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Darkness Rising - Introduction

This is an unofficial modification to Babylon 5: A Call to Arms, in no way endorsed by MongoosePublishing or Warner Brothers. In all cases, you should assume that the second edition A Call toArms rules is used. This supplement is intended to be only for recreational purpose.

Babylon 5, its characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of the Time WarnerEntertainment Co. LP. Pictures from Babylon 5 are ©1992-2008 Time Warner Entertainment Co.LP. All rights reserved.

Darkness Rising is an alternative setting for the Babylon 5: A Call to Arms game where history firstdiverged in a significant way a thousand years ago. The Shadows defeated the Minbari, razedtheir home world and were only stopped from annihilating that race by direct intervention by theVorlons.

The Minbari recovered but became an insular, defensive race, full of anger at their humiliation andawaiting a chance for revenge. A violent encounter with an overconfident Earth Alliance threwthem into a state of rage culminating in an assault on the human home world.

This time it was the Shadows that saved their chosen inheritors and in doing so set the stage for afinal galactic war between the two ancient powers and their philosophies. The Vorlons andShadows strengthened their chosen pawns ready for this conflict and now the galaxy burns withtheir fury.

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Acknowledgements:Artwork: Several kind people for both allowing and creating the original artwork, in gratefulappreciation:Alexander (alex0815) (*) (Warlock p7, p88 and Thunderbolt p8)

Philippe Bullot (Darthmagus): (*) ("Centauri Primus Battlecruisers"(p53), "Enemy"(p35) and "Molten Core"(p2).( Models by: Brendan Lambe: Celestia SF Addons)

Christoph Gerber (Gerberc) (*) (Covers), Pete Milligan ( Fury Charge (p17)

(*) For more of their fabulous work please see

The various screenshots are from all over the internet (all hail Google!) – please let me know if acredit is required or you would like the image removed.

Special Thanks: Greg Smith for introducing me to this game, for much help and support in thecreation of this project and in general ☺

The main Story is by Ken Chambers was much appreciated and adapted from the chronicle of ourrecent campaign. I enjoyed it immensely and hope you do too.

The Cool Ship Painting is by Derina Ramsey. (Exterminator, Delphi, Dominator, Dusk HawkNova Superior Dreadnoughts, Shadow Stars, Shantavi, Total Victory)

The Valerius was designed, moulded, built and painted by Alex “(Centauri) Urobach” - Kudos

Ideas and input was received by a number of people – thanks in particular to:Raiders - Scavenged Ships by “Triggy”

Ship concepts and help by:Heiko Wisper “Tolwyn”: Blackhawk, Ekalta, Lkorta, Preyhawk, Sparrowhawk. To’Reth, T’Shon,

Fraser Machin “Morgoth”: Dag’Tar, D’Tarn, Resh’Kas’u, Thar’not’ak, T’Voth,

Steve “Hiffano”: Dusk Hawk, Dusk Hawk Prototype - See also the excellent Juyaie pack at - its cool and free!

All the Playtesters and Commentators: Extremely useful, very helpful and most valuablecontributions were made by Sean (“Ripple”) and his group and Tom (“Inq101”) and his group.Interest and kind words were gratefully received by many others ☺. Thank you all.

Thanks is due to Richard Bax, in conjunction with the Historical Repair Team for their superb andcontinuing work on Babylon 5 Wars whose work has influenced me and many of my contributors.

Very Special Thanks to all at Mongoose Publishing,J Michael Straczynski and Warner Brothers.

And LC for his fantastic and inspirational novel

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Author: Charles Lister (“Da Boss”)

Cover ImageChloe Morden and her FriendsBy Philippe Bullot aka Darthmagus:

Introduction 2Rules 5A Universe of Difference 8Fleet Lists

Earth Alliance 12Minbari 22Shadows 33Vorlons 41

PSI Corps / Rebels 44Anla’Shok 50

Other Races

Centauri 56Narn 63League 67Raiders 81Drakh 83

Scenarios 86Timeline 91Ship Conversions 101Just Why? 102

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RulesThe following are exceptions or amendments to the standard 2nd Edition ACTA RulesFleet allocation Points – the following table should be used when choosing your forces:

1Raid Point buys1 Raid2 Skirmish1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol3 Patrol

1 Battle Point buys1 Battle2 Raid1 Raid, 2 Skirmish1 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol1 Raid, 3 Patrol3 Skirmish2 Skirmish, 2 Patrol6 Patrol

1 War Point buys1 War2 Battle1 Battle, 2 Raid1 Battle, 1 Raid, 2 Skirmish1 Battle, 1 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol1 Battle, 1 Raid, 3 Patrol1 Battle, 3 Skirmish1 Battle, 2 Skirmish, 2 Patrol1 Battle, 6 Patrol3 Raid2 Raid, 2 Skirmish2 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol2 Raid, 3 Patrol6 Skirmish5 Skirmish, 2 Patrol12 Patrol

1 Armageddon Point buys1 Armageddon2 War1 War, 2 Battle1 War, 1 Battle, 2 Raid1 War, 1 Battle, 1 Raid, 2 Skirmish1 War, 1 Battle, 1 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol1 War, 1 Battle, 1 Raid, 3 Patrol1 War, 1 Battle, 3 Skirmish1 War, 1 Battle, 2 Skirmish, 2 Patrol1 War, 1 Battle, 6 Patrol1 War, 3 Raid 1 War, 2 Raid, 2 Skirmish1 War, 2 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol1 War, 2 Raid, 3 Patrol1 War, 6 Skirmish 1 War, 5 Skirmish, 2 Patrol

1 Skirmish Point buys2 Patrol1 Skirmish

1 Patrol Point buys1 Patrol

1 Armageddon Point buys1 War, 12 Patrol3 Battle2 Battle, 2 Raid2 Battle, 1 Raid, 2 Skirmish2 Battle, 1 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol2 Battle, 1 Raid, 3 Patrol2 Battle, 3 Skirmish2 Battle, 2 Skirmish, 2 Patrol2 Battle, 6 Patrol6 Raid5 Raid, 2 Skirmish5 Raid, 1 Skirmish, 2 Patrol5 Raid, 3 Patrol12 Skirmish11 Skirmish, 2 Patrol24 Patrol

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Admirals:Any fleet of at least 5 Fleet Allocation points in size may include a single Admiral to lead it. He isplaced on one ship and will raise its Priority Level by one, so a Raid level ship will become a Battlelevel ship, a Battle level ship will become a War level ship, and so on. An Armageddon level ship willtake both an Armageddon level slot and a Battle level slot. An Admiral must be placed on a ship withthe Command trait or the highest Priority Level ship in the fleet (before the ship’s Priority Level isincreased by the presence of the Admiral).

Beams: When using a Beam, roll a D6 for each attack dice and consult the following table:1-2 Miss, 3-5 1 hit 6 3 hits

Breaching pods: These are not available as separate flights or on ships, instead their use is coveredin the Launch Breaching Pods and Shuttles! Special Action. The only exception to this is the Gaimwho operate in exactly the same way as in Signs and Portents number 57.

New Traits: Elite Crew (X) This ship is crewed by some of the best the race can offer and hence hasCQ X in one off scenarios and campaigns as well as in general play. If this trait is lost during play theCQ immediately becomes 4, modified by any other effect acting on the ship as usual.

Fleet Auxiliary: In a Campaign, a Fleet containing one or more ships with the FleetAuxiliary trait may ignore the 5 RR point premium required for repairing Crippled ships.

Ships: Darkness Rising contains new ships for many races, where new statistics are not given for anexisting ship it should be used exactly as it described in the ACTA 2nd Edition Fleet book.

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Powers and Principalities

Following the publication of Powers and Principalities, the following additions and amendments fromthis work should be used in games based on Darkness Rising. Unless otherwise mentioned in thetext, no other amendments or additions should be adopted.

Fleet Command

Abbai: Deploy Mines! Divert Auxiliary Power to Shields!Drakh: Amu Mothership, Critical Systems Defence.Minbari: Web of Death,Narn: Close Blast Doors and Activate Defence Grid!Raiders: Strike CarrierShadows: Anti-Fighter Defences, Merging,

New Rules:

Battles in Hyperspace – ships with the Hyperspace Adept trait never loose their lock on.Flights and Ships.Flights and Victory PointsRammingSmall ShipsSpecial Actions

The Gaim Intelligence

Space Stations

Admirals – Admiral Fh’tagn

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A Universe of Difference

A thousand years had passed since the Shadows had shattered the Minbari war fleet and ruined theirhome world, only stopping when the Vorlons intervened directly. On their new home world of Ralafa,bitter and ashamed, the Warrior Caste took control of their people and vowed never again to suffersuch ignominy. They declared their borders inviolate and together with the Worker Caste began torebuild their war machine so that it would be the equal of any that they would face, even theShadows. The Religious Caste was relegated to a symbolic role and acted as a conduit to theVorlons, whose aid had saved them. Even emissaries from the Orieni, fellow devotees of the Vorlonpath were turned away, although these at least were allowed to depart unharmed.

When the EarthForce Explorer vessel entered their space, they were met with fire and death – like somany others before them. Yet the Earther’s did not react as the Centauri and others had done, wiselyleaving them alone. A vengeful human battle fleet jumped into Minbari space and attacked a colonyin reprisal before quickly being slaughtered by the advanced defences and rapidly respondingwarships. Outraged, the leaders of the Warrior Caste decided that it was time that the galaxy knewwhat it meant to challenge the Minbairi.

A powerful fleet followed the primitive ships back to their base and enacted a terrible vengeance, butthis was only the beginning as they sought to make an example of the humans and destroy themutterly. Colonies and Bases were systematically eradicated as they drove towards the human homeworld and after nearly two years of destruction they stood on the brink of total victory.

In the intervening period, the Shadows had already awoken and were watching the conflict withinterest. The Earth Gov emissaries to the varied alien governments had gained nothing but sympathyand expensive weapon systems unproven against the technological superiority of the Minbari. Scoutships scoured unknown space for lost technology and desperately sought out previously unknownraces in search of some way to help halt the Minbari advance. On a seemingly dead planet near therim, they found what they had searched for and so much more.

One year later a multitude of jump points formed before the remnants of the Earth Alliance fleet whichstood ready to give their lives to allow the civilian transports to escape. Io was gone, like most of thecolony worlds, whilst Mars had been ignored as the Minbari cruised towards the stronghold of theirprey, wiping out the initial picket ships almost without noticing.

Then they came, darkness became manifest as the Ancient Enemy appeared amongst the shoal ofMinbari cruisers and struck. Iridescent beams sliced through battle cruisers and fighters alike,devastating the fleet. The Minbari, a race ruled by the Warrior Caste reacted the only way they knewhow to – they fought back and they fought back hard.

In the swirling melee, Shadow and Minbari ships alike perished under a hail of weapons fire thatmade those carried by the watching Earth Force ships seem like toys. At first unsure of what to do,the Earth fleet was quickly ordered to target the Minbari and assist the other vessels in any way theycould. Most human ships that moved into that hell storm of energy beams did not survive, perishingin seconds. Yet as they died, so did the pride of the Minbari navy. None surrendered, they foughtuntil their ships were shattered hulks and then detonated their engines whenever possible to try andenact vengeance. When it had ended, the space surrounded Earth was clogged with wreckage anddrifting corpses as the Shadows vanished, themselves substantially diminished in numbers.

Earth had survived and won again, first the Dilgar and now the Minbari had proved no match for thepower of its war machine – or at least that was what Earth Gov told a stunned galaxy. Alien

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governments took more notice of the upstart power and worried about its intentions – yet it seemedEarth was content to consolidate its borders and rebuild its fleet. Several incursions by opportunistraces, including the Narn, were stopped cold and retaliatory strikes made the point as well as any ofthe Earth Gov diplomats.

Earth erupted from its seclusion by attacking one of the more powerful League races, the Vree weredestroyed in a short and brutal invasion that shocked the rest of the galaxy and sickened many in therevived Earth Force – although questioning orders soon proved dangerous. Vengeance on allies ofthe Minbari and retribution for centuries of abduction and experimentation were some of the reasonsgiven to a stunned galaxy.The galaxy braced itself for humanity’s next move, unable to stand as oneas the Centauri and Narn continued to bicker and the Minbari disdained to ask for assistance from thelesser races. On Earth, the next phase of the regime’s plan for a New Earth was to dissolve Psi Corpsand begin interning all telepaths. Despite the potential threat – surprisingly few of the telepathsresisted, obedience ingrained into them. Yet some did – especially from the upper hierarchy of theCorps. A vicious conflict began as the Corps revealed hidden resources and even warships andenlisted allies within alien governments – in particular the Narn, to whom they offered the potential forthe revival of their lost telepathic abilities.

A lone voice in the wilderness, a Narn named G’Kar stood against the threat of what he saw as a new“Lion of the Galaxy”. He spoke passionately at home and abroad to all that would listen, both Narnand alien; he even managed to gain an audience with the new Centauri Emperor who seemedanxious to make amends for past transgressions against the Narn. Refugees from human space,both telepath and non-telepath alike began to arrive, even a few warships unwilling to continue theirservice to what they called a dictatorship. Captains such as Sheriden of the Cruiser Agamemnonspoke of terrifying new ships being developed, fast and deadly with a beam weapon able to carve aship in two and capable of shifting in and out of hyperspace rather than using Jump Points –ShadowStars.

