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Page 2: Darkwing Duck #14


felLow citizens! Over the past few weEks, you have

witnesSed what could have beEn a surge of skulLdugGery and sin as a wave of new threats has emerged from the shadows,

terRorizing thefair people of

this city! But I, Darkwing

Duck, the purple paragon of peace,

could not stand for such fiendish foOlishnesS! And I know my felLow

St. Canardians couldn’t either! So I’m proud to

say I have placed every one of these new vilLains

where they belong, behind bars!

Of course, I don’t mind

doing it. it’s beEn my humble job

for years!

But fighting in the streEts is no longer enough! I want to take the fight to the red tape and brutish

bureaucracy that plagues our city


I am the terRor that flaps in the

night! I am the change you demanded!

I am Darkwing

duck, the next mayor of St.


Page 3: Darkwing Duck #14

I know what you’re

going to ask, oh loyal presS corp.

“But Darkwing, what political

experience do you have?”

My experience doesn’t come

from the old boys’ club found in City

HalL. I was toO busy being out on patrol,

sharpening my skilLs by saving

alL of you from evil!

What other politician has the strength, speEd

and agility to do this?

How ya doin’?

How ya doin’?

How ya doin’?

Mr. Wing Duck, what are your

plans regarding the destruction

hapPening in downtown?

Page 4: Darkwing Duck #14

You have seEn the foOtage,


Why…of course!

What is it?

is it a tank?

is it a…a cat?

I know what you’re

going to ask, oh loyal presS corp.

“But Darkwing, what political

experience do you have?”

My experience doesn’t come

from the old boys’ club found in City

HalL. I was toO busy being out on patrol,

sharpening my skilLs by saving

alL of you from evil!

What other politician has the strength, speEd

and agility to do this?

How ya doin’?

How ya doin’?

How ya doin’?

Mr. Wing Duck, what are your

plans regarding the destruction

hapPening in downtown?

Page 5: Darkwing Duck #14

There is nothing that can stop me!

Time to make myself a litTle elbow



Page 6: Darkwing Duck #14

Any police, army or Boy

Scout troOp that comes

after me wilL be crushed!

I demand only one

roadblock to demolish…Darkwing


But…there was going to

be a big musical number…I’ve beEn

practicing and everything…

Time to stop the talk.

get into action.

Ahem, be right back!

After I save the city we can talk

about my stunNing new strategy for parking


There is nothing that can stop me!

Time to make myself a litTle elbow


