the type of plans Mr. Trump is encouraging, known as association health plans.” [New York

Times, 10/21/17]

The Labor Department Said It Targeted “Unscrupulous Promoters Who Sell The Promise Of Inexpensive

Health Benefit Insurance, But Default On Their Obligations” In Dozens Of Court Cases Over The Past

Decade. “The problems are described in dozens of court cases and enforcement actions taken over more than a

decade by federal and state officials who regulate the type of plans Mr. Trump is encouraging, known as

association health plans.In many cases, the Labor Department said, it has targeted ‘unscrupulous promoters who

sell the promise of inexpensive health benefit insurance, but default on their obligations.’ In several cases, it has

found that people managing these health plans diverted premiums to their personal use.” [New York Times,


A Longtime Labor Department Lawyer Said The Trump Administration’s Executive Order To

Reintroduce AHPs Was “Summoning Back Demons From The Deep,” Citing Fraudulent AHPs That

“Have Left Hundreds Of Thousands Of People With Unpaid Claims.” “Marc I. Machiz, who investigated

insurance fraud as a Labor Department lawyer for more than 20 years, said the executive order was

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‘summoning back demons from the deep.’ ‘Fraudulent association health plans have left hundreds of

thousands of people with unpaid claims,’ he said. ‘They operate in a regulatory never-never land between the

Department of Labor and state insurance regulators.’” [New York Times, 10/21/17]

AHPs Were Subject To Fewer Regulations, Making It Easier For Health Insurance Plans To Circumvent

Many ACA Requirements, Including “Essential Health Benefits”…

New York Times: A Trump Administration Rule Creating AHPs “Made It Easier For Small Businesses To

Join Forces And Set Up Health Insurance Plans That Circumvent Many Requirements Of The Affordable

Care Act.” “A sweeping new rule issued Tuesday by the Trump administration will make it easier for small

businesses to join forces and set up health insurance plans that circumvent many requirements of the Affordable

Care Act, cutting costs but also reducing benefits. President Trump, speaking at a 75th-anniversary celebration of

the National Federation of Independent Business, said the new rule would allow small businesses to ‘escape some

of Obamacare’s most burdensome mandates’ by creating new entities known as association health plans.” [New

York Times, 6/19/18]

HEADLINE: New Trump Rule Rolls Back Protections of the Affordable Care Act. [New York Times,


AHPs Were Exempt From Many Consumer-Protection Mandates In The ACA And May Not Have To

Provide Certain “Essential Health Benefits” – Including Mental Health Care, Emergency Services,

Maternity And Newborn Care, And Prescription Drugs. “The new health plans would be exempt from many

consumer-protection mandates in the Affordable Care Act. They may not have to provide certain “essential health

benefits” like mental health care, emergency services, maternity and newborn care, and prescription drugs.” [New

York Times, 6/19/18]

The Affordable Care Act Required Health Insurance Plans To Cover A Set Of 10 “Essential Health

Benefits” Categories. “A set of 10 categories of services health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable

Care Act. These include doctors’ services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drug coverage,

pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services, and more. Some plans cover more services. Plans must offer

dental coverage for children. Dental benefits for adults are optional. Specific services may vary based on your

state’s requirements. You’ll see exactly what each plan offers when you compare plans.” [ –

Essential Health Benefits, accessed 5/13/20]

…And Were Allowed To Charge People More Based On Their Age, Health Status And Gender

Protect Our Care: Association Health Plans (AHPs) Were Not Required To Cover The Essential Health

Benefits Put In Place By The ACA And Allowed Discrimination Based On Age, Health Status And Gender.

“The fact of the matter is simple: association health plans (AHPs) are not required to cover the essential health

benefits put in place by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health

status, and gender.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

New York Times: AHPs “Might Appeal To Restaurant Workers, Real Estate Agents, Dry Cleaners, Florists,

Plumbers And Painters”

New York Times: According To Trump Officials, AHPs Might “Appeal To Restaurant Workers Real Estate

Agents, Dry Cleaners, Florists, Plumbers And Painters.” “The new health plans might, for example, appeal to

restaurant workers, real estate agents, dry cleaners, florists, plumbers and painters, officials said.” [New York

Times, 6/19/18]

Business Insider: Restaurants & Bars And Laundry & Personal Services (Including Dry Cleaning) Were

Among The Top 10 Industries Hit Hardest By COVID-19. “Some industries have been more severely impacted

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than others, with jobs in the restaurant and retail industries wiped out around the country. But a Business Insider

analysis of recent unemployment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that some industries that haven't

received widespread attention — like dentist offices and movie production — have been hit hard by the shutdowns.

Business Insider compiled a list of the 10 industries worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic, ordered by percent

change to reflect the portion of jobs lost in each industry. […] 7. Restaurants and bars […] 4. Laundry and other

personal services: Personal and laundry services, a Bureau of Labor Statistics category that includes laundry and

dry cleaning; pet care; parking; dating services; and "death care," were severely impacted by the coronavirus

shutdowns. “ [Business Insider, 5/12/20]

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Executive Orders To Scale Back The Affordable Care Act

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Executive Orders On Health Care And Immigration Within His First

Weeks In Office. “Whether you agree with him or not, it’s undeniable that our new president is rapidly instituting

reforms and changing the way the federal government operates. By the end of his first two weeks in the Oval

Office, President Trump had signed executive orders addressing health-care reform, immigration and practically

everything in between. Mainstream media used words like chaotic, confusion and unconstitutional to describe some

of these actions. President Trump’s response was more or less what we saw during his campaign — ‘I meant what I

said, get used to it.’ (Have we become so accustomed to politicians not fulfilling their campaign promises that when

one actually does, we are left dazed and confused?)” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Trump Signed An Executive Order In His First Weeks In Office To Scaled Back “As Many Aspects Of

The Affordable Care Act As Possible.” “In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed

government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within

hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law. The one-

page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for

the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language

gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly

costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact,

and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it.” [New

York Times, 1/20/17]

Trump’s Executive Order Said That “Pending” Repeal Of The ACA The Executive Branch Needed To

“Take All Actions Consistent With Law To Minimize The Unwarranted Economic And Regulatory

Burdens Of The Act.” “‘In the meantime,’ the order said, ‘pending such repeal, it is imperative for the

executive branch to ensure that the law is being efficiently implemented, take all actions consistent with law to

minimize the unwarranted economic and regulatory burdens of the act, and prepare to afford the states more

flexibility and control to create a more free and open health care market.’ The order has symbolic as well as

substantive significance, allowing Mr. Trump to claim he acted immediately to do away with a health care law

he has repeatedly called disastrous, even while it remains in place and he navigates the politically perilous

process of repealing and replacing it.” [New York Times, 1/20/17]

Van Duyne Complained Of Having To Pay For OBGYN Care In Her Health Care Policy Because

She Did Not “Plan On Having Any More Kids”

Van Duyne Complained Of Having To Pay For OBGYN Care In Her Health Care Policy Because She Didn’t

“Plan On Having Any More Kids.” “Increasing the number of products, competitive products that are out there

by the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for prostate care. I probably will never need prostate,

you know, I’m paying for OBGYN care, I don’t plan on having any more kids. But can I buy what I need instead of

having everything forced on me.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Complained About Paying For Prostate Care In Her Health Care Policy. “Increasing the number

of products, competitive products that are out there by the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for

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prostate care. I probably will never need prostate, you know, I’m paying for OBGYN care, I don’t plan on having

any more kids. But can I buy what I need instead of having everything forced on me.” [Debbie Georgatos, America

Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Saved Irving $1.5 Million Annually By Cutting Health Care For City Workers

Van Duyne Saved Irving $1.5 Million Annually By Cutting Health Care For City Workers. “So, what we

decided to do instead was attack our fixed costs, which include health care. And we did something miraculous. We

actually involved our personnel. We actually -- we incentivized them by staying in shape, by staying fit. They can

take a test, and if they pass it, depending on where they are on the level, they can get up to $250 a month to go

toward their health care costs. FRANCIS: That’s great. Van Duyne: And what we found, that saved us on $1.5

million annually.” [Fox Business Network, Money Money, 12/18/12]

Van Duyne Cut Health Care To Save The City Money. “FRANCIS: You were able to cut down on staff and

people actually liked it better. You attacked your fixed costs in health care and your energy cost. That’s a

problem a lot of communities have. How did you do that? Van Duyne: Right. Well, what we did was we

realized our revenues were decreasing. Our property taxes were going down in areas and our sales taxes was

decreasing. So, what we did was we can’t increase revenues, unless, you increase taxes and that is not very

popular. So, what we decided to do instead was attack our fixed costs, which include health care. And we did

something miraculous. We actually involved our personnel. We actually -- we incentivized them by staying in

shape, by staying fit. They can take a test, and if they pass it, depending on where they are on the level, they

can get up to $250 a month to go toward their health care costs.” [Fox Business Network, Money Money,


Van Duyne On Cutting Health Care In Irving: “They Can Take A Test, And If They Pass It, Depending On

Where They Are On The Level, They Can Get Up To $250 A Month To Go Toward Their Health Care

Costs.” “FRANCIS: You were able to cut down on staff and people actually liked it better. You attacked your fixed

costs in health care and your energy cost. That’s a problem a lot of communities have. How did you do that? Van

Duyne: Right. Well, what we did was we realized our revenues were decreasing. Our property taxes were going

down in areas and our sales taxes was decreasing. So, what we did was we can’t increase revenues, unless, you

increase taxes and that is not very popular. So, what we decided to do instead was attack our fixed costs, which

include health care. And we did something miraculous. We actually involved our personnel. We actually -- we

incentivized them by staying in shape, by staying fit. They can take a test, and if they pass it, depending on where

they are on the level, they can get up to $250 a month to go toward their health care costs.” [Fox Business Network,

Money Money, 12/18/12]

…Supporting Anti-Immigration Programs Despite Findings Of Racial Profiling And

Proven Harm To Public Safety

Van Duyne Repeatedly Bragged About Irving’s “Criminal Alien Program” That Referred Anyone

Arrested Who Could Not Provide Documentation Of Citizenship To ICE, For Years After A

Berkeley School Of Law Report Found The Program Encouraged Racial Profiling

2006: Irving Police Department Partnered With ICE On The Agency’s “Criminal Alien Program”

2006: Irving Police Department Partnered With ICE On The Agency’s “Criminal Alien Program.” “In

September 2006, the Irving Police Department officially partnered with ICE through the agency’s popular Criminal

Alien Program. Pursuant to CAP, local jail officials hold people in jail until ICE can screen arrestees and issue a

detainer against those who cannot prove lawful presence. The data shows that ICE consistently issued detainers for

fewer individuals than were referred by the local police, indicating that local officials were likely referring lawful

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residents to ICE.” [The C.A.P. Effect: Racial Profiling in the ICE Criminal Alien Program, Berkeley Law Policy

Brief, 9/2009]

2007: Van Duyne Bragged About Irving’s Criminal Alien Program, Wherein If Someone Is Arrested And

They Cannot Provide “Documentation That They Are A US Citizen” The Police Contact ICE, Calling The

Program “Fantastic”

Van Duyne Bragged About Irving’s Criminal Alien Program, Wherein If Someone Is Arrested And They

Cannot Provide “Documentation That They Are A US Citizen” The Police Contact ICE. “As a result of this,

there was a sweeping message coming into city hall, we want to reject the sanctuary city status the mayor has

established and we want to say that we are enforcing law period. As a result of Sue and [inaudible] work what we

were able to do was get our city manager and our police chief to look at other ways that we could do this without it

becoming a policy decision and what they did was a system that we have now given a fancy name to, we call it

CAP, the criminal alien program and all it is is a program, it’s not really a program it’s a policy that the federal

government has had for years that every years that every city has access to. If we have someone who was arrested

for criminal activity brought into our jail and they cannot give us documentation that they are a US citizen we pick

up the phone we dial the ICE office and we say can you come over and have an interview and see if this person is

legal or illegal? That is the program that our mayor has been going around to city after city and even at our federal

government level and saying this is our fantastic Irving CAP program.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration

reform meeting, 8/9/07]

2009: A Berkeley School Of Law Report Found “That Police In Irving, Texas Arrested Hispanics In Far

Greater Numbers For Petty Offenses As Part Of A Federal Criminal Alien Program”

A Berkeley School Of Law Report Found “That Police In Irving, Texas Arrested Hispanics In Far Greater

Numbers For Petty Offenses As Part Of A Federal Criminal Alien Program.” “A Hispanic community in a

small southern city that lived in fear of police after a spike in arrests now has evidence that it was unjustly targeted

to enforce federal immigration laws. A new analysis of arrest data shows that police in Irving, Texas arrested

Hispanics in far greater numbers for petty offenses as part of a federal Criminal Alien Program (CAP) to deport

serious offenders. During the most aggressive period, when police had round-the-clock access to Immigration and

Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, the number of Hispanic arrests for minor crimes increased by nearly 150

percent. The new report, ‘The CAP Effect: Racial Profiling in the ICE Criminal Alien Program,’ was released today

by the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity (Warren Institute) at UC Berkeley

School of Law (Berkeley Law).” [Berkeley School of Law, Press Release, 9/16/09]

Data Showed Arrests Of Hispanics For Traffic Violations And Petty Misdemeanor Rose Substantially

Relative To White During The Program. “The data on traffic arrests and arrests for petty misdemeanor offenses

more generally, indicate that Hispanic arrests rose substantially — and relative to whites — beginning in the spring

of 2007. This rise was matched by a shift in ICE referral policy in Irving from in-person consultation to 24/7 ICE

access via remote consultation, and a sharp increase in ICE detainers. Together, these facts offer compelling

evidence of racial profiling by the Irving Police Department between April and October of 2007.” [The C.A.P.

Effect: Racial Profiling in the ICE Criminal Alien Program, Berkeley Law Policy Brief, 9/2009]

Data Found That Only Two Percent Of Those Detained By Immigration Authorities Had Received Felony

Charges, “Tacitly Encouraging Local Police To Arrest Hispanic Residents For Petty Offenses.” “The goal of

the Criminal Alien Program is to improve community safety by targeting serious criminals for deportation,

according to ICE, but the police data show that only two percent of those detained by immigration authorities in a

fourteen-month time period received felony charges. In sum, the data show that CAP is not only failing to target

serious criminal offenders, but it’s also tacitly encouraging local police to arrest Hispanic residents for petty

offenses.” [Berkeley School of Law, Press Release, 9/16/09]

NOTE: The full report on Irving’s Criminal Alien Program can be found here.

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2016: Van Duyne Bragged That Irving Was “The First Ones In The County” To Participate In CAP, And

Lamented That President Obama Cut Resources For The Program

Van Duyne Bragged That Irving Was “The First Ones In The County” To Participate In CAP, And

Lamented That President Obama Cut Resources For The Program “No. In fact, the case, did Kurt already

leave? The city of Irving actually created our 24/7 citizen criminal alien program, we were the first ones in the

country to start working directly with ICE that if people got pulled over and they were not able to show ID that we

would immediately refer them to ICE. Now Obama several years ago drastically cut down the resources to that

program and it has not been near as effective, but no we are not a sanctuary city. Yeah.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

2017: Van Duyne: “If A Law Enforcement Official Won’t Enforce The Law And Work With ICE They

Shouldn’t Be In Law Enforcement”

Van Duyne: “If A Law Enforcement Official Won’t Enforce The Law And Work With ICE They Shouldn’t

Be In Law Enforcement.” “If a law enforcement official won’t enforce the law and work with ICE they shouldn’t

be in law enforcement.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 1/29/17]

2019: Van Duyne Equated Bringing ICE Into Her Town With Lowering Crime Rates And “Getting

Criminals Off Our Streets”

Van Duyne Equated Bringing ICE Into Her Town With Lowering Crime Rates And “Getting Criminals Off

Our Streets.” “There is SO MUCH WRONG with this story. Law enforcement should be EMPOWERED to help

ICE remove criminal illegal aliens from our communities. In Irving, our police officers worked in partnership with

ICE agents who were then able to deport thousands of criminals. The result - Irving experienced the lowest crime

rate in our history and became the 5th safest city in America. Getting criminals off our streets works!” [Beth Van

Duyne Campaign Page, 10/3/19]

Van Duyne On ICE: “Law Enforcement Should Be EMPOWERED To Help ICE Remove Criminal

Illegal Aliens From Our Communities.” “There is SO MUCH WRONG with this story. Law enforcement

should be EMPOWERED to help ICE remove criminal illegal aliens from our communities. In Irving, our

police officers worked in partnership with ICE agents who were then able to deport thousands of criminals. The

result - Irving experienced the lowest crime rate in our history and became the 5th safest city in America.

Getting criminals off our streets works!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Page, 10/3/19]

2019: Van Duyne Claimed To Have “Helped Remove Thousands Of Criminal Aliens From North Texas”

Van Duyne Claimed To Have “Helped Remove Thousands Of Criminal Aliens From North Texas.” “I’m a

single mom, a conservative Republican, a reformer who has defeated government corruption, a believer in the rule

of law who has helped remove thousands of criminal aliens from North Texas, and a leader who helped deliver

growth and new job opportunities. #txlege” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/7/19]

Van Duyne Was Committed To “Enforcing Immigration Laws To Remove Criminal Illegal Aliens.”

“enforcing immigration laws to remove criminal illegal aliens, delivering economic growth, and never backing

down when it comes to protecting the rights of all North Texans.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/16/19]

2020: Van Duyne Again Claimed That Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration Led To Crime Rates

Dropping In Her City

2020: Van Duyne Again Claimed That Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration Led To Crime Rates

Dropping In Her City. “We were the opposite of sanctuary city, we actually enforced our laws. But the result of

that was you saw all of these activists from outside of our city come in and call us every name in the book. I was a

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racist, I was a bigot, everything But what they didn’t see was the actual results and the results of that were, while

yes we did deport of a number of criminal illegal aliens the crime rate of our city plummeted to the lowest in our

cities history and that lasted for nine years, we became the fifth safest city in the country and as a result our streets

were safer our community was safer, we had people who continued to move in, we had businesses that continued to

expand, so while the lefts argument is to you know throw labels, nasty negative labels at elective officials, if you

know that there is a solution out there don’t be afraid of it. You have to have a backbone. You have to be willing to

fight for what you know is right, but they will try to shut you down left and right and that is what I think you see

from the crazy squad. But as conservatives, as elected officials you have to be willing to have a voice and fight for

what you know is right. We did that in the city of Irving, and we saw immediate results from that.” [Debbie

Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Supported Irving Joining An ICE Program To Train Police Officers To Question

People About Their Immigration Status; Studies Found The Program Harmed Public Safety

Van Duyne Supported Irving Participating In ICE’s 287g Program, Which Granted Police Officers The

Same Power As Immigration Officers

Van Duyne Was One Of Two City Council Members To Support A 287g Agreement With ICE. “Mr. Gears,

however, opposes using federal program called “287g” that trains local officers and jailers to act as immigration

officers. [...] Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne, one of two council members who favor 287g, believes

city officials are obligated to uphold federal law.Ms. Van Duyne said it’s not an issue of race or nationality.”

[Dallas Morning News, 9/22/07]

Van Duyne Said She Wanted To Consider The 287g Program As “Part Of… A Piece Of The Puzzle.”

“During the exchange, some council members sighed heavily and rolled their eyes. Ms. Van Duyne asked the chief:

‘What are the positive aspects of joining 287(g)?’ Chief Boyd responded: ‘You would potentially get what you’re

getting now.’ Ms. Van Duyne said she wants the city to consider the 287(g) program ‘as part of ... a piece of the

puzzle.’ And she requested that an ICE official brief the council on immigration matters.” [Dallas Morning News,


287g Program Allowed ICE To Train Local Police To Act As Immigration Agents. “The Trump administration

is working aggressively to ramp up the role local police and sheriffs’ departments play in immigration enforcement.

One way it is doing so is through a program called 287(g), which allows local law enforcement agencies to partner

with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to enforce federal immigration laws. In 2017 alone, 29

jurisdictions enrolled in the program—nearly doubling the number of jurisdictions training local police to act as

immigration agents.” [Center for American Progress, 3/20/18v]

Van Duyne Did Not See The 287g Program As A Program Where Police Would Go Out “Rounding Up

Every Single Illegal Immigrant And Shipping Them Out.” “Ms. Van Duyne said she doesn’t foresee 287(g)

being a ‘solve-all program’ in which the police are ‘going out and rounding up every single illegal immigrant and

shipping them out.’ ‘But there is no denying that we have certain concerns about illegal immigrants,’ she said. ‘The

question is what steps can we take to help allay those concerns.’” [Dallas Morning News, 3/23/07]

Van Duyne: “But There Is No Denying That We Have Certain Concerns About Illegal Immigrants, The

Question Is What Steps Can We Take To Help Allay Those Concerns.” “Ms. Van Duyne said she doesn’t

foresee 287(g) being a ‘solve-all program’ in which the police are ‘going out and rounding up every single

illegal immigrant and shipping them out.’ ‘But there is no denying that we have certain concerns about illegal

immigrants,’ she said. ‘The question is what steps can we take to help allay those concerns.’” [Dallas Morning

News, 3/23/07]

Van Duyne Requested An ICE Official To Brief The Council On Immigration Issues. “During the exchange,

some council members sighed heavily and rolled their eyes. Ms. Van Duyne asked the chief: ‘What are the positive

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aspects of joining 287(g)?’ Chief Boyd responded: ‘You would potentially get what you’re getting now.’ Ms. Van

Duyne said she wants the city to consider the 287(g) program ‘as part of ... a piece of the puzzle.’ And she

requested that an ICE official brief the council on immigration matters.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne’s Fellow Council Members Disagreed, Stating That Their Police Department Already Exceeded

The Federal Program

Van Duyne’s Fellow Council Members Disagreed, Stating That Their Police Department Already Exceeded

The Federal Program. “Mr. Spink, who was elected in May after running on an anti-illegal immigrant platform,

says that’s not enough. He wants the city to join a federal initiative, known as the 287(g) program, that would train

Irving police so they can process and detain illegal immigrants. Ms. Van Duyne hasn’t declared whether she wants

the city to join the initiative, saying she wants the council to discuss the matter further. Mr. Gears said that the

council isn’t considering the 287(g) program. Most council members have said since last fall that there’s no reason

to join. They say the city’s current program is just as effective as joining the federal initiative. ‘It makes no sense to

do it in Irving because we’re exceeding the program,’ Mr. Gears said.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne “Peppered” Irving’s Chief Of Police Over Questions About The Cities’ Current CAP Program.

“During Wednesday’s discussion, Ms. Van Duyne peppered Chief Boyd with a wide range of questions about the

city’s CAP program, as well as the federal initiative. She also asked the chief about whether the city was involved

in various task forces, which prompted Mr. Gears to ask whether her questions were relevant to the discussion. In

addition, Ms. Van Duyne and Chief Boyd disagreed over whether the 287(g) program has enabled law enforcement

agencies to save money.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne And The Irving Chief Of Police Disagreed Over Whether Or Not The 287g Program Saved

Departments Money

Van Duyne And The Irving Chief Of Police Disagreed Over Whether Or Not The 287g Program Saved

Departments Money. “During Wednesday’s discussion, Ms. Van Duyne peppered Chief Boyd with a wide range

of questions about the city’s CAP program, as well as the federal initiative. She also asked the chief about whether

the city was involved in various task forces, which prompted Mr. Gears to ask whether her questions were relevant

to the discussion. In addition, Ms. Van Duyne and Chief Boyd disagreed over whether the 287(g) program has

enabled law enforcement agencies to save money.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne’s Colleagues Were Rolling Their Eyes And Heavily Sighing During Her Exchange With The

Irving Chief Of Police Over The 287g Program. “During Wednesday’s discussion, Ms. Van Duyne peppered

Chief Boyd with a wide range of questions about the city’s CAP program, as well as the federal initiative. She also

asked the chief about whether the city was involved in various task forces, which prompted Mr. Gears to ask

whether her questions were relevant to the discussion. In addition, Ms. Van Duyne and Chief Boyd disagreed over

whether the 287(g) program has enabled law enforcement agencies to save money. During the exchange, some

council members sighed heavily and rolled their eyes.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne Apologized To The Irving Chief Of Police For “Beating Up” On Him, And Said She Only

Wanted To Make The System “Stronger” And “Better.” “Mr. Stopfer addressed his colleagues: ‘I’m frustrated

with the fact that we’ve got to go through these things and pick fights and make ourselves look bad and give

ourselves black eyes. I don’t think [the chief’s] job should be getting black eyes or being cross-examined like

they’re on trial,’ he said. ‘I don’t think that’s right. I think we [should show Chief Boyd] the respect that he

deserves.’ Ms. Van Duyne apologized to Chief Boyd ‘if you think I’m beating up on you.’ ‘I think you’re doing a

fantastic job,’ she told him. ‘I think you’ve been doing the right things. Can we make it stronger? Can we be even

better?’ She said that her goal is to get more information on immigration matters.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Irving Chief Of Police On Their Immigration Program: “I Feel Like The Process In Place Is Working. If It

Wasn’t, I’d Tell You.” “As of April, ICE officials have been reviewing the residency status of Irving jail inmates

over the phone. Irving officials say that method is effective because ICE can make a residency check 24 hours a

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day. ICE officials still drop by the jail to pick up inmates, Irving officials say. Since April, when the phone method

was implemented, an average of 130 illegal immigrants have been identified each month, city officials said. When

the city first started working with ICE last fall, the monthly average was 52. Before working with ICE, the monthly

average was 4. ‘I feel like the process in place is working,’ Chief Boyd told the council. ‘If it wasn’t, I’d tell you.’”

[Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne: “It’s Also Our Responsibility As City Council Members As Representatives In The State

Government And In The Federal Government To Do What We Can To Protect Our Own”

Van Duyne: “You Can Argue A Lot Of Things Are A Federal Issue And Yet It’s Also Our Responsibility As

City Council Members As Representatives In The State Government And In The Federal Government To

Do What We Can To Protect Our Own.” “There’s two topics right now in DC, two: Iraq and immigration. It is

not simply farmers branch that’s talking about it, it’s not Dallas, it’s not Irving, it is everybody that is talking about

this issue and it’s extraordinarily important. and we can sit here and what I have found is that you either have

people who don’t want to mess with it because you’re gonna get your hate mail, you’re gonna get your hateful

phone calls, you’re gonna get your snide comments made, and their reasoning has always been consistent. It’s a

federal issue, it’s a federal issue and you can argue it’s a federal issue. You can argue a lot of things are a federal

issue and yet it’s also our responsibility as city council members as representatives in the state government and in

the federal government to do what we can to protect our own.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration reform

meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Said The 287g Program Was Not About Race Or Nationality

Van Duyne Said The 287g Program Was Not About Race Or Nationality. “Irving City Council member Beth

Van Duyne, one of two council members who favor 287g, believes city officials are obligated to uphold federal

law. Ms. Van Duyne said it’s not an issue of race or nationality. ‘I want to offer everybody an equal opportunity,

but within the framework of our laws,’ she said. Ms. Van Duyne said she doesn’t want to create new ordinances

like the one in neighboring Farmers Branch, but she does believe the city should use available resources and

programs in response to illegal immigrants. And she sees her responsibilities as providing clean streets and safe

neighborhoods and helping school districts provide outstanding education. ‘Illegal immigration plays a part in that,”

she said, “but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.’ While Mr. Gears and Ms. Van Duyne don’t see eye to eye on how

involved the Irving Police Department should be in monitoring illegal immigration, neither wants to follow Farmers

Branch’s footsteps.Mr. Gears is opposed to the methods of Farmers Branch City Council member Tim O’Hare, the

driving force behind the measure that would ban most illegal immigrants from renting apartments in that city. And

Ms. Van Duyne doesn’t want to attract lawsuits.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/22/07]

Van Duyne: “I Want To Offer Everybody An Equal Opportunity, But Within The Framework Of Our

Laws.” “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne, one of two council members who favor 287g, believes

city officials are obligated to uphold federal law. Ms. Van Duyne said it’s not an issue of race or nationality. ‘I

want to offer everybody an equal opportunity, but within the framework of our laws,’ she said. Ms. Van Duyne

said she doesn’t want to create new ordinances like the one in neighboring Farmers Branch, but she does

believe the city should use available resources and programs in response to illegal immigrants. And she sees her

responsibilities as providing clean streets and safe neighborhoods and helping school districts provide

outstanding education. ‘Illegal immigration plays a part in that,” she said, “but it’s only one piece of the

puzzle.’ While Mr. Gears and Ms. Van Duyne don’t see eye to eye on how involved the Irving Police

Department should be in monitoring illegal immigration, neither wants to follow Farmers Branch’s footsteps.

Mr. Gears is opposed to the methods of Farmers Branch City Council member Tim O’Hare, the driving force

behind the measure that would ban most illegal immigrants from renting apartments in that city. And Ms. Van

Duyne doesn’t want to attract lawsuits.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/22/07]

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Van Duyne Failed To Get Other City Council Members On Board With An ICE Program To Train Police

Officers To Question People About Their Immigration Status

Van Duyne Failed To Get Other City Council Members On Board With An ICE Program To Train Police

Officers To Question People About Their Immigration Status. “Grand Prairie, Garland and Farmers Branch

police also have their own versions of the program. City Councilwoman Beth Van Duyne said the development

confirms what she has been saying about the need to deepen Irving’s ties with ICE. Van Duyne unsuccessfully tried

to get other council members to have Irving enter into another ICE program that trains police officers to question

people about their immigration status.” [Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 11/21/07]

Studies Found The 287g Program Harmed Public Safety By Discouraging Immigrants From Reporting

Crimes Or Interacting With Police

Studies Found The 287g Program Harmed Public Safety By Discouraging Immigrants From Reporting

Crimes Or Interacting With Police. “Because 287(g) agreements are formal arrangements in which local law

enforcement agrees to perform certain federal immigration enforcement functions, it is likely that many of the

damaging effects highlighted by the above surveys would be present in localities with 287(g) programs. In fact,

recent research from the Center for American Progress shows that some local law enforcement agencies have

decided to withdraw their 287(g) agreements precisely because immigrants were afraid to contact police. Being

fearful of reporting crimes and interacting with police is all too familiar to many immigrants, such as Rita Cote and

Danny Sigui.” [Center for American Progress, 5/8/18v]

…And Fighting Against Resources For Those In Need

Van Duyne Was Against Building A Homeless Shelter, Because She Believed The Inhabitants Did

Not Deserve It

Van Duyne Criticized The Decision To Use HUD Funds To Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys In


Van Duyne Criticized The Decision To Use HUD Funds To Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys In

Irving. “And that’s exactly, we just passed a program last week. I voted against it, a number of members on my

council voted against it, but the majority of the council members voted for it, and it was to accept HUD money to

build a homeless shelter for teenage boys, and I said teenage boys but it was 17 to 21-year-old boys. And what that

does, by the city requesting those funds, it puts the city, commits the city to 20 years of overseeing how those funds

are spent and I don’t want to talk about anyone else on the council, but I can speak personally when I was 17 I had

my own apartment and I worked two full-time jobs. I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re

men. 17 to 21-year-old men should be at the prime of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal

government should not be paying to provide apartments for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when

I was that age, and I think we don’t look at it, and this is taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg

Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Claimed That Irving Should Not Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys Because When She

Was There Age She Had Her Own Apartment And A Two Full Time Jobs

Van Duyne Claimed That Irving Should Not Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys Because When She

Was There Age She Had Her Own Apartment And A Two Full Time Jobs. “And that’s exactly, we just passed

a program last week. I voted against it, a number of members on my council voted against it, but the majority of the

council members voted for it, and it was to accept HUD money to build a homeless shelter for teenage boys, and I

said teenage boys but it was 17 to 21-year-old boys. And what that does, by the city requesting those funds, it puts

the city, commits the city to 20 years of overseeing how those funds are spent and I don’t want to talk about anyone

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else on the council, but I can speak personally when I was 17 I had my own apartment and I worked two full-time

jobs. I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re men. 17 to 21-year-old men should be at the prime

of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal government should not be paying to provide apartments

for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age, and I think we don’t look at it, and this is

taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne: “17 To 21-Year-Old Men Should Be At The Prime Of Their Health And Be Able To Work.

The City And The Federal Government Should Not Be Paying To Provide Apartments For These Kids,

For These Men.” “I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re men. 17 to 21-year-old men

should be at the prime of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal government should not be

paying to provide apartments for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age, and I

think we don’t look at it, and this is taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van

Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Criticized Cities For Taking Federal Grants To Do Things Like House Homeless People

Van Duyne On The Irving Homeless Center: “The City And The Federal Government Should Not Be Paying

To Provide Apartments For These Kids, For These Men. Nobody Did That For Me When I Was That Age,

And I Think We Don’t Look At It, And This Is Taxpayer Money.” “And that’s exactly, we just passed a

program last week. I voted against it, a number of members on my council voted against it, but the majority of the

council members voted for it, and it was to accept HUD money to build a homeless shelter for teenage boys, and I

said teenage boys but it was 17 to 21-year-old boys. And what that does, by the city requesting those funds, it puts

the city, commits the city to 20 years of overseeing how those funds are spent and I don’t want to talk about anyone

else on the council, but I can speak personally when I was 17 I had my own apartment and I worked two full-time

jobs. I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re men. 17 to 21-year-old men should be at the prime

of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal government should not be paying to provide apartments

for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age, and I think we don’t look at it, and this is

taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Criticized Cities For Taking Federal Grants. “It is so easy to be able to say oh well it’s not city

money, it’s federal money as if that grows on trees and as well that we’re not going to be held accountable for that.

And it is so easy just to see that money hanging out there and just take it, ‘oh we’re just accepting this grant

because if we don’t do it another city will do it, so look at what we can do here.’ And you get enough cities doing

that it just becomes perpetual, and it creates demand and it creates the need in DC so that they can defend collecting

more local taxes to be able to feed the beast. And locally we have to stop that.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert

Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

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Van Duyne Routinely Attacked Community Members And The


Significant Findings

✓ A community activist sued Van Duyne for defamation after she called him a “whore” to the Dallas

Morning News

✓ Van Duyne argued media attention on a lawsuit against her for not paying her interior designer was

politically motivated

✓ Van Duyne accused a county judge of lying about her heckling him

✓ A local journalist accused Van Duyne of spreading lies about him in her speeches on a Tea Party

speaking tour

✓ Van Duyne implied she believed in the “deep state” and warned of media brainwashing

A Community Activist Sued Van Duyne For Defamation After She Called Him A “Whore”

Irving Community Activist Anthony Bond Sued Van Duyne For Defamation After She Called Him

A “Whore” To The Dallas Morning News

Irving Activist Anthony Bond Sued Van Duyne After She Called Him A “Whore” To The Dallas Morning

News. “Irving community activist Anthony Bond has sued Mayor Beth Van Duyne for defamation after she called

him a “whore” in The Dallas Morning News last week. Van Duyne’s comment stemmed from allegations Bond

made against City Manager Tommy Gonzalez.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/25/12]

Anthony Bond Was Accused Of Providing City Manager Access To A Suite For Sporting Events; Van Duyne

Said Of The Accusations: “I Would Argue He Is A Whore, And He Sells Out To Whoever Is Willing To Pay

Him The Most.” “An Irving city contractor provided City Manager Tommy Gonzalez with access to an American

Airlines Center suite for sporting events, concerts and a circus for years, a city activist says. Anthony Bond said in

an affidavit that he shuffled the tickets between Martin Burrell and Gonzalez, who allegedly promised earlier this

year to get The Burrell Group's contract renewed as it faced scrutiny from a new mayor. […] He and Van Duyne

said they don't know whether the allegations in the affidavit are true, but Van Duyne expressed doubts. She

characterized Bond as someone who lobbies on behalf of various campaigns, companies and other entities based

solely on money. ‘I would argue he is a whore, and he sells out to whoever is willing to pay him the most,” Van

Duyne said.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/18/12]

Bond Did Not Sue For Monetary Damages, But Wanted Van Duyne To Stop Making Defamatory


Bond Requested Van Duyne To Stop Making Such Comments. “‘They also destroy my reputation in the

community with my friends, constituents and clients,’ Bond said in the suit. He said he’s not seeking monetary

damages but simply wants Van Duyne to stop making such comments.”[Dallas Morning News, 9/25/12]

Van Duyne Decided She Wanted To Have Her Personal Attorney Defend Her Case

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Van Duyne Said She Would Have Her Personal Attorney Defend Her. “Van Duyne said she plans to have a

personal attorney defend her in the suit. ‘This is nothing more than another distraction,’ she said. ‘I don’t want our

city attorney’s office time or resources wasted on another distraction.’” [Dallas Morning News, 9/25/12]

Van Duyne Argued Media Attention On A Lawsuit Against Her For Not Paying Her

Interior Designer Was Politically Motivated

Van Duyne Was Sued By Neighbor And Interior Designer Karen Thurston For $1,662 For Unpaid


Van Duyne Allegedly Did Not Pay Neighbor Karen Thurston Nearly $2,000 For Interior Design Work.

“[Karen] Thurston, an interior decorator, said she coordinated kitchen renovations for Van Duyne and her husband,

Casey Wallach, in 2010. She said she was abruptly told to stop working on the job in the middle of the process and

was never paid for materials that were left at the couple’s home. Van Duyne declined to comment on details of the

case, but in a countersuit said that Thurston was fired after cabinets weren’t painted to the standard promised.”

[Dallas Morning News, 5/5/12]

Van Duyne Appealed Having To Pay Thurston $1,662. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne has taken a dispute over

renovations in her Las Colinas home to a Dallas County court. Van Duyne is appealing a justice of the peace’s

order that she pay neighbor Karen Thurston $1,662.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/5/12]

Thurston Said She Believed Van Duyne Was Still Doing A Good Job As Mayor Regardless Of The Court

Case. “Both said this week that they regret the case has gone to court and affected what they both described as

a close friendship. Despite the dispute, Thurston said she believes Van Duyne is doing a good job as mayor.”

[Dallas Morning News, 5/5/12]

Van Duyne Claimed The Media Attention The Dispute Got Was Politically Motivated

Van Duyne Claimed The Media Attention Was Orchestrated By A Community Activist. “Van Duyne also said

that sudden media attention of the case was orchestrated by community activist Anthony Bond, who notified The

Dallas Morning News about the proceedings this week.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/5/12]

Van Duyne: ‘If That’s Not Politically Motivated, I Don’t Know What Is.’ “‘If that’s not politically motivated, I

don’t know what is,’ Van Duyne said.”[Dallas Morning News, 5/5/12]

Van Duyne Denied Accounts She Yelled At Staffers At City Hall

In An Interview, Van Duyne Denied Accounts That She Had Raised Her Voice Or Yelled At

Staffers In Front Of Colleagues At City Hall

In An Interview, A Journalist Claimed To Have Heard Several Accounts Of Van Duyne Raising Her Voice

Or Yelling At Staffers In Front Of Colleagues At City Hall. “Avi Selk: ‘Have you ever raised your voice or

yelled at staffers in front of colleagues at City Hall? (I’ve heard several accounts.) If you can recall any specific

incidents, please explain.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘I am proud of and find great value in the work of our city staff. Their

professionalism has helped ensure that the City of Irving is often held up as a model of efficiency and outstanding

customer service. That is why I was happy to approve increases to city salaries this past year. As Mayor, I feel I

have conducted myself in a civil and professional manner as would be expected of all city officials.’” [Beth Van

Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

Van Duyne Responded To Accusations That She Had Yelled At Staffers At City Hall By Saying That She

Felt She Had Conducted Herself In A “Civil And Professional Manner.” “Avi Selk: ‘Have you ever raised your

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voice or yelled at staffers in front of colleagues at City Hall? (I’ve heard several accounts.) If you can recall any

specific incidents, please explain.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘I am proud of and find great value in the work of our city

staff. Their professionalism has helped ensure that the City of Irving is often held up as a model of efficiency and

outstanding customer service. That is why I was happy to approve increases to city salaries this past year. As

Mayor, I feel I have conducted myself in a civil and professional manner as would be expected of all city

officials.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

Van Duyne Accused A County Judge Of Lying About Her Heckling Him

Van Duyne Accused Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins Of Lying About Her Heckling Him At An


Van Duyne Accused Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins Of Lying About Her Heckling Him At An Event.

“Last night in front of a crowd @JudgeClayJ chose to bring up my name and then lie about me. He claimed that I

“heckled” him as I was walking into the President’s rally. If saying “Hello Judge, are you going in there?” counts as

heckling, his standards are very confusing.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/18/19]

Van Duyne: “Even Though We Share Different Views– Especially About His Sanctuary County Policies,

Where A Single Illegal Immigrant That He Released Went On To Murder A Dozen Or More Elderly

Women In Dallas County– People Expect More From Their Elected Officials, Starting With Basic

Honesty.” “Even though we share different views– especially about his Sanctuary County policies, where a

single illegal immigrant that he released went on to murder a dozen or more elderly women in Dallas County–

people expect more from their elected officials, starting with basic honesty.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter,


Van Duyne: “He And I Worked Alongside Each Other For Several Years On Issues That Helped Make

A Difference In People’s Lives. Using His Voice Now To Tell Petty Lies In Hopes Of Belittling Me Should

Be Beneath Him. People Deserve Better Than That.” “He and I worked alongside each other for several

years on issues that helped make a difference in people’s lives. Using his voice now to tell petty lies in hopes of

belittling me should be beneath him. People deserve better than that.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/18/19]

A Local Journalist Accused Van Duyne Of Spreading Lies About Him In Her Speeches On

A Tea Party Speaking Tour

Steve Blow, A Journalist With The Dallas Morning News, Accused Van Duyne Of Telling Lies

About Him And “Abusing” Him In Her Tea Party Speeches

Steve Blow Accused Van Duyne Of Telling Lies About Him And “Abusing” Him In Her Tea Party Speeches.

“I’m accustomed to seeing my name in the newspaper. But seeing my name in a news story? That’s different - and

somehow disconcerting. But there I was last week, smack-dab in the middle of a story about Irving Mayor Beth

Van Duyne’s rise as a tea party star. And the experience was even more discomforting when I saw what big fat fibs

she’s telling. She’s using me in her tea party speeches. Or abusing me, I should say.” [Dallas Morning News,


Steve Blow Claimed Van Duyne Said She Was Inspired To Act On Sharia Law Because Two

Lawyers Told Her That Sharia Law Had Interfered With Their Cases, And Asked That She Have

Those Lawyers Call Him, But He Never Heard From Any Lawyers

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Steve Blow Claimed Van Duyne Said She Was Inspired To Act On Sharia Law Because Two Lawyers Told

Her That Sharia Law Had Interfered With Their Cases. “Back in April, I wrote a column bemoaning Irving’s

anti-Shariah vote - though I never mentioned her individually. I said the City Council’s action wasn’t just anti-

Shariah but anti-Muslim and part of a long, sad history of demonizing others in this country - especially during

times of fear. I talked about how my father-in-law, an Italian-American, took grief at the start of World War II.

Japanese-Americans had it far worse, of course. Van Duyne called me after that column and we had a very nice,

lively conversation of cordial disagreement. (More about that later.) I told her that I had yet to see any evidence that

Islam’s religious code threatens to usurp our legal system. She explained that she initiated the anti-Shariah vote

because two local family lawyers told her that Shariah had already interfered with their cases.” [Dallas Morning

News, 8/6/15]

Blow Asked Van Duyne To Have The Lawyers Who Had Been Affected By Sharia Law Give Him A Call,

But He Never Heard Back. “I told her that I had yet to see any evidence that Islam’s religious code threatens to

usurp our legal system. She explained that she initiated the anti-Shariah vote because two local family lawyers told

her that Shariah had already interfered with their cases. I asked her to have those lawyers call me and said I would

gladly write a very different column if they could show me that our laws or courts were being trumped by Shariah. I

never heard from any such family lawyers.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/6/15]

Van Duyne Admonished Blow In Her Tea Party Speaking Tour As A Member Of The “Bad Old

News Media” Claiming That The Lawyers Affected By Sharia Law Did Contact Him

Van Duyne Admonished Blow In Her Tea Party Speaking Tour As A Member Of The “Bad Old News

Media” Claiming That The Lawyers Affected By Sharia Law Did Contact Him. “Well, Van Duyne is now the

darling of area tea party groups. And as she travels around speaking to them, she’s using me as an example of the

bad old news media. She’s saying those two family lawyers did call me and that I never bothered to return their

calls. She told a group in Kaufman County: ‘He said, ‘I’m going to wait for a family lawyer to call me.’ So I made

a couple of calls. Never called them back! He never called them back! Because they don’t want to know about

this.’” [Dallas Morning News, 8/6/15]

When Blow Asked Van Duyne For The Names Of The Lawyers Who Were Affected By Sharia

Law, She Replied: “I Disagree With Your Recollection”

When Blow Asked Van Duyne For The Names Of The Lawyers Who Were Affected By Sharia Law, She

Replied: “I Disagree With Your Recollection.” “Not true. I never got one message from a family lawyer. On

Wednesday, I asked Van Duyne to provide the names of the two family lawyers who supposedly called me. Her

emailed reply: ‘I disagree with your recollection.’ Huh? That doesn’t even make sense. She’s the one telling the

story.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/6/15]

Van Duyne At Later Speaking Engagements Accused Blow Of Going “Ballistic” In Phone

Conversations With Her

Van Duyne At Later Speaking Engagements Accused Blow Of Going “Ballistic” In Phone Conversations

With Her. “Van Duyne’s misrepresentations escalated as she went along. When she later told the same story to the

NE Tarrant Tea Party, she not only said I had ignored calls from family lawyers but added that I ‘went ballistic’ in

my phone conversation with her. That’s just nonsense. We disagreed but we were both polite from start to finish.”

[Dallas Morning News, 8/6/15]

Van Duyne Told Blow She “Could Have Used Other Descriptions Such As Profoundly Insulting

And Demeaning” Instead Of “Ballistic”

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Van Duyne Told Blow She “Could Have Used Other Descriptions Such As Profoundly Insulting And

Demeaning” Instead Of “Ballistic.” “Here’s what she wrote to me on Wednesday: ‘With regard to me

characterizing your reaction during our April 14 phone conversation as ‘ballistic,’ I suppose I could have used other

descriptions such as profoundly insulting and demeaning.’ The poor thing. I didn’t record our conversation. I hope

she did. I would love for you to hear it. Please ask her. This is all deeply troubling. I hope you’re as distressed as I

am by politicians who seem more focused on ambition than truth. Let’s do give Van Duyne credit for telling the

truth about one thing. She’s greeted as a hero in these tea party meetings for standing up to Muslims, but she

charmingly protests, ‘There is nothing I did that was heroic.’” [Dallas Morning News, 8/6/15]

Van Duyne Implied She Believed In The Deep State And Warned Of Media Brainwashing

And Socialism

Van Duyne Implied She Believed In The “Deep State”

Van Duyne On The Deep State: “There Are Deep State Bureaucrats Who Deny The Will Of The American

People And Have Undermined President Trump’s Administration.” “Just another reason why I love Nikki

Haley. She’s right, there are deep state bureaucrats who deny the will of the American people and have undermined

President Trump’s Administration. Meaningful government reform would allow us to remove federal bureaucrats

who are just holding on to a position to serve themselves rather than the people of our nation and our Constitution.”

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 11/1/19]

Van Duyne Lamented The Lack Of “Fair And Balanced Media Coverage” And The Need To

“Tiptoe Around This Political Correctness”

Van Duyne Seemingly Blamed “White Guilt” For The Lack Of “Fair And Balanced Media Coverage” And

The Need To “Tiptoe Around This Political Correctness.” “Beth Van Duyne: ‘You need to come up here! I

want you right next to me! I mean it’s this common-sense kind of stuff and you’re like are you kidding me? How

many of you have read that in the Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, throw it out there right because I’ve been all

over them? Anybody seen that? Those are facts, and what it does is it puts into context all of my public statements,

but why wouldn’t we want to talk about the context? why wouldn’t we want to be fair and balanced? Why are we

so outwardly worried that we have to tiptoe around this political correctness? Anybody got an answer? I’m

waiting.’ Audience Member: ‘White guilt.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘White Guilt? [laughs] Do you feel guilty? You

know. They don’t want to tip the apple cart.’” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum,


Van Duyne Posted An Article Accusing The Media Of Brainwashing The Public

2015: Van Duyne Posted An Article Accusing The Media Of Brainwashing The Public. [Beth Van Duyne

Campaign Facebook Page, 11/29/15]

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Van Duyne Said That The Only Reason The Dallas Morning News Called Her A “Far-Right Tea

Party Lady Was Because It Fit A Narrative That They Wanted

Van Duyne Said That The Only Reason The Dallas Morning News Called Her A “Far-Right Tea Party Lady

Was Because It Fit A Narrative That They Wanted. “And so, we got some heated debates on city council. We

had money $40 million that was going to be spent for a developer in downtown Irving nothing got developed. We

spent another $80 million on an entertainment center where the only thing that we saw was pretty pictures and that

kind of stuff makes you really not want to be there, because when you’re that close up and there’s really nothing

you can do about it you get frustrated, so why after these, what I would consider normal votes, conservative votes,

thoughtful votes, why after all of that time was I suddenly labeled by the Dallas Morning News that came out and

supported me, why was I all of the sudden labeled this crazy woman? this far-right tea party lady. and the only

answer that I can think of is that was a narrative that fit where they wanted to go.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Warned Of Moves Toward Socialism, Which She Called “The Severest Form Of


Van Duyne: “Socialism Is The Severest Form Of Treachery.” “Socialism is the severest form of treachery.”

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 12/12/19]

Van Duyne Said “The Moves Toward Socialism We See In The House Of Representatives Are Not What

People Want.” “And the moves toward socialism we see in the House of Representatives are not what people

want. The people of the 24th District want a strong and effective voice for them, their families, and their future.”

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/16/19]

Van Duyne: “Let’s Be Clear - Democrats Have Created A Circus That Not Even They Can Navigate

Anymore! They Continue To Change Their Own Standards To Match Their Narrative.” “Let’s be clear -

Democrats have created a circus that not even they can navigate anymore! They continue to change their own

standards to match their narrative.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 12/12/19]

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Van Duyne Went From A Reluctant Trump Supporter To A

Wannabe Fox News Star

Significant Findings

✓ In 2016, Van Duyne heavily criticized Trump, but said she would still vote for him

✓ Van Duyne referred to Trump as an “egotistical vulgarian”

✓ Van Duyne said she had many “face-to-palm moments” over things Trump said and facts he had


✓ Van Duyne said that Trump wasn’t the best Republicans had to offer, but that she would vote for

him anyway

✓ Van Duyne claimed the 2016 election wasn’t about picking the best candidate, but was about

“choosing the one who will do the least damage”

✓ Van Duyne was later reported to be “one of the few major city mayors to endorse Trump”

✓ While running for Congress, Van Duyne has leapt to defend Trump, made appearances on Fox News,

and aligned herself with conservatives known for spreading conspiracy theories in defense of President


✓ Van Duyne opposed Trump’s impeachment and called it a “sham”

✓ Van Duyne participated in an all-white “conservative squad” joint fundraising committee,

appearing on Fox News to promote their efforts

✓ Van Duyne schmoozed with conservative activists, including Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, and

Jeanine Pirro

In 2016, Van Duyne Heavily Criticized Trump, But Said She Would Still Vote For Him

Van Duyne Referred To Trump As An “Egotistical Vulgarian”

Van Duyne Referred To Trump As An “Egotistical Vulgarian.” “This election is no longer about picking the

best candidate, but choosing the one who will do the least damage. At the end of the day, I’m comparing Trump to

Clinton, not to God. To that end, I am much less offended by an egotistical vulgarian than by an official whose

Department of State ignored pleas of an American ambassador about to be killed, who brags about raising taxes on

American businesses while her foundation collects millions of dollars from foreign governments, antagonizes race

relations while undermining police departments across the country, risks our national security for her own

convenience or seemingly nefarious purposes and defends her mistakes as not knowing any better while running on

a campaign of experience. When trying to determine which of these two will do the least damage, there is simply

no comparison — and that is where we need the wisdom to know the difference.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece,


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Van Duyne Said That Trump Wasn’t The Best Republicans Had To Offer, But That She Would

Vote For Him Anyway

Van Duyne Said That Trump Wasn’t The Best Republicans Had To Offer, But That She Would Vote For

Him Anyway. “Throughout Donald Trump’s candidacy, I’ve had many face-to-palm moments over things he said,

facts he butchered, manners he lacked and cringeworthy revelations about his past. Am I disgusted by what Trump

has said about women? Yes. Do I agree that he’s the best we Republicans have to offer? No. Will I be voting for

him? Absolutely.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Claimed The 2016 Election Wasn’t About Picking The Best Candidate, But Was About

“Choosing The One Who Will Do The Least Damage”

Van Duyne Claimed The 2016 Election Wasn’t About Picking The Best Candidate, But Was About

“Choosing The One Who Will Do The Least Damage.” “This election is no longer about picking the best

candidate, but choosing the one who will do the least damage. At the end of the day, I’m comparing Trump to

Clinton, not to God. To that end, I am much less offended by an egotistical vulgarian than by an official whose

Department of State ignored pleas of an American ambassador about to be killed, who brags about raising taxes on

American businesses while her foundation collects millions of dollars from foreign governments, antagonizes race

relations while undermining police departments across the country, risks our national security for her own

convenience or seemingly nefarious purposes and defends her mistakes as not knowing any better while running on

a campaign of experience. When trying to determine which of these two will do the least damage, there is simply

no comparison — and that is where we need the wisdom to know the difference.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece,


Van Duyne Highlighted The Supreme Court As A Reason She Voted For Trump. “But perhaps the most

important reason I support Trump is my belief and support of the fundamental principles our Founding Fathers

recognized — that checks and balances are essential in maintaining a constitutional republic. With possibly

three seats coming open on the Supreme Court, the next president will decide the makeup of the court for

decades to come.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Called Trump’s Comments “Deeply Insulting,” But Said “I Do Not Accept The Notion

That Because Of Trump’s Offensive Statements About Women, I, As A Woman, Must Not Vote

For Him”

Van Duyne Called Trump’s Blunders On The 2016 Campaign Trail “Deeply Insulting.” “Make no mistake:

Trump’s blunders were deeply insulting and cost him millions. Clinton’s, however, cost American lives and will

undoubtedly continue to do so if elected.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne: “I Do Not Accept The Notion That Because Of Trump’s Offensive Statements About Women, I,

As A Woman, Must Not Vote For Him.” “My perspective is that of a Christian, a conservative, a parent, the

mayor of a top 100 city and a Republican who is disgusted with the way ‘leaders’ in Washington have conducted

our nation’s business for the past eight years. I do not accept the notion that because of Trump’s offensive

statements about women, I, as a woman, must not vote for him. Nor do I accept the notion that because Clinton and

I are both women, I must therefore stop using my brain and turn my vote to her. While Clinton and I were both born

with a set of ovaries, that’s about where our similarities end. Can we not get beyond gender and race as reasons to

support a candidate?” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Was Later Reported To Be “One Of The Few Major City Mayors To Endorse Trump”

Dallas Morning News: “Van Duyne Was One Of The Few Big-City Mayors In America To Endorse Trump

For President.” “Van Duyne was one of the few big-city mayors in America to endorse Trump for president, and

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she could be offered a post under Ben Carson, Trump’s nominee for housing secretary.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne Was Vocally Opposed To Trump’s Impeachment

Van Duyne: “You’re Seeing A Lot Of People Waste Time And Money And Energy On Trying To

Reverse The 2016 Presidency”

Van Duyne On Impeachment: “You’re Seeing A Lot Of People Waste Time And Money And Energy On

Trying To Reverse The 2016 Presidency.” “Former Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, a GOPer who worked in the

Trump administration, brought in more than $347,000 since she launched her campaign. She attributed that early

success to voters being ‘absolutely frustrated’ with the ‘circus’ she said Democrats are creating in D.C. ‘You’re

seeing a lot of people waste time and money and energy on trying to reverse the 2016 presidency,’ she said,

referring to the impeachment inquiry against Trump.” [Dallas Morning News, 10/20/19]

Van Duyne: “Opposition To Speaker Pelosi’s Sham Impeachment Is Now Bi-Partisan! Democrats Are

Starting To Turn Against The Extremists Who Are Running Their Party & Openly Saying They Will

Vote Against Pelosi’s Articles Of Impeachment. Keep The Pressure On Them Folks!” “Opposition to

Speaker Pelosi’s sham impeachment is now bi-partisan! Democrats are starting to turn against the extremists

who are running their party & openly saying they will vote against Pelosi’s articles of impeachment. Keep the

pressure on them folks!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 12/6/19]

Van Duyne Impeachment: “Anyone Else Sick Of NOTHING Happening In DC To Solve Issues That

Matter To Americans? Instead, Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart With This Scam

Impeachment Process!” “Anyone else sick of NOTHING happening in DC to solve issues that matter to

Americans? Instead, extremists are only forcing us further apart with this scam impeachment process!” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 11/19/19]

Van Duyne Impeachment: “While There Was A Bi-Partisan Vote AGAINST Continuing This Scam

Impeachment Process, Sadly Those Voices Were In The Minority. Now, Instead Of Doing The Real

Work That Matters To People Here At Home, Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart. What A

Sad And Shameful Day.” “While there was a bi-partisan vote AGAINST continuing this scam impeachment

process, sadly those voices were in the minority. Now, instead of doing the real work that matters to people

here at home, extremists are only forcing us further apart. What a sad and shameful day.” [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 10/31/19]

Van Duyne: “The Left Has Been Trying To Do This Ever Since He Was Elected. We Must Stand

Up To Impeachment-Crazed Democrats And Support Our President. This Has To Stop!”

Van Duyne: “The Left Has Been Trying To Do This Ever Since He Was Elected. We Must Stand Up To

Impeachment-Crazed Democrats And Support Our President. This Has To Stop!” “It’s official: The House

has impeached our President. The Left has been trying to do this ever since he was elected. We must stand up to

impeachment-crazed Democrats and support our President. This has to stop!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign

Facebook Page, 12/18/19]

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[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/18/19]

Van Duyne: “Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart With This Scam Impeachment Process!”

“Anyone else sick of NOTHING happening in DC to solve issues that matter to Americans? Instead, extremists are

only forcing us further apart with this scam impeachment process!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook,


Van Duyne Participated In An All-White “Conservative Squad,” A Joint Fundraising

Committee, Appearing On Fox News To Promote Their Efforts

Van Duyne Was A Part Of “Conservative Squad,” A Joint Fundraising Committee, Along With

Jessica Taylor, Nancy Mace, And Michelle Fischbach

Dec. 2019: Van Duyne Was A Part Of “Conservative Squad,” A Joint Fundraising Committee, Along With

Jessica Taylor, Nancy Mace, And Michelle Fischbach. “CONSERVATIVE SQUAD is a joint fundraising

committee composed of Jessica Taylor for Congress, Inc., Fischbach for Congress, Beth Van Duyne for Congress

and Nancy Mace for Congress (each, a “Participating Committee” and, together, the “Participating

Committees”). Conservative Squad will allocate each contribution it receives, that is permissible under the Federal

Election Campaign Act of 1971, 52 U.S.C. § 30101 et seq., as amended (the “Act”), from a contributor who has not

exceeded his or her applicable federal contribution limits, to the Participating Committees pursuant to the Act and

this Allocation Formula.” [Conservative Squad, accessed 12/16/19]

Van Duyne: “I Am Excited To Have The Opportunity To Speak On Fox News” As A Part Of The

Conservative Squad. “I was excited to have the opportunity to speak on Fox News this morning about the new

coalition that I and three other strong, conservative women are starting as an answer to the ‘socialist squad’ in

Washington.” [Beth Van Duyne (via Twitter), 12/12/19]

Van Duyne Touted Her Appearance On Fox & Friends Leading Up To The Conservative Squad

Interview, Saying “Live From New York! Tune In Tomorrow To Fox & Friends For An Exciting

Campaign Announcement!” “Live from New York! Tune in tomorrow to Fox & Friends for an exciting

campaign announcement!” [Beth Van Duyne (via Twitter), 12/11/19]

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HEADLINE: “These Four Women Thought Forming An All White ‘Squad’ Was A Good Idea.” [Jezebel,


Van Duyne Said That The “Crazy Socialist Squad” In DC Was Only Interested In Pushing “A

Socialist Agenda, An Anti-American Agenda”

Van Duyne Said That The “Crazy Socialist Squad” In DC Was Only Interested In Pushing “A Socialist

Agenda, An Anti-American Agenda.” “You look at the squad that we see right now, the crazy socialist squad

that’s up there and quite frankly all they seem to do is push a socialist agenda, an anti-American agenda.” [Debbie

Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Said That Members Of The Democrat “Squad” Were Just Looking For “An Opportunity To

Be In Front Of A Camera.” “Are we focused on those kinds of bills and what we see at the DC level right

now by the radical socialists that are up there, specifically some of the members that you’ve just mentioned are

you know focused on impeachment issues and things that people see as a push as a not really taking

responsibility at all of what their jobs are. It’s an opportunity to be in front of a camera. It’s really anti-

American. It is absolutely anti-American.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

The “Conservative Squad” Quickly Deteriorated

Roll Call: Four Months After The Conservative Squad Announcement, One Of The Candidates Failed To

Make It Out Of Her Primary And The Other Three Posted “Modest Fundraising Numbers.” “In December,

four female Republican candidates banded together to form the “Conservative Squad” as the antidote to the quartet

of progressive women in the House known by a similar moniker. Four months later, one of those candidates failed

to make it out of her primary, and the three other women posted modest fundraising numbers. Today, the group’s

website isn’t even live anymore.” [Roll Call, 4/17/20]

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HEADLINE: Challenges confront self-described ‘Conservative Squad’. [Roll Call, 4/17/20]

April 17, 2020: The Conservative Squad Website Was No Longer Live. “Today, the group’s website isn’t even

live anymore. […] Even though the WinRed page is still available, the initial website promoted by the group,, is no longer active and invites the Squarespace owner to log in.” [Roll Call, 4/17/20]

[ (via, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Schmoozed With Conservative Activists Known For Spreading Conspiracy


Van Duyne Posted A Photo With Charlie Kirk, A Conservative Activist

Van Duyne Posted A Photo With Charlie Kirk. “Congratulations, @JackiDailyShow and @DougDeason! To the

most amazing, compatible and loving couple I know - cheers! Thank you for showing us that being patient and

loving pays off in happiness. Love you, guys. ” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/9/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/9/19]

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Van Duyne Posted A Charlie Kirk Quote Saying “They’re Using Armed Guards For This Whole Thing

Which I Think Is One Of The Greatest Ironies Of A Gun Control March.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/25/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/25/18]

Kirk Ran Turning Point USA, A Conservative Student Group, And Was Known For Spreading Conspiracy

Theories. “The tweets by Mr. Kirk, 26, who runs Turning Point USA, a conservative student group, hit just the

right marks for the president. […] Mixing, matching and twisting facts, Mr. Kirk has come to exemplify a new

breed of political agitator that has flourished since the 2016 election by walking the line between mainstream

conservative opinion and outright disinformation. It is a style that often seems modeled on that of Mr. Trump

himself. Backed by prominent Republican donors, and with a powerful ally in the president’s eldest son, Donald

Trump Jr., Mr. Kirk both amplifies the president’s message and helps shape it.” [New York Times, 4/19/20]

Van Duyne Posted A Photo With Candace Owens

Van Duyne Posted A Photo With Candace Owens. “Congratulations, @JackiDailyShow and @DougDeason! To

the most amazing, compatible and loving couple I know - cheers! Thank you for showing us that being patient and

loving pays off in happiness. Love you, guys. ” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/9/19]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/9/19]

Candace Owens Was A Conservative Commentator. “In recent weeks, everyone from conservative

commentator Candace Owens, to popular vloggers Diamond and Silk, to Trump booster and former Milwaukee

Sheriff David Clarke Jr., to Fox News personalities have had tweets deleted for running afoul of Twitter’s

coronavirus misinformation policy. Lockdown protesters frequently post fears that social media companies like

Facebook will delete the group pages on which they organize.” [Politico, 5/12/20]

Van Duyne Attended The Wedding Of Conservative Radio Host Jacki Pick And Conservative

Activist Doug Deason

Van Duyne Attended The Wedding Of Conservative Radio Host Jacki Pick And Conservative Activist Doug

Deason. “Congratulations, @JackiDailyShow and @DougDeason! To the most amazing, compatible and loving

couple I know - cheers! Thank you for showing us that being patient and loving pays off in happiness. Love you,

guys. ” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/9/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/9/19]

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Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Diamond And Silk

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Diamond And Silk. “Lively and supportive crowd at the Black History

Month Celebration at the White House tonight. From the lowest black unemployment rate ever, to criminal justice

reform to new job opportunities, the crowd was ecstatic. It’s an honor to be here and experience this firsthand.”