The Vorlons communicated to the varied races through a human explorer lost in their space duringthe searches for weapons to fight the Minbari. Catherine Saki pledged assistance from her masters,but only to those who united against a common threat. Earth and their masters, the Shadows wouldcrush any that stood alone. Races and individuals began to choose sides, Darkness or Light, eventhe mysterious ancients began to watch with interest to see which of the two would prevail.

“TheSpartans donot ask howmany theenemynumber, butwhere theyare.”

-Agis ofSparta

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Fleet lists:Darkness Rising contains full fleet lists for the following races,

the primary forces in the forthcoming war.

Earth Alliance, Minbari, Shadows, Vorlons

Army of Light, Army of Darkness.

When fielding forces other than the Vorlons or Shadows, and only if both players agree,they may each select upto1 fleet allocation point of one of the two opposing First Ones

(This does not effect the Iniative score of the fleet being assisted)These may be included in the battle with the following restrictions:

The Shadows will aid the Centauri, Drakh, Earth Alliance, Raiders and any single League Fleet butnot a combined League fleet,

The Vorlons will aid the Anla’shok, Combined League, Minbari, Narn and Psi Corps fleets(but not if they include Dusk Falcon, Dusk Hawk or Project X324 ships).

"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

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Initial ContactHaving despatched a small intercept force to protect the trade route the Minbari admiral –Tarken – withdrew the majority of his fleet to the middle of the system. From here he wouldbe within easy jump range to any of the targets that his foes may attack, and could respondaccordingly. Unfortunately, the attack that he least suspected, a direct assault on thedefences at Londinium came with such speed and ferocity that it was all over before thefleet could jump back!

The Leshath class scout – The Blade in the Darkness – was gliding along its patrol route, its powerful scanners everwatchful for interlopers. The Teshlan class cruiser – Lightbringer – following a short distance behind.

As it was, even the advanced technologies of the Minbari could not detect the trio of Shadow vessels until they emergedout of hyperspace just off The Blade’s starboard! Luck certainly smiled down on the Minbari scout, as only one of theancient’s ships could acquire a weapon lock! However, even one of the Shadows’ Phasing Pulse Cannons was enough toseriously damage the lightly armoured ship’s engines and weapon systems, especially the array on the port side, whichwas lost completely…

Even though the attack was swift and sudden, the crew aboard the trailing Lightbringer was quick to react andimmediately manoeuvred to bring its weapons to bear. Also, they put out the call to the Litany of Fury – the Tigara classcruiser waiting in hyperspace – which jumped in directly behind the Shadow scouts. In the blink of an eye, the ambushersbecame the ambushed!

Though most normal ships would have been sent into disarray by a jump point opening so close by, the mastersof hyperspace remained unfazed and the swirling vortex of energies merely caused one of the ancients’ ship’s shields tofail for a few moments.

Despite the lack of damage by the well placed jump point. The Litany of Fury bore down on another of theShadow vessels, and closed to optimum firing range for all its front facing weapons. The Leshath’s scanners stripped TheLitany’s target of its Stealth capabilities and the Shadow ship was left defenceless in the face of what would surely be itsimminent destruction…

The space between the two ships was lit by a combination of Fusion Cannon, Molecular Disruptor and deadlyAntimatter Converter fire that blasted chunks from the bio-mechanical construct, and though the shadow vessel wasseverely damaged, it continued to fly. Even after the Lightbringer had added its own Fusion Cannon and Neutron Laserfire to the enfilade, the Scout remained intact!!! This would prove to have been the deciding moment of the battle, for, itwas most likely the case that, if the Shadow vessel had not survived, then the Minbari’s advantage in numbers would haveeventually won out…

As it was, the damaged Shadow scout adjusted its heading slightly then, faster than any ship of the younger racescould match, it sped away from the affray! The Minbari ships seized the initiative and, knowing that the ancient craftneeded only a short time before it repaired itself, manoeuvred to keep the fleeing ship within their respective weaponranges. Once more the combined fire from all three ships was insufficient to bring about its destruction and the Minbariknew that this was not to be their day!

The two remaining Shadow vessels, both confident or uncaring of the fate of their fellow ship showed theirsuperior manoeuvrability and jinked sideways to bring both their cannons to bear on the lone Lightbringer. The Teshlan’shull was no match for the combined assault, and the ship was blasted apart!

The wounded scout continued to move with blistering speed, and headed into a nearby cluster of asteroids. TheLeshath and Tigara, both lacking the pace to keep up, attempted to gain some distance from the other two scouts, but withthe same incredible amount of acceleration, the two ancient vessels leapt to within weapons range of the almost crippledLeshath. This time, the stealth of the Minbari scout could not thwart the two silent predators, and The Blade in theDarkness followed the Lightbringer into the void…

The lone Minbari warship, The Litany of Fury could only turn tail and hope that the Shadow vessels would nolonger consider it a threat… But the remorseless ancients had no quarter to give. Unable to flee with sufficient speed, andwith its weapons seemingly no match for the Shadow vessels’ combination of shields and hull, the crew of The Litanyfollowed their prayers into the vacuum as the pulse cannons of the Shadow ships tore through the ship for the final time…

The people of Londinium would now bend their knee to the Shadows!

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Earth Alliance Fleet List

“The Country must have a large and efficient army, one capable of meeting the enemy abroad, orthey must expect to meet him at home.”

Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington

At the dawn of the Earth Alliance as a galactic power, humanity had a limited view on space travel and starship combat.They built their ships along the same lines as their terrestrial navies, and packed them with the best weapons theirresearch scientists could manage. Particle weaponry, laser cannon, gauss-principle projectiles and the ever-popularmissile systems that had dominated their planetside battles for centuries – these were the tools they had to work with.

Their ships were large, bulky and lacked many of the pleasantries that other races employed as a standard, but when theircall to duty came in the form of the rampaging Dilgar they acquitted themselves well. The ‘flying bricks’ of EarthForceheard the echoing calls for aid of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds and hammered the warships of the Dilgar withferocity that had not been seen in the galaxy for many generations. Their so-called ‘low technology’ warships pushed theDilgar all the way back to Omelos, uniting the League in a great and powerful Liberation Navy. At the edge of the Galaxya great old power awoke to watch this new belligerent race.

The nature of victory as it is, the Earth Alliance saw a decade of golden advancement following their success. Theylearned a great deal from the Dilgar ships they managed to salvage, and received many technologies and scientificadvancements from the grateful League members who were saved by the valiant Earthers. Their ships evolved wherethey could, and many new projects could be found in the labs of research scientists all over the Earth Alliance.

Even so, it was humanity’s ego and arrogance that would nearly be its ultimate undoing. At the dawn of 2245, the EarthAlliance became tangled into a horrible web of destruction of their own making. Heady with pride concerning their victoryover the Dilgar, they ran headlong into the most advanced race of the galactic powers – the Minbari.

Ignoring warnings from the Centauri and others, they entered Minbari space to try and make contact with this reclusiverace. The emissaries were wiped out, as all other intruders had been, but the Earth Alliance would not stand for suchtreatment. Confident of their enhanced abilities launched a counter-strike on the Minabri colony that they had attempted tocontact. This resulted in nothing more than a comprehensive slaughter of the small battlefleet they had sent.

In turn the Earth Alliance was then assaulted by a genocidal offensive by the Minbari who had better technology, better-trained crews and who seemed to be on a crusade to wipe out the humans. Only once gaining victory through the trickeryof Commander John Sheridan, the Earth Alliance had its back against the wall and was facing utter extinction. It seemedthe last moments of the Alliance would be played at their own home world, where the remnants of the once proud fleetwere making their last stand, intending to buy time for the evacuation of Earth.

Emissaries to the Centauri and Narn had been met with sympathy and empty words; even those Alien governments whohad survived the Dilgar invasion only thanks to Earth’s intervention were unable, or unwilling to assist. This lack ofresponse would be remembered in future years………Yet other powers were watching, powers that had existed formillions of years, who had their own reasons to intervene.

As the war progressed, EarthForce and independent operators had been scouring unknown space for potential allies ortechnology. They found a series of forgotten and dead worlds, seemingly deserted. A lone survey ship touched down onsuch a world and made contact with its inhabitants – although all those onboard that survived were changed by theexperience – much as Catherine Saki was as she ventured into Vorlon space at the same time.

At their hour of greatest need the Shadows came to Earth and crushed those who would destroy the human race,pledging their assistance in re building the shattered Alliance fleet and its worlds. The humans had won a war they couldnot have possibly even survived, and it left them in a state of awe, wonder and realisation that their fleet was not the all-powerful war machine they once believed it to be. Technology centuries ahead of that previously dreamed of was nowgifted to them by their new patrons, especially through Morden Innovations Inc. They had much work to bring theirwarships up to that of the other galactic governments, but with so much destroyed in the Earth/Minbari War, they hadroom to grow and evolve. The new ships were designed to crush any enemy they might encounter using a mixture of triedand tested weapon systems and those from the Shadows. Many creations were nothing like the solid workmanlikevessels of old – these were sleek, killing machines, fast and manoeuvrable. Some pre war designs never made it intoproduction; the vaunted Omega Destroyer was shelved, as its rotating gravity generation system was no longer needed.However these designs would eventually surface on the other side of the galaxy……

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When a conspiracy to control Earth Gov orchestrated by Psi Corps using elements of the military and was discovered, animmediate crackdown was ordered. Security reached almost paranoid levels and interment was ordered for all telepaths,pending the end of the emergency. Links to several alien governments were discovered and immediate steps to increaseboth the readiness and size of Earth Force was taken.

As the first of these races fell under the hammer of the new Alliance fleet, the other races reacted in either censure orapathy; even the Minbari appeared silent behind their borders. Despite the interment of the majority of PSI Corps,powerful elements with that organisation had survived and calling upon hidden resources fought back. Alliances had beenformed with a number of Alien races, in particular the Narn, who were promised assistance in recreating their losttelepaths began to threaten to widen the conflict and set the galaxy afire.

Initiative Bonus +2,

Special Rules:Hyperspace Adept - Ships with this trait use the following rules:They may enter realspace from hyperspace at any point, without risk of deviation. They may do so without allied shipsbeing present on the table, and no damage will be caused to ships in the area, as can be the case with other jump points.They can move, attack and otherwise act normally during the turn it leaves hyperspace. These vessels must use theInitiate Jump Point! Special Action to enter hyperspace but no jump point counter is placed on the table. Instead, the shipis simply removed into hyperspace at the beginning of its next turn.

FightersFlights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted ascarrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any timebefore or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.Any ship carrying one or more Aurora Starfury flights may replace any number of them for Thunderbolts or vice versa. Anyship carrying one or more Dark Fury flights may replace any number of them for Shadowbolts or vice versa.

Patrol Aurora Starfury Fighter Wing (4 flights) Dark Fury Fighter Wing (3 flights)Hermes Class Transport Myrmidon Class Strike ShipShadowbolt Fighter Wing (3 flights) Thunderbolt Fighter Wing (4 flights)

Skirmish Artemis Class Heavy Frigate Artemis Class Escort FrigateFuji Class Fleet Tender Hyperion Class Assault Cruiser

Raid Delphi Class Pathfinder Explorer Survey ShipNova Class Dreadnought Shadow StarVengeance Class Battle Carrier

Battle Apollo Missile Cruiser Chloe Morden and the Daughter of DarknessExterminator Class Assault Cruiser Nova Superior Dreadnought

War Dominator Class Fleet Carrier Nemesis Class Command CruiserWarlock Class Battlecruiser

Armageddon Total Victory (Titan Class) EarthForce Flagship

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Apollo Class Missile Cruiser BattleNamed for the Greek god of archery, the first dedicated missile cruiser in the Earth fleet since the Sagittarius, the Apollowas developed to provide a powerful first strike option for the Alliance. Its first action was less than illustrious however; asteamed with a pair of Delphi scout, a battle squadron engaged a Minbari detachment. Although some initial damage wascaused, the Minbari quickly destroyed the scouts and then annihilated the remaining cruisers. The Apollo has since beenrelegated to a support option.

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 6Damage: 38/8 Crew: 46/9 Troops: 2Craft: 1 Aurora Starfury flightSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Interceptors 3, Jump EngineIn Service: 2260+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Thermonuclear Missile Battery 30 F 4 Precise, Slow Loading, Super AP, Triple Damage

Thermonuclear Missile Battery 30 F 4 Precise, Slow Loading, Super AP, Triple Damage

Heavy Pulse Cannon 12 P 14 Twin-Linked

Heavy Pulse Cannon 12 S 14 Twin-Linked

Light Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 T 6 AP

Artemis Class Heavy Frigate SkirmishArtemis Class Escort Frigate Skirmish

Aurora Starfury Fighter Patrol (4 flights per Wing)

Dark Fury Fighter Patrol (3 flights per Wing)Although the new Dark Fury Class fighters appear wrapped in organic tech they remain at heart the same SpaceSuperiority fighters. Both veteran and new pilots are more than pleased with the resulting craft in combat as enhancedwith superior weaponry, they are considered a match for the deadly Minbari Nials but only time will tell if this is true.

