Page 1: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

David Leach

3, Cherwell Road


BS31 1QU

Tel: 0117 986 6187

E’Mail: asnarpo

Branch 2

Avon and Somerset

Newsletter Number

159 National Association of

Retired Police Officers



Dear Friends,

Before the July edition had been distributed through the excellent service provided from NARPO House in

Wakefield, we enjoyed a glorious day out at Forde Abbey (see page four). Just after this edition has gone to print

many of us will be enjoying another get-together at Oake Manor Golf Club for our Autumn Lunch.

A somewhat changed format to Conference this year and a shortage of other material has prompted me to

provide a more full description of the proceedings than in previous years (pages two and three). Some, I hope, will

find it interesting, others, I fear, will not. The most important aspect of what took place this year was really to

point to a more productive Conference at Southport in 2015.

We have been seeking for the NEC to grasp the nettle, for nettle it certainly will be, of the future structure of

NARPO in the world created by the past few governments in which the Police Service is very much changed from

that in which many of us made our contributions. The promise is that the Strategic Planning Group (Chaired by

our good friend and Regional Representative, Pat Gates) will lead with a raft of suggestions and be seeking the

views from Branch Committees prior to the ‘product’ being presented for debate at Conference next September.

It is difficult, virtually impossible, to involve all 1,600+ members of the Branch in this feedback process but

those of you who can are invited to check the NARPO ( and Branch ( websites

even more regularly through the New Year and please contact me if you have any burning issue you wish to bring

to attention.

It is early, I know, but I wish you all a Happy Christmas and hope that 2015 will be good to everyone. With

just a few Christmas social events on offer, I hope that anyone within striking distance of those advertised below

will make the effort to lend their support. All such events involve a lot of work by someone and their best reward

is to see a good turn-out on the evening.

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Forthcoming Events

Minehead - West Somerset Blue Lamp Club Luncheon - Tuesday, 28th October, 2014

The Wheelhouse Restaurant, The Avenue, Minehead - 11.30a.m. for 12.30a.m. lunch.

Thursday, 4th December, 2014 7.30p.m. ‘A Policefull Christmas’ at The Somerset Hall, Portishead - re-run of

the excellent concert performed last year. Just turn up on the evening.

Bath Police Retired Club Christmas Lunch - The King William, Tunley - Friday, 12th December, 2014

12.30p.m. - Contact - Clive Tilling on 01225 481564.

Weston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014

7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet.

Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135.

Yeovil Police Pensioners’ Social - Christmas Social - Police Club - Date to be arranged in December, 2014

Contact:- Sharon Card on 01935 402014 or at [email protected] for details.

Advance Information for your 2015 Diary - More details in the January Newsletter

Branch Annual General Meeting - Headquarters, 3p.m. on Saturday, 21st March, 2015

Branch Annual Reunion Dinner - Brean Leisure Centre 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. Friday, 8th May, 2015

Page 2: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

Force Male Voice Choir

The programme of concerts for the final quarter of 2014 is as follows.

Sunday, 28th September Police Memorial Day, Weston-super-Mare

All concerts start at 7.30 p.m.:

Saturday, 11th October Staple Hill Methodist Church, South Gloucestershire

Saturday, 25th October Church of the Holy Cross, Mark, Somerset

Saturday, 8th November St Mary Magdalene Church, Taunton

Saturday, 22nd November St Martin’s Church, Knowle, Bristol

Force Carol Concert - St John’s Church, Keynsham - 7 p.m. Saturday, 13th December, 2014.

Assisted by ‘Bold Brass’. Supported by Keynsham RFC and Bowls Club.

If you would like to join the Choir please ring Pete Carlyon on 01934 513320 or, to book concert slots for

2015/16, ring Clive Griffiths on 01275 818709.

Cyprus EOKA Memorial

We received information from the Police Roll of Honour Trust that there is to be an unveiling of a memorial

to those police officers who were lost during the EOKA insurgency in Cyprus. We have two Branch Members

living in Cyprus and I copied the message which Keith Jones placed on the Branch Website to them. Mark

Thompson, who has some involvement with the island’s ex-pat police association confirmed that their group was

already aware of the unveiling, scheduled for Remembrance Sunday, 9th November, 2014.