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/21/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/21/19]

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Katrina Pierson

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Katrina Pierson. “Lively and supportive crowd at the Black History Month

Celebration at the White House tonight. From the lowest black unemployment rate ever, to criminal justice reform

to new job opportunities, the crowd was ecstatic. It’s an honor to be here and experience this firsthand.” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 2/21/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/21/19]

Van Duyne Attended An Event With Danny Tarkanian And Sean Spicer

Van Duyne Attended An Event With Danny Tarkanian And Sean Spicer. “Great to hear @DannyTarkanian

speak about his vision for the future. @seanspicer shared some of the best stories I’ve ever heard. And where do

you take out of town folks to show off the best of TX? Haywire- what other bar can you hang in an Airstream?Thx

@JuddFruia!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/1/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/1/18]

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Kellyanne Conway

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Kellyanne Conway. “Was with some wonderfully strong and inspirational

women last night in DC. @KellyannePolls definitely fits that role being the first woman to run a successful

presidential campaign all while balancing 4 children and a home life. A masterful challenge no matter who you

are!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/15/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/15/18]

Van Duyne On Kellyanne Conway: “Kellyanne Conway Definitely Fits That Role Being The First Woman

To Run A Successful Presidential Campaign All While Balancing 4 Children And A Home Life. A Masterful

Challenge No Matter Who You Are!” “Was with some wonderfully strong and inspirational women last night in

DC. @KellyannePolls definitely fits that role being the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign all

while balancing 4 children and a home life. A masterful challenge no matter who you are!” [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 8/15/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/15/18]

Van Duyne Attended And Event And Posed For A Photo With Judge Jeanine Pirro

Van Duyne Attended And Event And Posed For A Photo With Judge Jeanine Pirro. “Great to see

@JudgeJeanine, @KellyannePolls, @JamesMontfort1 and so many others in DC tonight! Thank you,

@alicebutlshort and James, for inviting me.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/14/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/14/18]

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Conservative Commentator And Radio Host Dana Loesch At

The NRA Convention In Dallas

Van Duyne Posed For A Photo With Conservative Commentator And Radio Host Dana Loesch At The NRA

Convention In Dallas. “Great to catch up with @DLoesch during #NRAAM2018 in Dallas. Miss seeing her

around town but she is definitely staying busy. You go, girl!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/6/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/6/18]

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Van Duyne Spent The Day With Dana Loesch And Allen West At At A Patrio Mobile Event. “Great day for a

race at Texas Motor Speedway with the amazing team at Patriot Mobile, Glenn P. Story, Dana Loesch, Jeremy

Lock, Allen West, Chris Putnam, Gerald Kern and so many others!” [Beth Van Duyne Facebook, 11/4/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Facebook, 11/4/19]

Van Duyne Called Tucker Carlson’s Speaking Engagement At The NRA Convention In Dallas

“Funny, Engaging, Intelligent, And Spot On”

Van Duyne Called Tucker Carlson’s Speaking Engagement At The NRA Convention In Dallas “Funny,

Engaging, Intelligent, And Spot On.” “Tucker Carlson did an amazing job speaking at the Women’s Leadership

Forum at the NRA Convention today! He was funny, engaging, intelligent and spot on. Plus, I got to see some of

the strongest, community-minded women I know. #NRAAM2018” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/4/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/4/18]

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Van Duyne Gained Notoriety For Her Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne was well known for her anti-Muslim rhetoric

✓ Dallas Morning News: Van Duyne “became a local and national lightning rod often for her

outspoken positions on Muslim-related issues”

✓ Van Duyne claimed that a sharia court came to Irving, and asked the Irving City Council to vote to on a

bill that forbade judges from being influence by “foreign laws”

✓ February 2015: In a Facebook post, Van Duyne accused Irving’s Muslim community of having a

separate “sharia law court”

✓ March 2015: Van Duyne asked the Irving City Council to vote to on a bill that forbade judges

from being influence by “foreign laws”

✓ Van Duyne raised money off the backlash, shared false Facebook posts that she was being asked

to “surrender” by Muslims, and went on an anti-Muslim speaking tour

✓ Because of Van Duyne’s actions, many considered Irving to be a global symbol of Islamophobia

✓ The Bureau of American Islamic Relations, a hate group, was bolstered by Van Duyne’s anti-

Muslim bill

✓ For years after the offering the resolution, Van Duyne continued to defend the law and spend

misinformation about Islam

✓ April 2016: Van Duyne said she was shocked that Muslim women didn’t support her legislative

push to limit the Islamic tribunal and said women involved with the tribunal were experiencing

domestic violence

✓ 2019: Asked about her stance on the sharia law case, Van Duyne said that her stance was “a

support of women’s rights”

✓ Van Duyne gained national notoriety her botching of the Ahmed Mohamed, “clock boy,” incident

✓ September 2015: Van Duyne defended law enforcement’s decision to arrest 14-year old Ahmed


✓ The Mohamed family sued Van Duyne, along with Glenn Beck and Fox News, for $100,000; Van

Duyne reached an agreement with the plaintiffs to dismiss the case

✓ Van Duyne was criticized by local officials and organizations

✓ Van Duyne blamed the media for the criticism, continued to defend herself months after the

incident, and said it was difficult for her and her family

✓ Van Duyne later participated in an summit with Muslim groups

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Van Duyne Was Well Known For Her Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

Dallas Morning News: Van Duyne “Became A Local And National Lightning Rod Often For Her

Outspoken Positions On Muslim-Related Issues”

Dallas Morning News: Van Duyne “Became A Local And National Lightning Rod Often For Her Outspoken

Positions On Muslim-Related Issues.” “Van Duyne, who became a local and national lightning rod often for her

outspoken positions on Muslim-related issues, announced she would not seek a third term a day before the Feb. 17

candidate filing deadline.” [Dallas Morning News, 4/24/17]

Van Duyne Claimed That A Sharia Court Came To Irving, And Asked The Irving City

Council To Vote To On A Bill That Forbade Judges From Being Influence By “Foreign


February 2015: In A Facebook Post, Van Duyne Accused Irving’s Muslim Community Of Having A

Separate “Sharia Law Court”

Van Duyne Accused The Muslim Community Of Irving Of Having “Sharia Law Court.” “It began with a

February Facebook post by Mayor Beth Van Duyne responding to stories about a Muslim mediation panel

comprised of arbitrators settling civil disputes using Sharia law in non-binding decisions, with reports that the panel

was located in an Irving mosque. Van Duyne began referring to the tribunal as a ‘court’ and warned that foreign

law can’t be applied when it ‘violates public policy, statutory, or federal laws.’” [Washington Post, 9/16/15]

Van Duyne: American Citizens Need To Remember That Their Rights Are Guaranteed By The Constitution

And I Believe No One Should Subjugate Themselves To Anything Less.”

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[Facebook, Beth Van Duyne, 2/6/15]

March 2015: Van Duyne Asked The Irving City Council To Vote To On A Bill That Forbade

Judges From Being Influence By “Foreign Laws”

Van Duyne Asked The City Council To Vote On A Bill That Forbade Judges In Family Law Cases From

Using Foreign Laws

Van Duyne Asked The City Council To Vote On A Bill That Forbade Judges In Family Law Cases From

Using Foreign Laws. “Van Duyne’s comments attracted national media attention. In March, she asked her city

council to vote to endorse a Texas bill that forbids judges in family law cases from using foreign laws if they

violate constitutional or state protections. Critics said the bill unfairly targeted Muslims. Irving’s mosque

‘categorically’ denied hosting a court, stating that its imam acted as an arbitrator on a tribunal in the Dallas-Fort

Worth Metroplex.” [Washington Post, 9/16/15]

The Bill Was Ratified. “As the discussion went on the subject of diversity inevitably came up, particularly

concerning those who practice the Islamic faith. One of the opening questions on this topic involved the recent

ratification of Texas House Bill 562, nicknamed American Laws for American Courts, because of the bill’s

intended effect of allowing Federal United States and Texas State laws to supersede foreign laws in domestic

courts.” [The Irving Rambler, 12/19/15]

Van Duyne: “Sharia Law Court Was Not Approved Or Enacted By The City Of Irving”

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Van Duyne: “Sharia Law Court Was Not Approved Or Enacted By The City Of Irving.” “‘Sharia Law Court

was NOT approved or enacted by the City of Irving,” she wrote, adding: “Our nation cannot be so overly sensitive

in defending other cultures that we stop protecting our own. The American Constitution and our guaranteed rights

reigns supreme in our nation and may that ever be the case.’” [Washington Post, 9/16/15]

Van Duyne: ‘The City Council Looked At American Laws For American Courts Back In March, And It

Was A Law That We Supported Because We Support American Laws.’ ““The city council looked at

American Laws for American Courts back in March, and it was a law that we supported because we support

American laws,’ Van Duyne said. ‘I think anybody who claims that’s anti-anything says a lot more about them

than it says about the city council. We supported American Laws for American Courts. We supported

fundamental human rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Texas.

We take an oath when we take an office, and we state that we will defend and protect those rights, and as long

as I’m elected I will continue to do that.” [The Irving Rambler, 12/19/15]

The “Sharia Court” Van Duyne Railed Against Was A Mediation Panel

The “Sharia Court” Was An Islamic Mediation Panel. “While the bill does not mention religion, Leach has

singled out the Islamic mediation panel as a ‘problem’ it will solve. The wording is largely identical to that in a

previous bill pitched by another lawmaker as a way to stop the influence of ‘large populations of Middle

Easterners.’” [Dallas Morning News, 3/20/15]

Van Duyne Incorrectly Told Conservative News Outlets That The Islamic Mediation Service Was A

Separate Court

Van Duyne Incorrectly Told Then Fox Host Glenn Beck That The Islamic Mediation Service Was A

Separate Court. “Van Duyne left out some details. Like when she incorrectly told former Fox News host Glenn

Beck that the Islamic mediation service was a “separate court” creating new laws.” [The Dallas Morning News


Van Duyne On Sharia Law Matter: “Well You Know And Whether Or Not It’s A Court, A Tribunal, A

Mediation Service, An Arbitration Service. I’ve Kind Of Heard Everything That’s Gone On. The Fact Is

That We Are Supportive Of American Laws And American Courts.” “Well you know and whether or not it’s a

court, a tribunal, a mediation service, an arbitration service. I’ve kind of heard everything that’s gone on. The fact is

that we are supportive of American laws and American courts.” [Blaze TV, Dana Loesch Van Duyne Interview,


Van Duyne Raised Money Off The Backlash, And Shared False Facebook Posts That She Was

Being Asked To “Surrender” By Muslims

Van Duyne Raised Money Off Of Her Involvement In Sharia Law Controversy

Van Duyne Painted Herself As A Victim, And Fundraised Off Of Attacks On The Muslim Community.

“Irving police have opened a harassment investigation. But when Van Duyne asked the police chief about the

allegations of threats at Thursday’s meeting, he said none appeared to be criminal. Mayor on Facebook. Van Duyne

has portrayed herself on Facebook as a victim of the dispute. ‘Recent events have put me under attack and I need

your help now!’ the mayor posted last week, with a link to her political fundraising site. Asked who was attacking

her, Van Duyne pointed to the media - including a Dallas Morning News report that labeled her ‘a hero among a

fringe movement that believes Muslims ... are plotting to take over American culture and courts.’” [Dallas Morning

News, 4/3/15]

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2015: Van Duyne Raised Money Off Of Her Involvement In Sharia Law Controversy. “Recent events have put

me under attack and I need your help now! Stand with me to help me fight for conservative values and the

Constitution.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 3/25/15]

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 3/25/15]

Van Duyne Shared Blog Posts On Her Facebook Page Falsely “Muslims Demand Texas Mayor Surrender

After She Attacked Shariah Court”

Van Duyne Shared Blog Posts On Her Facebook Page Claiming Falsely “Muslims Demand Texas Mayor

Surrender After She Attacked Shariah Court.” “Or the wildly inaccurate blog posts she shared on her Facebook

page: ‘Muslims Demand Texas Mayor Surrender After She Attacked Shariah Court.’” [Dallas Morning News


After Attempting To Pass An Anti-Sharia Law Resolution, Van Duyne Went On An Anti-Muslim

Speaking Tour

After The Resolution Gained Attention, Van Duyne’s Popularity Grew In Conservative Circles, “Vault[ing]

Van Duyne Into A Speaking Tour About Muslims”

After The Resolution Gained Attention, Van Duyne’s Popularity Grew In Conservative Circles, “Vault[ing]

Van Duyne Into A Speaking Tour About Muslims.” “Van Duyne’s popularity has soared outside her city since

February, when she seized on a chain letter rumor that a Muslim court had imposed Shariah law in Irving —

hitherto known for the Dallas Cowboys, Las Colinas and the downtown soda fountain. The rumor was false, but it’s

vaulted Van Duyne into a speaking tour about Muslims, a biased media and what she called an effort to destroy the

country ‘from within.’ ‘I’ve been told I’m the hero of some freaky fringe group that thinks Islam is trying to take

over our court system, emulate it and duplicate it throughout the country, ‘the mayor said to hundreds in North

Richland Hills earlier this month.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/29/15]

One Woman Described Van Duyne As A Servant Of God. “While they don’t always square with the facts,

the mayor’s modest stories have had a powerful effect. Besides hero, her fans now call her a servant of God, a

defender of women and one of the most exciting politicians to shoot out of the North Texas suburbs.” [Dallas

Morning News, 7/29/15]

The Chairman Of The Kaufman County Tea Party Advertised Her Speeches Claiming The Media And

Democrats Are Protecting The Sharia Court System

Kaufman County Tea Party Chairman Ray Myers: ‘That Girl Is Quality.’ “‘That girl is quality, gushed Ray

Myers, who chairs the Kaufman County Tea Party. ‘All she’s got to do is get her name out there and decide which

position she wants to run for, and good people who care about this country will resonate.’”[The Dallas Morning

News 7/29/15]

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Meyers Said Van Duyne’s Speech Was About How Journalists And Democrats Are Protecting Sharia

Courts. “Myers said his website traffic doubled after he advertised Van Duyne’s speech to his group, billed as

“the inside story” of how Muslims, reporters and Democrats were protecting an illegal Sharia court. He

worried, he said, when he found out the Web traffic was coming “from places where there are mosques.” [The

Dallas Morning News 7/29/15]

Van Duyne Was Invited To Speak At The Organization That Accused President Obama Of Being A Secret


Van Duyne Was Invited To Speak At The Center For Security Policy, The Group Who Accused President

Obama Of Being A Secret Muslim. “A week later, Van Duyne was in New York at the invitation of the Center for

Security Policy, an advocacy group whose leader has suggested that President Barack Obama might secretly be a

Muslim.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/29/15]

Because Of Van Duyne’s Actions, Many Considered Irving To Be A Global Symbol Of


Dallas Morning News: “The City That Van Duyne Leads Has Become An International Symbol Of

Islamophobia For Many”

The Dallas Morning News: “The City That Van Duyne Leads Has Become An International Symbol Of

Islamophobia For Many.” “And since a 14-year-old Muslim was taken into custody in September in Irving ISD

for bringing a homemade clock to school, the city that Van Duyne leads has become an international symbol of

Islamophobia for many.” [Dallas Morning News, 12/06/15]

Dallas Morning News: “Van Duyne Could Spend Her Time More Productively By Reaching Out The

Local Muslim Community Instead Of Catering To Tea Party Voters Who Feed On Fear About Islam

And Relish Shots At The Press.” “‘Van Duyne could spend her time more productively by reaching out the

local Muslim community instead of catering to tea party voters who feed on fear about Islam and relish shots at

the press,’ the Morning News wrote. ‘Van Duyne has the intelligence and charisma to be a powerful leader in

this region. Unfortunately, she’s not using her abilities to their best end.’” [Washington Post, 11/23/15]

Dallas Morning News: “Van Duyne Has The Intelligence And Charisma To Be A Powerful Leader In

This Region. Unfortunately, She’s Not Using Her Abilities To Their Best End.” “‘Van Duyne could spend

her time more productively by reaching out the local Muslim community instead of catering to tea party voters

who feed on fear about Islam and relish shots at the press,’ the Morning News wrote. ‘Van Duyne has the

intelligence and charisma to be a powerful leader in this region. Unfortunately, she’s not using her abilities to

their best end.’” [Washington Post, 11/23/15]

The Southern Poverty Law Center Included Van Duyne’s Anti-Muslim Movement In A Report On Hate

Crime In America

The Southern Poverty Law Center Included Van Duyne’s Anti-Muslim Movement In A Report On Hate

Crime In America. “Extreme political rhetoric has helped fuel the rise of hate groups in the United States, and

Texas Republicans Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott are partly to blame, the editor of a report on extremism says. The

report also highlights Irving for anti-Muslim backlash that made national headlines. It cited Mayor Beth Van

Duyne’s condemnation of an Islamic mediation panel and the arrest of teen Ahmed Mohamed over a homemade

clock that was labeled a ‘hoax bomb.’ The number of hate groups in the nation grew 14 percent last year - with

Texas counting more than any other state, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center report. The center said it

only counted hate groups for which it could find some sort of activity in 2015, such as marches, speeches, meetings,

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criminal acts or the publication of literature. Those that appeared to exist exclusively online were not included.”

[Herald Democrat, 2/19/16]

Irving And Van Duyne Were Given Their Own Section Of An SPLC Report On Hate In The US

Irving And Van Duyne Were Given Their Own Section Of An SPLC Report On Hate In The US. “Irving

landed its own section in the part of the report that described a recent wave of Islamophobia. It pointed to Van

Duyne’s suggestion that an Islamic tribunal for civil disputes was a covert attempt to impose Shariah law, though

other faiths use similar tribunals. Van Duyne asked the rest of the City Council to endorse a state bill that would

have banned the use of foreign laws in state criminal courts - something that is already illegal. The council

supported the bill in a 5-4 vote. ‘Irving has become something of a model on how a city ought not to react,’ Potok

said. ‘The leadership there has plainly gone after Muslims as Muslims, not as radical jihadists but as a huge group.’

Van Duyne hasn’t returned messages seeking comment.” [Herald Democrat, 2/19/16]

Van Duyne Refused To Return Messages For Comment On Being Included In SPLC Hate Report.

“Irving landed its own section in the part of the report that described a recent wave of Islamophobia. It pointed

to Van Duyne’s suggestion that an Islamic tribunal for civil disputes was a covert attempt to impose Shariah

law, though other faiths use similar tribunals. Van Duyne asked the rest of the City Council to endorse a state

bill that would have banned the use of foreign laws in state criminal courts - something that is already illegal.

The council supported the bill in a 5-4 vote. ‘Irving has become something of a model on how a city ought not

to react,’ Potok said. ‘The leadership there has plainly gone after Muslims as Muslims, not as radical jihadists

but as a huge group.’ Van Duyne hasn’t returned messages seeking comment.” [Herald Democrat, 2/19/16]

A Local Imam Accused Van Duyne Of Fueling “Anti-Islamic Hysteria”

Local Imam: “It Fuels Anti-Islamic Hysteria. Her Whole Point Was To Rile Up Her Supporters. ... The

Problem Is We Become The Whipping Boys.” “The dispute has made Van Duyne a hero among a fringe

movement that believes Muslims - a tiny fraction of the U.S. population - are plotting to take over American culture

and courts. ‘It fuels anti-Islamic hysteria,’ said Zia Sheikh, imam at the Islamic Center of Irving. ‘Her whole point

was to rile up her supporters. ... The problem is we become the whipping boys.’ The mayor stands by her

statements, including an interview with former Fox News host Glenn Beck last month, when she said Sheikh and

other imams were ‘bypassing American courts’ by offering to mediate disputes among their worshippers according

to an Islamic code called Shariah.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/20/15]

The Bureau Of American Islamic Relations (BAIR) Was Bolstered By Van Duyne’s Anti-Muslim


The Bureau Of American Islamic Relations (BAIR) Was Bolstered By Van Duyne’s Anti-Muslim Bill

The Bureau Of American Islamic Relations (BAIR) Was Bolstered By Van Duyne’s Anti-Muslim Bill. “BAIR

was buoyed by the success of a state bill aimed at blocking Muslim influence in the US courts which was supported

by mayor of Irving, Beth Van Duyne, but there are anti-BAIR protests and an anti-BAIR Facebook page for those

of all religion who are concerned about the group’s activities.” [The Mirror, 6/27/16]

The BAIR Trained Gunmen To Shoot Muslims Dipped In Pigs Blood In Case Of A Muslim Uprising

The BAIR Trained Gunmen To Shoot Muslims Dipped In Pigs Blood In Case Of A Muslim Uprising. “A

group accused of stoking Islamophobia has revealed it’s training gunmen to shoot in case of a Muslim uprising -

using bullets dipped in PIG’S BLOOD. The Bureau of American Islamic Relations (BAIR) says the ammunition,

which may also be covered in bacon grease, will ensure the victims ‘go straight to hell.’ The organisation, which

previously caused controversy by posting the names and addresses of Muslims and ‘sympathisers’ in their area

online, says they are preparing for the inevitable.” [The Mirror, 6/27/16]

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BAIR Posted The Names And Addresses Of Dozens Of Local Muslims And “Muslim Sympathizers” Because

The Did Not Support Van Duyne’s City Council Measure

BAIR Posted The Names And Addresses Of Dozens Of Local Muslims And “Muslim Sympathizers” Because

The Did Not Support Van Duyne’s City Council Measure. “The leader of a group of armed anti-Islam protesters

in Texas listed the names and addresses of dozens of local Muslims and “Muslim sympathizers” on its Facebook

page Wednesday. Tensions in north Texas erupted after the Nov. 13 Paris attacks that were claimed by the Islamic

State group, also known as ISIS. The group, which calls itself the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, staged an

armed protest outside an Islamic center in the Dallas suburb of Irving last Sunday. Stepping up the harassment, the

group listed more than 50 names of those who ‘stood up for Sharia tribunals.’ The people named on the list, which

was posted by David Wright III -- the leader of the protest designed to intimidate Muslims -- were those who had

asked the Irving City Council not to support the ‘American Laws for American Courts’ bill, backed by Mayor Beth

Van Duyne, because it would go against their religion.” [International Business Times, 11/26/15]

For Years After The Offering The Resolution, Van Duyne Continued To Defend The Law And

Spend Misinformation About Islam

Van Duyne Said That Family Court Can Often Be Influenced By Foreign Laws

Van Duyne Said That Family Court Can Often Be Influenced By Foreign Laws. “A lot of people think it’s

just, it’s an assumption that you’ve got those laws in our courts. But the fact is that you do have a little bit of wiggle

room and our justices don’t always follow American laws, especially in cases of family court.” [Blaze TV, Dana

Loesch Van Duyne Interview, 5/5/15]

Van Duyne Was Shocked That “The Left Is So Deaf” To Her Interpretation Of The Sharia Law Case As

About Protecting Women In Family Courts

Van Duyne Was Shocked That “The Left Is So Deaf” To Her Interpretation Of The Sharia Law Case As

About Protecting Women In Family Courts. “You know I wrote that op-ed piece saying that this is an issue, this

is an equal protection under the law this is specifically to protect women in family courts and I am shocked that the

left is so deaf to that, that they’re not coming out and supportive.” [Blaze TV, Dana Loesch Van Duyne Interview,


Van Duyne: “They’re Calling Us Hateful, Bigoted, Racist. You’re Hearing All Of That, And As Soon As

They Start Talking About Labels What That Does Is It Squashes Legitimate Dialogue.” “They’re

throwing out labels, they’re calling us hateful, bigoted, racist. You’re hearing all of that, and as soon as they

start talking about labels what that does is it squashes legitimate dialogue.” [Blaze TV, Dana Loesch Van

Duyne Interview, 5/5/15]

Van Duyne On Foreign Influence In Family Courts: “You’re Not Talking About What The Law Stands

For, What Is Happening In These Types Of Courts. You Stop That Discussion And Then You’re Just

Put Into A Defensive Position.” “If you’re talking about, you’re in a defensive position, you’re not talking

about what the law stands for, what is happening in these types of courts. You stop that discussion and then

you’re just put into a defensive position. I’m not playing that game.” [Blaze TV, Dana Loesch Van Duyne

Interview, 5/5/15]

Van Duyne: “This Is What Started The ‘I’m A Hateful, Bigoted, Racist Islamophobe’”

Van Duyne: “This Is What Started The ‘I’m A Hateful, Bigoted, Racist Islamophobe.’” “Crowds packed City

Hall to watch Van Duyne push through a narrow vote to back a state bill called ‘American Laws for American

Courts,’ a national movement that seeks to shield courts from Shariah. With scant evidence that the U.S.

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Constitution didn’t already do that, the vote was blasted in editorials as far away as Waco. ‘I would never in a

million years have expected the negative reaction I got,’ Van Duyne told the crowd at the church, before reading

her first Facebook post on the topic. Cheers filled the church as she recited her old lines: ‘If it is determined there

are violations of basic rights occurring, I will not stand idle and will fight with every fiber of my being.’ ‘This is

what started the ‘I’m a hateful, bigoted, racist Islamophobe,’’ she explained afterward.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne: “We Have A Civilized Society That The Rest Of The World Tries To Emulate And Wants

To Come To, And At The Same Time Tries To Destroy. And What We’re Seeing Is They Destroy From

Within.” “No one questioned Van Duyne’s stories inside the church, though they asked plenty afterward. ‘Will

it ever be feasible for the imams and all to ever put Shariah law on an American-born woman like me?’ Gayle

Kinnart asked. Kinnart didn’t entirely understand the mayor’s answer, which meandered through a story about

how she’d been forbidden to take a Bible to Saudi Arabia. ‘We have a civilized society that the rest of the

world tries to emulate and wants to come to, and at the same time tries to destroy. And what we’re seeing is

they destroy from within,’ the mayor said.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/29/15]

Van Duyne: “This Is In Your State, In Your Neighborhood, Right Down The Street. It Is Far Too Late For

Us To Pretend There Aren’t People There Who’d Prefer To Do Things Their Own Way And Not Follow Our


Van Duyne: “This Is In Your State, In Your Neighborhood, Right Down The Street. It Is Far Too Late For

Us To Pretend There Aren’t People There Who’d Prefer To Do Things Their Own Way And Not Follow Our

Laws.” “‘This is in your state, in your neighborhood, right down the street,’ the mayor said. ‘It is far too late for us

to pretend there aren’t people there who’d prefer to do things their own way and not follow our laws.’” [Dallas

Morning News, 7/29/15]

Van Duyne: “I’ve Been Told I’m The Hero Of Some Freaky Fringe Group That Thinks Islam Is Trying To

Take Over Our Court System, Emulate It And Duplicate It Throughout The Country”

Van Duyne: “I’ve Been Told I’m The Hero Of Some Freaky Fringe Group That Thinks Islam Is Trying To

Take Over Our Court System, Emulate It And Duplicate It Throughout The Country.” “From Kaufman

County to New York City, the mayor of Irving keeps telling crowds she’s no hero. ‘People talk about, ‘Oh you’re

so brave,’’ Beth Van Duyne said in a flag-lined church near Forney, while the sheriff and 10 armed officers stood

guard in the parking lot. ‘There is nothing I did that was heroic.’ Van Duyne’s popularity has soared outside her

city since February, when she seized on a chain letter rumor that a Muslim court had imposed Shariah law in Irving

- hitherto known for the Dallas Cowboys, Las Colinas and the downtown soda fountain. The rumor was false, but

it’s vaulted Van Duyne into a speaking tour about Muslims, a biased media and what she called an effort to destroy

the country ‘from within.’ ‘I’ve been told I’m the hero of some freaky fringe group that thinks Islam is trying to

take over our court system, emulate it and duplicate it throughout the country,’ the mayor said to hundreds in North

Richland Hills earlier this month.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/29/15]

Van Duyne Claimed That There Were A Number Of Different Cases Where Family Court Sided With

Sharia Law Over American Law

Van Duyne Claimed That There Were A Number Of Different Cases Where Family Court Sided With

Sharia Law Over American Law. “There’s international laws that will reign, this was specific to family law

because that is a much different animal when you’re in the united states women have equal rights and there were a

number of cases brought up that Rinaldi had sent me some and again this is, I research, I’m not necessarily an

overly emotional person. Some people have claimed I’m a robot because I need to have my data in order to support

something, but there were a number of different cases, case law examples, where a husband had said I divorce you,

I divorce you, I divorce you, and he considered himself divorced. There was a case in new jersey where she was

actually beaten and raped by her husband and she wanted to get a restraining order. When she went to trial court the

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judge denied it, saying that he has no mens rea in this case because he doesn’t know he’s committing a crime

because, in his understanding under your marriage, I don’t know what country they were married in, but under

sharia law, he’s able to do that.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne: “There Were Several Examples That I Was Given, Two Of Them Were In Texas And

There’s Actually A Third Going On In Austin Right Now.” “Perhaps. Perhaps or they were saying that they

were married here but they were married with this understanding. So, taking those things into account, now that

woman did appeal it and it was turned over in appeal, however, a lot of women might not know that they can

appeal it, they might not have their resources to appeal it and unless it’s in an appeal you would never even hear

about it. So those are examples and there were other, I mean there were several examples that I was given, two

of them were in Texas and there’s actually a third going on in Austin right now. That shockingly and my mom

happens to be by the way a board-certified family attorney as well. And there are examples of that expectation

and you as an attorney can turn those cases down, which she has. but if they’re asking her it is happening

around Texas.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That The Islamic Tribunal Disturbed Her Because “Imams Were Referring To Themselves

As Attorneys, They Were Referring To Themselves As Judges”

Van Duyne Said That The Islamic Tribunal Disturbed Her Because “Imams Were Referring To Themselves

As Attorneys, They Were Referring To Themselves As Judges.” “Now before I did that, I looked at their

website and it was Islamic so I went to the actual website and I saw some things there that disturbed

me. I read it, the imams were referring to themselves as attorneys, they were referring to themselves as judges.

There was a thing in there that said call this number for legal services, there was a disclaimer on the bottom, don’t

call or don’t send us any confidential information until an attorney-client relationship has been formed, they were

charging for their services. Under areas of law, of practice, it included divorce cases, product liability, business, and

real estate litigation.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said The Islamic Tribunal Disturbed Her Because It Claimed, “All Muslims In The United

States Have To Practice Islamic Jurisprudence Or Sharia Law.” “And then when you sort of go into why

they’re doing that they go into, all Muslims in the united states have to practice Islamic jurisprudence or sharia

law, and that disturbed me a little bit. And I will fully admit that I was not fully aware, okay if I close this

computer am, I going to lose that, is that okay, are you alright with that? [closes laptop] So I was concerned, so

I started talking to some of my state reps. So, I talked to Matt Renaldi and Rodney Anderson and I asked for

their input on it and there was a bill and it was the American laws for American courts and so we started

talking, but in between, I posted this Facebook post and it’s a little long, but I hope you’ll entertain me.” [Van

Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That The Islamic Tribunal Disturbed Her Because It Referred To “Attorney-Client”

Relationships And Said Their Law Services Included “Divorce Cases, Product Liability, Business, And Real

Estate Litigation.” “Now before I did that, I looked at their website and it was Islamic so I went to the

actual website and I saw some things there that disturbed me. I read it, the imams were referring to themselves as

attorneys, they were referring to themselves as judges. There was a thing in there that said call this number for legal

services, there was a disclaimer on the bottom, don’t call or don’t send us any confidential information until an

attorney-client relationship has been formed, they were charging for their services. Under areas of law, of practice,

it included divorce cases, product liability, business, and real estate litigation.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That She Didn’t Post Her Proclamation On The Islamic Tribunal For Publicity, But

Because She Took An Oath To Defend The Constitution

Van Duyne Said That She Didn’t Post Her Proclamation On The Islamic Tribunal For Publicity, But

Because She Took An Oath To Defend The Constitution. “The fact is as an elected official I took an oath. I’m

not doing this because I want to get the publicity, trust me I did not want to get that publicity. I did it because as an

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elected official you stand up there and you say you are going to uphold the laws of the constitution and that of the

state of Texas and nobody should take that lightly. so, seeing a situation where that might potentially be threatened,

I stood up and said that and you would have thought that I was the biggest racist in the world because the amount of

condemnation that came down on my head from that statement was absolutely ridiculous.” [Van Duyne Speech,

Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said She Was Shocked To Receive Emails Labelling Her A Racist Since The Law She Was

Supporting Had No Mention Of Religion Or Islam

Van Duyne Said She Was Shocked To Receive Emails Labelling Her A Racist Since The Law She Was

Supporting Had No Mention Of Religion Or Islam. “We started getting emails, and they were all kind of the

same email that we were racist, we were bigoted, we were hateful because we were going to pass this law that was

against Islam. Now there was no mention of religion, there was no mention of sharia law, what we were saying and

what we really hoped they would come down because they were concerned that Facebook posts and the information

that was going out was going to create confusion about what this court did.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said They Provided The Members Of The Mosque And Opportunity To Come Down And

Support The Legislation, If The Legislation Really Was Not Going To Affect What They Were Doing

Van Duyne Said They Provided The Members Of The Mosque And Opportunity To Come Down And

Support The Legislation, If The Legislation Really Was Not Going To Affect What They Were Doing. “So,

we said this provides you with an opportunity to come down and stand with us and say what you support, which is

basic fundamental rights as provided by the law. Come down and stand with us, instead, we had about 300

members of the mosque that came down to protest our support of the constitution. Because they viewed that

legislation as offensive.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Claimed That She Sent A Copy Of The State Law Affecting Foreign Influence On Courts To The

Mosque Members And Never Got A Response. “In fact, the law that we’re talking about putting in and

supporting the legislation at the state level we’d really like you to support. They asked what it was, I told them we’d

get them a copy, and before we ever put it on the agenda, we were hoping to get their feedback. Three weeks went

by never heard from them. Literally, the night before it was about 8:30 at night, the night before, I’m trying to think

if I have any copies of it.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Agreed With An Audience Member That What The Imams At The Islamic Tribunal Were Doing

Was “Fraud”

Van Duyne Agreed With An Audience Member That What The Imams At The Islamic Tribunal Were Doing

Was “Fraud.” “Audience Member: ‘That’s also a violation of law, that’s fraud, right?’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘That’s

what you’d think. But as far as I know, there’s been no investigation. So, but that’s the assumption that people

make. By the way, the reason that [inaudible] was specific to family law is in things like contract law it’s whatever

the law was that was entered into and I’m not an attorney and I’m not going to practice one, being one, pretend to

be one. But my understanding is if you enter into a contract if it was based in sharia law, that is the expectation and

those standards can be held, it happens in international business all the time.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That She Was Surprised More Attorneys Didn’t Support Her Stance On The Islamic Tribunal

Van Duyne Said That She Was Surprised More Attorneys Didn’t Support Her Stance On The Islamic

Tribunal. “You know what is really funny and again the, one of my city council members is a board-certified

family attorney and my mom is a board-certified family attorney and is very involved in the family law division and

they fought it. They told us it was a nonsensical law that didn’t need to be passed so we have `had many attorneys

who have supported it who’ve actually seen cases like that first hand, but now we’ve not gotten overall support at

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all of attorneys. Not only have they not supported it, but it was the family law associations lobbyist who killed the

bill in Austin. I’m sure it’s gonna come up again, I’m sure it’s gonna come up again, so if you support that you

need to let your state representatives know.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum,


Van Duyne Said She Took Issue With Her Sharia Law Interaction Being Called An “Attack” Because It In

No Way Compared To Actual Acts Of Terrorism

Van Duyne Said She Took Issue With Her Sharia Law Interaction Being Called An “Attack” Because It In

No Way Compared To Actual Acts Of Terrorism. “You know I have mentioned a couple of times in public

settings that one of the things that disturbed me the most about the paper’s description of my attack on this peaceful

religious tribunal was the word attack and you look at what happened in Paris, you look at what happened in

Brussels, you look at what happened in San Bernardino, you look at what happened in Boston and you look at what

happened in garland, those were attacks. I don’t know if what we did in our city made a difference, I would like to

think that it did. The tribunal and I’m sure there are others if it is purely religious in nature and if it is purely giving

soul searching advice I god forbid I am not going to get involved between somebody and their god right but if

we’re talking about an attorney-client privilege that’s not made public and simply gone to county court when

you’ve got two signed signatures I don’t know if it’s happening in other, but I will tell you right now we’ve got

enough case law that shows that it’s happening in other jurisdictions and I would be really supportive of other cities

passing resolutions that would support the state legislation getting past. So, if you don’t live in the city of Irving or

even if you do live in the city of Irving support it. and I am hopeful that it passes this year, I don’t know what will

happen I’m hopeful but without a doubt, we have other cities that are being affected in this way.” [Van Duyne

Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Blamed The Media For The Criticism Of Her Resolution, Said She Did Not Think What

She Had Done Was Offensive, And Yelled At A Muslim Woman Who Confronted Her

Van Duyne Said That The Scandal Around The Islamic Tribunal Was That The Dallas Morning News

Wrote An Untrue Story And All Other Media Outlets Ran With It

Van Duyne Said That The Scandal Around The Islamic Tribunal Was That The Dallas Morning News

Wrote An Untrue Story And All Other Media Outlets Ran With It. “Goodness, gracious, thank you for saying

that. What I found most interesting was so many times the Dallas Morning News wrote about this, and it wasn’t just

the Dallas Morning News I can’t just pick on them. But they’re the ones who started it and then everyone else

copied exactly what they wrote. But it was, I attacked a group of imams, I attacked this, I attacked that, the mayor

accused them of having a court.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That Members Of The Mosque Asked Her To Recant Her Statements Because They Didn’t

Like The Tone, But She Did Not Think It Was Offensive

Van Duyne Said That Members Of The Mosque Asked Her To Recant Her Statements Because They Didn’t

Like The Tone, But She Did Not Think It Was Offensive. “We put this on the agenda. Really expecting that this

was not going to be a controversial issue really. Because what had happened is after my Facebook post I had gotten

a visit from members of the mosque that wanted me to recant my statement and I asked them which part didn’t you

like? what part would you suggest I recant? They didn’t like the tone. I said no. I’m not going to do that. I don’t

think that what I wrote was offensive and I would think what I wrote you’d support.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That She Got Into A Verbal Spat With A Muslim Woman Who Contested That The Islamic

Tribunal Was Not A “Court,” But Van Duyne Caught Her In A Lie Since The Islamic Tribunal Website

Said It Was A “Court”

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Van Duyne Said That She Got Into A Verbal Spat With A Muslim Woman Who Contested That The Islamic

Tribunal Was Not A “Court,” But Van Duyne Caught Her In A Lie Since The Islamic Tribunal Website

Said It Was A “Court.” “I was giving a speech several months ago and in the front row there was a woman not in

a full burqa, but she was in a hijab, and after the end of my speech. She had a book, a three-ring notebook not too

different than this and she had it opened up and I could tell that she had printed out pages from the Islamic tribunals

website and she had a question and she said: ‘mayor Van Duyne, I’m here because I want to let you know that I

was offended by your accusations, I don’t think it was fair, I don’t think it was a fair representation that you kept

calling this a court when all this was a religious tribunal.’ Now I don’t know about you, I don’t know about your

churches, I don’t know about your temples. I’m episcopal, if we talk about canon law, how many handle things like

product liability? My priest is not the first one I’m going to go to when I think about real estate litigation. It’s just

not going to happen. But I looked at her and I said, ‘really that was the issue?’ And she said, ‘yeah you called it a

court and it wasn’t a court.’ Now I have gone over this site many a time because I did not ever want it to be my

words, it was not my interpretation, so I was very, very specific to use the words that they used themselves. Lucky

for me she had this page opened up, it was the first page of what they consider, what they call ‘our constitution,’

and I said just for everybody in this room you have a three-ring notebook this is printed out from the Islamic

tribunal website right? and I said could you do me a favor and read the first line so she looked at it and said ‘the

purpose of this court is to’ blah blah blah, and I said stop, go back. And I said can you do that one more time, and

she said ‘the purpose of this court’ stop. Who’s referring to it as a court?” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston

Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Complained About Getting The Credit And Blame Surrounding The Sharia Law Debacle, Even

Though There Was A Family Attorney On The City Council Who Also Supported It

Van Duyne Complained About Getting The Credit And Blame Surrounding The Sharia Law Debacle, Even

Though There Was A Family Attorney On The City Council Who Also Supported It. “I’m a lot more hopeful

this time this year than I was this time last year. When you take an oath, you have to take it seriously, as an elected

official you have to hold us accountable. What I found amazing was we had 9 members on our city council, do you

know what that vote was to protect constitutional laws that we all took an oath to do? Do you know what that vote

was? It was a 5-4 vote. We had 4 members of that city council who said they did not want to offend anyone in our

city. And by the way, an election has happened between then and now, if we were to have that vote today, we

would lose. So, when we think about how important elections are, 1 vote really does mean a huge amount. It’s also

interesting that we had 5 members of that city council that voted for that bill including a board-certified family

attorney and yet who has gotten all of the credit and blame for that? [Raises hand] Why? and I guess I’m somewhat

of an easy target, I’m fairly direct.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne: “I Would Never In A Million Years Have Expected The Negative Reaction I Got”

Van Duyne: “I Would Never In A Million Years Have Expected The Negative Reaction I Got.” “Crowds

packed City Hall to watch Van Duyne push through a narrow vote to back a state bill called ‘American Laws for

American Courts,’ a national movement that seeks to shield courts from Shariah. With scant evidence that the U.S.

Constitution didn’t already do that, the vote was blasted in editorials as far away as Waco. ‘I would never in a

million years have expected the negative reaction I got,’ Van Duyne told the crowd at the church, before reading

her first Facebook post on the topic. Cheers filled the church as she recited her old lines: ‘If it is determined there

are violations of basic rights occurring, I will not stand idle and will fight with every fiber of my being.’ ‘This is

what started the ‘I’m a hateful, bigoted, racist Islamophobe,’’ she explained afterward.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne: “I Did Not Realize I Was Such A Divisive Or Controversial Speaker Until I Started Getting

Calls About Bodyguards.” “Two Muslims tried to attack a contest to mock their religion in nearby Garland

the month before, so Myers called the sheriff’s office. By the time Van Duyne pulled off the interstate on June

16, a row of American flags and nearly a dozen officers stood in front of the Trinity Family Church. ‘I did not

realize I was such a divisive or controversial speaker until I started getting calls about body guards,’ the mayor

said inside.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/29/15]

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April 2016: Van Duyne Said She Was Shocked That Muslim Women Didn’t Support Her

Legislative Push To Limit The Islamic Tribunal And Said Women Involved With The Tribunal

Were Experiencing Domestic Violence

Van Duyne Said She Was Shocked That Muslim Women Didn’t Support Her Legislative Push To Limit The

Islamic Tribunal

Van Duyne Was Shocked That Muslim Women Didn’t Support Her Legislative Push To Limit The Islamic

Tribunal. “Beth Van Duyne: “And as a result, we were again called everything under the book and you know at

some point in time you’re like, what do labels really do? Okay, they’re funny I guess to say, trying to make a point.

But what they really do is they stop the conversation, because the person whose label is all the sudden dismissed

anything that comes out of your mouth is all the sudden dismissed because you’re a racist, right? you’re dismissed.

but it also stops the conversation, now think about what even having that on the agenda could’ve done. What I was

most concerned, is you have under sharia law, for example, you have women whose testimony is worth 50% that of

a man. Now is that equal protection under the law? You have women who are not allowed to represent themselves

or decide if they want to get a divorce. They have to ask permission and then they have to have the imam represent

them, is that equal protection under the law? And do you know who I really thought would be supportive and get

behind me?’ Audience murmurs: ‘The woman.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘[Nods] And do you know who I got the most

grief from?’ Audience: ‘The Women.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘[Nods] And I’m thinking you guys come down here and

you fight for things that I don’t necessarily believe are happening but this, even if it’s a possibility. Why would you

support it?’” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Compared What The Muslim Women Involved With The Islamic Tribunal Were Going

Through To Domestic Violence

Van Duyne Compared What The Muslim Women Involved With The Islamic Tribunal Were Going

Through To Domestic Violence. “I never got an answer. and then I heard well you know what if they want to

subjugate themselves to this type of behavior, culturally they’re allowed to do that, we have to let them. Okay, so

let’s substitute domestic violence in that situation. Same people, okay well you know what she wants to get beat by

her husband that’s a decision she can make, we can’t help her. How would that go over? And yet this is the

narrative and for some reason, we all see in this room the hypocrisy of it, but trying to actually get that in the paper,

trying to actually get people, especially elected officials to say that is how difficult?” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

2019: Asked About Her Stance On The Sharia Law Case, Van Duyne Said That Her Stance Was “A

Support Of Women’s Rights”

Van Duyne Was Asked About Her Stance On The Sharia Law Case During Her Tarrant County

Endorsement Press Conference And Said That Her Stance Was “A Support Of Women’s Rights.” “Beth Van

Duyne: When you say my stance, I supported everybody in my community. It was about the sharia law court. My

stance was to put on a bill to support American laws. That was a support of women’s rights. Women in foreign laws

wouldn’t have gotten the same representation.” [Project Vantage, Van Duyne Speech, Tarrant County TX, Officials

Endorsement Press Conference, 9/26/19]

Van Duyne Gained National Notoriety Her Botching Of The Ahmed Mohamed, “Clock

Boy,” Incident

September 2015: Van Duyne Defended Law Enforcement’s Decision To Arrest 14-Year Old Ahmed


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Van Duyne Defended Law Enforcement’s Decision To Arrest 14-Year Old Ahmed Mohamed For Bringing A

Homemade Clock To School

Van Duyne Defended Law Enforcement’s Decision To Arrest 14-Year Old Ahmed Mohamed For Bringing A

Homemade Clock To School. “Before 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed was arrested by police in Irving, Tex., after

bringing in a homemade clock to school, the national spotlight shone on the Dallas suburb as its officials warned

about Sharia courts. […] A lawyer representing Ahmed’s family said his family has ‘suffered discrimination’

before. After the teen’s arrest, the police chief said the incident was not related to race. Van Duyne defended the

police department and school district, writing on Facebook that her ‘first concern… is always the safety of our

children and Irving citizens.’” [Washington Post, 9/16/15]

Van Duyne Claimed The Police Detained Mohamed Because Of A Failure To Comply With Police Officers

Van Duyne Claimed The Police Detained Mohamed Because Of A Failure To Comply With Police Officers.

“Earlier this week, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne claimed that Mohamed’s failure to comply with officers was the

reason he was detained. ‘In my own conversations with the police is that he was not forthcoming with information,

but I just think common sense prevails,’ Mayor Duyne said according to KDFW. ‘Does it make sense? And if not,

why?’“ [Daily Mail, 9/30/15]

Van Duyne Said That Mohamed, 14, Had Been “Non-Responsive” And “Passive Aggressive” In Interactions

With Police

Van Duyne Said That Mohamed, 14, Had Been “Non-Responsive” And “Passive Aggressive” In Interactions

With Police. “A spokesperson for the Irving Police Department has said there have been multiple open records

requests for the full police reporting, but that those requests remained in the hands of the city’s legal advisor. The

available police report describes the event only as, ‘ Arrestee being in possession of a hoax bomb at MacArthur

High School.’ Van Duyne said that according to the information she had seen, Mohammed had been ‘non-

responsive’ and ‘passive aggressive’ in response to questions from police officers.” [Newstex, 9/23/15]

Van Duyne: “To The Best Of My Knowledge, They Followed Protocol For Investigating Whether This

Was An Attempt To Bring A Hoax Bomb To A School Campus.’ “‘To the best of my knowledge, they

followed protocol for investigating whether this was an attempt to bring a Hoax Bomb to a school campus,’

Van Duyne wrote. ‘I hope this incident does not serve as a deterrent against our police and school personnel

from maintaining the safety and security of our schools.’” [HuffPost, 12/10/16]

While Detained, Mohammed Was Even Refused A Phone Call

The Police Refused To Give Mohammed A Phone Call. “‘I tried making a phone call to my father. They said,

‘You’re in the middle of an interrogation. You can’t have a phone call,’ he said. ‘I really don’t think it’s fair,

because I brought something to school that wasn’t a threat to anyone. I didn’t do anything wrong. I just showed my

teachers something and I end up being arrested later that day.’” [KXAS, 9/15/15]

Van Duyne Accused Mohamed Of Talking More To Reporters Than He Did To The Police

Van Duyne: “He Told A Lot More To The Reporters Than He Ever Told To The Police.” “A week after the

arrest, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne told Glenn Beck that another side of the story was not being told. She

referred to the item as a ‘hoax bomb,’ not a clock, and said that Ahmed was not cooperative during questioning by

police. ‘He told a lot more to the reporters than he ever told to the police,’ Van Duyne said. ‘There’s a problem with

that. If your child was in that school and you saw something like this come in, you would want to make sure it is

our priority to make our children safe in school, period.’” [Washington Post, 11/23/15]

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Van Duyne Attacked The Mohamed Family For Not Meeting With City Officials And Not

Releasing Records

Van Duyne Claimed Mohamed Misquoted A Police Officer Who Questioned Him At School, But Refused To

Answer How She Knew Confidential Information About His Arrest

Van Duyne Claimed Ahmed Misquoted A Police Officer Who Questioned Him At School, But Refused To

Answer How She Knew Confidential Information About His Arrest. “Irving ISD’s spokeswoman didn’t

respond when asked the same question. And Van Duyne - who has said on Facebook that Ahmed misquoted an

officer who questioned him at the school - did not reply when asked how she could know confidential details about

his arrest.” [Dallas Morning News, 10/6/15]

Van Duyne Claimed The Mohamed Family Would Not Meet With City Officials

Van Duyne Claimed The Mohamed Family Would Not Meet With City Officials. “Irving Texas Mayor Beth

Van Duyne said last night that the family of Ahmed Mohammed has repeatedly refused to meet with city officials,

refused to released records exonerating police conduct, and that President Obama had tweeted about the case even

before pictures of the so-called ‘clock’ were publicly available.” [Townhall, 9/23/15]

Van Duyne Called Reporting On Ahmed Mohamed One Sided Because The Child’s Parents Refused To

Release Records

Van Duyne Called Reporting On Ahmed Mohamed One Sided Because The Child’s Parents Refused To

Release Records. “Appearing on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV, Van Duyne noted how reporting on the interaction

between Mohammed and police had been remarkably one-sided, in part because the Mohammed family refused to

release records noting…” [Newstex, 9/23/15]

Van Duyne: “As A Juvenile, They Can Not Release Those Records. The School District, A Number Of

Times, Has Asked The Family, To Release The Records, So That You Can Have The Balanced Story Out

There. The Family Is Ignoring The Request From The ISD.” “Appearing on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV,

Van Duyne noted how reporting on the interaction between Mohammed and police had been remarkably one-

sided, in part because the Mohammed family refused to release records noting: ‘As a juvenile, they can not

release those records. The school district, a number of times, has asked the family, to release the records, so that

you can have the balanced story out there. The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.’“ [Newstex,


Van Duyne Said That Mohamed’s Family Repeatedly Canceled Meetings, And While They Were “Supposed

To Be Meeting” The Family Was “On Their Front Lawn With A Press Conference”

Van Duyne Said That Mohamed’s Family Repeatedly Canceled Meetings, And While They Were “Supposed

To Be Meeting” The Family Was “On Their Front Lawn With A Press Conference.” “‘We had tried to reach

out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,’ Van Duyne said

pointing out that the family repeatedly canceled attempts to discuss the matter. ‘At the exact same time they were

supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference,’ she said.” [Newstex,


Van Duyne Said “The School District” Was “Put In A Really Bad Position” An Unable To Release Records

Because Mohamed Was “A Minor”

Van Duyne Said “The School District” Was “Put In A Really Bad Position” An Unable To Release Records

Because Mohamed Was “A Minor.” “While talk show hosts, tech giants and Muslim rights groups celebrated

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Ahmed in the days ahead, skeptics wondered why the family wouldn’t release his records. ‘Is there any doubt in

your mind … that this is not what it appears now to be?’ TV host Glenn Beck asked the mayor in an interview on

Sept. 21, after another guest claimed the boy had ‘staged’ his arrest. ‘The school district is put in a really bad

position because the child is a minor,’ Van Duyne said. ‘A number of times [the district] has asked the family to

release the records so you can have a balanced story out there.’” [Dallas Morning News, 10/6/15]

Van Duyne: “If Something Had Happened, And Nobody Had Spoken Up, People Would Be Livid. Can You

Imagine If You Were A Parent, At [Irving School District] And No One Said Anything?”

Van Duyne: “If Something Had Happened, And Nobody Had Spoken Up, People Would Be Livid. Can You

Imagine If You Were A Parent, At [Irving School District] And No One Said Anything?” “Van Duyne also

pointed out that the ‘teacher was reacting to the device not the student’ stressing, ‘If something had happened, and

nobody had spoken up, people would be livid. Can you imagine if you were a parent, at [Irving School District] and

no one said anything?’” [Newstex, 9/23/15]

The Mohamed Family Sued Van Duyne, Along With Glenn Beck And Fox News, For $100,000; Van

Duyne Reached An Agreement With The Plaintiffs To Dismiss The Case

The Mohamed Family Sued Van Duyne In A Civil Suit

The Mohamed Family Sued Van Duyne In A Civil Suit. “She also gained national attention after a civil lawsuit

was filed against her, commentator Glenn Beck and Fox News on behalf of Ahmed Mohamed, also known as

“Clock Boy,” who drew international media attention after being arrested at school for a homemade clock that was

mistaken for a bomb. The lawsuit was dismissed in January.” [Fort Worth Star Telegram, 3/30/17]

The Mohamed Family Sought $100,000 In Damages

The Mohamed Family Sought $100,000 In Damages. “In the defamation suit, Mohamed sought up to $100,000

in damages, as well as ‘nonmonetary relief’ for comments made by Van Duyne and media personalities that he

argues made the public think that members of his family were terrorists who staged the incident.” [Dallas Morning

News, 1/15/17]

The Case Was Dismissed. ”She also gained national attention after a civil lawsuit was filed against her,

commentator Glenn Beck and Fox News on behalf of Ahmed Mohamed, also known as “Clock Boy,” who

drew international media attention after being arrested at school for a homemade clock that was mistaken for a

bomb. The lawsuit was dismissed in January.” [Fort Worth Star Telegram, 3/30/17]

Van Duyne Reached An Agreement With The Mohamed Family To Dismiss Her Case

Van Duyne Reached An Agreement With The Mohamed Family To Dismiss Her Case. “Fox; TheBlaze and its

founder, Beck; the Center for Security Policy, a D.C.-based think tank, and its executive vice president, Jim

Hanson; television and radio personalities Ferguson and Shapiro; and Beth Van Duyne, mayor of the Texas city

where the Mohameds lived, were all sued by the boy’s father, Mohamed Mohamed, in Dallas County in September.

Over the last two months, a judge has tossed out the cases against all but two of the defendants, with the last round

of dismissals happening on Monday. A hearing on Shapiro’s motion to dismiss is scheduled for Jan. 30. Van Duyne

reached an agreement with the plaintiffs to dismiss the case against her, Susan Hutchison, the Mohamed family’s

attorney, said.” [Washington Post, 1/11/17]

Van Duyne Was Criticized By Local Officials And Organizations

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The Islamic Association Of North Texas Blamed Van Duyne For Creating A “Climate Of Fear”

The Islamic Association Of Northern Texas Did Not Fault Police But Blamed Van Duyne For The “Climate

Of Fear” From Her Rhetoric. “The Islamic Association of North Texas and Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne don ‘t

fault school and law enforcement officials for the arrest and suspension this week of a Muslim teen who brought a

homemade clock to school that was mistaken for a bomb.[...] But the group blamed political leaders like Van

Duyne for espousing inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and creating a “climate of fear” that would lead police and

school officials to react as they did.” [Desert News, 9/19/15]

The Irving City Manager Urged Van Duyne To Not Give Interviews

The City Manager Told Van Duyne “No More Interviews, Let Fire Die Down And Don’t Provide Any More

Oxygen.” “The texts, which The News requested from the city, describe how officials tried to manage the media as

outlets around the world reported on Ahmed’s arrest - which many saw as Islamophobic despite officials’ insistence

that police were right to initially suspect the clock. ‘Consultant said we were on the right track, continue to

emphasize strong public safety, safety and security,’ City Manager Chris Hillman texted Van Duyne at one point.

‘No more interviews, let fire die down and don’t provide any more oxygen.’” [Dallas Morning News, 11/12/15]

Van Duyne Was Nominated For 2015 Texan Of The Year By The Dallas Morning News For Being A

Catalyst “For U.S. Debate On Islam” That Made Her “A Hero Among A Fringe Movement”

Van Duyne Was Nominated For 2015 Texan Of The Year By The Dallas Morning News For Being A

Catalyst “For U.S. Debate On Islam.” “The mayor, who has had little to say publicly about the legal threat,

continues to be a beacon for one side of the debate over Islam, a side that already has urged her toward seeking

higher office - and an even greater voice. Texan of the year 2015 FINALISTS. BETH Van Duyne and AHMED

MOHAMED. Catalysts for U.S. debate on Islam.” [Dallas Morning News, Editorial, 12/16/15]

Dallas Morning News: “Van Duyne Seemed To Side With Conspiracy Theorists, Repeatedly Hinting

That There Was More To The Story Than The Public Knew.” “Van Duyne seemed to side with conspiracy

theorists, repeatedly hinting that there was more to the story than the public knew. No evidence to solidly

support either side has surfaced. If form holds, the truth likely falls somewhere in between. One wonders if

Ahmed’s odyssey would have drawn any attention had it not been for Irving’s political environment, which

Van Duyne helped ripen for rancor. In February, she stirred false rumors that the Irving Islamic Center had

established a Muslim Shariah court. The ‘court’ was in Dallas, and it’s actually just an arbitration panel, not

unlike those run by other faith groups.” [Dallas Morning News, Editorial, 12/16/15]

Dallas Morning News: “The Dispute Has Made Van Duyne A Hero Among A Fringe Movement That

Believes Muslims - A Tiny Fraction Of The U.S. Population - Are Plotting To Take Over American

Culture And Courts.” “The intense national spotlight on Islam has shifted to Irving, where Mayor Beth Van

Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims and the City Council voted Thursday

to endorse a state bill that Muslims say targets their faith. The dispute has made Van Duyne a hero among a

fringe movement that believes Muslims - a tiny fraction of the U.S. population - are plotting to take over

American culture and courts.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/20/15]

National Figures, Including President Obama, Showed Support For Mohamed

Van Duyne Criticized Pres. Obama For Showing Support For The Mohamed Family Before Seeing A

Picture Of Ahmet’s Alarm Clock

Van Duyne Criticized Pres. Obama For Showing Support For The Mohamed Family Before Seeing A

Picture Of Ahmet’s Alarm Clock. “Van Duyne also pointed out that President Obama, like many others, had

rushed to judgment before the facts in the case had become available. ‘We never even got a call from anybody at

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the White House asking to verify any of that information. I don’t think the picture of the hoax bomb was even

released before he tweeted ‘cool clock kid.’’ Van Duyne said.” [Newstex, 9/23/15]

Van Duyne: “We Never Even Got A Call From Anybody At The White House Asking To Verify Any Of

That Information. I Don’t Think The Picture Of The Hoax Bomb Was Even Released Before He

Tweeted ‘Cool Clock Kid.” “Van Duyne also pointed out that President Obama, like many others, had rushed

to judgment before the facts in the case had become available. ‘We never even got a call from anybody at the

White House asking to verify any of that information. I don’t think the picture of the hoax bomb was even

released before he tweeted ‘cool clock kid.’’ Van Duyne said.” [Newstex, 9/23/15]

Van Duyne: “It Seems To Be An Underlying Habit That [President Obama] Is Going To Second Guess

Police Officers Without Any Kind Of Information.” “Van Duyne said she was ‘shocked’ when she saw the

President’s tweet to Ahmed Mohammed. ‘It seems to be an underlying habit that [President Obama] is going to

second guess police officers without any kind of information.’ Van Duyne said that the Irving police chief,

whom she called ‘a wonderful man’, was receiving death threats as a result of the case, as were other police

officers, teachers and school administrators, in response to the controversy.” [Newstex, 9/23/15]

Rep. Mike Honda Called For Van Duyne To Apologize To Ahmed Mohamed

Rep. Mike Honda Called For Van Duyne To Apologize To Ahmed Mohamed. “Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif.,

called Tuesday morning for the Justice Department to investigate the detainment and arrest of Ahmed Mohamed,

the MacArthur High School freshman who brought a digital clock he reassembled to school. ‘No student should

face that kind of treatment,’ said Honda, a former educator and school administrator. ‘What should have happened

didn’t happen.’ […] Honda also called on Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, the Irving Police Department and

MacArthur High School to formally apologize to Ahmed. Van Duyne said in a Facebook post shortly after

Ahmed’s arrest that Irving police handled his case appropriately. Only after national backlash did she add that she’d

be upset if her children were treated as Ahmed was. Van Duyne gained national fame this summer among those

who believe Muslims are plotting to eviscerate American law and culture.” [Dallas Morning News, 10/20/15]

Van Duyne Blamed The Media For The Criticism, Continued To Defend Herself Months After The

Incident, And Said It Was Difficult For Her And Her Family

Van Duyne Blamed The Media For Her Criticism Following The Clock Boy Incident, Saying Journalist

“Don’t Care Who They Throw Under The Bus To Be Able To Sell Papers”

Van Duyne Blamed The Media For Her Criticism Following The Clock Boy Incident, Saying Journalist

“Don’t Care Who They Throw Under The Bus To Be Able To Sell Papers.” “Well yeah, I think it’s amazing

when you’ve got a media who has a very specific agenda and they don’t care who they throw under the bus to be

able to sell papers, and that was all about. Nobody was really interested from a media perspective on the truth.”

[Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Blamed Coverage After The Clock Boy Incident On One Journalist Writing A “Nasty Story”

And All Other Outlets Picking It Up. “We had one reporter who wrote a nasty story, again not based on the truth

and other papers just picked it up and people based on one reporters thoughts on the subject just went to town and

then all of the sudden made all sorts of radical assumptions on an entire city.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote

Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne On The Clock Boy Incident: “The Assumptions That People Made, The Labels That People

Threw Out Were Absolutely Ridiculous”

Van Duyne On The Clock Boy Incident: “The Assumptions That People Made, The Labels That People

Threw Out Were Absolutely Ridiculous.” “You know we’re one of the 100 largest cities in the country, we’re

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home to 6 fortune 500 companies and to think, we also have the most diverse zip code in the country. And the

things, the assumptions that people made, the labels that people threw out were absolutely ridiculous.” [Robert

Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne On The Clock Boy Incident: “You Had A Teenager Who Brought What Looked Like A Bomb

To School, And He Got Questioned About It And I Think If Your Child Was At That School, I Know If My

Child Was At That School, I Would’ve Wanted Somebody To Ask Some Questions Because God Forbid It

Was A Bomb.”

Van Duyne On The Clock Boy Incident: “You Had A Teenager Who Brought What Looked Like A Bomb

To School, And He Got Questioned About It And I Think If Your Child Was At That School, I Know If My

Child Was At That School, I Would’ve Wanted Somebody To Ask Some Questions Because God Forbid It

Was A Bomb.” “You had a teenager who brought what looked like a bomb to school, and he got questioned about

it and I think if your child was at that school, I know if my child was at that school, I would’ve wanted somebody to

ask some questions because god forbid it was a bomb and any kid got hurt you know there would be other questions

to be asked and I think it got totally thrown out of proportion and that’s just what happens when you’ve got people

who instead of having a normal conversation have to create these stories to sell papers.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9

Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne On The Clock Boy Incident: “It Was So Much More Dramatic To Make It Seem Like It Was

Some Kind Of A Hateful Thing And It Couldn’t Have Been Anything More, It Was Simply A Student

Brought Something In That Looked Like A Bomb And He Was Questioned On It And That Was It.” “It

was so much more dramatic to make it seem like it was some kind of a hateful thing and it couldn’t have been

anything more, it was simply a student brought something in that looked like a bomb and he was questioned on

it and that was it. But in today’s’ PC culture where we’re constantly looking to be offended instead of looking

at common sense, it’s a shame and I really hope we’re going to get over that soon.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9

Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Said “The Story” About The Incident Was “Not Clear” And It “Had Misstatements”

Van Duyne The Story” About The Incident Was “Not Clear” And It “Had Misstatements.” “And I got a lot of

information about what happened. I could tell you that the story was not clear, the story had misstatements in it.

Shocking. And the story was extraordinarily misleading given the facts. Later that day I had our work session

because you know just because you’re getting bad publicity does not mean that the inner workings of the city have

to stop so we went ahead and had our work session.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership

Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Claimed That She Felt The “Threat Of Violence” After Her Involvement In The Clock Boy

Incident, And Had To Get Security At Her Own Expense

Van Duyne Claimed That She Felt The “Threat Of Violence” After Her Involvement In The Clock Boy

Incident. “Well you know what and that threat of violence I’ve felt directly. We had an incident and you all know

about it, happened in September right. several months after this, September 16th I woke up and I had work session,

and I hate to admit it but usually at 5 or 5:30 in the morning the first thing I do is I reach for my phone and I look at

my emails, I look at you know things people have posted. Sometimes people have posted things to my Facebook

that I really don’t want on there and you have to clean it up, and I do all my own media, all my own social media, I

don’t have staff members for that. But I’m reading and I pulled it up and it was like whoa, I mean 10s of` thousands

of Facebook posts, twitter posts, emails it was horrible. First thing I did was turn on the news, not only was it on the

local news, but it was on national news. Then the first thing that I do is I read the story, now I tell you if I read this

story as a third person not having the experience from the previous year that I had I might have read that story

differently. And I’m going to give a lot of people around the world that read that story for the first time and thought

wow what is that ISD, what is that police department thinking, but I knew better. So, the first thing I did was I

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called our city manager and then I called our police chief.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow

Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said She Had To Get Security At Her Own Expense. “Since that time, I’ve had to get security at my

own expense. It’s not right that the city has to pay for it. We had votes for American Laws for American Courts and

in a nutshell, it said only in family court, so issues of child custody, issues of divorce, marital dispersions of assets,

only in family courts where a foreign law would not be enforced when that foreign law violates fundamental human

rights as provided by the constitution of Texas and the constitution of the united states.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That Her Then 16-Year-Old Daughter, Whose Closest Friends Were Of Varying Religions,

Took The Clock Boy Incident Very Hard

Van Duyne Said That Her Then 16-Year-Old Daughter, Whose Closest Friends Were Of Varying Religions,

Took The Clock Boy Incident Very Hard. “You know so we had had somewhat of a long day, so council, work

session ends and I go to meet with Michael and I looked down at my phone as I walked into the meeting and my

daughter who is 16 at the time said mom I’m looking at these Facebook posts and I want to cry. She said how can

people that talk about love write such hateful things? And I looked at Michael and I said sorry, I’ve got to go home.

Now to his credit he had no idea what was going on, hadn’t picked up the paper, hadn’t seen anything did not know

why I was so upset. That was the hardest part of my job, was trying to explain to a 16-year-old, whose closest

friend, by the way, she goes to an international school, to say the least, whose closest friends are Jewish, Hindus,

Muslims and they’re, she’s hearing her mom be called everything under the sun.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Criticized A Democratic Congressman For Calling On The DOJ To Investigate The City Of

Irving For Civil Rights Violations Without Ever Calling Her

Van Duyne Criticized A Democratic Congressman For Calling On The DOJ To Investigate The City Of

Irving For Civil Rights Violations Without Ever Calling Her. “We had gotten a couple weeks after this

happened, there was a group of democrat congressmen including one that represents my city that insisted that the

DOJ investigate the city of Irving for potential violations of civil rights. Now, this particular congressman has my

cell phone number, no call. And as far as I’m concerned, he’s labeling his own police department, I mean he

represents us, not even a phone call.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Later Participated In An Summit With Muslim Groups

Van Duyne Participated In A Summit With The American Islamic Forum For Democracy And

Former Muslims United

Van Duyne Participated In A Summit With The American Islamic Forum For Democracy And Former

Muslims United. “Ahead of Texas Muslim Capitol Day scheduled for later this month, freshman state Rep. Kyle

Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg, sent a letter to mosque leaders and Muslim student associations across the state

asking them to fill out a poll about their beliefs. In a letter dated Jan. 11 and signed by Biedermann, Muslim Texans

were asked to state whether they support efforts to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist

organization, the ‘Declaration of Muslim Reform Movement’ and a pledge regarding the safety of former Muslims.

[…] Among the participants of the summit are representatives for the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and

Former Muslims United - two groups that also signed the letter sent by Biedermann. Irving mayor Beth Van Duyne

is also listed as a participant.” [Texas Tribune, 1/19/17]

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Van Duyne Hindered Local Development While Mayor

Significant Findings

✓ Under Van Duyne’s watch, the city of Irving lost the Dallas Cowboys

✓ The loss of the Cowboys Headquarters and practice field cost Irving several hundreds of

thousands of dollars in business taxes, dozens of jobs, and killed development in the city

✓ Van Duyne had a public standoff with a developer over a multi-million dollar development project,

costing the city time and money

✓ Van Duyne requested proof that the company contributed to the project, and then rejected the

proof provided to her; the company later sued the city

✓ Van Duyne blamed developers and previous administrations for the failures of other projects while she

was mayor.