Speed: 12 Turn: SM Hull: 5 Damage: –Crew: – Troops: - Dogfight: +2 Craft: –Special Rules: Dodge 2+, Fighter In Service: 2250+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Phasing Pulse Cannon 2 T 3 Accurate, Twin linked,

Delphi Class Pathfinder RaidAs stealthy as anything the Alliance has faced thus far, the Delphi is tasked with marking targets and where required,leading strike squadrons into the heart of enemy territory. An unpopular posting with fighter pilots given the primaryresponsibility of close escort and the cramped conditions on board. Initial problems have arisen with long term exposureto the new technology and shielding has been increased around the sealed hyperspace navigation control room.

Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 18/5Crew: 22/6 Troops: 1Craft: 1 Dark Fury flightSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Hyperspace Adept, Interceptors 2, Scout,Stealth 5+In Service: 2258+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon 10 F 10 AP, Double Damage

Light Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 T 6 AP

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Dominator Class Fleet Carrier (Shadow Star Evolution) WarThe latest and largest design from Morden Innovations Inc., the Dominator continues their trademark look, coupling speedwith superior manoeuvrability. The largest version of its kind, only three have yet been produced as resources wereswitched to the production of the new EA flagship. A departure from standard EA strategy, the Dominator is designed tobe as effective in combat as its fighter compliment,

Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 70/14Crew: 80/15Troops: 1Craft: 10 Dark Fury FightersSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Carrier 4, Fleet Carrier, Flight Computer,Hyperspace Adept, Interceptors 4, Self-Repairing 1d6In Service: 2259+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 4 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Heavy Phasing Pulse Cannon 16 F 10 Double Damage, SAP

Explorer Survey Ship RaidThe four rebuilt Explorer Survey Ships are presently expanding the range and density of the Earth Alliance. As tensionsincrease in the galaxy, the armament has been upgraded due to concerns that the enemies of the Alliance would attemptto intercept and destroy them. Now equipped with a sealed hyperspace navigation control centre, they are incapable ofbecoming lost in hyperspace and can enter and leave at will. It is said,however, that they never travel alone………

Speed: 4 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 4 Damage: 130/38Crew: 65/15 Troops: 8Craft: 2 Dark Fury flights, 2 Shadowbolt fightersSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Hyperspace Adept, Interceptors 2,Lumbering, ScoutIn Service: 2258+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Phasing Pulse Cannon 16 F 10 Double Damage, SAP

Light Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 T 6 AP

Exterminator Class Cruiser (Shadow Star Evolution) BattleFollowing the success of the Shadow Star, production of the Exterminator was quickly approved. A larger vessel, it wasdesigned to be the last word in assault cruisers and quickly proved its worth against the Vree. Able to match theirmanoeuvrability and with the weapons of the ancients, the Captains of those few ships in service are now looking for areal challenge. As they hear reports of the new Minbari ships, it seems they will get their wish………..Speed: 12 Turn: 2/90


Hull: 5 Damage: 32/8Crew: 40/10 Troops: 1Craft: 2 Dark Fury FightersSpecial Rules: Agile, Anti-fighter 3, Dodge 4+, Flight Computer, Hyperspace Adept, Self-Repairing 1D6In Service: 2254+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 4 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage,

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Fuji Class Fleet Auxiliary SkirmishA derivative of the Olympus Class, the Fuji line of ships are considerably larger but fitted with less armour, as the ship ispacked full of repair facilities and trained technicians. A dedicated repair and re-supply ship, designed to provide vitalsupport to fleets operating away from their bases, it more than proved its worth in the Dilgar war. Lightly armed – theyrequire a substantial fighter escort to ensure that they are able to carry out their duties without interference.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 30 / 10Crew: 42 /12 Troops: 1 Craft: 3 Aurora Starfury Flights,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 1, Fleet Auxiliary, Interceptor 1, LumberingIn Service: 2210+

.Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Plasma Cannon 8 F 2 AP

Plasma Cannon 8 P 4 AP

Plasma Cannon 8 S 4 AP

Plasma Cannon 8 A 2 AP

Each Fuji that takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle generates 3RR, which can be used for repairsonly; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

Hermes Class Transport Patrol

Myrmidon Class Strike Ship PatrolLike most of the new Earth Alliance ships, the Myrmidon is designed for fast brutal combat either in defence or preferablywhen attacking. The size of previous police cutters, it is very different in appearance with layers of dense armour. Newtechnology has given it powerful short-range weapons and shoals of them can now be found at important stations ororbital installations. The Alliance is presently considering constructing a battle carrier to act as a delivery system for theMyrmidon but other commitments are likely to delay any such class of vessel.

Speed: 10 Turns: 2/45Hull: 5 Damage: 8/2Crew: 9/1 Troops: -Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Interceptors 1 In Service: 2260+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage,

Nemesis Class Command Cruiser WarThe expanding fleets of the new Earth Alliance required dedicated ships to command fleet battle groups and allowAdmirals in the field the ability to co-ordinate larger actions. Whilst the Nova Superior Dreadnought was able to fulfil thisrole initially, several were destroyed or proved inadequate in combat. The Nemesis programme upgraded ten WarlockBattlecruisers with new technology and a full command suite for use by Earth’s Admirals.

Speed: 8 Turns: 1/45Hull: 6 Damage: 75/15Crew: 85/18 Troops: 6Craft: 4 Dark Fury FlightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Command +2, Flight Computer, Hyperspace Adept,Interceptors 4, Self Repairing 1D6,In Service: 2258+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Thermonuclear Missile Battery 30 B (f) 4 Precise, Slow Loading, Super AP, Triple Damage

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 4 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 F 4 AP, Double Damage,

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 P 8 AP, Double Damage,

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 S 8 AP, Double Damage,

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 A 4 AP, Double Damage,

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Nova Dreadnought Raid

Nova Superior Dreadnought BattleA test bed for the new technology that is transforming the battle fleet of the Earth Alliance into one of the most powerful inthe galaxy. The new Nova boasts brutal weapon batteries that are derived from Shadow technology. Short ranged it maybe, but if it reaches any enemy battle line – it will transform the enemy ships very quickly into shattered wreckage. Withshadow technology grown onto the ships, no two Nova’s appear the same but unlike many of the newer EA ships it stilluses conventional jump technology.

Speed: 6Turn: 1/45


Hull: 6Damage: 50/10Crew: 60/15 Troops: 3Craft: 2 Dark Fury flightsSpecial Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Command +1, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Self-Repair 1In Service: 2253+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 F 10 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 P 14 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 S 14 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 A 8 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Shadowbolt Fighter-Bomber Patrol (3 flights per Wing)With new technology grown to meet the requirements for a fighter able to engage Vorlon warships, the Shadowbolts areproving popular with their pilots despite the reduction in manoeuvrability. When the inevitable clash comes with the Vorlonand Minbari armadas, they are confident that their Dark Fury escorts will see them through to their targets.

Speed: 10 Turn: SM Hull: 5 Damage: – Crew: – Troops: - Dogfight: +1Craft: – Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 3+, FighterIn Service: 2252+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Phasing Pulse Cannon 2 T 2 AP

Polarity Cannon 4 T 2 AP, Double Damage

Shadow Star RaidA pack hunter for the 23

rd Century and a new vision of spacecraft design, those who have seen it claim it can only come

from the minds of the ancients. Its speed is now legendary and it bears a weapon able to vanquish any that seek tochallenge it. With the ability to appear and disappear at will, few are aware of howmany of these lethal craft yet exist.

Speed: 16 Turn: 2/90o

Hull: 5 Damage: 16/4Crew: 20/5 Troops: 0Craft: 1 Dark Fury flight,Special Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 2, Atmospheric, Dodge 4+,Flight Computer, Hyperspace Adept, Self-Repairing 2In Service: 2253+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 3 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

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Total Victory, Titan Class, Flagship of the Earth Alliance, ArmageddonThe new flagship of the Earth Alliance is a showcase of the new technology and an outstanding weapons platform.Designed to be able to engage any enemy at all ranges – including targeting their home worlds, the elite crewcommanded by Susan Ivanova aim to live up to their ships name.

Speed: 6Turn: 1/45


Hull: 6Damage: 140/30Crew: 160/45 Troops: 4Craft: 4 Dark Fury flights, 2 Shadowbolt flightsSpecial Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 6, Carrier 2, Command +3, Flight Computer, Elite Crew (6), Hyperspace Adept, Interceptors 4, Self Repair 1D6, UniqueIn Service: 2262+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Thermonuclear Missile Battery 30 B (f) 8 Precise, Super AP, Triple Damage

Molecular Slicer Beam 24 F 8 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 F 8 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 P 12 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 S 12 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 A 8 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Vengeance Class Battle Carrier (Avenger Variant) RaidWith next generation fighters coming into service, the Avenger class Carrier was upgraded to bring them into battle. Notas advanced as the newer ships that make up the growing Earth Alliance fleet, they are however proven workhorses andare likely to remain in service for some time. The initial designs incorporated a experimental Fighter Dispersal Tube, but anumber of horrific accidents soon lead to its removal from both prototypeships.Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45


Hull: 5 Damage: 40/10Crew: 50/12 Troops: 4 Craft: 8 Dark Fury flightsSpecial Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Carrier 4, Command +1,Fleet Carrier, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2In Service: 2250+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon 10 F 4 AP, Double Damage

Light Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 T 4 AP

Warlock-class Battlecruiser WarNow the signature for the capabilities of the reborn and revitalised EarthForce, the Warlock can be found in attack fleetsand in defence of Earth Alliance colonies all over the galaxy.

Speed: 8 Turns: 1/45Hull: 6 Damage: 75/15Crew: 85/18 Troops: 4Craft: 4 Dark Fury FlightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Flight Computer, Interceptors 4, Jump EngineIn Service: 2250+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Thermonuclear Missile Battery 30 B (f) 4 SAP, Precise, Slow Loading, Triple Damage

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 4 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 F 4 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 P 8 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 S 8 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 12 A 4 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Railgun 20 T 6 AP, Double Damage

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Susan Ivanova,The renowned and fearsome commander of the Total Victory, Ivanova is a consummateprofessional, a fiery warrior and an inspiration to all under command. Although usually she haslittle time for a personal life, she has formed an unlikely friendship with Chloe Morden.Susan Ivanova is available for Earth Alliance fleets from 2256 onwards and has the followingabilities:Inspired Command, Inspirational Leader, Revered Leader, Top Guns, When placed in a ship,Susan Ivanova raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral and obeys allother rules for Admirals. She also has the Unique Trait. She may be placed in any of the followingships:Hyperion, Nova, Exterminator, Nemesis, Total Victory, Warlock,

Chloe Morden, Beloved of the ShadowsRetrieved from hyperspace by the Shadows, Chloe is perhaps a vision of the fate of the humanrace – if they are fortunate. Her own abilities are formidable to match her intellect and beautywhilst the Daughter of Darkness, her personal Shadow Star, responds to her soft commandsinstantly and with delight. Chloe is available for Earth Alliance and Shadow fleets (*) from 2261onwards and has the following abilities:Beloved Mistress - the Daughter of Darkness is desperate to protect Chloe from harm and mayre-roll all failed dodges. Eyes of the Ancients – Chloe gains a +1 bonus when attempting topenetrate the stealth of an enemy, Master of Deception, Protected – Chloe is accompanied byShadows and no one may enter her presence and live if they do not will it – the Daughter ofDarkness may never be boarded. Chloe may only be placed in the Daughter of Darkness, herShadow Star and raises its Priority level to Battle in exactly the same way as an Admiral, sheobeys all other rules for Admirals and has the Unique Trait.

(*) If Chloe is chosen for a Shadow Fleet she must be placed on the Daughter of Darkness. Thisis an exception to normal fleet selection rules and she does not have to be aboard the highestpriority ship in the fleet.

“There is at least one thing worse than fighting with allies – And that is to fight withoutthem" - Sir Winston S. Churchill

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Earth Alliance Space Stations

The following modules may be used by the space stations of the Earth Alliance.

Advanced Hangar Module 7 HardpointsA space station able to launch these state of the art fighters is safe against almost any enemy.Each Advanced Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will also add the Carrier 6 trait, and sixflights of Dark Fury or Shadowbolt fighters.

Hangar Module 4 HardpointsSometimes called Cobra Bays, these modules give a space station its own wing of fighters for defence and patrol.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will also add the Carrier 4 trait, and four flights offighters (Aurora or Thunderbolt Starfuries).

Heavy Laser Module 6 HardpointsMounting one of the older model beam systems, a fortified space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Heavy Laser Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Heavy Laser Cannon 45 4 Beam, Double Damage

Interceptor Module 2 HardpointsMasters of intercepting incoming enemy fire, Earth Alliance stations have some of the tightest defence grids in the galaxy.An Interceptor Module will add the Interceptors 5 trait to the Core. Each additional interceptor module will increase theCore’s Interceptors trait by +5.

Launch Bay Module 2 HardpointsLaunch bays give a space station access to a limited number of fighters.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will add two flights of fighters (Aurora orThunderbolt Starfuries).

