

DATE: August 16, 2019

TO: Dan Broder, Kearny Real Estate Company

FROM: Julianne Frabizio, P.E., Thienes Engineering, Inc.

PROJECT: Prairie Avenue, Torrance / OWNER: KP Torrance Prairie Owner, LLC

SUBJECT: Proposed Sewer Generation

This proposed project includes the construction of two “spec” industrial concrete

tilt-up dock-high warehouse buildings (type III-B) totaling 428,020 square feet,

which includes 45,000 square feet of office space. The buildings will be supported

by truck yards, vehicular parking, drive aisles and landscaping.

The Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) maintains an existing

18”-24” Trunk Sewer main in an existing easement located onsite near the south

property line and adjacent to the existing B.N.S.F. railroad right-of-way.

Preliminary design includes two new onsite private 6” sewer laterals that will

connect directly to the LACSD trunk sewer. The existing trunk sewer and

proposed onsite laterals are deep enough to serve the entirety of the two

buildings with a gravity system. This project has received a “will serve” letter

confirmation from LACSD allowing direct connections to their facility. See

attached letters.

Based on preliminary calculations, the project is estimated to discharge a total

peak discharge of approximately 110 GPM from the site. See table below: *Capacity


Size (ft.)Slope




Two Laterals

Building 1 0.500 0.0200 0.350 322000 0.0001025 33.01 2.5 82.5 0.1838 0.16 3.29 0.32

Building 2 0.500 0.0200 0.350 107830 0.0001025 11.05 2.5 27.6 0.0616 0.09 2.40 0.18

* Calculated using Kutter's Formula with n=0.013 (LA County Standard)

1. Estimated Plumber's Calculations, Industrial Flow Factor = 0.0001025 GPM/SF



Flow Factor


















Project Site


Area (SF)

Proposed Building 1 is projected to discharge 83 GPM, at a depth of 0.16 ft and

velocity of 3.29 ft/sec with a Depth/diameter ratio of 0.32. Proposed Building 2 is

projected to discharge 28 GPM, at a depth of 0.09 ft and velocity of 2.40 ft/sec with

a Depth/diameter ratio of 0.18. With the aforementioned projected flows, the two

6” sewer laterals will flow at less than half full capacity.


1955 Wor kman Mi ll Road , Whittier, CA 9060 1- 1400 Mail ing Addre ss: P.O . Box 499 8 , Wh itt ier , CA 906 0 7-4998 Telephone: (56 2) 699- 7 4 11, FAX: (562 ) 699-54 22 www

Mr. James Wickenhaeuser Project Manager Thienes Engineering, Inc. 14349 Firestone Boulevard La Mirada, CA 9063 8

Dear Mr. Wickenhaeuser:

GRACE ROBINSON HYDE Ch ie f Engineer an d General M anag er

November 19, 2018

Ref. Doc. No.: 4822605

Revision to the TEI Job No. 3714 Will Serve Letter

The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Districts) received your will serve letter revision request for the subject project on November 17, 2018. The proposed project is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of District No . 5. Previous comments submitted by the Districts in correspondence dated November 16, 2018 (copy enclosed) still apply to the subject project with the following updated information :

• The wastewater flow originating from the proposed project will discharge directly to the Districts' N01th Torrance Trunk Sewer, located in a private right of way along the south boundary of the project site. The Districts ' 24-inch diameter trunk sewer has a capacity of 4.4 million gallons per day (mgd) and conveyed a peak flow of 3 .2 mgd when last measured in 2017. An 8-inch diameter or larger direct connection to a Districts' trunk sewer requires submittal of Sewer Plans for review and approval by the Districts. For additional information , please contact the Districts ' Engineering Counter at (562) 908-4288, extension 1205.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (562) 908-4288, extension 2717.



