Page 1: Date: in 12 pts Bodo Richter Deputy Head of Unit, DG EAC.C3 Education and Culture Marie (Skłodowska-)Curie Actions EU CENTRES WORLD MEETING Brussels, 24

Date: in 12 pts

Bodo Richter

Deputy Head of Unit, DG EAC.C3

Education and Culture

Marie (Skłodowska-)Curie Actions


Brussels, 24 October 2012

Page 2: Date: in 12 pts Bodo Richter Deputy Head of Unit, DG EAC.C3 Education and Culture Marie (Skłodowska-)Curie Actions EU CENTRES WORLD MEETING Brussels, 24

Education and Culture


Marie Curie Actions in Brief

Marie Curie Actions Achievements

Participation of "EU Centres'" Countries

Horizon 2020 & MSCA - Overview

Page 3: Date: in 12 pts Bodo Richter Deputy Head of Unit, DG EAC.C3 Education and Culture Marie (Skłodowska-)Curie Actions EU CENTRES WORLD MEETING Brussels, 24

Education and Culture

Marie Curie Actions Basics

Significant EU fellowship programmes since 1990 (FP3) for researchers’ mobility

Marie Curie label since 1996

Actions aimed at structuring training, mobility and career development for researchers

Under FP7, implemented through the People Programme (2007-2013): EUR 4,75 billion

Pierre and Marie Curie honeymoon, 1895

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• Bottom-up approach

• Mobility, both transnational & intersectoral

• Main EU programme providing structured doctoral training, including industrial doctorates

• Opening research careers at European & international level

• Enhanced business-academia collaboration & staff exchange

• Excellent employment and working conditions, in line with the EU Charter and Code for Researchers

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Key features

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Europe 2020 Flagship Initiatives

• Promote researchers mobility across sectors,

countries and disciplines• Attractiveness of European

universities• Stronger links between

education, research and innovation

Innovation Union

• 1 million more researchers

• Attract and train young people to become


• Improve quality of doctoral training

• Involve businesses in doctoral training

• Equip researchers with relevant skills

that will match both public and private

sector needs

• Improve career prospects of doctoral


Youth On the Move

Agenda for New

Skills and Jobs

MCA &EU2020 Strategy

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Research networks supporting initial and doctoral training43% of FP7 MCA budget, 9-10% success rate

Support for researchers moving inside Europe

Support for researchers moving away from Europe

Support for researchers moving to Europe

Support for researchers starting a permanent position in Europe

Industry-Academia cooperation through exchange of staff

International cooperation between MS/AC & other third countries through exchange of staff

Co-funding of regional, national and international research funding programmes for experienced researchers

ITN (Initial Training Networks)including EID and IDP since 2012

IEF (Intra-European Fellowships)

IOF (International Outgoing Fellowships)

IIF (International Incoming Fellowships)

CIG (Career Integration Grants)

IAPP (Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways)

IRSES (International Research Staff Exchange Scheme)

COFUND (Co-funding of regional, national, international programmes)

FP7 MC Actions

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Education and Culture

Who can apply to what?


Research funding bodies

Individual researchers

Research Organisations
















Post-graduates (ESR*)

< 4 years + no PhD

Post-docs (ER*)

> 4 years or PhD

Senior Post-docs (MER*)

> 10 years

*ESR: Early Stage Researcher / ER: Experienced Researchers / MER: More Experienced Researcher

MCA Applicants

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• ITN 10/07/2012 - 22/11/2012 M€471

• COFUND 10/07/2012 - 05/12/2012 M€115

• IAPP 02/10/2012 - 16/01/2013 M€81

• IRSES 10/07/2012 - 17/01/2013 M€30

• CIG 18/10/2012 - 07/03 + 18/09/2013 M€40

• IEF 14/03/2013 - 20/08/2013 M€134

• IOF 14/03/2013 - 20/08/2013 M€45

• IIF 14/03/2013 - 20/08/2013 M€45

Education and Culture

Last Calls of FP7 Total budget ~M€ 960

2013 Calls for Proposals

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Current opportunities for researchers

• EURAXESS mobility portal

MCA in FP7

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Participation of "EU Centres'"countries by host organisations

Education and Culture

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Participation of "EU Centres'"countries by nationality of fellows

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Education and Culture

FP7 MCA Achievements

- 60 000 researchers financed since the creation of the Marie Curie Actions

- More than 10 000 PhD supported in FP7

- Marie Curie researchers coming from all over the world (around 130 nationalities)