Missile Rack Module 5 HardpointsMounting rows of missile batteries, a fortified space station can dominate any enemies at long range.Each Missile Rack Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Missile Racks 45 5 Precise, Slow-Loading, Super AP

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery Module 3 HardpointsThe latest shadow derived technology can give an Earth Alliance space station formidable firepower.Each Phasing Pulse Cannon Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon Battery 18 6 AP, Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Pulse Cannon Module 1 HardpointMounting rows of light weapon batteries, a space station can discourage any minor threat.Each Pulse Cannon Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Medium Pulse Cannon 15 5 Twin-Linked

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Campaigns: Refits and Other DutiesEarth Alliance Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games. As always, if acertain refit or duty cannot be applied to a specific ship for any reason, re-roll the result. Unless otherwise stated, multipleresults of the same type can be applied to the same ship.

Earth Alliance Refits

2d6 Refit

2 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damage points. If theship already possesses the Jump Engine or the Advanced Jump Engine trait, it replaces it with the Hyperspace Adepttrait instead.

3 Shadow Technology: The ship gains the Self-Repairing 1 trait or Self-Repairing +1 if it already has that trait.

4 Missile Rack: The ship gains a single turret-mounted missile rack, Range 30, 2 AD, Precise, Slow-Loading, Super AP.This may only be applied once.

5 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains +1 bonuses to any attempt it makes to target an enemy with the Stealth trait.This may only be applied once.

6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However, whenusing this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).

7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 5 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD. This mayonly be applied once per weapon system.

8 Enhanced Interceptor Network: If the ship has Interceptors as a trait, it gains a +1 bonus to its Interceptor score. IfInterceptors are not present, the ship gains Interceptors 1. This may only be applied once.

9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.

10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.

11 Extra Hanger: The ship gains a flight of Aurora Starfury fighters (or an extra flight of the ones carried if it alreadypossesses fighters).

12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.

Earth Alliance Other Duties

2d6 Other Duty

2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to the local Raiders has paid off well. You may immediately add one Raiders ship(or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.

3 New Captain: A highly decorated, even legendary Captain takes command of the vessel –. Once per battle, the shipmay attempt to take two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects ofboth Special Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with theCome About! Action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neitherinvalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.

4 Now You See Me…: This ship has been conducting scouting exercises all over the system, forcing other fleets to chaseit as it gathers crucial information. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.

5 Vital Mission: The ship receives very important orders, which must be followed to the letter. Double any Victory Pointsearned by this ship (and this ship alone) for the rest of the campaign.

6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteers to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights of fightersmay increase their Dogfight score by +1.

7 Seconded Troops: The ship gains an elite platoon of EarthForce special forces. Add +1 Troops.

8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering officers of another ship has volunteered to serve aboard this vessel. Add a +1bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.

9 Whispers from the Shadows: The ship is engaged in diplomatic missions to several other fleets, purporting to find apeaceful solution to the hostilities. Instead, it has sown fear and mistrust. Pick one enemy fleet. You may select oneStrategic Target in the next campaign turn that it must attack.

10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw ships awayfrom his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation Pointsavailable.

11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down under your control.

12 The Enemy of my Enemy: A race feels that allying with the power of the Earth Alliance is a wise move and sends atoken element to prove their allegiance. You may immediately add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lowerPriority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may be chosen from any League fleet lists but it may not come from a fleetthat your are currently fighting against in the campaign.

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The Minbari

Of the so-called ‘younger’ races calling this galaxy its home, the Minbariis by far the most advanced. They thrived on their crystalline homeworldof Minbar for tens of thousands of years before war drove them from it.Broken into a simple caste system that divides each Minbari by the‘calling of their heart’, their stable traditions and triadic government grewfrom thousands of years of infighting and manipulation at the hands of thepowerful and enigmatic Vorlons.

The Minbari were ever the favoured of the Vorlons, and this status meantthey were amongst the foremost of the young races in technology.Ironically it was this patronage that made them a target for the Shadows –not wishing to see their ancient enemies control the galaxy’s destiny byproxy.

Without warning the Shadows struck against those races the Vorlons had nurtured, confident that their opposite numberwould not intervene. For all their vaunted technology, the Minbari could not stand against the Shadows, despite fanaticalefforts of the warrior caste, who died in the thousands. At the climax of the war, the night sky above Minbar was lit up byburning Minbari ships, the black ships tore through their final defensive line. As the Shadows turned upon the planet tofinish their work, an array of Jump Points opened and disgorged an armada of vessels – the Vorlons had come to savetheir children.

Horrified, the Shadows did nothing as the vast ships moved to intercept them. One younger Shadow vessel daredchallenge them and was quickly struck down by their energy discharges. Still stunned, the remaining shadow shipsretreated to hyperspace and left the shattered, flaming planet and its inhabitants to their fate.

The Planets burned on and few survived the holocaust, the Warrior caste had failed to defend their home and wasshamed and angered. Never again would they be constrained by the other castes – they would protect them fromthemselves and control the destiny of their people.

All contact with other races was suspended lest they learn too much about the Minbari technology. This was enforced bythe destruction of any and all vessels that breached the borders, without regard for the nature of their mission. TheCentauri and others quickly learnt the limits of expansion in the direction of the Minbari.

Then a thousand years later, a new power arose, confident from their defeat of the Dilgar; the Humans ignored thewarnings of the older races and sought to meet these mysterious Minbari. The Explorer class vessel Odysseus jumpedinto a known Minbari system, broadcasting messages of friendship and greetings, its defences off line. Trailed by threeHyperion cruisers, it awaited a response.

Several hours later a pair of Minbari cruisers jumped behind the EA cruisers and annihilated two of them in a fusillade ofNeutron Lasers before they could muster any real response. This was the first, but by no means the last time the EAwould meet a Sharlin in battle. As the Odysseus scrambled to try and open a jump point it was quickly bisected by the twoships and the survivors left to the void. The last Hyperion, almost dead in space, its weapons shattered, was allowed toescape to warn its people not to enter Minbari space.

In the past, such a display was more than enough to convince alien races not to bother the Minbari. The Humans,however, were outraged and decided to strike bac. A sizeable task force jumped into the same system and engaged itsdefence network, which quickly proved horrifying deadly. Despite the disparity in technology, the Earth Alliance cruisersdid manage to damage several Minbari ships and stations before they were dispatched with clinical precision. In turn theMinbari were overwhelmed by vengeance, not for a thousand years had anyone dared to attack a Minbari world, horriblememories of the destruction of their home world were awoken and they went to war……….

The Humans stood no chance, all defences and ships proved ineffectual against the technological prowess and superiorskills of the Minbari. Colonies and stations were shattered and it seemed only a matter of time before the human racewould be nothing more than a footnote in the history of the galaxy. The war raged on and eventually came to the humanhomeworld itself, where a fleet of Minbari ships prepared to deliver the hammer blow to end the war and begin thegenocide. Yet as the Vorlons had once appeared to save them, so the Ancient Enemy appeared for the humans. In lessthan an hour the pride of the fleet was cut to pieces by the Shadows, despite their advances in technology. The Shadowshad arisen once more, and this time it seemed they had their own chosen successors.

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Now the whole Galaxy appears to prepare for war, the Vorlons seem more active than ever before and have gifted theMinbari with new knowledge to better prepare them for the battle to come. Seers predict a time is coming when the verygalaxy will burn and the Vorlons will fight alongside the Minbari……………

The Minbari Fleet List

The following forms the entire fleet list for the Minbari.

Priority Level: PatrolBattle Flyer Wing (2 flights) Nial Heavy Fighter Wing (2 flights)Tishat Interceptor Wing (2 flights) Tarath Class Attack Ship

Priority Level: SkirmishTorotha Class Patrol Frigate

Priority Level: RaidAshinta Class Heavy Escort Ishara Class Provider Leshath Battle ScoutTeshlan Class Fast Cruiser Tigara Attack Cruiser

Priority Level: BattleShantavi Class Advanced Warship Tarash Class Command CruiserVeshatan Class Advanced Gunship Tinashi Class Warship

Priority Level: WarNeshatan Class Battlecruiser Sharlin Class War CruiserSukarin Class Assault Carrier

Priority Level: ArmageddonShakrlis Class Battlecruiser

FightersFlights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted ascarrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any timebefore or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.A ship carrying one or more Nial flights may replace any number of them for an equal number of Tishats or Battle Flyers

Minbari Federation Fleet Special RulesThe following special rules apply to all Minbari Federation fleets.

Skin Dancing:Skin Dancing is performed as detailed on page 49 of the Fleet Lists book, with the following amendments;

Skin Dancing may be only be attempted by Minbari fighters (including Shials)A fighter attempting to Skin Dance ship cannot target a ship with the Fighter trait or a ship that has not yet moved or takena Special Action this turn. Immobile or Adrift ships may be targeted as normal.

A fighter may attempt to skin dance one enemy ship by moving its base into contact with the enemy ships base. You maynot skin dance against fighters. Each fighter on close escort will block one Skin Dancing attempt by a fighter (they enter adogfight). Each fighter attempting this should roll a D6, needing 5+ to be successful. This roll is modified as follows:

+2. The Target is a Space Station+1 If the target Ship has the Lumbering trait and/or is adrift / running adrift–1 If the target ship has Agile or Dodge trait or is SM (Ignore this modifier if the ship is adrift or running adrift)

If the roll is a 1, the Skin Dancing fighter rams the enemy ship instead!If the Crew Quality check fails otherwise the fighter does not crash, it finishes its move where it came into contact with theenemy ship and may not any attack this turn as the pilot attempts to regain control of their vessel.

Minbari Initiative: +4

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Ashinta Heavy Escort Raid

Battle Flyer Flight Patrol (2 flights per Wing)A warrior’s transport and perhaps the most common Minbari spacecraft now seen outside of heavily travelled space lanes,the flyer is a small but extremely potent vessel. Armed with fusion cannons, in the hands of a skilled warrior, the flyer canbe more than a match for many of the front line fighters used by other races.

Speed: 12 Turn: SM Hull: 4 Damage: –Crew: – Troops: - Dogfight: +1 Craft: –Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 3+, Fighter, Stealth 4+ In Service: 2004+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Fusion Cannon 3 T 3 Mini-Beam, Twin Linked

Ishara Class Provider RaidMinbari warships are triumphs of technology, their crystalline armoured hulls laced with fabulous devices that whenactivated, render their ships almost impossible to target and allow their commanders to move with relative impunitythrough the field of battle. Yet, through chance or when the elder races meet them in battle, they can suffer horrendousdamage, for they are not built for endurance or attrition. On those sad occasions, an Ishara is called upon and its crew ofworker caste begins the task of rebuilding the shattered beauty of theircreations.

Speed: 8 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 4Damage: 32/ 11 Crew: 40/ 13 Troops: 4Craft: none,Special Rules: Advanced Anti-fighter 4, Advanced Jump Engine, FleetAuxiliary, Flight Computer, Stealth 4+,In Service: 2008+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Fusion Cannon 18 F 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 P 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 S 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 A 4 Mini-Beam

If an Ishara takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, it generates 6RR, which can be used for repairsonly; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

Leshath Class Battle Scout RaidA warrior’s version of the most advanced scouting vessel of any younger race in the galaxy, the Leshath combines trulyserious firepower with almost total invisibility. It made a brief appearance in the Earth/Minbari War but was soonwithdrawn from the frontline when the Council of Warriors realised that humans had little chance of detecting even majorwarships, let alone advanced scouts. This was unfortunate, as its tracking abilities would have been of great use againstthe Shadows lesser vessels when they appeared at the Battle of the Line.

Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 4 Damage: 24/8Crew: 28/9 Troops: 3Craft: 1 Nial flightSpecial Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 3, Advanced Jump Engine, Agile,Flight Computer, Scout, Stealth 5+In Service: 1995+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Neutron Laser 20 F 2 Beam, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 F 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 P 3 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 S 3 Mini-Beam

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The Leshath has no range limit on the use of its Scout trait. In addition, when successfully using its Scout trait, a Leshathwill completely remove its target’s Stealth trait for the remainder of the turn instead of just lowering it by one. This effect islost immediately if the Leshath scouting the target ship is destroyed and does not effect the Ancients.

Neshatan-class Battlecruiser War

Nial Heavy Fighter Flight Patrol (2 flights per Wing)

Shakrlis Class Battlecruiser (Sharlin Evolution) ArmageddonA vision of the perfect blending of Minbari and Vorlon technology, a shimmering vessel of death that can match anything inthe known galaxy. Nothing can stand before it and live, only the Ancient Shadow Ships can hope to challenge it in theconflicts to come.

Speed: 6Turn: 1/45


Hull: 5Damage: 60/20Crew: 66/22 Troops: 6Craft: 1 Battle Flyer flight, 8 Nial flightsSpecial Rules: Adaptive Armour, Advanced Anti-Fighter 6,Advanced Jump Engine, Carrier 4, Command +2, Fleet Carrier,Flight Computer, Lumbering, Self Repair 1d6, Stealth 5+In Service: 2255+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Lightning Cannon 20 T 6 Beam, Precise, Slow Loading, Triple Damage,

Neutron Laser 30 F 8 Beam, Double Damage, Precise,

Fusion Cannon 18 F 12 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Fusion Cannon 18 P 12 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Fusion Cannon 18 S 12 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Fusion Cannon 18 A 12 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Shantavi Advanced Warship (Tinashi Evolution) BattleA test-bed for the technologies released to them by the Vorlons, the Shantavi is a powerful refit of the ageing Tinashi.Though the inclusion of the latest weaponry puts a strain on the vessel’s power systems, its glittering hull betrays thebiological defences that they now have at their disposal. The lessons learned with this and the Veshitan gave the Minbarithe required knowledge to create the technological marvel that is the Shakrlis.