The Roll of Honour contact, Sidney Mackay from Preston in Lancashire, also has asked us and the Force if

we have any knowledge of the family of Sergeant William Sidney Frank GILLETT of the Bristol City Constabu-

lary, who was one of those that the memorial will remember. If you know anything of Sergeant Gillett, please

contact Sid Mackay on 0141 300 4100 or at

90th Celebration - Edward Leonard (Len.) RISDEN

Len having moved some years ago to Essex, our Branch Welfare Officer went through the NARPO Branch

system and found the willing assistance of the Essex Branch in the form of Richard (Dickie) Bird. Len lives at

the Prince Edward of Kent Court at Sisted near Braintree and the arrangement was put in hand for Dickie to visit

Len as near as other family celebrations would permit. The Branch cheque arrived with Dickie just as he was tak-

ing a short trip to the Continent so Len benefitted from the larger bottle that was obtainable from the duty free


It sounds as though Len enjoyed his big birthday and we are most grateful to the Essex Branch, especially

Dickie, for their assistance in our small involvement in celebrating Len’s achievement. Congratulations Len!

NARPO Annual Conference - Brighton - 4th/5th September, 2014

Your Delegates for this year’s Annual Conference were Bryan Brice, Vice President; Rod Deane, Chair-

man; Ken Jones, Treasurer; John Vincent, Welfare Officer; Linda Gittings, Committee Member and me. The

journey to Brighton is not an easy route but we all seemed to have survived it OK, ready for the pre-conference

Dinner at our venue for the Conference, The Grand Hotel on Brighton seafront. You will be pleased to hear that

your delegates were accommodated at a slightly more modest premises not far away. Although large, as its

name implies, the venue was not really up to the combined 337 delegates and National Executive contingent and

seating for the main conference was somewhat cramped. Nonetheless, we could all see what was current thanks

to a large screen behind the speaker.

The two scheduled discussion sessions were actually on the same topic, one was entitled ‘Later Life Ambi-

tions’ and the other ‘Timetable for Action on Manifesto’. They were both directly related to the position held by

the increasing proportion of pensioners in the political arena of the Country. Although interesting, the speakers

occupied the lion’s share of the time available, in a very muddled agenda, and the return of TV personality John

Stapleton as facilitator did not really allow for him to earn his fee. The essence is that NARPO has been joined

with the Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance and National Federation of Occupational Pensions in an effort to

bring more influence as we now expect a General Election in 2015. There is the opportunity to see and show

support for the Manifesto at

The Review of the Year, presented by our CEO, Clint Elliott, and regional representative, Pat Gates, re-

vealed that the next twelve months are expected to be busy for the Strategic Planning Group of the NEC, which

Pat chairs. We will be asked for our comments and I can assure you all that our branch responses will be re-

turned on time. The NEC tell us that we are one of the few Branches where interest in national matters is consid-

ered important. If you spot something we should comment upon, let me know.

Page 3: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

NARPO Annual Conference - Brighton - 4th/5th September, 2014 (Continued)

With the welcome being given by the Mayor of the City of Brighton and Hove, Councillor Brian Fitch, the

Guest Speaker was the President of ACPO, Sir Hugh Orde. The role of President of ACPO is, of course, not the

politically independent one it was before the change to nominated President quite some years ago, but Sir Hugh

made one telling comment in respect of the seven Forces already launching into direct entry at Inspector and Super-

intendent levels. He declared that he would, as a Chief Constable of a Force, not have been keen to entertain ‘work

experience’ at such a level in the organisation! Regardless of that statement, it is a Government policy the Service

will have to live with. In answer to a question from the floor, Sir Hugh defended the position of ACPO through the

past three government administrations but not very convincingly. Inevitably the security of tenure for Police and

Crime Commissioners was raised, in the light of recent concerns, and the lack of forethought in their terms of ap-

pointment was not really explained.