✓ Van Duyne got in a public shouting match with another local developer over financing issues.

Under Van Duyne’s Watch, The City Of Irving Lost The Dallas Cowboys

Van Duyne Had A Tense Relationships With The Dallas Cowboys Before Becoming Mayor

In 2004, Van Duyne Questioned Whether Or Not Having The Cowboys In Irving Actually Helped The City

Van Duyne Questioned Whether Or Not Having The Cowboys In Irving Had Actually Helped The City

Thrive. “The Dallas Cowboys earned their reputation as a legendary franchise long ago. But after 33 years in

Irving, the team’s off-the-field legacy here is a little less clear. City leaders and business owners disagree whether

all the Super Bowl rings and Hall of Fame players helped their suburb thrive economically or merely gave residents

another reason to cheer for the team. ‘You’ve got the wonderful rah-rah passion because it’s the Cowboys,’ council

member Beth Van Duyne said. ‘Putting the heart and feelings aside ... we need to reasonably ask: ‘What is the

impact to us?’’” [Dallas Morning News, 10/28/04]

Van Duyne In 2004: “You’ve Got The Wonderful Rah-Rah Passion Because It’s The Cowboys, Putting

The Heart And Feelings Aside ... We Need To Reasonably Ask: ‘What Is The Impact To Us?’” “The

Dallas Cowboys earned their reputation as a legendary franchise long ago. But after 33 years in Irving, the

team’s off-the-field legacy here is a little less clear. City leaders and business owners disagree whether all the

Super Bowl rings and Hall of Fame players helped their suburb thrive economically or merely gave residents

another reason to cheer for the team. ‘You’ve got the wonderful rah-rah passion because it’s the Cowboys,’

council member Beth Van Duyne said. ‘Putting the heart and feelings aside ... we need to reasonably ask:

‘What is the impact to us?’’” [Dallas Morning News, 10/28/04]

Van Duyne Voted Against A Study To See The Economic Impact Of Texas Stadium And The Benefits Of A

New Dallas Cowboys Stadium In Irving

Van Duyne Voted Against A Study To See The Economic Impact Of Texas Stadium And The Benefits Of A

New Dallas Cowboys Stadium In Irving. “The city has hired a company to study the economic impact of Texas

Stadium and the benefits of a new Dallas Cowboys stadium in Irving. The City Council on Thursday voted to spend

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up to $98,000 for the study, to be conducted by Turnkey Sports, a Maryland company. The council voted 7-2 to

approve the study. Council members Beth Van Duyne and Sam Smith voted against the move, calling the study a

waste of money.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/29/04]

Van Duyne Said That There Was A Pervasive Notion That In Irving The Cowboys Got Whatever They


2009: Van Duyne Said That There Was A Pervasive Notion That In Irving The Cowboys Got Whatever

They Wanted. “City Council member Beth Van Duyne said there’s been a pervasive perception among residents

that the Cowboys and Jones get whatever they want. She has for years said the city and team’s Texas Stadium exit

agreement too strongly favored the Cowboys. Among other things in that document, city officials agreed not to

compete against the $1.15 billion replacement stadium set to open in Arlington this weekend. ‘The council may

have allowed their adoration of the Cowboys franchise impact their decision,’ Van Duyne said. Van Duyne said

city staffers take their direction from the council. ‘If we’re willing to make those kinds of concessions at the council

level, that’s sending a solid and clear message to staff,’ she said. Van Duyne said residents in Valley Ranch

believed the Cowboys and city officials were too close. That’s one reason, she said, she gained support from north

Irving voters when she was first elected to the council in 2004.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/3/09]

Van Duyne Criticized City Government For Being Too Close To The Cowboys And Too Responsive To

Their Interests

2009: Van Duyne For Years Said That Irving’s Texas Stadium Exit Agreement Too Strongly Favored The

Cowboys. “City Council member Beth Van Duyne said there’s been a pervasive perception among residents that

the Cowboys and Jones get whatever they want. She has for years said the city and team’s Texas Stadium exit

agreement too strongly favored the Cowboys. Among other things in that document, city officials agreed not to

compete against the $1.15 billion replacement stadium set to open in Arlington this weekend. ‘The council may

have allowed their adoration of the Cowboys franchise impact their decision,’ Van Duyne said. Van Duyne said

city staffers take their direction from the council. ‘If we’re willing to make those kinds of concessions at the council

level, that’s sending a solid and clear message to staff,’ she said. Van Duyne said residents in Valley Ranch

believed the Cowboys and city officials were too close. That’s one reason, she said, she gained support from north

Irving voters when she was first elected to the council in 2004.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/3/09]

2009: Van Duyne Said That City Council “Allowed Their Adoration Of The Cowboys Franchise” To

Impact Their Decision. “City Council member Beth Van Duyne said there’s been a pervasive perception

among residents that the Cowboys and Jones get whatever they want. She has for years said the city and team’s

Texas Stadium exit agreement too strongly favored the Cowboys. Among other things in that document, city

officials agreed not to compete against the $1.15 billion replacement stadium set to open in Arlington this

weekend. ‘The council may have allowed their adoration of the Cowboys franchise impact their decision,’ Van

Duyne said. Van Duyne said city staffers take their direction from the council. ‘If we’re willing to make those

kinds of concessions at the council level, that’s sending a solid and clear message to staff,’ she said. Van Duyne

said residents in Valley Ranch believed the Cowboys and city officials were too close. That’s one reason, she

said, she gained support from north Irving voters when she was first elected to the council in 2004.” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/3/09]

2009: Van Duyne Claimed That Valley Ranch Residents Had Long Thought City Officials Were Too Close

To The Cowboys, And That These Notions Got Her Elected To The Council In 2004. “City Council member

Beth Van Duyne said there’s been a pervasive perception among residents that the Cowboys and Jones get

whatever they want. She has for years said the city and team’s Texas Stadium exit agreement too strongly favored

the Cowboys. Among other things in that document, city officials agreed not to compete against the $1.15 billion

replacement stadium set to open in Arlington this weekend. ‘The council may have allowed their adoration of the

Cowboys franchise impact their decision,’ Van Duyne said. Van Duyne said city staffers take their direction from

the council. ‘If we’re willing to make those kinds of concessions at the council level, that’s sending a solid and

clear message to staff,’ she said. Van Duyne said residents in Valley Ranch believed the Cowboys and city officials

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were too close. That’s one reason, she said, she gained support from north Irving voters when she was first elected

to the council in 2004.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/3/09]

Van Duyne Planned To Scrap The Irving City Council’s Private Suite For Dallas Cowboy Games

Van Duyne Planned To Scrap The Irving City Council’s Private Suite For Dallas Cowboy Games. “Irving

may have lost the Dallas Cowboys to Arlington, but Irving City Council members and business leaders still have

easy access to games at the team’s new home. They go to games through a Cowboys Stadium luxury suite lease that

could cost $4.85 million and is solely funded by revenues the Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce

receives from city-owned billboards. Chamber officials and council members have defended the arrangement they

say is centered on keeping up the city’s commercial tax base and maintaining political relationships - not about

living it up at football games. […] But Mayor Beth Van Duyne made it clear this week that she wants the

arrangement scrapped before the council reviews the chamber’s $2.2 million economic development contract next

year. By her math, the cost of the suite doesn’t yield a high return on investment considering the Cowboys typically

play about eight home games a season. ‘I guarantee there are a lot of things that you could do for a $60,000 event

for more than 20 people,’ Van Duyne told Wallace at a council meeting Thursday night.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne Voted Down Funding A Cowboys Suite With City Council Money, Claiming That A City-

Supported Suite Wouldn’t Sway The Cowboys To Stay In Irving

Van Duyne Voted Down Funding A Cowboys Suite With City Council Money, Claiming That A City-

Supported Suite Wouldn’t Sway The Cowboys To Stay In Irving. “Four Irving City Council members late

Thursday threw a last-minute - but unsuccessful - financial Hail Mary to fund a Cowboys Stadium luxury suite with

public money. Council members Rose Cannaday, Mike Gallaway, Roy Santoscoy and Dennis Webb voted to add

$410,000 for the suite to the 2013 city budget that takes effect Monday. They lacked a fifth vote to pass the

measure. Cannaday indicated that the Cowboys, whose headquarters are in Irving’s Valley Ranch area, have

considered leaving the city in recent years. She said maintaining a suite could help protect the city’s relationship

with the organization. ‘We’d like to keep them here in Irving,’ she said. Cowboys officials did not immediately

respond to emails seeking comment about their possible plans late Thursday. Mayor Beth Van Duyne, one of five

council members who shot down the measure, said a city-supported suite would not sway team owner Jerry Jones if

he decides to leave.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/28/12]

Van Duyne Voted Against A Study On The Economic Impact Of Texas Stadium And A The Benefits Of A

New Texas Stadium In Irving

2004: Van Duyne Voted Against A Study On The Economic Impact Of Texas Stadium And A The Benefits

Of A New Texas Stadium In Irving. “The city has hired a company to study the economic impact of Texas

Stadium and the benefits of a new Dallas Cowboys stadium in Irving. The City Council on Thursday voted to spend

up to $98,000 for the study, to be conducted by Turnkey Sports, a Maryland company. The council voted 7-2 to

approve the study. Council members Beth Van Duyne and Sam Smith voted against the move, calling the study a

waste of money. Turnkey will measure the economic impact of the Cowboys and the stadium on the city and Dallas

County and the impact of a new stadium on the same site.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/29/04]

Van Duyne Called For An Investigation Into The City’s Planning And Inspections And Processes When The

Cowboys Stadium Collapsed

Van Duyne Called For An Investigation Of The City’s Planning And Inspection Processes After The

Collapse Of The Cowboy’s Stadium. “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne on Monday called for an

internal investigation of the city’s planning and inspections processes in the wake of the Dallas Cowboys practice

facility collapse. Van Duyne’s request is the first time since the May 2 collapse that an Irving city official has

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publicly asked for a formal review of the city’s procedures, some of which were questioned after state officials said

Irving had not kept key records as required by law.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/14/09]

May 2nd, 2009: The Cowboys Stadium Collapsed. The 85-foot-tall practice facility collapsed May 2 when

about 70 players, coaches, team support personnel and members of the media were inside. The collapse

permanently paralyzed scouting assistant Rich Behm and injured 11 others.

Officials Had No Record Of Who Signed Off On The Project’s Design. “City officials have said they have

no record of the engineer who signed off on the project’s design. The city no longer has detailed building plans

on file from when the team built the structure in 2003.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/14/09]

Van Duyne Requested A New View Of The Stadium After The Dallas Morning News Obtained Engineering

Documents. “Van Duyne requested the review after The Dallas Morning News obtained engineering documents

that raised new questions about structural changes to the facility’s roof. State officials said such work would require

building permits, but there are no records of permits for such work with the city.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/14/09]

Van Duyne’s Work To Keep The Cowboys In Irving Was A Complete Disaster

Texas Stadium Was Demolished In 2010 And As Of 2017 There Was Still No Deal To Redevelop The Empty

Site Of Texas Stadium

Texas Stadium Was Demolished In 2010. “Exploding dynamite crackled through the air and the ground shook at

dawn Sunday, tumbling Texas Stadium from its perch as an American sports landmark. In less than a minute, 2,715

pounds of explosives turned the former home of the Dallas Cowboys into a pile of rubble. Its famous roof fell to

shreds atop it all. Thousands of people - politicians, former players, diehard Dallas Cowboys fans - watched from

the parking lots, highways and hills surrounding the famous building and cheered when it came down as if the

Cowboys had just scored a touchdown. Thousands more watched the implosion live on local television, and

residents reported feeling the blast as far away as Farmers Branch and East Dallas.” [Dallas Morning News,


As Of 2017, There Was Still No Deal To Redevelop The Empty Site Of Texas Stadium. “Irving is once again

looking for a development partner to make good use of the old Texas Stadium site after a company considering a

project there for more than two years pulled out. Irving officials confirmed Friday that development company

Oliver McMillan withdrew plans in December. Irving Economic Development Director Scott Connell said other

developers are interested in the site.” [NBC DFW, 2/3/17]

Van Duyne’s Idea Was To Build The New Cowboys Development On City-Owned Land In Las Colina

Van Duyne’s Idea Was To Build The New Cowboys Development On City-Owned Land In Las Colina.

“Instead, Van Duyne said, she wanted to build the development on a city-owned plot in Las Colinas. But that land

was earmarked for an entertainment center. Someone familiar with the negotiations said the city went so far as to

hire an architectural firm this year to work with the team.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

Van Duyne’s Proposed Site For The Cowboys Development Was Already Earmarked By The City For An

Entertainment Center

Van Duyne’s Proposed Site For The Cowboys Development Was Earmarked For An Entertainment Center.

“Instead, Van Duyne said, she wanted to build the development on a city-owned plot in Las Colinas. But that land

was earmarked for an entertainment center. Someone familiar with the negotiations said the city went so far as to

hire an architectural firm this year to work with the team.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

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Irving Went As Far As To Hire An Architectural Firm To Work With The Cowboys On The New

Development Before The Deal Fell Through. “Instead, Van Duyne said, she wanted to build the development on

a city-owned plot in Las Colinas. But that land was earmarked for an entertainment center. Someone familiar with

the negotiations said the city went so far as to hire an architectural firm this year to work with the team.” [Dallas

Morning News, 8/15/13]

City Negotiators For Irving Thought The Cowboys Moving Was Years Away, And They Didn’t See The

Team’s Decision To Move To Frisco Coming. “But city negotiators thought any move from Valley Ranch was

years away. They were slightly concerned that Arlington might poach the new headquarters, but no one in Irving

saw Frisco coming. And by the time they found out, it was too late.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

Van Duyne Called The Cowboys Upon Hearing They Might Move To Frisco, And Found Out That Irving

Wasn’t Going To Be Able To Compete

Van Duyne Called The Cowboys Upon Hearing They Might Move To Frisco, And Found Out That Irving

Wasn’t Going To Be Able To Compete. “When Van Duyne first heard rumors of the deal, she called the

Cowboys — only to learn Frisco had an insurmountable lead. ‘The infrastructure deal was already under

construction,’ she said. ‘It was so far along that both Irving and Arlington would not be able to compete.’” [Dallas

Morning News, 8/15/13]

Van Duyne: “The Infrastructure Deal Was Already Under Construction It Was So Far Along That Both

Irving And Arlington Would Not Be Able To Compete.” “When Van Duyne first heard rumors of the deal, she

called the Cowboys — only to learn Frisco had an insurmountable lead. ‘The infrastructure deal was already under

construction,’ she said. ‘It was so far along that both Irving and Arlington would not be able to compete.’” [Dallas

Morning News, 8/15/13]

Dallas Morning News: “Irving Is Left With A Loss And Its Consequences.” “Again, Irving is left with a loss

and its consequences. Van Duyne pointed to neighboring cities that found success without sports. ‘In Southlake,

Colleyville and Coppell they’re interested in their homes, their residents and their schools,’ she said.” [Dallas

Morning News, 8/15/13]

After The Cowboys Stadium Left Irving, Van Duyne Was Flippant About The Loss

After The Cowboys Stadium Left Irving, Van Duyne Was Flippant About The Loss

2005: After The Cowboys Stadium Left Irving Van Duyne Was Flippant About The Loss. “City officials want

to create a project that will fill city coffers in a way the stadium and football team never did. While they’re grateful

that Irving has been the team’s home since 1971, they say the city will survive - and even thrive - without the team.

‘We can sit here and cry over spilled milk, or we can figure out what we’re going to do once it’s gone,’ council

member Beth Van Duyne said. ‘It’s not the worst thing in the world, to be without the stadium,” she added. “In

fact, it might be a tremendous opportunity.’” [Dallas Morning News, 5/22/05]

Van Duyne On The Loss Of Cowboys Stadium: “We Can Sit Here And Cry Over Spilled Milk, Or We Can

Figure Out What We’re Going To Do Once It’s Gone.” “City officials want to create a project that will fill city

coffers in a way the stadium and football team never did. While they’re grateful that Irving has been the team’s

home since 1971, they say the city will survive - and even thrive - without the team. ‘We can sit here and cry over

spilled milk, or we can figure out what we’re going to do once it’s gone,’ council member Beth Van Duyne said.

‘It’s not the worst thing in the world, to be without the stadium,” she added. “In fact, it might be a tremendous

opportunity.’” [Dallas Morning News, 5/22/05]

Van Duyne Called The Loss Of The Cowboys Stadium In 2005 A “Tremendous Opportunity”

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Van Duyne Called The Loss Of The Cowboys Stadium In 2005 A “Tremendous Opportunity.” “City officials

want to create a project that will fill city coffers in a way the stadium and football team never did. While they’re

grateful that Irving has been the team’s home since 1971, they say the city will survive - and even thrive - without

the team. ‘We can sit here and cry over spilled milk, or we can figure out what we’re going to do once it’s gone,’

council member Beth Van Duyne said. ‘It’s not the worst thing in the world, to be without the stadium,” she added.

“In fact, it might be a tremendous opportunity.’” [Dallas Morning News, 5/22/05]

Van Duyne: “It’s Not The Worst Thing In The World, To Be Without The Stadium. In Fact, It Might Be

A Tremendous Opportunity.” “City officials want to create a project that will fill city coffers in a way the

stadium and football team never did. While they’re grateful that Irving has been the team’s home since 1971,

they say the city will survive - and even thrive - without the team. ‘We can sit here and cry over spilled milk, or

we can figure out what we’re going to do once it’s gone,’ council member Beth Van Duyne said. ‘It’s not the

worst thing in the world, to be without the stadium,” she added. “In fact, it might be a tremendous

opportunity.’” [Dallas Morning News, 5/22/05]

The Site Proposed For The Cowboys Development By Irving Was Already Being Leased By The City And

Highway Expansion Would Have Halted Construction For Years

The Site Proposed For The Cowboys Development By Irving Was Already Being Leased By The City And

Highway Expansion Would Have Halted Construction For Years. “Irving officials and Cowboys executives

talked throughout the year about alternatives. The grandest plan was a partnership to build a residential-retail

development anchored by Cowboys facilities elsewhere in the city. Jones, Mayor Beth Van Duyne and other key

players met in Valley Ranch earlier this year to discuss building the project on the Texas Stadium site in east Irving,

which the Cowboys vacated in 2008. But the site had issues: The city was already leasing it, and a highway

expansion would tangle construction for years.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

In The Wake Of Losing The Cowboys Headquarters Van Duyne Attempted To Point Out That Other Areas

Around Dallas Found Success Without Connections To Sports

In The Wake Of Losing The Cowboys Headquarters Van Duyne Attempted To Point Out That Other Areas

Around Dallas Found Success Without Connections To Sports. “Again, Irving is left with a loss and its

consequences. Van Duyne pointed to neighboring cities that found success without sports. ‘In Southlake,

Colleyville and Coppell they’re interested in their homes, their residents and their schools,’ she said.” [Dallas

Morning News, 8/15/13]

Van Duyne: “In Southlake, Colleyville And Coppell They’re Interested In Their Homes, Their Residents

And Their Schools.” “Again, Irving is left with a loss and its consequences. Van Duyne pointed to neighboring

cities that found success without sports. ‘In Southlake, Colleyville and Coppell they’re interested in their homes,

their residents and their schools,’ she said.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

Van Duyne On Cowboys Loss: “One Business Doesn’t Define The City”

Van Duyne On Cowboys Loss: “One Business Doesn’t Define The City.” “After nearly three decades, the

Dallas Cowboys are getting ready to trade in the club’s Valley Ranch headquarters and practice facility in Irving for

a multimillion-dollar upgrade in Frisco. On Tuesday, the Cowboys and Frisco announced the club’s early plans for

building a 25-acre headquarters and practice facility off the Dallas North Tollway and Warren Parkway, which will

be part of a larger mixed-use development. Even though Irving loses some bragging rights, the city has plenty of

‘wins’ to focus on and a game plan for moving forward. ‘One business doesn’t define the city,’ Mayor Beth Van

Duyne told the Dallas Business Journal. ‘There are bragging rights associated with the Cowboys, which is a

national brand. We would’ve loved to keep them here, but the economic impact is minimal, and we have a

tremendous amount of bragging rights here.’” [Dallas Business Journal, 8/14/13]

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Van Duyne On Cowboys Loss: “And I Think We Were Shortsighted. And That’s A Shame”

Van Duyne On Cowboys Loss: “And I Think We Were Shortsighted. And That’s A Shame.” “‘I think we

missed a huge opportunity to have the Cowboys come to an area that was already built with infrastructure, had

DART line there and ready for something with monumental impact like the Dallas Cowboys organization,’ mayor

Beth Van Duyne told CBS 11 News. ‘And I think we were shortsighted. And that’s a shame.’ Van Duyne says she

made it clear to the Cowboys that she wanted them to stay. However, the city council had already chosen a

developer for the entertainment property in the urban center, so she didn’t have a chance to suggest that spot to the

Cowboys.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/13/13]

Van Duyne On Cowboys Loss: “There Are Bragging Rights Associated With The Cowboys, Which Is A

National Brand. We Would’ve Loved To Keep Them Here, But The Economic Impact Is Minimal, And We

Have A Tremendous Amount Of Bragging Rights Here.” “After nearly three decades, the Dallas Cowboys are

getting ready to trade in the club’s Valley Ranch headquarters and practice facility in Irving for a multimillion-

dollar upgrade in Frisco. On Tuesday, the Cowboys and Frisco announced the club’s early plans for building a 25-

acre headquarters and practice facility off the Dallas North Tollway and Warren Parkway, which will be part of a

larger mixed-use development. Even though Irving loses some bragging rights, the city has plenty of ‘wins’ to

focus on and a game plan for moving forward. ‘One business doesn’t define the city,’ Mayor Beth Van Duyne told

the Dallas Business Journal. ‘There are bragging rights associated with the Cowboys, which is a national brand. We

would’ve loved to keep them here, but the economic impact is minimal, and we have a tremendous amount of

bragging rights here.’” [Dallas Business Journal, 8/14/13]

Van Duyne On Cowboys Loss: “I Think We Missed A Huge Opportunity To Have The Cowboys Come To

An Area That Was Already Built With Infrastructure, Had DART Line There And Ready For Something

With Monumental Impact Like The Dallas Cowboys Organization.” “‘I think we missed a huge opportunity to

have the Cowboys come to an area that was already built with infrastructure, had DART line there and ready for

something with monumental impact like the Dallas Cowboys organization,’ mayor Beth Van Duyne told CBS 11

News. ‘And I think we were shortsighted. And that’s a shame.’ Van Duyne says she made it clear to the Cowboys

that she wanted them to stay. However, the city council had already chosen a developer for the entertainment

property in the urban center, so she didn’t have a chance to suggest that spot to the Cowboys.” [Dallas Morning

News, 8/13/13]

Van Duyne Said She Had Made It Clear She Wanted The Cowboys To Stay In Irving, But Couldn’t Give

Them The Land They Needed Because The City Council Had Already Chosen A Developer For The Land

She Had In Mind

Van Duyne Said She Had Made It Clear She Wanted The Cowboys To Stay In Irving, But Couldn’t Give

Them The Land They Needed Because The City Council Had Already Chosen A Developer For The Land

She Had In Mind. “‘I think we missed a huge opportunity to have the Cowboys come to an area that was already

built with infrastructure, had DART line there and ready for something with monumental impact like the Dallas

Cowboys organization,’ mayor Beth Van Duyne told CBS 11 News. ‘And I think we were shortsighted. And that’s

a shame.’ Van Duyne says she made it clear to the Cowboys that she wanted them to stay. However, the city

council had already chosen a developer for the entertainment property in the urban center, so she didn’t have a

chance to suggest that spot to the Cowboys.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/13/13]

Former Irving Mayor: “It’s Very Sad That Irving Is Increasingly Becoming A Loser.” “Former Irving Mayor

Herbert Gears didn’t see any silver lining in the news for his city. ‘It’s very sad that Irving is increasingly becoming

a loser,’ he said. ‘We lost the Cowboys. We lost the south Irving redevelopment project. We lost the entertainment

center, and now it looks like we’re going to lose one of the crown jewels of the city: our Byron Nelson

Championship.’” [Dallas Morning News, 12/1/12]

Former Irving Mayor: “We Lost The Cowboys. We Lost The South Irving Redevelopment Project. We Lost

The Entertainment Center, And Now It Looks Like We’re Going To Lose One Of The Crown Jewels Of The

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City: Our Byron Nelson Championship.” “Former Irving Mayor Herbert Gears didn’t see any silver lining in the

news for his city. ‘It’s very sad that Irving is increasingly becoming a loser,’ he said. ‘We lost the Cowboys. We

lost the south Irving redevelopment project. We lost the entertainment center, and now it looks like we’re going to

lose one of the crown jewels of the city: our Byron Nelson Championship.’” [Dallas Morning News, 12/1/12]

Van Duyne Said That The Cowboys Frisco Development Should Be An Eye Opener For Irving City Officials

Van Duyne Said That The Cowboys Frisco Development Should Be An Eye Opener For Irving City

Officials. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne said the Frisco development should be an eye-opener for officials in her

city. She said Irving’s city manager and council had focused all their energy on a controversial entertainment

complex planned for the city’s urban center. ‘Apparently Mr. Jones isn’t as impressed with the entertainment center

as some of our council members,’ she said. ‘Hopefully, we will be able to move on as a team and focus on being

proactive now.’ One notable difference is that the Valley Ranch complex has been generally closed to the public.

The Frisco complex will be open to visitors and amateur athletes.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/13/13]

Van Duyne: “Apparently Mr. Jones Isn’t As Impressed With The Entertainment Center As Some Of Our

Council Members. Hopefully, We Will Be Able To Move On As A Team And Focus On Being Proactive

Now.” “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne said the Frisco development should be an eye-opener for officials in her

city. She said Irving’s city manager and council had focused all their energy on a controversial entertainment

complex planned for the city’s urban center. ‘Apparently Mr. Jones isn’t as impressed with the entertainment center

as some of our council members,’ she said. ‘Hopefully, we will be able to move on as a team and focus on being

proactive now.’ One notable difference is that the Valley Ranch complex has been generally closed to the public.

The Frisco complex will be open to visitors and amateur athletes.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/13/13]

Dallas Morning News: “After Four Years Of Van Duyne’s Mayorship, Results In Her City Aren’t Obvious.”

“After four years of Van Duyne’s mayorship, results in her city aren’t obvious. A lakeside retail development,

which the mayor portrayed as imminent in early speeches, is still an empty field. A long-delayed hotel that will

complete the city’s convention center must wait even longer, after the developer fell through last year. The

Cowboys announced plans to move their headquarters to Frisco. The Byron Nelson golf championship plans to

leave Irving for Dallas. A tennis team the city paid to move to Irving, at Van Duyne’s urging, is packing up for

California.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/25/15]

The Dallas Cowboys Move To Frisco From Irving Ended A “Four-Decade Relationship” Between

The Town And The Football Team

The Dallas Cowboys Move To Frisco From Irving Ended A “Four-Decade Relationship” Between The Town

And The Football Team. “The 91-acre development includes 25 acres for the Cowboys’ facilities, while the

remaining 66 acres will be used for stores, restaurants and a luxury hotel. According to city officials, the

development will generate $1.26 billion in tax revenue with an estimated economic impact of $23.4 billion over the

next 30 years. This deal ends a four-decade relationship between the Cowboys and Irving.” [Associated Press,


The Cowboys Stadium In Frisco Was Paid For Mostly Through A City Sales Tax, With The School District

Funding Part Of The Construction. “The stadium will be paid for mostly through a city sales tax, with the school

district funding part of the construction. The deal, which was approved late Monday, calls for the Cowboys to

manage the facilities and pay operating costs. School district officials said they already were planning on building a

football stadium before singing onto this private-public deal.” [Associated Press, 8/13/13]

The Frisco School District Was Already Planning On Building A Football Stadium Before The Deal. “The

stadium will be paid for mostly through a city sales tax, with the school district funding part of the construction.

The deal, which was approved late Monday, calls for the Cowboys to manage the facilities and pay operating costs.

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School district officials said they already were planning on building a football stadium before singing onto this

private-public deal.” [Associated Press, 8/13/13]

The Loss Of The Cowboys Headquarters And Practice Field Cost Irving Several Hundreds Of

Thousands Of Dollars In Business Taxes, Dozens Of Jobs, And Killed Development In The City

The Loss Of The Cowboys Headquarters And Practice Field Cost Irving Several Hundreds Of Thousands Of

Dollars In Business Taxes And A Several Dozen Jobs

The Loss Of The Cowboys Headquarters And Practice Field Cost Irving Several Hundreds Of Thousands Of

Dollars In Business Taxes And A Several Dozen Jobs. “As the Dallas Cowboys plan their move to Frisco, Irving

residents wonder what went wrong and what comes next for a city that has lost all three of its world-class sports

icons in five years. Losing the Cowboys’ headquarters and practice field will cost Irving a few thousand dollars in

business taxes and several dozen jobs. That’s a soft blow compared with Texas Stadium’s closure in 2008 or the

annual Byron Nelson PGA tournament’s decision to leave for Dallas in 2019.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

Dallas Morning News: Dallas Cowboys’ Departure Decision Blindsided Irving, Killed Development Deal.

[Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

The Loss Of The Cowboys Headquarters Also Killed A Plan To Build Major Housing And Retail

Developments In Irving

The Loss Of The Cowboys Headquarters Also Killed A Plan To Build Major Housing And Retail

Developments In Irving. “The deal announced Tuesday also kills once-secret plans to partner with the team on a

major housing and retail development in Irving.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

At The Time, It Would Have Been Difficult For The Cowboys Aging Headquarters To Expand And Open To

The Public. “Irving officials and Cowboys executives talked throughout the year about alternatives. The grandest

plan was a partnership to build a residential-retail development anchored by Cowboys facilities elsewhere in the

city. Jones, Mayor Beth Van Duyne and other key players met in Valley Ranch earlier this year to discuss building

the project on the Texas Stadium site in east Irving, which the Cowboys vacated in 2008. But the site had issues:

The city was already leasing it, and a highway expansion would tangle construction for years.” [Dallas Morning

News, 8/15/13]

The “Grandest” Alternative Was A Plan By The City Of Irving To Build A Residential-Retail Space

“Anchored By Cowboys Facilities” In A Different Area In Irving. “Irving officials and Cowboys executives

talked throughout the year about alternatives. The grandest plan was a partnership to build a residential-retail

development anchored by Cowboys facilities elsewhere in the city. Jones, Mayor Beth Van Duyne and other key

players met in Valley Ranch earlier this year to discuss building the project on the Texas Stadium site in east Irving,

which the Cowboys vacated in 2008. But the site had issues: The city was already leasing it, and a highway

expansion would tangle construction for years.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/15/13]

The Frisco Cowboys Facility Would Generate $1.26 Billion In Tax Revenue With An Estimated

Economic Impact Of $23.4 Billion Over 30 Years

The Frisco Cowboys Facility Would Generate $1.26 Billion In Tax Revenue With An Estimated Economic

Impact Of $23.4 Billion Over 30 Years. “The 91-acre development includes 25 acres for the Cowboys’ facilities,

while the remaining 66 acres will be used for stores, restaurants and a luxury hotel. According to city officials, the

development will generate $1.26 billion in tax revenue with an estimated economic impact of $23.4 billion over the

next 30 years.” [Associated Press, 8/13/13]

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Van Duyne Had A Public Standoff With A Developer Over A Multi-Million Dollar

Development Project, Costing The City Time And Money

Van Duyne Campaigned On Auditing And Stopping The Construction Of The Las Colinas

Entertainment Center

Van Duyne Criticized The Las Colinas Entertainment Center While Campaigning For Mayor

Van Duyne Criticized The Las Colinas Entertainment Center While Campaigning. “Van Duyne last month

ousted former Mayor Herbert Gears, one of the project’s biggest supporters, for the council’s top elected seat. On

the campaign trail, Van Duyne criticized the city for oversight of the entertainment project and for scandals

stemming from how public money has been spent on it.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/21/12]

Van Duyne Criticized Former Mayor Gears For Taking Contributions From A Developer Involved With

the Project. “‘I also plan to explore putting an ethics policy in place. Dallas has a good policy and I’d like to

see something similar. Our City Council members should not be able to accept money from anyone whose

business would benefit from our rulings.’ During her campaign, Van Duyne had criticized ousted Mayor Gears

for accepting a reported half million dollars in contributions from Billy Bob Barnett, a central figure in the

planned Entertainment District.” [The Irving Rambler, 6/25/11]

One Of Van Duyne’s First Acts As Mayor Was To Perform A Full Financial Audit Of The Entertainment


One Of Van Duyne’s First Acts As Mayor Was To Perform A Full Financial Audit Of The Entertainment

Center. “Her first issue: a full financial audit of both the Entertainment District (a key point in the contentious

campaign), and of the South Irving Heritage District. ‘My first priority is figuring out where the money has been

going, and are we wasting it. Who has gotten paid and how much, and what did they do for it? What did the City

get out of it? I need to look at the original contracts and intent and see what’s changed. Are we on goal? And if

we’re not, how and why did we get off track, and how can we get back on track? Beth Van Duyne ‘I need to read

the contracts,’ Van Duyne said. ‘It’s too early to tell right now. I need to be briefed on the various changes. But

when we hear about deadlines after the fact? That’s a bad position to be in. The citizens need more updates, and

they need to hear about things ahead of time so they can influence the outcome, rather than just react.’ Other

priorities may be driven by public input.” [The Irving Rambler, 6/25/11]

Former Mayor Gears Accepted More Than $500,000 From Las Colinas’ Developer Billy Bob Barnett

Gears Accepted More Than $500,000 From Las Colinas’ Developer Billy Bob Barnett. “But Gears made no

bones about it. He openly and legally accepted more than $500,000 in campaign contributions from Billy Bob

Barnett, the developer with the city contract to build the planned $250 million Las Colinas Entertainment Center.”

[WFAA, 620/11]

Irving Could Not Entirely Finance The Las Colinas Entertainment Center Project

Irving Had To Pay $200 Million To The $250 Million Project

Irving Had To Pay $200 Million To The $250 Million Project. “The city’s plans to finance its $200 million

contribution to the $250 million project remain in limbo. Build America Bonds that the city had hoped to use for

some of the costs expired at the end of last year. [Dallas Morning News, 6/20/11]

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Irving Hoped To Use Build America Bonds To Help Pay For the Costs, But It Expired The Previous Year.

“The city’s plans to finance its $200 million contribution to the $250 million project remain in limbo. Build

America Bonds that the city had hoped to use for some of the costs expired at the end of last year. [Dallas Morning

News, 6/20/11] Irving Was Unable To Finance The $175 Million Needed To Build The Entertainment Center. “Irving cannot

finance all of the remaining $175 million needed to build a Las Colinas entertainment center that has already cost

$25 million to plan, city officials learned Wednesday. The city’s financial advisers told City Council members that

the amount they will be able to finance will leave Irving $75 million to $110 million short.” [Dallas Morning News,


Irving Had Already Contributed More Than $21 Million To The Predevelopment Of The Project

Irving Had Spent More Than $21 Million To The Predevelopment Of The Project. “The city has already spent

more than $21 million for the predevelopment of the project. The money for that phase has been overseen by

development company Las Colinas Group and related firms. A major component of Van Duyne’s planned

assessment of the project could fulfill a promise she repeatedly made on the campaign trail.” [Dallas Morning

News, 6/20/11]

And Las Colinas Had Also Missed An Important Deadline To Secure An $80 Million Contribution

Las Colinas Had Missed A Deadline To Secure An $80 Million Contribution. “The company missed a deadline

last month to secure its $80 million contribution to the project, but contract changes the council approved in a 6-3

vote gave the company until Aug. 6. Van Duyne cast one of the dissenting votes.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/2/12]

Van Duyne Requested Proof That The Company Contributed To The Project, And Then Rejected

The Proof Provided To Her

Van Duyne Asked Las Colinas For Proof That They Contributed To The Project…

Van Duyne Asked Las Colinas For Proof That They Contributed To The Project. “Mayor Beth Van Duyne

said she has asked for proof that the company has contributed to the project several times since the city tapped Las

Colinas Group to develop the entertainment center. The city has paid the company more than $22 million. ‘And I

haven’t seen any evidence that they’ve spent any of their own dollars,’ Van Duyne said Thursday.” [Dallas

Morning News, 7/22/11]

The Colinas Group Provided A Letter With Proof Of An Investor…

Las Colinas Provided A Letter Stating That They Had At Least One Investor., “In a letter delivered to city

staffers, Las Colinas Group chairman William Beuck identified only one investor, TDI Real Estate Acquisition.

The letter also said that the group is working with other ‘qualified investors and institutions.’” [National Mortgage

News, 4/2/12]

...But Van Duyne Claimed That Did Not Meet Her Burden Of Proof

Van Duyne Did Not Accept Los Colinas’s Letter. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne told the Dallas Morning News

that the letter does not meet her requirements for proof of funding. “ [National Mortgage News, 4/2/12]

The Head Of Las Colinas Accused Van Duyne Of Trying To Sabotage The Project

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The Head Of Las Colinas Accused Van Duyne Of Trying To Jeopardize The Project. “‘Irving’s development

partner in the Las Colinas entertainment center on Thursday accused Mayor Beth Van Duyne of jeopardizing the

project. The Las Colinas Group chairman said Van Duyne’s attempts to negotiate contracts between the company

and the city could make Irving the target of litigation that potentially could cost ‘taxpayers millions of dollars.’”

[Dallas Morning News, 3/2/12] Las Colinas Claimed They Spent At Least $1 Million In Pre-Development Expenses Based On The Pre-

Development Agreement. “Las Colinas Group chairman William “Bill” Beuck said his company has proved to the

city that it spent at least $1 million in pre-development expenses, as required by the development agreement. He

said the company is not required to show the city anything more than that. He also said that a financial review was

done for potential investors, not the city.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/22/11]

Las Colinas Provided A Report To The Dallas Morning News That Supported That They Spent

Their Own Money

Las Colinas Group’s Elise Mikus Allowed The Dallas Morning News To Review A Report Showing They

Contributed To The Project

Las Colinas Group’s Elise Mikus Allowed The Dallas Morning News To Review A Report Showing They

Contributed To The Project. “Las Colinas Group officials have said for months that the report proves it has spent

$12.7 million of its own money on the project. That would be in addition to $22 million in city funds Las Colinas

Group has received. The public money includes millions of dollars the city allowed Las Colinas Group to use for its

operations.[...] Las Colinas Group executive vice president Elise Mikus allowed The Dallas Morning News to

review the report earlier this year but would not allow copies to be made. Mikus deferred comment on the

unverified transactions to the accounting firm that performed the review. Weaver officials declined to comment on

the report, citing client privacy concerns.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/2/12]

Las Colinas’ Chairman Bill Beuck Wrote A Letter To Van Duyne Saying Proposals Will Undermine The

Agreement Made With Investors

Beuck Penned A Letter To Van Duyne Stating This Would Break Agreements Made To Investors. “In a letter

to Van Duyne on Thursday, Las Colinas Group chairman William “Bill” Beuck II said discussing key terms of the

agreements will undermine the company’s ability to hold on to its investors.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/2/12]

Las Colinas Ended Up Suing Irving For $139 Million

Las Colinas Sued The City Of Irving. “It has come down to litigation for the Las Colinas Group and the City of

Irving. Eariler this week, the Las Colinas Group LP filed a lawsuit in a Dallas County court against the City of

Irving following a City Council meeting where a contract between the developer and city expired without an

extension.” [Dallas Business Journal, 8/10/12] The Lawsuit Was For $139 Million Dollars. “The salvo was spurred by an affidavit from former real estate and

development director Brenda McDonald that was included in Las Colinas Group’s $139 million lawsuit against

Irving. The city’s former development partner in the troubled $252 million Las Colinas entertainment center project

filed the breach-of-contract lawsuit this month.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/19/12]

Irving Business Leaders Wanted The Entertainment Center Because It Keep Business Travelers In

The City

Business Leaders and City Officials Claimed The Las Colinas Center Was Needed Because It Will Keep

Business Travelers In Irving. “Business leaders and city officials say that such a project is needed in the Las

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Colinas Urban Center. They say it will help the city bring companies and events to the new Irving Convention

Center at Las Colinas and will keep business travelers in the city when they’re not working. ‘We can’t maximize it

if everybody’s leaving town every night to go do something,’ said Maura Gast, executive director of the Irving

Convention and Visitors Bureau.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/20/11]

The Council Found An Out Of State Developer To Finish The Project That Still Bothered Van


Irving’s City Council Found Another Developer. “Now, though, Irving was trying to rescue the project with an

out-of-state developer, Ark Group. Council members were working to find a resolution that would get the project

back on track and simultaneously do away with the lawsuit LCG had brought against the city in the wake of Van

Duyne killing their deal. Everyone was on board with that solution.” [D Magazine, 8/2013]

Van Duyne Did Not Want Ark Group To Progress Because She Claimed They Had Not Been Vetted. During

the meeting, Van Duyne railed that the Ark Group deal shouldn’t progress. The group hadn’t been vetted! (In fact,

it had.) The project should be put out to bid! (The judge in the LCG lawsuit had forbid the city from doing just

that.) After Van Duyne successfully scuttled the vote, the mayor quickly left, leaving council members staring at an

image of an empty chair in a public hotel space, wondering just who was listening in. [D Magazine, 8/2013]

Van Duyne Blamed Developers And Previous Administrations For The Failures Of Other

Projects While She Was Mayor

When Asked If She Felt At All Responsible For The Failure Of The Irving Convention Center Deal,

Van Duyne Pushed Blame Upon On Developers

When Asked If She Felt At All Responsible For The Failure Of The Irving Convention Center Deal, Van

Duyne Pushed Blame Upon On Shady Developers. “Avi Selk: ‘People with knowledge of the original

convention center hotel deal have told me that you played a significant role in shaping the terms of that deal,

convincing city negotiators that the private partner had to take on a larger financial burden that market research

advised. How would you portray your role in run-up to that deal? Do you see yourself at all responsible for its

failure?’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘As with many major development deals, economic issues that the city cannot control

come into play – developers cannot find financing, decide to move onto other deals or overall economic factors

prevent a deal from coming together. We remain committed to building a convention center hotel, however, we

want to ensure the deal that ultimately comes together does not create undue debt or a cost burden for the city.

Unfortunately, because developers have seen past actions by the city of Irving where millions of dollars were given

away on truly failed projects, there exists a perception that we will enter into new contracts that put Irving at a

disadvantage or entangle us with major long-term costs.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi

Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

Van Duyne Said That She Opposed The Music Factory Project In Irving Because The City

Wouldn’t Receive Any Sales Or Property Tax Revenue From The Development

Van Duyne Said That She Opposed The Music Factory Project In Irving Because The City Wouldn’t

Receive Any Sales Or Property Tax Revenue From The Development. “Avi Selk: ‘Some have accused you of

trying to obstruct the Music Factory project since the development agreement has been signed. Do you disagree?

How important, if at all, is the project’s success to the city?’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘I opposed the Music Factory project

because I did not believe it was a good deal for our city: the City will not receive any sales or property tax revenue

from this development; the previous council approved a $1 a year lease agreement for 100 years; and the city is

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obligated to spend tens millions of dollars without any reassurance that we will get a return on our investment.

Furthermore, $44 million dollars of existing and future Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) monies have been tied to

this project – these are dollars that could have been used to enable the development of the convention center hotel,

Water Street and North Shore. Obviously, I did not think this was a good deal for our city. Nevertheless, I am

working to help recruit restaurants and other tenants for this development.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with

Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

When Asked About Lack Of Progress On Development At Water Street And North Shore Van

Duyne Placed Blame On Past Administrations

When Asked About Lack Of Progress On Development At Water Street And North Shore Van Duyne Placed

Blame On Past Administrations. “Avi Selk: ‘Why has the city seen no progress on Water Street and North Shore,

both of which you once portrayed as imminent?’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘There are several factors that have prevented

further development of Water Street and North Shore. The most frustrating factor is that the past city council agreed

to give away $44 million of Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) monies for the construction of a single project, thereby

preventing us from being able to use any of those dollars for development on Water Street or North Shore.

Additionally, the developer interested in Water Street (Gables Residential) was recently bought by another

company, Clarion, who hasn’t yet communicated their intent for this site.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with

Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

When Asked What She Regretted Doing While In Office, Van Duyne Placed Blame On Past Administrations

When Asked What She Regretted Doing While In Office, Van Duyne Placed Blame On Past

Administrations. “Avi Selk: ‘What, if anything, do you regret having done in office? Any mistakes you’ve learned

from?’ Beth Van Duyne ‘Helping to run any large organization presents numerous challenges and opportunities.

My endeavor is to always have a focus of creating value and a return on investment for the citizens of Irving. As

such, we work to develop policies, budgets and programs that reflect our interest in strengthening our city, creating

more job opportunities and a developing a long-term vision for growth. In the past eleven years of service first as

councilwoman and now as Mayor, I wish we could have been more successful at stopping past administrations

from getting the city engaged in wasteful and fraudulent development deals that cost our city tens of millions of

dollars.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

In 2015, Van Duyne Got Into “A Near Shouting Match” With Another Local Developer Over

Financing Issues

Van Duyne Got Into “A Near Shouting Match” With A Local Developer. “The meeting culminated in a near

shouting match between Lazes and Van Duyne, who reminded the developer of comments he made in 2013. ‘You

said you could finance this out of your own pocket,’ the mayor said. ‘You’re being completely naive,’ Lazes said.

‘There’s not a developer in the country that does that, and you knew we were relying on bank financing.’ As Lazes

reminded the mayor that his company had spent millions of dollars on the project - including bailing the city out of

a lawsuit with its last partner - Van Duyne threatened to cut off his microphone. ‘You’re talking to the mayor,’ she

scolded. ‘If you’d gotten your financing, you wouldn’t even be here today.’” [Dallas Monring News, 8/28/15]

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Van Duyne Accused The Developer Of Saying They Could Finance Their Project Out Of Pocket, To

Which The Developer Said “There’s Not A Developer In This Country That Does That.” “The meeting

culminated in a near shouting match between Lazes and Van Duyne, who reminded the developer of comments

he made in 2013. ‘You said you could finance this out of your own pocket,’ the mayor said. ‘You’re being

completely naive,’ Lazes said. ‘There’s not a developer in the country that does that, and you knew we were

relying on bank financing.’ As Lazes reminded the mayor that his company had spent millions of dollars on the

project - including bailing the city out of a lawsuit with its last partner - Van Duyne threatened to cut off his

microphone. ‘You’re talking to the mayor,’ she scolded. ‘If you’d gotten your financing, you wouldn’t even be

here today.’” [Dallas Morning News, 8/28/15]

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Key Visuals


Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Federal Court Appointments, Trade Agreements, And Tax

Reform In An Interview With A Local Texas Conservative Host

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Federal Court Appointments, Trade Agreements, And Tax Reform In An

Interview With A Local Texas Conservative Host. “Absolutely, we have seen it work at a government level and

we can do it again. You think about the things that Trump has been able to accomplish, not only and to me all of his

conservative federal court appointments, but also things like trade agreements. Taking it on, looking at our tax

reforms, these are things that are putting dollars back into the pockets of the middle class, basically every class, but

also focusing on jobs Realizing that it’s not public sector, it’s not government, citizen, taxpayer dollars that’s going

to solve everything it’s getting the private sector dollars to get to be able to work to advance families and

communities all across the country.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne While Discussing Immigration Said We Need To “Protect Our Own” At A Citizens For

Immigration Reform Meeting That Was Recorded

Van Duyne While Discussing Immigration Said We Need To “Protect Our Own” At A Citizens For

Immigration Reform Meeting That Was Recorded. “There’s two topics right now in DC, two: Iraq and

immigration. It is not simply farmers branch that’s talking about it, it’s not Dallas, it’s not Irving, it is everybody

that is talking about this issue and it’s extraordinarily important. and we can sit here and what I have found is that

you either have people who don’t want to mess with it because you’re gonna get your hate mail, you’re gonna get

your hateful phone calls, you’re gonna get your snide comments made, and their reasoning has always been

consistent. It’s a federal issue, it’s a federal issue and you can argue it’s a federal issue. You can argue a lot of

things are a federal issue and yet it’s also our responsibility as city council members as representatives in the state

government and in the federal government to do what we can to protect our own.” [Van Duyne Citizens for

immigration reform meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Complained Of Having To Pay For OBGYN Care In Her Health Care Policy Because

She Didn’t “Plan On Having Any More Kids” In An Interview

Van Duyne Complained Of Having To Pay For OBGYN Care In Her Health Care Policy Because She Didn’t

“Plan On Having Any More Kids.” “Increasing the number of products, competitive products that are out there

by the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for prostate care. I probably will never need prostate,

you know, I’m paying for OBGYN care, I don’t plan on having any more kids. But can I buy what I need instead of

having everything forced on me.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Complained About Paying For Prostate Care In Her Health Care Policy. “Increasing the

number of products, competitive products that are out there by the private sector that are offered. Right now,

I’m paying for prostate care. I probably will never need prostate, you know, I’m paying for OBGYN care, I

don’t plan on having any more kids. But can I buy what I need instead of having everything forced on me.”

[Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Said She Was Called “Hateful, Bigoted, Racist” In An Interview

Van Duyne: “They’re Calling Us Hateful, Bigoted, Racist. You’re Hearing All Of That, And As Soon As

They Start Talking About Labels What That Does Is It Squashes Legitimate Dialogue.” “They’re throwing

out labels, they’re calling us hateful, bigoted, racist. You’re hearing all of that, and as soon as they start talking

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about labels what that does is it squashes legitimate dialogue.” [Blaze TV, Dana Loesch Van Duyne Interview,


Van Duyne On Foreign Influence In Family Courts: “You’re Not Talking About What The Law Stands

For, What Is Happening In These Types Of Courts. You Stop That Discussion And Then You’re Just

Put Into A Defensive Position.” “If you’re talking about, you’re in a defensive position, you’re not talking

about what the law stands for, what is happening in these types of courts. You stop that discussion and then

you’re just put into a defensive position. I’m not playing that game.” [Blaze TV, Dana Loesch Van Duyne

Interview, 5/5/15]

Van Duyne Went On Fox News To Promote Being Part Of The Conservative Squad

Van Duyne Joined A Group Of Conservative Congressional Candidates To Form The “Conservative Squad”

To Combat Socialism. “Four female conservative congressional candidates have banded together in a

‘conservative squad’ to combat Democratic socialist candidates across the United States. In a previous interview on

‘Fox & Friends,’ Alabama congressional candidate Jessica Taylor called for a new generation of conservatives to

counteract the ideology of Democratic socialists like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Then, in a

campaign video for her candidacy, Taylor said that she was “sick of arrogant socialists like AOC (Alexandria

Ocasio-Cortez), who’ve never even run a lemonade stand, trying to tell us how to live in Alabama and that more

government is the answer.” On Thursday, Taylor joined “Fox & Friends” once again with a newly formed

“conservative squad,” made up of Minnesota congressional candidate Michelle Fischbach, South Carolina

congressional candidate Nancy Mace, and Texas congressional candidate Beth Van Duyne.” [Fox News, 12/12/19]

Van Duyne Bragged About Irving’s Criminal Alien Program, Wherein If Someone Is Arrested And

They Cannot Provide “Documentation That They Are A US Citizen” The Police Contact ICE At A

Meeting Of Citizens For Immigration Reform That Was Recorded

Van Duyne Bragged About Irving’s Criminal Alien Program, Wherein If Someone Is Arrested And They

Cannot Provide “Documentation That They Are A US Citizen” The Police Contact ICE. “As a result of this,

there was a sweeping message coming into city hall, we want to reject the sanctuary city status the mayor has

established and we want to say that we are enforcing law period. As a result of Sue and [inaudible] work what we

were able to do was get our city manager and our police chief to look at other ways that we could do this without it

becoming a policy decision and what they did was a system that we have now given a fancy name to, we call it

CAP, the criminal alien program and all it is is a program, it’s not really a program it’s a policy that the federal

government has had for years that every years that every city has access to. If we have someone who was arrested

for criminal activity brought into our jail and they cannot give us documentation that they are a US citizen we pick

up the phone we dial the ICE office and we say can you come over and have an interview and see if this person is

legal or illegal? That is the program that our mayor has been going around to city after city and even at our federal

government level and saying this is our fantastic Irving CAP program.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration

reform meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne: “Just Because I Have A Set Of Ovaries Doesn’t Mean I’m Going To Agree With

Women, I Also Have A Brain”

Van Duyne: “Just Because I Have A Set Of Ovaries Doesn’t Mean I’m Going To Agree With Women, I Also

Have A Brain.” “Just because I have a set of ovaries doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with women, I also have a

brain. And part of my brain is looking at what’s in the best interest for my kids, for my family for my community,

for my country and those are things like jobs you know job creating, access to health care border security, basic

fundamental things that the government should focus on. Women are smart enough to realize are in their best

interest and their family’s best interest.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

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Personal & Professional


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This section provides background information on Van Duyne’s personal life, including education,

personal finances, criminal and civil record, and other areas. Searches were conducted with various

local media in Dallas County, media outlets including the Dallas Morning News, The Irving Rambler,

as well as a number of other online resources, including Lexis-Nexis.

Birth Date

Van Duyne Was Originally From Upstate New York

Van Duyne Was Originally From Upstate New York. “Van Duyne was born in upstate New York. Her parents

moved to Irving in 1986, and Van Duyne began attending Greenhill School. She graduated at 17, then moved out of

her parents’ house, got her own apartment in Irving and began working to save money for college.” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/28/11]

Van Duyne’s Family Moved To Irving In 1986. “Van Duyne was born in upstate New York. Her parents moved

to Irving in 1986, and Van Duyne began attending Greenhill School. She graduated at 17, then moved out of her

parents’ house, got her own apartment in Irving and began working to save money for college.” [Dallas Morning

News, 6/26/11]


Van Duyne Attended An All Girls Boarding School In Upstate New York For High School

Van Duyne Attended An All Girls Boarding School In Upstate New York For High School. “But we moved

down here when I was 17, now I had come from all-girls boarding school in upstate New York and I don’t know,

does anybody in here speak Chinese? I’ve been told that the Chinese symbol for war is two women under the same

roof. So, imagine a 15-year-old coming back from boarding school thinking she’s you know, I’ve had a little

independence, moving to Texas and having to move back in. It was difficult, I have a 17-year-old daughter and let

me tell you it was difficult.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Graduated Magna Cum Laude From Cornell University

Van Duyne Graduated Magna Cum Laude From Cornell University. “Beth is a magna cum laude graduate of

Cornell University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with studies in City and Regional Planning,

Government and Law. She has two children, Katie and Pearce, who attend public school in Irving.” [Irving

Rambler, 4/2/11]

Van Duyne’s Degree Was In City And Regional Planning, Government And Law. “Beth is a magna cum laude

graduate of Cornell University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with studies in City and Regional

Planning, Government and Law. She has two children, Katie and Pearce, who attend public school in Irving.”

[Irving Rambler, 4/2/11]

Van Duyne Worked For Three Years Before College In Order To Pay For Her Education. “Van Duyne

was born in upstate New York. Her parents moved to Irving in 1986, and Van Duyne began attending Greenhill

School. She graduated at 17, then moved out of her parents’ house, got her own apartment in Irving and began

working to save money for college. ‘They thought I would get a lot more out of it if I was responsible for

paying for it,’ she said. Van Duyne worked - sometimes two jobs at a time - for three years before she left for

Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/26/11]

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The following provides a brief overview of Van Duyne’s professional career:


• 2017 - 2019: US HUD, Regional Administrator overseeing Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana,

and Arkansas

• 2011 - 2017: Mayor, Irving Texas

• 2004 – 2010: Irving City Council


• 2002 – 2011: Co-owned a marketing and consulting firm, BCI Marketing Group, with her then-

husband Chris “Casey” Wallach

Van Duyne Worked For “Mid-Size Private Companies And Fortune 500 Corporations Like

Verizon, American Airlines And SAP”

Van Duyne Worked For “Mid-Size Private Companies And Fortune 500 Corporations Like Verizon,

American Airlines And SAP.” “Throughout her 20 year career, she has had the opportunity to work with small

startup companies, mid-size private companies and Fortune 500 corporations like Verizon, American Airlines and

SAP. She also founded and ran her own consulting business, working with executives to develop strategic business

plans, negotiation strategies, grassroots coalition building and federal and state legislative policy strategies.” [Irving

Rambler, 4/2/11]

2013-2015: Van Duyne Was Vice President Of Strategic Alliances At Akili Inc

2013-2015: Van Duyne Was Vice President Of Strategic Alliances At Akili Inc. According to her LinkedIn,

Van Duyne was the Vice President of Strategic Alliances at Akili. [LinkedIn, accessed 8/19/19]

Akili Named Van Duyne VP Of Strategic Alliances In July 2013. [Dallas Morning News, 7/7/13]

Akili Was A Business And Technology Consulting Firm. “Akili (pronounced (uh • kē’ • lē) meaning

‘knowledge’ in Swahili) is a business management and technology consulting firm founded in 1992. Our core

purpose is to improve the business performance of our clients through the application of people, process and

technology.” [Akili, accessed 8/20/19]

Van Duyne Was VP Of Marketing At Akili. According to her LinkedIn, Van Duyne was the VP of marketing at

Akili. [LinkedIn, accessed 8/19/19]

2002-2011: Van Duyne Was President Of BCI Consulting With Her Then Husband

Van Duyne Was President of BCI. According to her LinkedIn, Van Duyne was the president of BCI Marketing.

[LinkedIn, accessed 8/19/19]

2010-2011: Van Duyne Was The Senior Director Of Corporate Communications At LSG Sky Chefs

Van Duyne Was The Spokeswoman For Sky Chefs, An Airline Caterer

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Van Duyne Was The Senior Director Of Corporate Communications At LSG Sky Chefs. According to her

LinkedIn, Van Duyne was the senior director of corporate communications at LSG Sky Chefs. [LinkedIn, accessed


Van Duyne Was The Spokeswoman For Sky Chefs, An Airline Caterer. “Six months ago, Food and Drug

Administration inspectors say, they found live roaches and dead roach carcasses “too numerous to count” inside the

Denver facility of the world’s largest airline caterer, LSG Sky Chefs. They also reported finding ants, flies and

debris, and employees handling food with bare hands. Samples from a kitchen floor tested positive for Listeria, a

bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, the elderly and people with

weakened immune systems. It’s also dangerous to pregnant women. LSG Sky Chefs, which annually provides 405

million meals worldwide for more than 300 airlines, says conditions at the Denver plant didn’t meet company

standards. It took immediate measures to remedy the problems, says spokeswoman Beth Van Duyne.” [USA

Today, 6/27/10]

The FDA Found Live And Dead Cockroaches In A Sky Chefs Facility That Were “Too Numerous To


The FDA Found Live And Dead Cockroaches In A Sky Chefs Facility That Were “Too Numerous To

Count.” “Six months ago, Food and Drug Administration inspectors say, they found live roaches and dead roach

carcasses “too numerous to count” inside the Denver facility of the world’s largest airline caterer, LSG Sky Chefs.

They also reported finding ants, flies and debris, and employees handling food with bare hands. Samples from a

kitchen floor tested positive for Listeria, a bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young

children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. It’s also dangerous to pregnant women. LSG Sky

Chefs, which annually provides 405 million meals worldwide for more than 300 airlines, says conditions at the

Denver plant didn’t meet company standards. It took immediate measures to remedy the problems, says

spokeswoman Beth Van Duyne.” [USA Today, 6/27/10]

The FDA Found Ants, Flies, And Debris At A Sky Chefs Facility. “They also reported finding ants, flies and

debris, and employees handling food with bare hands. Samples from a kitchen floor tested positive for Listeria, a

bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, the elderly and people with

weakened immune systems. It’s also dangerous to pregnant women.” [USA Today, 6/27/10]

The FDA Found Employees Handling Food With Bare Hands At A Sky Chefs Facility

The FDA Found Employees Handling Food With Bare Hands At A Sky Chefs Facility. “They also reported

finding ants, flies and debris, and employees handling food with bare hands. Samples from a kitchen floor tested

positive for Listeria, a bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, the elderly

and people with weakened immune systems. It’s also dangerous to pregnant women.” [USA Today, 6/27/10]

The FDA Found That A Sky Chefs Facility Tested Positive For Listeria

The FDA Found That A Sky Chefs Facility Tested Positive For Listeria. “They also reported finding ants, flies

and debris, and employees handling food with bare hands. Samples from a kitchen floor tested positive for Listeria,

a bacteria that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, the elderly and people with

weakened immune systems. It’s also dangerous to pregnant women.” [USA Today, 6/27/10]

Sky Chefs Provided 405 Million Meals Worldwide For More Than 300 Airlines

Sky Chefs Provided 405 Million Meals Worldwide For More Than 300 Airlines. “LSG Sky Chefs, which

annually provides 405 million meals worldwide for more than 300 airlines, says conditions at the Denver plant

didn’t meet company standards. It took immediate measures to remedy the problems, says spokeswoman Beth Van

Duyne.” [USA Today, 6/27/10]

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The FDA Said At Many Sky Chef Facilities Stored Food At Improper Temperatures, Used Unclean

Equipment, And Employees Practiced Poor Hygiene

The FDA Said At Many Sky Chef Facilities Stored Food At Improper Temperatures, Used Unclean

Equipment, And Employees Practiced Poor Hygiene. “Food and Drug Administration inspectors have cited

numerous catering facilities that prepare airline food for suspected health and sanitation violations following

inspections of their kitchens this year and last, according to inspection reports obtained through the Freedom of

Information Act. The inspections were at the U.S. facilities of two of the world’s biggest airline caterers, LSG Sky

Chefs and Gate Gourmet, and another large caterer, Flying Food Group. The three caterers operate 91 kitchens that

provide more than 100 million meals annually to U.S. and foreign airlines at U.S. airports. They provide meals for

nearly all big airlines, including Delta, American, United, US Airways and Continental. The FDA reports say many

facilities store food at improper temperatures, use unclean equipment and employ workers who practice poor

hygiene. At some, there were cockroaches, flies, mice and other signs of inadequate pest control.” [Gannett News

Service, 6/27/10]

Sky Chefs Received 18 Warning Letters Between 1996 And 2010

Sky Chefs Received 18 Warning Letters Between 1996 And 2010. “Sky Chefs facilities have received 18

warning letters since 1996, according to a USA TODAY analysis of the agency’s online database. Three were

received after German airline Lufthansa acquired controlling interest in the company in June 2001, and the

company has taken many steps since then to ensure food safety, spokeswoman Van Duyne says.” [USA Today,


Van Duyne Claimed That Sky Chefs Took Matters Seriously And Fired The General Manager Of The

Colorado Facility

Van Duyne Claimed That Sky Chefs Took Matters Seriously And Fired The General Manager Of The

Colorado Facility. “LSG spokeswoman Beth Van Duyne said the company took the FDA’s findings seriously and

fired the general manager and executive chef in Denver. When chemical treatments failed to kill listeria found in a

kitchen floor drain, the company replaced the pipes and drain, she said. Listeria is a bacteria linked to food-borne

illness.” [Associated Press, 1/5/10]

Van Duyne: “There Has Never Been A Report Of A Food-Borne Illness Outbreak Related To Our

Facilities.” “Sky Chefs implemented a global quality and safety system “harmonizing food safety at all its

kitchens” in 2002, says Van Duyne. Since then, the company has served more than 3 billion meals, and “there

has never been a report of a food-borne illness outbreak related to our facilities,” she says.” [USA Today,


Van Duyne: “We Make No Excuses For This Report, We’ve Taken Immediate And Aggressive Actions

After We Received The Initial Findings In October. We’re Confident We’ll Pass” “‘We make no excuses

for this report,’ Van Duyne said. ‘We’ve taken immediate and aggressive actions after we received the initial

findings in October. We’re confident we’ll pass’ the follow-up inspection. Van Duyne said the company hasn’t

received any reports of airline passengers becoming ill from its food. She said FDA inspectors were back in the

Denver building on Monday.” [Associated Press, 1/5/10]

Sky Chefs Fired As Many As 87 People In 2010, Out Of Their 170 Employees

Sky Chefs Fired As Many As 87 People In 2010, Out Of Their 170 Employees. “An aviation-catering company

is laying off about half its staff in Orlando because of falling demand by airlines for in-flight meals. Sky Chefs Inc.

has notified the state that it intends to dismiss as many as 87 people in May and June from its customer-service

center at Orlando International Airport. The company’s local operation currently has about 170 employees.

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Company spokeswoman Beth Van Duyne would not comment on which airlines the company continues to serve at

OIA, or which ones have recently reduced their demand for the company’s meals. But she noted: ‘It’s a tough

market right now. ... The market is tightly competitive.’ She said the actual number of workers to be let go in

Orlando probably would be 70 to 80. Last week, Continental Airlines announced it no longer would offer free

meals in coach class on most of its domestic flights. Continental was the last major airline still offering such meals

on domestic flights out of Orlando International. Sky Chef has a number of clients at OIA, from large, international

airlines to private-jet operators, Van Duyne said.” [Orlando Sentinel, 3/30/10]

Van Duyne Blamed Sky Chefs Problems On Unions

Van Duyne Blamed Sky Chefs Problems On Unions. “Sky Chefs disputed the allegations and said the company,

which has served 3 billion meals since 2002, has never had a report of a food illness from any of its facilities. ‘This

is a union tactic,’ said Beth Van Duyne, a spokeswoman for Sky Chefs. ‘We are disappointed the union chooses to

tarnish the reputation of our hard workers by accusing them of not doing their jobs properly.’” [Bradenton Herald,


Van Duyne: “This Is A Union Tactic, We Are Disappointed The Union Chooses To Tarnish The

Reputation Of Our Hard Workers By Accusing Them Of Not Doing Their Jobs Properly.” “Sky Chefs

disputed the allegations and said the company, which has served 3 billion meals since 2002, has never had a

report of a food illness from any of its facilities. ‘This is a union tactic,’ said Beth Van Duyne, a spokeswoman

for Sky Chefs. ‘We are disappointed the union chooses to tarnish the reputation of our hard workers by

accusing them of not doing their jobs properly.’” [Bradenton Herald, 1/9/11]

Van Duyne Was Listed As Director Of Monumentals Inc

Van Duyne Was Listed As Director Of Monumentals Inc. According to her Nexis Comprehensive Person’s

report, Van Duyne was the director of Monumentals Inc, [Nexis Comprehensive Person’s Report, accessed 8/19/19]

Criminal Record

Van Duyne Paid Court Fines Totaling $517 For Speeding and Driving Without Insurance

2013: Van Duyne Had A Fine Of $250 For Speeding In Dallas County. According to her Nexis, Criminal

Records search, Van Duyne had a fine of $250 for speeding. [Nexis Criminal Records search, accessed, 8/19/19]

2013: Van Duyne Had A Fine Of $265 For Driving Without Insurance In Dallas County. According to her

Nexis, Criminal Records search, Van Duyne had a fine of $250 for speeding in Dallas County. [Nexis Criminal

Records search, accessed, 8/19/19]

Judgments & Liens

No Evidence Of Bankruptcy, Judgments, & Liens

As of August 2019, Van Duyne is not associated with any bankruptcy, judgments, or liens. [Nexis Bankruptcy,

Judgments, & Liens search, accessed 8/19/19]

NOTE: Further research necessary into whether Van Duyne or her associated entities had bankruptcies, judgments

or liens.

