Page 1: Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers … · 9.30 am PREDICT: Prostate – an individualised pre-treatment prognostic model for survival in non-metastatic prostate

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Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers and the BAUS academic research prize presentations

Monday 23 April 2018

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Page 2: Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers … · 9.30 am PREDICT: Prostate – an individualised pre-treatment prognostic model for survival in non-metastatic prostate

Monday 23 April 2018

Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers and the BAUS academic research prize presentations

9.00 am Registration, tea and coffee

9.25 am Welcome and introduction

Mr John McGrath, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

Mr Roland Morley, President, Urology Section, Royal Society of Medicine


Chairs: Mr Daron Smith, Consultant Urological Surgeon, University College Hospital

Mr Bhaskar Somani, Associate Professor and Consultant Urological Surgeon,

University of Southampton

9.30 am PREDICT: Prostate – an individualised pre-treatment prognostic model for survival in non-metastatic

prostate cancer

Mr David Thurtle, Urology Registrar, University of Cambridge

An international multicentre cohort study assessing the role of medical expulsive therapy in

spontaneous stone passage in acute ureteric colic

Mr Veeru Kasivisvanathan, SpR Urology, University College London and West Hertfordshire

Hospitals NHS Trust

Vaccines for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections: A systematic review

Dr Nikoo Aziminia, Foundation Year 2 Doctor, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

The effects of testosterone replacement therapy on sexual dysfunction and quality of life in adult men

with opioid induced androgen deficiency: A systematic review

Miss Maria Kunitsyna, Medical Student, University of Southampton

Quality of life trends of bladder cancer patients over the last four decades: A systematic review of the


Dr Karan Rangarajan, Core Surgical Trainee, Southampton

11.00 am Tea and coffee break and poster viewing

Mr Richard Bryant, Cancer Research UK/Royal College of Surgeons of England Clinician Scientist

Fellow, University of Oxford and Honorary Consultant Urologist, Churchill Hospital

Professor Sri Sriprasad, Honorary Secretary, Urology Section, Royal Society of Medicine


Chairs: Dr Prabhakar Rajan, Consultant Urologist and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Urology, University College

London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Queen Mary University of London

11.30 am Resolving the single-cellular micro-environment of normal and cancerous kidneys

Mr Thomas Mitchell, Academic Clinical Lecturer, Addenbrooke's Hospital

The aim of this meeting is to describe the importance of tissue prevention in treatment for prostate cancer.


Understand the importance of tissue preservation in treatment of prostate cancer

WiFi details: RSM-Wireless

Password: SnLE5BqGKV

Join in the conversation on Twitter using #RSMUrology

Page 3: Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers … · 9.30 am PREDICT: Prostate – an individualised pre-treatment prognostic model for survival in non-metastatic prostate

Monday 23 April 2018

Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers and the BAUS academic research prize presentations

The role of testosterone on the growth of benign and malignant prostate cancer cells: Time for a

new model?

Mr Oliver Hald, Medical Student, University of Southampton

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in overactive bladder – a prospective two year study

Mr Masood Moghul, SpR Urology, Royal Free Hospital

Can renal tract ultrasound replace CT urogram in patients investigated for non visible haematuria?

Mr Wei Tan, Urology Registrar, University College London

A genome wide association study of kidney stone disease reveals five novel susceptibility loci

Dr Sarah Howles, University of Oxford

1.00 pm Lunch


Chairs: Mr Prasanna Sooriakumaran, Consultant Urological Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS

Foundation Trust

2.00 pm Natural history of conservatively managed ureteric stones from a cumulative analysis of 6600 patients

Mr Sachin Yallappa, Endourology Fellow, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

Who should be investigated for haematuria? Results of a contemporary prospective observational study

of 3556 patients

Mr Wei Tan, Urology Registrar, University College London

Poor outcomes with high ductal proportion: The link between morphometry and biochemical recurrence

of prostate ductal adenocarcinoma

Mr Timothy Harkin, Medical Student, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Mortality related to kidney stone interventions over the last two decades

Miss Lily Whitehurst, CT2 Urology, Queen Alexandra Hospital

Site-of-disease recurrence following focal therapy for prostate cancer predicts oncological outcome after

salvage prostate cancer surgery

Dr Thomas Stonier, Core Surgical Trainee, Princess Alexandra Hospital

Circumferential dissection versus lateral mobilisation of urethra in buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty for

anterior urethral stricture

Dr Prarthan Joshi, Senior Resident, Department of Urology, Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, India

200 patients later... Our ten year experience of running a dedicated cystinuria clinic

Miss Francesca Kum, ST3 Urology Registrar, St George's Hospital

Propensity score-matched comparison of focal high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to laparoscopic

radical prostatectomy (LRP) for clinically significant localised prostate cancer

Mr Taimur Shah, SpR Urology, Charing Cross Hospital and Imperial College London

3.40 pm Tea and coffee break and poster viewing

Mr Richard Bryant

Professor Sri Sriprasad

Page 4: Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers … · 9.30 am PREDICT: Prostate – an individualised pre-treatment prognostic model for survival in non-metastatic prostate

Monday 23 April 2018

Day academic meeting, Malcolm Coptcoat spring short papers and the BAUS academic research prize presentations


4.10 pm Malcolm Coptcoat lecture: The future of prostate cancer management is tissue preservation

Professor Hashim Ahmed, Professor of Urology, Imperial College London

4.50 pm British Urology Researchers in Surgical Training (BURST) update

Mr Veeru Kasivisvanathan

5.20 pm Announcement of prize winners

5.30 pm Close of meeting

Evaluation surveys and certificates will be sent by email

We are grateful to Hitachi Medical Systems UK LTD for supporting this meeting

We would like to thank our exhibitor: Cook Medical

WiFi details: RSM-Wireless

Password: SnLE5BqGKV

Join in the conversation on Twitter using #RSMUrology

The RSM itself accepts no legal responsibility for the facts stated or opinions expressed during this meeting. It is the responsibility of any attendees

to satisfy him/herself as to which part(s) of those facts/opinions should be relied on in any way whatsoever.

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CPD: 4 credits

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