  • Technical Note P14-04A

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    Technical Note: Custom Panel to Control Yamaha 01V96 Audio Deck

    Author: John R. Naylor

    DashBoard Marketing Product Manager Date: April 28, 2014

    1 Introduction One of the key features in DashBoards most recent release (version 6.1) is the ability to send and

    receive messages over Ethernet. This means that we can say, with some poetic license, if a device has an

    Ethernet port, its likely controllable from DashBoard. At Ross Video, we use the Yamaha 01V96 deck for

    product demos, and, because I was able to get access to one, I decided to explore this new feature by

    building the simple control panel described in this Tech Note.

    Gaining control over devices via Ethernet requires the programmer to understand the devices control

    protocol, and handle its responses and exceptions. Ross Video cannot provide support end user support

    for integrations of this type, but will provide appropriate assistance to programmers engaged in creating

    them via tutorial videos, and publications like this one.

    The integration documented here shows how DashBoard can control the fader and channel on/off

    settings of the decks first 16 channels. Extending it to control the decks other features is an exercise for

    the reader but if you do this, please consider sharing it with the growing DashBoard Custom Panels


    2 Technical Details The deck I used actually doesnt have an Ethernet port, it has a USB port that a host PC can use for MIDI

    integration. So I found and used an application called Stereoscope which flips USB MIDI to and from

    messages in Open Sound Control (OSC) format to a user-nominated UDP port. A system diagram helps:

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    DashBoard App. StereoScope Yamaha DeckOSC over

    UDPMIDI over


    DashBoards view of The Deck

    Figure 1 - System Diagram

    The neat thing about using the Stereoscope App is that multiple devices can be used to control the deck

    by using different port numbers when communicating with Stereoscope. For example, theres an App

    called TouchOSC that, via Stereoscope, turns a handheld device such as an iPhone into a deck

    controller over WiFi.

    If you dont have access to a real 01V96 deck, you can use Yamahas Studio Manager to emulate one on

    your PC. The system diagram for this is only a little more complicated.

    DashBoard App. StereoScope Midi LoopbackOSC over



    DashBoards view of The Deck

    Yamaha Studio



    Figure 2 - Alternate System Diagram Using Deck Emulator

    Im going to cover both scenarios in this document, the tutorial video that accompanies it demonstrates

    the emulated version.

    2.1 You will need

    Item Supplier Notes

    DashBoard 6.2 Beta Ross Video, Ltd I got an earlier version of this working in 6.1,

    but the message builder feature in 6.2 makes things so much easier.

    StereoScope StereoKrauts GbR The app enables the first 4 channels in demo

    mode. Version 2.

    Loop MIDI Tobias Erichsen Only needed for the emulator mode

    01V96 USB Driver Yamaha Version 3.0.4

    01V96 Studio Manager Yamaha Version 2.3.1. Only needed for the emulator mode

    Please follow the installation instructions for the packages listed above carefully.

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    2.2 You should know

    Item Resources

    Basic PanelBuilder Scripting PanelBuilder 105 at DashBoard-U

    Using Functions in PanelBuilder PanelBuilder 203

    Using Network Listeners in


    PanelBuilder 204

    JavaScript W3 Schools

    Open Sound Control

    Note that the integration documented has worked on Windows 7.1 Pro 64 bit, and Windows 8.1 64 Bit. It

    should work on other supported platforms but Ive not done this and, regrettably, cannot offer support

    should you encounter difficulties on Mac OS X or Linux.

    2.3 Try the App First

    2.3.1 Emulator Mode Run and Configure Loop Midi

    Launch the Loop Midi program, and set up two virtual MIDI ports thus:

    Figure 3 - Configuring Loop MIDI

    You can minimize this, or leave the window open and see the data counters update to get reassurance

    that there is traffic crossing these interfaces. Run Studio Manager, and Connect the Emulated Deck to the MIDI Ports

    First launch Studio Manger.

    If necessary, add the 01V96 to the workspace from the File->Setup menu.

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    Figure 4 - Adding the 01V96 to System Manager's Workspace

    Studio Managers Workspace should now look like this:

    Figure 5 - Studio Manager with 01V96 Installed

    Now double-click the deck icon in Studio Manager and use the File->System Setup menu option to

    bring up this dialog. Set the MIDI ports as shown.