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 38/12Crew: 42/14 Troops: 2Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Adaptive Armour, Advanced Anti-Fighter 2,Advanced Jump Engine, Flight Computer, Stealth 4+In Service: 2252+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Improved Neutron Laser 25 F 4 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage,

Fusion Cannon 18 F 4 Mini-Beam,

Fusion Cannon 18 P 4 Mini-Beam,

Fusion Cannon 18 S 4 Mini-Beam,

Fusion Cannon 18 A 4 Mini-Beam,

Sharlin Class War Cruiser War

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Sukarin Class Assault Carrier (Sharlin variant) WarPrevious Minbari Carriers were slow and vulnerable which proved unsatisfactory for the Warrior caste. The latest version,a variant of the venerable Sharlin, retains that ship’s speed and some of its firepower but adds swarms of deadly fightersand the latest in attack ships – the Tarath

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5Damage: 50/16 Crew: 60/20Troops: 3Craft: 8 Nial flights, 2 Tarath Attack Ships,Special Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 6, Advanced Jump Engine,Carrier 4, Fleet Carrier, Flight Computer, Lumbering, Stealth 5+In Service: 2200+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Neutron Laser 30 F 2 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 F 6 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 P 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 S 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 A 4 Mini-Beam

Tarath Class Attack Ship PatrolDesigned to act as either a hidden escort or in conjunction with fighters as a devastating swarm attack. This new class ofship is intended to be carried aboard the Sukarin. Great things are expected of these weapon platforms, especiallyagainst the new EA Shadow Stars.

Speed: 12 Turns: 2/90Hull: 4 Damage: 6/1Crew: 8/2 Troops: 0 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Agile, Flight Computer, Stealth 4+, In Service: 2260+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Fusion Strike Cannon 12 F 4 Mini-Beam, Twin Linked

Special Rules: Unless bought separately, Tarath’s are carried by the Sukarin Assault Carrier, no carried ships may startdeployed with the rest of the fleet but they may be subsequently launched instead of and as though they were fighters.

Tarash Class Command Cruiser (Tinashi Variant) BattleIn the last Shadow war, the ability to co-ordinate and command the fleets against the unpredictable Shadows wasparamount. A number of Tinashi Cruisers were converted to command and control ships, their sensors augmented totrack the enemy ships whilst they vectored their own ships in. Augmented armour meant the removal of the main beamsystem, but this proved extremely effective against the shadow scouts sent to hunt them down.

Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 38/12Crew: 42/14 Troops: 6 Craft: 1 Battle Flyer Flight,Special Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 6, Advanced Jump Engine, Command +2, Flight Computer, Scout, Stealth 5+In Service: 2040+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Fusion Cannon 18 F 8 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Fusion Cannon 18 P 6 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Fusion Cannon 18 S 6 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Fusion Cannon 18 A 6 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Tigara Class Attack Cruiser Raid

Teshlan Class Fast Cruiser (Tigara Variant) Raid

Tinashi Class Warship Battle

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Tishat Interceptor Flight Patrol (Wing)

Torotha Class Assault Frigate Skirmish

Veshatan Class Advanced Gunship (Neshatan Evolution) BattleBuilt at the behest of the Warrior Caste who were keen to see the Neshatan’s capabilities grafted onto a faster, andtherefore more flexible ship. Superseded by more recent hulls, venerable ships were chosen to have the honour of beingthe first Minbari cruisers to mount a weapon of Vorlon design. Despite the difficulty of screening the massive powerrequirements of the Lightning Cannon, the Warrior Caste have, once again,high hopes for the Veshatan.

Speed: 10 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 56/14Crew: 60/15 Troops: 2Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 2, Advanced Jump Engine,Flight Computer, Stealth 5+ (*)In Service: 2254+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Lightning Cannon (*) 20 F 8 Beam, Triple Damage, Precise

(*)If the Lightning Cannon is fired the Veshatan instantly loses its Stealth trait for the rest of the turn – it returns in the EndPhase, unless it is otherwise removed, by being crippled for instance.

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Alyt Neroon,Neroon was a member of the Warrior Caste from the Star Riders clan. During theEarth-Minbari War, Neroon fought against the humans under the command of ShaiAlyt Bramner. As the war progressed, Neroon gained a distinct hatred and distrustof both humans and the Religious caste. He missed the Battle of the Line butproved a skilled combatant of the revitalised Earth Alliance until his death in battleat Babylon 5.Neroon is available for Minbari fleets (and only Minbari fleets) from 2240 –2268and has the following abilities:Hold or Die – Neroon instructs his crews to resistthe assaults of their depraved and corrupted enemies at all cost. Any troop rolls to

defend against any boarding actions can be re-rolled once per turn. Inspired Command, Instil Fervour, Merciless Killer– Neroon considers that the human race is so heavily contaminated by the Ancient Enemy that the only remedy is theircomplete extermination. Whenever his ship cripples an Earth Alliance ship, it may immediately fire one weapon system atit again. When Placed in a ship, Alyt Neroon raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral andobeys all other rules for Admirals. He has the Unique Trait.

War Council Member DelennDelenn was an influential and respected member of the Warrior Caste who served as theMinbari Ambassador to Babylon 5. Despite her initial disdain of the humans she foundCaptain Sheridan a useful ally and together they proved a powerful obstacle to Earth andthe Shadows. Like so many others she perished in the final battle for Babylon 5.Neroon is available for Minbari fleets from 2241 – 2268 and has the following abilities:Inspirational Leader, Inspired Command – So long as Delenn’s ships is on the tableand not crippled or reduced to a Skeleton Crew, the fleet gains an extra +3 bonus to itsInitiative rolls. This is cumulative and may be added to the bonus granted by ships withthe Command Trait if Delenn is placed on that ship. The Master Plan, When Placed in aship, Delenn raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral andobeys all other rules for Admirals. She has the Unique Trait and may be placed in thefollowing Ships: Leshath, Sharlin, Sukarin, Shakrlis, Tigara,

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Minbari Space Stations

Advanced Neutron Laser Module 8 HardpointsMounting a deadly beam weapon, a Minbari space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Advanced Neutron Laser Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the followingweapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Advanced Neutron Laser 52 3 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Advanced Point Defence Module 3 HardpointsA space station cannot always rely on a friendly fleet close by for protection, and a series of concentrated point defencesystems will ensure no enemies will consider an attack casually.Each Advanced Point Defence Module will change the Core’s Anti-Fighter trait to Advanced Anti-Fighter, and increase itby +2. It will also increase the Damage scores of the Core by +10/+5/+0, but it will remove all Interceptors from the Core.

Fusion Cannon Module 4 HardpointsMounting rows of weapon batteries, a fortified space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Fusion Cannon Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Fusion Cannon 27 5 Mini-Beam

Hangar Module 3 HardpointsComplete with rapid deployment systems, hangars give a space station its own wing of fighters.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the Carrier 4 trait, and four flights offighters (Battle Flyers, Nials or Tishats).

Heavy Lightning Module 8 HardpointsMounting a weapon of the Ancients, a Minbari station space station can be a deadly enemy.Each Heavy Lightning Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Super Lightning Cannon 45 2 Beam, Precise, Quad Damage

Neutron Laser Module 6 HardpointsMounting a powerful beam system, a Minbari space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Neutron Laser Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Neutron Laser 36 4 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Stealth Module 4 HardpointsA masterpiece of Minbari engineering, the active systems in this module can make the entire space station disappear fromsensors.Each Stealth Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the Stealth 4+ trait. A second StealthModule will increase this to Stealth 5+.

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Campaigns: Refits and Other DutiesMinbari Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.

Minbari Refits2d6 Refit

2 Focussed Neutron Generators: One neutron laser weapon system on the ship replaces its Double Damage traitwith Triple Damage.

3 Powerful Sensor Arrays: The ship gains up-rated sensor arrays that are so powerful that they can almost blindenemy ships. No enemy ship within 10” may opt to use a Special Action in its turn.

4 Point Defence: The ship gains a small weapon system designed to destroy close-in attackers. The ship gainsAdvanced Anti-Fighter +1.

5 Silent and Stealthy: Once per battle, you may force an enemy to re-roll his Stealth roll in order to target this ship.

6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However, whenusing this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).

7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 5 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD. Thismay only be applied once per weapon system.

8 Superior Helm Control: Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during a Come About! special action.

9 Hardened Structure: The ship is specially braced to ward off the effects of the most devastating hits. Reduce itsdamage threshold number (the point at which it becomes Crippled) by two points.

10 Advanced Gravitic Drive: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.

11 Extra Hanger: The ship gains a flight of Nials or Battle Flyers (or an extra flight if it already possesses some).

12 Silent Runner: The ship is modified to be super stealthy but this comes at the expense of energy output. Increasethe ship’s Stealth score by one (to a maximum of 6) but reduce its Speed by –2.

Minbari Other Duties

2d6 Other Duty

2 Minbari Protectorate Volunteers: You gain the assistance of a group from the Minbari Protectorate after havingcompleted a diplomatic mission in this war zone. You may immediately add a wing of Nials or Battle Flyers to yourfleet roster.

3 New Alyt: An highly decorated, even legendary Alyt of the Warrior Caste takes command of the vessel – Once perbattle, the ship may attempt to take two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Actionand all effects of both Special Actions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requiresno turning) with the Come About! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power toEngines! as neither invalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.

4 The Rangers: This ship has been used to transport a member of the Anla’shok to an abandoned world in the system.He soon gains valuable intelligence on the activities of the other fleets, granting you a +2 bonus to your Initiative forthe next Campaign Turn.

5 Telepaths of the Religious Caste: A group of Religious Caste telepaths join your ship’s crew. Stretching forwardwith their minds, they strain to divine the intentions of the enemy. Once per battle, you may automatically win theInitiative for the turn. This may be declared after your have rolled dice for Initiative.

6 Skin Dancers: A squadron of highly trained Warrior Caste pilots volunteer to serve on your ship. When Nialslaunched from this ship attack another vessel, they may not be intercepted by escorting fighters.

7 Dutiful Worker Caste: The ship ferries Minbari of the Worker Caste to the rest of the fleet. Immediately repair 3d6points of Damage on any ships in the fleet.

8 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw shipsaway from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet Allocation Pointsavailable.

9 Vorlon Directive: The ship encounters a servant of the Vorlons who relays specific instructions for the entire fleet. Inthe next campaign turn, you will attack any Strategic Target of one randomly determined fleet. This will automaticallybe a Battle-level mission using the Annihilation scenario and will be nominated before any Initiative is rolled for. Thisbattle will be your go for the turn. If you win the battle, any RR points gained in the next campaign turn will bedoubled.

10 Elite Warrior Caste Training: A visiting dignitary of the Warrior Caste shakes your ship’s crew into line. If youalready have Crew Quality 5, increase it immediately to 6. If you have a different Crew Quality, roll again.

11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under your control.

12 Ambush: Using its superior Jump Engines, this ship launches a surprise attack on an enemy ship travelling throughthe war zone. Pick an enemy fleet, you cause 1d6 critical hits at Triple Damage on one random enemy vessel.

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At what cost - Victory?

A number of reports from the Anla’Shok Rangers reached the commander of the Minbari fleet – Tarken. A large contingentof Shadow ships had been seen around the busy trade route coming into the Persephone system. The Leshath heavyscout – The Veil of Tears – that he’d despatched to watch the Ancients’ movements, confirmed that the Shadows wereselecting, what seemed to be, random ships coming along the space lanes. These ships were being shepherded into anearby dust cloud by a number of Shadow Scout vessels, but were then left unmolested! Other ships, that the Shadowsapparently deemed unnecessary, were cut apart by the molecular slicer beams of larger vessels that jumped in and out ofhyperspace.

This continued for nearly two full days until the Shadows hadcollected half a dozen freighters of various origin, and two large space linersthat also seemed to be unremarkable to the watching Minbari. In this shortspace of time however, the resources coming into the system had all butceased as the Shadows had destroyed numerous other trade vessels. Thenewly made convoy was then corralled into a tight formation by the highlymanoeuvrable scouts, and then they slowly got underway. The Leshath’scaptain could easily read their heading; the convoy was bound for Londinium.The Veil was just about to jump back to the fleet, when its powerful scannerspicked up a number of additional contacts…

A stalker emerged alongside the scouts, and though its construction was virtually identical to its stealthierbrethren, its harder outer skin was far easier to detect. However, there was no similarity between the smaller vessels andthe ominous form of the craft that loomed out of the darkness just behind them, a Shadow War ship! The captain of theLeshath knew that these vessels were not used lightly by the Ancients, and that the cargo that was being escorted mustbe special indeed!!! This conclusion was doubly reinforced when, like a giant spider stalking from its web, a true Ancient

emerged, its terrifying form making even the fearsome Shadow warship seemvulnerable in comparison! What could be of such importance among the capturedships that the Shadows would send one of their most powerful craft to protect it!?! TheMinbari captain knew that he had to report to Tarken immediately!!!