DOC 4825593 D OS

Very truly yours,

Adriana Raza Customer Service Specialist Facilities Planning Depatiment


1955 Workman Mill Road , Wh ittie r, CA 90601-1400 Mailing Address : P.O. Box 4998, Whittier, CA 90 607-4998 Tele phone: (562 ) 699 -7 4 11 , FAX : (56 2) 699 -54 22 www .la

Mr. James Wickenhaeuser Project Manager Thienes Engineering, Inc . 14349 Firestone Boulevard La Mirada, CA 90638

Dear Mr. Wickenhaeuser:

GRAC E RO BIN SON HYDE Chief Engineer and General Manager

November 16, 2018

Ref. Doc. No.: 4822605

Will Serve Letter for TEI Job No. 3714

The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Districts) received your will serve letter request for the subject project on November 9, 2018 . The proposed project is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of District No. 5. We offer the following comments regarding sewerage service:

1. The wastewater flow originating from the proposed project will discharge to a local sewer line, which is not maintained by the Districts, for conveyance to the Districts ' North Torrance Trunk Sewer, located in a private right of way southeast of the intersection of Railroad Avenue and a private driveway. The Districts ' 24-inch diameter trunk sewer has a capacity of 4.4 million gallons per day (mgd) and conveyed a peak flow of3.2 mgd when last measured in 2017.

2. Availability of sewer capacity depends upon project size and timing of connection to the sewerage system. Because there are other proposed developments in the area, the availability of trunk sewer capacity should be verified as the project advances . Please submit a copy of the project ' s build-out schedule to the undersigned to ensure the project is considered when planning future sewerage system relief and replacement projects.

3. The wastewater generated by the proposed project will be treated at the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant located in the City of Carson, which has a capacity of 400 mgd and currently produces an average flow of 254 .7 mgd .

4. The expected average wastewater flow from the project, described in the application as three industrial buildings in a light industrial zone totaling 365 ,000 square feet, is 9,125 gallons per day. For a copy of the Districts ' average wastewater generation factors , go to, Wastewater & Sewer Systems, click on Will Serve Program, and click on the Table 1, Loadings fo r Each C lass of Land Use link.

5. The Districts are empowered by the California Health and Safety Code to charge a fee for the privilege of connecting (directly or indirectly) to the Districts ' Sewerage System for increasing the strength or quantity of wastewater discharged from connected facilities. This connection fee

DOC 48239 I 3.D05

Mr. James Wickenhaeuser -2- November 16, 2018

is a capital facilities fee that is imposed in an amount sufficient to construct an incremental expansion of the Sewerage System to accommodate the proposed project. Payment of a connection fee will be required before a permit to connect to the sewer is issued. For more information and a copy of the Connection Fee Information Sheet, go to, Wastewater & Sewer Systems, click on Will Serve Program, and search for the appropriate link. In determining the impact to the Sewerage System and applicable connection fees , the Districts' Chief Engineer and General Manager will determine the user category (e.g. Condominium, Single Family home, etc.) that best represents the actual or anticipated use of the parcel or facilities on the parcel. For more specific information regarding the connection fee application procedure and fees, please contact the Connection Fee Counter at (562) 908-4288, extension 2727.

6. In order for the Districts to conform to the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA), the capacities of the Districts' wastewater treatment facilities are based on the regional growth forecast adopted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Specific policies included in the development of the SCAG regional growth forecast are incorporated into clean air plans, which are prepared by the South Coast and Antelope Valley Air Quality Management Districts in order to improve air quality in the South Coast and Mojave Desert Air Basins as mandated by the CCA. All expansions of Districts ' facilities must be sized and service phased in a manner that will be consistent with the SCAG regional growth forecast for the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, and Imperial. The available capacity of the Districts' treatment facilities will, therefore, be limited to levels associated with the approved growth identified by SCAG. As such, this letter does not constitute a guarantee of wastewater service, but is to advise you that the Districts intend to provide this service up to the levels that are legally permitted and to inform you of the currently existing capacity and any proposed expansion of the Districts ' facilities.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (562) 908-4288, extension 2717.


cc: A. Schmidt A. Howard

DOC 48239 13.D05


Very truly yours,

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Adria~·i:;:·-1✓S:,s· Customer Servrc-e-special ist Facilities Planning Depa11ment

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