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Meta Realism vs. Classical Realism

Classical RealismClassical Realism

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Classical Realism• corresponded to the functioning of

ideology during modernity:

✴ totalization of a semiotic field

✴ ‘false consciousness’

✴ complete illusion

• demanded that the subject completely accepted the illusion for as long as it lasted

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Meta Realism

• Different ideology:✴ continuously and skillfully deconstructs itself

✴ presenting the subject with countless ‘scandals’ and ‘ investigations’

✴ Auto-critique, scandal, revelation of its machinery

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Meta Realism

• user has stronger position of mastery

• incorporates its own critique inside itself.

• its emergence can be related to a larger cultural change.

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True?In my view, the most successful example of such an aesthetics already in existence is a military simulator, the only mature

form of interactive narrative.——Lev Manovich

——Lev Manovich——Lev Manovich

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Technology development

• new technologies redefined our standards of illusionism

• new medium

• new interactive experience

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What we can do NOW

• Projection mapping & holographic projection

• Motion sensor (Wii, PlayStation Move, Kinect, Leap Motion & Samsung Galaxy S4 eye scroll & eye pause)

• Celluon Magic Cube

• Glasses Free 3D (Palm Top Theater)

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Projection mapping & Holographic projection

First live and interactive demonstration of a hologram communication system (London 2009)

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Holographic projection

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Motion Sensor

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Celluon Magic Cube

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Glasses-Free 3D