In the presentations of the current NARPO position on a range of matters, there were comments from the Pres-

ident regarding the input from the NEC at the Police Federation Conference. This followed a long pause after a

question during the presentation of the Income and Expenditure for 2013 by our excellent Financial Controller, Sue

Ward. The query was over the increased cost and still further increased budget for NEC members staffing a stand at

the Federation Conference. The question regarding the expenditure was not, in my view, Sue’s to answer as it is the

policy of attending that dictates the expenditure. In supporting her, purely financial, response, Ian Potter, appropri-

ately, highlighted the benefits of spreading the word regarding the existence of NARPO. I was less impressed that

he also chose to press for Branches to fall in line with the NEC’s decision to encourage the recruitment of serving

officers as Associate Members of the Association by deriding those who have not. We are one of those branches

and have taken the view that membership is for pensioners. For your information, if I receive referrals for such of-

ficers from the team attending the Federation Conference, I contact them and explain that they are being included in

the prospective members lists I raise from my attendance on the Pre-Retirement Courses run for the Force.

The NEC continues to encourage the coming together of branches, with an apparent ultimate desire that there

should be one NARPO contact mechanism within each Force. This they see as ideally by amalgamations of

Branches or through branches coming together for meetings with the senior management within the Force. We, of

course, have two branches serving those retiring from the Force but have at no time encountered any difficulty in

making contact with the appropriate level within the Force. As regards the contact between the two Branches it has

remained strong for many years and shows no sign of becoming otherwise.

After the traumatic sudden loss of his wife just prior to conference last year, Eric Evans, former NARPO Pres-

ident and known to many of you through his time with the Force in the 1970s, has remained on the NEC but was,

unfortunately, not able to be at Conference. The President read a message from Eric and I am sure that we will all

be pleased to see him back involved with the Associations national affairs.

When we received the papers for Conference earlier in the year your Branch Committee were made aware of

the Motion to Conference proposed by the NEC to spend, in the first year, the sum of £60,000 on an accidental

death cover for members. There were no figures forthcoming regarding the likely benefits of such a joint policy and

it is your committee’s view that any surplus of funds the NEC find should be allocated to supporting current mem-

bers rather than the estate of those who have passed on. Our Chairman, Rod Deane, along with several other speak-

ers, presented some of the issues we had with the proposal but the CEO in his ‘presentation in chief’ summed up the

opposing reasons by stating that “Actuaries (for Insurance Companies), like bookies, seldom lose!” When the vote

was called there was no need for the Scrutineers as the vote was overwhelmingly against the proposal.

There had been two other proposed Motions but one, from the Birmingham Branch, relating to convalescence

care, had been dismissed as ‘pious’ by the NEC, although we were informed that the Branch had accepted an ac-

commodation with the NEC. The second substantive motion, Amendment to the Web Application form from the

Maidstone Branch, had no less than three amending motions, one of which was accepted by Maidstone. In the event

and after some brief discussion, Suffolk withdrew their amending motion and Dorset asked for theirs to be retained.

The Humberside amendment seemed most popular but the NEC sought, successfully, for the whole matter to be Re-

mitted. In essence these motions were all geared to ensuring that those who have left the Service ‘under a cloud’

should not be readily able to join our ranks. Alongside many other aspects of the Rules, the NEC propose to include

this aspect in the exchange of views through the coming year, to which I have already referred, but have undertaken

to adjust the wording on the website application as early as possible.

The Conference was, this year, supported by an organising company and had the advantage of live Internet

transmission and feedback facility. It must be said that the changes they brought were not really impactive for those

of us in attendance. We will look forward to next Conference after the discussions over the forthcoming year.

Page 4: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

The operating time of this magnificent

display brings the majority of visitors to

within its view. Some had not quite worked

out in advance the likely affect of the gentle

breeze and had to beat a rapid retreat. It must

be that this is the most photographed aspect

of what Forde Abbey has to offer as cameras

were clicking from all directions while the

water was shooting so high into the air. My

thanks to Allan Mounce, Derek Turner and

others for their excellent pictures taken on

the day I can only apologise that I have not

been able to include them all in this report.

Bramshill House—Final Visit? - Sunday, 14th September, 2014

I received, through the Police History Society, notification that the tradition built up over the past several years

of an Open Day at Bramshill House, former Police Staff College, was to reach its end on Sunday 14th September,

2014. The information was included on the Branch Website but I saw only one familiar face, Dave Rigg, on the

day. He and his wife caught up with me as I was taking the picture of the favourite room in the old house. As most

of you will know the Police College has been re-christened College of Policing and is being given new authority far

beyond training.