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    Figure 6 - Setting up MIDI for Studio Manager Launch and Configure Stereoscope

    Launch the Stereoscope application and double click the picture of the Yamaha 01V96 deck in the pane

    to the left of the window.

    Figure 7 - Launch Stereoscope

    Youll be prompted to set up the MIDI ports, make sure that they match the settings for the deck as

    shown below:

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    Figure 8 - Setting up Stereoscope's MIDI Ports

    Now that you have connected Stereoscope to the deck, you connect DashBoard to Stereoscope by

    clicking the icon. This brings up a wizard that tries (and will fail) to automatically detect

    DashBoard, so click the button to show the dialog shown below in which you provide the IP

    address and port information as shown.

    Figure 9 - Connecting DashBoard to Stereoscope

    The demo panel assumes that its running on the same host as Stereoscope which is why the IP address shown here is the home

    one of Should you wish to run the DashBoard panel on a different machine, youll need to enter its IP address in this

    dialog, and modify the custom panel to send messages to the IP address of the machine running Stereoscope, rather than


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    Now launch DashBoard, and the custom panel called Sterescope.grid that is available for download


    You should be able to update the emulated deck from DashBoard, and the Custom Panel from the deck.

    Sometimes an initial nudge from the deck is required to establish bi-directional control.

    You may also find that the fader positions and channel On states dont initially match. Pressing each

    button and nudging each fader in turn will bring them into alignment.

    Figure 10 - All Working Together

    Above is a screengrab of my desktop with all four packages running. There is bi-directional control

    between the emulated deck and the custom panel.

    2.3.2 Using a Real Deck

    Using a real deck is a little simpler than using the emulator as long as you have access to a deck!

    Theres no need to run LoopMIDI, or Studio Manager.

    Configure the deck to use MIDI channel 1 for input and output, and set up Stereoscope to do the same.

    The set-up procedure can be accessed from the Help->Documentation menu option in the Stereoscope


    2.4 How the Custom Panel Works

    To move faders, and turn channels on and off, the Custom Panel sends OSC messages via UDP to


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    Stereoscope relays status updates from the deck as OSC messages via UDP. The Custom Panel receives

    these using a UDP listener on port 8001.

    Sending and receiving messages is straightforward. Building and parsing OSC messages represents the

    majority of the complexity in this panel, but is by no means difficult, mainly because only a fraction of

    OSC is actually used.

    2.4.1 Open Sound Control (OSC) Messages

    Its beyond the scope of this note to explain the OSC protocol and whats documented here is simply an

    example usage that has been found to work. It does not mean that this is the best or cleanest way to use

    OSC. Fader and Channel State Control

    The status for fader 1 is represented in OSC by this UTF-8 string:


    And channel on/off status by this one:


    These are null terminated, and padded with more nulls as needed to make the length of the string plus

    nulls in divisible by four.

    It is followed by a format specifier which is the comma character, and then f for float data, or s for string

    data. There are other format specifiers covered by the OSC specification, and it is possible to

    communicate, say, a pair of floats by using ,ff as the format specifier.

    The format specifier is also null terminated, and padded out to a whole number of 4 bytes.

    It is followed by the value of whatever state is being communicated.

    Thirty-two bit floats are the only data type used by the Custom Panel. Although some string data is

    received, it is not used.

    s t e r e o s c o p e / i n p u t / 1 / l e v e l 0 0 0 , f 0 0 3f 80 00 00

    Null terminator for command string, followed by padding

    Format descriptor followed by null terminator and

    paddingParameter value,

    1.0 shown in IEEE 754 format

    Figure 11 - OSC Example Protocol Data Unit

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    The programming task, then, is to create, and parse data that conforms to this protocol. This can be

    pretty challenging in javascript which only has native support for 64 bit floating point numbers, and has

    no support for arrays of bytes!

    2.4.2 Building Messages with ogScript.messageBuilder

    These shortcomings of JavaScript have been addressed by adding some new methods and objects to

    DashBoards ogScript.

    One of these is the messageBuilder object that provides these methods to append various types of data

    to a byte array.

