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EE2204 Data Structures & Algorithms Department of CSE




1. Explain and write the algorithms for creation, insertion, deletion and searching in Singly Linked


2. Explain and write the algorithms for creation, insertion, deletion and searching in Doubly Linked


3. Explain and write the algorithms for creation, insertion, deletion and searching in Circular

Linked List.

4. Write an algorithm to insert, delete and locate an element on a sorted list using

a) Array b) Pointer (Linked List)

5. Given a list L1, delete all the nodes having even number in info part from the list L1 and insert

info list L2 and all the nodes having odd numbers into list L3. Write the algorithm.

6. Given two sorted linked lists, merge them into a third sorted linked list, if an element is present in

both the list, it should occur only once in the third list. Write the algorithm.

7. Write the algorithm to add two polynomials. Discuss with examples.

8. Write the algorithm to multiply two polynomials. Discuss with examples.

9. Discuss about insertion, deletion process in stacks with array and pointer (linked)

implementation with suitable example.

10. Discuss about insertion, deletion process in queue with array and pointer (linked)

implementation with suitable example.

11. Discuss the circular implementation of queue with suitable example.

12. Describe the structure of a circular queue and its advantages over linear queue.

13. Write insertion and deletion algorithm for various types of dequeue.

14. Explain how stack is used to implement recursive procedure.

15. Discuss any two applications of stack along with its implementations.

16. Explain how the following “infix” expression is evaluated with the help of Stack

5 * ( 6 + 2 ) – 12 / 4

17. Explain the procedure to evaluate the postfix expression using stack with example.

18. Explain the procedure to check the parentheses balancing in a given expression using stack

Prepared by N Jayapandian P a g e | 1

Page 2: data structures

EE2204 Data Structures & Algorithms Department of CSE


1. Give and Explain the recursive algorithm for tree traversals with examples.

2. Give and Explain the non-recursive algorithm for tree traversals with examples.

3. Give and Explain the algorithm for level by level tree traversals with examples.

4. With suitable example explain the representation of a binary tree.

(sequential or array representation and Linked representation)

5. Explain the construction of a binary tree with examples and algorithm.

6. Construct a binary tree to satisfy the following orders:

Inorder : D B F E A G C L J H K

Postorder : D F E B G L J K H C A

7. Write an algorithm to find, insert and delete nodes from a binary search tree.

8. Write an algorithm to convert general tree to binary tree. Explain with example.

9. Give the binary tree representation of the expression : (a+b)(c+d^e)^f


List out the application of binary tree and explain.

(Note: Answers for the above two questions are same)

10. What are the various hashing techniques? Give suitable examples.

11. Describe the two methods for collision resolution.

12. Explain the insert and delete operation in Maxheap with example.

13. Explain the insert and delete operation in Minheap with example.

1. Explain the different tree traversals with an application?2. Define binary search tree? Explain the various operations with an example?3. Define AVL trees? Explain the LL, RR, RL, LR case with an example?4. Define priority queue? Explain the basic heap operation with an example?5. Explain any two techniques to overcome hash collision?1. a). Explain and write the binary search tree Basic operations with suitable example.

b). Draw the binary search tree for the following input list 60 25 75 15 50 66 33 44. Trace the algorithms to delete the nodes 25 75 44 from the tree.

2. Construct an expression tree for the following expression. ( a + b * c ) + (( d * e + f ) * g)

3. Explain in detail about Threaded binary tree with suitable example..4. Explain in detail about Tree traversals. Unit III1. a). Construct an AVL tree for the following sequence 2 1 4 5 9 3 6 7 8.

b). Explain in detail about priority queue (heaps) basic operations with example.2. Show the results of inserting 10,12,1,14,6,5,8,15,3,9,7,4,11,13 and 2 one at a time into an initially empty binary heap.3. Explain in detail about hashing with suitable example4. Explain in detail about B-tree with suitable example.

Prepared by N Jayapandian P a g e | 2

Page 3: data structures

EE2204 Data Structures & Algorithms Department of CSE


1. Explain the various types of Graph representations.

2. Explain the various types of Graph traversals with neat algorithms.

3. Explain the Minimum Cost Spanning tree.

4. Explain Topological Sort

5. Explain the Dijkstra’s algorithm with example

6. Explain prim’s algorithm

7. Explain travelling Salesman problem

8. What is single source shortest path problem?. Discuss Dijkstra’s single using the graph find

shortest path


9. Find the minimum spanning tree for the following graph use Prim’s and Kruskal algorithms.


Prepared by N Jayapandian P a g e | 3

Page 4: data structures

EE2204 Data Structures & Algorithms Department of CSE

10. a). Find the shortest path for following unweighed graph


v1 to all other vertices A to all other vertices

b). Find a topological ordering for the graph.


11. Explain in detail about BFS and DFS with suitable example algorithms and example.12. Explain in detail about Applications of DFS


1. Explain the multi-processor job scheduling using greedy approach 2. Explain how to implement first fit and next fit bin packing problem using greedy technique.3. Explain in detail about Divide and Conquer algorithm.4. Write a program to compute the best ordering of matrix multiplication using dynamic

programming.5. Explain how searching and insertion operations are done in skip list using randomized

algorithm.6. Explain in detail about Branch and bound7. Explain in detail about algorithm analysis8. Write the procedure for min max tic-tac-toe algorithm with Alpha-Beta pruning9. Explain in detail about Recurrence relations

Prepared by N Jayapandian P a g e | 4