It was a nostalgia trip for me, and some others, but most of those in attendance on 14th September seemed to

be local people taking their final opportunity to have a look around. Perhaps the saddest note was a couple of recent

entries in the Visitors’ Book from staff regretting their enforced departures.

Summer Outing to Forde Abbey & Gardens - Wednesday, 2nd July, 2014

Yet more great organising effort from Jill & Rod Deane brought 56 members, family and friends to the very

interesting Forde Abbey, just over the county border into Dorset, on a beautiful day, just what should be seen on

our Summer Outing.

By dint of the advance arrangements each of us simply registered our arrival and then took our ease to enjoy

what the old house and extensive gardens have to offer. The Centenary Fountain, which the brochure tells us is

the highest powered such item in Europe, is operated for a quarter of an hour each on three occasions during the


The absence of any organised tour of the house or grounds made for a relaxed approach in which each of those

attending were able to enjoy what was on offer at their own pace and in whatever order they preferred. Many

took a light lunch in ’the Undercroft’ restaurant and, at some time visited the interesting rooms that are open to

the public in what is still the long-time ‘lived in’ home of the Roper family, the old Chapel and strolled in the ex-

tensive and beautiful gardens.

Page 5: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Families Association (SSAFA)

The Weston-super-Mare Division of SSAFA, dealing annually with some 100 cases, meets weekly at Eagle

House, 21/13, Alexandra Parade W-s-Mare and need more voluntary caseworkers. Military experience is not essen-

tial, the ability to listen sensitively, treat people respectfully and work confidentially as part of a team are important

and a reasonable level of IT skills is helpful. A volunteer to act as Divisional Secretary, with a responsibility for the

day-to-day organisation of support, is also needed. Duties include the allocation of new cases, maintenance of links

with other organisations, CAB, Local Authority etc., and the recruitment of new volunteers. Training will be provid-


Branch Treasurer, Ken Jones, is a long-serving case worker with the organisation and will be pleased to discuss de-

tails with anyone interested on 01275 462858.

Injury on Duty Pension Reviews

I report further to the item carried on page six of the July, 2014 Branch Newsletter and will try not to repeat

the content of that article here. This report should, however, be read with what I said in July in mind.

With Richard Wand from the Police Federation and Robin Hobbs, Chairman of the Bristol (Avon) Branch

NARPO, I attended the second meeting of the Liaison Group at Headquarters on Thursday, 25th September, 2014.

We met with the Head of Human Resources, Carol Wood and the HR Manager, Christine Jones.

We were informed that the delay in dealing with the sixteen people who were called for the Review of their

Injury on Duty pension awards in May of this year has been for several reasons. Some of those receiving letters were

slow in responding or responded with only partial submissions of the information requested. This has resulted in ex-

changes of correspondence which has stretched over quite some time. The next stage, seeking responses from medi-

cal practitioners regarding the current conditions of people, has met with very varied response times, many doctors

taking considerable time to forward the relevant information for the Review to take place. For many this process re-

mains incomplete.

The Force has appointed as the Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP) Doctor Philip Johnson, from Dorset, and

as at 25th September had completed the preparation of the necessary files on six of the 16 written to in May. These

six people will be contacted in the near future to establish their availability to attend for the doctor to conduct their

Reviews. Confidentiality considerations mean that we do not know who are those who are being called for Review

and it remains the case that only four of them have contacted me. There are, so we were told, two other people, each

in receipt of Band Three IoD pensions, who have sought also to be reviewed with a view to moving up to Band Four

and these applicants will be dealt with alongside the 16 already contacted.

We were assured that these first Reviews will be examined to ensure that the process is working properly and

that the third meeting of the Liaison Group will be called in no more than three months but sooner if there is an ex-

pectation that the next group of IoD pensioners are to be written to calling them, too, for Review of their pension


I reiterate that your Branch Officers and Committee will offer whatever support we are able to those called for

Review and invite anyone affected to make contact with me.

Chairman’s Comment by Rod Deane

This Branch will maintain close contact with representatives of the Police Federation, together with the Chief

Executive Officer and his Deputy of NARPO. We endeavour to ensure that any advice we are able to provide to our

members is both accurate and helpful. It has to be appreciated that our local Officers of NARPO are volunteers who

receive no remuneration for the many hours of support they provide and are not in a position to take up wider issues

which members may feel they have with the IoD Review Process being pursued by the Force. We will, however,

continue to do whatever we can to ensure that our information is current and reliable.

