
Mid Semester Presentation



Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network

Presented by

Shiwangi Yadav

M.Tech(C.S.E), 3rd Semester

Under the supervision of

Mr.Nileshkumar Patel

Content INTRODUCTION Wireless Sensor Network

Data Aggregation

Data Aggregation in WSN

Use of Data Aggregation in WSN

Advantages and Disadvantages


In-Network Aggregation

Tree-Based Approach

Cluster-Based Approach




Wireless Sensor Network

• WSN is a wireless network consisting of spatially

distributed autonomous devices using sensor to

monitor physical or environmental conditions.

• In WSN sensor nodes are deployed in a region to

sense the information [3].

Data Aggregation

• Aggregation can be simply defined as “the ability to

summarize information” [1].

• Data aggregation is a process in which intermediate

node receives multiple input packets perform

aggregation and produce single output packet in the

network [2].

Data aggregation in WSN

• Data aggregation usually involves the integration of

data many sensor nodes and the aggregator data to

the base station [1].

• The main goal of data aggregation is to gather and

aggregate data in an energy efficient manner so that

network lifetime is enhanced [2].

Use of data aggregation in WSN

• We need method for combining data into high-quality

information at the sensors or intermediate nodes

which can reduce the number of packets transmitted

to the base station resulting in conservation of energy

and bandwidth [5].

• Data aggregation technique removes data redundancy

from wireless sensor network in order to enhance the

lifetime of WSN [2].


• Enhance robustness and accuracy of information.

• Reduce traffic load and conserve energy of sensors.


• Malicious attacker.

• Cannot ensure correctness.

• Increase power consumption.

Data Aggregation Strategies

There are four strategies for data aggregation [2]:

• Centralized Approach

• In-Network Aggregation

• Tree-Based Approach

• Cluster-Based Approach

Centralized Approach

• In this approach each node sends data to a central node via the shortest possible route.

• All the sensor nodes simply sends the data packets to a node, which is the powerful among all other nodes [2].

Figure1. Centralized approach

Pros and Cons

• Pros:-

i. Simple in nature.

ii. It extends the network lifetime.

• Cons:-

i. It cannot be used for continuous data delivery [4].

In-Network Aggregation

• The aggregation is the global process of gathering

and routing information through a multi-hop

network and processing data at intermediate nodes

with the objective of reducing power consumption.

• There are two types of approach in-network

aggregation: with size reduction and without size

reduction [2].

• With size reduction: It refers to the process of

combining and compressing the data packets

received by a node from its neighbors in order to

reduce the packet length that is to be transmitted or

forwarded towards sink [2].

Figure2.With size reduction

• Without size reduction: In-network aggregation

without size reduction refers to the process merging

data packets received from different neighbors into a

single data packet but without processing the value of

data [2].

Figure3. Without size reduction

Pros and Cons

• Pros:-

I. Data security,Low energy.

• Cons:-

I. Not applicable for large network [4].

Tree-Based Approach • In the tree based approach at first data integration tree

is formed.

• For each data transmission minimum spanning tree is created.

• Each node has a parent node to forward its data [2].

Figure4. Tree based approach

Pros and Cons

• Pros:-

I. Ability to tolerate disconnections and loss.

• Cons:-

I. Network lifetime is limited [4].

Cluster-Based Approach

• In Cluster-Based Approach, whole network is

divided into several clusters. Each clusters is

consisting of many sensor nodes [2].

Figure5.Cluster based approach

Pros and Cons

• Pros:-

I. Low energy, increased lifetime of network.

II. Improved energy efficiency.

• Cons:-

I. It is not used for large network region.

II. Lifetime of sensor node is limited [4].

Conclusion • In this seminar, data aggregation in WSN has been

investigated focusing on various data aggregation


• In particular, data aggregation is introduced

considering definition and its pros and cons and a

comparative study.

• A detail insight of data aggregation is presented

consists of the various strategies of data aggregation.

• With the help of different data aggregation techniques

it is possible to reduce energy consumption.

Future Plan

In future various issues of data aggregation will be

investigated in detail.

• Redundancy Elimination

• Delay

• Accuracy

• Traffic load


[1]Priyanka B. Gaikwad, Manisha R. Dhage, “Survey on secure data aggregation in wireless sensor network,”International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation, 978-1-4799-6892-3/15 © 2015 IEEE.

[2] Sumedha Sirsikar, Samarth Anavatti, “Issues of Data Aggregation In Wireless sensor network: A survey,” 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control (ICAC3’15) 1877-0509 © 2015 Elsevier.

[3]Xiang Yang Li, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, New York, 2008

[4]V. Priya Ujawe,Simran Khiani, “Review on Data

Aggregation Techniques for Energy Efficiency in

Wireless Sensor Network,” ISSN 2250-2459, ISO

9001:2008 Certified Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 7, July


[5]M. R Rashmi, “Analysis Of Data Aggregation In

Wireless Sensor Network,” International Journal of

Applied Engineering Research and Development

ISSN(P): 2250-1584; ISSN(E): 2278-9383 Vol. 4,

Issue 1, Feb 2014.

Thank you…