Upon hearing this startling news, Tarken’s initial reaction was that this was anobvious trap! The Shadows were trying to goad him into expending a large amount ofships to intercept this convoy, thereby leaving another, as yet undiscovered, objectiveunguarded… maybe, he surmised, the Water world that the Vorlons had mysteriouslychosen to protect!?! But, as he was reminded by his Religious Caste advisor –Vee’Kar – the ways of the Ancients were beyond his own mortal reasoning, so, heshould concern himself with the task at hand…

Mindful of a trap, Tarken did not wish to expend all of his resources in one all-out attack. So, he kept a reserveforce of two Tinashi, the fleet’s only carrier and his own Neshatan gunship – Valen’s Wrath – back at Bellerophon. Theremainder of the fleet, which included the Sharlin War Cruiser - The Sword of Tarken, which had been renamed for thiscampaign in his honour, was sent to destroy the ships that the Shadows were guarding so vigorously. Tarken, thoughdesperate to lead the attack, was convinced by his war council that, if indeed, this was a ploy by the Ancients, then theycould not afford to lose him as well!

The Veil of Tears lurked behind a small asteroid field, its scanners seeking the approach of the Shadow armada.The rest of the Minbari fleet waited in hyper-space; ready to pounce the moment The Veil gave the word…The Shadowsentered the quadrant, the Leshath’s sensors easily picking out the forms of the gliding leviathans and the herded civilianvessels. Intermittent contacts on the edges of the fleet gave indication of between 4 and 6 Shadow scouts, but their stealthtechnology made any solid reading almost impossible.

The word was passed to the waiting fleet and, with some satisfaction,the captain of The Veil relayed co-ordinates for the optimum position to drop outof hyperspace. The co-ordinates received, the Troligan Armoured Cruiser –Warrior’s Heart – activated its jump engines…The vortex of energies rippedapart the veil between hyperspace and realspace directly to the stern of one ofthe freighters. The Shadows had made their first mistake in herding the lightlyhulled civilian ships too close together, and two more freighters were caught onthe edge of the whirling tsunami! The awesome power unleashed tore theclosest ships apart, and the resulting explosions of the three freighters weresufficient to damage the two liners which were also positioned too close by!

With no ships emerging from the Minbari jump point, the Shadow scouts surged out in a wide screen, attemptingto discover any more assailants. They were rewarded by the sight of a number of Minbari ships emerging at long range.The Sword of Tarken led a single Teshlan – The Blade of Eshar – and two, fast moving Torotha class frigates – the DarkArrow and the Dagger of Tala – into the fray. Seeing the Sharlin before them, both the Shadow warships leapt forward to

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destroy the upstart, the stalker also decided to head for, what the Shadows must have decreed as the only threat amongthe Minbari fleet. Things did not bode well for the Sword..!

As the majority of the Shadows concentrating on the capital ships ahead of them, the remaining civilian shipswere left unprotected as wave after wave of Nial heavy fighters bore down upon them. The deadly swarm concentrated onthe nearest freighter and countless Fusion cannons rained fire at the ship. However, this concerted effort only managed tolightly damage the thinly armoured vessel and to add insult to injury, several Nials were destroyed by the freighter’s almostlaughable point defence system!

The only capital ship to fire in this opening exchange was the Sharlin, which could easily target one of the scouts,thanks to the Leshath illuminating the elusive craft with its sensors. The pulsating beam of energy from the Sharlin’sNeutron Laser scored a solid hit on the smaller ship, but, as had been witnessed in the Shadows attack at Londinium, theirvessels did not easily die! The combination of shields and its own innate agility saw the scout emerge from the attack onlylightly damaged and, within moments, its shields were already beginning to reform…

Faced with the two Shadow warships bearing down upon them, the commander aboard the lumbering Sharlingave orders to the Teshlan and Torothas to break off! The small frigates peeled away, but the captain aboard The Bladeof Eshar would not completely leave The Sword’s side and, after ordering his crew to close all the blast doors, heprepared to weather the coming firestorm! Though many of the other ‘young’ races have been thwarted by the Minbari’salmost magical ability to evade weapon locks, the Shadows, themselves masters of stealth, would not be denied theirprey. The combined force of the two Molecular Slicer Beams ripped through the Sharlin’s hull, killing dozens of the crewand rendering the ship virtually unpilotable!

Seeing the stalker closing in to finish what the two warships had begun, the Sharlin’s remaining crewconcentrated all their efforts into what could be their one final shot. The stalker had better shields and a stronger hull thanits scout brethren, but the pulsating beam of the Sharlin’s Neutron Laser punched clean through its defences, ripping thelife from the sentient craft. Despite the awful amount of damage received, this Sword was still sharp! With the Sharlin stillholding the attention of the two deadly craft, the remaining forces of the Minbari emerged from the jump point in anattempt to destroy the remaining civilian craft, and, hopefully bring the encounter to a swift conclusion…

The Troligan – Warrior’s Heart – and the twin Tigara’s – Valen’s Hammer and the Thunderchild – burst forth fromthe jump point, right into the middle of the civilian fleet, but they also picked up faint readings from at least three Shadowscouts! To their credit, the Tigara’s kept to the plan and opened up on the surviving space liners and freighters,destroying all but one freighter. Unfortunately, the captain of the Troligan was filled with a desire to avenge previousMinbari losses and ordered his gunners to target the scouts that had appeared all around his ship… this battle fervourwould prove to be costly indeed!!!

The gunners to the fore, port and aft found that, even though the scouts were within optimum range, weapon lockswere unachievable. The gunners on the starboard side, due to the position of the last freighter, could only bring theirlonger range Fusion Cannons to bear, and only succeeded in crippling the vessel, rather than destroying it outright. Withone freighter remaining, the Minbari force, who would not withdraw without completing their mission, were forced to stay ina fight that was swiftly turning against them!

The Tigara’s harried one of the scouts protecting the civilian ship, forcing it to flee into a nearby dust cloud, intowhich they doggedly pursued. The captain of the Troligan, regaining a measure of composure, bore down on the freighter,eager to rectify his earlier error. But, as the Warrior’s Heart came into optimum weapons range… a devastating beam torethrough the armoured cruiser, cutting it in twain with no more resistance than the cold vacuum all around! Unheeded bythe Minbari ships, the Ancient had left its younger version to finish the stricken Sharlin and come to the defence of the solesurviving convoy ship!

The Tigara’s in the nearby dust cloud were the only ships capable of reaching the freighter with their aft guns, andso completed the task that the admiral Sharken had sent them to do. Thecombined forward fire from both assault ships managed to send thefleeing scout into the void after its stalker brother.

The Sword of Tarken had managed to score a solid hit on theremaining warship, and for a brief second, it looked as if they had pinnedthe mighty craft and could join the rest of the rapidly departing fleet. But,with all focus on the imposing spider before them, they were unable to seethe dark form of a Shadow scout approach from the rear… The smallassassin’s weapons ripped through the bridge of the Sharlin and thehandful of surviving crewmembers, including the brave weapons officer,were blasted out into the waiting dark…The convoy destroyed, the Minbariwithdrew. Was the cost of victory too high? Only time would tell…

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The Shadows

“All Warfare is based upon deception. So attack the enemy when he is unprepared. Let your plansbe dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall as a thunderbolt.”

Sun Tzu

Among the oldest races in the entire galaxy, the Shadows are amongst the beings collectively known as First Ones.Having escaped into the stars long before even the Minbari had learned to make fire; the First Ones are from an era ofgalaxy-shaping events. Playing and plotting chess-like manipulations of each others’ worlds and servant races, the FirstOnes once used the entire galaxy like a game board – and everything within were just game pieces. Lesser races wereexactly that – lesser.

The Shadows have a longstanding philosophy of ‘chaos breeds strength’, and through conflict and battle the strongest willcrush the weak, creating a natural progression of worthiness to gauge success by. This philosophy has led countlesssocieties – entire species – to rise or fall under the fiery eyes of the Shadows. Constantly manipulating younger races towar and cull one another, under promises of power and shows of unimaginable technologies, they have been the cause ofa thousand times a thousand wars and revolutions in the galaxy.

These manipulations are not very fast and sometimes take decades, even centuries, to manifest. With the chaos theory ofthe Shadows, it might take a hundred years for one race to find and eliminate another to take its place. In order topreserve strength and to be able to truly appreciate the changes they have caused, the Shadows would hibernate forcenturies at a time. Setting a dozen plans into motion, becoming dormant far away from the eyes of their pawns – withoutfear, as the Vorlons would not dare break the rules of the game – the Shadows would later awaken to see the wonderfulthings that had occurred while they were ‘gone.’ This complacency was to prove ill founded as the Vorlons manipulatedthe genetic heritage of younger races and created telepaths to better fight the Shadows. The constant interventions of theVorlons have made the Shadows choose their own primary pawns – obviously Earth but the Centauri have also hadwhispers from the darkness.

Shadow ships use molecular technology to quite literally rip the seams between a target’s mass, burning a line of fusionlike a hot knife through spoo. Nothing can withstand these surgical slashes long, and the largest of younger races’ shipsare soon be floating components and bleeding atmosphere in seconds. Even the smaller Shadow vessels, are undauntedby any amount of armour and can shred vessels two or three times their size with the efficiency of a swarm of locusts in awheat field. All Shadow vessels have the ability to create an energy field that shunts incoming attacks around their entirestructure, expending their energy uselessly

Each Shadow vessel requires a living mind to pilot it. Being made a part of the vessel itself; the modified being woulddodge and dart as a matter of instinct and survival. Being ‘part of the machine’ gave the Shadow ships an unearthly agilityand mobility unlike any other ship of its size and power, with the ability to bring their weapons’ unmatched capabilities tobear on a target much smaller quite easily. Essentially creating a cybernetic living ship had its drawbacks however. Thisbecame especially evident when the younger races realised they could effectively ‘jam’ the living pilot core of a Shadowvessel with powerful telepathic feedback. It was for this reason, centuries before, the Shadows had eliminated thetelepaths from the Narn, and sought to stifle the growth of telepaths in any race they could.

The rise of the telepathic minions of the Vorlons meant that new adaptations must be made and evolutions such as theMindflayer were produced. Forging strong links with the Earth Alliance gave the Shadows an opportunity to control manyof the more powerful telepaths in the galaxy and use them to further the Shadows own aims.

Even against the Vorlons, the Shadow ships are a terror. Their energy absorbing hulls and hardwired living pilots arecapable of shrugging off anything but the most concentrated blasts of younger races’ weaponry, but are less effectiveagainst the titanic beams of the Vorlon vessels. While against lesser foes, a direct confrontation could be won without somuch as a sweat, with the only tactic necessary being attack. Against an equal foe or overwhelming numbers, hit and runsweeps are preferred. Shadow ships are tough as hull rivets but even they can get mired with constant fire. Leaving awarship in hyperspace to appear later and clean up damaged targets is not below them, as the win is all that matters –how it is achieved is irrelevant.

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The Shadows Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Shadows.

Priority Level: PatrolShadow Spitfire Fighter Wing (2 flights) Shadow Swiftfire Fighter (2 flights)

Priority Level: SkirmishShadow Infiltrator

Priority Level: RaidShadow Scout Shadow Invader

Priority Level: BattleChloe Morden and the Daughter of DarknessShadow Mindflayer Shadow Stalker

Priority Level: WarShadow Ship (young) Shadow Brood Ship

Priority Level: ArmageddonShadow Ship (ancient)

FightersAny ship that has Fighter Dispersal Tubes automatically comes equipped with a full complement of Shadow SpitfireFighters for free. These fighters may be deployed with the rest of the Shadow fleet, regardless of normal scenariorestrictions.

Shadows Fleet Special Rules:The following special rules apply to all Shadow fleets.

Crew: Shadow vessels cannot be boarded, nor can they initiate boarding actions. They are completely immune to theCrew element of any critical hits, and have no Crew or Troops score.

Fighter Dispersal Tube: Holding a swarm of fighters deep within their organic hulls, Shadow Ships are capable of ‘firing’them great distances, where they instantly deploy. This allows the Shadows to use their fighters to delay and distract theirenemies while their main ships close range. A Shadow Ship uses its Fighter Dispersal Tube in the firing phase but maynot use any other weapon in the same turn, before or after. During the Attack phase of your turn up to six Shadow Fighterflights may be placed anywhere within 30” of the launching ship. They must be placed within 3” of one another and maynot take any action in the turn they were launched in this fashion.

Hyperspace Mastery: Shadow vessels may enter realspace from hyperspace at any point, without risk of deviation. Theymay do so without allied ships being present on the table, and any number may be held in hyperspace, so long as thescenario allows at least one to be placed in hyperspace. No damage will be caused to ships in the area, as can be thecase with other jump points. They can move, attack and otherwise act normally during the turn it leaves hyperspace.Shadow vessels must use the Initiate Jump Point! Special Action to enter hyperspace but no jump point counter is placedon the table. Instead, the Shadow vessel is simply removed into hyperspace at the beginning of its next turn. ShadowFighter flights may also enter and leave hyperspace by this method without having to take any Special Action. A Shadowvessel that enters real space from hyperspace may re enter hyperspace after 3 complete turns but may not return torealspace – it has disengaged.

Jump Point Disruptor: A Shadow Ship may choose to use its Jump Point Disruptor in place of any other weapons duringits turn. This may target any jump point leading to hyperspace within 18”. This attack will immediately shut down the jumppoint. In addition, every ship that went through the jump point this turn or is within 4” of its forward arc must roll a die. Ona 1, it escapes destruction and sustains 3d6 points of damage. On a 2–3, it suffers d6 critical hits, multiplying all damageby three as if a Triple Damage weapon had hit it. On a roll of 4–6, the ship is automatically destroyed. Auxiliary craftflights will always be destroyed on a roll of 2 or more and survive undamaged on a 1.