Police Memorial Day - Sunday, 28th September, 2014 - Headquarters 11a.m. - Weston-super-Mare 2p.m.

There was a slightly larger attendance at Headquarters, with many relatives there to mark the loss of their

loved-ones. The Service was led by the Force Senior Chaplin, Andy Padget, and welcome and reading by ACC

Louisa Rolfe and PCC, Sue Mountstevens. Daughter of Jon Stapley, Hannah, read the poem ‘Today my brother

died’ a most moving reflection on the strength of the wide police family we all will recognise.

The Parade and Service at Weston-super-Mare was as well attended as ever, with the Service at Clarence Park

Baptist Church being officiated by the Minister and singing led by the Avon and Somerset Male Voice Choir.

The celebrations of this day now stretch back some ten years and have great meaning to those who have per-

sonal reasons to remember the untimely departure of family members and colleagues.

Page 6: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

Eirian WILLIAMS—25th September, 1945 - 14th July, 2014

My thanks to John Milton for access to his notes for his Tribute to Eirian, given at the Funeral Service.

The large Church of St. Michael & All Angels in the centre of the ancient town of Somerton was absolutely

filled to capacity on Thursday, 31st July, 2014 by those from so many different parts of Eirian’s very full life, all

wanting to mark their respect and say farewell.

Eirian was born in Llandybie, Ammanford, Mid-

Wales and was raised in that locality, receiving his edu-

cation at the local schools. From his youth, he was an

avid sports enthusiast, especially rugby and soccer. He

left school in 1963 with enough academic qualifications

to gain employment with Carmarthenshire County

Council’s Library Service. Probably seeking something

a little more active, Eirian left the Library in 1965 and

joined the Carmarthen and Cardigan Constabulary,

spending his probationary period of service in Aberyst-

wyth. Showing an early aptitude for criminal investiga-

tion, he was transferred into CID. In 1969 he decided to

move to the Somerset & Bath continuing in CID until a

two year attachment to the RCS between 1974/76. Eirian & Tracy

On return from the RCS in 1976, he was promoted to uniform Sergeant at Bridgwater and was to remain

there until 1985. For a year during that time, Eirian joined quite a few others from this Force on secondment to

the Operation Countryman investigations into activities within the Metropolitan Police. In his time at Bridgwater,

he served as Station & Custody Sergeant as well as Communications supervisor, before undertaking the role in

charge of the Divisional Task Force Unit. He returned to CID in 1985, transferred as Detective Sergeant to Taun-

ton. During that time, he was to see through the first successful prosecution for murder under PACE. In 1987, he

was again seconded away from the Force, this time as part of ‘The Guildford Four’ enquiry in Buckinghamshire.

Following his return to the Force in 1988, he was promoted to Detective Inspector at Yeovil. In addition to

the more regular duties of a Divisional DI, he became heavily involved in legislative training with police forces

and universities throughout the UK. The focus of this attention was the requirements of the Children Act of 1969.

In 1993, he returned to the RCS and gained further promotion to DCI. He remained with the Squad until his re-

tirement in 1996. During his career he received two commendations from the Courts and a further two from

Chief Police Officers. The Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police commended him in 1995 for his investiga-

tive and leadership abilities in connection with a complex blackmail investigation. The Chief Constable of Dorset

commended him in 1996 for his skill, courage, professionalism and teamwork which had resulted in the prosecu-

tion of offenders for serious offences of armed robbery.

Since his police retirement, Eirian remained active in professional and social roles. He worked for Orange

and Precidian phone companies as an investigator and trainer before managing Somerset County Council’s Ani-

mal Health Department. In that latter post he was recognised with a Certificate from Parliament in thanks for his

services in assisting the RSPCA. Socially always a passionate Welshman, with a pride in his native country and

his associated love of rugby. While in the police, he was involved regenerating rugby sections at Bridgwater,

Taunton and Yeovil and, locally, with Mr. John Rapley, in establishing the Rugby Club at Somerton. The colours

of Somerton Rugby Club were in the floral tribute on Eirian’s coffin, with his boots interwoven.