- Marie Curie host organisations in more than 80 countries

- 46% of researchers coming to EU from industrialised countries stay in Europe after the end of their IIF fellowship

- 38% women participation in FP7 MCA, close to the 40% target

Economics 2%

Social Sciences and Humanities





Life Sciences27%


Environmental and Geo-sciences


Information Science and Engineering


Budget distribution by scientific panel in FP7

Bottom-up approach

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Education and Culture

FP7 MCA Achievements

- More than 50% of the budget dedicated to research on societal challenges

- Bridging the academia-business gap: ~6.000 secondments / recruitments in ~350 FP7 MCA projects

- SMEs play a major role: in IAPP and ITN they account for more than 50% of all businesses participating

Other €911m; 49%

Water supply €32m; 2%

Health €534m; 28%

Food supply €77m; 4%

Ageing Population €36m; 2%

Climate change €106m; 6%

Energy shortage €177m; 9%

Budget dedicated to societal challenges under FP7 MCA (2007-2011)

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Industrial Leadership

Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nano, materials, bio, manufacturing, space)

Access to risk finance

Innovation in SMEs

Excellent Science European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions on skills,

training and career development Research infrastructures

Shared objectives and principles

Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes

Supporting the objectives:

European Institute for Innovation and Technology

Joint Research Centre

Europe 2020 priorities

European Research Area

Simplified access

International cooperation

Dissemination & knowledge transfer

Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture,

marine and maritime research, and the bio-based economy

Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw

materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies

Horizon 2020

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Date: in 12 ptsEducation and Culture

Stakeholder feedback

Top 5 most frequent comments on MCAs:

1. One of the most successful programmes; call for an increase of the budget allocated

2. Knowledge triangle to be reinforced

3. Importance of mobility

4. Bottom-up approach

5. Streamlining

'The Marie Curie scheme is one of the most efficient programmes, both in terms of

support from the scientific community and of outcome in reinforcing the quality and excellence of scientific staff. Compared to many other programmes in H2020, it has a

long and proven track record.' (LERU)

‘The Marie Curie scheme has been particularly successful in encouraging the

mobility of researchers across the European Research Area, and providing

valuable research training for the predominantly young researchers who

form the future of the EU's science base.' (UK Higher Education Sector)

‘The MCA research training and mobility programme is one of the clear success

stories ofthe previous Framework Programmes. It

has effectively reached out to and gainedrespectability amongst the research

community.' (VRWI)

Page 17: Date: in 12 pts Bodo Richter Deputy Head of Unit, DG EAC.C3 Education and Culture Marie (Skłodowska-)Curie Actions EU CENTRES WORLD MEETING Brussels, 24

Education and Culture

• Main objective Ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of Europe’s intellectual capital in order to generate new skills and innovation

• Rationale

Encourage new, creative types of training

Identify excellent talents in research and innovation in international competition

Make best researchers in Europe and the world work together across countries, sectors and disciplines

Create a whole new mind-set in Europe, crucial for entrepreneurship and innovation

MSCA Objective

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Education and Culture

• Bottom-up approach

• Supporting researchers careers

• Fostering key skills and competences

• Mobility, both trans-national and inter-sectoral Opening research careers at European and international level Enhanced business-academia collaboration and staff exchange

• Excellent employment and working conditions, in line with the EU Charter and Code for Researchers

• Role model with pronounced structuring effect on regional, national and other international programmes

MSCA – Key Features

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Education and Culture

• Broad definition of industry involvement: participation of businesses (including SMEs) and other socio-economic actors

• Internal H2020 synergies with other part of Excellent Science, societal challenges, industrial technologies, EIT

•Developing synergies with Erasmus for All programme

• Gender balance and equal opportunities

•Strong emphasis on outreach activities and communicating research

MSCA – Key Features

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Education and Culture

Action 1 Early-stage


Action 2 Experienced Researchers

Action 3 Exchange of


Action 4


Doctoral and initial training of researchers proposed by international networks of organisations from public & private sectors

Individual fellowships for most promising experienced researchers to develop their skills through international or inter-sector mobility

International & inter-sector cooperation through the exchange of research & innovation staff

Co-funding of regional, national & international programmes covering actions 1 & 2

ITN(including EID and IDP)




MSC Actions

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Education and Culture

Marie Curie Actions Website

Horizon 2020

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Education and Culture

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Thank you for your attention

[email protected]

Education and Culture