Physical Disruption: Shadow vessels are living entities and a concentrated attack can leave them almost helpless for ashort time. If a Shadow vessel suffers at least 25% of its original Damage (listed in parentheses after the Damage scoreof each Shadow vessel) in a single attack from a Beam weapon, it will be pinned. It may take no further action in this turnor the next. The attacking player may continue to try pinning the Shadow vessel in subsequent turns. However, theShadow vessel will be immediately released and free to act if the attacking ship that caused this damage is destroyed.

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Redundant Systems: With ships constructed using neither purely mechanical nor purely bio-mechanical technologies,the Shadows use vessels of an almost otherworldly construction, possessing many strange abilities. They are extremelyhard to damage and can repair themselves very quickly. Shadow vessels take damage as normal but critical hits areautomatically repaired in the End Phase of the turn after which they are inflicted. Critical hits to Vital Systems are alsorepaired at this time.

Reinforcements: The Shadows have extremely limited numbers of warships and rarely create new vessels, restricting thenumber of ships they can bring to battle. They pay twice the normal cost of all Reinforcements in campaign games.

Shadow Soldier Pods: The Shadows do not use breaching pods in the same way as the younger races, their soldiers arekept within the safety of the mother ship before being propelled into the target where they swiftly penetrate the hull of theirvictim and wreak havoc. Shadow Soldier Pods may only be used against ships or stations with the Immobile trait or thatare Running Adrift, or have not moved during the turn in which the Shadow Soldier Pod is used. These weapons areimmune to Interceptors and will ignore Shields and Gravitic Energy Grids. Shadow Soldier Pods do not affect theDaughter of Darkness, Shadows, Vorlons or the Ancients in any way. Any Shadow Ship may replace its entire fightercomplement and Fighter Dispersal tube with an Shadow Soldier pod with the following statistics:

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Shadow Soldier Pod 12 F Equal to fighters replaced Double Damage, Slow Loading, Super AP,

For each hit inflicted roll on the following table for the damage rather than the normal Attack Table

D6 Assault Damage Crew Effect1-2 Brutal Onslaught -0 -2 - .3-4 Running Slaughter -0 -3 -1 Troops,5 Rampage -1 -3 -1 Troops, .6 Bloody Massacre -1 -4 -2 Troops, No Damage Control permitted this turn

Special Actions: Shadow vessels may only use the following Special Actions; Concentrate All Firepower! Give MeRamming Speed! Initiate Jump Point! Manoeuvre to Shield Them! and Run Silent!

Superior Technology: The technical advances of the younger races pose few problems for the Shadows. They gain a+1 bonus to all rolls they make in order to circumvent an enemy ship’s Stealth.

Superb Manoeuvrability: Shadow vessels are supremely agile in space but it is still important to keep track of theirheading. All Shadow vessels except fighters may either use the normal Super-Manoeuvrability rules or may instead turnup to 90

o at the start of its movement and then move up to twice its Speed in a straight line.

Telepathic Disruption: The Shadows have long known of the ability of telepaths to disrupt the control systems of theircraft and have taken many steps to curb telepathic development within the younger races. Several races make referenceto gaining telepaths in campaign games, usually through their Other Duties tables. If a ship noted as carrying telepathsmoves within 12” of a Shadow vessel, it may attempt to telepathically jam the Shadow in the Attack Phase, as part of itsnormal attacks. Both ships make a Crew Quality check. The Shadow player adds +2 if the vessel being jammed is aShadow Ship. If the attacking player rolls higher, he has successfully jammed the Shadow vessel. It may take no furtheraction in this turn or the next. The attacking player may continue to try jamming the Shadow vessel in subsequent turns.However, the Shadow vessel will be immediately released and free to act if the attacking ship that is causing this effect isdestroyed or moves beyond 12”. Shadow Fighters may not be jammed.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”Winston Churchill

Shadows Initiative: +6

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Shadow Infiltrator SkirmishTrue masters of deception and manipulation, only matched by their Vorlon rivals, the Shadows often find it necessary toinfiltrate or extract key operatives – usually those who they have convinced should join them. This ship serves thatpurpose well and has the ability to eliminate pursuit or witnesses if required.

Speed: 10 Turn: SMHull: 4 Damage: 10 (3)Crew: - Craft: none,Special Rules: Atmospheric, Self-Repair 1, Shields 5/1, Stealth 5+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 F 3 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Shadow Invader RaidA highly specialised ship designed to overwhelm the defenders of ships and stations in aunstoppable flood of warriors of darkness, the invader is seldom seen and even fewer surviveto report meeting one. On occasion they will accompany groups of Shadow Scouts if a prioritytarget needs to be captured or examined.

Speed: 10 Turn: SMHull: 5 Damage: 32 (8)Crew: - Craft: none,Special Rules: Atmospheric, Self-Repair 1, Shields 5/5, Stealth 5+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Shadow Soldier Pod 12 F 6 Double Damage, Slow Loading, Super AP,

Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 F 2 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Shadow Mindflayer (Shadow Scout Evolution) BattleThe rise of telepaths within the younger races at the instigation of the Vorlons was not stopped by the destruction of theNarn mindspeakers or at the conclusion of the last Great War. As the Swiftfire was evolved to combat the swarms ofMinbari fighters so the Mindflayer was conceived to combat telepaths withthere own kind. The assistance of Earth has meant a steady flow ofdissidents for integration in these ships and Shadows now feel ready toface the Minbari in open battle.

Speed: 8Turn: SMHull: 6Damage: 40 (10)Craft: noneSpecial Rules: Atmospheric, Self-Repair 2D6, Shields 10/5

In Service: Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Psychic Scream 12 T 6 Super AP

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 2 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Special: This ship is immune to Telepathic Disruption

Psychic Scream: Upon a successful hit, the Psychic Scream will not cause any damage. Instead, it will inflict a –1penalty per successful hit on all Crew Quality checks made by the target for the rest of the turn and all of the next. APsychic Scream has no effect on a ship with active Deflector Shields, GEG, Shields, Shadows, Vorlons or any of theAncients and cannot be intercepted.

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Shadow Brood Ship (Shadow Ship variant) WarThe new Swiftfire fighter drones are more complicated and erratic than the Spitfires and require additional control for themto successfully achieve their purpose. The Brood ship both spawns and nurtures them, forming a commanding presencein battle and a haven for them to regenerate after they have defeated the enemy.

Speed: 8Turn: SMHull: 6Damage: 75 (19)Craft: 10 Shadow Swiftfire Fighter flightsSpecial Rules: Atmospheric, Carrier, Fleet Carrier, Self-Repair 2D6, Shields 10/5

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 2 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 F 6 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Fighter Dispersal Tube 30 F — —

Shadow Scout Raid

Shadow Ship (Young) War

Shadow Ship (Ancient) Armageddon

Shadow Spitfire Fighter Patrol (2 flights per Wing)The polarity cannon mounted in the nose of this craft is incredibly powerful and its pulses can easily rip through thearmour of the largest capital ship. Other fighter craft engaging these ships are usually advised to rely on their own agilityto evade these devastating blasts and engage as quickly as possible. Like all Shadow vessels, these fighters have theability to phase in and out of hyperspace at will, effectively making them jump-capable, an enormous advantage for sosmall a craft to possess.

Speed: 12 Turns: SM Hull: 5 Damage: - Crew: - Troops: -Dogfighting: +0 Craft: - Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 4+, Fighter,

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Polarity Cannon 6 T 3 AP, Double Damage

Shadow Stalker (Shadow Scout Variant) BattleSpeed: 10 Turn: SM Hull: 6 Damage: 32 (8)Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 6+, Self-Repair 1D6, Shields 10/5

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Slicer Beam 18 F 4 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Shadow Swiftfire Fighter Patrol (2 flights per Wing)A reaction to the devastating fighter wings of the Minbari, the Swiftfire was crash evolved to deal with these irritatingswarms and did so with frightening efficiency. Like all Shadow vessels, these fighters have the ability to phase in and outof hyperspace at will, effectively making them jump-capable, an enormous advantage for so small a craft to possess.

Speed: 14 Turns: SM Hull: 4 Damage: -Crew: - Troops: - Dogfighting: +4 Craft: -Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Fighter,

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Polarity Cannon 2 T 1 Accurate

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Shadow Space StationsThe following Modules may be used by the space stations of the Shadows.Shadow space stations are immune to Physical and Telepathic Disruption.

Bio-Tech Module 4 HardpointsDespite being able to act as normal space stations, Shadow bases are built using bio-technology, making them the mostadvanced in the galaxy.Each Bio-Tech Module will increase the Damage scores of the Core by +30/+15/+5, and gives it the Self-Repairing 2D6trait. Every extra Bio-Tech Module increases the Self-Repairing trait by +1D6.

Hangar Module 3 HardpointsComplete with rapid deployment systems, hangars give a space station its own wing of fighters.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the Carrier 4 trait, and four flights ofShadow fighters (either Spitfires or Swiftfires). These may be launched as if from a Fighter Dispersal Tube.

Slicer Module 8 HardpointsMounting rows of weapon batteries, a fortified space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Slicer Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Moleculer Slicer Beam 36 3 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Phasing Pulse Cannon Module 2 HardpointsMounting rows of weapon batteries, a fortified space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Pulse Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 6 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Telepathic Nexus (one per station) 2 HardpointsRecently the influx of human telepaths has meant that some newer or recently reactivated Shadow bases have centralprocessors both immune to telepathic disruption and able to shatter the minds of those that attack them

Weapon Range AD Special

Psychic Scream 12 6 Super AP

Psychic Scream: Upon a successful hit, the Psychic Scream will not cause any damage. Instead, it will inflict a –1penalty per successful hit on all Crew Quality checks made by the target for the rest of the turn and all of the next. APsychic Scream has no effect on a ship with active Deflector Shields, GEG, Shields, Shadows, Vorlons or any of theAncients and cannot be intercepted.

Shield Module 4 HardpointsDrawing upon vast reserves of power while maintained, this space station has tendrils able to absorb and dissipate anybombardment, at least for a time.Each Shield Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +10/+5/+0. It will also add the Shields 30/2D6 trait. Each furtherShield Module will add +10/+1D6 to this trait.

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Campaigns: Shadows Ship PersonalitiesDue to their unique control systems of their ships, Shadows do not use the normal Refits and Other Duties tables. Overtime, the personalities of the individual subjects that control their ships will begin to manifest themselves in the physiologyand behaviour of the vessel itself. The Shadows are also masters of deception, scheming and manipulation. A Shadowvessel may roll once on either table below for the cost of 2 XP Dice.

1d6 Refit

1 Evasive: This Shadow vessel has mastered the art of moving away from incoming fire. It gains the Dodge 6+ trait,or improves its Dodge trait by 1. This may only be applied once.

2 Urgent: This personality always believes it will be too late. The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed. Multipleapplications of this personality may not increase the ship’s Speed more than 150% of its original score.

3 Aggressive: Choose one weapon system on the ship. It gains another AD. This may only be applied to eachweapon system once.

4 Resilient: The personality of this ship will resist the worst of pain. The ship gains a +10% bonus to it Damagepoints. Multiple applications of this personality may not increase the ship’s Damage more than 150% of its originalscore.

5 Maternal: The ship gains one flight of fighters (can choose either Spitfire or Swiftfire fighters).

6 Determined: The personality of this ship will keep on going, no matter the cost. It gains a +1 bonus to all Self-Repair rolls. This may be applied a maximum of 5 times.

1d6 Schemes

1 What do you want?: This ship has been used to transport a minion who gathers valuable intelligence on theactivities of the other fleets, granting you a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.

2 Mother knows best: Up to two on board flights of fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.

3 Master Manipulators: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to drawships away from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less FleetAllocation Point available.

4 Earth is our friend: The ship receives a modified telepathic pilot which enables it to better resist attacks by othertelepaths, add +1 against jamming effects. This may only be carried out once and is cumulative with the bonusgranted by being a Shadow Ship. Re-roll this result if the ship is a Mindflayer.

5 Minions: An inquisitive ship uncovers more than it bargained for and any crew that did survive now serve theShadows. You may immediately add any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleetroster. This ship may be chosen from Centauri, Raiders or League fleet lists and may come from a fleet that yourare currently fighting against in the campaign. Any refits or other duties rolls for this ship should be rolled on therelevant EA tables.

6 Precise Strike: The Shadows appear at the heart of those they consider weak or need to be provoked and ensurethat they will be short of resources. Choose one enemy fleet. It immediately loses 2d6 RR points.

“Because truly, how deep do the shadows run between the stars?”

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In its joy to be awake and free, erupting from the deep desert, the dark ship screamed in satisfactionand anticipation. The shimmering form spun and danced in the pale sky, testing long dormantmuscles and organs as it flipped end over end, before coming to a sudden halt low over the desolatelandscape.

Two metal ships were approaching, primitive and ungainly they may be but the ship considered thatthey prove both a distraction and a test. The new mind that had recently joined it, awakening it fromthe long slumber was equally eager to see what they could do – The Ship allowed this, but soon itwould not be they but just one, joined in totality in mind as it had already become in body.

