Download pdf - Day 1 NEBOSH Questions

  • 8/20/2019 Day 1 NEBOSH Questions


    Day 4 Mock AssessmentQ01: Why Might an organization not consider Health & Safety to be a priority?

    Q02: Outline the reasons why an organization should manage Health & Safety?

    Q03: State legal duties of Employer according to R16?

    Q04: What are the !onse"uences for an employer of non#compliance with Health & Safety Responsibility?

    Q05: Identiy insured and uninsured costs of an accident$

    Q0!: Outline three main parts of a Health & Safety %olicy"

    Q0#: Identiy what circumstance might re"uire a reiew of %olicy?

    Q0$: Desc%i&e the purpose of the O%'anisation section of a Health & Safety policy$

    Q0(: Desc%i&e the purpose of the A%%an'ement section of a Health & Safety policy$

    Q10: Outline responsibilities of client and contractor where a contractor is wor'ing in a client(s wor'place$

    Q11: Outline the area of responsibility placed on people in the supply chain for article and substances that they supply to


    Q14: )i*e the meaning of the term +,ealth - Saety .ultu%e/"

    Q13: ,o do an indiidual(s peer e)ert in*uence oer his+her behaiour?

    Q14: )i*e the meaning of the term +e%cetion/

    Q15: Outline way in which wor'ers perception of hazards in the wor'place might be improed$
