Page 1: Darren Esposito - Bronze Award

Certificate of RecognitionThank You

Darren Esposito

May 2, 2023

Nomination – I received this email from a customer which Darren had dealt with - Dear Sir/Madam I write to inform you of the excellent service I have recently received from a young person called Darren. It is not very often in today's day and age that people are polite and patient. I found this young man not only extremely helpful, but very patient and informative. He explained everything to me slowly and made sure that I understood what he was saying. All I can say is I hope that BT appreciate this young man and value him as an excellent member of staff and I hope he will go a long way with your company. Thanking you, please pass on my regards to Darren , Regards, Rhiannon Turner (Mrs)  

Nominated by – Susan Hogg