Page 1: Dating Rock Layers How to tell how old the layers of rock are

Dating Rock Layers

How to tell how old the layers of rock are.

Page 2: Dating Rock Layers How to tell how old the layers of rock are

What is Age?

• There are 2 kinds:

– Absolute Age – The number of years since the rock formed. (150 million years old, 10 thousand years old.)

– Relative Age – The age compared to the ages of other rocks. (older than this rock, younger than that rock.)

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Age cont.

• Relative Age – Much easier to figure out. Can be deduced from clues on the Earth.

• Absolute Age – Much harder to figure out. Often impossible.

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What are the ways to tell RELATIVE AGERELATIVE AGE.

1. Law of Superposition

2. Extrusion & Intrusion

3. Faults

4. Unconformities

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What is the Law of Superposition?

In horizontal sedimentary rock layers, the oldest layer is at the bottom. Each higher layer is younger than the layers below it.

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Age and Superposition

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What is Extrusion?

• When magma cools on the surface of the Earth it’s called an EXTRUSION.

• Extrusions are always YOUNGER than the rock it is sitting on.

• For extrusion think exit or outside.

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What is an Intrusion?

• When magma cools beneath the surface of the Earth it’s called an INTRUSION.

• Intrusions are always YOUNGER than the rocks around it.

• For intrusion think inside.

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Here’s an Intrusion

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Extrusions? Intrusions?

First of all, which rock layer is the oldest?What is this called?









More rock layers are deposited on top of the extrusion.

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What is a Fault?

• A BREAK in the Earth’s crust.

• A fault is always YOUNGER than the rock it cuts through.

• Faults move over time, making determining the age of the layers confusing.

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Here’s a Fault

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FaultsThis crack in the rock layers is called a fault.

Faults move over time causing the rock layers to move.

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As more time goes by, more rock layers are added on top. Making aging the rock layers difficult.

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Geologists must then label each of the rock layers. This can be tough because they weren’t around to see the whole process occur.

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What is an Unconformity?

• The surface where new rock layers meet a much older rock surface beneath them.

• An unconformity shows where some rock layers have been lost because of erosion.

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• Relative vs. Absolute Age

• Determining Relative Age:1. Law of Superposition – on top is younger

2. Intrusions – magma inside Earth.

3. Extrusions – magma on top of Earth.

4. Faults – breaks in the crust

5. Unconformities – signs of erosion.
