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Dating Advice For Men reviews

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I don't want to give off the impression that this is going to end up being one of those, just think

positive, kind of articles. That's really not the impression that I want to give. What I do want

to talk about is that when you are trying to get a little bit better results in terms of your dating

life, your mindset may be one of the things that you want to take a look at. It's not the only

thing that you need to look at, but it sure can help.

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So, in what ways does mindset matter?

1. When you are insecure, you tend to think that you are going to get rejected even when you don't have any evidence of that happening.

I've known guys who absolutely refuse to approach a woman because they assume that they are going to end up getting rejected and they don't even have anything to back that up because they don't approach women. They are just going on their assumptions, which are based on their insecurity more than anything else. Getting rid of that mindset where you assume that women are going to reject you is at least going to encourage you to take some chances and approach some women.

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2. When you tend to be down in the dumps, women tend to NOT want to be around you.

Acting like you are depressed or sad is going to get you pity from a woman once in a while, but that really is the extent of it. If you act as though you are down in the dumps most of the time, you are going to find that it is harder to get women to want to spend time with you. And if they don't want to spend time with you, then what chance do you really have of being able to get a date? Not much of a chance at all, really. Having a little bit more of an upbeat attitude does help to entice women to want to spend time with you and of course that is going to help you out a little bit.

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3. If you tend to over-analyze situations, you will see things that are not really there.

I used to hang out with this guy who was always over thinking things. Even when a woman would just smile in his direction, he would start analyzing what that meant and by the time he was done analyzing things, she'd be gone. You don't want to be one of those guys who over thinks things too much, because that is going to end up getting in the way of you taking action. You'll talk yourself out of taking action because you will find excuses that are not really valid.

Sometimes your state of mind ends up being the very thing that gets in the way of you even taking the first steps towards having some success with women. It may not be the most overwhelming factor in attracting a woman, but it does matter and so, it is something worth paying attention to.
