Page 1: DC Ethnography Rubric: 4:30pm class

#1: Overall

These items should impact the overall success of the


#2: Results

A successful results section should:

#3: Introduction

A successful introduction should:

#4: Conclusion

A successful conclusion should:

#5: Methodology

A successful methods sec-tion should:

Your paper must maintain a focus on your argument and must be clear to the reader

Give a focus for the section and tells how that heading relates to your argument

Have an argument and pur-pose for that argument

Be concise and to the point, and should tie your argument together

Explain what you did and why

MLA is good enough that I can tell where your quotes came from

Gives evidence from the text-book, personal experience, and/or data, and then analyzes this evidence

Give background on the DC and refer to qualified experts from our textbook

Tells what you learned from your research and/or what someone else can learn.

Explain the process and pur-pose of what you did, and in-clude examples and explana-tions of examples.

/8 points total /6 points total / 4 points total /4 points total /3 points total

Total score (out of 25 points):


Student’s Name:

DC Ethnography Rubric ENC 1101-0123/ Fall 2011

Discourse Community Ethnography Rubric 4:30-5:45:pm class

Note: As a class, we developed the following criteria to evaluate your ethnographies. The categories and criteria listed below are listed in the order that we

decided, from most to least essential to the overall success of the paper.