Voter Registration & History

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Van Duyne Was Registered To Vote In Irving, TX. [VoteBuilder, accessed 8/19/19]

Van Duyne’s Address Was Located In Texas’s 24th Congressional District. [, accessed 6/19/19]

According to Votebuilder, Van Duyne’s voting history is depicted below:

Van Duyne Voting History

General Primary




Runoff Municipal


Primary Special



2018 X X


2016 X X

2015 X X X

2014 X X

2013 X

2012 X X X X

[Van Duyne profile, Votebuilder, accessed 11/18/19]

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Personal Finance

Van Duyne had an estimated net worth between $101,004 and $255,000, and personal property

valued at $394,000.

NOTE: For detailed descriptions of Van Duyne’s personal financial disclosures by year, see Appendix I – Personal

Financial Disclosures.

Van Duyne’s Federal Personal Financial Disclosure Summary

NOTE: For detailed descriptions of Van Duyne’s personal financial disclosures by year, see Appendix I – Personal

Financial Disclosures.

Van Duyne PFD Toplines

Year Earned


Asset Value Unearned Income Transactions Liabilities


2019 $141,957 $116,004 $265,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $15,000

[Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]

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Political Career

This section provides an overview of Van Duyne’s political career, from 2004 to 2019.

Significant Findings

✓ August 2019: Van Duyne announced her bid for Texas’s 24th congressional district

✓ Van Duyne was endorsed by national Republicans, including Reps. McCarthy And Scalise

✓ Van Duyne was a part of an all-white “conservative squad,” a joint fundraising committee

along with other Republican women running for Congress

✓ Van Duyne’s Communications Director posted offensive things on Facebook

✓ In 2011, Van Duyne defeated the incumbent mayor of Irving after a long and aggressive campaign

✓ Prior to serving as mayor, Van Duyne served on the Irving City Council

✓ Van Duyne attended 95% of city council meetings as Mayor.

✓ Van Duyne cut her staff by 10 percent

✓ In 2013, Van Duyne was elected to served on the United States Conference of Mayors Advisory Board


Van Duyne Described Her Political Ideology As A “Limited-Government Conservative Who

Participates In Republican Primaries And With Republican Clubs/Organizations”

Van Duyne Described Her Political Ideology As A “Limited-Government Conservative Who Participates In

Republican Primaries And With Republican Clubs/Organizations.” “Avi Selk: ‘How do you describe your

political ideology? Are you a registered Republican? You seem popular with conservative voters, but you’ve also

championed policies (like smoking laws) that fall outside the usual right/left paradigm.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘I am a

limited-government conservative who participates in Republican primaries and with Republican

clubs/organizations.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

Van Duyne Was President Of Irving Republican Women’s Club

Van Duyne Was President Of Irving Republican Women’s Club. “Conservatives from Irving gathered at Mayor

Beth Van Duyne’s house on Dec. 10 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Irving Republican Women’s Club.

Chartered in 1962, the club is a political action committee that works to actively support conservative candidates

and encourage Republican women to run for office. Such was the case with Van Duyne, the City’s first female

mayor and former Republican Women’s Club president.” [Irving Rambler, 12/15/12]

Van Duyne: “We Don’t Run Necessarily As Republican And Democrat At That Level, But This Group

Definitely Gets Involved In All Of Our Local Politics And Not Just At Campaign Time. I’m Looking

Around, And I See Women Who Are A Staple At Our Council Meetings And Who Help To Set Us

Straight When We Need It.” “Chartered in 1962, the club is a political action committee that works to

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actively support conservative candidates and encourage Republican women to run for office. Such was the case

with Van Duyne, the City’s first female mayor and former Republican Women’s Club president. ‘I want to

thank this group, because you also recognize the local level,’ Van Duyne said. ‘We don’t run necessarily as

Republican and Democrat at that level, but this group definitely gets involved in all of our local politics and not

just at campaign time. I’m looking around, and I see women who are a staple at our council meetings and who

help to set us straight when we need it.’” [Irving Rambler, 12/15/12]

Van Duyne Referred To Herself As A “Constitutionalist”

Van Duyne Referred To Herself As A “Constitutionalist.” “I’m a Constitutionalist who has never backed down

when it comes to protecting the rights of all North Texans. I’m Beth Van Duyne and I’m asking for your vote!

#txlege“ [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/7/19]

2020 Campaign

August 2019: Van Duyne Announced Her Bid For Texas’s 24th Congressional District

Van Duyne Announced She Would Run For Texas’s 24th Congressional District After Rep. Marchant

Announced His Retirement. “Former Irving mayor Beth Van Duyne has left her post at the United States

Department of Housing and Urban Development’s office in Fort Worth. She confirmed she is running for the 24th

Congressional District after Rep. Kenny Marchant announced he’s retiring. Van Duyne said she’ll make a formal

announcement soon.” [CBS, 8/5/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By National Republicans, Including Reps. McCarthy And Scalise

Kevin McCarthy Endorsed Van Duyne For Congress

Kevin McCarthy Endorsed Van Duyne For Congress. “Honored to have this strong support from

@kevinomccarthy. Our momentum continues to grow! Join us TODAY!“ [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 10/10/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By House Republican Whip Steve Scalise

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By House Republican Whip Steve Scalise. “I’m honored to have the strong support

of Whip @SteveScalise. What an inspirational and courageous leader. I am so grateful to have earned his

endorsement!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/20/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Dan Crenshaw

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Dan Crenshaw. “So excited to announce this latest endorsement – Captain

America and Thor-power rolled into one, @DanCresnshawTX, U.S. Navy Seal and true American hero!” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 8/20/19]

Van Duyne Received An Endorsement From Congressman John Ratcliffe

Van Duyne Received An Endorsement From Congressman John Ratcliffe. “Thank you, @RepRatcliffe, for

your support and work for the 4th district!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 9/19/19]

Van Duyne Posted A Picture Of Her And Sen. Lindsey Graham In Honor Of His Birthday

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Van Duyne Posted A Picture Of Her And Sen. Lindsey Graham In Honor Of His Birthday. “Happy birthday,

Senator @LindseyGrahamSC. Keep speaking your mind and fighting for truth. God bless you.” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 7/9/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Elise Stefanik

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Elise Stefanik. “I’m Proud To Have Earned The Endorsement Of This Strong

And Tremendously Effective Congresswoman! Elise Stefanik Is Taking It To Adam Schiff And The Corrupt

Impeachment Process.” “I’m proud to have earned the endorsement of this strong and tremendously effective

Congresswoman! @EliseStefanik is taking it to Adam Schiff and the corrupt impeachment process.” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 11/18/19]

Rep. Elise Stefanik’s PAC Endorsed Van Duyne For Congress. “Rep. Elise Stefanik (R) “has made it her

mission to increase the number of Republican women in the House by playing in primaries,” and she s unveiling

the first 11 candidates who have the full backing of her recently rebranded leadership PAC, E-PAC, at the House

GOP s conference meeting Tuesday morning : Genevieve Collins in TX-32; Maria Elvira Salazar in FL-27; Ashley

Hinson in IA-01; Michelle Steel in CA-48; Young Kim in CA-39; Nicole Malliotakis in NY-11; Chele Farley in

NY-18; Beth Van Duyne in TX-24; Nancy Mace in SC-01; Amanda Makki in FL-13; and former Rep. Karen

Handel in GA-06.” [Hotline, 10/22/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By VIEW PAC

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By VIEW PAC. “Thank you, @VIEWPAC, for your support and work to empower

Republican women.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/27/19]

Van Duyne Met With Alisa Maso, Chief Of Staff At Alpine Group, A DC Lobbying Firm

Van Duyne Met With Alisa Maso, Chief Of Staff At Alpine Group, A DC Lobbying Firm. [Beth Van Duyne

Campaign Facebook, 10/28/19]

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Alisa Maso Was Chief Of Staff At Alpine Group, A DC Lobbying Firm. “Chief of Staff - Alisa Jane Maso

moved to Washington DC from Frisco, Texas, where she was born and raised. Before joining the Alpine Group, she

worked on the hill for two different member offices, where she gained direct knowledge of the legislative process.

Alisa initially became involved in politics at a young age when she first started campaigning for local candidates.”

[Alpine Group, Alisa Jane Maso Bio, Accessed 1/7/20]

Alpine Group Represents Facebook. “Facebook has added the Alpine Group to its roster of outside lobbying

firms, expanding its presence in Washington, even as it draws criticism from presidential candidates and lawmakers

from both parties. Ansley Erdel and Jared Weaver started lobbying on spectrum issues for Facebook last month,

according to a disclosure filing. Facebook spent nearly $17 million on Washington lobbying last year — more than

any other company, according to a POLITICO analysis of disclosure filings — and now retains more than 20

Washington lobbying firms. Its federal lobbying spending has risen by more than 30 percent since 2018.” [Politico

Influence, 1/23/20]

Van Duyne Was A Part Of An All-White “Conservative Squad,” A Joint Fundraising Committee

Along With Jessica Taylor, Nancy Mace, And Michelle Fischbach

Dec. 2019: Van Duyne Was A Part Of “Conservative Squad,” A Joint Fundraising Committee Along With

Jessica Taylor, Nancy Mace, And Michelle Fischbach. “CONSERVATIVE SQUAD is a joint fundraising

committee composed of Jessica Taylor for Congress, Inc., Fischbach for Congress, Beth Van Duyne for Congress

and Nancy Mace for Congress (each, a “Participating Committee” and, together, the “Participating

Committees”). Conservative Squad will allocate each contribution it receives, that is permissible under the Federal

Election Campaign Act of 1971, 52 U.S.C. § 30101 et seq., as amended (the “Act”), from a contributor who has not

exceeded his or her applicable federal contribution limits, to the Participating Committees pursuant to the Act and

this Allocation Formula.” [Conservative Squad, accessed 12/16/19]

Van Duyne: “I Am Excited To Have The Opportunity To Speak On Fox News” As A Part Of The

Conservative Squad. “I was excited to have the opportunity to speak on Fox News this morning about the new

coalition that I and three other strong, conservative women are starting as an answer to the ‘socialist squad’ in

Washington.” [Beth Van Duyne (via Twitter), 12/12/19]

Van Duyne Touted Her Appearance On Fox & Friends Leading Up To The Conservative Squad

Interview, Saying “Live From New York! Tune In Tomorrow To Fox & Friends For An Exciting

Campaign Announcement!” “Live from New York! Tune in tomorrow to Fox & Friends for an exciting

campaign announcement!” [Beth Van Duyne (via Twitter), 12/11/19]

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HEADLINE: “These Four Women Thought Forming An All White ‘Squad’ Was A Good Idea.” [Jezebel,


Roll Call: Four Months After The Conservative Squad Announcement, One Of The Candidates Failed To

Make It Out Of Her Primary And The Other Three Posted “Modest Fundraising Numbers.” “In December,

four female Republican candidates banded together to form the “Conservative Squad” as the antidote to the quartet

of progressive women in the House known by a similar moniker. Four months later, one of those candidates failed

to make it out of her primary, and the three other women posted modest fundraising numbers. Today, the group’s

website isn’t even live anymore.” [Roll Call, 4/17/20]

HEADLINE: Challenges confront self-described ‘Conservative Squad’. [Roll Call, 4/17/20]

April 17, 2020: The Conservative Squad Website Was No Longer Live. “Today, the group’s website isn’t even

live anymore. […] Even though the WinRed page is still available, the initial website promoted by the group,, is no longer active and invites the Squarespace owner to log in.” [Roll Call, 4/17/20]

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[ (via, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Said That The “Crazy Socialist Squad” In DC Was Only Interested In Pushing “A

Socialist Agenda, An Anti-American Agenda”

Van Duyne Said That The “Crazy Socialist Squad” In DC Was Only Interested In Pushing “A Socialist

Agenda, An Anti-American Agenda.” “You look at the squad that we see right now, the crazy socialist squad

that’s up there and quite frankly all they seem to do is push a socialist agenda, an anti-American agenda.” [Debbie

Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Said That Members Of The Democrat “Squad” Were Just Looking For “An Opportunity To

Be In Front Of A Camera.” “Are we focused on those kinds of bills and what we see at the DC level right

now by the radical socialists that are up there, specifically some of the members that you’ve just mentioned are

you know focused on impeachment issues and things that people see as a push as a not really taking

responsibility at all of what their jobs are. It’s an opportunity to be in front of a camera. It’s really anti-

American. It is absolutely anti-American.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

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Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted Offensive Things On Facebook

Chris Dillard Claimed To Work As Van Duyne’s Communications Director, Starting In November 2019.

Chris Dillard Claimed To Work As Van Duyne’s Communications Director, Starting In November 2019.

[Chris Dillard Facebook, 11/22/19]

[Chris Dillard Facebook, 11/22/19]

Dillard Was A Member Of The Texas State Guard. [Chris Dillard Facebook, 11/15/19]

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Meme Making Light Of Trump’s Accelerated Military

Action With Iran

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Meme Making Light Of Trump’s Accelerated Military

Action With Iran. [Chris Dillard Facebook, 1/4/20]

[Chris Dillard Facebook, 1/4/20]

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Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Meme Making Light Of Trump’s Accelerated Military

Action With Iran

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Meme Making Light Of Trump’s Accelerated Military

Action With Iran. [Chris Dillard Facebook, 1/3/20]

[Chris Dillard Facebook, 1/3/20]

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Meme Making Light Of Trump’s Accelerated Military

Action With Iran

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Meme Making Light Of Trump’s Accelerated Military

Action With Iran. “Boom.” [Chris Dillard Facebook, 1/3/20]

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[Chris Dillard Facebook, 1/3/20]

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Transphobic Meme About Nancy Pelosi

Van Duyne’s Communications Director Posted A Transphobic Meme About Nancy Pelosi. [Chris Dillard

Facebook, 12/18/19]

[Chris Dillard Facebook, 12/18/19]

Local Endorsements

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Many Tarrant County Leaders

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Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Many Tarrant County Leaders. “Many Tarrant County Leaders Announce their

endorsement for Republican Congressional Candidate Beth Van Duyne to serve the 24th district of North Texas.

Tarrant County Judge, Glen Whitley; Tarrant County Clerk, Tom Wilder; Tarrant County Commissioner, Pct. 3,

Gary Fickes; Fort Worth Mayor, Betsy Price; Arlington Mayor, Jeff Williams; Southlake Mayor, Laura Hill; and

Bedford Mayor, Jim Griffin backed Van Duyne during a press conference Thursday afternoon. Van Duyne said

having served as the former Mayor of Irving, she understands what citizens need and will continue to improve the

quality of life here. ‘As a mayor and HUD director Beth knows how to get things done…She isn’t going to let

partisan politics get in the way shes going to go to Washington to take care of business because she was trained that

way, you can’t wait on things…they have to happen in your cities,’ said Fort Worth Mayor Price.” [WBAP,


Van Duyne Was Endorsed By JJ Koch, Dallas County Commissioner

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By JJ Koch, Dallas County Commissioner. “Thank you, Commissioner @JJKoch,

for your support!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 9/3/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Tarrant County District Attorney Sharen Wilson

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Tarrant County District Attorney Sharen Wilson. “Thank you, District

Attorney @SharenWilson4DA, for your support!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/28/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Sheriff Bill Waybourn

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Sheriff Bill Waybourn. “Thank you, Sheriff @BillWaybourn, for your support

and work to keep Tarrant County safe!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/23/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By 3 Time Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboy Chad Hennings

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By 3 Time Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboy Chad Hennings. “Thank you,

@chadhennings, U.S. Air Force - Gulf War Veteran and 3 time Super Bowl Champion - Dallas Cowboys!!!” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 8/21/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Texas State Rep. Matt Rinaldi

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Texas State Rep. Matt Rinaldi. “Thank you, former State Representative

@MattRinaldiTX, for your support.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/15/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Mayor Betsy Price

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Mayor Betsy Price. “Thank you, @MayorBetsyPrice, for your support!” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 8/14/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By State Senator Kelly Hancock

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By State Senator Kelly Hancock. “Thank you, @KHancock4TX for your support.

#txlege” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/12/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley For Her Congressional Run

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley For Her Congressional Run. “Many

Tarrant County Leaders Announce their endorsement for Republican Congressional Candidate Beth Van Duyne to

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serve the 24th district of North Texas. Tarrant County Judge, Glen Whitley; Tarrant County Clerk, Tom Wilder;

Tarrant Cou... FORT WORTH (WBAPKLIF)- Many Tarrant County Leaders Announce their endorsement for...”

[WebNews, 9/27/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Leigh Wambsganss

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Leigh Wambsganss. “Thank you, Leigh Wambsganss, for your endorsement and

the opportunity to speak at Southlake Conservatives. It was great to share Veterans Day with this outstanding

group.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/11/19]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Tarrant County Clerk Tom Wilder For Her Congressional Run

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Tarrant County Clerk Tom Wilder For Her Congressional Run. “Many

Tarrant County Leaders Announce their endorsement for Republican Congressional Candidate Beth Van Duyne to

serve the 24th district of North Texas. Tarrant County Judge, Glen Whitley; Tarrant County Clerk, Tom Wilder;

Tarrant Cou... FORT WORTH (WBAPKLIF)- Many Tarrant County Leaders Announce their endorsement for...”

[WebNews, 9/27/19]

Previous Campaigns

Election History

2014 Irving Runoff Mayoral General Election Results

Candidate Vote Total Vote Percentage

Beth Van Duyne (R ) 4,934 69.48%

Herbert A. Gears (D) 2,167 30.52%

Total 7.101 100%

[Dallas County Elections, Election Results, 5/10/14]

2011 Irving Mayoral Runoff General Election Results

Candidate Vote Total Vote Percentage

Beth Van Duyne (R ) 6,865 57.04%

Herbert A. Gears (D) 5,170 42.96%

Total 12,035 100%

[Dallas County Elections, Election Results, 6/18/11]

2004 Irving City Council Place 2 General Election Results

Candidate Vote Total Vote Percentage

Beth Van Duyne (R ) 3,646 57.00%

Herbert A. Gears (D) 2,750 43,00%

Total 6,386 100%

[Dallas County Elections, Election Results, 5/15/04]

Van Duyne Raised A Total Of $77,127.79 And Spent A Total Of $108,303.89 In Her Runs For City-

Level Office

According to the campaign finance reports listed on the city of Irving’s website Van Duyne raised $77,127.79 and

spent $108,303.89 in their run for both of her mayoral runs.

Van Duyne State Campaign Finance History

Year Candidate (Office Sought) or Committee Raised Spent

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2011 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $29,280.90 $35,630.02

2012 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $1,485 $4,177

2013 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $20,000.00 $3,137.27

2014 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $24,431.89 $49,926.00

2015 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $1,930 $12,589.25

2016 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $0.00 844.35

2017 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $0.00 $0.00

2018 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $0.00 $0.00

2019 Beth Van Duyne For Mayor $0.00 $0.00

Total: $77,127.79 $108,303.89

[City of Irving Texas, accessed 8/19/19]

2011 Mayoral Campaign

Van Duyne Announced She Was Considering A Run For Mayor Against Then Mayor Herbert Gears In 2009

2009: Van Duyne Announced She Was Considering A Run For Mayor. “Irving City Council member Beth Van

Duyne said late Thursday she’s considering running for mayor and has decided that she will not run for the Texas

House District 105 seat that includes most of Irving.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/11/09]

Former Irving Mayor On Van Duyne’s Run For Higher Office: “She’s Made It Obvious Since She’s

Been On The Council That She Aspires For Higher Office, So It’s Nothing Unusual For Her To Be

Thinking About Those Things Even Though It’s More Than A Year Out, And We Have More Important

Things To Be Doing In The Jobs We Have Now.” “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne said late

Thursday she’s considering running for mayor and has decided that she will not run for the Texas House

District 105 seat that includes most of Irving. Van Duyne’s current term in the council’s Place 2 seat is up in

May. She has not decided whether she wants to run for re-election or sit out a year and wait for the mayoral

race scheduled for May 2011. ‘I will go where the citizens most want me,’ Van Duyne said. Mayor Herbert

Gears, who plans to run for a third term when his seat comes up next, said he’s not surprised. ‘She’s made it

obvious since she’s been on the council that she aspires for higher office, so it’s nothing unusual for her to be

thinking about those things even though it’s more than a year out, and we have more important things to be

doing in the jobs we have now.’” [Dallas Morning News, 9/11/09]

Dallas Morning News Endorsed Van Duyne In 2011

Dallas Morning News Endorsed Van Duyne In 2011. “Legitimate questions have been raised concerning a

planned $250 million entertainment center financed mostly by the city. We agree with challenger Beth Van Duyne

that the city - and Mayor Herb Gears - are in over their heads in negotiating this business deal and its legal

complexities. As mayor, Van Duyne would deliver better cost controls and more transparency for the Las Colinas

project.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/8/11]

Van Duyne Campaigned On Improving Irving’s Homes, Schools, And Commercial Buildings To Aid In

Economic Development

Van Duyne Wanted To Improve Irving When She First Ran For Mayor. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne and

other city leaders had a vision six years ago when she won the top municipal job. It called for improving schools,

working with Planning & Zoning to add more single-family homes, and bringing more economic development and

jobs to the community.” [Dallas Business Journal, 1/25/17]

Van Duyne Had An Plan To Work With Planning And Zoning To Add More Single Homes Improve Schools,

And Bring More Economic Development. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne and other city leaders had a vision six

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years ago when she won the top municipal job. It called for improving schools, working with Planning & Zoning to

add more single-family homes, and bringing more economic development and jobs to the community.” [Dallas

Business Journal, 1/25/17]

Van Duyne Campaigned To “Promote And Attract New Businesses That Bring Real Jobs And Make Irving

Better, While Protecting The Community From Projects That Bring Down The Area.” “Legitimate economic

Development We must attract business that will grow our community instead of sucking out tens of millions of

dollars from hardworking Irving citizens. I will work with the Council to promote and attract new businesses that

bring real jobs and make Irving better, while protecting the community from projects that bring down the area,

lower property values, or put an undue burden on city services and schools.” [Beth Van Duyne Profile, Irving

Rambler, 4/16/11]

Van Duyne Ran Her Mayoral Campaign On Criticism Over Lack Of Progress Of The City’s Publicly

Funded Development Projects

Van Duyne Ran Her Mayoral Campaign On Criticism Over Lack Of Progress Of The City’s Publicly

Funded Development Projects. “Van Duyne, a 40-year-old marketing and communications consultant, easily beat

her longtime political rival and became the first woman ever elected mayor in the city of about 216,000 people. She

based her campaign on criticism over lack of progress of the city’s publicly funded development projects. Her

campaign was also built on pledges of increased transparency in city government.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/19/11]

Van Duyne Spoke At The Irving-Las Colinas Event About The Importance Of Development. Hundreds of

city and business leaders listened as Mayor Beth Van Duyne highlighted the importance of increasing

innovation and emphasized improvements in development, education, and public safety at the State of the City

address presented in the Irving Convention Center on Tuesday, Jan. 24. [...] The event was hosted by the

Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce. Beth Bowman, Chamber President and CEO, said a few words

highlighting the community’s ability to work together as a key to Irving’s continued success.” [The Irving

Rambler, 2/11/17]

Van Duyne Ran Her Mayoral Campaign On Pledges Of Increased Transparency In City Government

Van Duyne Ran Her Mayoral Campaign On Pledges Of Increased Transparency In City Government. “Van

Duyne, a 40-year-old marketing and communications consultant, easily beat her longtime political rival and became

the first woman ever elected mayor in the city of about 216,000 people. She based her campaign on criticism over

lack of progress of the city’s publicly funded development projects. Her campaign was also built on pledges of

increased transparency in city government.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/19/11]

Van Duyne Campaigned On Ending “Washington D.C.-Style Spending” At City Hall. “Stopping the tax

increases and Washington D.C.-style spending at City Hall The spending is unchecked and out of control. Just

as I did when I served on the Irving City Council for 6 years, I will fight all needless spending, reject all deals

and contracts that are bad for the citizens of the city and oppose any unnecessary fee or tax increases.” [Beth

Van Duyne Profile, Irving Rambler, 4/16/11]

Van Duyne’s Opponent Accused Her Of Lying About Having A 20 Year Career Since She Had Only

Graduated From College 16 Years Prior

Van Duyne’s Opponent Accused Her Of Lying About Having A 20 Year Career Since She Had Only

Graduated From College 16 Years Prior. “Gears said Van Duyne cannot have had a 20-year career because it has

only been 16 years since she graduated from Cornell University. Van Duyne said she worked for a law firm and an

auction gallery before she left for college in her 20s. The 40-year-old also said she worked as a research assistant

while in school. ‘It is impossible to pack in a 20-year career into a field when you’re a job hopper,’ Gears said.

‘That’s not a 20-year career. That’s 20 years of working.’” [Dallas Morning News, 6/5/11]

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Van Duyne’s Opponent Accused Her Of Lying About Having Experience Balancing Budgets, Making

Payrolls And Helping Create Jobs. “Gears’ campaign also accuses Van Duyne of lying about having

experience balancing budgets, making payrolls and helping create jobs. Van Duyne said she oversaw budgets

and payroll for Medical Directions Inc., where she worked after college. Van Duyne said she later wrote

business plans for start-up companies so they could get seed money needed to hire employees and expand

operations. Van Duyne said she did that consulting work through her company BCI Marketing Group Inc. She

and her husband started that company after Van Duyne left a full-time job with Verizon following the birth of

her daughter.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/5/11]

Van Duyne Countered That She Oversaw Budgets And Payroll For Medical Directions Inc., Where She

Worked After College. “Gears’ campaign also accuses Van Duyne of lying about having experience balancing

budgets, making payrolls and helping create jobs. Van Duyne said she oversaw budgets and payroll for Medical

Directions Inc., where she worked after college. Van Duyne said she later wrote business plans for start-up

companies so they could get seed money needed to hire employees and expand operations. Van Duyne said she

did that consulting work through her company BCI Marketing Group Inc. She and her husband started that

company after Van Duyne left a full-time job with Verizon following the birth of her daughter.” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/5/11]

Van Duyne’s Opponent Ran Ads Accusing Her Of Lying About Her Business Background

Van Duyne’s Opponent Ran Ads Accusing Her Of Lying About Her Business Background. “In one of his

many re-election TV ads, Irving Mayor Herbert Gears accuses opponent Beth Van Duyne of lying about her

business background. CONTENT: The ad features a picture of Van Duyne from an Irving City Council meeting

next to a set of papers apparently meant to represent Van Duyne’s résumé. It also shows a letter from the Texas

secretary of state’s office that revoked her company’s status as a limited liability company. WHAT IT SAYS: ‘Beth

Van Duyne doesn’t tell the truth about her résumé. She says she created jobs, runs her own businesses, met payrolls

and balanced budgets. But that’s all false. The truth is Beth Van Duyne claims to run a business that doesn’t exist.

In fact, it’s a business that doesn’t pay taxes nor has it created any jobs.’” [Dallas Morning News, 6/9/11]

Van Duyne’s Opponent Ran An Ad That Said “The Truth Is Beth Van Duyne Claims To Run A Business

That Doesn’t Exist. In Fact, It’s A Business That Doesn’t Pay Taxes Nor Has It Created Any Jobs.” “In

one of his many re-election TV ads, Irving Mayor Herbert Gears accuses opponent Beth Van Duyne of lying

about her business background. CONTENT: The ad features a picture of Van Duyne from an Irving City

Council meeting next to a set of papers apparently meant to represent Van Duyne’s résumé. It also shows a

letter from the Texas secretary of state’s office that revoked her company’s status as a limited liability

company. WHAT IT SAYS: ‘Beth Van Duyne doesn’t tell the truth about her résumé. She says she created

jobs, runs her own businesses, met payrolls and balanced budgets. But that’s all false. The truth is Beth Van

Duyne claims to run a business that doesn’t exist. In fact, it’s a business that doesn’t pay taxes nor has it created

any jobs.’” [Dallas Morning News, 6/9/11]

Officials Accused Van Duyne Of Not Paying $560 In Business Personal Property Taxes

Officials Accused Van Duyne Of Not Paying $560 In Business Personal Property Taxes. “Van Duyne said she

paid taxes on the business through her own income tax filings. County officials, however, have said that Van Duyne

owes up to $560 in back business personal property taxes. People who run businesses out of their homes are

required to pay taxes on equipment and property, such as computers, that are used to generate revenue. Van Duyne

said her husband tried to pay the taxes this month but could not because officials haven’t yet created an account for

their business since it was only recently reported. She said she will pay whatever amount she is billed.” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/9/11]

Van Duyne Said Back Taxes Weren’t Paid Because Officials Hadn’t Yet Created An Account For Her

Business. “Van Duyne said she paid taxes on the business through her own income tax filings. County officials,

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however, have said that Van Duyne owes up to $560 in back business personal property taxes. People who run

businesses out of their homes are required to pay taxes on equipment and property, such as computers, that are

used to generate revenue. Van Duyne said her husband tried to pay the taxes this month but could not because

officials haven’t yet created an account for their business since it was only recently reported. She said she will

pay whatever amount she is billed.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/9/11]

The Dallas Morning News Said Van Duyne’s Opponent’s Claim Regarding Her Business Taxes Stretched

“The Truth A Bit.” “Gears said that he concluded that Van Duyne lied about meeting payrolls and balancing

budgets because he’s never seen proof otherwise. Van Duyne stands by her assertions that she has experience with

such matters. Van Duyne said she helped create jobs by writing business plans so startup companies could get seed

money needed to hire employees and expand operations. ACCURACY INDEX *True or mostly true - on the

unpaid taxes issue, though that is not why the secretary of state sent a forfeiture letter. Stretches the truth a bit.

*Serious distortion of the facts - that Van Duyne’s company doesn’t exist or she lies about particular job duties.

Totally false.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/9/11]

The Dallas Morning News Said Van Duyne’s Opponent’s Claim That Her Company Didn’t Exist Was

“Totally False”

The Dallas Morning News Said Van Duyne’s Opponent’s Claim That Her Company Didn’t Exist Was

“Totally False.” “Gears said that he concluded that Van Duyne lied about meeting payrolls and balancing budgets

because he’s never seen proof otherwise. Van Duyne stands by her assertions that she has experience with such

matters. Van Duyne said she helped create jobs by writing business plans so startup companies could get seed

money needed to hire employees and expand operations. ACCURACY INDEX *True or mostly true - on the

unpaid taxes issue, though that is not why the secretary of state sent a forfeiture letter. Stretches the truth a bit.

*Serious distortion of the facts - that Van Duyne’s company doesn’t exist or she lies about particular job duties.

Totally false.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/9/11]

The Dallas Morning News Labeled An Ad Van Duyne Ran Accusing Her Opponent Of Using Corrupt

Consultants For City Projects “Totally False”

The Dallas Morning News Labeled An Ad Van Duyne Ran Accusing Her Opponent Of Using Corrupt

Consultants For City Projects “Totally False.” “In an election ad running only on local cable television in Irving,

former Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne accuses Mayor Herbert Gears of wasting city money.

CONTENT: The ad shows pictures of Gears superimposed on pictures of cash. WHAT IT SAYS: ‘Mayor Herbert

Gears likes wasting your tax dollars - millions for shady consultants, lavish hotels and expensive meals.’

ANALYSIS: The ad is based on invoices for about $22 million in pre-development work Las Colinas Group has

done on the entertainment center project. Receipts and expense statements for work done on the project included

some reimbursement requests for pricey meals and upscale hotels. And consultants hired by Billy Bob Barnett,

Gears’ largest campaign contributor, have been paid millions of dollars for pre-development work. Van Duyne said

she made the call on which consultants are ‘shady’ based on the amount of available documentation to show what

work they did on the project. In interviews, Barnett and other Las Colinas Group officials said the city never gave

direction on how to hire consultants for the project. They also said that in many cases, they hired people that

Barnett has known for years instead of corporations or well-known firms because it allowed them to save money.

[…] ACCURACY INDEX True or mostly true *Stretches the truth a bit - the limited audit that was commissioned

by the city found that most of the examined expenses were appropriate. Serious distortion of the facts. Totally false.

*Jury is still out - another audit of project expenses would have to determine whether all consultants’ work should

have been paid for by the city.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/9/11]

Van Duyne Said She Won Her Elections Both For City Council And For Mayor While Being Vastly

Outspent By Her Opponents

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Van Duyne Said She Won Her Elections Both For City Council And For Mayor While Being Vastly

Outspent By Her Opponents. “But what I did do was when I went to debates, I was prepared. I said about why I

was running, what projects I wanted to get completed and within a couple of weeks that stone started spinning

really fast and out of control. I won, I won my first, being outspent either 6 or 8 times, my opponent outspent me

either 6 or 8 times and back in 2004 that amount was about 20,000 I spent to his 120,000. No, it wasn’t, yeah it was

120,000. Fast forward that, when I ran against the same guy 7 years later for mayor, you know how much it costs to

run a campaign now? Not doing too much more, 200,000 is what I spent to his 1.6 million and I won that election

by 60% of the vote. I know it’s funny isn’t it, what it proves though is it’s not all about the money as much as we

might, now you’re going to have to have some to run a campaign but it’s not all about the money.” [Van Duyne

Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said The Only Reason She Ran For Mayor Was Because No One Else Would

Van Duyne Said The Only Reason She Ran For Mayor Was Because No One Else Would. “But if you look at

my voting history, I got involved in politics because I built a park in my neighborhood and when the time came to

run against an elected official, a politician, I was going to support anybody who would run against him. Now at that

time, I was 32, 33, I had a 2 and a 5-year-old, I had a full-time job. And nobody would step up. Nobody wanted to

put their name out there, nobody wanted to lose, nobody wanted to go through the campaign.” [Van Duyne Speech,

Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

2011: Van Duyne Was Elected Mayor

2011: Van Duyne Was Elected Mayor. “Beth Van Duyne ousted incumbent Irving Mayor Herbert Gears on

Saturday with her promise to bring more accountability to City Hall. The mayoral contest was one of the most

contentious in city history and became the most expensive suburban mayor’s race in North Texas.” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/19/11]

Van Duyne Was Elected With 57% Of The Vote In A “History-Making Runoff Election”

Van Duyne Was Elected With 57% Of The Vote In A “History-Making Runoff Election.” “Former council

member Beth Van Duyne received 57 percent of the vote in a history-making runoff election and was sworn in as

Irving’s mayor on June 28. Van Duyne is a communications professional who has lived in Irving for 14 years and

was first elected to Irving City Council in 2004.” [US State News, 7/6/11]

City Council Campaign

Van Duyne Was Elected To City Council In 2004

Van Duyne Was Elected To City Council In 2004. “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne is stepping

down this month after two three-year terms. She joined the council in 2004 after ousting Herbert Gears from the

District 2 seat. He was elected mayor the following year, and the two have often butted heads ever since.” [Dallas

Morning News, 5/6/10]

Van Duyne Campaigned On Neighborhood Preservation And Economic Development

Van Duyne Campaigned On Neighborhood Preservation And Economic Development. “The candidates are

talking about issues, too. Mr. Gears’ priorities include promoting neighborhood redevelopment and improving the

city’s quality of life, while Ms. Van Duyne emphasizes neighborhood preservation and economic development.”

[Dallas Morning News, 4/29/04]

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Voter Turn Out Was The Strongest In 5 Years During Van Duyne’s First City Council Election

Voter Turn Out Was The Strongest In 5 Years During Van Duyne’s First City Council Election. “Voter

turnout last week was the strongest in five years as residents elected two new members to the Irving City Council.

Beth Van Duyne defeated Place 2 incumbent Herbert Gears, ending his six-year tenure. And Allan Meagher will

serve in the Place 3 seat.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/20/04]

Van Duyne Said That Upon Getting Her Signatures To Run For City Council She Met With The City CFO

To Go Over Budgets And See Where Money Was Being Spent, Which No Other Candidate Had Ever Done

Van Duyne Said That Upon Getting Her Signatures To Run For City Council She Met With The City CFO

To Go Over Budgets And See Where Money Was Being Spent, Which No Other Candidate Had Ever Done.

“How hard is that to find and it shouldn’t be that hard, but when I ran back in 2004 it was only because I couldn’t

get anyone else to run and I could not stomach the fact that we could have this guy as our city council member. And

at the age of 33, never having been to a city council meeting, never having been on a board or a committee. I had a

couple people say “aww you’re so cute, why don’t you try you know volunteering for the parks board, you’re

jumping too far ahead, you know you’ve got to work your way up” and I went oh thank you, you’re so nice, and I

went ahead and I signed up, `I volunteered, I got my signatures. Getting 60 signatures is not very hard, I went

down, and I did the first thing that I could think of and I was told by our CFO at that time that I was the first

candidate to ever do this. I went down to go talk to the CFO and get copies of all of the 5 last years of budgets and

to go over the CFO to see where the money was being spent, what projects and what the votes were. I did not think

that was unique, that’s what I did, my background was actually in market research and communications so its kind

of made sense.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Did Not Face An Opposition Challenge In Her 2006 Re-Election To City Council

Van Duyne Did Not Face An Opposition Challenge In Her 2006 Re-Election To City Council. “Gears and Van

Duyne often spar at council meetings and have had a tenuous relationship since she ousted him from the Place 2

seat in 2003. Gears came back a year later and won the mayoral post. Van Duyne did not face opposition during her

2006 bid for re-election for her council seat.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/11/09]

Van Duyne Said She Loves Campaigning, Which Makes Her “Weird”

Van Duyne Said She Loves Campaigning, Which Makes Her “Weird.” “I love campaigning. Okay and that

makes me weird. I fully admit you have to have a little bit of a screw loose to want to run for public office. I will

never push anybody in this room to run, but I will encourage you and if you want it, you’re doing it for the right

reasons, you’re dedicated I will support you and I don’t care what gender you are, what race you are, what religion

you are, if you’re doing it for the right reasons, if you have the time, if you’re dedicated I will support you.” [Van

Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said It’s Hard To Get People To Run For Office Because Of How Tough The Job Is

Van Duyne Said It’s Hard To Get People To Run For Office Because Of How Tough The Job Is. “You hear

that and are you really that surprised that’s what we get? Now, what could help that? Having much better people

run. I have been begging and Alayna, I look at you, we really really try to get people to run for election and then

they look at the beating that we take in the paper, they look at the beating that we take everywhere and they’re like

why do I want to do this? You know at six o’clock at night I’d rather go home to my family or I’d rather go out to

the movies or I’d rather just do anything. pick up a book than rather go out and face a public that hates you. Now,

why do they hate you? because typically you do the wrong stuff, you’re not listening to them, they think you’re

above.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

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Van Duyne Said That Most People When Thinking Of Running For Office Would Prefer To “Pick Up A

Book Rather Than Go Out And Face A Public That Hates You. “You hear that and are you really that

surprised that’s what we get? Now, what could help that? Having much better people run. I have been begging

and Alayna, I look at you, we really really try to get people to run for election and then they look at the beating

that we take in the paper, they look at the beating that we take everywhere and they’re like why do I want to do

this? You know at six o’clock at night I’d rather go home to my family or I’d rather go out to the movies or I’d

rather just do anything. pick up a book than rather go out and face a public that hates you. Now, why do they

hate you? because typically you do the wrong stuff, you’re not listening to them, they think you’re above.”

[Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said That She Was Simply A Mayor Who Loved Her City, But That “If Everybody Did What

They Were Supposed To Do, I Would Fall In. I Would Be The Beige”

Van Duyne Said That She Was Simply A Mayor Who Loved Her City, But That “If Everybody Did What

They Were Supposed To Do, I Would Fall In. I Would Be The Beige.” “You know you ask me a question, I

may disagree with you, even if I know your opinion, I’m still going to be consistent. So, it makes me a little bit of

an easy target. But I had two options and maybe it’s because I did have or do have a 17-year-old daughter, I was

going to say a 16-year-old daughter at the time, so I have a 16-year-old daughter, she’s 17 and I have a 14-year-old

son and maybe because I look at them there’s no way that once you make a statement based on your values and

your morals that you should go back on it because you’re somehow upset by labels people call you. If you cannot

stand in an elected capacity and do what you know is right and do what the people who put you there in office

demand of you than you have no business running and you need to step down. So, while I appreciate everybody and

the very kind words and some of the really nice words that I have received I am no hero. I am simply mayor of a

city that I adore. But if everybody did what they were supposed to do, I would fall in. I would be the beige.” [Van

Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said There Was Never A Good Time To Run For Office And That Her Kids Had To Grow

Up Seeing All The “Crap That Was Thrown At Me In The Paper.” “And we need to make sure that we are

holding not only them accountable, but we are holding higher level of expectations and not just for our elected

officials but for ourselves. Anybody in this room can run for office, everybody in this room at some point

should have run for office. There’s never a good time. I did not think having a child in diapers was a good time

to run, but I tell you after this last year I call my kids native speakers because they grew up seeing all of the

crap that was thrown at me in the paper and they didn’t think anything different. This was a little bit nastier I

mean it was from people like the New York Times, and the LA Times, and I think even Australia and England,

they didn’t think anything of it. In some ways it was a burden at the time, you know you miss a lot of t ball

games, but in hindsight, it was actually a good thing. But I encourage everybody in this room not just to vote,

everybody in this room votes. Not just to get people out and to campaign, but if you really want to help, run for

office.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Said She Loved Reading The Comments On Press About Her That Disagreed With The

Article. “Bring those values that you hold so dear and waste the time campaigning. Spend the time to get in

that position so that you can help, that you can see the people that are doing the right things first hand and

you’re there not just supportive with emails, but that is really important, really important but you’re also there

to help them on votes. You know Kenny had mentioned that those who do the right thing don’t always know

that they have support. This last year was really weird, it was really hard. But between all of the emails and the

Facebook posts and you know when I would go out in public and people would thank me that meant the world,

it really did mean a tremendous amount. So, taking the time and writing your elected officials who are doing

the right things is a good thing and you know what else I really loved? Seeing articles in The Dallas Morning

News and then going down and reading the comments. Okay what is up with this rag, why are you picking up?

don’t you know this? Those things help too.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership

Forum, 4/18/16]

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Elected Office


NOTE: For more detail on Van Duyne’s tenure as mayor, see the thematic sections on her anti-Muslim rhetoric

and hindering local development and the Ethics chapter

While Mayor Van Duyne Attended 95% Of City Council Meetings While Mayor

While Mayor Van Duyne Attended 95% Of City Council Meetings. [Irving Texas City Council, Meetings,

Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

While Mayor Van Duyne Attended 89.9% Of City Council Work Sessions. [Irving Texas City Council,

Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

Van Duyne Did Not Attend A Rally Held In Her Honor In 2015. “Attendance at a rally Saturday to support

Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne was a little on the low side. The mayor herself didn’t show up. But the enthusiasm

outside City Hall was abundant. ‘Most young people don’t know what the good America is,’ rally organizer Valerie

Villarreal said. ‘The mayor has given us a taste of that America again, and we don’t want to let that go.’ Van Duyne

has been a figure in the public debate over Islam and the treatment of Muslims since rumors of an illegal Shariah

court at the Irving Islamic Center began spreading in January.” [Dallas Morning News, 12/6/15]

Van Duyne Cut Her Staff By 10%

Van Duyne Cut Her Staff By 10%. “FRANCIS: Give me top three best things you did to win this award. I know

one of them is that you decreased your workforce by 10 percent. How did you do that? Van Duyne: Yes. Well, you

know, when people would quit or people would retire, instead of immediately filling their positions, what we did

was we kind of realigned our staff. And what we found was that we could decrease our workforce by 10 percent,

and yet, our customer service increased. We’re actually able to do more with less.” [Fox Business Network, Money

Money, 12/18/12]

Van Duyne: “You Know, I Look At It, Government Is -- It’s Competitive. We Have To Be Competitive.

Cities Are Competitive With One Another. States Are Competitive. Regions Are Competitive. And If

You Stop Looking As Your Constituents As Simply Taxpayers And You Look At Them As Customers,

And You Say Are We Providing Them With What They Want?” “FRANCIS: I love that word you just

used, customer service. I mean, you say that your taxpayers are your customers. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a

politician say that. Where did you get that from? Why do you believe in that? Van Duyne: You know, I look at

it, government is -- it’s competitive. We have to be competitive. Cities are competitive with one another. States

are competitive. Regions are competitive. And if you stop looking as your constituents as simply taxpayers and

you look at them as customers, and you say are we providing them with what they want?” [Fox Business

Network, Money Money, 12/18/12]

Van Duyne Requested The Irving City Attorney To Investigate City Processes Regarding Planning And

Inspection Documents

Van Duyne Requested The Irving City Attorney To Investigate City Processes Regarding Planning And

Inspection Documents. “Council members will, for the first time, publicly hear information about how the city

processes and retains planning and inspections documents. The city’s policies were called into question after the

Dallas Cowboys’ practice facility collapsed in May. The matter has also become a divisive issue among city

leaders. Council member Beth Van Duyne asked City Attorney Charles Anderson last week to investigate the city’s

planning and inspections policies. Anderson said he would not launch an inquiry unless a majority of council

members echoed Van Duyne’s request.” [Dallas Morning News, 7/22/09]

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Van Duyne Claimed The Irving City Attorney Refused To Turn Over Documents Detailing Irving’s

Policies. “Council member Beth Van Duyne asked City Attorney Charles Anderson last week to investigate the

city’s planning and inspections policies. Anderson said he would not launch an inquiry unless a majority of

council members echoed Van Duyne’s request. Van Duyne said Anderson also declined to turn over documents

detailing the city’s policies. In a letter to Anderson last week, she asked for an explanation of why he was not

providing them. Van Duyne said Tuesday that the city attorney has yet to respond.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne Supported A Vote To End The Irving City Manager’s Contract To Avoid Paying The Severance

Laid Out In His Contract

Van Duyne Supported A Vote To End The Irving City Manager’s Contract To Avoid Paying The Severance

Laid Out In His Contract. “Council members appear headed toward ending City Manager Tommy Gonzalez’s

employment this week with a buyout worth at least $370,000 - perhaps much more. Gonzalez’s contract is set to

expire in May, but council members have been divided over whether to renew it. Last week, the city manager’s

supporters and detractors on the council discussed a new option: letting him go with a hefty severance. Staffers

were called into City Hall on Sunday to arrange a special council meeting for Wednesday - requested by council

members Rose Cannaday, Roy Santoscoy and Dennis Webb. Mayor Beth Van Duyne said she expects those three

members, plus Joe Putnam and Mike Gallaway, will vote to end the city manager’s contract before it expires and

trigger his severance payout.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/26/13]

Van Duyne: “It Is Incomprehensible To Me That They Would Put The City On The Hook For A

Severance Package We’re Not Required To Pay, For No Other Reason That Getting Rid Of Him A

Month Early.” “Council members appear headed toward ending City Manager Tommy Gonzalez’s

employment this week with a buyout worth at least $370,000 - perhaps much more. Gonzalez’s contract is set

to expire in May, but council members have been divided over whether to renew it. Last week, the city

manager’s supporters and detractors on the council discussed a new option: letting him go with a hefty

severance. Staffers were called into City Hall on Sunday to arrange a special council meeting for Wednesday -

requested by council members Rose Cannaday, Roy Santoscoy and Dennis Webb. Mayor Beth Van Duyne said

she expects those three members, plus Joe Putnam and Mike Gallaway, will vote to end the city manager’s

contract before it expires and trigger his severance payout. The mayor said severance could cost the city about

$500,000, but the exact price tag wasn’t clear. Gonzalez’s contract allots him 18 months’ salary as severance,

or about $370,000. Vacation time may increase that figure. ‘It is incomprehensible to me that they would put

the city on the hook for a severance package we’re not required to pay,’ Van Duyne said. ‘For no other reason

that getting rid of him a month early.’” [Dallas Morning News, 3/26/13]

Van Duyne Supported Giving The Irving City Manager A New Contract. “Van Duyne says she supports

giving Gonzalez a new contract. But Putnam said the mayor raised no objection to severance when council

members discussed it at a closed-door meeting last week.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/26/13]

Councilwoman Putnam On Van Duyne: “This Meeting Was Called Because The Mayor Has Shown

Absolutely No Leadership Regarding The City Manager’s Contract.” “Van Duyne says she supports giving

Gonzalez a new contract. But Putnam said the mayor raised no objection to severance when council members

discussed it at a closed-door meeting last week. ‘She’s made herself irrelevant and is playing games,’ Putnam

said. Cannaday seconded Putnam’s remarks. ‘This meeting was called because the mayor has shown absolutely

no leadership regarding the city manager’s contract,’ she said.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/26/13]

Van Duyne Said That The Citizens Of Irving Were All Her Boss And It Was Her Job To Listen To What

They Had To Say

Van Duyne Said That The Citizens Of Irving Were All Her Boss And It Was Her Job To Listen To What

They Had To Say. “You know city of Irving is one of the hundred largest cities in the country, I think we’re 92nd

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now we’ve got 235,000 people do you know what that means? Anybody seen Office Space? I’ve got 235,000

bosses. 235,000 people that tell me what to do and that does not include the 9,000 businesses or the 250,000 regular

employees that we have there every day and all of those people tell me what to do and how to do it. and you know

what? it’s my job to listen, it’s not my job to always agree, but it’s my job to listen. And I have walked into some of

the biggest lions dens in my city, well actually across the country, you know because if you are confident in your

ability if you’re prepared in a meeting and if you’ve got data to back up why you’re doing what you’re doing

there’s really no meeting you shouldn’t take and I have always been like that.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

United States Conference Of Mayors

2013: Van Duyne Was Elected By Fellow Mayors To Serve On The United States Conference Of Mayor’s

Advisory Board

2013: Van Duyne Was Elected By Fellow Mayors To Serve On The United States Conference Of Mayor’s

Advisory Board. “Mayor Beth Van Duyne was recently elected by her fellow mayors to serve on the United States

Conference of Mayor’s Advisory Board at the 81st Annual Meeting of The United States Conference of Mayors.

As a member of the Advisory Board, Van Duyne will assist the organization’s leadership in developing tactics and

strategy for achieving the policy goals of the organization. Two examples of the type of leadership other mayors

cited in elevating her to the Board were her championing policy efforts in support of protecting the tax-exempt

status of municipal bonds and the presentation she made at the Conference’s Water Council.” [Irving Rambler,


Van Duyne Said That Her Work On The Council Of Mayors Gave Her Insight On Bond Projects,

Influencing School Districts, And Bringing Volunteers In To Help Communities. “Well, the reason why I

participate. When I first became mayor back in 2011 you know I had been on the city council 6 years prior to

that and I had participated in the national league of cities and the national league of cities tends to be many

council members coming together and it’s a huge conference and you talk about what cities are doing for bond

projects, what they’re doing to influence the school districts and increase education opportunities. Talk about

things that you can do to try and get more volunteers in your community.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg

Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Said That The First Agenda At The Conference Of Mayors Was More Liberal Than

Expected, As The Mayor Of Los Angeles Was The Leader. “It’s a great organization, but what I heard about

the US Conference of Mayors was that it took that but pinpointed it and was a little bit more focused on what

the mayors’ role in their community could be. And the first conference of the US Conference of Mayors I will

admit the previous mayor of LA, Antonio Villaraigosa was the president, and the agenda was much more

liberal than I was expecting but that being said they had the breakout sessions which is what they usually

promote and while the breakout sessions are, tend to be more on the liberal democrat side you have to think

about who’s putting them together.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Admitted That Most Major Cities Have Democratic Leaders As Mayor. “If you even look at

the state of Texas, arguably one of the most conservative states in the union, the majority of large cities have

Democratic mayors. If you look at Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi, Lerado, Dallas, they are all

democrats who are their mayors and therefore it’s not outrageous to believe that the leadership of the US

Conference of Mayors turns out to be more democrat, it’s just the case.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg

Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Said That She Almost Left The Conference Of Mayors Because Of The Lack Of Republican


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Van Duyne Said That She Almost Left The Conference Of Mayors Because Of The Lack Of Republican

Representation. “I almost walked and didn’t come back until a couple of mayors took me to the side and said look

this is the US conference of mayors; it is representative of mayors across the country. If we just stopped going

because we’re republicans and don’t feel our voice is the one coming out we’re not doing anything to contribute.

What do we think the conference would be like if all republican mayors pulled out?” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert

Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Claimed That Under Her Leadership She Convinced The Conference Of Mayors To Have

More Bipartisan Work. “But I kind of took that to heart and what I did was one of the first leadership

meetings I attended, the first leadership meeting that I attended and it was in January and DC I pooled that

question and said look if we are only talking to people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden how

can we expect any support from Republicans in getting our message across? And if we’re only pushing

Obama’s agenda how can we expect any work or facilitation with the House right now? and this is a year later

and mayor Nutter out of Philadelphia was the new president and he kind of took that suggestion because there

was a number of us there, I gotta give snaps to Robert Cluck out of Arlington because he backed everything

that I was saying. Nutter went back and said they were going to create a bipartisan committee and they did that.

And what we found was that the next year, the next conference, that a lot of the sessions were much more

geared to non-partisan issues that mayors could wrap their arms around. And those included from simple

programs that we could support with partnerships with our schools to what we could do on our city website that

got volunteer groups together. I mean just where the rubber hits the road kind of programs. That’s something

that I get a lot out of it.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

City Council

While A Member Of The City Council Van Duyne Attended 95% Of City Council Meetings

While A Member Of The City Council Van Duyne Attended 95% Of City Council Meetings. [Irving Texas

City Council, Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

While A Member Of The City Council Van Duyne Attended 90% Of City Council Work Sessions. [Irving

Texas City Council, Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

Van Duyne Served Two Three Year Terms On The Irving City Council

Van Duyne Served Two Three Year Terms On The Irving City Council. “Irving City Council member Beth

Van Duyne is stepping down this month after two three-year terms. She joined the council in 2004 after ousting

Herbert Gears from the District 2 seat. He was elected mayor the following year, and the two have often butted

heads ever since.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/6/10]

Van Duyne Served As Deputy Mayor Pro Tem

Van Duyne Served As Deputy Mayor Pro Tem. “A frequently interviewed official, Beth has appeared in The

New York Times, CNN, USA Today, ESPN and the Dallas Morning News. Former Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, she

established and chaired Irving’s Communications Committee and has done extensive coalition building among

local, state and federal officials and community leaders throughout the country through her activities with the

National League of Cities, Texas Municipal League and North Central Texas Council of Governments.” [Irving

Rambler, 4/2/11]

Van Duyne Established And Chaired Irving’s Communications Committee

Van Duyne Established And Chaired Irving’s Communications Committee. “A frequently interviewed official,

Beth has appeared in The New York Times, CNN, USA Today, ESPN and the Dallas Morning News. Former

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Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, she established and chaired Irving’s Communications Committee and has done extensive

coalition building among local, state and federal officials and community leaders throughout the country through

her activities with the National League of Cities, Texas Municipal League and North Central Texas Council of

Governments.” [Irving Rambler, 4/2/11]

Van Duyne Worked With The National League Of Cities, Texas Municipal League And North Central Texas

Council Of Governments

Van Duyne Worked With The National League Of Cities, Texas Municipal League And North Central Texas

Council Of Governments. “A frequently interviewed official, Beth has appeared in The New York Times, CNN,

USA Today, ESPN and the Dallas Morning News. Former Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, she established and chaired

Irving’s Communications Committee and has done extensive coalition building among local, state and federal

officials and community leaders throughout the country through her activities with the National League of Cities,

Texas Municipal League and North Central Texas Council of Governments.” [Irving Rambler, 4/2/11]

Van Duyne On Her Time On City Council: “During My Six Years On The Council, I Provided Consistent

Balance On A Council That All Too Often Had Its Own Agenda That Did Not Take Taxpayers, Residents Or

Businesses Into Account.” “Can you point to one thing that you’ve accomplished as a council member during six

years? During my six years on the council, I provided consistent balance on a council that all too often had its own

agenda that did not take taxpayers, residents or businesses into account. Taking time to meet with homeowners,

business leaders, community volunteers and concerned citizens, I listened to what they said and brought their voice,

their concerns and their opinions to City Hall. I campaigned for safer neighborhoods, consistent code enforcement,

stronger homeowner rights and more efficient government.” [Dallas Morning News, Van Duyne Interview, 5/6/10]

Van Duyne On Her Time On City Council: “Taking Time To Meet With Homeowners, Business Leaders,

Community Volunteers And Concerned Citizens, I Listened To What They Said And Brought Their Voice,

Their Concerns And Their Opinions To City Hall. I Campaigned For Safer Neighborhoods, Consistent Code

Enforcement, Stronger Homeowner Rights And More Efficient Government.” “Can you point to one thing that

you’ve accomplished as a council member during six years? During my six years on the council, I provided

consistent balance on a council that all too often had its own agenda that did not take taxpayers, residents or

businesses into account. Taking time to meet with homeowners, business leaders, community volunteers and

concerned citizens, I listened to what they said and brought their voice, their concerns and their opinions to City

Hall. I campaigned for safer neighborhoods, consistent code enforcement, stronger homeowner rights and more

efficient government.” [Dallas Morning News, Van Duyne Interview, 5/6/10]

Van Duyne Voted Against A Plan To Reduce Staff And Reorganize City Hall. “City officials are trying to find

at least some of the affected employees different jobs within the city, Mr. Gonzalez said. The City Council voted 8-

1 Monday to approve the city manager’s recommended staff reduction and reorganization. Council member Beth

Van Duyne voted against the matter. ‘I agree that budget reductions need to occur,’ Ms. Van Duyne said in an

interview. ‘However, given our fiscal challenges, I think this effort is too little too late.’” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne: “I Agree That Budget Reductions Need To Occur, However, Given Our Fiscal Challenges, I

Think This Effort Is Too Little Too Late.” “City officials are trying to find at least some of the affected

employees different jobs within the city, Mr. Gonzalez said. The City Council voted 8-1 Monday to approve the

city manager’s recommended staff reduction and reorganization. Council member Beth Van Duyne voted

against the matter. ‘I agree that budget reductions need to occur,’ Ms. Van Duyne said in an interview.

‘However, given our fiscal challenges, I think this effort is too little too late.’” [Dallas Morning News, 8/11/06]

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Housing And Urban Development

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne was the Trump Administration’s Southwestern HUD Administrator despite being skeptical of

the department before her appointment

✓ Prior to joining the department, Van Duyne spoke negatively of HUD and federal grants


✓ But as HUD Administrator, Van Duyne said HUD worked on bringing economic development

opportunities to cities

✓ As HUD Administrator, Van Duyne said the agency should judge success on how many people got out of

public housing, rather than the amount of housing provided

✓ Van Duyne’s admiration of Secretary Carson brought her to HUD, but Carson has been disastrous for

people who benefit from HUD programs

✓ Van Duyne said that the chance to work with Carson was the main reason she accepted her

position at HUD

✓ Ben Carson’s HUD dialed back investigations into housing discrimination

✓ Under Ben Carson, more families live in HUD housing that fails health and safety inspections

✓ While Van Duyne served at HUD, the agency changed its rules, so if even one undocumented immigrant

lived in a home, the family did not qualify for public housing or rent vouchers; Texas officials said the

policy would have little impact

Van Duyne Was The Trump Administration’s Southwestern HUD Administrator Despite

Being Skeptical Of The Department

May 2017: Van Duyne Became Regional Administrator Overseeing Texas And Its Four

Surrounding States At The U.S. Housing And Urban Development, Leaving Her Post As Irving


Trump Appointed Van Duyne To Be The Regional HUD Administrator. ”Beth Van Duyne is leaving the Irving

mayor’s office to become a U.S. Housing and Urban Development regional administrator overseeing Texas and its

four surrounding states. Van Duyne, whose new post became official Monday, had been in talks since November

with President Donald Trump’s administration and other Republicans about a federal government role. She said

much of HUD’s mission overlaps with work that mayors do. She added that helping the most vulnerable is what

attracted her to being mayor, a job she’s held since 2011.” [The Texas Tribune, 5/8/17]

Van Duyne Became Regional Administrator Overseeing Texas And Its Four Surrounding States At The U.S.

Housing And Urban Development. “Beth Van Duyne is leaving the Irving mayor’s office to become a U.S.

Housing and Urban Development regional administrator overseeing Texas and its four surrounding states. Van

Duyne, whose new post became official Monday, had been in talks since November with President Donald

Trump’s administration and other Republicans about a federal government role.” [Texas Tribune, 5/8/17]

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Van Duyne Said That HUD’s Mission Overlapped With Her Work As Mayor. “She said much of HUD’s

mission overlaps with work that mayors do. She added that helping the most vulnerable is what attracted her to

being mayor, a job she’s held since 2011. ‘I strongly believe that government should be limited and that it

should be focused on helping those that need it the most,’ Van Duyne said Monday from her HUD office in

downtown Fort Worth.” [Texas Tribune, 5/8/17]

Van Duyne: “I Strongly Believe That Government Should Be Limited And That It Should Be Focused

On Helping Those That Need It The Most.” “She said much of HUD’s mission overlaps with work that

mayors do. She added that helping the most vulnerable is what attracted her to being mayor, a job she’s held

since 2011. ‘I strongly believe that government should be limited and that it should be focused on helping those

that need it the most,’ Van Duyne said Monday from her HUD office in downtown Fort Worth.” [Texas

Tribune, 5/8/17]

Prior To Joining The Department, Van Duyne Spoke Negatively Of HUD And Federal Grants


In 2017, Van Duyne Claimed That Irving Had To Create An Entire Department To Qualify For A HUD


Van Duyne Claimed Irving Had To Create An “Entire Department With Almost A Dozen Staff” In Order

To Qualify For A HUD Grant. “The Department of Housing and Urban Development grants billions of dollars a

year to cities for development and refurbishing of affordable homes. But the requirements to receive such grants are

so burdensome they often end up costing cities. For example, Irving was required to create an entire department

with almost a dozen staff just to qualify for a program. Once the grant dollars have been spent, cities are still left

with entire departments to either fund on their own or eliminate.” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Van Duyne Said HUD’s Requirements For Grants Were “Burdensome” And Cost Cities

Van Duyne Said HUD’s Requirements For Grants Were “Burdensome” And Cost Cities. “The Department of

Housing and Urban Development grants billions of dollars a year to cities for development and refurbishing of

affordable homes. But the requirements to receive such grants are so burdensome they often end up costing cities.

For example, Irving was required to create an entire department with almost a dozen staff just to qualify for a

program. Once the grant dollars have been spent, cities are still left with entire departments to either fund on their

own or eliminate.” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

In 2014, Van Duyne Criticized Taking Federal Money For City Needs

Van Duyne Criticized Taking Any Federal Money For City Needs, Calling I A “Perpetual Cycle Where The

More You Ask The More They Demand.” “Well and this this where I think you see the real kind of division I

think within a lot of the party, as a mayor and as a local representative nobody knows our city in DC better than we

do. Nobody knows our city in Austin better than we do. And people find me, they know where I live, they know

where my kids go to school they see me in the grocery store, they see me in the library. I’m approachable, anybody

who wants my cell phone gets it. I can represent because I know what my community needs. We complain that we

want to keep all of those things local. We complain that we don’t want to have unfunded mandates. We complain

that we’re sending too much of our money to DC, but then when you’ve got a majority that turns around and has

their hand out, well then give us the money but we don’t want you to control us. It’s sending a mixed message, you

can’t do both. Either say no to the money, I’m going to stay independent and do as much stuff for our community

as I can with what we’ve got. Or you end up getting into what I was talking about before, this perpetual cycle where

the more you ask the more they demand. There was a school that was in Irving and they wanted to build a gym and

they were potentially looking at, and it’s a charter school so it doesn’t get those types of funds from the state at all,

so it’s a great school they wanted to build a gym for the kids. They looked at having it as an emergency shelter,

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now the cost of building this gym was going to be $2 million and they were going to have to do the fundraising

through the parents to try and get this money. Where they went and they found out that they can apply for a grant to

use it as an emergency shelter and get federal money to do it. So the city kind of got behind them, we were going to

see what we could do, you know what they found out? That in order to comply with all of the requirements it was

going to cost $4.2 million, and the amount of the grant was $2 million, You tell me what do you think they did.”

[Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Cited Her Role As Mayor To Justify Skepticism Of HUD

Van Duyne Cited Her Role As Mayor To Justify Skepticism Of HUD. “Beth’s initial skepticism of HUD,

coming from her role as a mayor.” [Opportunity Db, podcast, 5/1/19]

Van Duyne Called HUD’s Requirements For Grants “Burdensome”

Van Duyne Chided HUD’s Requirements For Grants Calling Them “Burdensome.” “The Department of

Housing and Urban Development grants billions of dollars a year to cities for development and refurbishing of

affordable homes. But the requirements to receive such grants are so burdensome they often end up costing cities.

For example, Irving was required to create an entire department with almost a dozen staff just to qualify for a

program. Once the grant dollars have been spent, cities are still left with entire departments to either fund on their

own or eliminate.” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Van Duyne Claimed Irving Had To Create An “Entire Department With Almost A Dozen Staff” In

Order To Qualify For A HUD Grant. “The Department of Housing and Urban Development grants billions

of dollars a year to cities for development and refurbishing of affordable homes. But the requirements to

receive such grants are so burdensome they often end up costing cities. For example, Irving was required to

create an entire department with almost a dozen staff just to qualify for a program. Once the grant dollars have

been spent, cities are still left with entire departments to either fund on their own or eliminate.” [OZY, Van

Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Van Duyne Called HUD Community Development Block Grants “Ineffective And Inefficient”

Van Duyne Called The Community Development Block Grant Program “Ineffective And Inefficient.”

“Community Development Block Grants were created to aid cities in infrastructure development, affordable

housing and antipoverty programs. However, because of the immense government oversight and numerous

prerequisites, these programs are ineffective and inefficient. For example, a local charter school was considering

applying for $2 million in CDBG funds to build a gymnasium with an estimated cost of $2 million. After

redesigning the gym with requirements to satisfy federal grant regulations, the cost skyrocketed to $4.5 million.”

[OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

But As HUD Administrator, Van Duyne Said HUD Worked On Bringing Economic Development

Opportunities To Cities

Van Duyne Claimed HUD Was Working On Bringing Economic Development Opportunities To Cities

Van Duyne Said That Aside From Public Housing, HUD Worked On Bringing Economic Development

Opportunities To Cities. “Well you know, I think the assumption that a lot of people have is that the only thing we

do is work on public housing. The fact is that there’s so much more, we’re trying to help cities with economic

development opportunities, looking at housing as a need for a community and how to help them build their cities

around that need but we don’t own properties, we don’t own public housing we just kind of act as coordinators to

try to help them help themselves and help those who most need it in their communities. So, my focus the last few

months not surprisingly has been on Hurricane Harvey and helping those cities and those communities to come up

with their plans for recovery and rebuilding.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

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Van Duyne On HUD Budget Cuts: “Just Like Being A Mayor, You Work With What You Have, And We

Always Have To Realize That Funds Are Not Unlimited”

Van Duyne On HUD Budget Cuts: “Just Like Being A Mayor, You Work With What You Have, And We

Always Have To Realize That Funds Are Not Unlimited.” “‘It’s a much larger scope than just one city,’ she

said. She joins the department months after the Trump administration spurred angst among state and local housing

departments and affordability advocates by considering $6 billion in cuts to HUD’s budget. Van Duyne believes the

administration is still reviewing its plans for the department. ‘Just like being a mayor, you work with what you

have, and we always have to realize that funds are not unlimited,’ she said.” [Texas Tribune, 5/8/17]

As HUD Administrator, Van Duyne Said The Agency Should Judge Success On How Many People

Got Out Of Public Housing, Rather Than The Amount Of Housing Provided

Van Duyne Said That Her Goal In HUD Was Not To Look “At Success As The Amount Of Public Housing”

Van Duyne: “One Of The Goals For Us Is To Not Look At Success As The Amount Of Public Housing, But

We Need To Judge Our Success On Those Who We Get Out.” “‘Money spent on a mortgage is money not spent

on healthcare, that is money you are not able to spend on food,’ Van Duyne said. ‘One of the goals for us is to not

look at success as the amount of public housing, but we need to judge our success on those who we get out.’ ‘When

you see the faces of those in public housing, your son’s 3rd grade teacher or the nurse who helps your grandpa, then

you understand the need to insure all levels of our community have place they can afford to live.’ All three panelists

agreed there are possible ways to help improve these issues.” [Irving Rambler, 5/12/18]

Van Duyne: “When You See The Faces Of Those In Public Housing, Your Son’s 3rd Grade Teacher Or

The Nurse Who Helps Your Grandpa, Then You Understand The Need To Insure All Levels Of Our

Community Have Place They Can Afford To Live.” “‘Money spent on a mortgage is money not spent on

healthcare, that is money you are not able to spend on food,’ Van Duyne said. ‘One of the goals for us is to not

look at success as the amount of public housing, but we need to judge our success on those who we get out.’

‘When you see the faces of those in public housing, your son’s 3rd grade teacher or the nurse who helps your

grandpa, then you understand the need to insure all levels of our community have place they can afford to live.’

All three panelists agreed there are possible ways to help improve these issues.” [Irving Rambler, 5/12/18]

Van Duyne Said HUD’s Focus Needed To Be On Getting People Out Of Public Housing

Van Duyne: “One Of The Goals For Us Is To Not Look At Success As The Amount Of Public Housing, But

We Need To Judge Our Success On Those Who We Get Out.” “‘Money spent on a mortgage is money not spent

on healthcare, that is money you are not able to spend on food,’ Van Duyne said. ‘One of the goals for us is to not

look at success as the amount of public housing, but we need to judge our success on those who we get out.’ ‘When

you see the faces of those in public housing, your son’s 3rd grade teacher or the nurse who helps your grandpa, then

you understand the need to insure all levels of our community have place they can afford to live.’ All three panelists

agreed there are possible ways to help improve these issues.” [Irving Rambler, 5/12/18]

Van Duyne: “Money Spent On A Mortgage Is Money Not Spent On Healthcare, That Is Money You Are

Not Able To Spend On Food.” “‘Money spent on a mortgage is money not spent on healthcare, that is money

you are not able to spend on food,’ Van Duyne said. ‘One of the goals for us is to not look at success as the

amount of public housing, but we need to judge our success on those who we get out.’ ‘When you see the faces

of those in public housing, your son’s 3rd grade teacher or the nurse who helps your grandpa, then you

understand the need to insure all levels of our community have place they can afford to live.’ All three panelists

agreed there are possible ways to help improve these issues.” [Irving Rambler, 5/12/18]

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Van Duyne: “When You See The Faces Of Those In Public Housing, Your Son’s 3rd Grade Teacher Or

The Nurse Who Helps Your Grandpa, Then You Understand The Need To Insure All Levels Of Our

Community Have Place They Can Afford To Live.” “‘Money spent on a mortgage is money not spent on

healthcare, that is money you are not able to spend on food,’ Van Duyne said. ‘One of the goals for us is to not

look at success as the amount of public housing, but we need to judge our success on those who we get out.’

‘When you see the faces of those in public housing, your son’s 3rd grade teacher or the nurse who helps your

grandpa, then you understand the need to insure all levels of our community have place they can afford to live.’

All three panelists agreed there are possible ways to help improve these issues.” [Irving Rambler, 5/12/18]

Van Duyne Said Rising House Prices In North Texas Kept Normal People From Having A Piece Of The

American Dream

Van Duyne Said Rising House Prices In North Texas Kept Normal People From Having A Piece Of The

American Dream. “The rising house prices in North Texas make home ownership infeasible for an increasing

segment of the workforce, said Beth Van Duyne, regional administrator for the U.S. Department of Housing and

Urban Development and a former Irving mayor. Many teachers, nurses, firefighters and police can’t afford a piece

of the American Dream, Van Duyne said.” [Dallas Business Journal, 7/4/18]

Van Duyne’s Admiration Of Secretary Carson Brought Her To HUD, But Carson Has Been

Disastrous For People Who Benefit from HUD Programs

Van Duyne Was A Longtime Admirer Of HUD Secretary Ben Carson

Van Duyne Said That The Chance To Work With Carson Was The Main Reason She Accepted Her Position


Van Duyne Claimed That Working With Carson Was The Main Reason Why She Took The Job At HUD.

“Secretary Carson is an absolutely amazing, amazing individual. He is sharp, he is very thoughtful and he’s got,

you’ve got somebody who has grown up in projects and he has seen what happens when you work really hard and

how having those mentor relationships and opportunities to get out of a bad situation, to make it better to really

achieve. He’s great to work with, he’s great to work with, I appreciate you bringing him up. Now he was one of the

reasons, he was the main reason why I took this job.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Called Carson “An Absolutely Amazing, Amazing Individual”

Van Duyne Called Carson “An Absolutely Amazing, Amazing Individual.” “Secretary Carson is an absolutely

amazing, amazing individual. He is sharp, he is very thoughtful and he’s got, you’ve got somebody who has grown

up in projects and he has seen what happens when you work really hard and how having those mentor relationships

and opportunities to get out of a bad situation, to make it better to really achieve. He’s great to work with, he’s great

to work with, I appreciate you bringing him up. Now he was one of the reasons, he was the main reason why I took

this job.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Pointed Out That Carson Was A Great HUD Leader Because Grew Up “In Projects”

Van Duyne Pointed Out That Carson Was A Great HUD Leader Because Grew Up “In Projects.” “Secretary

Carson is an absolutely amazing, amazing individual. He is sharp, he is very thoughtful and he’s got, you’ve got

somebody who has grown up in projects and he has seen what happens when you work really hard and how having

those mentor relationships and opportunities to get out of a bad situation, to make it better to really achieve. He’s

great to work with, he’s great to work with, I appreciate you bringing him up. Now he was one of the reasons, he

was the main reason why I took this job.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

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Carson Supported Van Duyne In Her Pursuit Of Public Office

Ben Carson Supported Her In Her Pursuit Of Public Office. “A big thank you to @secretarycarson and his

support in my decision to pursue office!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/8/19]

Van Duyne: “Have To Love Leaders In The Administration Who Are Willing To Stand Up To Bullying

And Unfounded Criticism With Tact And Facts. Way To Go, Secretary Carson!” “Have to love leaders in

the administration who are willing to stand up to bullying and unfounded criticism with tact and facts. Way to

go, @SecretaryCarson!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/19/19]

Van Duyne Accompanies Sec. Ben Carson To Multiple Events

Van Duyne Attended The Ceremony Where Sec. Ben Carson Was Given The Ronald Reagan Award From

The Texas Public Policy Foundation. “Awesome to see my old boss, @SecretaryCarson, presented with the

Ronald Reagan Award @TPPF 30th Anniver Gala. He spoke about giving folks a path to self sufficiency is the best

way to achieve the American dream, not gov’t handouts. Thank you to my dad who flew in to be my date!” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 10/6/19]

Van Duyne Accompanied Sec. Ben Carson To Barbara Bush’s Funeral. “I accompanied Sec. Carson today to

pay final respects to Former First Lady Barbara Bush. The church was empty except for the lone casket covered

with elegant and timeless Texas roses, reflective of the lady held within and her remarkable life. Peace be with you

#BarbaraBush” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 4/20/18]

Ben Carson’s HUD Dialed Back Investigations Into Housing Discrimination

Carson Bragged About Suspending An Obama-Era Rule Mandating That Communities Fixed Patterns Of


Carson Bragged To An Audience Of Fair-Housing Advocates About Suspending An Obama-Era Rule

Mandating That Communities Fixed Patterns Of Segregation. “At a training last month for hundreds of fair-

housing advocates, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson crowed about his suspension of an

Obama-era rule mandating that communities fix long-standing patterns of segregation. The regulation, hailed as one

of the most ambitious efforts to fight racial bias in housing in decades, was too burdensome on cities, he said,

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according to four people present. So was another Obama rule that held lenders and landlords liable for policies that

lead to discrimination even if none was intended, he added.” [Washington Post, 12/24/18]

Washington Post: Ben Carson’s HUD Dials Back Investigations Into Housing Discrimination. [Washington

Post, 12/24/18]

Carson Was Charged Under The Law To Eliminate Discriminatory Housing Practices, While Personally

Being A Skeptic Of Government Input In Ending Housing Inequality. “The scene illustrated the uncomfortable

reality for Carson as he nears the end of his second year as HUD secretary. Though he is charged under the law

with eliminating discriminatory housing practices, Carson is also a longtime skeptic of using government power to

remedy such inequality.” [Washington Post, 12/24/18]

Carson Only Once Used His Authority As HUD Secretary To Investigate Housing Discrimination

Carson Only Once Used His Authority As HUD Secretary To Investigate Housing Discrimination. “Beyond

his attempts to roll back the agency’s fair-housing rules, Carson is overseeing a department whose fair-housing

budget and staffing have been cut. And, notably, he has departed from the practices of recent Democratic and

Republican predecessors of using their secretarial power to root out systemic racial discrimination by launching

broad-based investigations into bias by banks, real estate companies and others. Carson has only once used his

authority as HUD secretary to scrutinize widespread housing discrimination, moving ahead under public pressure

on an investigation against Facebook that was initiated during the Obama administration.” [Washington Post,


George W. Bush’s HUD Secretary Used His Authority To Investigate Unfair Housing 5 Times Per Year.

“Beyond his attempts to roll back the agency’s fair-housing rules, Carson is overseeing a department whose

fair-housing budget and staffing have been cut. And, notably, he has departed from the practices of recent

Democratic and Republican predecessors of using their secretarial power to root out systemic racial

discrimination by launching broad-based investigations into bias by banks, real estate companies and others.

Carson has only once used his authority as HUD secretary to scrutinize widespread housing discrimination,

moving ahead under public pressure on an investigation against Facebook that was initiated during the Obama

administration. President Barack Obama’s HUD secretaries used the tool — known as ‘secretary-initiated

complaints’ — an average of 10 times per year, while President George W. Bush’s second HUD secretary used

it an average of five times per year, according to a Washington Post examination of the agency’s annual fair-

housing reports to Congress.” [Washington Post, 12/24/18]

In 2018, 31,202 Discriminatory Housing Complaints Were Filed, The Highest Number Ever Reported In 24

Years Of Recording By The National Fair Housing Alliance

In 2018, 31,202 Discriminatory Housing Complaints Were Filed, The Highest Number Ever Reported In 24

Years Of Recording By The National Fair Housing Alliance. “Defending Against Unprecedented Attacks on

Fair Housing: 2019 Fair Housing Trends Report, recently released by the DC-based National Fair Housing Alliance

(NFHA), tallied 31,202 discriminatory housing complaints filed in just one year – 2018. Moreover, this data point

is the highest number ever reported since the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) began collecting data 24

years ago. America’s hate crimes jumped 14.7% last year as well.” [North Dallas Gazette, 11/14/19]

2018: 75% Of Fair Housing Complaints Were Pursued By Private, Nonprofit Organizations Across The

Country. “Even when it comes to enforcing and defending legal breaches, NFHA’s report documents how few

government offices are upholding laws. Some 75% of last year’s fair housing complaints were pursued by private,

nonprofit organizations across the country. Only 25% of such cases were the result of combined government

actions by state, local and federal agencies.” [North Dallas Gazette, 11/14/19]

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Under Carson Municipalities No Longer Had To Submit Plans To Desegregate Communities In Order To

Receive HUD Funds

Under Carson Municipalities No Longer Had To Submit Plans To Desegregate Communities In Order To

Receive HUD Funds. “Among steps Carson has taken to scale back civil rights enforcement: Municipalities no

longer have to submit plans to desegregate their communities to receive HUD funds. The 2015 Obama

administration rule was an attempt to push local governments to comply with the 1968 Fair Housing Act requiring

municipalities to use federal money to address historical housing discrimination.” [Washington Post, 12/24/18]

While Running For President, Carson Called Federal Efforts To Desegregate Neighborhoods A “Failed

Socialist Experiment”

While Running For President, Carson Called Federal Efforts To Desegregate Neighborhoods A “Failed

Socialist Experiment.” “Defenders of Carson, who as a presidential candidate decried a federal effort to

desegregate American neighborhoods as ‘failed socialist experiments,’ argue he is not retreating from the agency’s

civil rights mission. Rather, HUD spokesman Jereon Brown said, the agency is prioritizing a backlog of 600

individual complaints of discrimination instead of initiating broad-based actions.” [Washington Post, 12/24/18]

HUD Countered That Instead Of Broad-Based Actions To Solve Discriminatory Housing Practices, They

Had Prioritized Attending To A Backlog Of 600 Individual Discrimination Complaints. “Defenders of

Carson, who as a presidential candidate decried a federal effort to desegregate American neighborhoods as

‘failed socialist experiments,’ argue he is not retreating from the agency’s civil rights mission. Rather, HUD

spokesman Jereon Brown said, the agency is prioritizing a backlog of 600 individual complaints of

discrimination instead of initiating broad-based actions. More than half of the individual complaints pertained

to discrimination on the basis of disability, according to HUD. A quarter pertained to race, and fewer than a

third to national origin. ‘Nearly 500 people had their cases resolved’ since 2017, Brown said, ‘versus focusing

our resources on larger secretary-initiated cases.’” [Washington Post, 12/24/18]

Under Ben Carson, More Families Live In HUD Housing That Fails Health And Safety Inspections

NBC News: Under Ben Carson, More Families Live In Hud Housing That Fails Health And Safety


NBC News: Under Ben Carson, More Families Live In Hud Housing That Fails Health And Safety

Inspections. [NBC News, 11/14/18]

An NBC News Investigation Found That More Than 1,000 Out Of HUD’s Nearly 28,000 Federally

Subsidized Multifamily Properties Failed Their Most Recent Inspection, 30% Higher Than In 2016. “From

his earliest days in office, HUD Secretary Ben Carson has repeatedly said he joined the Trump administration to fix

the ‘rats, roaches, bed bugs, mold, lead and violence’ that he witnessed as a surgeon in low-income communities.

Under the Trump administration, the number of HUD apartments cited for unsafe, unhealthy and physically

deteriorating living conditions has been on the rise. An NBC News investigation has found that more than 1,000 out

of HUD’s nearly 28,000 federally subsidized multifamily properties failed their most recent inspection — a failure

rate that is more than 30 percent higher than in 2016, according to an analysis of HUD records.” [NBC News,


HUD With An Increased Load Of Troubled Homes To Oversee Lost Hundreds Of Staff Members During

Trump’s Hiring Freeze

HUD With An Increased Load Of Troubled Homes To Oversee Lost Hundreds Of Staff Members During

Trump’s Hiring Freeze. “But more failing properties also mean that HUD has a bigger caseload of troubled

homes to oversee. And rather than beefing up the department’s staff to oversee them, HUD has lost hundreds of

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staff members in the wake of a hiring freeze mandated by President Donald Trump. HUD’s enforcement office,

tasked with going after the worst landlords, now has the lowest staff levels since 1999, according to a federal

watchdog. At the same time, Carson has proposed raising rents on poor families, requiring them to pay a higher

percentage of their income for housing, and the Trump administration has pushed — so far unsuccessfully — for

steep budget cuts.” [NBC News, 11/14/18]

Current HUD Official: “There’s No Urgency On Anything.” “The staff cutbacks have made it more

difficult for the department to identify and fix problems quickly, current and former HUD employees say.

While tenant advocates have long criticized HUD’s oversight as being too lax, a dozen current and former

HUD officials — both political appointees and career staff — also describe a climate of inertia under Carson

that they say is undermining the department’s work. ‘There’s no urgency on anything,’ said a current HUD

official who asked not to be identified for fear of retribution.” [NBC News, 11/14/18]

Ben Carson’s “Signature” HUD Initiative Has Gone Nowhere

NBC News: Ben Carson’s “Signature” HUD Initiative Has Gone Nowhere

NBC News: Ben Carson’s ‘Signature’ HUD Initiative Has Gone Nowhere. [NBC News, 2/19/19]

Carson’s Signature Program Aimed To Open Up One Stop Shop Social Services Centers In 17 Communities

Across The Nation. “Last June, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson traveled to his hometown

of Detroit to unveil his ‘signature’ initiative: one-stop shops for social services known as EnVision Centers in 17

communities nationwide. The centers were described in lofty terms as ‘centralized hubs’ offering low-income

residents ‘support services that can help them achieve self-sufficiency.’” [NBC News, 2/19/19]

8 Months After Carson’s Signature Program Was Announced, Not One Center Had Opened

8 Months After Carson’s Signature Program Was Announced, Not One Center Had Opened. “Last June,

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson traveled to his hometown of Detroit to unveil his

‘signature’ initiative: one-stop shops for social services known as EnVision Centers in 17 communities nationwide.

The centers were described in lofty terms as ‘centralized hubs’ offering low-income residents ‘support services that

can help them achieve self-sufficiency.’ But eight months later, not one has opened and the program remains mired

in confusion and bureaucratic tangles, according to interviews with HUD officials and staffers for nonprofits and

housing authorities that have been designated as EnVision Centers.” [NBC News, 2/19/19]

Van Duyne Spoke Very Highly Of Carson’s Failed HUD Project

Van Duyne: “One Of The Focuses The Secretary Has Is A Vision Center. We Could Tie All These

Departments Together, Like Labor And Small Businesses With The Local Community Partnerships And

Getting The City Involved.” “Van Duyne said the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to

work on community involvement to help. ‘One of the focuses the secretary has is a vision center,’ Van Duyne said.

‘We could tie all these departments together, like labor and small businesses with the local community partnerships

and getting the city involved.’” [Irving Rambler, 5/12/18]

Van Duyne: “I Don’t Want To Be In The Position Of Holding Up Funds, But Let’s At Least Know How

They’re Going To Be Spent.” “Beth Van Duyne, the regional HUD administrator for Texas and four other states,

said she understands Texans don’t want to have their lives put on hold for years as relief funds trickle through

bureaucracy. ‘We have to make sure that we’re spending as a little time as possible’ on the process, Van Duyne

said. But the federal assistance also has to be reviewed by a conglomerate of government agencies tasked with

ensuring that taxpayer money is spent wisely. Van Duyne said that after Hurricane Katrina, houses rebuilt with

HUD disaster relief funds in New Orleans were later damaged by water again because they were reconstructed in

flood-prone areas. Because Harvey is Houston’s third catastrophic flood event in as many years, local officials are

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trying to determine which houses should be bought out by the government rather than rebuilt. The state’s water

agency, meanwhile, is working on a new statewide flood plan. And several government agencies are pushing for

congressional funding for long-planned flood control projects. HUD disaster relief funds can also go toward

projects that would mitigate future flooding. ‘I don’t want to be in the position of holding up funds, but let’s at least

know how they’re going to be spent,’ Van Duyne said.” [Texas Tribune, 10/5/17]

Controversy Arose Over Carson Spending Over $5,000 Of Taxpayer Money Redecorating His


Controversy Arose Over Carson Spending Over $5,000 Of Taxpayer Money Redecorating His Offices.

“Aides to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said Tuesday that they are confident they can

respond to a House committee’s request for documents related to the redecoration of his office last year, even as a

senior career official claimed the department had curbed internal communications on the issue. The controversy

over Carson’s office upgrade surfaced last month, when HUD’s chief administration officer, Helen Foster, publicly

charged that she had been instructed to authorize redecorating expenses of more than $5,000, which normally

require advance notice to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. Foster, who filed a complaint with

HUD’s office of special counsel last year, had a follow-up interview Monday with that office.” [Washington Post,


Carson Planned To Leave His Position After Trump’s First Term, Because He Could Do More

From The Private Sector

Carson Planned To Leave His Position After Trump’s First Term. “Housing and Urban Development Secretary

Ben Carson says he intends to leave his post at the end of President Trump’s term. Carson made his remarks in a

segment airing Monday evening on Newsmax TV, a conservative news outlet. In his two years leading HUD,

Carson has dialed back civil rights enforcement at the agency and suspended Obama-era rules that had been aimed

at fighting housing segregation and discrimination.” [Washington Post, 3/4/19]

Carson Claimed He Planned To Leave His Office Because He Would Have More Influence From The

Private Sector. “Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson says he intends to leave his post at

the end of President Trump’s term. Carson made his remarks in a segment airing Monday evening on Newsmax

TV, a conservative news outlet. In his two years leading HUD, Carson has dialed back civil rights enforcement

at the agency and suspended Obama-era rules that had been aimed at fighting housing segregation and

discrimination. ‘I will certainly finish out this term,’ Carson said during his interview with Newsmax. But he

added, ‘I would be interested in returning to the private sector because I think you have just as much influence,

maybe more, there.’” [Washington Post, 3/4/19]

While Van Duyne Served At HUD, The Agency Changed Its Rules, So If Even One

Undocumented Immigrant Lived In A Home, The Family Did Not Qualify For Public

Housing Or Rent Vouchers; Texas Officials Said The Policy Would Have Little Impact

2019: HUD Changed Its Rules, So That If Even One Undocumented Immigrant Lives In A Home,

The Family Did Not Qualify For Public Housing Units Or Rent Vouchers

HUD Changed Its Rules, So That If Even One Undocumented Immigrant Lives In A Home, The Family

Won’t Qualify For Public Housing Units Or Rent Vouchers. “Her fears, common among immigrants, were

prescient. Had she applied for housing assistance, she would now be at risk of being evicted, since the U.S.

Department of Housing and Urban Development is changing its rules so that if a household has even one

undocumented member, the family won’t qualify for public housing units or rent vouchers. On top of that, the

administration wants to make it easier to deny citizenship or visas to people that have applied for welfare or could

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be perceived as likely to do so in the future, by tightening the definition of what’s called the public charge.” [Texas

Tribune, 8/23/19]

HUD Secretary Ben Carson: “There Is An Affordable Housing Crisis In This Country, And We Need To

Make Certain Our Scarce Public Resources Help Those Who Are Legally Entitled To It.” “‘There is an

affordable housing crisis in this country, and we need to make certain our scarce public resources help those

who are legally entitled to it,’ HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement earlier this year. According to

HUD, a household has to wait an average of 26 months to get housing assistance. And the department has

expressed in statements that the new rule excluding mixed-status families will ‘help trim the waitlists.’” [Texas

Tribune, 8/23/19]

HUD Claimed Excluding Families With Undocumented Immigrants In Their Homes Would “Help Trim

The Waitlists.” “‘There is an affordable housing crisis in this country, and we need to make certain our scarce

public resources help those who are legally entitled to it,’ HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement earlier

this year. According to HUD, a household has to wait an average of 26 months to get housing assistance. And

the department has expressed in statements that the new rule excluding mixed-status families will ‘help trim the

waitlists.’” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

HEADLINE: Feds Plan To Make Housing Assistance Harder For Undocumented Immigrants. Few In Texas

Are Even Getting It. [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

HUD Claimed That Between “$179 Million To $210 Million Annually” Would Be Given To People

Across The Country That Could Benefit If Mixed-Status Families Weren’t Receiving Assistance

HUD Claimed That Between “$179 Million To $210 Million Annually” Would Be Given To People Across

The Country That Could Benefit If Mixed-Status Families Weren’t Receiving Assistance. “In its analysis,

HUD said that between ‘$179 million to $210 million annually’ would be transferred to citizens across the country

that could benefit if mixed-status families weren’t receiving assistance. But that’s another idea that Texas housing

officials criticize.” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

Texas Housing Officials Contested HUD Claims, Because Families Receive Prorated Rent From

HUD Based On How Many “Documented Tenants” Are In The Home

Texas Housing Officials Contested HUD Claims, Because Families Receive Prorated Rent From HUD Based

On How Many “Documented Tenants” Are In The Home. “In its analysis, HUD said that between ‘$179 million

to $210 million annually’ would be transferred to citizens across the country that could benefit if mixed-status

families weren’t receiving assistance. But that’s another idea that Texas housing officials criticize. ‘The

undocumented tenants don’t receive any benefits. The family gets its rents prorated based on how many

documented tenants there are,’ said Tory Gunsolley, president and CEO of the Houston Housing Authority. ‘If it is

a two person household, and one of them is undocumented, they would be paying 50% full rent and then 50%

discounted affordable rent.’” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

According To Texas Housing Officials, Excluding Undocumented Immigrants Would Do Little To

Shorten Wait List Times Because “Most Undocumented Families Don’t Qualify For The Assistance

And Mixed-Status Families Don’t Typically Apply”

According To Texas Housing Officials, Excluding Undocumented Immigrants Would Do Little To Shorten

Wait List Times Because “Most Undocumented Families Don’t Qualify For The Assistance And Mixed-

Status Families Don’t Typically Apply.” “‘There is an affordable housing crisis in this country, and we need to

make certain our scarce public resources help those who are legally entitled to it,’ HUD Secretary Ben Carson said

in a statement earlier this year. According to HUD, a household has to wait an average of 26 months to get housing

assistance. And the department has expressed in statements that the new rule excluding mixed-status families will

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‘help trim the waitlists.’ But, according to advocates and Texas housing officials, the change would do little to

shorten wait times since most undocumented families don’t qualify for the assistance and mixed-status families

don’t typically apply.” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

María Sosa, A Tenant Organizer With The Immigrant Group FIEL Houston: “It’s A Lie To Say That

There Are Undocumented Families Receiving This Kind Of Help And Shows How Much Ignorance

There Is About This Country’s Policies.” “But, according to advocates and Texas housing officials, the

change would do little to shorten wait times since most undocumented families don’t qualify for the assistance

and mixed-status families don’t typically apply. ‘The few that do it, mostly it’s through their kids, who are U.S.

citizens,’ said María Sosa, a tenant organizer with the immigrant group FIEL Houston. ‘It’s a lie to say that

there are undocumented families receiving this kind of help and shows how much ignorance there is about this

country’s policies.’” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

In Austin, Dallas, Houston And San Antonio, Mixed-Status Families Consist Of 1% Or Less Of

Those Receiving Housing Assistance

In Austin, Dallas, Houston And San Antonio, Mixed-Status Families Consist Of 1% Or Less Of Those

Receiving Housing Assistance. “In Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, mixed-status families consist of 1%

or less of those receiving housing assistance. In El Paso, such families make up 5% of those receiving assistance.”

[Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

Tory Gunsolley, President And CEO Of The Houston Housing Authority: “The Undocumented

Tenants Don’t Receive Any Benefits. The Family Gets Its Rents Prorated Based On How Many

Documented Tenants There Are”

Tory Gunsolley, President And CEO Of The Houston Housing Authority: “The Undocumented Tenants

Don’t Receive Any Benefits. The Family Gets Its Rents Prorated Based On How Many Documented Tenants

There Are.” “In its analysis, HUD said that between ‘$179 million to $210 million annually’ would be transferred

to citizens across the country that could benefit if mixed-status families weren’t receiving assistance. But that’s

another idea that Texas housing officials criticize. ‘The undocumented tenants don’t receive any benefits. The

family gets its rents prorated based on how many documented tenants there are,’ said Tory Gunsolley, president and

CEO of the Houston Housing Authority. ‘If it is a two person household, and one of them is undocumented, they

would be paying 50% full rent and then 50% discounted affordable rent.’” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

Tory Gunsolley, President And CEO Of The Houston Housing Authority: “If It Is A Two Person

Household, And One Of Them Is Undocumented, They Would Be Paying 50% Full Rent And Then 50%

Discounted Affordable Rent.” “In its analysis, HUD said that between ‘$179 million to $210 million

annually’ would be transferred to citizens across the country that could benefit if mixed-status families weren’t

receiving assistance. But that’s another idea that Texas housing officials criticize. ‘The undocumented tenants

don’t receive any benefits. The family gets its rents prorated based on how many documented tenants there

are,’ said Tory Gunsolley, president and CEO of the Houston Housing Authority. ‘If it is a two person

household, and one of them is undocumented, they would be paying 50% full rent and then 50% discounted

affordable rent.’” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

Tory Gunsolley, President And CEO Of The Houston Housing Authority: “I Think It Is Wrong And Mean-

Spirited. HUD Is Basically Saying That The Mixed-Status Families Make Waiting Lists Longer In Detriment

Of Citizens, And That’s Simply Not True.” “Although the proposed new rule about possible use of benefits only

applies to future visa applicants, the change in HUD’s requirements is different: It will be applied to everyone

currently living in public housing or receiving section 8 rent vouchers. Mixed-status families will have to be evicted

or will have to kick out their undocumented relatives. ‘I think it is unconscionable to make the rule retroactive,’

Gunsolley said. ‘I think it is wrong and mean-spirited. HUD is basically saying that the mixed-status families make

waiting lists longer in detriment of citizens, and that’s simply not true.’” [Texas Tribune, 8/23/19]

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Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne was committed to “getting rid of corruption in government”

✓ Van Duyne requested thousands in travel reimbursements while on the Irving City Council, often without


✓ Van Duyne admitted she had a reputation for turning in reimbursements late, even requesting

$4,700 in reimbursements for expenses as long as four years prior after stepping down from the


✓ While serving as mayor, Van Duyne called questions about her outside clients and other sources of

income inappropriate.

✓ Van Duyne was accused of using city resources to pay for tickets to Disneyworld.

✓ Van Duyne traveled to a National League Of Cities Conference in 2008, and Disneyworld tickets

were charged to her hotel room, one of the few amenities the City paid for. Van Duyne questioned

why the City had not notified her of the issue until three years later, when the then-Mayor made it an

issue in their tense runoff campaign.

Van Duyne Was Committed To “Getting Rid Of Corruption In Government”

Van Duyne Was Committed To “Getting Rid Of Corruption In Government”

Van Duyne Was Committed To “Getting Rid Of Corruption In Government.” “People have encouraged me to

run because they appreciate my proven record of: cutting tax rates, getting rid of corruption in government.” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 8/16/19]

Van Duyne Requested Thousands In Travel Reimbursements While On The Irving City

Council, Often Without Receipts

After Stepping Down From The Irving City Council, Van Duyne Requested Travel

Reimbursements Totaling $4,700

After Stepping Down From The Irving City Council, Van Duyne Requested Travel Reimbursements

Totaling $4,700. “From Irving officials are grappling over whether to give former City Council member Beth Van

Duyne more than $4,700 in travel reimbursements for expenses she incurred as long as four years ago. Although

Van Duyne stepped down from the council in May, she submitted reimbursement paperwork this month for travel

between 2006 and 2009.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/23/10]

Irving Provides Officials Up To 60 Days To Turn In Travel Receipts. “The city’s current travel policy gives

employees 60 days to turn in their travel receipts. City Attorney Charles Anderson said Wednesday that the

travel policy is not binding on council members because it was drawn up and approved by city staff, not the

council.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/23/10]

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Van Duyne: ‘Seeking Reimbursement From The City Was Not A Top Priority For Me.’ “‘Honestly,

between time and focus spent on City Council, my two children, a full-time job and other volunteer

responsibilities, seeking reimbursement from the city was really not a top priority for me,’ Van Duyne said.”

[Dallas Morning News, 9/23/10]

Van Duyne Requested More Than $8,000 In Travel Reimbursements For Travel Costs Between

2007 And 2009

Van Duyne Requested More Than $8,000 In Travel Reimbursements For Travel Costs Between 2007 And

2009. “In light of her requests, the council directed city staff Wednesday to draw up rules specifically pertaining to

council travel because none exist. Last year, Van Duyne turned in expense statements for more than $8,000 in

travel costs incurred from 2007 to 2009. She said Wednesday that she also has more reports for her time on the

council that she has yet to submit.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/23/10]

Van Duyne Admitted She Had A Reputation For Turning In Reimbursements Late, But Said No

One Had Ever Mentioned It Being A Problem

Van Duyne Admitted She Had A Reputation For Turning In Reimbursements Late, But Said No One Had

Ever Mentioned It Being A Problem. “Van Duyne said she did not know the council and city staff had discussed

her travel costs until she was contacted by The Dallas Morning News after Wednesday’s meeting. She admitted she

earned a reputation at City Hall during her six years on the council for turning in her expense statements late. Van

Duyne said no one ever indicated her tardiness created any problems.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/23/10]

The Irving Chief Financial Officer Said That Requests For Reimbursements That Crossed Over

Operating Years Create Complications In Closing Out Books

The Irving Chief Financial Officer Said That Requests For Reimbursements That Crossed Over Operating

Years Create Complications In Closing Out Books. “On Wednesday, Chief Financial Officer Max S. Duplant

gave council members a presentation about the current travel policy and pointed out that it only addressed

employees. Council members Joe Philipp and Rose Cannaday asked Duplant why she was bringing up the matter.

Duplant said the city had received requests that fell far outside the 60-day window allowed for employees, but

didn’t indicate who submitted them. ‘If it crosses over our operating years, it creates complications in closing out

our books,’ Duplant said.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/23/10]

City Officials Said Van Duyne’s Submissions Were Disorganized, And That She Often Didn’t

Submit Receipts, Just Copies Of Credit Card Statements

City Officials Said Van Duyne’s Submissions Were Disorganized, And That She Often Didn’t Submit

Receipts, Just Copies Of Credit Card Statements. “Council members and city officials said that Van Duyne’s

submissions were disorganized. They said that in many cases Van Duyne didn’t submit receipts, just copies of

credit card statements that show only the charges for which she is seeking reimbursement.” [Dallas Morning News,


Two Years Later, Van Duyne Supported Making City Council Members More Accountable For

Their Travel

Van Duyne Supported Making City Council Members More Accountable For Their Travel. “Mayor Beth Van

Duyne said she would support council members reporting on the accomplishments made during their trips. She also

said that the city should consider giving council members a set budget for trips each year. Van Duyne said there’s

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no ceiling set for what council members can spend on trips. ‘I think council members for far too long have not had

any kind of accountability for their travel,’ Van Duyne said.” [Dallas Morning News, 1/28/12]

Van Duyne: “I Think Council Members For Far Too Long Have Not Had Any Kind Of Accountability

For Their Travel.” “Mayor Beth Van Duyne said she would support council members reporting on the

accomplishments made during their trips. She also said that the city should consider giving council members a

set budget for trips each year. Van Duyne said there’s no ceiling set for what council members can spend on

trips. ‘I think council members for far too long have not had any kind of accountability for their travel,’ Van

Duyne said.” [Dallas Morning News, 1/28/12]

Van Duyne Withheld Information From The Public

In An Interview, Van Duyne Refused To Answer What Services She Performed At Akili And What

Clients She Worked For

In An Interview, Van Duyne Refused To Answer What Services She Performed At Akili And What Clients

She Worked For. “Work and family - I do not think any of these questions are appropriate and will not be

answering them. What services do you perform for clients at Akili. What’s your typical work day like? How many

hours a week are in the company office? Do you have any other sources of income besides Akili? Do you have full

custody of your children? (Are you a full-time parent, in other words?) What do you do in your spare time?

(Hobbies, sports, etc.) I believe you’ve been in a relationship for a few years now. Could you tell me a little about

your partner/boyfriend? Please tell me a little about how you balance work life, family life and life in general with

your public responsibilities?” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

In An Interview, Van Duyne Refused To Answer If She Had Any Other Sources Of Income Outside

Of Akili

In An Interview, Van Duyne Refused To Answer If She Had Any Other Sources Of Income Outside Of Akili.

“Work and family - I do not think any of these questions are appropriate and will not be answering them. What

services do you perform for clients at Akili. What’s your typical work day like? How many hours a week are in the

company office? Do you have any other sources of income besides Akili? Do you have full custody of your

children? (Are you a full-time parent, in other words?) What do you do in your spare time? (Hobbies, sports, etc.) I

believe you’ve been in a relationship for a few years now. Could you tell me a little about your partner/boyfriend?

Please tell me a little about how you balance work life, family life and life in general with your public

responsibilities?” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

Van Duyne Refused To Tell A Journalist Where She Saw Herself In 5 Or 10 Years

Van Duyne Refused To Tell A Journalist Where She Saw Herself In 5 Or 10 Years. “Avi Selk: ‘Where do you

see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? Do you have ambitions to seek state or national office? Do you plan a lifelong

career in public service?’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘I am focused on the coming two years of my term as Mayor. My focus

remains on creating job opportunities for our citizens, strengthening Irving’s infrastructure and neighborhoods, and

enabling long-term growth.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

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NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

Van Duyne Refused To Tell A Journalist How She Got Into Politics, Referring Him To A Prior

Interview She Gave

Van Duyne Refused To Tell A Journalist How She Got Into Politics, Referring Him To A Prior Interview

She Gave. “Avi Selk: ‘How did you get into politics?’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘Please see the profile Brandon Formby

wrote on me on June 11, 2011 piece following my first election to the office of Mayor.’” [Beth Van Duyne

Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

In An Interview, A Journalist Pointed Out That Van Duyne Was Out Of Town Often, Usually With

The U.S. Conference Of Mayors, And Van Duyne Disagreed With The Characterization

In An Interview, A Journalist Pointed Out That Van Duyne Was Out Of Town Often, Usually With The U.S.

Conference Of Mayors, And Van Duyne Disagreed With The Characterization. “Avi Selk: ‘You seem to be

out of town fairly often—often with the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Tell me how these trips benefit Irving.’ Beth

Van Duyne: ‘I disagree with your qualification of ‘often.’ An example of how my travel is focused on our city’s

business would be a recent visit to Washington, D.C where I met with numerous Congressmen and our Senators to

talk about Irving infrastructure needs, water development, transportation issues and grant funding for our fire

department.” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

NOTE: While the exact date of this interview is unclear, it occurred after her re-election in 2014, and while she

was still mayor of Irving.

Van Duyne Accused Of Using City Resources On Tickets To Disneyworld

Van Duyne Went On A Trip To Orlando For A National League Of Cities Conference, And

Brought Along Her Sister And Two Children

Van Duyne Went On A Trip To Orlando For A National League Of Cities Conference, And Brought Along

Her Sister And Two Children. “Van Duyne, whose two children and sister accompanied her on the trip, said the

fact that the charges were paid raises questions about the integrity of the city’s accounting processes. She also

questioned why the matter was brought up years later amid a contentious election season. […] Van Duyne traveled

to Orlando for a conference of the National League of Cities. A conference official last month said that Van Duyne

checked into the conference and attended events.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

A National League Of Cities Conference Official Confirmed Van Duyne Was In Attendance And Went To

Events. “Van Duyne traveled to Orlando for a conference of the National League of Cities. A conference official

last month said that Van Duyne checked into the conference and attended events.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

Van Duyne Used A City Credit Card To Pay For Her And Her Family To Attend The Disney

World Holiday Parade

The City Paid For Van Duyne’s Hotel Room, And Entrance To The Christmas Parade Was Charged To The

Room. “City records indicate the airfare, tickets for Disney World and other travel expenses for Van Duyne’s sister

and children were not paid by the city. The city booked Van Duyne’s room for her and paid for it with a city credit

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card. Entrance to the Christmas parade was charged to Van Duyne’s room, according to city records.” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/14/11] Van Duyne Was Notified That She Could Owe The City $217 For Entry Fees To The Disney World Holiday

Parade. “Irving mayoral candidate Beth Van Duyne could owe the city $217 for entrance fees to a Disney World

holiday parade that was charged to her hotel room when she attended a 2008 conference in Orlando, Fla., according

to city officials and records.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

The Tickets For Entry To The Disney World Christmas Parade Were Charged To Her Room, And Went On

The City Of Irving Credit Card, Instead Of Her Personal Credit Card Which Was Also On File

The Tickets For Entry To The Disney World Christmas Parade Were Charged To Her Room, And Went On

The City Of Irving Credit Card, Instead Of Her Personal Credit Card Which Was Also On File. “City

records indicate the airfare, tickets for Disney World and other travel expenses for Van Duyne’s sister and children

were not paid by the city. The city booked Van Duyne’s room for her and paid for it with a city credit card.

Entrance to the Christmas parade was charged to Van Duyne’s room, according to city records. But Van Duyne

said she had her own credit card on file for such incidentals and didn’t know why the nighttime event would be

charged to the city’s card and not her own.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

The City Of Irving Did Not Pay For Van Duyne Or Her Families Airfare, Other Travel Expenses,

Or Main Disney World Tickets

The City Of Irving Did Not Pay For Van Duyne Or Her Families Airfare, Other Travel Expenses, Or Main

Disney World Tickets. “City records indicate the airfare, tickets for Disney World and other travel expenses for

Van Duyne’s sister and children were not paid by the city. The city booked Van Duyne’s room for her and paid for

it with a city credit card. Entrance to the Christmas parade was charged to Van Duyne’s room, according to city

records.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

Van Duyne Was First Notified Of Contentious Charges After The Then-Mayor Brought It Up As

Part Of Their Tense Runoff Campaign

Van Duyne Was First Notified Of Contentious Charges After The Then-Mayor Brought It Up As Part Of

Their Tense Runoff Campaign. “The former City Council member said she was first notified of the charge last

week, after Mayor Herbert Gears made it an issue in their tense runoff campaign. Van Duyne said she didn’t know

how the expense could have been charged to a city credit card she didn’t have control of. She said she will

reimburse the city if she receives a copy of the charge.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

Van Duyne Claimed The Fact That This Charge Was Brought Up Years After It Occurred Was An

Indictment Of Irving’s Accounting Processes

Van Duyne Claimed The Fact That This Charge Was Brought Up Years After It Occurred Was An

Indictment Of Irving’s Accounting Processes

Van Duyne Claimed The Fact That This Charge Was Brought Up Years After It Occurred Was An

Indictment Of Irving’s Accounting Processes. “Van Duyne, whose two children and sister accompanied her on

the trip, said the fact that the charges were paid raises questions about the integrity of the city’s accounting

processes. She also questioned why the matter was brought up years later amid a contentious election season. ‘I was

never presented with a copy of the bill,’ she said. ‘I was never talked to about it. Why would the city have paid it?’”

[Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

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Van Duyne: “I Was Never Presented With A Copy Of The Bill. I Was Never Talked To About It. Why

Would The City Have Paid It?” “Van Duyne, whose two children and sister accompanied her on the trip, said the

fact that the charges were paid raises questions about the integrity of the city’s accounting processes. She also

questioned why the matter was brought up years later amid a contentious election season. ‘I was never presented

with a copy of the bill,’ she said. ‘I was never talked to about it. Why would the city have paid it?’” [Dallas

Morning News, 6/14/11]

Van Duyne Questioned Why It Was Brought Up During The Election

Van Duyne Questioned Why She Was Suddenly Billed During A Contentious Election. “Van Duyne, whose

two children and sister accompanied her on the trip, said the fact that the charges were paid raises questions about

the integrity of the city’s accounting processes. She also questioned why the matter was brought up years later amid

a contentious election season. ‘I was never presented with a copy of the bill,’ she said. ‘I was never talked to about

it. Why would the city have paid it?’” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/11]

A Chair Of An Irving Panel Resigned Abruptly Because Of Van Duyne “Playing Politics

With Her Power”

The Chair Of Irving’s Public Safety And Community Service Committee Resigned After Accursing

Van Duyne Of “Playing Politics With Her Power”

The Chair Of Irving’s Public Safety And Community Service Committee Resigned After Accursing Van

Duyne Of “Playing Politics With Her Power.” “The chair of Irving’s new public safety and community services

committee abruptly resigned the position Wednesday after he and another council member accused Mayor Beth

Van Duyne of playing politics with her power over the panels. But the mayor defended ‘a very thoughtful process’

to restructure the committees as necessary, because not enough council members were willing to attend the old

ones. ‘Me and Allan [Meagher] find ourselves on committees that are meaningless ... so your influence can be

done,’ Dennis Webb told the mayor in a public meeting. ‘To save myself and the citizens the grief ... you can just

find yourself another chair.’ Webb used to chair the public safety committee, and Meagher chaired the community

services committee. Van Duyne called the committees ‘two of the lowest-attended’ groups and recently combined

them under Webb - which neither council member wanted.” [Dallas Morning News, 10/23/14]

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Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne was keynote speaker at a Pete Sessions even in 2013, and he campaigned for her mayoral


✓ Van Duyne loved Nikki Haley

✓ Van Duyne shared a sexual meme about Hillary Clinton on Facebook and defended it

✓ Van Duyne joked Nancy Pelosi was a witch

Pete Sessions

Van Duyne Was Keynote Speaker At A Pete Sessions’ Event

Van Duyne Was Keynote Speaker At A Pete Sessions’ Event. “The first was U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions’ 17th

Annual Leadership and Growth Program, which attracted about 350 high school students and their parents from

Sessions’ 32nd District. The long-standing event helps students gain a better understanding of the current policy

debates as they develop their leadership skills for the future. Ignite Texas, which held the second event, is a

nonprofit organization that works to increase the numbers of women in politics by building political ambition in

young women. The group is working in high schools and colleges throughout North Texas. […] Irving Mayor Beth

Van Duyne served as keynote speaker at Sessions’ event and was guest speaker at the Ignite gathering. ‘I believe

passionately that young people must take an interest in politics, and I take every chance I can to encourage them in

doing so,’ Van Duyne said. ‘We need to inspire our youth and let them know they can overcome barriers and that

by developing their knowledge base and political leadership skills they, too, can pursue elective office. It is within

reach.’” [Irving Rambler, 5/18/13]

Pete Sessions Campaigned For Van Duyne During Her Mayoral Run

Pete Sessions Campaigned For Van Duyne During Her Mayoral Run. “Mr. Gears said he ran a positive

campaign and doesn’t mind stepping aside. But he expressed concerns that U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Dallas,

recorded a phone message sent to voters in support of Ms. Van Duyne. Mr. Gears said it was inappropriate for Mr.

Sessions to participate in a council race. Ms. Van Duyne said she was honored to have Mr. Sessions’ support. Mr.

Sessions gets involved in local elections when he feels strongly about a candidate, said Chris Homan, his campaign

manager.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/20/04]

Rick Perry

Van Duyne Posted A Picture With Secretary Rick Perry At A Conference

Van Duyne Posted A Picture With Secretary Rick Perry At A Conference. “Always good to welcome

@SecretaryPerry back home to Texas. Great luncheon yesterday with the Secretary and Congressmen

@RepKenMarchant, @JodeyArrington, @VanTaylorTX, @RepRatcliffe and Ron Wright. Go Texas!” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 6/18/19]

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Van Duyne Did An Event With Rick Perry For Announcement From Unitedhealth Group Adding

800 Jobs In Irving

Van Duyne Did An Event With Rick Perry For Announcement From Unitedhealth Group Adding 800 Jobs

In Irving. “The scorching sun couldn’t keep the smile from Mayor Beth Van Duyne’s face, as she greeted Gov.

Rick Perry for today’s announcement that UnitedHealth Group would add nearly 1,500 new jobs across Texas,

including 800 jobs in Irving. The 800 jobs will be for a new Irving call center for Connextions, a subsidiary of

UnitedHealth Group Inc.’s (NYSE: UNH) Optum health services business. ‘We could not be more pleased,’ Van

Duyne said. ‘Earlier this year, we had a number of announcements of company’s closing offices and with

announcement of these 800 new jobs combined with Christus Health’s announcement that will bring nearly 1,200

new jobs - I think it’s a fair assessment to say Texas is doing better, and the business environment in Irving is

thriving.’” [Dallas Business Journal, 6/26/12]

Nikki Haley

Van Duyne Took Photos With Nikki Haley At A Christmas Luncheon

Van Duyne Took Photos With Nikki Haley At A Christmas Luncheon. “Glad to hear former U.N. Ambassador

Nikki Haley speak about her new book @ Dallas County Republican Party Christmas Luncheon last week! Thank

you Lane Sullivan, Rodney Anderson, Kathryn Dalke, Jacki & Doug Deason for organizing this great event! Joe

Fox you’re an awesome host!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/10/19]

Van Duyne Said She Loved Nikki Haley

Van Duyne On Nikki Haley: “God, I Love This Woman!” “God, I love this woman! @NikkiHaley” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 6/5/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/5/19]

Van Duyne Attended A Groundbreaking Ceremony For A Local Plaza With Then South Carolina

Governor Nikki Haley

Van Duyne Attended A Groundbreaking Ceremony For A Local Plaza With Then South Carolina Governor

Nikki Haley. “The ground breaking ceremony for ‘Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Plaza’ in Thomas Jefferson Park,

Irving, Texas, took place May 3. It was the result of the work of numerous Indian-American organizations that have

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been fundraising and lobbying government authorities to make it a reality. Close to 500 people attended the event

which lasted for two hours, according to organizers. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley joined the Mayor of

Irving City Beth Van Duyne at the event. India’s Consular General in Houston Parvathaneni Harish also

participated in the ceremonial digging. So far $250,000 has been raised for the project, according Prasad Thotakura,

chair of the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT), the umbrella organization that is leading the

effort. The total cost of the project is estimated at $700,000 said Thotakura.” [News India – Times, 5/16/14]

Nikki Haley And The Indian American Friendship Council Presented Van Duyne With The IAFC

Community Bridge Award

Nikki Haley And The Indian American Friendship Council Presented Van Duyne With The IAFC

Community Bridge Award. “South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley joined leaders of the Indian American

Friendship Council to present awards to achievers at the ninth IAFC annual awards banquet gala at the Park Plaza

Towers in Dallas. More than 500 people attended the event. Professor Kharbari M Vistasp, eighth president of the

University of Texas at Arlington, was presented with the IAFC Outstanding Scholar and Administrator Award. In a

career spanning more than 20 years in higher education, he has received numerous awards for research, teaching

and innovation. The IAFC Community Bridge Award was presented to Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, who fought

against tax increase, and championed the movement against more apartment complexes. The IAFC Outstanding

Entrepreneur Award was conferred on Arun Agarwal, a Harvard University graduate who has built a multi-million

dollar home textile industry business. His company is a supplier to major retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target,

Kohl’s, Dillard’s, and JC Penny.” [India Abroad, 6/6/14]

Hillary Clinton

Van Duyne Posted A Sexual Meme About Hillary Clinton And Monica Lewinsky On Facebook And

Then Defended It

Van Duyne Shared A Meme On Facebook Showing Lewinski’s Face Stating Clinton ‘Outsourced’ Her

‘Meaningful’ Job To Her

Van Duyne Shared A Meme On Facebook Depicting Monica Lewinsky Saying Hillary Clinton Had

“Outsourced” Her “Meaningful” Job. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne is stirring the pot again. Thursday night,

she shared a lewd Facebook post about Monica Lewinsky moments after Hillary Clinton made history as the first

female presidential nominee of a major political party. The meme had Lewinsky’s face and said Hillary’’

outsourced `` her’’ meaningful `` job to Lewinsky. Van Duyne added ‘Hillaryous!!’ The mayor has a personal

Facebook page and also what she described as a “fan page,” and she publicly shared the jab on both.” [Dallas

Morning News, 7/30/16]

Van Duyne Doubled Down On The Meme Because It Was Her Personal Page

Van Duyne Defended The Post Stating It Was Her Personal “Fan Page.” “After comments about the post, Van

Duyne replied on Facebook, ‘This is not a city sponsored page but my own ‘fan page’ (Facebook’s term, not mine)

where I often post personal opinions, photos of my family and articles of interest you will not find on the City’s

official website. Just trying to provide more of a personal side to my life than you see in public meetings. Elected

officials are people, too.’” [Dallas Morning News, 7/30/16]

Van Duyne Said She Would Ask Clinton In A Debate Why “She Insists On Reminding Everyone

That She’s A Woman”

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Van Duyne Said She Would Ask Clinton In A Debate Why “She Insists On Reminding Everyone That She’s

A Woman.” “We asked @IrvingMayor Beth Van Duyne what she would ask @HillaryClinton at the presidential

#debates. #TTF What would you ask?” [Texas Tribune Twitter, 9/24/16]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Van Duyne Described AOC As “When Profound Ignorance And Rabid Ideology Collide”

Van Duyne On AOC: “When Profound Ignorance And Rabid Ideology Collide, Our Country Suffers From

People Like AOC. Thankfully, Even Her Fellow Democrats Are Now Calling AOC Out For Her Dishonest

Propaganda.” “When profound ignorance and rabid ideology collide, our country suffers from people like @AOC.

Thankfully, even her fellow Democrats are now calling AOC out for her dishonest propaganda.” [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 9/24/19]

Nancy Pelosi

Van Duyne Joked That Nancy Pelosi Was A Witch

Van Duyne Joked That Nancy Pelosi Was A Witch. “Is it me or does Pelosi’s pin resemble a broom?” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 2/5/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/5/19]

Tulsi Gabbard

Van Duyne Spoke At A Sculpture Dedication Ceremony With Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

2014: Van Duyne Spoke At A Sculpture Dedication Ceremony With Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. “As the sponsoring

organization, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT) will host Irving city leaders along with

dignitaries from around the globe on what would have been Gandhi’s 145th birthday for a monumental dedicatory.

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Gandhi’s granddaughter, Usha, will travel from Mumbai, India, to be part of the special dedication event, which

culminates four years of behind-the-scenes work among city officials and sponsoring organizations. Other

dignitaries scheduled to take part in the celebration include City of Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, Consul General

Parvathaneni Harish and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Early arrival is suggested. Conceived by leaders of the

Indian American Friendship Council (IAFC) and India Association of North Texas (IANT), the Gandhi memorial

project is the first of its kind in the region and one of approximately 15 across the country.” [US State News,


George W. Bush

Van Duyne Attended An Event For Wounded Warriors With President George W. Bush

Van Duyne Attended An Event For Wounded Warriors With President George W. Bush. “These golfers have

war wounds. Some are missing a leg, or two. Some bear internal injuries. They’ve survived horrific explosions and

have been shot at while serving their country. Their stories are both heartbreaking and inspiring. Twenty-two of

these wounded warriors came to Irving Sept. 24-25 to play golf with former president George W. Bush in the Bush

Center Warrior Open. It’s the second year that Las Colinas Country Club has hosted the tournament. This year,

sponsors brought the USO to the event so other members of the military could watch the golfing. Also, a group of

Irving students came to watch as part of the First Tee and First Nine golf programs. […] The players stayed in

Irving at the Four Seasons Resort and Club. Many Irvingites who are members of Las Colinas Country Club served

as volunteers. And Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne stopped to greet Bush and welcome the soldiers. To learn more,

visit” [Dallas Morning News, 9/28/12]

George P. Bush

Van Duyne Spoke At A Panel Event With Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush

Van Duyne Spoke At A Panel Event With Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush. “The federal response

to Hurricane Harvey was the focus of an Aug. 30 Texas Tribune conversation hosted by Rice’s Glasscock School of

Continuing Studies. Panelists from federal, state and local government — including Rice alumnus George P. Bush

‘98, the Texas land commissioner — discussed the status of recovery one year after the storm made landfall in

Texas and the long-term plans for getting people back on their feet. Rice President David Leebron and Glasscock

School Dean Robert Bruce welcomed the attendees gathered in the Anderson-Clarke Center’s Hudspeth

Auditorium for the noon event. […] Hundreds of thousands of homes were damaged or destroyed by Harvey, and

in the year since, displaced Texans have turned to local, state and federal agencies for help rebuilding their lives.

Marvin Odum, chief recovery officer for the city of Houston; Traci Brasher, recovery division director for Federal

Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 6; and Beth Van Duyne, regional administrator for the U.S.

Department of Housing and Urban Development, joined Bush to discuss their work with panel moderator Brandon

Formby, the Tribune’s urban affairs reporter.” [US Official News, 9/1/18]

Jim Mattis

Van Duyne Spoke Highly Of General Jim Mattis

Van Duyne On Mattis: “Had The Pleasure Of Hearing Secretary Speak At Dallas Baptist University. Gave

Amazing Advice - Back Your Soldiers, Read Your History And Create An Atmosphere Of Trust.” “Had the

pleasure of hearing Secretary speak at Dallas Baptist University. Gave amazing advice - back your soldiers, read

your history and create an atmosphere of trust. When prodded to share “behind the scenes” stories of his time with

the President, Mattis took the high road.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 9/21/19]

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Van Duyne On Mattis: “When Prodded To Share “Behind The Scenes” Stories Of His Time With The

President, Mattis Took The High Road.” “Had the pleasure of hearing Secretary speak at Dallas Baptist

University. Gave amazing advice - back your soldiers, read your history and create an atmosphere of trust. When

prodded to share “behind the scenes” stories of his time with the President, Mattis took the high road.” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 9/21/19]

Bill & Melinda Gates

Van Duyne Spoke At An Event Hosted By The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation

Van Duyne Spoke At An Event Hosted By The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation. “The Bill and Melinda

Gates Foundation, in conjunction with the U.S Conference of Mayors, invited Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne to

participate in an education meeting for select mayors on March 13 and 14 in Washington, D.C. The Gates

Foundation works to dramatically increase the number of students who graduate from high school, truly ready for

college or a meaningful career, and believes more progress can be made if mayors and educators work together to

share ideas. Bill Gates will attend and will be involved in the conversation.” [Irving Rambler, 3/15/14]

Van Duyne: “I Have Been Extremely Involved In Education With Irving Schools And Am Eager To Join

This Distinguished Group Of Thought Leaders To Get A Deeper Understanding Of The Gates’ Plan. I

Am Interested In Helping All Youth Excel And Believe This Is A Prime Opportunity To Share Ideas And

Further Develop Programs That Have Proven To Be Successful.” “The Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation, in conjunction with the U.S Conference of Mayors, invited Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne to

participate in an education meeting for select mayors on March 13 and 14 in Washington, D.C. The Gates

Foundation works to dramatically increase the number of students who graduate from high school, truly ready

for college or a meaningful career, and believes more progress can be made if mayors and educators work

together to share ideas. Bill Gates will attend and will be involved in the conversation. ‘I have been extremely

involved in education with Irving schools and am eager to join this distinguished group of thought leaders to

get a deeper understanding of the Gates’ plan. I am interested in helping all youth excel and believe this is a

prime opportunity to share ideas and further develop programs that have proven to be successful,’ Van Duyne

said.” [Irving Rambler, 3/15/14]

Alan Dershowitz

Van Duyne Sat Next To Alan Dershowitz At An Institute For Policy Innovation Lunch And Had

Him Sign Her Book

Van Duyne Attended A Discussion On Social Justice With Noah Rothman Put On By The Institute For

Policy Innovation. “Interesting discussion on social justice in today’s political environ @IPI HWS Series w/Noah

Rothman, author of Unjust. ‘Nations exist only as long as their citizens are committed to their preservation.’ We all

must ‘protest injustice committed in the name of tackling injustice.’” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 4/16/19]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 4/16/19]

Van Duyne Sat Next To Alan Dershowitz At An Institute For Policy Innovation Lunch And Had Him Sign

Her Book. “Thank you, @AlanDersh. Pleasure to sit next to you at lunch at the @IPI Hatton W. Sumners Lecture

Series. Really appreciate your comments and defense of constitutional rights.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/28/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/28/18]

Van Duyne On Alan Dershowitz: “Dershowitz (Hillary Clinton Supporter) Defended Pres. Trump,

Constitution And Legal System While Condemning Snowflakes, Tribalism And Hardcore Left.” “Went to

@IPI Hatton Sumners Series to hear Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz (Hillary Clinton supporter) defended Pres.

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Trump, Constitution and legal system while condemning snowflakes, tribalism and hardcore left. ‘I’m a strict

defender of justice and justice is on the side of Trump.’” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/28/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/28/18]

Allen West

Van Duyne Attended A Luncheon With Col. Allen West

2015: Van Duyne Attended A Luncheon With Col. Allen West. “Attending Christians United For Israel (CUFI)

luncheon with Pastor Lyndon Allen and Col. Allen West hosted in Irving, Texas. ‘Behold. how good and how

pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity...For there the Lord commanded the blessing.’ Psalm.

133:1&3” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 3/31/15]

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Donald Trump

Significant Findings

✓ In 2016, Van Duyne heavily criticized Trump, but said she would still vote for him

✓ Van Duyne referred to Trump as an “egotistical vulgarian”

✓ Van Duyne said she had many “face-to-palm moments” over things Trump said and facts he had


✓ Van Duyne said that Trump wasn’t the best Republicans had to offer, but that she would vote for

him anyway

✓ Van Duyne claimed the 2016 election wasn’t about picking the best candidate, but was about

“choosing the one who will do the least damage”

✓ Van Duyne called Trump’s comments “deeply insulting,” but said “I do not accept the notion

that because of Trump’s offensive statements about women, I, as a woman, must not vote for


✓ Van Duyne said that Trump’s words might be called “hate” and might incite “violence” but at

least they’re creating a “conversation”

✓ Van Duyne was later reported to be “one of the few major city mayors to endorse Trump”

✓ Van Duyne supported multiple other options during the 2016 Republican primary, including Scott

Walker, Ted Cruz, and Carly Fiorina

✓ Van Duyne was vocally opposed to Trump’s impeachment

✓ Van Duyne: “You’re seeing a lot of people waste time and money and energy on trying to

reverse the 2016 presidency”

✓ Van Duyne claimed critical issues were not being addressed because of impeachment

✓ Van Duyne said James Comey should face jail time

In 2016, Van Duyne Heavily Criticized Trump, But Said She Would Still Vote For Him

Van Duyne Referred To Trump As An “Egotistical Vulgarian”

Van Duyne Referred To Trump As An “Egotistical Vulgarian.” “This election is no longer about picking the

best candidate, but choosing the one who will do the least damage. At the end of the day, I’m comparing Trump to

Clinton, not to God. To that end, I am much less offended by an egotistical vulgarian than by an official whose

Department of State ignored pleas of an American ambassador about to be killed, who brags about raising taxes on

American businesses while her foundation collects millions of dollars from foreign governments, antagonizes race

relations while undermining police departments across the country, risks our national security for her own

convenience or seemingly nefarious purposes and defends her mistakes as not knowing any better while running on

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a campaign of experience. When trying to determine which of these two will do the least damage, there is simply

no comparison — and that is where we need the wisdom to know the difference.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece,


Van Duyne Said She Had Many “Face-To-Palm Moments” Over Things Trump Said And Facts He

Had “Butchered”

Van Duyne: “Throughout Donald Trump’s Candidacy, I’ve Had Many Face-To-Palm Moments Over

Things He Said, Facts He Butchered, Manners He Lacked And Cringeworthy Revelations About His Past.”

“Throughout Donald Trump’s candidacy, I’ve had many face-to-palm moments over things he said, facts he

butchered, manners he lacked and cringeworthy revelations about his past. Am I disgusted by what Trump has said

about women? Yes. Do I agree that he’s the best we Republicans have to offer? No. Will I be voting for him?