He had other keen interests, no interest for Eirian could be less than ’keen’. He was a member of the Som-

erton Dramatic Society and notable contender in local pub quiz team evenings. In more recent times, he had

served as Chairman of Somerton Town Council. Eirian will be sadly missed by all who knew him and benefited

from his enthusiasm but none more so that his wife, two children and his grandchildren.

Bath Police Retired Club - Autumn Lunch - King William at Tunley

Clive Tilling, yet again, organised a great get-together at the King William on Wednesday, 17th September,

2014. There was the, now accustomed, good standard of catering and, of course, the usual good company and

bags of reminiscing.

The upcoming Bath Police ‘Goodbye’ Ball received some attention and I hope to be able to report on that

event in the January edition.

Page 7: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

Members’ Holiday Accommodation

In the depths of Winter you may be planning a break or expecting visitors you cannot accommodate, so here

again is the list of Branch members providing accommodation:

Huelgoat, Brittany, Apartment Tom & Iris Norman on 07854193803 or [email protected]

Springfield House, Stoney Stratton Ted Allen on 01749 830748 or [email protected]

Mountain Bike Centre, Aberystwyth Ian Luff on 07815 202012 or [email protected]

Florida Villa, USA Cheryl Boyce on 01242 539099 or [email protected]

Ross on Wye Charles Lerpiniere on 01989 720485 or

Almerimar, Andalusia, Spain Alan Higgs on 01278 684416 or [email protected]

Paphos, Cyprus Gary Walker on 07870 277343 or [email protected].

Orlando, Florida, Villa Tina & John Daley on 0117 979 9050 or [email protected]

Tregenna Guest House, Falmouth Steve & Jayne Gray on 01326 313881 or

Santa Maria, Mallorca - 4 bed house Michele Richardson on 07901827398 or

Stilegate, West Quantoxhead B&B Heidi Morse on 01984 639119 or

Kruger Nat. Park, South Africa Dave Corlett on +27(0)82 555 7075 or

Costa Calida, Murcia, Spain Tom Dalley on 07968 910761 or [email protected]

Cornwall, Nr. Penzance Holiday Annex Huw & Diana Davies 01736 788809 - 07956202737 - [email protected]

Tenerife Seafront, Costa del Silencio Jon Mattick on 01278 760865 or

Pougne, La Charente, France Andy & Anne-Marie Heath on 07894990430 or [email protected]

Mid-Wales - Small Cottage, self catering Steve Carrow on 01591 620461 or visit

Auvergne, France—5 bed house Sarah & Douglas Burgess 07793819812 - [email protected]

Fivehead Dog friendly B&B Pip & Mick Brett on 01480 281115 or visit

Also, Martin Holcombe and his wife arrange Bridge Holidays in the UK and Europe. All levels of experience

appear to be catered for and quite a range of locations. Contact Martin on 01934 876500

Members’ Business Offers

As identified in the October Newsletter, the following Branch Members have identified their post-police

retirement business interests. If you are interested in their services please contact them direct.

Private Hire Services (Wincanton) Jeff Salter on 01963 34318 or

Plumbing, Heating & Electrical (W-s-M) Dave Allen Plumbing on 01934 633726 or 07970950768

Toastmaster Services David Read on 01934 513489 or

Wills & Power of Attorney David Read on 01934 513489

AALocksmiths Craig Andres on 0117 907 7498 or

Hypnotherapy/Health Coaching Trevor Hoskisson on 01392 346320 or trev@inteligentlifestyles,

3600 Panoramic Tours photography Tim Evans on 01458 441354 or [email protected].

Internet Security Services Nick Hubbard on 01278 794205 or [email protected]

Practical Companions Outings & Visits Steve Burrough on 07966 540098 or

Changes of Members’ Contact Information

I am sorry to have to repeat this message, yet again, and apologise to all of you who have

responded positively to my earlier requests.

If notification of changes of contact information are sent to NARPO House at Wakefield

those details are entered on to the national database direct by the busy staff but are NOT brought

to my attention. I have to regularly check the national database, extract what the staff at Wake-

field have altered and translate the relevant aspects into the Branch Database which I maintain.

This takes several times longer than my receiving the changes by e’mail or letter direct to the

branch e’mail address at [email protected] or the address on the header of page one.

