
Day 1Denver

In school we’re venturing on a road trip and I’m stuck in a car with a purple haired girly girl because we’re studying geography and topography. Another thing you should know about me is I am a certified genius. I have never told any body this. I venture to college. that is why am bored when I am in elementary school and why I miss so many days of elementary school.

Geography : the study of life

Topography : the study of the shape land takes

Meet the characters

Tiffany Pippy

Winner of the best place too live in 2006

Hosts many events

Tributary=a small river that leads to a larger one.

Plains = dry flat lands

Bush’s letter telling me I’m a


From the desk of Bush

I’m so happy today were about to venture on the trails by horse back in the plains in Fort Collins. I wanted to do some real camping and devour numerous smores, but alas we most stay at tip top guest ranch in cabin. At least I glimpsed I new kind of plant. It is called the sprinting cactus. It is a petite saguaro cactus that pulls it self out of the ground and sprints on its roots if it glimpses a predator . I also spotted a tributary.

Day 3 Steamboat Springs

Steam boat Springs is situated next to the

Continental Divide

I despise Tiffany. She is so immature and is lucky she has so many friends. At school numerous friends like me because I am unique . She is so popular. We are venturing through numerous life zones, today we drove through the sub alpine life zone.

Life zones= different zones such as sub alpine , alpine


Sub alpine life zone=almost alpine life



I guess Tiffany is not that bad. She helped me finish my homework. To think I’d been filled with wrath for her. I never looked at her incredible other qualities. I might even disclose my biggest secret to her… later

We are in a alpine life zone.

Alpine Life Zone= coldest life zone.


Today we are driving to Silverton and I am so glad I told Tiffany my secret because she is like a whole new girl. She treats me like someone who is cool. She even told me who she likes. “His name is bob and I think he is kind of nerdy but one to her own likes. Today we ventured to a river and gold panned. I swear I have this much gold! Tiffany acquired this much gold. I feel a little sorry for her, but I am still really happy.

We are having a pillow fight with the girl in the next room. It was

this or going to a mesa.

Silverton used to be a mining town.

Us taking a final picture

We really enjoyed our trip but we are extremely happy to be home.