Absolutely.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Said That Trump Wasn’t The Best Republicans Had To Offer, But That She Would

Vote For Him Anyway

Van Duyne Said That Trump Wasn’t The Best Republicans Had To Offer, But That She Would Vote For

Him Anyway. “Throughout Donald Trump’s candidacy, I’ve had many face-to-palm moments over things he said,

facts he butchered, manners he lacked and cringeworthy revelations about his past. Am I disgusted by what Trump

has said about women? Yes. Do I agree that he’s the best we Republicans have to offer? No. Will I be voting for

him? Absolutely.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Claimed The 2016 Election Wasn’t About Picking The Best Candidate, But Was About

“Choosing The One Who Will Do The Least Damage”

Van Duyne Claimed The 2016 Election Wasn’t About Picking The Best Candidate, But Was About

“Choosing The One Who Will Do The Least Damage.” “This election is no longer about picking the best

candidate, but choosing the one who will do the least damage. At the end of the day, I’m comparing Trump to

Clinton, not to God. To that end, I am much less offended by an egotistical vulgarian than by an official whose

Department of State ignored pleas of an American ambassador about to be killed, who brags about raising taxes on

American businesses while her foundation collects millions of dollars from foreign governments, antagonizes race

relations while undermining police departments across the country, risks our national security for her own

convenience or seemingly nefarious purposes and defends her mistakes as not knowing any better while running on

a campaign of experience. When trying to determine which of these two will do the least damage, there is simply

no comparison — and that is where we need the wisdom to know the difference.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece,


Van Duyne Highlighted The Supreme Court As A Reason She Voted For Trump. “But perhaps the most

important reason I support Trump is my belief and support of the fundamental principles our Founding Fathers

recognized — that checks and balances are essential in maintaining a constitutional republic. With possibly

three seats coming open on the Supreme Court, the next president will decide the makeup of the court for

decades to come.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Said She Was “Comparing Trump To Clinton, Not To God”

Van Duyne: “I’m Comparing Trump To Clinton, Not To God.” “This election is no longer about picking the

best candidate, but choosing the one who will do the least damage. At the end of the day, I’m comparing Trump to

Clinton, not to God. To that end, I am much less offended by an egotistical vulgarian than by an official whose

Department of State ignored pleas of an American ambassador about to be killed, who brags about raising taxes on

American businesses while her foundation collects millions of dollars from foreign governments, antagonizes race

relations while undermining police departments across the country, risks our national security for her own

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convenience or seemingly nefarious purposes and defends her mistakes as not knowing any better while running on

a campaign of experience. When trying to determine which of these two will do the least damage, there is simply

no comparison — and that is where we need the wisdom to know the difference.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece,


Van Duyne Called Trump’s Comments “Deeply Insulting,” But Said “I Do Not Accept The Notion

That Because Of Trump’s Offensive Statements About Women, I, As A Woman, Must Not Vote

For Him”

Van Duyne Called Trump’s Blunders On The 2016 Campaign Trail “Deeply Insulting.” “Make no mistake:

Trump’s blunders were deeply insulting and cost him millions. Clinton’s, however, cost American lives and will

undoubtedly continue to do so if elected.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne: “I Do Not Accept The Notion That Because Of Trump’s Offensive Statements About Women, I,

As A Woman, Must Not Vote For Him.” “My perspective is that of a Christian, a conservative, a parent, the

mayor of a top 100 city and a Republican who is disgusted with the way ‘leaders’ in Washington have conducted

our nation’s business for the past eight years. I do not accept the notion that because of Trump’s offensive

statements about women, I, as a woman, must not vote for him. Nor do I accept the notion that because Clinton and

I are both women, I must therefore stop using my brain and turn my vote to her. While Clinton and I were both born

with a set of ovaries, that’s about where our similarities end. Can we not get beyond gender and race as reasons to

support a candidate?” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Said That Trump’s Words Might Be Called “Hate” And Might Incite “Violence” But

At Least They’re Creating A “Conversation”

Van Duyne Said You Could Call Trump’s Words “Hate” And That It Caused “Violence,” But “At Least

There’s A “Conversation Happening Right Now.” “But any way you look at some of the statements that have

been made, and for the vast majority of people now that the media’s not the one who’s defining the narrative right

you’ve got a candidate who they’re giving all of the power but it’s his words. What’s the response to that, it’s a

little visceral no doubt? People can say it’s hate and it causes violence but at least there’s a conversation that’s

happening now.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Was Later Reported To Be “One Of The Few Major City Mayors To Endorse Trump”

Dallas Morning News: “Van Duyne Was One Of The Few Big-City Mayors In America To Endorse Trump

For President.” “Van Duyne was one of the few big-city mayors in America to endorse Trump for president, and

she could be offered a post under Ben Carson, Trump’s nominee for housing secretary.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne Supported Multiple Other Options During The 2016 Republican Primary

Van Duyne Said She Supported Scott Walker In The 2016 Republican Presidential Primary

Van Duyne Said That She Supported Scott Walker In The 2016 Republican Presidential Primary. “Look

what’s going on right now in the presidential elections. Look you can hate trump, you can think he is a disgrace,

I’m not advocating either way. My guy got out early on, I was kind of bummed I liked Scott Walker.” [Van Duyne

Speech, Park Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

Van Duyne Also Said She Supported Ted Cruz In The 2016 Republican Presidential Primary

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Van Duyne On Trump Winning The Republican Nomination: “Neither Of The Candidates I Supported,

Carly Fiorina And Ted Cruz, Were Able To Become The Republican Party Nominee. So I Accepted

Something I Could Not Change.” “A famous American theologian once said, ‘God grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.’ Over the course

of this presidential election cycle, I have repeatedly needed to come back to this quote and take comfort in its

simplicity. Neither of the candidates I supported, Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz, were able to become the Republican

Party nominee. So I accepted something I could not change.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Also Said She Supported Carly Fiorina In The 2016 Republican Presidential Primary

Van Duyne On Trump Winning The Republican Nomination: “Neither Of The Candidates I Supported,

Carly Fiorina And Ted Cruz, Were Able To Become The Republican Party Nominee. So I Accepted

Something I Could Not Change.” “A famous American theologian once said, ‘God grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.’ Over the course

of this presidential election cycle, I have repeatedly needed to come back to this quote and take comfort in its

simplicity. Neither of the candidates I supported, Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz, were able to become the Republican

Party nominee. So I accepted something I could not change.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Was A Member Of Carly Fiorina’s Texas Support Team In 2015. “Allies of former Hewlett-

Packard CEO Carly Fiorina on Monday named more than two dozen Texas Republicans who are backing her

presidential bid, making her the first 2016 candidate with a leadership team in Texas. Former Comptroller Susan

Combs, who had previously endorsed Fiorina, is leading the 26-member team, the first of its kind for a White

House hopeful in Texas. The team was announced by CARLY for America, a super PAC working to put Fiorina, an

Austin native, in the White House. Among the team’s members are elected officials like state Rep. Patricia Harless

of Spring and Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne as well as other prominent women in state politics, including Carolyn

Hodges, former president of the Texas Federation of Republican Women. The team is also made up of Texas

business leaders such as Paula Mann, founder of Sunbelt Telecommunications; Carol Nichols, founder of Circle C

Ventures; and Kristin Kaufman, Founder of Alignment Inc. The announcement of the team came a day after Fiorina

addressed a national meeting of women business owners in San Antonio. She was scheduled to visit the state

Sunday to Tuesday, with private events in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.” [Texas Tribune, 9/28/15]

Van Duyne Was Vocally Opposed To Trump’s Impeachment

Van Duyne: “You’re Seeing A Lot Of People Waste Time And Money And Energy On Trying To

Reverse The 2016 Presidency”

Van Duyne On Impeachment: “You’re Seeing A Lot Of People Waste Time And Money And Energy On

Trying To Reverse The 2016 Presidency.” “Former Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, a GOPer who worked in the

Trump administration, brought in more than $347,000 since she launched her campaign. She attributed that early

success to voters being ‘absolutely frustrated’ with the ‘circus’ she said Democrats are creating in D.C. ‘You’re

seeing a lot of people waste time and money and energy on trying to reverse the 2016 presidency,’ she said,

referring to the impeachment inquiry against Trump.” [Dallas Morning News, 10/20/19]

Van Duyne: “Opposition To Speaker Pelosi’s Sham Impeachment Is Now Bi-Partisan! Democrats Are

Starting To Turn Against The Extremists Who Are Running Their Party & Openly Saying They Will

Vote Against Pelosi’s Articles Of Impeachment. Keep The Pressure On Them Folks!” “Opposition to

Speaker Pelosi’s sham impeachment is now bi-partisan! Democrats are starting to turn against the extremists

who are running their party & openly saying they will vote against Pelosi’s articles of impeachment. Keep the

pressure on them folks!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 12/6/19]

Van Duyne Impeachment: “Anyone Else Sick Of NOTHING Happening In DC To Solve Issues That

Matter To Americans? Instead, Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart With This Scam

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Impeachment Process!” “Anyone else sick of NOTHING happening in DC to solve issues that matter to

Americans? Instead, extremists are only forcing us further apart with this scam impeachment process!” [Beth

Van Duyne Twitter, 11/19/19]

Van Duyne Impeachment: “While There Was A Bi-Partisan Vote AGAINST Continuing This Scam

Impeachment Process, Sadly Those Voices Were In The Minority. Now, Instead Of Doing The Real

Work That Matters To People Here At Home, Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart. What A

Sad And Shameful Day.” “While there was a bi-partisan vote AGAINST continuing this scam impeachment

process, sadly those voices were in the minority. Now, instead of doing the real work that matters to people

here at home, extremists are only forcing us further apart. What a sad and shameful day.” [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 10/31/19]

Van Duyne: “The Left Has Been Trying To Do This Ever Since He Was Elected. We Must Stand

Up To Impeachment-Crazed Democrats And Support Our President. This Has To Stop!”

Van Duyne: “The Left Has Been Trying To Do This Ever Since He Was Elected. We Must Stand Up To

Impeachment-Crazed Democrats And Support Our President. This Has To Stop!” “It’s official: The House

has impeached our President. The Left has been trying to do this ever since he was elected. We must stand up to

impeachment-crazed Democrats and support our President. This has to stop!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign

Facebook Page, 12/18/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/18/19]

Van Duyne: “Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart With This Scam Impeachment Process!”

“Anyone else sick of NOTHING happening in DC to solve issues that matter to Americans? Instead, extremists are

only forcing us further apart with this scam impeachment process!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook,


Van Duyne: “While They Focus On Trying To Remove A Duly Elected President, Critical Issues

Go Unaddressed…”

Van Duyne On Impeachment: “While They Focus On Trying To Remove A Duly Elected President, Critical

Issues Go Unaddressed: Lowering The Cost Of Healthcare, Stopping Drug Cartels And Human Trafficking,

Expanding Trade Opportunities For American Companies And Workers, And Passing A Budget To Fund

Our Military.” “Extremists in the House of Representatives continue to fail the American people. They refuse to

recognize there was no collusion, no obstruction, and no crime. While they focus on trying to remove a duly elected

President, critical issues go unaddressed: lowering the cost of healthcare, stopping drug cartels and human

trafficking, expanding trade opportunities for American companies and workers, and passing a budget to fund our

military. Democrats have put propaganda and partisan games ahead of progress for the American people.” [Beth

Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 12/5/19]

Van Duyne On Impeachment: “Now, Instead Of Doing The Real Work That Matters To People Here At

Home, Extremists Are Only Forcing Us Further Apart. What A Sad And Shameful Day.” “What a sad and

shameful day in the House of Representatives. Rather than trying to unite our country with shared goals and

meaningful reforms to help our people, the action today made clear that Democrat candidates from 2018, who

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claimed to be independent voices working to deliver solutions for Americans, are really just puppets for extremist,

partisan attack-politics. Today, NOTHING was done to solve issues that matter to the American people: lowering

the cost of healthcare, expanding job opportunities, passing trade agreements to sell more American products, or

protecting our southern border. While there was a bi-partisan vote AGAINST continuing this scam impeachment

process, sadly those voices were in the minority. Now, instead of doing the real work that matters to people here at

home, extremists are only forcing us further apart. What a sad and shameful day.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign

Facebook, 10/31/19]

Van Duyne Said That People Weren’t Interested In Issues Like Impeachment, But Were More

Focused On Issues Like Health Care And Transportation

Van Duyne Said That People Weren’t Interested In Issues Like Impeachment But Were More Focused On

Issues Like Health Care And Transportation. “It’s the meat and potato issues that people care about that they

want their elected officials focused on. It’s not all the you know the impeachment issues that we hear up there it’s

the meat and potato issues. Can we go up there and do what we say we’re going to do which is what we hear from

our constituents. When I go out, I’ve talked to thousands of people in the last few months, thousands of them across

the district and what I’m hearing is Health care costs have skyrocketed, we need to be able to take care of our

families. Okay what are we going to be doing about jobs? We’re so excited what’s going on with the economy right

now, how do we continue that flow? What are we doing about transportation? I don’t want to get stuck in an hour

and a half worth of traffic every morning.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Criticized Rep. Schiff For Meeting With The Impeachment Whistleblower

Van Duyne Whistleblower: “To The Surprise Of ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, It Is Now Confirmed That The

Latest Hoax/Impeachment Attack Against Donald Trump Was Coordinated And Contrived By The

Thoroughly Dishonest Rep. Adam Schiff. Schiff’s People Met With The ‘Whistleblower’ Before The

Complaint Was Even Filed.” “To the surprise of ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, it is now confirmed that the latest

hoax/impeachment attack against @realDonaldTrump was coordinated and contrived by the thoroughly dishonest

@RepAdamSchiff. Schiff’s people met with the ‘whistleblower’ before the complaint was even filed.” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 10/2/19]

Van Duyne Congratulated Jeff Van Drew On Switching Political Parties And Told Him To “Walk

Away From The Democrat Extremists In Congress Before Their Schiff Sinks”

Van Duyne Congratulated Jeff Van Drew On Switching Political Parties And Told Him To “Walk Away

From The Democrat Extremists In Congress Before Their Schiff Sinks.” “Congressman Jeff Van Drew, thank

you for standing against the political hit job, impeachment scam. Just walk away from the Democrat extremists in

Congress before their SCHIFF sinks.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/16/19]

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[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/16/19]

Russia Investigation

Van Duyne Said James Comey Should Face Jail Time

Van Duyne Claimed That James Comey Admitted He Was “Wrong” And Said He Should “Face Criminal

Charges And Jail Time.” “Two years too late! Jim Comey finally admits he was WRONG. Not just wrong pal,

you need to face criminal charges and jail time.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/15/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/15/19]

Van Duyne: “Extremists In The House Of Representatives Continue To Fail The American People.

They Refuse To Recognize There Was No Collusion, No Obstruction, And No Crime”

Van Duyne: “Extremists In The House Of Representatives Continue To Fail The American People. They

Refuse To Recognize There Was No Collusion, No Obstruction, And No Crime.” “Extremists in the House of

Representatives continue to fail the American people. They refuse to recognize there was no collusion, no

obstruction, and no crime. While they focus on trying to remove a duly elected President, critical issues go

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unaddressed: lowering the cost of healthcare, stopping drug cartels and human trafficking, expanding trade

opportunities for American companies and workers, and passing a budget to fund our military. Democrats have put

propaganda and partisan games ahead of progress for the American people.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign

Facebook, 12/5/19]

White House Events

Van Duyne Attended The Black History Month Celebration At The White House

Van Duyne Attended The Black History Month Celebration At The White House. “Lively and supportive

crowd at the Black History Month Celebration at the White House tonight. From the lowest black unemployment

rate ever, to criminal justice reform to new job opportunities, the crowd was ecstatic. It’s an honor to be here and

experience this firsthand.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/21/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/21/19]

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Abortion & Women’s Health Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne equated an abortion doctor being found to have the remains of over 2,000 aborted fetuses in

his home with “what Democrats call ‘reproductive rights’”

✓ Van Duyne: “We need pro-life leaders in Congress who are up to the challenge of exposing the horrors

of the abortion industry and fighting for our unborn children”

✓ Van Duyne was “honored” to receive the endorsement of anti-choice group Susan B. Anthony List

✓ Van Duyne was endorsed by Texas Right To Life

✓ Van Duyne on Planned Parenthood: “They care more about aborting a baby than they do about a

healthy one. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to support abortions”


Van Duyne Equated An Abortion Doctor Being Found To Have The Remains Of Over 2,000

Aborted Fetuses In His Home With “What Democrats Call ‘Reproductive Rights’”

Van Duyne Equated An Abortion Doctor Being Found To Have The Remains Of Over 2,000 Aborted

Fetuses In His Home With “What Democrats Call ‘Reproductive Rights.’” “Horrifying news came out of

Indiana this past weekend. The bodies of over 2,000 aborted babies were discovered on the property of an

abortionist that Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg championed and supported. The South Bend,

Indiana abortion clinic closed in 2015 after the state revoked its license for a long list of violations and Indiana’s

Medical Licensing Board suspended the abortionist’s license. This is a sickening reminder of what happens inside

America’s abortion industry and is so much worse than any horror movie could ever imagine. This is what

Democrats call ‘reproductive rights.’ The far-left abortion-on-demand advocates are hoping you won’t hear about

this story. And, they definitely don’t want us standing up and fighting back.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Page,


Van Duyne: “We Need Pro-Life Leaders In Congress Who Are Up To The Challenge Of Exposing

The Horrors Of The Abortion Industry And Fighting For Our Unborn Children”

Van Duyne: “We Need Pro-Life Leaders In Congress Who Are Up To The Challenge Of Exposing The

Horrors Of The Abortion Industry And Fighting For Our Unborn Children.” “Every single life deserves

dignity, care, and protection. How can we continue to look away? It’s up to us to make sure nothing like this

happens ever again. We need pro-life leaders in Congress who are up to the challenge of exposing the horrors of the

abortion industry and fighting for our unborn children. In Washington, I will make sure the most vulnerable among

us have a voice, and work to ensure more mothers choose life.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Page, 9/16/19]

Van Duyne Posted A Ronald Reagan Quote Speaking Out Against Abortion. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter,


Van Duyne On Abortion: “Taxpayer Dollars Should Not Be Used To Support Abortions”

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Van Duyne On Abortion: “Taxpayer Dollars Should Not Be Used To Support Abortions.” “I understand that

good people can disagree on important issues in our country. But, when Planned Parenthood makes the decision to

stop taking federal funding to support health screenings and services for women to have a healthy pregnancy, PP is

showing one thing, they care more about aborting a baby than they do about a healthy one. Taxpayer dollars should

not be used to support abortions.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 8/20/19]

Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal Policies Such

As Gun Control, Abortion, Amnesty And Unchecked Labor Unions.” “During the past debate, Clinton was

very clear that she would nominate progressive justices who champion liberal policies such as gun control,

abortion, amnesty and unchecked labor unions. In other words, she’s advocating the Supreme Court become a

lawmaking body, marginalizing Congress and making three judges nominated by her and two nominated by

President Obama, none of whom were elected by the people, responsible for dictating public policy. Supreme Court

justices have lifelong appointments specifically to remove them from making decisions based on politics. Trump’s

prospective Supreme Court nominations include strict constructionists who will uphold the Constitution and not

legislate from the bench.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Was “Honored” To Receive The Endorsement Of Anti-Choice Group Susan B.

Anthony List

Van Duyne Was “Honored” To Receive The Endorsement Of Anti-Choice Group Susan B. Anthony List. “I

am so honored to have this amazing, national, pro-Life organization endorsing my campaign and tapping their

network to support us! Thank you Susan B. Anthony List!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 1/2/20]

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Texas Right To Life

Van Duyne Was Endorsed By Texas Right To Life. “Thank you, Texas Right to Life!” [Beth Van Duyne

Campaign Facebook Page, 12/30/19]

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[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/30/19]

Van Duyne Attended The Birth Choice Of Dallas Gala, Which Is An Anti-Abortion Group. “Heartbreaking,

heartwarming, uplifting and motivating - @BirthChoiceTX Gala. This group has saved 1,026 lives from being

aborted by offering women hope and a choice. Thank you, @MattRinaldiTX for the invitation! @MarkDavis -

great job getting folks to donate to this worthy cause.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 9/27/19]

Planned Parenthood

Van Duyne On Planned Parenthood: “They Care More About Aborting A Baby Than They Do

About A Healthy One. Taxpayer Dollars Should Not Be Used To Support Abortions”

Van Duyne On Planned Parenthood: “They Care More About Aborting A Baby Than They Do About A

Healthy One. Taxpayer Dollars Should Not Be Used To Support Abortions.” “they care more about aborting a

baby than they do about a healthy one. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to support abortions.” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 8/20/19]

Van Duyne On Planned Parenthood: “When Planned Parenthood Makes The Decision To Stop Taking

Federal Funding To Support Health Screenings And Services For Women To Have A Healthy Pregnancy,

PP Is Showing One Thing...” “I understand that good people can disagree on important issues in our country. But,

when Planned Parenthood makes the decision to stop taking federal funding to support health screenings and

services for women to have a healthy pregnancy, PP is showing one thing...” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/20/19]

Van Duyne On Planned Parenthood: “When Planned Parenthood Makes The Decision To Stop Taking

Federal Funding To Support Health Screenings And Services For Women To Have A Healthy Pregnancy,

PP Is Showing One Thing, They Care More About Aborting A Baby Than They Do About A Healthy One.”

“I understand that good people can disagree on important issues in our country. But, when Planned Parenthood

makes the decision to stop taking federal funding to support health screenings and services for women to have a

healthy pregnancy, PP is showing one thing, they care more about aborting a baby than they do about a healthy one.

Taxpayer dollars should not be used to support abortions.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 8/20/19]

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Crime & Public Safety Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne launched the HIGH FIVE Police Appreciation Program to highlight the community’s

relationship with the local police department

✓ Van Duyne posted a tweet for Star Wars Day including a police officer in a Darth Vader mask holding

an automatic weapon

✓ Van Duyne said the need for criminal justice reform stemmed from prosecutors “systemically pleading

down cases or refusing to prosecute cases because they simply do not want to put criminals in jail.”

✓ Van Duyne called attention to victims of domestic violence

Law Enforcement

Van Duyne Launched The HIGH FIVE Police Appreciation Program To Highlight The

Community’s Relationship With The Local Police Department

Van Duyne Launched The HIGH FIVE Police Appreciation Program To Display The Relationship Between

Local Law Enforcement And The People Of Irving. ”Join Mayor Van Duyne, 10 a.m., Aug. 19, at the Irving

Convention Center, 500 West Las Colinas Bl Van Duyne., 4th floor as she announces her new appreciation

campaign called HIGH FIVE Irving 5-0, 5-0 representing an informal code some use for police. The program

highlights the community relationship the Irving Police Department engenders as well as the trust officers build and

the assistance they give to those in need. Dallas County Commissioner Elba Garcia, Irving Police Chief Larry

Boyd, and numerous residents who have benefited from the outreach programs, including children, will attend.”

[The Office of the Mayor of Irving, press release, 8/19/15]

Van Duyne: “It Is So Important To Join Hands Across City Lines And To Tell Our Police Thank You.

Let’s Share These Stories. I Encourage Residents In Irving And Across The Metroplex To Share These

Positive Stories About Local Law Enforcement.” “Mayor Van Duyne expressed the importance of the

campaign and posed a challenge to other mayors. ‘It is so important to join hands across city lines and to tell

our police thank you. Let’s share these stories. I encourage residents in Irving and across the Metroplex to share

these positive stories about local law enforcement,’ she said. ‘Let these officers in your community know that

you support them,’ Van Duyne said. ‘Mayors: my challenge stands with you, to support your police officers

and inspire your community members to recognize and applaud the often difficult job for law enforcement

officers. We must all recognize that these men and women are all carrying their oath to serve and protect.’”

[Irving Rambler, 8/29/15]

Van Duyne: “Let These Officers In Your Community Know That You Support Them.” “Mayor Van

Duyne expressed the importance of the campaign and posed a challenge to other mayors. ‘It is so important to

join hands across city lines and to tell our police thank you. Let’s share these stories. I encourage residents in

Irving and across the Metroplex to share these positive stories about local law enforcement,’ she said. ‘Let

these officers in your community know that you support them,’ Van Duyne said. ‘Mayors: my challenge stands

with you, to support your police officers and inspire your community members to recognize and applaud the

often difficult job for law enforcement officers. We must all recognize that these men and women are all

carrying their oath to serve and protect.’” [Irving Rambler, 8/29/15]

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Van Duyne: “It Is With Great Pride That We Acknowledge Another Year Of Reduced Crime, Irving Police

Officers Put Their Lives On The Line Every Day To Protect And Serve Our Great Community. Through

Their Dedicated Efforts, We Are Able To Keep Irving Residents Safe.” “The 2015 calendar year was no

exception to this decrease. The overall crime rate dropped by 6.6 percent since the 2014 calendar year, according to

data from the Uniform Crime Reporting. The crime rate was compared to other U.S. cities with populations of more

than 100,000. Irving’s current population sits at more than 231,000 residents. The City of Irving also has been

nationally recognized in past years for its commitment to safety standards. ‘It is with great pride that we

acknowledge another year of reduced crime,’ said Mayor Beth Van Duyne. ‘Irving police officers put their lives on

the line every day to protect and serve our great community. Through their dedicated efforts, we are able to keep

Irving residents safe.’” [US State News, 3/1/16]

Van Duyne Posted A Tweet For Star Wars Day Including A Police Officer In A Darth Vader Mask

Holding An Automatic Weapon

Van Duyne Posted A Tweet For Star Wars Day Including A Police Officer In A Darth Vader Mask Holding

An Automatic Weapon. “May the force be with you! #MayTheFourthBeWithYou” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter,


[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/4/19]

Criminal Justice Reform

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Van Duyne: The Need For Criminal Justice Reform Stems From Prosecutors “Systemically

Pleading Down Cases Or Refusing To Prosecute Cases Because They Simple Do Not Want To Put

Criminals In Jail”

Van Duyne: The Need For Criminal Justice Reform Stems From Prosecutors “Systemically Pleading Down

Cases Or Refusing To Prosecute Cases Because They Simple Do Not Want To Put Criminals In Jail.” “The

need for criminal justice reform that I am hearing about as I talk with voters, especially in Dallas County, is how

District Attorneys and prosecutors are systemically pleading down cases or refusing to prosecute cases because they

simply do not want to put criminals in jail. By not prosecuting crimes of a violent nature or crimes against others,

criminals are released back into our neighborhoods where they commit further crimes because the deterrent has

been removed.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Domestic Violence

Van Duyne Called Attention To Victims Of Domestic Violence

Van Duyne On Domestic Violence: “It’s So Hard To Think About The Number Of Victims That Actually

Qualifies, One In Three Women - It’s Pretty Incredible. I’m Thankful We That We Are Here Today ... To

Bring Attention To It And Put A Face On It. Unless We Feel It, We’re Not Going To Be Moved To Action.”

“Domestic violence survivor Tricia Johnson shared her story to encourage the estimated one in three women

involved in abusive relationships to find the strength to come forward. ‘It’s so hard to think about the number of

victims that actually qualifies,’ said council member Beth Van Duyne before she read a proclamation from the

mayor. ‘One in three women - it’s pretty incredible. I’m thankful we that we are here today ... to bring attention to it

and put a face on it. Unless we feel it, we’re not going to be moved to action.’” [Dallas Morning News, 10/17/04]

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Education Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne posted a cartoon mocking the student debt crisis

✓ Van Duyne met with education secretary Betsy DeVos in 2017 to discuss school choice and early

childhood education

✓ Van Duyne didn’t disagree with an interviewer who said that schools had not improved since the

creation of the Department of Education

✓ Van Duyne didn’t disagree with an interviewer who criticized schools for providing breakfast to students

as well as pre-k education

College Affordability

Van Duyne Posted A Cartoon Mocking The Student Debt Crisis

Van Duyne Posted A Cartoon Mocking The Student Debt Crisis. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/29/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/29/19]

School Choice

Beth Van Duyne Met With Education Secretary Betsy DeVos In 2017 To Discuss School Choice

And Early Childhood Education

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Beth Van Duyne Met With Education Secretary Betsy DeVos In 2017 To Discuss School Choice And Early

Childhood Education. “Great meeting with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos! Discussed charter schools, school

choice, early childhood education and job training. Lots of diverse opinions in the room but all agree education

needs to be a priority and that there’s much room for improvement.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook,


Department of Education

Van Duyne Did Not Disagree With An Interviewer Who Said That Schools Had Not Improved

Since The Creation Of The Department Of Education

Van Duyne Did Not Disagree With An Interviewer Who Said That Schools Had Not Improved Since The

Creation Of The Department Of Education. “Robert Kecseg: ‘If you just look at the schools and the amount of

involvement since the 1970s since the department of education began. You know it began with a relatively small

amount of money now it’s $65 billion a year During the crisis year when Obama came in and they had all this extra

money to throw around they actually spent $90 billion. If anybody thinks today that the schools are any better off

today from all that money that’s been thrown at the schools and this is the things that I would say. Don’t you

believe that if the local school district in the city of Irving wanted to have some sort of a lunch program for very

indigent people that they could muster out a way to do that but it would be in a much more efficient small scale

way? As opposed to its lunch, then it’s breakfast, now they want to get control of the kids before they start school

and the early years. I read about one of the resolutions on page whatever [laughs] whatever page it was it doesn’t

matter.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘[laughs] 39.. 120...’” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne,


Van Duyne Did Not Disagree With An Interviewer Who Criticized Schools For Providing Breakfast

To Students As Well As Pre-K Education

Van Duyne Did Not Disagree With An Interviewer Who Criticized Schools For Providing Breakfast To

Students As Well As Pre-K Education. “Robert Kecseg: ‘If you just look at the schools and the amount of

involvement since the 1970s since the department of education began. You know it began with a relatively small

amount of money now it’s $65 billion a year During the crisis year when Obama came in and they had all this extra

money to throw around they actually spent $90 billion. If anybody thinks today that the schools are any better off

today from all that money that’s been thrown at the schools and this is the things that I would say. Don’t you

believe that if the local school district in the city of Irving wanted to have some sort of a lunch program for very

indigent people that they could muster out a way to do that but it would be in a much more efficient small scale

way? As opposed to its lunch, then it’s breakfast, now they want to get control of the kids before they start school

and the early years. I read about one of the resolutions on page whatever [laughs] whatever page it was it doesn’t

matter.’ Beth Van Duyne: ‘[laughs] 39.. 120...’” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne,


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Election Law & Campaign Finance Issues

Significant Findings

✓ In 2020, Van Duyne was concerned with Texas turning “blue” because of how it would affect


✓ Van Duyne, and fellow city councilmember Tom Spink claimed a 2010 election plan that would have

created single-member districts was racial gerrymandering

✓ Van Duyne supported tighter restrictions on contribution limits, and Irving passed stricter campaign

finance rules in a major victory for Van Duyne

✓ Van Duyne said that she was a big supporter of term limits


2020: Van Duyne Was Concerned With Texas Turning “Blue” Because Of How It Would Affect


Van Duyne Was Concerned With Texas Turning “Blue” Because Of How It Would Affect Redistricting.

“Because Bloomberg I don’t know if you knew this or not is going to be opening up a number of offices across the

state and he is getting that not just to be able to push a campaign for presidency, but last year as Pete Sessions race

last year he put in over $1 million in the last few weeks in negative ads targeting Pete Sessions. The focus is not

just on his presidency, but it really is to make Texas blue and think about what’s going to happen at the state level.

You’re going to have redistricting and who’s going to be doing that. If they can take over 8 seats at the state house

that absolutely affects redistricting moving forward and the entire future of Texas.” [Debbie Georgatos, America

Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

2010: Van Duyne And Fellow City Councilmember Tom Spink Claimed Creating Single-Member

Districts Was Racial Gerrymandering

Van Duyne And Spink Penned A Letter To Judge Jorge Solis Opposing An Election Plan. “In an order filed

this week, Judge Jorge Solis gave both sides until Tuesday to reply to a letter that council members Tom Spink and

Beth Van Duyne sent him. Their letter opposes the proposed election plan the U.S. Justice Department approved

last week.” [Dallas Morning News, 1/14/10]

Van Duyne: “I’m Hoping The Judge Will Realize It’s Racial Gerrymandering That He’s Agreeing To

And That It’s Very Harmful.” “‘I’m hoping the judge will realize it’s racial gerrymandering that he’s

agreeing to and that it’s very harmful,’ Van Duyne said.” [Dallas Morning News, 11/12/09]

The Plan Called For Six Council Members To Be Elected From Single-Member Districts. “The plan calls for

six council members to be elected from single-member districts. The mayor and two other members still would be

elected at large, or by all voters in the city.” [Dallas Morning News, 1/14/10]

Spink And Van Duyne Claimed It Would Have Diluted Black Votes And Questioned How A Predominately

Hispanic District Was Drawn

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Van Duyne And Spink Claimed It Was Because Of How A Predominately Hispanic District Was Drawn And

How The Plan Would Dilute Black Votes. “Spink and Van Duyne’s letter criticizes how a predominantly

Hispanic district is drawn. They said it would be a “nightmare” for election officials, candidates and voters. They

also say it dilutes the votes of black residents because they are split into four districts.” [Dallas Morning News,


2009: Van Duyne Mentioned She Would Not Be In The District She Was Elected To Represent

After Redistricting

Van Duyne Pointed Out She Would No Longer Be In The District She Was Elected To Represent After

Redistricting. “The proposed district’s boundaries don’t include Spink’s residence, so if the plan is approved, he

will not be able to run for his seat again. He would have to run for the proposed at-large seat that Van Duyne holds.

The letter also says Van Duyne would no longer live in the district to which she was elected. But Van Duyne’s

Place 2 seat would be an at-large post under the new system, meaning she could live anywhere in the city and still

run.” [Dallas Morning News, 11/12/09]

Campaign Finance

Irving Passed Stricter Campaign Finance Rules In A Major Victory For Van Duyne

Irving Passed Stricter Campaign Finance Rules In A Major Victory For Van Duyne. “Irving passed stricter

ethics rules Thursday, limiting the size of campaign checks and who can write them. The 5-4 vote was a long-

awaited victory for Beth Van Duyne, who has been pushing for ethics reform since winning the mayor’s seat from

Herbert Gears in 2011. A city developer backed Gears with nearly $1 million in that election; a donation of that size

would be banned today. No one may give more than $10,000 to a candidate in a single-member district, or more

than $25,000 for at-large and mayoral races. Those who seek or hold large, no-bid contracts with the city can’t

write election checks at all. Neither can their immediate family, officers, lawyers or lobbyists. Anyone paid to

influence city officials now must register and disclose their clients. Companies seeking no-bid city contracts will

also have to submit lists to the city of their partners, subcontractors and other affiliates.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne Helped Pass Restrictions Capping Campaign Donations To No More Than 10K To A

Candidate In A Single Member District, And 25K For At Large And Mayoral Races. “Irving passed

stricter ethics rules Thursday, limiting the size of campaign checks and who can write them. The 5-4 vote was a

long-awaited victory for Beth Van Duyne, who has been pushing for ethics reform since winning the mayor’s

seat from Herbert Gears in 2011. A city developer backed Gears with nearly $1 million in that election; a

donation of that size would be banned today. No one may give more than $10,000 to a candidate in a single-

member district, or more than $25,000 for at-large and mayoral races. Those who seek or hold large, no-bid

contracts with the city can’t write election checks at all. Neither can their immediate family, officers, lawyers or

lobbyists. Anyone paid to influence city officials now must register and disclose their clients. Companies

seeking no-bid city contracts will also have to submit lists to the city of their partners, subcontractors and other

affiliates.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/914]

Van Duyne Claimed Irving’s Ethics Policy Helped Air “Past Transgressions” And Create More

Transparency For Residents. “Avi Selk: ‘What effects has the new ethics policy had on City Hall so far?’ Beth

Van Duyne: ‘Passing an updated ethics policy was important for many reasons. It helped our city have a discussion

about past transgressions and air those problems. By putting the ethics policy in place, it is our hope that it will

provide more transparency for residents and more accountability for office holders.’” [Beth Van Duyne

Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

Van Duyne Supported Tighter Restrictions On Contribution Limits

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Van Duyne Pushed For Contribution Limits After A Candidate Took Nearly $1Million In Donations From A

Developer. “The Irving City Council could vote Thursday to limit campaign donations, banning many people

connected to city business from writing checks at all. Mayor Beth Van Duyne began pushing for new ethics rules

three years ago as she battled a candidate who took nearly $1 million in donations from a city developer.” [Dallas

Morning News, 8/07/14]

Term Limits

Van Duyne Said That She Was A Big Supporter Of Term Limits

Van Duyne Said That She Was A Big Supporter Of Term Limits. “When I was mayor, we passed an ethics

policy. Part of that ethics policy was term limits. I’m a strong believer in term limits. We also passed that if you’re

getting, voting on vendors coming into the city those vendors can’t pay to be part of your campaign, they can’t give

you campaign contributions. Other things that we did in the city was we were really focused on economic

development, bringing companies in, getting a lot of buildings and increases to our commercial tax base. That was

the way to do it was to focus and have a business-friendly community and really work with a private sector to come

in and help pay for the things quite honestly that you needed to be able to do to make a city safe and attractive.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

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Energy Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne’s mayoral campaign was largely funded by oil executive Ralph Ellis

✓ Van Duyne criticized Biden for saying he’d “blow up thousands of jobs in the oil and gas industry”

which would cost “thousands of jobs” in Texas

✓ Van Duyne: “I’ve been charged by my city to stop fracking in the state of Texas”

✓ Van Duyne criticized Biden’s answer on green energy at the Democratic debates, calling it “nothing

short of sickening”

✓ Van Duyne said Texas produced the most clean and affordable energy in the country

Oil & Gas

Van Duyne’s Mayoral Campaign Was Largely Funded By Oil Executive Ralph Ellis

Van Duyne’s Mayoral Campaign Was Largely Funded By Oil Executive Ralph Ellis. “Former City Council

member Beth Van Duyne, largely backed by philanthropist and oil executive Ralph Ellis, has raised more than

$64,000. Former Mayor Joe Putnam has raised more than $27,000. Former council member Tom Spink trails,

having raised more than $9,800.” [Dallas Morning News, 5/7/11]

Van Duyne Criticized Biden For Saying He’d “Blow Up Thousands Of Jobs In The Oil And Gas

Industry” Which Would Cost “Thousands Of Jobs” In Texas

Van Duyne Criticized Biden For Saying He’d “Blow Up Thousands Of Jobs In The Oil And Gas Industry”

Which Would Cost “Thousands Of Jobs” In Texas. “Well look at vice president Biden, you know last week on

stage, a few weeks ago on stage when he talked about being able to literally blow up thousands of jobs in the oil

and gas industry. This is Texas, those thousands of jobs that he’s talking about are right in the middle of our state, a

lot of them in the middle of our district. And they act is if that’s not going to affect anybody and that needs to be

focused and quite honestly your take on what they’re doing, democrats coming in and thinking that they’re going to

be able to take over Texas it is so important.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]


Van Duyne Testified Before The Energy Resources Committee Of The Texas Legislature To

Support Funding For Earthquake Research In Irving

Van Duyne Testified Before The Energy Resources Committee Of The Texas Legislature To Support

Funding For Earthquake Research In Irving. “Following a series of earthquakes in North Texas, the City of

Irving traveled to Austin this legislative session to request the state fund and study increased seismic activity in the

area and helped to successfully secure $2 million to be used for that study. Legislators originally had identified $2.5

million in the state budget to purchase equipment, but no money had been allocated to study the data collected.

State Rep. Rafael Anchia and his office worked with Irving officials, including Mayor Beth Van Duyne, to press for

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and secure additional state assistance to fund a study. Van Duyne traveled to Austin in early May to testify before

the Energy Resources Committee.” [Irving Rambler, 6/6/15]

Van Duyne: “I’ve Been Charged By My City To Stop Fracking In The State Of Texas, ... And It’s A

Charge I Take Very Seriously. We Have A Lot Of People Who Are Nervous About This”

Van Duyne: “I’ve Been Charged By My City To Stop Fracking In The State Of Texas, ... And It’s A Charge

I Take Very Seriously. We Have A Lot Of People Who Are Nervous About This.” “Four panelists discussed

the pros and cons of hydraulic fracking during a conversation Saturday at the fifth-annual Texas Tribune Festival.

Hydraulic fracking, an extraction technique that uses water and chemicals to retrieve natural gas from underground

deposits, has led the state legislature and local governmental bodies into a legal battle over what they can regulate.

In November 2014, about 59 percent of Denton residents approved a ban on hydraulic fracking in the area, citing

environmental concerns. ‘As a city council, there is very little that we can do to address the issue,’ Irving mayor

Beth Van Duyne said. ‘I’ve been charged by my city to stop fracking in the state of Texas, ... and it’s a charge I

take very seriously. We have a lot of people who are nervous about this.’” [The Daily Texan, University of Texas

Austin, 10/17/15]

2015: Irving Experienced An Earthquake Hitting A 2.8 Out Of 10 On The Richter Scale. “The last time

Audie Tarpley felt an earthquake in Irving, he was in his second-floor apartment home and thought his upstairs

neighbor had dropped a box on the floor. That’s because the flurry of earthquakes near the former Texas

Stadium site rank fairly low on the Richter scale, with the last tremor hitting a 2.8 on the 10-point scale. The

tremor could cause hanging objects to swing, but likely didn’t quite have the power to break anything. For

Irving, the seismic activity might be a concern since Mayor Beth Van Duyne and other city boosters would like

the former Texas Stadium site to become a corporate magnet to lure a major company to the city. The project

could include hundreds of homes and thousands of square feet of commercial real estate.” [Dallas Business

Journal, 1/2/15]

Green Energy

Van Duyne Criticized Biden’s Answer On Green Energy At The Democratic Debates, Calling It

“Nothing Short Of Sickening”

Van Duyne Criticized Biden’s Answer On Green Energy At The Democratic Debates, Calling It “Nothing

Short Of Sickening.” “I want you to see this video for yourself, because it is almost too unhinged to believe. When

asked last night at the Democratic debate whether he would be willing to displace ‘thousands, perhaps hundreds of

thousands of blue collar workers’ for the sake of his radical green energy plan, how did Joe Biden respond? ‘The

answer is yes.’ He said proudly. He would readily destroy hundreds of thousands of American energy jobs and he

not alone among Democrats wanting to do so. What that will do to so many Texas families is nothing short of

sickening. Liberal politicians are finally forced to tell the truth.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page,


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[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 12/20/19]

Van Duyne Said Texas Produced The Most Clean And Affordable Energy In The Country

Van Duyne On Energy: “Texas Is An Energy Giant That Produces The Most Clean And Affordable Energy

In Our Country.” “Texas is an energy giant that produces the most clean and affordable energy in our country.

Our energy diversification helps keep costs low, which helps low income families, small and medium businesses,

and reduces emissions to improve our air quality. The TX energy model is the one to promote – not the extremist

agendas in Washington that would obliterate energy jobs and cause prices to skyrocket, hurting low income

families in the process.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 8/26/19]

Van Duyne On Energy: “Our Energy Diversification Helps Keep Costs Low, Which Helps Low Income

Families, Small And Medium Businesses, And Reduces Emissions To Improve Our Air Quality.” “Texas is an

energy giant that produces the most clean and affordable energy in our country. Our energy diversification helps

keep costs low, which helps low income families, small and medium businesses, and reduces emissions to improve

our air quality. The TX energy model is the one to promote – not the extremist agendas in Washington that would

obliterate energy jobs and cause prices to skyrocket, hurting low income families in the process.” [Beth Van Duyne

Campaign Facebook, 8/26/19]

Van Duyne On Energy: “The TX Energy Model Is The One To Promote – Not The Extremist Agendas In

Washington That Would Obliterate Energy Jobs And Cause Prices To Skyrocket, Hurting Low Income

Families In The Process.” “Texas Is An Energy Giant That Produces The Most Clean And Affordable Energy In

our country. Our energy diversification helps keep costs low, which helps low income families, small and medium

businesses, and reduces emissions to improve our air quality. The TX energy model is the one to promote – not the

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Environmental Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne claimed that the EPA was crippling cities

✓ Van Duyne claimed that EPA regulations were making construction of “new reservoirs cost- and time-


✓ Van Duyne said that the climate change was “undeniable,” but did not say it was man made; Van Duyne

called for advances in technology to reduce emissions

✓ Van Duyne supported partnering with water suppliers in Texas to propose new lakes in Texas

✓ Van Duyne supported developing uniform conservation efforts and a year-round watering schedule to

promote saving water


Van Duyne Claimed That The EPA Was Crippling Cities

Van Duyne Claimed That The EPA Was Crippling Cities. “The Environmental Protection Agency is crippling

the very cities that are experiencing population growth and desperate to build new water sources to ensure a clean

water supply for the future. EPA regulations and controls have made the construction of new reservoirs cost- and

time-prohibitive. Instead of taking five years to locate, design and construct a new reservoir, in many cases, EPA

regulations push it out 30 years and beyond.” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Van Duyne Claimed That EPA Regulations Were Making Construction Of “New Reservoirs Cost-

And Time-Prohibitive”

Van Duyne Claimed That EPA Regulations Were Making Construction Of “New Reservoirs Cost- And

Time-Prohibitive.” “The Environmental Protection Agency is crippling the very cities that are experiencing

population growth and desperate to build new water sources to ensure a clean water supply for the future. EPA

regulations and controls have made the construction of new reservoirs cost- and time-prohibitive. Instead of taking

five years to locate, design and construct a new reservoir, in many cases, EPA regulations push it out 30 years and

beyond.” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Climate Change

Van Duyne Said That The Climate Change Was “Undeniable,” But Did Not Say It Was Man Made;

Van Duyne Called For Advances In Technology To Reduce Emissions

Van Duyne: “The Fact That Our Climate Is Changing Is Undeniable. Indeed It Has Been Changing Since

The End Of The Last Ice Age And On A Warming Trend Since The End Of The Little Ice Age Hundreds Of

Years Ago.” “[QUESTION:] What is your view on the science of man-made climate change? What solutions, if

any, do you support to address climate change? [VAN DUYNE:] The fact that our climate is changing is

undeniable. Indeed it has been changing since the end of the last Ice Age and on a warming trend since the end of

the little ice age hundreds of years ago. As a person who believes in conservation and as a former Mayor who had a

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principal responsibility to ensure the people of Irving had a reliable and sustainable supply of water, I want our

country to continue making advances in technology that reduce emissions, have a smaller footprint for energy

generation, and contribute to cleaner air, water, and soil.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne: “Continuing To Move Our Nation Toward Strong, Reliable Energy Production That

Produces Less Emissions Would Also Help Show Countries Like China And India That There Are Better

Ways Forward For Energy Development Than More Coal Plants.” “Given the remarkable transformation

in technology, especially here in Texas, that has allowed our country to become nearly energy independent and

driven the development of more clean burning natural gas power plants, we are enjoying a period where

emissions are reducing and air is cleaner. Certainly, we can do more by supporting the further development of

more sources of baseload power. I am particularly interested in next generation nuclear reactors that are

smaller, safer, can be sited virtually anywhere and create much less waste. They are emission free and provide

the kind of reliable baseload power that wind and solar simply cannot do. Continuing to move our nation

toward strong, reliable energy production that produces less emissions would also help show countries like

China and India that there are better ways forward for energy development than more coal plants.” [Dallas

Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]


The US Supreme Court Ended Irving’s Effort To Access Water It Owns In An Oklahoma Lake

The US Supreme Court Ended Irving’s Effort To Access Water It Owns In An Oklahoma Lake. “The U.S.

Supreme Court this week effectively ended Irving’s years-long, multimillion-dollar effort to get access to water it

owns in an Oklahoma lake. But city officials say they aren’t giving up on plans to bring Oklahoma water to Texas -

or creating other water sources.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/24/12]

Van Duyne Supported Partnering With Water Suppliers In Texas To Propose New Lakes In Texas

Van Duyne Supported Partnering With Water Suppliers In Texas To Propose New Lakes In Texas. “At the

same time, city officials are partnering with water suppliers in Texas who are proposing new lakes in the Lone Star

State. Irving is also talking to officials in Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth about jointly and indefinitely limiting

their residents’ lawn watering to twice a week to promote uniform conservation. ‘It’s a multi-pronged approach,’

said Mayor Beth Van Duyne. Unlike other suburbs, Irving is rare in that it wants to secure its own city water

sources, and even be a provider for other suppliers, rather than rely on water districts.” [Dallas Morning News,


Van Duyne: “It’s A Multi-Pronged Approach.” “At the same time, city officials are partnering with water

suppliers in Texas who are proposing new lakes in the Lone Star State. Irving is also talking to officials in

Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth about jointly and indefinitely limiting their residents’ lawn watering to twice

a week to promote uniform conservation. ‘It’s a multi-pronged approach,’ said Mayor Beth Van Duyne. Unlike

other suburbs, Irving is rare in that it wants to secure its own city water sources, and even be a provider for

other suppliers, rather than rely on water districts.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/24/12]

Van Duyne Supported Developing Uniform Conservation Efforts And A Year-Round Watering

Schedule To Promote Saving Water

Van Duyne Supported Developing Uniform Conservation Efforts And A Year-Round Watering Schedule To

Promote Saving Water. “Part of Irving’s approach is to also put more emphasis on conservation at a time when

urban water conservation efforts are a patchwork of standards and practices that differ by city and water district.

Oklahoma officials and northeast Texas landowners who oppose North Texas entities’ plans to tap into existing or

new reservoirs say Dallas-Fort Worth consumers are water wasters who use more than their fair share. Van Duyne

said she and mayors from Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth hope that by developing uniform conservation tactics

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and a year-round watering schedule that promotes saving water, residents will find it easier to curb their use. ‘There

is a limited number of sources within reach,’ Van Duyne said.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/24/12]

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Equal Rights & Workplace Fairness

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne: “Just because I have a set of ovaries doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with women, I also

have a brain”

✓ Van Duyne said as “far back” as she could remember she had been a “fierce advocate for women’s

rights, equality, and empowerment”

✓ Van Duyne said feminists who wanted to “preach victimology have hijacked the feminist movement”

✓ Van Duyne said “new feminists” didn’t want women to be “independent, empowered and self-sufficient”

✓ Van Duyne pointed out sexual harassment and chauvinism in the workplace were issues for women

✓ Upon being asked her thoughts on sexual harassment in Hollywood and Washington DC, Van Duyne

said “I don’t think there’s ever been a better time to be a female and to be in a position of authority or


✓ Van Duyne tweeted an image of black football players kneeling during the anthem atop american

soldiers writhing in a pool of blood


Van Duyne: “Just Because I Have A Set Of Ovaries Doesn’t Mean I’m Going To Agree With

Women, I Also Have A Brain”

Van Duyne: “Just Because I Have A Set Of Ovaries Doesn’t Mean I’m Going To Agree With Women, I Also

Have A Brain.” “Just because I have a set of ovaries doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with women, I also have a

brain. And part of my brain is looking at what’s in the best interest for my kids, for my family for my community,

for my country and those are things like jobs you know job creating, access to health care border security, basic

fundamental things that the government should focus on. Women are smart enough to realize are in their best

interest and their family’s best interest.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Said As “Far Back” As She Could Remember She Had Been A “Fierce Advocate For

Women’s Rights, Equality, And Empowerment”

Van Duyne Said As “Far Back” As She Could Remember She Had Been A “Fierce Advocate For Women’s

Rights, Equality, And Empowerment.” “As far back as I can remember, I’ve been a fierce advocate for women’s

rights, equality and empowerment. I’ve volunteered at rape crisis centers, chaired women’s health organizations,

been on the board of domestic violence shelters, supported young women to run for public office and championed

the creation of a women-focused innovation center in my city. Yet the progressive women who harangued me from

the safe space of their keyboards discount these endeavors outright — seemingly because I am conservative, pro-

life and have the audacity to voice an opposing opinion.” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

Van Duyne Claimed She “Volunteered At Rape Crisis Centers, Chaired Women’s Health Organizations,

Been On The Board Of Domestic Violence Shelters, Supported Young Women To Run For Public Office

And Championed The Creation Of A Women-Focused Innovation Center In My City.” “As far back as I can

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remember, I’ve been a fierce advocate for women’s rights, equality and empowerment. I’ve volunteered at rape

crisis centers, chaired women’s health organizations, been on the board of domestic violence shelters, supported

young women to run for public office and championed the creation of a women-focused innovation center in my

city. Yet the progressive women who harangued me from the safe space of their keyboards discount these

endeavors outright — seemingly because I am conservative, pro-life and have the audacity to voice an opposing

opinion.” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

Van Duyne Claimed To Mentor Multiple Women. “I have control over my future, I’ve got power when I’m in a

room and I have power because I am prepared, I believe in being outspoken, I’m consistent and I think you need to

support that in women and I have always, I mentor a number of different women. I, we started an entrepreneurial

center in Irving, there was a focus on women-owned businesses.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Said Feminists Who Wanted To “Preach Victimology Have Hijacked The Feminist


Van Duyne Wrote Her Honors Dissertation In College On “Victim Mentality Vs. Survivor Mentality.” “I

worked in rape crisis when I was in college, so this is something, I mean I wrote my honors dissertation focused on

victim mentality vs. survivor mentality and to see this all coming full circle 25 years later is kind of shocking. But

you know as a woman we need to lead and never fall into that victim mentality.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote

Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Said Feminists Who Wanted To “Preach Victimology Have Hijacked The Feminist Movement.”

“Despite the fact that women are more independent now than we’ve ever been, it is all too apparent that those who

want to preach victimology have hijacked the feminist movement. The ‘new feminists’ are telling us we need to be

afraid, that we need to look to the government for more because we can’t succeed on our own, that we are weaker

and need more protections. The message the new feminists are sending is that they don’t want us to be independent,

empowered and self-sufficient.” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

Van Duyne Said, “New Feminists” Didn’t Want Women To Be “Independent, Empowered And


Van Duyne Said, “New Feminists” Didn’t Want Women To Be “Independent, Empowered And Self-

Sufficient.” “Despite the fact that women are more independent now than we’ve ever been, it is all too apparent

that those who want to preach victimology have hijacked the feminist movement. The ‘new feminists’ are telling us

we need to be afraid, that we need to look to the government for more because we can’t succeed on our own, that

we are weaker and need more protections. The message the new feminists are sending is that they don’t want us to

be independent, empowered and self-sufficient.” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

Van Duyne Said “New Feminists” Told Women “We Need To Be Afraid, That We Need To Look To The

Government For More Because We Can’t Succeed On Our Own, That We Are Weaker And Need More

Protections.” “Despite the fact that women are more independent now than we’ve ever been, it is all too

apparent that those who want to preach victimology have hijacked the feminist movement. The ‘new feminists’

are telling us we need to be afraid, that we need to look to the government for more because we can’t succeed

on our own, that we are weaker and need more protections. The message the new feminists are sending is that

they don’t want us to be independent, empowered and self-sufficient.” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

Van Duyne Chided The Women’s Movement To Stop “The Body Shaming And The Angry Empty Protests.”

“Women have never been as powerful, influential and formidable as we are right now. Let’s stop with the name

calling, the body shaming and the angry empty protests. Instead, let’s agree to disagree on certain issues while

working together to advance issues that actually matter to women’s quality of life across this nation.” [OZY, Van

Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

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Van Duyne Said That The Modern Women’s Movement Was Focused Solely On Abortion When

There Were Many Other Issues To Work On

Van Duyne Said That The Modern Women’s Movement Was Focused Solely On Abortion When There

Were Many Other Issues To Work On. “Why are we as a gender not focusing on helping to mentor women to

earn better jobs, more training, and easier access to child care and quality education? These are issues most of us

can support and advocate for. Why is the ‘women’s movement’ so concentrated on the narrow, divisive issue of

abortion, to the exclusion of so many other issues where we can find common ground?” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed,


Van Duyne: “I Have Never Put Out There That I Should Be Elected Or Supported Because I’m A


Van Duyne: “I Have Never Put Out There That I Should Be Elected Or Supported Because I’m A Woman.”

“It can be very disarming to some, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But I have never put out there that I should

be elected or supported because I’m a woman. I look at myself, if I want to be treated as an equal and as every bit

as powerful as a man, I need to put myself out there like that and act like that. I refuse to buy into this victim

mentality.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne On Women’s Equality: “I Look At Myself, If I Want To Be Treated As An Equal And As

Every Bit As Powerful As A Man, I Need To Put Myself Out There Like That And Act Like That. I

Refuse To Buy Into This Victim Mentality.” “It can be very disarming to some, which is not necessarily a

bad thing. But I have never put out there that I should be elected or supported because I’m a woman. I look at

myself, if I want to be treated as an equal and as every bit as powerful as a man, I need to put myself out there

like that and act like that. I refuse to buy into this victim mentality.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country,


Van Duyne Again Bragged That She “Not Once Ever Talked About My Gender As A Reason Why I Should

Be Elected.” “I was the first woman who was elected mayor of the city of Irving. I’m the only woman who’s ever

been elected mayor of the city of Irving, I’ve not once ever talked about my gender as a reason why I should be

elected. I said vote for me because I’m dedicated, I have a vision that you can get behind, I have the best interest

imaginable for our city and it’s something that you can believe and that you’re willing to fight for. I got elected

even though I was outspent 6 to 1 against an incumbent, but I got elected based on the message, based on my ability

to be prepared and to fight for what I think is right for my constituents. women are willing to do that, but

everybody’s willing to do that. When we sit here, and we divide up our population it is the exact opposite of what

we should be doing. We are Americans at the end of the day. we should all be fighting for values, it doesn’t matter

if you’re a woman or a man, if you’re black or you’re white, if you have come here from a different country, if you

are a different religion, we all have things that make us Americans and those are the things that we should

concentrate on and stop trying to divide up the country.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Criticized The Women’s March, And Said It Promoted Fear And Victimization

Van Duyne Criticized The Women’s March Saying That “If Pro-Abortionists Want To Have A March, Fine,

But Don’t Do So In The Name Of An Entire Sex.” “Women are over half the population in America. We come

from different backgrounds, socioeconomic levels, religions, cultures, experiences — you name it. As diverse as we

are, so are our political interests. If pro-abortionists want to have a march, fine, but don’t do so in the name of an

entire sex. You don’t get to speak for all of us.” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]

Van Duyne Said That The Message That The Women’s March Wanted To Promote Was About Fear And

Victimization. “Well I’ll tell you when I was in DC with my daughter when president trump got, his inauguration

and the next day was the women’s march and I wrote about it. I actually on my way to the airport, we went

downstairs and I saw a woman wearing a sign that said ‘I am afraid’ and that was the big message that they wanted

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to promote for the women’s march and I remember having this long conversation with my daughter on the way to

the airport about you know this is not what the women’s movement was ever meant to portray. Women are strong,

we are fierce, we are independent, and we are a force of nature, it is not we are afraid. It is we are fighters. and we

have the ability, we have the intelligence, and the commitment, and the dedication to be able to do these things and

be able to compete on a basic level at any level with anybody.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Criticized The Women’s March With A Meme About Women In The Military. [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 1/29/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 1/29/18]

Sexual Harassment

Van Duyne Pointed Out Sexual Harassment And Chauvinism In The Work Place Were Issues For


Van Duyne Pointed Out Sexual Harassment And Chauvinism In The Work Place Were Issues For Women.

“Why do these disparities exist? Lack of quality child care, elderly care for sick parents and flexibility to manage

competing demands have certainly contributed to a less-than-compatible work environment for women everywhere.

Access to affordable career training, safe yet sustainable housing and a supportive ecosystem could make a

tremendous difference. Women still have to deal with chauvinism and bigotry from both their supervisors and

subordinates — for just the latest high-profile example, check out engineer Susan Fowler’s recounting of her

Kafkaesque experiences with harassment and HR at Uber. And don’t even get me started on the double standards

(i.e., what passes for ‘passion’ in men is seen as ‘overly emotional’ in women).” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed,


Upon Being Asked Her Thoughts On Sexual Harassment In Hollywood And Washington DC, Van

Duyne Said “I Don’t Think There’s Ever Been A Better Time To Be A Female And To Be In A

Position Of Authority Or Power”

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Upon Being Asked Her Thoughts On Sexual Harassment In Hollywood And Washington DC, Van Duyne

Said “I Don’t Think There’s Ever Been A Better Time To Be A Female And To Be In A Position Of

Authority Or Power.” “You know when I first got elected mayor I went to a US conference of mayors event and

we had female mayors and actually a number of us at the table, you know in Irving I was the first woman to ever be

elected mayor in my city and there was a number of us at this table, and you had some who complained about how

bad it was to be a woman and how we were discriminated against, but I’ll tell you there was a number of us who

stood up and said I don’t think there’s ever been a better time to be a female and to be in a position of authority or

power.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

National Anthem Protests

Van Duyne Tweeted An Image Of Black Football Players Kneeling During The Anthem Atop

American Soldiers Writhing In A Pool Of Blood

Van Duyne Tweeted An Image Of Black Football Players Kneeling During The Anthem Atop American

Soldiers Writhing In A Pool Of Blood. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/7/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/7/18]

Brett Kavanaugh

Van Duyne Posted A Tweet Supporting Brett Kavanaugh

Van Duyne Posted A Tweet Supporting Brett Kavanaugh. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/6/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/6/18]

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FEMA & Disaster Relief Issues

Significant Findings

✓ In 2018, Van Duyne said there was “exemplary collaboration” between HUD and FEMA after

Hurricane Harvey, but in 2017 Van Duyne bragged that 90% of rescues in the wake of the hurricane

were done by private individuals

✓ Van Duyne claimed she was “trying to” make the “time periods in between” FEMA aid fund

disbursements “as tight as possible, realizing people need help today”

Hurricane Relief

In 2018, Van Duyne Said There Was “Exemplary Collaboration” Between HUD And FEMA After

Hurricane Harvey, But In 2017 Van Duyne Bragged That 90% Of Rescues In The Wake Of The

Hurricane Were Done By Private Individuals

2018: Van Duyne Said That In The Wake Of Hurricane Harvey There Was “Exemplary Collaboration,

Cooperation, And Communications” Between HUD And FEMA

Van Duyne Said That In The Wake Of Hurricane Harvey There Was “Exemplary Collaboration,

Cooperation, And Communications” Between HUD And FEMA. “There has been exemplary collaboration,

cooperation, and communications between HUD and FEMA, the Governor’s office, the Texas General Land Office

(GLO), and other federal and local partners. HUD is in constant contact with Governor Abbott, GLO Commissioner

George Bush, FEMA Field Coordinating Officer Kevin Hannes, Senior Deputy Director of GLO’s Community and

Revitalization Office Pete Phillips, and Chair of the Governor’s Commission to Rebuild Texas John Sharpe.”

[Congressional Testimony, Beth Van Duyne, Regional Administrator HUD, House Committee on Homeland

Security, 4/9/18]

Van Duyne Said Too Many Agencies Involved In Disaster Recovery Resulted In “Too Many Cooks In

The Kitchen.” “Van Duyne said the number of agencies involved in disaster recovery can lead to a problem of

‘too many cooks in the kitchen’: ‘All of them want to have a say in what happens, and they should. From the

federal perspective, is to try to empower at the most local level possible. You don’t want -- especially in Texas

-- you don’t want D.C. coming in and telling you what your recovery is gonna look like.’” [Texas Tribune,


2017: Van Duyne Bragged That After Hurricane Harvey 90% Of People Who Were Saved In The Days

After The Hurricane Were Saved By Private Individuals

Van Duyne Bragged That After Hurricane Harvey 90% Of People Who Were Saved In The Days After The

Hurricane Were Saved By Private Individuals. “I think that when you look at the response from Texas versus

what happened after Katrina. 90% of those people who were saved in the days after the hurricane were saved by

private individuals, not by the government and we have that mentality in Texas it’s like hey we got this. Very self-

sufficient, very self-reliant and we will recover.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Said Her Focus Was On Hurricane Harvey And Helping Communities Rebuild. “Well you

know, I think the assumption that a lot of people have is that the only thing we do is work on public housing.

The fact is that there’s so much more, we’re trying to help cities with economic development opportunities,

looking at housing as a need for a community and how to help them build their cities around that need but we

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don’t own properties, we don’t own public housing we just kind of act as coordinators to try to help them help

themselves and help those who most need it in their communities. So, my focus the last few months not

surprisingly has been on Hurricane Harvey and helping those cities and those communities to come up with

their plans for recovery and rebuilding.” [Robert Miguel, 104.9 Coyote Country, 12/14/17]

Van Duyne Claimed She Was “Trying To” Make The “Time Periods In Between” FEMA Aid Fund

Disbursements “As Tight As Possible, Realizing People Need Help Today”

Van Duyne: “What We’re Trying To Do Is Make Those Time Periods In Between As Tight As Possible,

Realizing People Need Help Today.” “State officials told lawmakers that immediate FEMA payments are for

homes that are up to 50 percent damaged. Long-term HUD disaster relief funds cover homes damaged beyond that

threshold, they said. Beth Van Duyne, the regional HUD administrator for Texas and four other states, said the

agency is working to fast-track all processes. ‘What we’re trying to do is make those time periods in between as

tight as possible, realizing people need help today,’ she said in an interview with The Texas Tribune last month.”

[Longview News-Journal, 10/3/17]

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Foreign Policy Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne referred to Iranian General Qassim Soleimani as “decisive action against a murderous, state

sponsor of terrorism,” and agreed with the suggestion he was in hell

✓ Van Duyne praised Trump on the death of Al Baghdadi

✓ Van Duyne claimed that America faced “constant threats from hostile nations willing to use cyber-

attacks, nuclear weapons, and terrorist jihad”

✓ Van Duyne suggested that Mexican drug cartels be treated as terrorist organizations

✓ In 2016, Van Duyne met with then-prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

✓ In 2014, Van Duyne travelled to Saudi Arabia as part of a delegation of seven U.S. mayors

✓ While in Saudi Arabia, Van Duyne convinced a Saudi delegation to seek investment

opportunities in Irving

✓ Van Duyne supported calling on the US government to initiate consultations with the governments of

Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to address over $40 billion in subsidies and other benefits

that the gulf nations provide to their state-owned airlines

✓ Van Duyne said China was the greatest threat to the United States

✓ Van Duyne criticized the NBA for kicking out ticketholders who brought pro-Hong Kong signs to games


Van Duyne Referred To The Death Of Iranian General Qassim Soleimani As “Decisive Action

Against A Murderous, State Sponsor Of Terrorism”

Van Duyne Referred To The Death Of Iranian General Qassim Soleimani As “Decisive Action Against A

Murderous, State Sponsor Of Terrorism.” “And this is what DECISIVE ACTION against a murderous, state

sponsor of terrorism looks like...” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Responded With Agreement To The Suggestion That General Qassim Soleimani Was In


Van Duyne Responded With Agreement To The Suggestion That General Qassim Soleimani Was In Hell.

“And this is what DECISIVE ACTION against a murderous, state sponsor of terrorism looks like...” [Beth Van

Duyne Campaign Facebook Page, 1/2/20]

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[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 1/6/20]


Van Duyne Praised Trump On The Death Of Al Baghdadi

Van Duyne On Al Baghdadi Death: “Thanks To President Trump, US Special Forces, And Intelligence

Services, A Strong Message Was Sent To Terrorist Leaders Around The World, You Will Be Hunted And

You Will Be Killed.” “Thanks to President Trump, US Special Forces, and intelligence services, a strong message

was sent to terrorist leaders around the world, you will be hunted and you will be killed.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter,


Van Duyne Claimed That America Faced “Constant Threats From Hostile Nations Willing To Use

Cyber-Attacks, Nuclear Weapons, And Terrorist Jihad”

Van Duyne: “We Face Constant Threats From Hostile Nations Willing To Use Cyber-Attacks, Nuclear

Weapons, And Terrorist Jihad.” “Socialism is on the rise, our border crisis has never been worse, and we face

constant threats from hostile nations willing to use cyber-attacks, nuclear weapons, and terrorist jihad. #txlege”

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/7/19]


Van Duyne Said Mexican Drug Cartels Should Be Treated Like “Terrorist Organizations” For

Poisoning Communities With Drugs And Targeting Children For Sex Trafficking

Van Duyne Immigration: “The Cartels Poison Our Communities With Lethal Drugs, Target Children For

Human Sex Trafficking, And Have Slaughtered Thousands Of People. It’s Time The Cartels Are Treated

Like The Terrorist Organizations That They Are.” “The cartels poison our communities with lethal drugs, target

children for human sex trafficking, and have slaughtered thousands of people. It’s time the cartels are treated like

the terrorist organizations that they are.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/5/19]

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Van Duyne Supported Trump Offering Military Assistance To “Destroy” Mexican Drug Cartels

Van Duyne Immigration: “This Is An Utterly Tragic Story With Shocking Images. Donald Trump Is Right

To Offer Military Assistance To The Mexican President To Destroy The Cartels.” “This is an utterly tragic

story with shocking images. @realDonaldTrump is right to offer military assistance to the Mexican President to

destroy the cartels.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/5/19]


In 2016, Van Duyne Met With Then-Prime Minister Of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

2016: Van Duyne Met With Then-Prime Minister Of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. “Had an opportunity to meet

with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today. I shared with him the bill that was introduced in Texas

yesterday about blocking discriminatory trade practices against Israel. Also shared with him Governor Abbott’s

message, ‘Don’t Mess With Israel. Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies.’” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign

Facebook, 11/17/16]

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 11/17/16]

Van Duyne Visited Israel As Part Of The International Mayor’s Conference

Van Duyne Visited Israel As Part Of The International Mayor’s Conference. “Seats at the national

and global tables have been a focus for Van Duyne, who this past December visited Israel as part of the

International Mayor’s Conference. Attracting leaders from across the world, the conference drew

inspiration from Israel’s efforts in innovative technology, homeland security, ways cities can encourage

entrepreneurship, and methods for creating platforms where citizens can discuss local initiatives such as

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transportation. Representing Irving at national and global conferences, Van Duyne said, has granted

Irving access to a network of leadership.” [Irving Rambler, 2/11/17]

Saudi Arabia

In 2014, Van Duyne Travelled To Saudi Arabia As Part Of A Delegation Of 7 US Mayors

2014: Van Duyne Travelled To Saudi Arabia As Part Of A Delegation Of 7 US Mayors. “A delegation of

seven U.S. mayors, including Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne, recently took a trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

during which they toured the Kingdom’s economic centers, including the Capitol City of Riyadh, and Dammam,

the capitol of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, the most oil-rich place on the planet. This sixth U.S. mayoral

delegation, which traveled from Dec. 6 through 13 and was paid for by Saudi Arabia, compared the roles of

municipalities in the United States and Saudi Arabia. A strong emphasis was placed on building trade relations and

exploring innovative solutions to similar difficulties facing both Americans and Saudis.” [Irving Rambler, 1/11/14]

Van Duyne Was Inspired By The Saudi Arabian City Of Jeddah’s Master Plan To Create A Master

Plan For Irving

Van Duyne Called The City Of Jeddah’s Master Plan “Eye Opening.” “Besides immense oil wealth, the Saudis

have been able to develop massive industrial cities over the past decades, virtually from the ground up, because of

comprehensive civic master plans. Van Duyne was duly impressed by the city of Jeddah’s master plan - which she

called, ‘Eye opening’ - that presented an organized analysis of trends, goals, infrastructure, trade and economy.