Please help me by sending all changes to me in the first instant, Your new address or telephone

number will be added to the national database, by me, directly after I have noted the change in

our Branch records.

Page 8: David Leach Avon and SomersetWeston-super-Mare Christmas Social - Police Club - Tuesday, 16th December, 2014 7p.m. for 7.30p.m. buffet. Contact - Pat Morgan on 01934 638135. Yeovil

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Avon and Somerset Branch NARPO Newsletter October, 2014

Member Changes

We welcome the following new Members:

Tony WATTS D/Constable from Yeovil CID, who retired on 20th August, 2009.

Phil PARKER Constable from Staple Hill, who retired on 31st March, 2011.

Paul UPHAM Sergeant from the Police Federation Office, who retired on 22nd February, 2012

Mark HUDSON D/Sergeant from HQ CID, who retired on 30th May, 2014.

Kerry MARSH Constable from NCA, Aztec West, who retired on 4th June, 2014.

James HAWKESWORTH Constable from Taunton, who retired on 15th June, 2014.

David COOMBE Constable from Wells, who retired on 20th June, 2014.

Robert CAINEY Sergeant from Concorde House (D), who retired on 30th June, 2014.

Simon HARRIS Constable from Bristol Traffic Unit, who retired on 9th July, 2014.

Gary SADLER D/Constable from MCIT, Kenneth Steele House, who retired on 11th July, 2014.

Mark CORNISH Constable from Portishead, who retired on 22nd July, 2014.

Brian BRADY Inspector from Bath, who retired on 31st July, 2014.

Robert CALLAWAY D/Constable from HQ Major Crime Unit, who retired on 4th August, 2014.

David HORWOOD Inspector from HQ Comms., who retired on 5th August, 2014.

Graham ELSAM Constable from Keynsham, who retired on 7th August, 2014.

Mark PHILLIPS Constable from Weston-super-Mare Traffic, who retired on 20th August, 2014.

Thomas Ian BARDWELL has joined the Branch as an Additional Member as he is now living near Bridgwater.

He served in South Yorkshire and is a Full Member of the Doncaster Branch NARPO.

Mr. L. C. Hadlington has signified his intention to cease his membership of this Branch. Leyton served with the

West Mercia Force but retired to Somerset last year.

Mr. K. Chidgey has transferred his membership to the Bristol (Avon) Branch.


It is with deep regret that I report the deaths of the following members and offer sincere sympathy to all of

their relatives and friends:

7th February, 2014 Mrs. Irene MACKAY, widow of Alexander, who died in 1984.

29th April, 2014 Mrs. Violet MORSE, widow of Lionel, who served in Bath and died in 1992.

28th June, 2014 Mrs. Eva UNDERHILL, widow of Austin (Oscar), who retired in 1970 and died in 2002.

5th July, 2014 Mrs. Iris OSMOND, 82 years, widow of Vernon, who retired in 1977 and died in 2013.

13th July, 2014 Airian WILLIAMS, 68 years, who retired in 1996. He leaves a widow, Tracy.

24th July, 2014 Moira TAYLOR, 66 years, wife of David, who lives at Portishead.

27th July, 2014 Pearl BARRETT, widow of Tony, who died in service in 1972.

12th August, 2014 Joan JOYES, 91 years, widow of Harry, who retired in 1974 and died in 2002.

14th September, 2014 Ellen ROSTRON, widow of Arthur, former Taunton Garage Manager, who died in 1992.

15th September, 2014 Robert (Bob) RIDLEY, who retired in 1978. He leaves a widow, Joy.

We regret to record the death in Service, while on maternity leave on Thursday, 14th August, 2014, of Katherine

Maria (Katie) LAMMERS, 33 years. Katie leaves a husband, Tim, and daughter, Megan, born on 6th August.

The small Print—I must take the precaution of adding this note to safeguard the Avon and Somerset Branch of NARPO and me. Services and products that

are referred to in this Newsletter are included for information only and their appearance in these pages does not indicate any recommendation. The com-

ments of contributors to the Newsletter are their own and not, necessarily, the views of the Branch Officers, Committee or Editor.

Dave Leach 1st October, 2014 Branch Secretary


Len RISDEN, on his 90th Birthday, Thursday, 24th July, 2014.