    Table 1 - messageBuilder Methods

    Method Description Bytes Added var messageBuilder = ogscript.createMessageBuilder();


    messageBuilder.writeByteArray(bytesArray); Appends an array of bytes Length of bytesArray messageBuilder.writeByteArray(bytesArray, offset, length);

    Appends bytes from the array

    passed from offset for length

    length argument

    messageBuilder.writeBoolean(boolVal); Appends 0x00 if true, 0x01 if false


    messageBuilder.writeByte(byteVal); Appends a single byte One messageBuilder.writeShort(shortVal); Appends 16 bit integer as two



    messageBuilder.writeChar(charVal); Appends a Unicode character Two messageBuilder.writeInt(intVal); Appends a 32 bit integer Four messageBuilder.writeLong(longVal); Appends a 64 bit integer Eight messageBuilder.writeFloat(floatVal); Appends a 32 bit float Four messageBuilder.writeDouble(doubleVal); Appends a 64 bit float Eight messageBuilder.writeString(strVal); Appends string Length of string messageBuilder.writeUTF(strVal); Converts string to UTF-8 and

    appends it to payload. Includes the 2 byte length


    Length of string x 2 + 2

    var bytes = messageBuilder.toByteArray();

    Used to pass the message that has been built to the client


    Look at the functions updateFader and updateChannelOn in the Custom Panel to see messageBuilder in

    practical use.

    2.4.3 Parsing Messages with JavaScript and ogScripts MessageParser

    The UDP listener in the Custom Panel gets the UDP packet as both a JavaScript string, and an array of

    bytes, which is an exact copy of what was actually received.

    var bytes = event.getBytes(); // gets the literal contents of the UDP packet var parser = ogscript.createMessageParser(bytes); // constructs our message parser from the bytes var message = event.getBytesAsString(); // converts the UDP packet to a JavaScript string var osc = message.split('/'); // which we can now split into an array of strings

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    The reason for doing this is to use the split method that JavaScript strings provide. By splitting on the /

    character, its pretty easy to parse the textual content of the message.

    Table 2 - MessageParser Methods

    Method Description var messageReader = ogscript.createMessageParser(messageBytes);

    Constructor pass it the bytes to parse

    var byteArray = messageReader.readBytes(length); Read a number of bytes from the message messageReader.skipBytes(length); Skip a number of bytes var boolVal = messageReader.readBoolean(); Interpret next byte as a Boolean var byteVal = messageReader.readByte(); Get value of next byte var byteVal = messageReader.readUnsignedByte(); As above, but byte is unsigned var shortVal = messageReader.readShort(); Read a 16 bit integer var shortVal = messageReader.readUnsignedShort(); As above, but unsigned var charVal = messageReader.readChar(); Read in a character var intVal = messageReader.readInt();

    Read a 32 bit integer

    var longVal = messageReader.readLong(); Read a 64 bit integer var floatVal = messageReader.readFloat(); Read a 32 bit float var doubleVal = messageReader.readDouble(); Read a 64 bit float var str = messageReader.readUTF(); Read a UTF 8 string, also consumes the 2

    length bytes. var str = messageReader.readString(length); Read a regular string

    Note that messageParse maintains a pointer to the next byte in the message array. This pointer is

    incremented by one for every byte consumed by calls to the various read methods.

    The Custom Panel illustrates a practical use of the skipBytes and readFloat methods.

    2.4.4 deciBels and Normalized Position

    In creating this panel, I discovered that the fader position is what gets reported as state, and is used to

    control position of a fader. The position ranges between zero at the bottom and one at the top. The

    mapping to deciBel values is NOT linear. So I created a couple of functions to convert between dB values

    and fader position. This is necessary because the slider widgets supported in DashBoard are linear.

    See the functions dBToPos, and posTodB in the source code. This is why, when you look at Figure 10

    closely, the fader positions dont seem to match between the Yamaha deck emulator and the Control


    3 Further Reading Open Sound Control Protocol

    You can also contact me, John R. Naylor, by email at [email protected]

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    4 Acknowledgements Id like to thank Roland Jensen of StereoKrauts for creating Stereoscope, and helping me get this

    integration working.