This helps ensure that all concerned entities work in tandem towards a unified, thought out goal.” [Irving Rambler,


Van Duyne Returned From Saudi Arabia With A Plan To Create A Master Plan For Irving. “Although

Jeddah’s strategy differs greatly from Irving’s -placing a premium on short-term goals as opposed to the big picture

-their ends are very similar, and Van Duyne returned to Irving with a redoubled desire that the City Council should

commission a master plan of its own.” [Irving Rambler, 1/11/14]

While In Saudi Arabia Van Duyne Convinced A Saudi Delegation To Seek Investment

Opportunities In Irving

While In Saudi Arabia Van Duyne Convinced A Saudi Delegation To Seek Investment Opportunities In

Irving. “This, she believes, will eliminate friction that arises when agencies, sometimes without even realizing it,

work at odds when developing an area. As the Mayor envisions development now, Irving partners with any

developer who wants to put money into the city, regardless of the project’s long-term balance. This can be seen in

the Heritage District where a lack of a clear purpose and end product for the area has stalled development as

businesses remain reluctant to move in without the requisite number of homes, and residential builders appear slow

to act. Despite drastic differences in method, the Saudis are anxious to trade, and Van Duyne has explored the

possibility of attracting investors to Irving. She discovered, however, that because of decreasing oil reserves, Saudi

companies are looking to diversify and are just as interested in bringing American money into their country as they

are investing in Texas. She must have made a good impression, though, because besides opening a dialog between

Irving and Jeddah, a Saudi delegation recently announced a January stop in Irving to discuss overseas business

opportunities with American suppliers. Front and center in the minds of Saudis is the country’s need to diversify its

industry outside of oil. They are currently looking to expand into telecom and manufacturing, as well as exploring

the possibility of bolstering their energy sector by increasing their production of natural gas. In this area, Saudi

Arabia resembles Texas to some extent. While Texas relies heavily on the energy sector - companies including

Fluor, Flowserve and ExxonMobil have a strong presence even in Irving despite the City’s distance from actual

drilling - Texans realized they needed to branch out and zealously applied themselves to aviation. Now, not only is

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Texas’s aviation industry the third largest in the country, but DFW International Airport is the fourth largest airport

in the world.” [Irving Rambler, 1/11/14]


Van Duyne Supported Calling On The U.S. Government To Initiate Consultations With The

Governments Of Qatar And The United Arab Emirates (UAE) To Address Over $40 Billion In

Subsidies And Other Benefits That The Gulf Nations Provide To Their State-Owned Airlines

Van Duyne Supported Calling On The U.S. Government To Initiate Consultations With The Governments

Of Qatar And The United Arab Emirates (UAE) To Address Over $40 Billion In Subsidies And Other

Benefits That The Gulf Nations Provide To Their State-Owned Airlines. “The following information was

released by the Air Line Pilots Association International: The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) passed

Resolution No. 55 calling on the U.S. Government to initiate consultations with the governments of Qatar and the

United Arab Emirates (UAE) to address over $40 billion in subsidies and other benefits that the Gulf nations

provide to their state-owned airlines. The subsidies, which are a violation of long-held Open Skies policies between

the United States and both Gulf nations, are detailed in a study released by the Partnership for Open and Fair Skies

earlier this year. […] As Mayor, I recognize the important role that American Airlines and the other U.S. legacy

carriers have made to the City of Irving and North Texas, stated Mayor Beth Van Duyne of Irving, TX. American

Airlines, along with its allies Delta Air Lines and United Airlines, has requested that the United States enter into

consultations with the Gulf States, as allowed under the Open Skies agreements, to review and ensure a competitive

balance is maintained among international airlines.” [Airline Pilots Association International Press Release,



Van Duyne Named China As The Greatest Threat To The U.S.

Van Duyne: “The Greatest Threat To The U.S. Was Posed By China.” “There are two major threats to the

United States. Number one is falling behind in advanced technology - whether that is weapons systems, artificial

intelligence, Cyber warfare, or in new tactics to wage an asynchronous war against the United States. As such, the

greatest threat to the US is posed by China who has expanded their Navy, illegally claimed more territory and

jurisdiction over international waters, and continues to openly oppose freedom of speech, free and fair elections, all

while operating slave labor camps where people routinely die from exposure.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter

Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne: “China Has Expanded Their Navy, Illegally Claimed More Territory And Jurisdiction

Over International Waters, And Continues To Openly Oppose Freedom Of Speech, Free And Fair

Elections, All While Operating Slave Labor Camps Where People Routinely Die From Exposure.”

“There are two major threats to the United States. Number one is falling behind in advanced technology -

whether that is weapons systems, artificial intelligence, Cyber warfare, or in new tactics to wage an

asynchronous war against the United States. As such, the greatest threat to the US is posed by China who has

expanded their Navy, illegally claimed more territory and jurisdiction over international waters, and continues

to openly oppose freedom of speech, free and fair elections, all while operating slave labor camps where

people routinely die from exposure.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Criticized The NBA For Kicking Out Ticketholders Who Brought Pro-Hong Kong

Signs To Games

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Van Duyne Criticized The NBA For Kicking Out Ticketholders Who Brought Pro-Hong Kong Signs To

Games. “Help the @NBA and @ESPN understand there are more important values in our world than blood money

from Chinese communists.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/11/19]

Van Duyne: “NBA And ESPN, Your China Problem Isn’t Going Away. It’s Time You Show Your American

Fan Base You Value The Freedoms And Liberty That Empowered Your League And Network To Exist

More Than You Value $$$ From A Regime That Suppresses, Harms, And Kills Its Own People.” “@NBA

and @ESPN, your China problem isn’t going away. It’s time you show your American fan base you value the

freedoms and liberty that empowered your league and network to exist more than you value $$$ from a regime that

suppresses, harms, and kills its own people.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/10/19]

Van Duyne Attended An Event To Celebrate The Lunar New Year Put On By The Organization Of

Chinese Americans DFW Chapter

Van Duyne Attended An Event To Celebrate The Lunar New Year Put On By The Organization Of Chinese

Americans DFW Chapter. “The Organization of Chinese Americans DFW Chapter celebrated the Lunar New

Year with a banquet Saturday at Maxim’s in Richardson. Among the guests were several elected officials, including

U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions, state Rep. Matt Rinaldi, Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne and Frisco Mayor Maher Maso.”

[Dallas Morning News, 3/5/15]

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Gun Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne advocated for the use of AR-15s

✓ Van Duyne claimed Democratic presidential candidates were running on “gun confiscation”

✓ Van Duyne voiced concern about Supreme Court justices who would “champion liberal policies such as

gun control”

✓ Van Duyne argued we need more people with guns to prevent mass shootings

✓ Van Duyne advocating for “heavily” arming and training school staff

✓ Van Duyne had a concealed carry permit, and said she got the permit and training after receiving death


✓ Van Duyne posted on social media celebrating that she was able to buy a gun and alcohol at the same


✓ Van Duyne celebrated her birthday with a new handgun

2nd Amendment

Van Duyne Advocated For The Use Of AR-15s

Van Duyne Advocated For The Use Of AR-15s. “During a home invasion, with her husband beaten, and

attackers grabbing her 11 year old daughter, an AR-15 helped this pregnant mother “even the playing field” and

save the lives of her family.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/6/19]

Van Duyne Posted A Meme That Said “You Don’t Need An AR-15 To Kill A Deer! True. But The Founders

Didn’t Write The Second Amendment In Case Of A Deer Uprising.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/7/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 3/7/18]

Van Duyne Claimed Democratic Presidential Candidates Were Running On “Gun Confiscation”

Van Duyne Claimed Democratic Presidential Candidates Were Running On “Gun Confiscation.” “Tomorrow

is Halloween and this year extremists running for the Democratic nomination have nothing but socialist tricks to

enforce on the American people. Of all these destructive ideas, which do you think is the scariest?” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 10/30/19]

Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal

Policies Such As Gun Control”

Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal Policies Such

As Gun Control, Abortion, Amnesty And Unchecked Labor Unions.” “During the past debate, Clinton was

very clear that she would nominate progressive justices who champion liberal policies such as gun control,

abortion, amnesty and unchecked labor unions. In other words, she’s advocating the Supreme Court become a

lawmaking body, marginalizing Congress and making three judges nominated by her and two nominated by

President Obama, none of whom were elected by the people, responsible for dictating public policy. Supreme Court

justices have lifelong appointments specifically to remove them from making decisions based on politics. Trump’s

prospective Supreme Court nominations include strict constructionists who will uphold the Constitution and not

legislate from the bench.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Mass Shootings

Van Duyne Argued We Need More People With Guns To Prevent Mass Shootings

Van Duyne Argued We Need More People With Guns To Prevent Mass Shootings. “We need more people like

Jack Wilson (the hero who put an immediate end to the White Settlement Church shooting) who are trained, armed,

and ready to act to protect our neighbors, families, and children.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed


Van Duyne Said “There Is No Real Secret To Preventing More Gun Crimes” Except To Prosecute

Violent Criminals To The Full Extent Of The Law

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Van Duyne: “There Is No Real Secret To Preventing More Gun Crimes.” “There is no real secret to preventing

more gun crimes: violent criminals need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law to put them in jail and prevent

them from making a legal purchase; DAs need to get serious about putting violent offenders away; and all

convictions of violent offense must be submitted to the NICS database to ensure these offenders cannot purchase

firearms in the future.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne: Our Response To Mass Killings Involving Firearms Should Be To Decrease The Number Of

Murders Committed By Focusing On Criminals Who Commit Those Crimes Rather Than Law-Abiding

Citizens. Q: “What action, if any, should Congress take in response to mass killings involving firearms?” A:

“Everyone I have ever spoken with about gun-related crimes and especially events with mass casualties are

horrified by those events, disgusted with the evil nature of the people who committed those crimes, and desirous of

solutions to stop more violence from occurring. Our goal should be to decrease the number of murders committed

by firearms by concentrating on criminals who commit those crimes rather than law-abiding citizens. We need

more people like Jack Wilson (the hero who put an immediate end to the White Settlement Church shooting) who

are trained, armed, and ready to act to protect our neighbors, families, and children.” [Dallas Morning News –

Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Suggested Cities Fund Additional Officers To Patrol “High Crime Areas To Stop The

Majority Of Killings In The United States”

Van Duyne Suggested Cities Fund Additional Officers To Patrol “High Crime Areas To Stop The Majority

Of Killings In The United States.” “There is no real secret to preventing more gun crimes: violent criminals need

to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law to put them in jail and prevent them from making a legal purchase;

DAs need to get serious about putting violent offenders away; and all convictions of violent offense must be

submitted to the NICS database to ensure these offenders cannot purchase firearms in the future. Additionally,

cities, counties, and states may need to fund additional officers to patrol high crime areas to stop the majority of

killings in the United States. I would also support new measures that require felony and violent offenses by minors

(aged 15-17) to be reported to NICS so those individuals would not be able to legally buy a firearm in the future.”

[Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne: The Vast Majority Of Gun Crimes Are Committed In Very Few Counties, And Within

Those Counties Gun Crimes “Are More Prevalent In Certain Areas.” “The facts are: violent crime overall

is down, the vast majority of gun crimes are committed in a very few counties in the United States, and within

those counties gun crimes are more prevalent in certain areas. It is no coincidence that Governor Abbott

recently ordered a surge of DPS officers into certain areas of Dallas County and the Mayor of Dallas has

created his first task force to deal with gun violence predominating in specific areas.” [Dallas Morning News –

Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Advocated For Arming School Staff

Van Duyne Advocated For Arming School Staff. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/17/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 2/17/18]

Concealed Carry

Van Duyne Had A Concealed Carry Permit

Van Duyne Had A Concealed Carry Permit. “Well, I tell you, all those things were absolutely horrific. Um,

those are never things you want to see. Those are never things that you want to have your kids turn on the tv and

see. Um, I’ve got a boy and I’ve got a girl and those were terrifying and heartbreaking images. Um, has it changed

my thoughts? Um, within the last three years, I went out and got a concealed handgun license. Um, and I carry.”

[OZY, Take on America with OZY, Van Duyne Speaking Event, 10/25/18]

Van Duyne Said Receiving Death Threats Caused Her To Get A Conceal Carry Permit. “It makes me feel

safe. Um, I had death threats when I was an elected official and I wanted to do everything I could to protect me, and

to protect my children. I went out, and I practiced, um… And quite honestly, my son now hunts, and we go out

hunting and it has been a great bonding experience between mother and son.” [OZY, Take on America with OZY,

Van Duyne Speaking Event, 10/25/18]

Gun Purchases

Van Duyne Celebrated Buying A Ruger .22 Caliber Rifle And A 12 Pack Of Modelo At The Same


Van Duyne Celebrated Buying A Ruger .22 Caliber Rifle And A 12 Pack Of Modelo At The Same Store.

“Gotta love a store where you can buy a Ruger and a 12 pack! Backstory - I’ve got skunks under my house and

nothing has worked to get rid of them. At some point, you’ll try anything.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/7/19]

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[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/7/19]

Van Duyne Posted A Photo Of Herself Shooting Targets After An NRA Convention. “After the

#NRAAM2018 this past weekend in Dallas, I was able to enjoy my Second Amendment rights in the beautiful

weather and open sky of West Texas. #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessTexas” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/7/18]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 5/7/18]

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Van Duyne Celebrated Her Birthday With A New Handgun

Van Duyne Celebrated Her Birthday With A New Handgun. “Happy Birthday to me! Thank you, everyone, for

the heartfelt birthday wishes.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/16/19]

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Health Care Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne expressed opposition to the Affordable Care Act, saying the bill was enacted based on lies,

funded via misappropriations, and damaging the health care of Americans.

✓ Van Duyne supported association health care plans – which have provided coverage with a long history

of fraud, abuse and discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions

✓ Van Duyne celebrated Trump’s executive orders to scale back the Affordable Care Act

✓ Van Duyne saved Irving $1.5 million annually by cutting health care for city workers

✓ Van Duyne complained of having to pay for OBGYN care in her health insurance policy because she

didn’t “plan on having any more kids”

✓ Van Duyne advocated for health savings accounts

✓ Van Duyne advocated for buying health care policies across state lines

✓ Van Duyne voted against banning smoking in public places in Irving

✓ Van Duyne claimed Democratic health care proposals would “obliterate the preferred health care for

hundreds of millions of Americans in order to force us under government control”

Affordable Care Act

Van Duyne Expressed Opposition Toward The Affordable Care Act, Saying The Bill Was Enacted

Based On Lies, Funded Via Misappropriations, And Damaging The Health Care Of Americans

Van Duyne Expressed Opposition Toward The Affordable Care Act, Saying The Bill “Was Enacted Based

On Lies, Kept Afloat Through Misappropriation Of Funds, And Has Done Profound Damage To The Health

Care Of Americans.” Q: “A U.S. appeals court recently ruled the “individual mandate” of the Affordable Care Act

is unconstitutional, but said other aspects of the law require further review. What changes, if any, would you make

to this law?” A: “The ‘Affordable Care Act,’ more commonly known as Obamacare, was enacted based on lies,

kept afloat through misappropriation of funds, and has done profound damage to the healthcare of Americans. We

need to get rid of the regulations that are strangling doctor/patient relationships. Regulations are also preventing

lower cost health care options with more comprehensive coverage from being offered to the American people. It is

well passed time Congress allowed for Associated Health Care plans where individuals and small businesses can

band together in order to have the same purchasing power as corporations and labor unions to select plans that best

fit their individual needs. Additionally, we need to expand the use of health savings accounts, allow people to

purchase insurance across state lines, and make healthcare plans portable so they follow the individual. The

American people deserve more options, more freedom, and more choice in how they use their precious dollars to

pay for their healthcare needs.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

After Criticizing The Affordable Care Act, Van Duyne Said “We Need To Get Rid Of The Regulations That

Are Strangling Doctor/Patient Relationships.” “The ‘Affordable Care Act,’ more commonly known as

Obamacare, was enacted based on lies, kept afloat through misappropriation of funds, and has done profound

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damage to the healthcare of Americans. We need to get rid of the regulations that are strangling doctor/patient

relationships. Regulations are also preventing lower cost health care options with more comprehensive coverage

from being offered to the American people.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Argued That These Regulations Were “Preventing Lower Cost Health Care Options With

More Comprehensive Coverage From Being Offered To The American People.” “The ‘Affordable Care

Act,’ more commonly known as Obamacare, was enacted based on lies, kept afloat through misappropriation

of funds, and has done profound damage to the healthcare of Americans. We need to get rid of the regulations

that are strangling doctor/patient relationships. Regulations are also preventing lower cost health care options

with more comprehensive coverage from being offered to the American people.” [Dallas Morning News –

Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Supported Association Health Care Plans – Which Have Provided Coverage With A

Long History Of Fraud, Abuse And Discrimination Against Those With Pre-Existing Conditions

Van Duyne Said It Was “Well Passed Time Congress Allowed For” Association Health Plans

Van Duyne: “It Is Well Passed Time Congress Allowed For Associated Health Care Plans.” “It is well passed

time Congress allowed for Associated Health Care plans where individuals and small businesses can band together

in order to have the same purchasing power as corporations and labor unions to select plans that best fit their

individual needs.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

DOL: Associated Health Plans Worked By “Allowing Small Businesses, Including Self-Employed

Workers, To band Together By Geography Or Industry To Obtain Healthcare Coverage As If They

Were A Single Large Employer.” “Association Health Plans work by allowing small businesses, including

self-employed workers, to band together by geography or industry to obtain healthcare coverage as if they

were a single large employer.” [U.S. Department of Labor – About Association Health Plans, accessed


DOL: Associated Health Plans Will “Be Able To Strengthen Negotiating Power With Providers From

Largers Risk Pools And Greater Economies Of Scale.” “Association Health Plans will also be able to

strengthen negotiating power with providers from larger risk pools and greater economies of scale.” [U.S.

Department of Labor – About Association Health Plans, accessed 5/13/20]

AHPs Have A Long History Of Fraud And Abuse That Have Allowed Discrimination Against Those With

Pre-Existing Conditions…

Protect Our Care: AHPs Have A “Long, Well-Documented History Of Fraud And Abuse.” “The fact of the

matter is simple: association health plans (AHPs) are not required to cover the essential health benefits put in place

by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health status, and gender.

This means that while AHPs are required to cover people with pre-existing conditions, they can refuse to cover any

treatment associated with a pre-existing condition. Because these plans lack consumer protections, plans that do

cover essential health benefits could scale back coverage at some point, and consumers wouldn’t know until it was

too late. Fundamentally, association health plans open the door to coverage that is not comprehensive and have a

long, well-documented history of fraud and abuse.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

Association Health Plans (AHPs) Were Not Required To Cover The Essential Health Benefits Put In

Place By The ACA And Allowed Discrimination Based On Age, Health Status And Gender. “The fact of

the matter is simple: association health plans (AHPs) are not required to cover the essential health benefits put

in place by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health status,

and gender.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

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While AHPs Were Required To Cover Pre-Existing Conditions, They Could Refuse To Cover

Treatment Associated With A Pre-Existing Condition. “This means that while AHPs are required to cover

people with pre-existing conditions, they can refuse to cover any treatment associated with a pre-existing

condition.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

AHPs Lack Consumer Protections, Allowing Them To Scale Back Coverage Without Consumers

Knowing. “Because these plans lack consumer protections, plans that do cover essential health benefits could

scale back coverage at some point, and consumers wouldn’t know until it was too late.” [Protect Our Care,


New York Times: History Shows The Risks Of An Expansion Of AHPs – If The Plan Becomes Insolvent, The

Impact On Consumers “Can Be Devastating.” “But history shows the risks of an expansion of association health

plans. If a plan becomes insolvent, the impact on consumers can be devastating.” [New York Times, 10/21/17]

…And Have Left Employers And Employees With “Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Unpaid Medical


New York Times: Association Health Plans “Have A Long History Of Fraud And Abuse That Have Left

Employers And Employees With Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Unpaid Medical Bills.” “But these

health plans, created for small businesses, have a darker side: They have a long history of fraud and abuse that have

left employers and employees with hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid medical bills. The problems are

described in dozens of court cases and enforcement actions taken over more than a decade by federal and state

officials who regulate the type of plans Mr. Trump is encouraging, known as association health plans.” [New York

Times, 10/21/17]

The Labor Department Said It Targeted “Unscrupulous Promoters Who Sell The Promise Of Inexpensive

Health Benefit Insurance, But Default On Their Obligations” In Dozens Of Court Cases Over The Past

Decade. “The problems are described in dozens of court cases and enforcement actions taken over more than a

decade by federal and state officials who regulate the type of plans Mr. Trump is encouraging, known as

association health plans.In many cases, the Labor Department said, it has targeted ‘unscrupulous promoters who

sell the promise of inexpensive health benefit insurance, but default on their obligations.’ In several cases, it has

found that people managing these health plans diverted premiums to their personal use.” [New York Times,


A Longtime Labor Department Lawyer Said The Trump Administration’s Executive Order To

Reintroduce AHPs Was “Summoning Back Demons From The Deep,” Citing Fraudulent AHPs That

“Have Left Hundreds Of Thousands Of People With Unpaid Claims.” “Marc I. Machiz, who investigated

insurance fraud as a Labor Department lawyer for more than 20 years, said the executive order was

‘summoning back demons from the deep.’ ‘Fraudulent association health plans have left hundreds of

thousands of people with unpaid claims,’ he said. ‘They operate in a regulatory never-never land between the

Department of Labor and state insurance regulators.’” [New York Times, 10/21/17]

AHPs Were Subject To Fewer Regulations, Making It Easier For Health Insurance Plans To Circumvent

Many ACA Requirements, Including “Essential Health Benefits”…

New York Times: A Trump Administration Rule Creating AHPs “Made It Easier For Small Businesses To

Join Forces And Set Up Health Insurance Plans That Circumvent Many Requirements Of The Affordable

Care Act.” “A sweeping new rule issued Tuesday by the Trump administration will make it easier for small

businesses to join forces and set up health insurance plans that circumvent many requirements of the Affordable

Care Act, cutting costs but also reducing benefits. President Trump, speaking at a 75th-anniversary celebration of

the National Federation of Independent Business, said the new rule would allow small businesses to ‘escape some

of Obamacare’s most burdensome mandates’ by creating new entities known as association health plans.” [New

York Times, 6/19/18]

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HEADLINE: New Trump Rule Rolls Back Protections of the Affordable Care Act. [New York Times,


AHPs Were Exempt From Many Consumer-Protection Mandates In The ACA And May Not Have To

Provide Certain “Essential Health Benefits” – Including Mental Health Care, Emergency Services,

Maternity And Newborn Care, And Prescription Drugs. “The new health plans would be exempt from many

consumer-protection mandates in the Affordable Care Act. They may not have to provide certain “essential health

benefits” like mental health care, emergency services, maternity and newborn care, and prescription drugs.” [New

York Times, 6/19/18]

The Affordable Care Act Required Health Insurance Plans To Cover A Set Of 10 “Essential Health

Benefits” Categories. “A set of 10 categories of services health insurance plans must cover under the Affordable

Care Act. These include doctors’ services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drug coverage,

pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services, and more. Some plans cover more services. Plans must offer

dental coverage for children. Dental benefits for adults are optional. Specific services may vary based on your

state’s requirements. You’ll see exactly what each plan offers when you compare plans.” [ –

Essential Health Benefits, accessed 5/13/20]

…And Were Allowed To Charge People More Based On Their Age, Health Status And Gender

Protect Our Care: Association Health Plans (AHPs) Were Not Required To Cover The Essential Health

Benefits Put In Place By The ACA And Allowed Discrimination Based On Age, Health Status And Gender.

“The fact of the matter is simple: association health plans (AHPs) are not required to cover the essential health

benefits put in place by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health

status, and gender.” [Protect Our Care, 1/30/19]

New York Times: AHPs “Might Appeal To Restaurant Workers, Real Estate Agents, Dry Cleaners, Florists,

Plumbers And Painters”

New York Times: According To Trump Officials, AHPs Might “Appeal To Restaurant Workers Real Estate

Agents, Dry Cleaners, Florists, Plumbers And Painters.” “The new health plans might, for example, appeal to

restaurant workers, real estate agents, dry cleaners, florists, plumbers and painters, officials said.” [New York

Times, 6/19/18]

Business Insider: Restaurants & Bars And Laundry & Personal Services (Including Dry Cleaning) Were

Among The Top 10 Industries Hit Hardest By COVID-19. “Some industries have been more severely impacted

than others, with jobs in the restaurant and retail industries wiped out around the country. But a Business Insider

analysis of recent unemployment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that some industries that haven't

received widespread attention — like dentist offices and movie production — have been hit hard by the shutdowns.

Business Insider compiled a list of the 10 industries worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic, ordered by percent

change to reflect the portion of jobs lost in each industry. […] 7. Restaurants and bars […] 4. Laundry and other

personal services: Personal and laundry services, a Bureau of Labor Statistics category that includes laundry and

dry cleaning; pet care; parking; dating services; and "death care," were severely impacted by the coronavirus

shutdowns. “ [Business Insider, 5/12/20]

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Executive Orders To Scale Back The Affordable Care Act

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Executive Orders On Health Care And Immigration Within His First

Weeks In Office. “Whether you agree with him or not, it’s undeniable that our new president is rapidly instituting

reforms and changing the way the federal government operates. By the end of his first two weeks in the Oval

Office, President Trump had signed executive orders addressing health-care reform, immigration and practically

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everything in between. Mainstream media used words like chaotic, confusion and unconstitutional to describe some

of these actions. President Trump’s response was more or less what we saw during his campaign — ‘I meant what I

said, get used to it.’ (Have we become so accustomed to politicians not fulfilling their campaign promises that when

one actually does, we are left dazed and confused?)” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Trump Signed An Executive Order In His First Weeks In Office To Scaled Back “As Many Aspects Of

The Affordable Care Act As Possible.” “In his first executive order, President Trump on Friday directed

government agencies to scale back as many aspects of the Affordable Care Act as possible, moving within

hours of being sworn in to fulfill his pledge to eviscerate Barack Obama’s signature health care law. The one-

page order, which Mr. Trump signed in a hastily arranged Oval Office ceremony shortly before departing for

the inaugural balls, gave no specifics about which aspects of the law it was targeting. But its broad language

gave federal agencies wide latitude to change, delay or waive provisions of the law that they deemed overly

costly for insurers, drug makers, doctors, patients or states, suggesting that it could have wide-ranging impact,

and essentially allowing the dismantling of the law to begin even before Congress moves to repeal it.” [The

New York Times, 1/20/17]

Trump’s Executive Order Said That “Pending” Repeal Of The ACA The Executive Branch Needed To

“Take All Actions Consistent With Law To Minimize The Unwarranted Economic And Regulatory

Burdens Of The Act.” “‘In the meantime,’ the order said, ‘pending such repeal, it is imperative for the

executive branch to ensure that the law is being efficiently implemented, take all actions consistent with law to

minimize the unwarranted economic and regulatory burdens of the act, and prepare to afford the states more

flexibility and control to create a more free and open health care market.’ The order has symbolic as well as

substantive significance, allowing Mr. Trump to claim he acted immediately to do away with a health care law

he has repeatedly called disastrous, even while it remains in place and he navigates the politically perilous

process of repealing and replacing it.” [The New York Times, 1/20/17]

City Of Irving Health Care Policy

Van Duyne Saved Irving $1.5 Million Annually By Cutting Health Care For City Workers

Van Duyne Saved Irving $1.5 Million Annually By Cutting Health Care For City Workers. “So, what we

decided to do instead was attack our fixed costs, which include health care. And we did something miraculous. We

actually involved our personnel. We actually -- we incentivized them by staying in shape, by staying fit. They can

take a test, and if they pass it, depending on where they are on the level, they can get up to $250 a month to go

toward their health care costs. FRANCIS: That’s great. Van Duyne: And what we found, that saved us on $1.5

million annually.” [Fox Business Network, Money Money, 12/18/12]

Van Duyne Cut Health Care To Save The City Money. “FRANCIS: You were able to cut down on staff and

people actually liked it better. You attacked your fixed costs in health care and your energy cost. That’s a

problem a lot of communities have. How did you do that? Van Duyne: Right. Well, what we did was we

realized our revenues were decreasing. Our property taxes were going down in areas and our sales taxes was

decreasing. So, what we did was we can’t increase revenues, unless, you increase taxes and that is not very

popular. So, what we decided to do instead was attack our fixed costs, which include health care. And we did

something miraculous. We actually involved our personnel. We actually -- we incentivized them by staying in

shape, by staying fit. They can take a test, and if they pass it, depending on where they are on the level, they

can get up to $250 a month to go toward their health care costs.” [Fox Business Network, Money Money,


Van Duyne On Cutting Health Care In Irving: “They Can Take A Test, And If They Pass It, Depending On

Where They Are On The Level, They Can Get Up To $250 A Month To Go Toward Their Health Care

Costs.” “FRANCIS: You were able to cut down on staff and people actually liked it better. You attacked your fixed

costs in health care and your energy cost. That’s a problem a lot of communities have. How did you do that? Van

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Duyne: Right. Well, what we did was we realized our revenues were decreasing. Our property taxes were going

down in areas and our sales taxes was decreasing. So, what we did was we can’t increase revenues, unless, you

increase taxes and that is not very popular. So, what we decided to do instead was attack our fixed costs, which

include health care. And we did something miraculous. We actually involved our personnel. We actually -- we

incentivized them by staying in shape, by staying fit. They can take a test, and if they pass it, depending on where

they are on the level, they can get up to $250 a month to go toward their health care costs.” [Fox Business Network,

Money Money, 12/18/12]

Van Duyne Was One Of Only Two City Council Members Who Voted Against A $1.50 Ambulances

Services Fee On Water Bills

Van Duyne Was One Of Only Two City Council Members Who Voted Against A $1.50 Ambulances Services

Fee On Water Bills. “Van Duyne is often on the losing end of council votes but she has a vocal following among

Irving residents. Her recent votes against a $1.50 ambulances services fee on water bills and criticism of the

proposed 2009-10 budget spurred commenters on The Dallas Morning News’ Irving blog to post statements like

‘Van Duyne for mayor.’” [Dallas Morning News, 9/11/09]

Health Insurance

Van Duyne Complained Of Having To Pay For OBGYN Care In Her Health Care Policy Because

She Did Not “Plan On Having Any More Kids”

Van Duyne Complained Of Having To Pay For OBGYN Care In Her Health Care Policy Because She Didn’t

“Plan On Having Any More Kids.” “Increasing the number of products, competitive products that are out there

by the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for prostate care. I probably will never need prostate,

you know, I’m paying for OBGYN care, I don’t plan on having any more kids. But can I buy what I need instead of

having everything forced on me.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Complained About Paying For Prostate Care In Her Health Care Policy. “Increasing the number

of products, competitive products that are out there by the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for

prostate care. I probably will never need prostate, you know, I’m paying for OBGYN care, I don’t plan on having

any more kids. But can I buy what I need instead of having everything forced on me.” [Debbie Georgatos, America

Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Supported Expanding The Use Of Health Savings Accounts – Which Have Been

Criticized For Disproportionately Benefiting Affluent, Healthy Individuals

Van Duyne Advocated For Health Savings Accounts. “And I think on health care, when I decided to run for

congress, I had to quit my job. I had to quit my job to run because I was working at HUD and I had to quit my job

which meant that I lost my health care coverage. So, I’m now paying $1,200 a month with $6,000 dollar you know

deductibles, it’s the biggest bill I have for a product I never use, and most people I don’t know how they can sustain

that, you know that cost, but on health care alone what are the solutions? Maybe expanding our ability to be able to

use our health savings accounts. Maybe being able to buy across states. You know across state lines for products.

Increasing the number of products, competitive products that are out there by the private sector that are offered.

Right now, I’m paying for prostate care.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne: “We Need To Expand The Use Of Health Savings Accounts, Allow People To Purchase

Insurance Across State Lines, And Make Healthcare Plans Portable.” “Additionally, we need to expand the use

of health savings accounts, allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, and make healthcare plans

portable so they follow the individual. The American people deserve more options, more freedom, and more choice

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in how they use their precious dollars to pay for their healthcare needs.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide,

accessed 5/13/20]

Health Affairs: Critics Of HSAs Argued That Older, Higher-Income Households Receive The Greatest

Benefit From The Tax Advantages Of HSAs And The Accounts Would Disproportionately Attract Healthy

Individuals Using Them For Nonmedical Savings. “Critics of HSAs argue that older, higher-income households

derive the greatest benefit from the income tax advantages and that HSAs might attract disproportionately many

healthy individuals, who might use these accounts to save primarily for nonmedical expenses.” [Health Affairs,

September 2015]

National Consumers League: HSAs Tend To Benefit The Wealthy, Because Lower Income

Individuals/Families Often Have Minimal Disposable Income To Set Aside. “The fact of the matter is that

HSAs have not been and will not be a feasible means to achieving health care for all. HSAs tend to benefit the

wealthy, as those with lower incomes often have minimal, if any, disposable income to set aside in a savings

account. In fact, a 2015 study found that people from high-income households were not only significantly

more likely to have an HSA, but more likely to max out their contributions than people from low-income

households. Considering that nearly half of Americans can’t come up with $400 to cover an emergency

expense, we can hardly expect most Americans to have the ability to come up with cash to meet a high

deductible.” [National Consumers League, April 2017]

2005-2012: High-Income And Older Tax Filers Both Established HSAs and Fully Funded Them At

Least Four Times More Often Than Low-Income And Younger Filers. “Between 2005 and 2012, the share

of employers whose employees had health savings accounts (HSAs) and the share of employees working at

these employers grew more than tenfold. High-income and older tax filers both established HSAs and fully

funded their HSAs at least four times as often as did low-income and younger filers.” [Health Affairs,

September 2015]

Van Duyne Advocated For Buying Health Care Policies Across State Lines

Van Duyne Advocated For Buying Health Care Policies Across State Lines. “And I think on health care, when

I decided to run for congress, I had to quit my job. I had to quit my job to run because I was working at HUD and I

had to quit my job which meant that I lost my health care coverage. So, I’m now paying $1,200 a month with

$6,000 dollar you know deductibles, it’s the biggest bill I have for a product I never use, and most people I don’t

know how they can sustain that, you know that cost, but on health care alone what are the solutions? Maybe

expanding our ability to be able to use our health savings accounts. Maybe being able to buy across states. You

know across state lines for products. Increasing the number of products, competitive products that are out there by

the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for prostate care.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We

Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Opposed “Government Run” Health Care Policy

Van Duyne: “I Have Never Seen Areas That Are Already The Private Sector That The Government Can

Compete.” “Well I think what you see is a completely socialist agenda where things like health care aren’t even a

consideration, we’re not talking about it. They’re idea for health care or their solution for that is have a government

run policy. Well you know you don’t have to go too far to realize that that’s a failure. I have never seen areas that

are already the private sector that the government can compete.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?,


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Van Duyne Said That Since She Quit HUD, She Pays “Paying $1,200 A Month With $6,000 Dollar

You Know Deductibles”

Van Duyne Said That Since She Quit HUD, She Pays “Paying $1,200 A Month With $6,000 Dollar You

Know Deductibles, It’s The Biggest Bill I Have For A Product I Never Use.” “And I think on health care, when

I decided to run for congress, I had to quit my job. I had to quit my job to run because I was working at HUD and I

had to quit my job which meant that I lost my health care coverage. So, I’m now paying $1,200 a month with

$6,000 dollar you know deductibles, it’s the biggest bill I have for a product I never use, and most people I don’t

know how they can sustain that, you know that cost, but on health care alone what are the solutions? Maybe

expanding our ability to be able to use our health savings accounts. Maybe being able to buy across states. You

know across state lines for products. Increasing the number of products, competitive products that are out there by

the private sector that are offered. Right now, I’m paying for prostate care.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can

We Talk?, 1/2/20]


Van Duyne Voted Against Banning Smoking In Public Places In Irving

Van Duyne Voted Against Banning Smoking In Public Places In Irving. “After months of deliberation,

revisions and debate, the Irving City Council passed a smoking ban ordinance that prohibits smoking in all public

places within city limits, with the exception of a few bingo halls, hotels, golf courses and eight grandfathered

restaurants including Cool River, Champs, Applebee’s, two Waffle House locations. The controversial ordinance

brought forward by an adhoc committee of four council members passed 6-3 at Thursday’s city council meeting.

Councilmen Dennis Webb, Gerald Farris, Oscar Ward, John Danish, Allan Meagher and Joe Putnam voted for the

ordinance. Mayor Beth Van Duyne, Councilman Brad LaMorgese and Councilman Thomas Spink voted against it.”

[Irving Rambler, 2/21/15]

Van Duyne Claimed She Voted Against The Smoking Ban Because It Grandfathered In 8 Area

Restaurants To Still Allow Smoking. “Perhaps the main advocate for a comprehensive smoking ban, Mayor

Van Duyne apologized to the Irving citizens. ‘I do want to apologize for all of you who have come down,’ Van

Duyne said. ‘It is apparent that even though you’ve come down, many of you have come down a number of

times, you we’re not able to change anyone’s mind. That, as a democracy, is frustrating for me. I am very

disheartened to hear that we’re going to have two M.D.’s and a PhD [resign]. For years, this health board met,

gave it a lot of thought, looked at a lot of studies and came up with a proposal that they were asked to give to

the city council. My heart goes out to everybody on that health board who has worked for years to put forward

what they thought was in the best public interest of the city of Irving [only] to have it ignored. We’re somehow

giving eight owners in this city special rights and privileges, and we’re creating discrimination in the law,

which we should avoid at any cost,’ she said.” [Irving Rambler, 2/21/15]

Democratic Health Care Plans

Van Duyne Spoke Out Against Elizabeth Warren’s Health Care Plan

Van Duyne Spoke Out Against Elizabeth Warren’s Health Care Plan. “Yesterday, @ewarren admitted her plan

for complete government control of healthcare would crush two million American jobs. I’m glad she’s admitting it,

but two million Americans put out of work because of the government is just the starting point for the socialists.”

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 11/1/19]

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Van Duyne Claimed Democratic Pres. Candidates Were Running On “Free Healthcare For Illegal

Immigrants,” And Making “Private Healthcare Illegal”

Van Duyne Claimed Democratic Pres. Candidates Were Running On “Free Healthcare For Illegal

Immigrants,” And Making “Private Healthcare Illegal.” “Tomorrow is Halloween and this year extremists

running for the Democratic nomination have nothing but socialist tricks to enforce on the American people. Of all

these destructive ideas, which do you think is the scariest?” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/30/19]

[Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/30/19]

Van Duyne Claimed Democratic Health Care Proposals Would “Obliterate The Preferred Health

Care For Hundreds Of Millions Of Americans In Order To Force Us Under Government Control”

Van Duyne On Dem Health Care Proposals: “They Will Obliterate The Preferred Health Care For

Hundreds Of Millions Of Americans In Order To Force Us Under Government Control.” “Perhaps most

concerning was so many of the leading candidates insisting that they will obliterate the preferred health care for

hundreds of millions of Americans in order to force us under government control. More than 575,000 people in our

district will be forced off their private health insurance because these leading Democrats will make our healthcare

illegal.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 9/14/19]

Van Duyne Claimed That “More Than 575,000 People In Our District Will Be Forced Off Their

Private Health Insurance Because These Leading Democrats Will Make Our Healthcare Illegal”

Van Duyne On Dem Health Care Proposals: “More Than 575,000 People In Our District Will Be Forced Off

Their Private Health Insurance Because These Leading Democrats Will Make Our Healthcare Illegal.”

“Perhaps most concerning was so many of the leading candidates insisting that they will obliterate the preferred

health care for hundreds of millions of Americans in order to force us under government control. More than

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575,000 people in our district will be forced off their private health insurance because these leading Democrats will

make our healthcare illegal.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 9/14/19]

Van Duyne Claimed That Democratic Presidential Candidates Will “Force Our Families To Give

Up Our Doctors, Give Up Our Hospitals, And Give Up The Care We Prefer Just To Satisfy Their

Demands For Socialism”

Van Duyne On Dem Health Care Proposals: Democratic Presidential Candidates Will “Force Our Families

To Give Up Our Doctors, Give Up Our Hospitals, And Give Up The Care We Prefer Just To Satisfy Their

Demands For Socialism.” “These aren’t just some fringe voices on the far Left. These are presidential candidates

standing on a national stage on live television, promising to force our families to give up our doctors, give up our

hospitals, and give up the care we prefer just to satisfy their demands for socialism. It’s up to us to stand up against

this! I will work every day to fight back against the radical policies coming out of the liberal Washington machine!”

[Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 9/14/19]

Van Duyne: “Today, NOTHING Was Done To Solve Issues That Matter To The American People:

Lowering The Cost Of Healthcare, Expanding Job Opportunities, Passing Trade Agreements To Sell

More American Products, Or Protecting Our Southern Border.” “Today, NOTHING was done to solve

issues that matter to the American people: lowering the cost of healthcare, expanding job opportunities, passing

trade agreements to sell more American products, or protecting our southern border.” [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 10/31/19]

Van Duyne Said That House Democrats Weren’t Doing Anything About Health Care

Van Duyne Said That House Democrats Were Not Doing Anything About Health Care. “Well I think what

you see is a completely socialist agenda where things like health care aren’t even a consideration, we’re not talking

about it. They’re idea for health care or their solution for that is have a government run policy. Well you know you

don’t have to go too far to realize that that’s a failure. I have never seen areas that are already the private sector that

the government can compete.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

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Housing Issues

Significant Findings

✓ In 2014, Van Duyne was against building a homeless shelter, claiming the inhabitants did not deserve it

✓ Van Duyne said that Irving should not build a homeless shelter for 17 to 21 year-old boys

because “when I was 17 I had my own apartment and I worked two full-time jobs”

✓ Van Duyne called the community development block grant program “ineffective and inefficient”

✓ Van Duyne cited increasing the number of single-family homes as one of her greatest accomplishments

as mayor

✓ Van Duyne was critical of the number of rental units in Irving

Van Duyne Was Against Building A Homeless Shelter, Because She Believed The

Inhabitants Did Not Deserve It

Van Duyne Criticized The Decision To Use HUD Funds To Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage

Boys In Irving

Van Duyne Criticized The Decision To Use HUD Funds To Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys In

Irving. “And that’s exactly, we just passed a program last week. I voted against it, a number of members on my

council voted against it, but the majority of the council members voted for it, and it was to accept HUD money to

build a homeless shelter for teenage boys, and I said teenage boys but it was 17 to 21-year-old boys. And what that

does, by the city requesting those funds, it puts the city, commits the city to 20 years of overseeing how those funds

are spent and I don’t want to talk about anyone else on the council, but I can speak personally when I was 17 I had

my own apartment and I worked two full-time jobs. I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re

men. 17 to 21-year-old men should be at the prime of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal

government should not be paying to provide apartments for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when

I was that age, and I think we don’t look at it, and this is taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg

Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Claimed That Irving Should Not Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys Because

When She Was There Age She Had Her Own Apartment And A Two Full Time Jobs

Van Duyne Claimed That Irving Should Not Build A Homeless Shelter For Teenage Boys Because When She

Was There Age She Had Her Own Apartment And A Two Full Time Jobs. “And that’s exactly, we just passed

a program last week. I voted against it, a number of members on my council voted against it, but the majority of the

council members voted for it, and it was to accept HUD money to build a homeless shelter for teenage boys, and I

said teenage boys but it was 17 to 21-year-old boys. And what that does, by the city requesting those funds, it puts

the city, commits the city to 20 years of overseeing how those funds are spent and I don’t want to talk about anyone

else on the council, but I can speak personally when I was 17 I had my own apartment and I worked two full-time

jobs. I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re men. 17 to 21-year-old men should be at the prime

of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal government should not be paying to provide apartments

for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age, and I think we don’t look at it, and this is

taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

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Van Duyne: “17 To 21-Year-Old Men Should Be At The Prime Of Their Health And Be Able To Work.

The City And The Federal Government Should Not Be Paying To Provide Apartments For These Kids,

For These Men.” “I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re men. 17 to 21-year-old men

should be at the prime of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal government should not be

paying to provide apartments for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age, and I

think we don’t look at it, and this is taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van

Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Criticized Cities For Taking Federal Grants To Do Things Like House Homeless People

Van Duyne On The Irving Homeless Center: “The City And The Federal Government Should Not Be Paying

To Provide Apartments For These Kids, For These Men. Nobody Did That For Me When I Was That Age,

And I Think We Don’t Look At It, And This Is Taxpayer Money.” “And that’s exactly, we just passed a

program last week. I voted against it, a number of members on my council voted against it, but the majority of the

council members voted for it, and it was to accept HUD money to build a homeless shelter for teenage boys, and I

said teenage boys but it was 17 to 21-year-old boys. And what that does, by the city requesting those funds, it puts

the city, commits the city to 20 years of overseeing how those funds are spent and I don’t want to talk about anyone

else on the council, but I can speak personally when I was 17 I had my own apartment and I worked two full-time

jobs. I think if we look at boys, 17, and by the way at 18 they’re men. 17 to 21-year-old men should be at the prime

of their health and be able to work. The city and the federal government should not be paying to provide apartments

for these kids, for these men. Nobody did that for me when I was that age, and I think we don’t look at it, and this is

taxpayer money.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne Criticized Cities For Taking Federal Grants. “It is so easy to be able to say oh well it’s not city

money, it’s federal money as if that grows on trees and as well that we’re not going to be held accountable for that.

And it is so easy just to see that money hanging out there and just take it, ‘oh we’re just accepting this grant

because if we don’t do it another city will do it, so look at what we can do here.’ And you get enough cities doing

that it just becomes perpetual, and it creates demand and it creates the need in DC so that they can defend collecting

more local taxes to be able to feed the beast. And locally we have to stop that.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert

Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Community Development Block Grants

Van Duyne Called The Community Development Block Grant Program “Ineffective And


Van Duyne Called The Community Development Block Grant Program “Ineffective And Inefficient.”

“Community Development Block Grants were created to aid cities in infrastructure development, affordable

housing and antipoverty programs. However, because of the immense government oversight and numerous

prerequisites, these programs are ineffective and inefficient. For example, a local charter school was considering

applying for $2 million in CDBG funds to build a gymnasium with an estimated cost of $2 million. After

redesigning the gym with requirements to satisfy federal grant regulations, the cost skyrocketed to $4.5 million.”

[OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Housing Subsidies

Van Duyne On Irving Housing Subsidies: “I Have Always Been Willing To Use Incentives That

Would Help Deliver A Long-Term Investment And Return.”

Van Duyne On Irving Housing Subsidies: “I Have Always Been Willing To Use Incentives That Would Help

Deliver A Long-Term Investment And Return. Construction Of Single-Family Neighborhoods Has Been A

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Priority To Bring New Long-Term Residents, Help Our Schools, And Improve Home Values For Our

Residents.” “Avi Selk: ‘You’ve often spoken out against debt and subsidies (e.g., the entertainment center), but

have also backed bonds for the Hines housing subsidies. What accounts for you different stances?’ Beth Van

Duyne: ‘I have always been willing to use incentives that would help deliver a long-term investment and return.

Construction of single-family neighborhoods has been a priority to bring new long-term residents, help our schools,

and improve home values for our residents. The use of these bonds for single family development will not obligate

the city to pay down these bonds, instead the land owners will be financially responsible for paying this debt while

the city benefits by having new residents and quality neighborhoods.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with

Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

Van Duyne On Irving Housing Subsidies: “The Use Of These Bonds For Single Family Development Will

Not Obligate The City To Pay Down These Bonds, Instead The Land Owners Will Be Financially

Responsible For Paying This Debt While The City Benefits By Having New Residents And Quality

Neighborhoods.” “Avi Selk: ‘You’ve often spoken out against debt and subsidies (e.g., the entertainment center),

but have also backed bonds for the Hines housing subsidies. What accounts for you different stances?’ Beth Van

Duyne: ‘I have always been willing to use incentives that would help deliver a long-term investment and return.

Construction of single-family neighborhoods has been a priority to bring new long-term residents, help our schools,

and improve home values for our residents. The use of these bonds for single family development will not obligate

the city to pay down these bonds, instead the land owners will be financially responsible for paying this debt while

the city benefits by having new residents and quality neighborhoods.’” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with

Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

Property Values

Property Values Increased While Van Duyne Was Mayor

2016: Irving’s Property Values Increased. ”Irving property values have increased by double digits in the past

year, a trend that mirrors that of North Texas because of the strong regional economy, she added. The city issued

660 new home permits last year, with an average value of more than $400,000.” [Dallas Business Journal, 1/25/17]


Van Duyne Cited Increasing The Number Of Single Family Homes As One Of Her Greatest

Accomplishments As Mayor

Van Duyne Cited Increasing The Number Of Single Family Homes As One Of Her Greatest

Accomplishments As Mayor. “The people of Irving placed their faith in me to take over as a new Mayor and later

I was overwhelmingly re-elected because there was great concern that the City was being run without regard to

sound financial practices, often creating backroom deals that only served to payoff shady consultants and campaign

donors to the previous Mayor. Since I have been Mayor, we have increased the number of single family homes

which is important to help create stronger neighborhoods, more long-term residents, improve our schools and draw

new retail establishments to our City; for the first time in years we delivered tax relief to the citizens of Irving by

reducing the property tax rate; our property valuations have increased as more people are moving to Irving and new

job opportunities have become available; we have secured numerous corporate re-locations (such as the new 7-11

headquarters and Envoy) as well as retained existing corporations, such as NEC, that have brought jobs to our city

and created new opportunities for our residents; in South Irving, we have completed the new South Irving library

that opened this past week; perhaps most importantly, we have stopped bad deals or removed the City from

wasteful contracts with consultants or developers who did nothing more than cash millions of dollars of checks

from our City.” [Beth Van Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

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Van Duyne Was Critical Of The Number Of Rental Units In Irving

Van Duyne Was Critical Of The Number Of Rental Units In Irving. “Irving for example, 70% of our housing

are rental units. We have way too many apartments. what we’re trying to do is have a balance. I don’t mind having

apartments, because I’ve lived in apartments, I know family members who’ve lived in apartments, I have friends

who currently live in apartments. It’s a good alternative if you don’t want to buy or maintain a single-family home,

I get that. But we need to have a balance in our city and where I see apartments having a good planning on project

would be in an area like the urban center or areas where you’re trying to have a high concentration of retail. And if

you have a high concentration of retail in order to get the retail there you need to have residential, high-density

residential around it.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

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Infrastructure & Transportation Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne said she was at odds with some members of her party on issues like transportation, where

she thinks there is a need for federal government

✓ Van Duyne said the Department of Transportation wasted money on regulations and studies

✓ While campaigning for City Council, Van Duyne wanted more state and federal funding for

transportation projects

✓ Van Duyne spoke out against car registration costs, gas taxes, and toll roads

✓ Van Duyne spoke positively of bringing a hyperloop to Texas

✓ Van Duyne was Irving’s primary transportation representative when on city council

Federal Funding

Van Duyne Said That Democrats In DC Weren’t Concerned With Building Roads

Van Duyne Said That Democrats In DC Weren’t Concerned With Building Roads. “They’re not concerned

with actually getting things done like building roads. They’re not concerned with overhauling health care efforts

they’re not concerned at all with border security. It’s nothing about policy and it’s everything about the press

conference. You have people who are running right now who are strong conservatives, who are strong Americans,

who want to see what’s best for north Texas families and for families quite honestly across the country. America’s

an amazing country. It’s worth fighting for. ”[Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Said The Department Of Transportation Wasted Billions Of Dollars On “Regulations,

Studies, And Micromanaging Policies” That Could Be “Spent On Other Much-Needed Projects”

Van Duyne Said The Department Of Transportation Wasted Billions Of Dollars On “Regulations, Studies,

And Micromanaging Policies” That Could Be “Spent On Other Much-Needed Projects.” “The Department of

Transportation has the ability and funds to work with communities across the nation to build roads, bridges and

transportation hubs to support economic development and growth. However, in practice, the number of regulations,

studies and micromanaging policies waste billions of dollars, years of time and tons of resources that could be spent

on other much-needed projects.” [OZY, Van Duyne Opinion Piece, 2/6/17]

Van Duyne Said She Was At Odds With Some Members Of Her Party On Issues Like

Transportation, Where She Thinks There Is A Need For Federal Government

Van Duyne Said She Was At Odds With Some Members Of Her Party On Issues Like Transportation,

Where She Thinks There Is A Need For Federal Government. “We are looking obviously for funds hat help us

on transportation and I don’t know that I’m at odds with some of the far far right from our party, but I think that

government, there is a need for government. There are things that we do that nobody from the private sector wants

to do or should do and we need to concentrate on what government should do and do it well. Transportation to me

is one of those things and that is one thing that we looked to the state to provide TxDOT is building our highways.

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The city is involved as a partner in the right of ways and figuring out what businesses are going to go where and

how we’re going to cut through the city. But ultimately we are going down to Austin, I was just down there two

weeks ago. You know requesting funds for that highway project.” [Lone Star Tea Party, Robert Kecseg Interview

with Van Duyne, 8/18/14]

Van Duyne On Infrastructure: “When You Talk About Infrastructure And Funding

Infrastructure, People Just Kind Of Lose Interest And It Gets Quiet”

Van Duyne On Infrastructure: “When You Talk About Infrastructure And Funding Infrastructure, People

Just Kind Of Lose Interest And It Gets Quiet.” “I was recently at a US conference of mayors, and Frank Luntz

spoke about the importance of words,” said Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne as she welcomed guests to the summit.

“He has been trying to get us as mayors to stay away from the word ‘infrastructure.’ He said because people really

can’t put their hands around it. When you talk about infrastructure and funding infrastructure, people just kind of

lose interest and it gets quiet. He said talk about roads, talk about sewer lines, talk about bridges, so people can

really think about these things that affect them, and they cost a lot of money. At the end of the day, we could do all

these wonderful projects if it wasn’t for money, funding, time, effort.” [Irving Rambler, 8/17/13]

While Campaigning For City Council, Van Duyne Wanted More State And Federal Funding For

Transportation Projects

Van Duyne Wanted To Lobby For More State And Federal Funding For Transportation Projects. “Ms. Van

Duyne wants to lobby for more state and federal funding for transportation projects. Mr. Gears said the city needs

to work with Dallas Area Rapid Transit to ensure that a light-rail line travels through Las Colinas.” [Dallas

Morning News, 4/29/04]


Van Duyne Spoke Out Against Car Registration Costs, Gas Taxes, And Toll Roads

Van Duyne Spoke Out Against Car Registration Costs, Gas Taxes, And Toll Roads. “Just renewed my car

registration this morning. The registration renewal is about $50 but then the fees on top of it are another $30?!?

Then there’s also a gas tax on top of that. Don’t even get me started on toll roads... Rant over.” [Van Duyne

Campaign Facebook Page, 9/21/16]

Rapid Transit

Van Duyne Spoke Positively Of Bringing A Hyperloop To Texas

Van Duyne On Hyperloop In North Texas: “It’s A Very Large State And It’s A Very Populous State With A

Lot Of Jobs And Lots Of People. And I Think We Have That Environment That You Can Definitely See

People Accepting Of This Technology And Wanting To Try It.” “North Texas transportation officials are

thinking outside the box. The North Texas Regional Transportation Council (RTC) announced July 11 it will

explore hyperloop technology for two transportation Initiatives — one linking Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth

and the other what has long been known as the Texas T-bone linking Fort Worth to Waco, Temple-Killeen, Austin,

San Antonio, Houston and Laredo roughly along the Interstate 35 path. The RTC will issue a request for proposals

for a consultant team to complete the Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a high-speed corridor

connecting Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth, the July announcement said. […] Beth Van Duyne, the former mayor

of Irving and now the Southwest regional administrator for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban

Development, was also on the team that visited the Nevada test site. ‘It’s a very large state and it’s a very populous

state with a lot of jobs and lots of people. And I think we have that environment that you can definitely see people

accepting of this technology and wanting to try it,’ Van Duyne said.” [Fort Worth Business Press, 7/14/18]

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Van Duyne Was Irving’s Primary Transportation Representative When On City Council

Van Duyne Was Irving’s Primary Transportation Representative When On City Council. “Irving Mayor Beth

Van Duyne will act as the city of Coppell’s primary representative on the Regional Transportation Council for

North Texas. At an Oct. 9 meeting, Coppell council members unanimously passed the consent agenda item

appointing Van Duyne as the city’s primary transportation representative and Coppell Mayor Karen Hunt as the

alternate member for the regional council. The regional council works with local governments to anticipate, through

project planning and funding, and meet the needs of adequate transportation on roads, highways and toll roads in

the area. As Coppell’s transportation representative on the regional council, Van Duyne will be charged to make

recommendations involving regional transportation developments to the city.” [Dallas Morning News, 10/12/12]

In 2012, Van Duyne Was Elected Vice Chair Of The US High Speed Rail Association

2012: Van Duyne Was Elected Vice Chair Of The US High Speed Rail Association. “City of Irving Mayor Beth

Van Duyne has been elected Vice Chair of the US High Speed Rail Association. The USHSR is the only

organization in the United States working entirely on advancing a state-of-the-art national high speed rail network

across the country. ‘We are pleased Mayor Van Duyne agreed to take an active role in the Association,’ said

Chairman Rod Diridon, Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute. ‘The Mayor has a wealth of

transportation experience and we plan to leverage her passion and vision for the future of high-speed rail to further

the effort.’ The USHSR is an independent, nonprofit trade association chartered to organize and mobilize the

industry with a shared vision for a 21st century, 17, 000 mile national high speed rail system built in phases for

completion by 2030. ‘I look forward to working on advancing transportation lines across America and especially

across the State of Texas,’ said Van Duyne.” [Irving Rambler, 12/15/12]

2012: Van Duyne Spoke At The US High Speed Rail Association Conference. “The (USHSR) has

appointed Rod Diridon, executive director of the (MTI), as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the US High

Speed Rail Association. He will assume this new role at the in Los Angeles. The event is set for Monday-

Wednesday, December 3-5. The conference comes on the heels of the California legislature voting to move

forward with the first $6 billion phase of the statewide system. (Journalists are welcome. See note at the end.)

[…] The Rail Conference will address numerous issues vital to high-speed rail, including the benefits,

opportunities, and challenges of a major new infrastructure project; project updates from California, Texas,

Illinois, New York, the Southwest, and more; how US mayors are preparing for 21st century transportation,

economic development, major real estate investment, new facilities, and jobs; conditions for investing, an

infrastructure bank, public-private partnerships, and developing legislation to encourage private involvement in

HSR systems; major real estate developments at rail stations; first-hand experience from other countries; and

much more. Speakers include many leading experts, such as California Governor Jerry Brown (invited); US

Congress Member Loretta Sanchez; California State Senator Leland Yee; California Assembly Members Fiona

Ma and Norma Torres; Mayor of Irving TX Beth Van Duyne; LA Deputy Mayor for Transportation Borja

Leon; USHSR CEO Andy Kunz; and President of GEODATA Italy Piergiorgio Grasso.” [Mineta

Transportation Institute Press Release, 11/15/12]

Van Duyne On Infrastructure: “I Was Recently At A US Conference Of Mayors, And Frank Luntz Spoke

About The Importance Of Words, He Has Been Trying To Get Us As Mayors To Stay Away From The

Word ‘Infrastructure.’ He Said Because People Really Can’t Put Their Hands Around It.” “I was recently at

a US conference of mayors, and Frank Luntz spoke about the importance of words,” said Irving Mayor Beth Van

Duyne as she welcomed guests to the summit. “He has been trying to get us as mayors to stay away from the word

‘infrastructure.’ He said because people really can’t put their hands around it. When you talk about infrastructure

and funding infrastructure, people just kind of lose interest and it gets quiet. He said talk about roads, talk about

sewer lines, talk about bridges, so people can really think about these things that affect them, and they cost a lot of

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money. At the end of the day, we could do all these wonderful projects if it wasn’t for money, funding, time,

effort.” [Irving Rambler, 8/17/13]

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Immigration & Border Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne repeatedly bragged about Irving’s “Criminal Alien Program” that referred anyone arrested

who could not provide documentation of citizenship to ICE, even years after a Berkeley School of Law

Report found the program encouraged racial profiling

✓ In 2007, Van Duyne called Irving’s CAP Program “fantastic”

✓ In 2009, a Berkeley School Of Law report found “that police in Irving, Texas arrested Hispanics

in far greater numbers for petty offenses as part of a Federal Criminal Alien Program,” and

only 2 percent of those detained had received felony charges

✓ In 2016, Van Duyne bragged that Irving was “the first ones in the county” to participate in

CAP, and lamented that President Obama cut resources for the program

✓ In 2019 and 2020, Van Duyne claimed the program had lowered crime rates in Irving, and

bragged that they city had deported “thousands of criminals”

✓ Van Duyne supported Irving joining an ICE’s 287g program to train police officers to question people

about their immigration status; studies found the program harmed public safety

✓ 2019: Van Duyne blamed the murder of 12 Texas women on the killer not being detained by ICE and

deported from the U.S.

✓ Van Duyne insinuated school overcrowding in Irving was due to undocumented immigrants, and said the

issue of illegal immigration affected her kids and her “backyard”

✓ Van Duyne supported legal status for undocumented people who had been in the United States since

childhood if they paid a fine, but not citizenship unless they served in the military

✓ Van Duyne voiced concern about Supreme Court Justices who would “champion liberal policies such

as… amnesty”

✓ Van Duyne said drug cartels and human traffickers have taken advantage of asylum loopholes to “push

masses of illegal immigrants to our southern border”

✓ In a panel discussion with Texas Mayors, Van Duyne lamented that you cannot force refugees to


✓ In 2019, Van Duyne said “our border crisis has never been worse” and said Democrats advocated for

“open borders”

✓ Van Duyne opposed sanctuary city policies.


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Van Duyne Repeatedly Bragged About Irving’s “Criminal Alien Program” That Referred Anyone

Arrested Who Could Not Provide Documentation Of Citizenship To ICE, For Years After A

Berkeley School Of Law Report Found The Program Encouraged Racial Profiling

2006: Irving Police Department Partnered With ICE On The Agency’s “Criminal Alien Program”

2006: Irving Police Department Partnered With ICE On The Agency’s “Criminal Alien Program.” “In

September 2006, the Irving Police Department officially partnered with ICE through the agency’s popular Criminal

Alien Program. Pursuant to CAP, local jail officials hold people in jail until ICE can screen arrestees and issue a

detainer against those who cannot prove lawful presence. The data shows that ICE consistently issued detainers for

fewer individuals than were referred by the local police, indicating that local officials were likely referring lawful

residents to ICE.” [The C.A.P. Effect: Racial Profiling in the ICE Criminal Alien Program, Berkeley Law Policy

Brief, 9/2009]

2007: Van Duyne Bragged About Irving’s Criminal Alien Program, Wherein If Someone Is Arrested And

They Cannot Provide “Documentation That They Are A US Citizen” The Police Contact ICE, Calling The

Program “Fantastic”

Van Duyne Bragged About Irving’s Criminal Alien Program, Wherein If Someone Is Arrested And They

Cannot Provide “Documentation That They Are A US Citizen” The Police Contact ICE. “As a result of this,

there was a sweeping message coming into city hall, we want to reject the sanctuary city status the mayor has

established and we want to say that we are enforcing law period. As a result of Sue and [inaudible] work what we

were able to do was get our city manager and our police chief to look at other ways that we could do this without it

becoming a policy decision and what they did was a system that we have now given a fancy name to, we call it

CAP, the criminal alien program and all it is is a program, it’s not really a program it’s a policy that the federal

government has had for years that every years that every city has access to. If we have someone who was arrested

for criminal activity brought into our jail and they cannot give us documentation that they are a US citizen we pick

up the phone we dial the ICE office and we say can you come over and have an interview and see if this person is

legal or illegal? That is the program that our mayor has been going around to city after city and even at our federal

government level and saying this is our fantastic Irving CAP program.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration

reform meeting, 8/9/07]

2009: A Berkeley School Of Law Report Found “That Police In Irving, Texas Arrested Hispanics In Far

Greater Numbers For Petty Offenses As Part Of A Federal Criminal Alien Program”

A Berkeley School Of Law Report Found “That Police In Irving, Texas Arrested Hispanics In Far Greater

Numbers For Petty Offenses As Part Of A Federal Criminal Alien Program.” “A Hispanic community in a

small southern city that lived in fear of police after a spike in arrests now has evidence that it was unjustly targeted

to enforce federal immigration laws. A new analysis of arrest data shows that police in Irving, Texas arrested

Hispanics in far greater numbers for petty offenses as part of a federal Criminal Alien Program (CAP) to deport

serious offenders. During the most aggressive period, when police had round-the-clock access to Immigration and

Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, the number of Hispanic arrests for minor crimes increased by nearly 150

percent. The new report, ‘The CAP Effect: Racial Profiling in the ICE Criminal Alien Program,’ was released today

by the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity (Warren Institute) at UC Berkeley

School of Law (Berkeley Law).” [Berkeley School of Law, Press Release, 9/16/09]

Data Showed Arrests Of Hispanics For Traffic Violations And Petty Misdemeanor Rose Substantially

Relative To White During The Program. “The data on traffic arrests and arrests for petty misdemeanor offenses

more generally, indicate that Hispanic arrests rose substantially — and relative to whites — beginning in the spring

of 2007. This rise was matched by a shift in ICE referral policy in Irving from in-person consultation to 24/7 ICE

access via remote consultation, and a sharp increase in ICE detainers. Together, these facts offer compelling

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evidence of racial profiling by the Irving Police Department between April and October of 2007.” [The C.A.P.

Effect: Racial Profiling in the ICE Criminal Alien Program, Berkeley Law Policy Brief, 9/2009]

Data Found That Only Two Percent Of Those Detained By Immigration Authorities Had Received Felony

Charges, “Tacitly Encouraging Local Police To Arrest Hispanic Residents For Petty Offenses.” “The goal of

the Criminal Alien Program is to improve community safety by targeting serious criminals for deportation,

according to ICE, but the police data show that only two percent of those detained by immigration authorities in a

fourteen-month time period received felony charges. In sum, the data show that CAP is not only failing to target

serious criminal offenders, but it’s also tacitly encouraging local police to arrest Hispanic residents for petty

offenses.” [Berkeley School of Law, Press Release, 9/16/09]

NOTE: The full report on Irving’s Criminal Alien Program can be found here.

2016: Van Duyne Bragged That Irving Was “The First Ones In The County” To Participate In CAP, And

Lamented That President Obama Cut Resources For The Program

Van Duyne Bragged That Irving Was “The First Ones In The County” To Participate In CAP, And

Lamented That President Obama Cut Resources For The Program “No. In fact, the case, did Kurt already

leave? The city of Irving actually created our 24/7 citizen criminal alien program, we were the first ones in the

country to start working directly with ICE that if people got pulled over and they were not able to show ID that we

would immediately refer them to ICE. Now Obama several years ago drastically cut down the resources to that

program and it has not been near as effective, but no we are not a sanctuary city. Yeah.” [Van Duyne Speech, Park

Cities/Preston Hollow Leadership Forum, 4/18/16]

2017: Van Duyne: “If A Law Enforcement Official Won’t Enforce The Law And Work With ICE They

Shouldn’t Be In Law Enforcement”

Van Duyne: “If A Law Enforcement Official Won’t Enforce The Law And Work With ICE They Shouldn’t

Be In Law Enforcement.” “If a law enforcement official won’t enforce the law and work with ICE they shouldn’t

be in law enforcement.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 1/29/17]

2019: Van Duyne Equated Bringing ICE Into Her Town With Lowering Crime Rates And “Getting

Criminals Off Our Streets”

Van Duyne Equated Bringing ICE Into Her Town With Lowering Crime Rates And “Getting Criminals Off

Our Streets.” “There is SO MUCH WRONG with this story. Law enforcement should be EMPOWERED to help

ICE remove criminal illegal aliens from our communities. In Irving, our police officers worked in partnership with

ICE agents who were then able to deport thousands of criminals. The result - Irving experienced the lowest crime

rate in our history and became the 5th safest city in America. Getting criminals off our streets works!” [Beth Van

Duyne Campaign Page, 10/3/19]

Van Duyne On ICE: “Law Enforcement Should Be EMPOWERED To Help ICE Remove Criminal

Illegal Aliens From Our Communities.” “There is SO MUCH WRONG with this story. Law enforcement

should be EMPOWERED to help ICE remove criminal illegal aliens from our communities. In Irving, our

police officers worked in partnership with ICE agents who were then able to deport thousands of criminals. The

result - Irving experienced the lowest crime rate in our history and became the 5th safest city in America.

Getting criminals off our streets works!” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Page, 10/3/19]

2019: Van Duyne Claimed To Have “Helped Remove Thousands Of Criminal Aliens From North Texas”

Van Duyne Claimed To Have “Helped Remove Thousands Of Criminal Aliens From North Texas.” “I’m a

single mom, a conservative Republican, a reformer who has defeated government corruption, a believer in the rule

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of law who has helped remove thousands of criminal aliens from North Texas, and a leader who helped deliver

growth and new job opportunities. #txlege” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/7/19]

Van Duyne Was Committed To “Enforcing Immigration Laws To Remove Criminal Illegal Aliens.”

“enforcing immigration laws to remove criminal illegal aliens, delivering economic growth, and never backing

down when it comes to protecting the rights of all North Texans.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/16/19]

2020: Van Duyne Again Claimed That Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration Led To Crime Rates

Dropping In Her City

2020: Van Duyne Again Claimed That Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration Led To Crime Rates

Dropping In Her City. “We were the opposite of sanctuary city, we actually enforced our laws. But the result of

that was you saw all of these activists from outside of our city come in and call us every name in the book. I was a

racist, I was a bigot, everything But what they didn’t see was the actual results and the results of that were, while

yes we did deport of a number of criminal illegal aliens the crime rate of our city plummeted to the lowest in our

cities history and that lasted for nine years, we became the fifth safest city in the country and as a result our streets

were safer our community was safer, we had people who continued to move in, we had businesses that continued to

expand, so while the lefts argument is to you know throw labels, nasty negative labels at elective officials, if you

know that there is a solution out there don’t be afraid of it. You have to have a backbone. You have to be willing to

fight for what you know is right, but they will try to shut you down left and right and that is what I think you see

from the crazy squad. But as conservatives, as elected officials you have to be willing to have a voice and fight for

what you know is right. We did that in the city of Irving, and we saw immediate results from that.” [Debbie

Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Van Duyne Supported Irving Joining An ICE Program To Train Police Officers To Question

People About Their Immigration Status; Studies Found The Program Harmed Public Safety

Van Duyne Supported Irving Participating In ICE’s 287g Program, Which Granted Police Officers The

Same Power As Immigration Officers

Van Duyne Was One Of Two City Council Members To Support A 287g Agreement With ICE. “Mr. Gears,

however, opposes using federal program called “287g” that trains local officers and jailers to act as immigration

officers. [...] Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne, one of two council members who favor 287g, believes

city officials are obligated to uphold federal law.Ms. Van Duyne said it’s not an issue of race or nationality.”

[Dallas Morning News, 9/22/07]

Van Duyne Said She Wanted To Consider The 287g Program As “Part Of… A Piece Of The Puzzle.”

“During the exchange, some council members sighed heavily and rolled their eyes. Ms. Van Duyne asked the chief:

‘What are the positive aspects of joining 287(g)?’ Chief Boyd responded: ‘You would potentially get what you’re

getting now.’ Ms. Van Duyne said she wants the city to consider the 287(g) program ‘as part of ... a piece of the

puzzle.’ And she requested that an ICE official brief the council on immigration matters.” [Dallas Morning News,


287g Program Allowed ICE To Train Local Police To Act As Immigration Agents. “The Trump administration

is working aggressively to ramp up the role local police and sheriffs’ departments play in immigration enforcement.

One way it is doing so is through a program called 287(g), which allows local law enforcement agencies to partner

with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to enforce federal immigration laws. In 2017 alone, 29

jurisdictions enrolled in the program—nearly doubling the number of jurisdictions training local police to act as

immigration agents.” [Center for American Progress, 3/20/18v]

Van Duyne Did Not See The 287g Program As A Program Where Police Would Go Out “Rounding Up

Every Single Illegal Immigrant And Shipping Them Out.” “Ms. Van Duyne said she doesn’t foresee 287(g)

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being a ‘solve-all program’ in which the police are ‘going out and rounding up every single illegal immigrant and

shipping them out.’ ‘But there is no denying that we have certain concerns about illegal immigrants,’ she said. ‘The

question is what steps can we take to help allay those concerns.’” [Dallas Morning News, 3/23/07]

Van Duyne: “But There Is No Denying That We Have Certain Concerns About Illegal Immigrants, The

Question Is What Steps Can We Take To Help Allay Those Concerns.” “Ms. Van Duyne said she doesn’t

foresee 287(g) being a ‘solve-all program’ in which the police are ‘going out and rounding up every single

illegal immigrant and shipping them out.’ ‘But there is no denying that we have certain concerns about illegal

immigrants,’ she said. ‘The question is what steps can we take to help allay those concerns.’” [Dallas Morning

News, 3/23/07]

Van Duyne Requested An ICE Official To Brief The Council On Immigration Issues. “During the exchange,

some council members sighed heavily and rolled their eyes. Ms. Van Duyne asked the chief: ‘What are the positive

aspects of joining 287(g)?’ Chief Boyd responded: ‘You would potentially get what you’re getting now.’ Ms. Van

Duyne said she wants the city to consider the 287(g) program ‘as part of ... a piece of the puzzle.’ And she

requested that an ICE official brief the council on immigration matters.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne’s Fellow Council Members Disagreed, Stating That Their Police Department Already Exceeded

The Federal Program

Van Duyne’s Fellow Council Members Disagreed, Stating That Their Police Department Already Exceeded

The Federal Program. “Mr. Spink, who was elected in May after running on an anti-illegal immigrant platform,

says that’s not enough. He wants the city to join a federal initiative, known as the 287(g) program, that would train

Irving police so they can process and detain illegal immigrants. Ms. Van Duyne hasn’t declared whether she wants

the city to join the initiative, saying she wants the council to discuss the matter further. Mr. Gears said that the

council isn’t considering the 287(g) program. Most council members have said since last fall that there’s no reason

to join. They say the city’s current program is just as effective as joining the federal initiative. ‘It makes no sense to

do it in Irving because we’re exceeding the program,’ Mr. Gears said.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne “Peppered” Irving’s Chief Of Police Over Questions About The Cities’ Current CAP Program.

“During Wednesday’s discussion, Ms. Van Duyne peppered Chief Boyd with a wide range of questions about the

city’s CAP program, as well as the federal initiative. She also asked the chief about whether the city was involved

in various task forces, which prompted Mr. Gears to ask whether her questions were relevant to the discussion. In

addition, Ms. Van Duyne and Chief Boyd disagreed over whether the 287(g) program has enabled law enforcement

agencies to save money.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne And The Irving Chief Of Police Disagreed Over Whether Or Not The 287g Program Saved

Departments Money

Van Duyne And The Irving Chief Of Police Disagreed Over Whether Or Not The 287g Program Saved

Departments Money. “During Wednesday’s discussion, Ms. Van Duyne peppered Chief Boyd with a wide range

of questions about the city’s CAP program, as well as the federal initiative. She also asked the chief about whether

the city was involved in various task forces, which prompted Mr. Gears to ask whether her questions were relevant

to the discussion. In addition, Ms. Van Duyne and Chief Boyd disagreed over whether the 287(g) program has

enabled law enforcement agencies to save money.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne’s Colleagues Were Rolling Their Eyes And Heavily Sighing During Her Exchange With The

Irving Chief Of Police Over The 287g Program. “During Wednesday’s discussion, Ms. Van Duyne peppered

Chief Boyd with a wide range of questions about the city’s CAP program, as well as the federal initiative. She also

asked the chief about whether the city was involved in various task forces, which prompted Mr. Gears to ask

whether her questions were relevant to the discussion. In addition, Ms. Van Duyne and Chief Boyd disagreed over

whether the 287(g) program has enabled law enforcement agencies to save money. During the exchange, some

council members sighed heavily and rolled their eyes.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

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Van Duyne Apologized To The Irving Chief Of Police For “Beating Up” On Him, And Said She Only

Wanted To Make The System “Stronger” And “Better.” “Mr. Stopfer addressed his colleagues: ‘I’m frustrated

with the fact that we’ve got to go through these things and pick fights and make ourselves look bad and give

ourselves black eyes. I don’t think [the chief’s] job should be getting black eyes or being cross-examined like

they’re on trial,’ he said. ‘I don’t think that’s right. I think we [should show Chief Boyd] the respect that he

deserves.’ Ms. Van Duyne apologized to Chief Boyd ‘if you think I’m beating up on you.’ ‘I think you’re doing a

fantastic job,’ she told him. ‘I think you’ve been doing the right things. Can we make it stronger? Can we be even

better?’ She said that her goal is to get more information on immigration matters.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Irving Chief Of Police On Their Immigration Program: “I Feel Like The Process In Place Is Working. If It

Wasn’t, I’d Tell You.” “As of April, ICE officials have been reviewing the residency status of Irving jail inmates

over the phone. Irving officials say that method is effective because ICE can make a residency check 24 hours a

day. ICE officials still drop by the jail to pick up inmates, Irving officials say. Since April, when the phone method

was implemented, an average of 130 illegal immigrants have been identified each month, city officials said. When

the city first started working with ICE last fall, the monthly average was 52. Before working with ICE, the monthly

average was 4. ‘I feel like the process in place is working,’ Chief Boyd told the council. ‘If it wasn’t, I’d tell you.’”

[Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne: “It’s Also Our Responsibility As City Council Members As Representatives In The State

Government And In The Federal Government To Do What We Can To Protect Our Own”

Van Duyne: “You Can Argue A Lot Of Things Are A Federal Issue And Yet It’s Also Our Responsibility As

City Council Members As Representatives In The State Government And In The Federal Government To

Do What We Can To Protect Our Own.” “There’s two topics right now in DC, two: Iraq and immigration. It is

not simply farmers branch that’s talking about it, it’s not Dallas, it’s not Irving, it is everybody that is talking about

this issue and it’s extraordinarily important. and we can sit here and what I have found is that you either have

people who don’t want to mess with it because you’re gonna get your hate mail, you’re gonna get your hateful

phone calls, you’re gonna get your snide comments made, and their reasoning has always been consistent. It’s a

federal issue, it’s a federal issue and you can argue it’s a federal issue. You can argue a lot of things are a federal

issue and yet it’s also our responsibility as city council members as representatives in the state government and in

the federal government to do what we can to protect our own.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration reform

meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Said The 287g Program Was Not About Race Or Nationality

Van Duyne Said The 287g Program Was Not About Race Or Nationality. “Irving City Council member Beth

Van Duyne, one of two council members who favor 287g, believes city officials are obligated to uphold federal

law. Ms. Van Duyne said it’s not an issue of race or nationality. ‘I want to offer everybody an equal opportunity,

but within the framework of our laws,’ she said. Ms. Van Duyne said she doesn’t want to create new ordinances

like the one in neighboring Farmers Branch, but she does believe the city should use available resources and

programs in response to illegal immigrants. And she sees her responsibilities as providing clean streets and safe

neighborhoods and helping school districts provide outstanding education. ‘Illegal immigration plays a part in that,”

she said, “but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.’ While Mr. Gears and Ms. Van Duyne don’t see eye to eye on how

involved the Irving Police Department should be in monitoring illegal immigration, neither wants to follow Farmers

Branch’s footsteps.Mr. Gears is opposed to the methods of Farmers Branch City Council member Tim O’Hare, the

driving force behind the measure that would ban most illegal immigrants from renting apartments in that city. And

Ms. Van Duyne doesn’t want to attract lawsuits.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/22/07]

Van Duyne: “I Want To Offer Everybody An Equal Opportunity, But Within The Framework Of Our

Laws.” “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne, one of two council members who favor 287g, believes

city officials are obligated to uphold federal law. Ms. Van Duyne said it’s not an issue of race or nationality. ‘I

want to offer everybody an equal opportunity, but within the framework of our laws,’ she said. Ms. Van Duyne

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said she doesn’t want to create new ordinances like the one in neighboring Farmers Branch, but she does

believe the city should use available resources and programs in response to illegal immigrants. And she sees her

responsibilities as providing clean streets and safe neighborhoods and helping school districts provide

outstanding education. ‘Illegal immigration plays a part in that,” she said, “but it’s only one piece of the

puzzle.’ While Mr. Gears and Ms. Van Duyne don’t see eye to eye on how involved the Irving Police

Department should be in monitoring illegal immigration, neither wants to follow Farmers Branch’s footsteps.

Mr. Gears is opposed to the methods of Farmers Branch City Council member Tim O’Hare, the driving force

behind the measure that would ban most illegal immigrants from renting apartments in that city. And Ms. Van

Duyne doesn’t want to attract lawsuits.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/22/07]

Van Duyne Failed To Get Other City Council Members On Board With An ICE Program To Train Police

Officers To Question People About Their Immigration Status

Van Duyne Failed To Get Other City Council Members On Board With An ICE Program To Train Police

Officers To Question People About Their Immigration Status. “Grand Prairie, Garland and Farmers Branch

police also have their own versions of the program. City Councilwoman Beth Van Duyne said the development

confirms what she has been saying about the need to deepen Irving’s ties with ICE. Van Duyne unsuccessfully tried

to get other council members to have Irving enter into another ICE program that trains police officers to question

people about their immigration status.” [Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 11/21/07]

Studies Found The 287g Program Harmed Public Safety By Discouraging Immigrants From Reporting

Crimes Or Interacting With Police

Studies Found The 287g Program Harmed Public Safety By Discouraging Immigrants From Reporting

Crimes Or Interacting With Police. “Because 287(g) agreements are formal arrangements in which local law

enforcement agrees to perform certain federal immigration enforcement functions, it is likely that many of the

damaging effects highlighted by the above surveys would be present in localities with 287(g) programs. In fact,

recent research from the Center for American Progress shows that some local law enforcement agencies have

decided to withdraw their 287(g) agreements precisely because immigrants were afraid to contact police. Being

fearful of reporting crimes and interacting with police is all too familiar to many immigrants, such as Rita Cote and

Danny Sigui.” [Center for American Progress, 5/8/18v]

2019: Van Duyne Blamed The Murder Of 12 Texas Women On The Killer Not Being Detained By

ICE And Deported From The U.S.

Van Duyne Blamed The Murder Of 12 Texas Women On The Killer Not Being Detained By ICE And

Deported From The U.S. “Here’s a story the national news should be covering non-stop, but never will because it

doesn’t fit the political narrative they want. Billy Chemirmir is an illegal immigrant who overstayed his tourist visa

and never left the US. He is also one of the most ‘prolific serial killers in Texas history.’ While he’s ONLY been

indicted for murdering 12 elderly women – many in upscale retirement communities in the heart of Dallas –

authorities are ‘investigating hundreds of other deaths to see if there were links to Chemirmir.’ This man was

arrested in 2016 before the bulk of the murders for which he has been indicted. All that was needed to protect the

lives of these elderly ladies and have them live out their lives with dignity, was a call to Immigration and Customs

Enforcement (ICE). Billy Chemirmir would have been thrown out of the country.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign

Facebook, 10/20/19]

2019: Billy Chemirmir, A Kenyan Citizen In The U.S. Illegally Was Under Investigation For 6 Or More

Murders Of Elderly Women In Texas. “I helped lead the City of Irving to institute the 24/7 Criminal Alien

Program (CAP) that empowered our police department to communicate directly with ICE when they arrested

people who were committing crimes and could not prove their identity. During the years CAP was active, we

helped deport thousands of criminal aliens. During that same period, Irving was named the 5th safest city in

America.” [Associated Press, 5/16/19]

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Van Duyne: “Enforcing Our Immigration Laws And Deporting Criminals Saves Lives.” “Enforcing our

immigration laws and deporting criminals saves lives. Anyone who says differently ought to go visit with the

families of all these elderly ladies who died at the hands of this illegal immigrant serial killer.” [Beth Van Duyne

Campaign Facebook, 10/20/19]

As A City Council Member, Van Duyne Called For A Study Of Immigration Enforcement


Van Duyne Wanted More Time To Study Immigration Enforcement Programs. “But a couple of the council

members - Thomas D. Spink and Beth Van Duyne - either feel that the city isn’t doing enough to tackle illegal

immigration or want more time to study immigration enforcement programs. They voiced their concerns loud and

clear again Wednesday.” [Dallas Morning News, 6/14/07]

Van Duyne Tweeted A Photo Thanking ICE Agents For Their Hard Work

Van Duyne Tweeted A Photo Thanking ICE Agents For Their Hard Work. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 7/16/19]

Undocumented Immigrants

Van Duyne Insinuated School Overcrowding In Irving Was Due To Undocumented Immigrants

Van Duyne Insinuated School Overcrowding In Irving Was Due To Undocumented Immigrants. “Protect the

people that we represent. I represent Irving, Irving is a very interesting city we’ve got a lot of different

demographics going on. In the southern part of the city is the older part of the city, is over 65% Hispanic.

According to our 2000 census we had nearly 200,000 people and I’m sure it has grown much more than that in the

last 7 years. We also have the distinct honor of being the number one city in the metroplex of apartments. We have

complaints all the time that we’ve got too many people living in single-family homes that we have too many cars

on the street. We had an elementary school that opened up a little over 3 years ago. The day that this school opened,

the day it opened it was already overcrowded. So they look at census numbers, the school district looks at census

numbers to figure out how many school children they’re going to have to provide for. And then they take that and

they build the school based on those numbers. Well, something’s wrong here. Because I’m not convinced that the

school district made the error, I’m thinking that the numbers were wrong. We’ve already had to put an addition on

the school and the school is already overcrowded.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration reform meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Said The Issue Of Illegal Immigration Affected Her Kids And Her “Backyard”

Van Duyne Said The Issue Of Illegal Immigration Affected Her Kids And Her “Backyard.” “I’m sorry but we

can argue that that is a federal issue, but you can also say you know it affects my kids, it affects my backyard it

affects our city and therefore I’m going to take some kind of stance on. What we have in Irving, I guess what I can

talk about is what we have in Irving, why we have what we have in Irving and what we can do better.” [Van Duyne

Citizens for immigration reform meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Met With The Farm Branch Council Member Who Wanted To Ban Undocumented

Immigrants From Irving’s Apartments

Van Duyne Met With Farm Branch Council Member Tim O’Hare, Who Wanted To Ban Undocumented

Immigrants From Renting Apartments. “She met with Farmers Branch council member Tim O’Hare, who was

leading a charge to ban unauthorized immigrants from his city’s apartments. But Van Duyne’s own stance was

more ambiguous.” [Dallas Morning News, 3/25/15]

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Van Duyne Supported Legal Status For Undocumented People Who Had Been In The United States

Since Childhood If They Paid A Fine, But Not Citizenship Unless They Served In The Military

Van Duyne Supported Legal Status For Undocumented People Who Had Been In The United States Since

Childhood If They Paid A Fine, But Not Citizenship Unless They Served In The Military. “For those in our

country who are not committing crimes or have been in the US since they were children, we should create a

pathway to legal status (not citizenship) that would require them to pass a criminal background check and remain

crime free, pay fines for breaking our immigration laws, and learn English. Those who honorably serve in our

military could be allowed a path to citizenship provided they meet a certain number of years of service and are

discharged with a clean service record.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]


Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal

Policies Such As… Amnesty”

Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal Policies Such

As Gun Control, Abortion, Amnesty And Unchecked Labor Unions.” “During the past debate, Clinton was

very clear that she would nominate progressive justices who champion liberal policies such as gun control,

abortion, amnesty and unchecked labor unions. In other words, she’s advocating the Supreme Court become a

lawmaking body, marginalizing Congress and making three judges nominated by her and two nominated by

President Obama, none of whom were elected by the people, responsible for dictating public policy. Supreme Court

justices have lifelong appointments specifically to remove them from making decisions based on politics. Trump’s

prospective Supreme Court nominations include strict constructionists who will uphold the Constitution and not

legislate from the bench.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Border Patrol

Van Duyne Spoke Highly Of Border Patrol Agents

Van Duyne: “For Years, The Courageous Men & Women Of Our Customs And Border Patrol Have Been

Asking For Walls Where They Need Them. Finally, Because Of Donald Trump’s Persistence, One Of The

Most Heavily Trafficked Areas Used By Drug Cartels Is Getting A New Wall!” “For years, the courageous

men & women of our Customs and Border Patrol have been asking for walls where they need them. Finally,

because of @realDonaldTrump’s persistence, one of the most heavily trafficked areas used by drug cartels is

getting a new wall!” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/29/19]


Van Duyne Said Drug Cartels And Human Traffickers Have Taken Advantage Of Asylum

Loopholes To “Push Masses Of Illegal Immigrants To Our Southern Border”

Van Duyne: Drug Cartels And Human Traffickers Have Taken Advantage Of Asylum Loopholes To “Push

Masses Of Illegal Immigrants To Our Southern Border.” “For years, drug cartels and human traffickers have

taken advantage of asylum loopholes in order to push masses of illegal immigrants to our Southern Border. These

murderous criminal operations market travel to the US and prepare people from El Salvador, Honduras, and other

countries with what to say in order to exploit the asylum loopholes.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide,

accessed 5/13/20]

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Van Duyne: Murderous Criminal Operations Market Travel To The US And Prepare People From Latin

American Countries With What To Say In Order To Exploit Asylum Loopholes. “For years, drug cartels and

human traffickers have taken advantage of asylum loopholes in order to push masses of illegal immigrants to our

Southern Border. These murderous criminal operations market travel to the US and prepare people from El

Salvador, Honduras, and other countries with what to say in order to exploit the asylum loopholes.” [Dallas

Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Van Duyne Supported Amending Asylum Laws To Require People Seeking Asylum To Do So From The

“Nearest Safe Country From Where They Are Leaving.” “Rather than allow this utterly destructive criminal

operation to continue, we should amend asylum laws to state that people seeking asylum must do so from the

nearest safe country from where they are leaving.” [Dallas Morning News – Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

In A Panel Discussion With Texas Mayors, Van Duyne Lamented That You Cannot Force Refugees

To Assimilate

Van Duyne: “As Far As How You Can Help [immigrants] Assimilate, What I’ve Found Is That You Can’t

Force Anyone To Assimilate. You Can Offer Up Support, You Can Offer Up Educational Services, But You

Can’t Force Anyone To Take Those Services From You.” “Van Duyne said. ‘Personally, I support Governor

Abbott’s concerns. I think that whenever you have anybody come into your city, into your country, into your state;

you need to know who they are. As far as how you can help [immigrants] assimilate, what I’ve found is that you

can’t force anyone to assimilate. You can offer up support, you can offer up educational services, but you can’t

force anyone to take those services from you.’” [The Irving Rambler, 12/19/15]

Child Separation

Van Duyne Posted A Meme Downplaying Migrant Family Separation By Comparing It To The

Experience Of Members Of The Armed Forces Being Separated From Their Families

Van Duyne Posted A Meme Drawing A Comparison Between Migrant Family Separation And The

Experience Of Members Of The Armed Forces Being Separated From Their Families. [Beth Van Duyne

Twitter, 6/22/18]

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[Beth Van Duyne, Twitter, 6/22/18]

Open Borders

Van Duyne Said Leading Democrats Advocated For “Open Borders”

Van Duyne Said Leading Democrats Advocated For “Open Borders” And “Taxpayer Funded Healthcare

Plans For Illegal Immigrants.” “Now, leading Democrats want open borders, taxpayer funded healthcare plans

for illegal immigrants, and can’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigration.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter,


Van Duyne: “Our Border Crisis Has Never Been Worse”

Van Duyne: “Our Border Crisis Has Never Been Worse.” “Socialism is on the rise, our border crisis has never

been worse, and we face constant threats from hostile nations willing to use cyber-attacks, nuclear weapons, and

terrorist jihad. #txlege” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 8/7/19]

Sanctuary Cities

Van Duyne On Sanctuary Cities: “Good To See The People Of Arizona Are Placing Safety Over

Political Correctness And Are Saying ‘No’ To Making Tucson A Sanctuary City!”

Van Duyne On Sanctuary Cities: “Good To See The People Of Arizona Are Placing Safety Over Political

Correctness And Are Saying ‘No’ To Making Tucson A Sanctuary City!” “Good to see the people of Arizona

are placing safety over political correctness and are saying ‘No’ to making Tucson a Sanctuary City!” [Beth Van

Duyne Twitter, 11/6/19]

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Van Duyne Criticized Irving’s Previous Mayor For Signing Onto A Letter With ACORN And

Becoming A Sanctuary City

Van Duyne Criticized Irving’s Previous Mayor For Signing Onto A Letter With ACORN And Becoming A

Sanctuary City. “About, let me see how long ago was it that farmers branch started talking about this, I guess that

was back in May? Mayor of June? August of 06’ but it really started getting some traction in the spring. Our mayor

in Irving saw that farmers branch was getting a lot of press, they were getting a lot of ink in the paper and not to be

one-upped he decided to come out against what farmers branch was doing. In fact not only did he come out against

what farmers branch was doing. But to such an extent he was going to say he actually called up carmen Hernandez

with the Dallas morning news and asked her to interview him because he had another side of the story. Irving was

not going to be a Farmers Branch, in fact, he read the charter and according to his understanding, Irving welcomes

all of its inhabitants. And that was his word, all of its inhabitants. So and we should treat all of our inhabitants

equally. Further escalating all of this debate going on in the city and bringing Irving into the national discussion on

this, our mayor met with some of a group called ACORN and they talked to him and they said look we want you to

sign a letter. We want you to sign a letter saying that you will not allow your police to enforce federal illegal

immigration laws and he signed it.” [Van Duyne Citizens for immigration reform meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Was The Lone Member Of The City Council Who Wanted To Challenge Irving’s

Sanctuary City Status And Collected Over 1,000 Signatures To Stop It

Van Duyne Was The Lone Member Of The City Council Who Wanted To Challenge Irving’s Sanctuary City

Status And Collected Over 1,000 Signatures To Stop It. “But this issue in particular really caused a strife

because the majority of the council agreed with him. And it is very difficult when until this last election you only

had one other person who was willing to take a stand on this. There were 8 members out of 9 on our city council

who wanted nothing to do with this issue who would not even talk about this issue, they would not even bring it up

on an agenda, And the city of Irving, in order to get something discussed either the mayor, puts something on the

agenda or you have three council members put it on the agenda. I couldn’t get another one to talk about it. I

couldn’t even get another person to sign on with me that they wanted to talk about this issue. So, as a result, I had to

wait until May, when we finally had, how many signatures ended up being. there over 1,000 people who signed

signatures and then we had counter petitions of people who didn’t want to do anything.” [Van Duyne Citizens for

immigration reform meeting, 8/9/07]

Van Duyne Said Irving Was “The Opposite Of A Sanctuary City”

Van Duyne Said Irving Was “The Opposite Of A Sanctuary City” “We were the opposite of sanctuary city, we

actually enforced our laws. But the result of that was you saw all of these activists from outside of our city come in

and call us every name in the book. I was a racist, I was a bigot, everything But what they didn’t see was the actual

results and the results of that were, while yes we did deport of a number of criminal illegal aliens the crime rate of

our city plummeted to the lowest in our cities history and that lasted for nine years, we became the fifth safest city

in the country and as a result our streets were safer our community was safer, we had people who continued to

move in, we had businesses that continued to expand, so while the lefts argument is to you know throw labels, nasty

negative labels at elective officials, if you know that there is a solution out there don’t be afraid of it. You have to

have a backbone. You have to be willing to fight for what you know is right, but they will try to shut you down left

and right and that is what I think you see from the crazy squad. But as conservatives, as elected officials you have

to be willing to have a voice and fight for what you know is right. We did that in the city of Irving, and we saw

immediate results from that.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

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Labor & Working Families

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne claimed that women were being held back due to a “lack of quality child care, elderly care

for sick parents and flexibility to manage competing demands”

✓ Van Duyne blamed union leaders for layoffs at Hostess

✓ Van Duyne voiced concern about Supreme Court justices who would “champion liberal policies” like

“unchecked labor unions”

Economy & Jobs

Van Duyne Said Democrats Think “Businesses Are Bad, Jobs Are Bad And Really America Is Bad”

Van Duyne Said Democrats Think “Businesses Are Bad, Jobs Are Bad And Really America Is Bad.” “Those

are meat and potato issues that I think normal people want to listen to. What you’re seeing up there right now by

really the radical wing of the democrat party, the socialist party that seems to be running things is open borders, no

accountability, governments going to come and take whatever problems that we have government can solve and by

the way we’re going to tax everyone to make sure that that’s done and businesses are bad, jobs are bad and really

America is bad.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Child Care & Paid Leave

Van Duyne Claimed That Women Were Being Held Back Due To A “Lack Of Quality Child Care,

Elderly Care For Sick Parents And Flexibility To Manage Competing Demands”

Van Duyne Claimed That Women Were Being Held Back Due To A “Lack Of Quality Child Care, Elderly

Care For Sick Parents And Flexibility To Manage Competing Demands.” “Why do these disparities exist?

Lack of quality child care, elderly care for sick parents and flexibility to manage competing demands have certainly

contributed to a less-than-compatible work environment for women everywhere. Access to affordable career

training, safe yet sustainable housing and a supportive ecosystem could make a tremendous difference. Women still

have to deal with chauvinism and bigotry from both their supervisors and subordinates — for just the latest high-

profile example, check out engineer Susan Fowler’s recounting of her Kafkaesque experiences with harassment and

HR at Uber. And don’t even get me started on the double standards (i.e., what passes for ‘passion’ in men is seen as

‘overly emotional’ in women).” [OZY, Van Duyne Op-Ed, 2/24/17]


Van Duyne Blamed Union Leaders For Layoffs At Hostess

Van Duyne Blamed Union Leaders For Layoffs At Hostess. “PAYNE: But in a town in Texas, well, they are

bracing for the worse. Irvington (sic) is the home of Hostess, their headquarters, and now they're facing massive job

losses and future hits to its tax revenue. The mayor of that town, Beth Van Duyne, joins us now. Mayor, thank you

very much for taking out the time. […] It is a travesty. What do you think could have been done to avoid it? Van

Duyne: You know, the union leaders really need to come to the table and work with the business leaders. It is not

an us against them. I mean this is management and employees working together in the best interests of the

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company, which is to move it forward. They need to be concentrating on what needs to be done in order to make

this a successful company for everybody. Nobody wants to lose their jobs, especially not now. But it’s really

pertinent to those union leaders to be able to represent the employees that they were elected and do the job. And

unfortunately, when they don’t show up at the negotiation table, that’s really tough to happen.” [Neil Cavuto, Fox

Business, 11/21/12]

Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal

Policies” Like “Unchecked Labor Unions”

Van Duyne Voiced Concern About Supreme Court Justices Who Would “Champion Liberal Policies” Like

“Unchecked Labor Unions.” “During the past debate, Clinton was very clear that she would nominate progressive

justices who champion liberal policies such as gun control, abortion, amnesty and unchecked labor unions. In other

words, she’s advocating the Supreme Court become a lawmaking body, marginalizing Congress and making three

judges nominated by her and two nominated by President Obama, none of whom were elected by the people,

responsible for dictating public policy. Supreme Court justices have lifelong appointments specifically to remove

them from making decisions based on politics. Trump’s prospective Supreme Court nominations include strict

constructionists who will uphold the Constitution and not legislate from the bench.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece,


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Local Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne claimed Irving did not have enough money for Fire Department improvements

✓ While Van Duyne was mayor, McKesson Corp spent $157 million in expansion to Irving TX, which

brought nearly 1,000 jobs to the area

✓ Van Duyne tried to require restaurants to make no more than 40% of revenue from alcohol sales

✓ While Van Duyne was mayor, Irving had a AAA bond rating, and won several business awards

Fire Department

Van Duyne Claimed The City Did Not Have Enough Money To Pay For Improvements To The

Irving Fire Department

Van Duyne Claimed The City Did Not Have Enough Money To Pay For Improvements To The Irving Fire

Department. “One sliver of the planned debt: $3.4 million to buy a new truck and pumps for the Fire Department.

The council never asked for the equipment, and the mayor said no one mentioned needing it last fall, when

members worked out the $475 million budget. But staffers said Wednesday the expense was necessary to keep the

fleet in good order. And with the lean years of a national recession fading into the past, the time was right to buy.

‘But we don’t have the money now,’ Van Duyne said. ‘We’re selling bonds.’” [Dallas Morning News, 4/4/13]

Local Businesses & Jobs

McKesson Corp Spent $157 Million In Expansion To Irving TX, Which Brought Nearly 1,000 Jobs

To The Area

McKesson Corp Spent $157 Million In Expansion To Irving TX, Which Brought Nearly 1,000 Jobs To The

Area. “San Francisco-based McKesson Corp. has announced Thursday it plans to spend $157 million in a Texas

expansion in Irving, which will bring nearly 1,000 new jobs to the region. The health care services and information

technology company had been shopping for a new regional hub for some time. Real estate sources said in February

that McKesson was working a deal to fill the former NEC buildings near State Highway 161 and State Highway

114 in Irving. McKesson plans to add at least 975 new jobs in its expansion efforts in addition to the 900 already

working in North Texas. […] Mayor Beth Van Duyne said the city was honored to add another high-regarded

corporate powerhouse to Irving. ‘We are certain McKesson will find Irving to be a dynamic city that provides

signature facilities, quality of life amenities and a deep and sophisticated pool of employee talent,’ Van Duyne said

in a prepared statement.” [Dallas Business Journal, 3/10/16]

Van Duyne Celebrated McKesson’s Move To Irving. “The City of Irving and the Greater Irving-Las Colinas

Chamber of Commerce partnered with the Office of the Governor to facilitate state and local support for

McKesson’s expansion. ‘The City of Irving is thrilled the McKesson Corporation has chosen Irving as its new

regional home. We are honored to add another highly-regarded corporate powerhouse to our distinguished and

growing list of business partners,’ said Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne. ‘We are certain McKesson will find Irving

to be a dynamic city that provides signature facilities, quality of life amenities and a deep and sophisticated pool of

employee talent.’” [Gov. Greg Abbott Press Release, 3/10/16]

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Van Duyne: “The City Of Irving Is Thrilled The McKesson Corporation Has Chosen Irving As Its New

Regional Home. We Are Honored To Add Another Highly-Regarded Corporate Powerhouse To Our

Distinguished And Growing List Of Business Partners.” “The City of Irving and the Greater Irving-Las

Colinas Chamber of Commerce partnered with the Office of the Governor to facilitate state and local support

for McKesson’s expansion. ‘The City of Irving is thrilled the McKesson Corporation has chosen Irving as its

new regional home. We are honored to add another highly-regarded corporate powerhouse to our distinguished

and growing list of business partners,’ said Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne. ‘We are certain McKesson will find

Irving to be a dynamic city that provides signature facilities, quality of life amenities and a deep and

sophisticated pool of employee talent.’” [Gov. Greg Abbott Press Release, 3/10/16]

Van Duyne Made A Bid To Require Restaurants To Make No More Than 40% Of Revenue From

Alcohol Sales

Van Duyne Made A Bid To Require Restaurants To Make No More Than 40% Of Revenue From Alcohol

Sales. “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne received no support from her colleagues Wednesday

afternoon in a bid for a charter election on requirements that restaurants make no more than 40 percent of revenues

from alcohol sales.” [Dallas Morning News, 11/5/09]

Van Duyne’s Bid To Have Restaurants Make No More Than 40% Of Revenue From Alcohol Sale Sales

Received No Support From Colleagues. “Irving City Council member Beth Van Duyne received no support

from her colleagues Wednesday afternoon in a bid for a charter election on requirements that restaurants make

no more than 40 percent of revenues from alcohol sales. Van Duyne requested the charter election following a

controversial City Council decision last month allowing alcohol sales at the convention and entertainment

center and Irving Arts Center.” [Dallas Morning News, 11/5/09]

Van Duyne: “We Didn’t Even Think About The Community Value We Claimed To Uphold.” “But Van

Duyne said the council was acting hypocritically. She said the city was placing revenue requirements on

businesses while skirting the same conditions for city venues. ‘We didn’t even think about the community

value we claimed to uphold,’ Van Duyne said.” [Dallas Morning News, 11/5/09]

Van Duyne Supported A Pub Coming To Irving

Van Duyne Supported A Pub Coming To Irving. “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne attended the ceremony and

elaborated on the benefits of having a brew pub within city limits. ‘Well I think what our constituents, our business

owners and our visitors have asked for is a diversity of establishments to visit,’ Van Duyne said.” [Irving Rambler,


Van Duyne: “This Will Not Be Everybody’s Cup Of Tea, But A Significant Number Of People Are Going

To Come Here, Spend Their Money Here Which Creates Sales Tax Revenue.” “‘This will not be

everybody’s cup of tea, but a significant number of people are going to come here, spend their money here

which creates sales tax revenue. So this is a win-win for the city. We’ve been told that we don’t have enough

restaurants, so every restaurant we can get is responding to the requests we have been receiving multiple times.’

Although concerns had been raised through social media of the possible negative impact of brewing in the city,

there was no opposition to the brew house’s construction, the Mayor said. ‘We have an opportunity for public

input for a reason, and when this was on the agenda we didn’t really get any negative public input, and since

it’s opened, we really haven’t gotten any negative public input,’ she said.” [Irving Rambler, 8/31/13]

Van Duyne: “We Have An Opportunity For Public Input For A Reason, And When This Was On The

Agenda We Didn’t Really Get Any Negative Public Input, And Since It’s Opened, We Really Haven’t

Gotten Any Negative Public Input.” “‘This will not be everybody’s cup of tea, but a significant number of

people are going to come here, spend their money here which creates sales tax revenue. So this is a win-win for

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the city. We’ve been told that we don’t have enough restaurants, so every restaurant we can get is responding to

the requests we have been receiving multiple times.’ Although concerns had been raised through social media

of the possible negative impact of brewing in the city, there was no opposition to the brew house’s construction,

the Mayor said. ‘We have an opportunity for public input for a reason, and when this was on the agenda we

didn’t really get any negative public input, and since it’s opened, we really haven’t gotten any negative public

input,’ she said.” [Irving Rambler, 8/31/13]

Van Duyne Jumped Out Of A Plane With The Red Bull Air Force For Irving’s First Red Bull

Flugtag Event

Van Duyne Jumped Out Of A Plane With The Red Bull Air Force For Irving’s First Red Bull Flugtag Event.

“Under the scorching Texas sun today at the Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas, National Red Bull Flugtag

DFW participants and Irving City Officials gathered to watch Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne take flight with the

Red Bull Air Force. In a tandem jump from 9, 500 feet with Red Bull Air Force member Luke Aikins, Van Duyne

glided into a perfect landing to officially proclaim Sep. 21 as National Red Bull Flugtag Day in the city of Irving.

‘Standing here today you can see airplanes flying overhead, the occasional gondola floating by and of course, our

DART line rail cruising past - but that will just be old school - because on Sept. 21 we’re welcoming at least 50,

000 fans to Irving’s first Red Bull Flugtag event,’ said Van Duyne. ‘I am thrilled that Irving is the backdrop for this

fantastic event. We are one of five cities across the country to be part of this, and I am really looking forward to

welcoming 33 teams to Irving from all over the country.’” [Irving Rambler, 9/7/13]

VIDEO: Jumped Out Of A Plane With The Red Bull Air Force [Redbull Content Pool, Dallas

Announcement, 9/12/13] 2 All Photos

Irving Economy

2017: Moody’s Affirmed Irving’s AAA Rating

2017: Moody’s Affirmed Irving’s AAA Rating. “Moody’s Investors Service affirmed the City of Irving’s AAA

rating on its General Obligation Bonds, making Irving one in just seven Texas cities to receive a AAA rating from

Moody’s in this category. Irving has earned top ratings for its General Obligation Bonds from Moody’s every year

since 1986. Standard and Poor’s affirmed the AAA rating for Irving’s General Obligation Bonds, the highest rating

S&P assigns. Additionally, S&P upgraded Ir-ving’s Water and Sewer and Utility Revenue Bonds Rating to an

AA+, while Moody’s affirmed the AA2.” [Irving Rambler, 3/4/17]

Van Duyne: “Moody’s And S&P Cited Sound Operating Performance And An Experienced

Management Team For The Top Ratings, The Team Recognizes Top Ratings Translate To Significant

Interest Savings That Help Provide Irving The Financial Depth And Flexibility To Improve Our

Booming City, Which Is One Of The Fastest Growing In The Nation.” “Both agencies reported the strong

ratings reflect Irving’s favorable location within the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area, complemented by a

growing tax base with a strong commercial component. They also cited a strong financial management

assessment, which S&P said reflected ‘the depth of policies and best practices that support financial-related

decision making in the city.’ ‘Moody’s and S&P cited sound operating performance and an experienced

management team for the top ratings,’ Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne said. ‘The team recognizes top ratings

translate to significant interest savings that help provide Irving the financial depth and flexibility to improve our

booming city, which is one of the fastest growing in the nation.’” [Irving Rambler, 3/4/17]

2012: Under Van Duyne’s Leadership Irving Won The Nation’s Highest Award For Good Business


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2012: Under Van Duyne’s Leadership Irving Won The Nation’s Highest Award For Good Business

Practices. “Irving is only the second city to win a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award - a presidential honor

that is like the Oscars for business managers - since government agencies became eligible for it in 2007. ‘It’s highly

sought after. Competitively so. You have to be the best of the best,’ said Daryl Walker, chairman of the Greater

Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce, at a celebratory press conference Wednesday. Surrounded by rows of

city staff, City Manager Tommy Gonzalez lauded Irving for implementing efficiencies large and small - from

reducing its payroll without layoffs and reorganizing its administration to cleaning up major thoroughfares. Mayor

Beth Van Duyne pointed out that the award traditionally goes to private-sector organizations. Past winners include

Xerox, FedEx and Motorola. Of 39 applicants this year, the three other winners were a small manufacturer in

Oklahoma, a nonprofit hospital system in Mississippi and Grand Prairie-based Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire

Control. ‘We take best practices from the private sector, how businesses are run, and incorporate them into how we

run a government municipality,’ Van Duyne said. ‘It can be done.’” [Dallas Morning News, 11/15/12]

Irving Won The Malcolm Baldrige Award Under Van Duyne

Irving Won The Malcolm Baldrige Award Under Van Duyne’s Leadership. “[Fox Business Network Anchor

Melissa] FRANCIS: ‘So, it is rare these days to hear of a city being financially stable and responsible, let alone,

winning an award for it, but the city of Irving, Texas, did just that. They won the Malcolm Baldrige Award, a

highly sought-after and competitive award highlighting business excellence. The mayor of Irving says that not only

can her city be a model example for others, but it can also teach the federal government a thing or two. Mayor Beth

Van Duyne, thanks for being here.” [Fox Business Network, Money, 12/18/12]

2011: Van Duyne Voted Against A $170 Million Bond Plan And Proposed A $128.5 Million Package

That Could Be Increased If An Investment-Grade Rating Is Obtained For The Revenue Debt

2011: Van Duyne Voted Against A $170 Million Bond Plan And Proposed A $128.5 Million Package That

Could Be Increased If An Investment-Grade Rating Is Obtained For The Revenue Debt. “Irving will make an

unofficial commitment this week of $170 million of revenue bonds to help pay for a proposed entertainment

complex despite warnings that the new debt could affect the Dallas suburb’s bond rating. The Irving City Council

voted 6 to 3 last week to notify Las Colinas Group, its partner in the $180 million project, that it should be able to

commit bond proceeds to the effort. The initial construction cost estimate was $250 million. The council is

expected to vote in January on whether to make an official commitment to the complex project. City officials said

the complex would include a cluster of restaurants and a pedestrian walkway anchored by a large concert hall. It

would be located adjacent to the new bond-financed Irving Convention Center in the Las Colinas residential and

commercial district near Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Mayor Beth Van Duyne voted against the $170

million bond plan. She proposed a $128.5 million package that could be increased if an investment-grade rating is

obtained for the revenue debt.” [Bond Buyer, 12/12/11]

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Tax Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne celebrated Trump’s success on tax reform, and claimed it helped the middle class

✓ The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act primarily benefitted the wealthy and corporations

✓ Van Duyne signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, opposing any and all efforts to increase “the

marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses”

✓ Van Duyne supported a ballot initiative to end personal income tax in Texas, slashing corporate tax

rates, and ending the estate tax

✓ Van Duyne attended the Kayo conference for women’s real estate and participated in a panel about

Opportunity Zones

Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Success On Tax Reform

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Tax Reform, Claiming It Was “Putting Dollars Back Into The Pockets Of

The Middle Class.” “Absolutely, we have seen it work at a government level and we can do it again. You think

about the things that Trump has been able to accomplish, not only and to me all of his conservative federal court

appointments, but also things like trade agreements. Taking it on, looking at our tax reforms, these are things that

are putting dollars back into the pockets of the middle class, basically every class, but also focusing on jobs

Realizing that it’s not public sector, it’s not government, citizen, taxpayer dollars that’s going to solve everything

it’s getting the private sector dollars to get to be able to work to advance families and communities all across the

country.” [Debbie Georgatos, America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Benefitted The Wealthy, Corporations, And Special Interests…

Washington Post: Final Tax Bill Included A “Significant Tax Break For The Very Wealthy” And “A

Massive Tax Cut For Corporations.” “A new tax cut for the rich: The final plan lowers the top tax rate for top

earners. Under current law, the highest rate is 39.6 percent for married couples earning over $470,700. The GOP

bill would drop that to 37 percent and raise the threshold at which that top rate kicks in, to $500,000 for individuals

and $600,000 for married couples. This amounts to a significant tax break for the very wealthy, a departure from

repeated claims by Trump and his top officials that the bill would not benefit the rich. […] A massive tax cut for

corporations “A massive tax cut for corporations: Starting on Jan. 1, 2018, big businesses’ tax rate would fall from

35 percent to just 21 percent, the largest one-time rate cut in U.S. history for the nation’s largest companies.”

[Washington Post, 12/15/17]

…While Millions Of Americans Would Pay More In Taxes

Politifact: GOP Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes For The Middle Class After Individual Tax Cut Provisions

Expired In 2025. “Gillibrand said the Republican ‘tax [plan] raises middle-class taxes.’ That’s not true during the

first years of the new tax provisions. If not for the sunset for the tax changes for individuals, we likely would have

rated Gillibrand’s statement False or perhaps Mostly False. Middle-income taxpayers will either benefit or see no

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change in their tax liability through 2025. But her claim could hold up after the bill’s individual provisions expire

that year. There’s no guarantee a future Congress will extend those parts of the bill.” [Politifact, 12/22/17]

Tax Policy Center: In 2018, 5 Percent Of Taxpayers Would Pay More In Taxes Under The GOP Tax

Bill, But Would Increase To 53 Percent Of Taxpayers In 2027. “Some taxpayers would pay more in taxes

under the proposal in 2018 and 2025 than under current law: about 5 percent of taxpayers in 2018 and 9 percent

in 2025. In 2027, however, taxes would increase for 53 percent of taxpayers compared with current law.” [Tax

Policy Center, 12/18/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased The Federal Debt – And Republicans Planned To Pay For It With Cuts To

Medicare And Social Security

Official CBO Estimate Found Final Tax Bill Would Increase The Federal Deficit By $1.9 Trillion. “The

GOP’s signature tax law is projected to increase the national debt by $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028,

according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). According to the report, the tax law would

cost the government $2.3 trillion in revenues, but economic growth would offset that figure by about $461 billion.”

[The Hill, 4/9/18]

After Passing A Tax Bill That Added Trillions To The Deficit, Speaker Ryan Said Medicare And Medicaid

Would Need To Be “Reformed” In Order To Decrease The Deficit. “With his dream of tax reform now

realized, Ryan is hoping to make progress on two other issues he’s targeted during his two-decade career in

Washington: entitlement and welfare reform. ‘We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform,

which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,’ Ryan, a former Budget Committee chairman, said in a recent

interview this month on the Ross Kaminsky radio talk show. Medicare and Medicaid are the ‘big drivers of debt,’

Ryan said, suggesting Republicans could once again use the budget reconciliation process to avoid a Democratic

filibuster. Medicare is the ‘biggest entitlement that’s got to have reform,’ Ryan added.” [The Hill, 12/27/17]

HEADLINE: After Tax Overhaul, GOP Sets Sights on Medicare, Social Security [US News, 12/7/17]

HEADLINE: Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid spending in 2018

[Washington Post, 12/6/17]

HEADLINE: Paul Ryan Pushes to Keep Overhaul of Safety-Net Programs on GOP Agenda [Wall Street

Journal, 2/4/18]

AP: “A Wide Range Of Economists And Nonpartisan Analysts Have Warned That The Bill Will Likely

Escalate Federal Debt, Intensify Pressure To Cut Spending On Social Programs And Further Widen

America’s Troubling Income Inequality.” “The tax overhaul of 2017 amounts to a high-stakes gamble by

Republicans in Congress: That slashing taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals will accelerate growth and

assure greater prosperity for Americans for years to come. The risks are considerable. A wide range of economists

and nonpartisan analysts have warned that the bill will likely escalate federal debt, intensify pressure to cut

spending on social programs and further widen America’s troubling income inequality.” [Associated Press,


Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Increase Incentives To Move Jobs Overseas

Tax Experts Said The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased Incentives For Companies To Move Jobs Overseas.

“What happened to the workers in Clinton, tax experts say, will probably happen to more Americans if the

Republican tax overhaul becomes law. The legislation fails to eliminate long-standing incentives for companies to

move overseas and, in some cases, may even increase them, they say. ‘This bill is potentially more dangerous than

our current system,’ said Stephen Shay, a senior lecturer at Harvard Law School and former Treasury Department

international tax expert in the Obama administration. ‘It creates a real incentive to shift real activity offshore.’”

[Washington Post, 12/15/17]

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Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Lead To More Expensive Health Insurance; 13 Million More Uninsured

Final Tax Bill Eliminated Central Affordable Care Act Provision, Leading To 13 Million Fewer Americans

With Insurance. “The individual mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act, and removing it was a top priority for

Trump and congressional Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office projects the change will increase

insurance premiums and lead to 13 million fewer Americans with insurance in a decade, while also cutting

government spending by more than $300 billion over that period.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

GOP Tax Bill Would Cause Health Insurance Premiums To Rise, And Could Lead Insurers To Drop Out Of

Regional Markets. “The final GOP plan will repeal the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance mandate,

which would allow young and healthy people to leave the insurance pool, forcing insurers to compensate by raising

prices due to the higher costs of insuring only less-healthy people. Not only would premiums likely rise, but many

insurers could drop out of regional markets.” [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

HEADLINE: Republican Tax Plan Will Make Health Insurance More Expensive [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

Tax Cuts

Van Duyne Signed The Taxpayer Protection Pledge, Opposing Any And All Efforts To Increase

“The Marginal Income Tax Rates For Individuals And/Or Businesses”

Van Duyne Signed The Taxpayer Protection Pledge, Opposing Any And All Efforts To Increase “The

Marginal Income Tax Rates For Individuals And/Or Businesses.” “Last night, in front of a full house of

students, precinct chairs and interested citizens, I signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. @GroverNorquist and

@tgiovanetti were there to sign as witnesses. Government takes enough of our hard earned money. Enough is

enough.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/15/19]

Van Duyne Said That Middle Class Income Grew $4,144 In Only 2.5 Years, Versus Only Growing $1,043 In

7.5 Years. [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 10/8/19]

Van Duyne Supported A Ballot Initiative To End Personal Income Tax In Texas

Van Duyne Supported A Ballot Initiative To End Personal Income Tax In Texas. “NO Personal Income Tax in

Texas: Vote FOR Proposition 4 to prevent a personal income tax in Texas! The last day to Early Vote is this Friday.

There are other Constitutional Amendments for your consideration (

election/), make sure to read up and cast an informed vote.” [Beth Van Duyne Campaign Facebook, 10/30/19]

Van Duyne Advocated For Slashing Corporate Tax Rates

Van Duyne Advocated For Slashing Corporate Tax Rates. “Conversely, Trump’s policies on the economy,

taxes and national security are more in line with traditional Republican values. Compared with Clinton’s $1.4

trillion in tax hikes, Trump’s commitment to proven pro-growth economic policies is a no-brainer for anyone who

wants more jobs, higher wages and the type of GDP growth our nation desperately needs. Trump’s tax plan, which

he has pledged to move in the first 100 days of his presidency, slashes tax brackets and corporate tax rates, ends the

death tax and, perhaps most important, creates a consumer-friendly IRS. Trump’s commitment to fully secure the

border, to deport criminal illegal aliens and to provide local law enforcement the tools they need to keep our

communities safe are significant issues.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Advocated For Ending The Estate Tax

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Van Duyne Advocated For Ending The Estate Tax. “Conversely, Trump’s policies on the economy, taxes and

national security are more in line with traditional Republican values. Compared with Clinton’s $1.4 trillion in tax

hikes, Trump’s commitment to proven pro-growth economic policies is a no-brainer for anyone who wants more

jobs, higher wages and the type of GDP growth our nation desperately needs. Trump’s tax plan, which he has

pledged to move in the first 100 days of his presidency, slashes tax brackets and corporate tax rates, ends the death

tax and, perhaps most important, creates a consumer-friendly IRS. Trump’s commitment to fully secure the border,

to deport criminal illegal aliens and to provide local law enforcement the tools they need to keep our communities

safe are significant issues.” [OZY, Beth Van Duyne piece, 10/27/16]

Van Duyne Cited Reducing The Property Tax Rate As One Of Her Greatest Accomplishments As


Van Duyne Cited Reducing The Property Tax Rate As One Of Her Greatest Accomplishments As Mayor.

“The people of Irving placed their faith in me to take over as a new Mayor and later I was overwhelmingly re-

elected because there was great concern that the City was being run without regard to sound financial practices,

often creating backroom deals that only served to payoff shady consultants and campaign donors to the previous

Mayor. Since I have been Mayor, we have increased the number of single family homes which is important to help

create stronger neighborhoods, more long-term residents, improve our schools and draw new retail establishments

to our City; for the first time in years we delivered tax relief to the citizens of Irving by reducing the property tax

rate; our property valuations have increased as more people are moving to Irving and new job opportunities have

become available; we have secured numerous corporate re-locations (such as the new 7-11 headquarters and

Envoy) as well as retained existing corporations, such as NEC, that have brought jobs to our city and created new

opportunities for our residents; in South Irving, we have completed the new South Irving library that opened this

past week; perhaps most importantly, we have stopped bad deals or removed the City from wasteful contracts with

consultants or developers who did nothing more than cash millions of dollars of checks from our City.” [Beth Van

Duyne Questionnaire with Journalist Avi Selk, accessed 1/10/20]

Opportunity Zones

Van Duyne Attended The Kayo Conference For Women’s Real Estate And Participated In A Panel

About Opportunity Zones

Van Duyne Attended The Kayo Conference For Women’s Real Estate And Participated In A Panel About

Opportunity Zones. “Attending @Kayo_Conference Women’s Real Estate Summit. Interesting discussion about

affordable housing from investors’ perspective. Great to see so many strong, professional and successful women in

one place.” [Beth Van Duyne Twitter, 6/25/19]

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Trade & Outsourcing Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne supported Trump’s tariffs on consumer goods from China

✓ Van Duyne celebrated Trump’s trade agreements


Van Duyne Supported Trump’s Tariffs On Consumer Goods From China

Van Duyne Supported Trump’s Tariffs On Consumer Goods From China. “[Question] Do you support

President Trump’s imposition of tariffs on consumer goods American companies buy from China? If you disagree

with these or other tariffs what will you do if elected to address it? [Van Duyne] Yes.” [Dallas Morning News –

Voter Guide, accessed 5/13/20]

Trade Agreements

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Trade Agreements

Van Duyne Celebrated Trump’s Federal Court Appointments, Trade Agreements, And Tax Reform.

“Absolutely, we have seen it work at a government level and we can do it again. You think about the things that

Trump has been able to accomplish, not only and to me all of his conservative federal court appointments, but also

things like trade agreements. Taking it on, looking at our tax reforms, these are things that are putting dollars back

into the pockets of the middle class, basically every class, but also focusing on jobs Realizing that it’s not public

sector, it’s not government, citizen, taxpayer dollars that’s going to solve everything it’s getting the private sector

dollars to get to be able to work to advance families and communities all across the country.” [Debbie Georgatos,

America Can We Talk?, 1/2/20]

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Veterans & Military Family Issues

Significant Findings

✓ Van Duyne said HUD commended cities for pursuing ending veteran homelessness

Veteran Homelessness

Van Duyne Said HUD Commended Cities For Pursuing Ending Veteran Homelessness

Van Duyne: “HUD Commends The TCHC And Their Partners, Including The Cities Of Fort Worth And

Arlington, For Pursuing This Challenge To End Veteran Homelessness.” “‘HUD commends the TCHC and

their partners, including the cities of Fort Worth and Arlington, for pursuing this challenge to end veteran

homelessness,’ said Beth Van Duyne, HUD Regional Administrator. ‘Ending chronic veteran homelessness has

long been a goal at HUD. People who have honorably served their country don’t belong on the street and this

community partnership is determined to end that in Tarrant County, once and for all.’” [Fort Worth Business Press,


Van Duyne: “Ending Chronic Veteran Homelessness Has Long Been A Goal At HUD. People Who Have

Honorably Served Their Country Don’t Belong On The Street And This Community Partnership Is

Determined To End That In Tarrant County, Once And For All.” “‘HUD commends the TCHC and their

partners, including the cities of Fort Worth and Arlington, for pursuing this challenge to end veteran

homelessness,’ said Beth Van Duyne, HUD Regional Administrator. ‘Ending chronic veteran homelessness has

long been a goal at HUD. People who have honorably served their country don’t belong on the street and this

community partnership is determined to end that in Tarrant County, once and for all.’” [Fort Worth Business

Press, 9/27/18]

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Appendix I – Personal Financial Disclosures

2020 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2019: Van Duyne Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $101,004 And $255,000

2019: Van Duyne Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $101,004 And $255,000. [Van Duyne 2020 Public

Financial Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]

Earned Income

2019: Van Duyne Reported $141,957 In Earned Income

2020: Van Duyne Reported $141,957 In Earned Income. [Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial Disclosure Report,

filed 12/3/19]

2020 Van Duyne Earned Income

Source Type Amount (Year To


Amount (Previous


US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Salary $93,333 $160,000

SSP Inc. Consulting Fees $40,000 n/a

Hatton Sumners Foundation Board


$8,623.91 n/a

[Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]

Assets & Unearned Income

2019: Van Duyne Reported Between $116,004 And $265,000 In Assets

2019: Van Duyne Reported Between $116,004 And $265,000 In Assets. [Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]

2020 Van Duyne Assets & “Unearned” Income

SP/DC/JT Asset Year-End Value Type Of


Amount Of Income

(Year To Filing)

Amount Of Income

(Previous Year)

Min Max Min Max Min Max

LSG Sky Chefs


$1,001 $15,000 None

Thrift Savings Plan $50,001 $100,000 None

WFCS As Custodian $15,001 $50,000 None

WFCS As Custodian $50,001 $100,000 None

Total: $116,004 $265,000 Total: $0 $0 $0 $0

[Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]


2020 Van Duyne Liabilities

Owner Creditor Date Incurred Type Amount Of Liability

DC USAA October 2019 Car Loan $10,000 - $15,000

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[Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]


2019 Van Duyne Positions

Position Name Of Organization

Regional Administrator US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

Trustee Hatton Sumners Foundation

Consultant SSP Inc.

[Van Duyne 2020 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 12/3/19]


Note: No agreements were disclosed for 2020.

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Appendix II – Campaign Finance

Items of Interest

✓ Van Duyne’s 2020 campaign raised $1.9 million as of the first quarter of 2020.


Van Duyne’s Campaign Raised $762,352.32 And Spent $536,150.26

Van Duyne YYYY Congress Campaign Committee Funds


Total Receipts Total Disbursements

Total Indivs Party





Cntribtns Loans Total


Expdts Refunds

2020 $1,918,997 $834,205 $5,000 $176,900 $0 $0 $778,090 $763,913 $14,176

[FEC Committee Candidate and Committee Viewer, accessed 5/13/20]

Note: As of February 2020, Van Duyne didn’t have a profile on Open Secrets and her leadership PAC had not

made any disclosures yet. Further research necessary.

John Kleinheinz Donated $8,400 To Van Duyne’s Congressional Race

John Kleinheinz Donated $8,400 To Van Duyne’s Congressional Race. [Federal Election Commission,

Accessed 2/27/20]

[Federal Election Commission, Accessed 2/27/20]

John Kleinheinz Faced A Third Degree Felony Charge After Stealing A Photographer’s Car And Driving It

Into A Pond

John Kleinheinz Faced A Third Degree Felony Charge After Stealing A Photographer’s Car And Driving It

Into A Pond. “Kleinheinz faced a third degree felony charge after the incident took place near his Fort Worth

Texas home nearly seven years ago, according to a report in the Star-Telegram. The photographer, David ‘Smiley’

Irvin, had been taking pictures of Kleinheinz’s wife and two children from property that Irvin said belonged to the

nearby River Crest Country Club. But Kleinheinz accused Irvin of trespassing on his $10 million dollar property

which is near the club, and threatened to call the police. As the dispute escalated, Kleinheinz jumped into Irvin’s

rented Kia SUV, put it in gear and jumped out before it drove into a pond, as his family looked on.” [Politico,


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Kleinheinz Accused A Photographer Who Was Photographing A Family Of Being On His Property, And

Then Stole The Photographer’s Car And Sent It Careening Into A Pond

Kleinheinz Accused A Photographer Who Was Photographing A Family Of Being On His Property, And

Then Stole The Photographer’s Car And Sent It Careening Into A Pond. “According to the Star-Telegram,

David “Smiley” Irvin was photographing a couple and their two young sons near the 1000 block of Hidden Road.

Irvin insisted he was on property belonging to the River Crest Country Club, but Kleinheinz, who has a 40 acre

spread next door, insisted otherwise and threatened to call the police. Irvin told him to go ahead and kept shooting.

While he was doing so, Kleinheinz jumped into Irvin’s rented Kia Sedona, turned on the ignition, and put it into

gear. He jumped from the minivan as the minivan gained speed, then returned to his BMW where his two children

were waiting and drove away. The Kia crashed into the bond, only it’s luggage rack visible above the water. Police

divers and a tow truck pulled it out the next day.” [Dallas Observer, 9/21/12]

Kleinheinz Caused Over $40,000 In Damages From His Attack And Was Charged With Criminal Mischief

And Faced A Potential Two To 10 Year Prison Sentence

Kleinheinz Caused Over $40,000 In Damages From His Attack. “Police determined that Kleinheinz had caused

$16,000 worth of damage to the vehicle, which also contained more than $25,000 worth photographic equipment.

He was charged with criminal mischief because of the amount of money involved. The charge came with a

potential two to 10 year prison sentence.” [Politico, 5/20/12]

Kleinheinz Was Charged With Criminal Mischief And Faced A Potential Two To 10 Year Prison Sentence.

“Police determined that Kleinheinz had caused $16,000 worth of damage to the vehicle, which also contained more

than $25,000 worth photographic equipment. He was charged with criminal mischief because of the amount of

money involved. The charge came with a potential two to 10 year prison sentence.” [Politico, 5/20/12]

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Appendix III – Vote Statistics

Attendance Record

While A Member Of The City Council Van Duyne Attended 95% Of City Council Meetings. [Irving Texas

City Council, Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

While A Member Of The City Council Van Duyne Attended 90% Of City Council Work Sessions. [Irving

Texas City Council, Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

While Mayor Van Duyne Attended 95% Of City Council Meetings. [Irving Texas City Council, Meetings,

Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]

While Mayor Van Duyne Attended 89.9% Of City Council Work Sessions. [Irving Texas City Council,

Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes, Accessed 1/13/20]