One ship broke away as it sighted the vast and deadly manifestation awaiting it but the othercontinued to close, sensors attempting to probe the glistening hull. The Shadow remained still for asecond before leaping between them and playfully matching velocity with the retreating ship. Adesperate fusillade of fire splashed ineffectively against darkness as the terrified crew of the frigatedived for the surface of the world. Without haste, an iridescent beam sliced the fleeing vessel in twobefore the black ship spun to face the remaining metal ship, again awaiting its response.

Deciding if it should be destroyed or if its occupants warranted further investigation………..

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The Vorlon Empire"It was supposed to be an equal balance between our side and the Vorlons, but the Vorlonsdecided that their way was the right way. They enlisted the support of other worlds, like theMinbari. They started interfering with the development of younger races, and they've eveninterfered at a genetic level by taking humans and then adjusting them. Why do you thinkcertifiable telepaths came out of nowhere a hundred years ago?"

Dr Morden to President Clarke

From the earliest age of existence in the galaxy, the Vorlons have tried to maintain a certain order of things. One of theFirst Ones, ancient beings that shaped the history and flow of life in the galaxy today, Vorlons were amongst the youngestof their brethren – having ascended to a higher form of existence for only a few millennia before the current races beganto evolve.

A Vorlon ship is actually grown as a living being around a semi-sentient core, which is responsible for the piloting,navigation, systems and fire control. Based around a similar genetic structure as the telepath gene, the shipscommunicate with each other and outside systems with electromagnetic burst transmissions that could as easily jam orscramble a receiver as allow the message to be received. Using a form of telekinetic/gravitic thrust, Vorlon ships glideeffortlessly through the void without so much as a backwash or ionic signature. The ships’ hull – or possibly skin – is aquickly regenerating living alloy that reflects or absorbs as much damage as it can, sloughing off dead cells as debris ifnecessary, then healing those lost cells in a few short minutes. The active control the ship has over its hull allows forsubtle alterations such as colour, texture or more commonly the availability of doors or portals.

Like the Earth electric eel, every Vorlon ship generates massive amounts of bio-electromagnetic energy, which can befocused into specially crafted directing nodes. Whether released as thin raking beams, scattered bursts or titanic ship-coring streams, the electromagnetic weaponry of the Vorlon warships strike harder and hotter than a hundred lightningbolts, and are far more accurate and frequent. These weapons will turn a younger race’s ship into steam in seconds, andwill overwhelm the energy-absorbing hulls of Shadow vessels in a surprisingly short amount of time.Fighting as a matter of instinct rather than tactics, Vorlon fleets are often hectic things to watch as they dart to and fro insearch of targets. They do not seem to cease until their prey is vapour and with the resilience and healing capabilities oftheir ships, they can ignore most everything else until they are satisfied the job is done!

When these unbelievably terrible warships began to clash, this new Shadow War set a new precedent – the First Oneswere fighting directly against one another. It was unheard of, and it brought the game to a dangerous level. The Vorlonsnow gird the Minbari with technology and wisdom even as the Shadows cloak the humans in darkness and power.

The Vorlon Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Vorlons.

Priority Level: PatrolVorlon Fighter Wing (3 flights)

Priority Level: SkirmishTransport

Priority Level: RaidStriker

Priority Level: BattleDestroyer Seeker

Priority Level: WarCarrier Light Cruiser

Priority Level: ArmageddonHeavy Cruiser

Vorlon Fleet Special Rules

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Special Actions: Vorlon ships may only use the following Special Actions; Activate Jump Gate!, All Stop!, All Stop andPivot!, Come About!, Give Me Ramming Speed! Initiate Jump Point!, Intensify Defensive Fire!, Manoeuvre to ShieldThgem! Regenerate! Run Silent! and Scramble Scramble!

Regenerate! Crew Quality Check: 9Effect: By internalising the electrical field generated by all Vorlon craft, the ship is able repair and grow vast amounts ofbio-matter in the space of just a few minutes. This is taxing to the organic systems of the ship, but can bring one backfrom the brink of death. If the Crew Quality check is successful, this ship will double the damage repaired by its Self-Repair trait in the End Phase. However, while it regenerates, it cannot make any attacks, and runs adrift.

Vorlon Empire Initiative: +4

Vorlon Carrier (Light Cruiser Variant) WarWhile the rest of the Vorlon fleet moves majestically into battle, the carrier, a more specialised version of the dangerouslight cruiser is seldom seen. These “mother” ships disgorge flights of the tenacious fighters to accompany their largerbrethren whilst themselves usually remaining safely in hyperspace. Although not intended to fight in the line of battle, theyare as lethal as any Vorlon ship and when roused to anger can slice the ships of younger races in twain.

Speed: 6 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 50Craft: 10 Vorlon FightersSpecial Rules: Adaptive Armour, Advanced Anti-Fighter 3,Advanced Jump Engine, Carrier 2, Fleet Carrier,Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 2D6

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Superior Discharge Gun 24 F 8 Beam, Precise, Double Damage

Vorlon Destroyer Battle

Vorlon Fighter Flight Patrol (3 flights per Wing)

Vorlon Heavy Cruiser Armageddon

Vorlon Light Cruiser War

Vorlon Seeker (Vorlon Destroyer Variant) BattleWhilst other races rely on scouts that are hidden by stealth fields and advanced jamming technology, the Vorlon Seekershows its superior heritage in its disdain for hiding. Occasionally seen outside Vorlon space, it inspects and monitors thegrowth of young races, especially those who they have chosen for future advancementor are suspected of being corrupted by the ancient enemy. It retains the ability todestroy any which challenge or follow it and none can hide from its vision.

Speed: 6 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 30Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Adaptive Armour, Advanced Anti-Fighter 4,Advanced Jump Engine, Flight Computer, Scout, Self-Repairing 1D6

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Discharge Gun 18 F 4 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

* The Seeker has no range limit on the use of its Scout trait, instead of the usual 36” range. In addition, when using itsScout trait, a Seeker will reduce a target’s Stealth trait to 1+, instead of just lowering it by one.

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Vorlon Striker (Vorlon Transport Variant) RaidSeldom seen now, the Striker was the original incarnation of the present transport when the Vorlons actually neededwarships of this size. A few remain ready for action and occasionally feel the need to tread the dark places of the galaxy,for if the need arises they will join with the rest of the fleet to destroy any who choose the wrong path of evolution.

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/90o

Hull: 5 Damage: 24 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Adaptive Armour, Advanced Anti-Fighter 2, Advanced Jump Engine, Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 2

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Discharge Gun 18 F 4 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Vorlon Transport Skirmish

Campaigns: Vorlon Ship PersonalitiesDue to their unique control systems of their ships, Vorlons do not use the normal Refits Duties tables. Over time, thepersonalities of the Vorlons that control their ships will begin to manifest themselves in the physiology and behaviour ofthe vessel itself. The Vorlons are also masters of manipulation, scheming and deception and their ships may be involvedin these. A Vorlon vessel may roll once on one of these tables below for the cost of 2 XP Dice.

1d6 Refit

1 Evasive: A Vorlon ship gains an additional Turn (the same as it can already perform).This may only be applied once.

2 Urgent: This personality always believes it will be too late. The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed. Multipleapplications of this personality may not increase the ship’s Speed more than 150% of its original score.

3 Aggressive: Choose one weapon system on the ship. It gains another AD. This may only be applied to eachweapon system once.

4 Resilient: The personality of this ship will resist the worst of pain. The ship gains a +10% bonus to it Damagepoints. Multiple applications of this personality may not increase the ship’s Damage more than 150% of its originalscore.

5 Maternal: The ship gains one flight of Vorlon fighters. These are carried on board.

6 Determined: The personality of this ship will keep on going, no matter the cost. It gains a +1 bonus to all Self-Repair rolls. This may be applied a maximum of 5 times.

1d6 Manipulation

1 Cryptic Response; While arguing over the meaning of your diplomat's statements, an opponent's generals andcaptains waste much of their time. Apply a -2 modifier to one opponent's initiative for the next turn.

2 Mother knows best: Up to two on board flights of fighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.

3 Surprise Attack; When you finally move, move with conviction. During the next battle, this ship is placed last,regardless of initiative, anywhere on the table, and gains one free attack phase before the first movement phaseselection. (May apply only once per campaign turn.)

4 Unforgiving; When thwarted the Vorlons do not forget and do not forgive. Name a player who has won a Scenarioagainst you this turn. In the next campaign turn you will attack one of his Strategic Targets. This will be a Battle levelAnnihilation scenario. You will gain one extra Fleet Allocation point and earn double RR and XP for this scenario.

5 Assistance Rendered; Having aided the younger races, they have sent ships to be at your disposal. Immediatelygain a ship of Skirmish or lower priority from any League, Minbari, Narn or Psi Corps fleet list. Any refits or otherduties should be rolled on the appropriate Anla’shok tables

6 Form Revealed; It was necessary to reveal your true form and those that observe saw what you wished. You gain2d6 RR as the younger races flock to the site to pay homage.

“Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.”Benjamin Franklin

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The Psi Corps / Human Rebels"Only one in every thousand humans has telepathic abilities. Only one in every ten thousandtelepaths has telekinetic abilities. And half of them are clinically insane."

- Ironheart to Talia

The motto of the Psi Corps was and still remains in their defiant exile, 'Maternis, Paternis'- the Corpsis Mother, the Corps is Father. Telepaths live their whole lives within the Corps and the Corps takescare of their every need, from education to housing to medical care to socialisation. Biologically,telepaths have parents of course, but from an early age, the Corps sees to their well being with theinfinite devotion and care of a natural parent. No telepath need ever be alone.

The Psi Corps was smashed soon after the Shadows saved Earth at the Battle of Line, although manyhigh-ranking Psi Corps officials promptly disappeared. Alliances with human rebels and Alien governments such as theNarn gave them the ability to survive. Now with elements of its fleet still remaining intact and hidden bases scatteredacross known space, the remnants of what had once been Psi Corps has begun to gather its strength once more.

The Psi Corps Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Psi Corps. (All Earth Force ships have Early Years EA stats)

Priority Level: PatrolAurora Starfury Wing (4 Flights) Black Omega Starfury Wing (2 flights) Damocles Class Patrol Boat

Priority Level: SkirmishFighter Carrier Olympus Class Corvette Olympus Class Gunship

Priority Level: RaidHyperion Class Cruiser Kilimanjaro Class Tender MothershipNova Class Dreadnought

Priority Level: BattleBabylon 5 (2261 – 2267) (*) Hecate Class Battlecruiser

Priority Level: WarOmega Class Advanced Destroyer

Priority Level: ArmageddonBabylon 5 (2268) (*)

(*) A fleet may only ever contain one Babylon 5 – you may pay the difference in points to upgrade it in a campaign.

FightersFlights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted ascarrying one or more flights on board. These flights may be deployed at any time before or during the battle and do notcost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.

Psi Corps Fleet Special RulesThe following special rules apply to all Psi Corps fleets.

Allies by Necessity: Psi Corps and the remaining human rebels have alliances of convenience with the Narn and Minbariand have formed links with several shady groups to keep them supplied and to try to hit back against the Earth Alliance.When using a Psi Corps fleet, you may spend up to 1 Fleet Allocation Points of your allowance on ships from one of thefollowing fleet lists: Narn Regime, Minbari or Raiders. In campaign games, the Psi Corps may have a maximum of 1 FleetAllocation Point at Battle level spent on allied ships at any one time.

Forged by War: The remaining Psi Corps and the rebel Earth Force crews are, through necessity, highly trained andadaptable, having survived this long in a very hostile galaxy. All ships in a Psi Corps fleet (but not allied ships) gain a +1bonus to their Crew Quality scores, to a maximum of 6.

Psychic Crew: Ships with Psychic Crew can use a new Special Action: Cause Confusion. Once per turn they may makean opposed Crew Quality test against one enemy ship within 8”, using their Psychic Crew score instead of their Crew

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Quality. If successful, they may automatically force to relinquish any Special Action currently in effect. Fighters withPsychic Crew cannot use this Special Action. Instead, their danger sense allows them retain a Dodge 4+ score againstAnti-Fighter weapons. In addition, if a flight with Psychic Crew is eliminated in a dogfight, roll one dice – on a 4 or more,they will not be destroyed. Simply leave the flight in place (making the dogfight a draw). Ships with Psychic Crew cantrigger the Shadows’ Telepathic Disruption special rule, using their Psychic Crew score (Fighters may not).

Psi Corps Initiative: +3

Aurora Starfury fighter Patrol (4 Flights per Wing)

Black Omega Starfury fighter Patrol (2 flights perWing)

Damocles Class Patrol Boat PatrolSpy ships of the highest calibre, the Damocles was an experimental vessel used by Psi Corps to telepathically ‘eavesdrop’on other hyperspace traffic without being seen or noticed. It looks at first glance – even electronically – like a Tethyspolice cutter, but packs a much different punch inside of it. Crewed wholly by telepaths trained in the ability to pick up onambient thought patterns floating through hyperspace, each Damocles is a mobile listening post. Few now remain, asthey have proved no match for the true masters of hyperspace, the Shadows.

Speed: 8 Turns: 2/90 o

Hull: 4 Damage: 8/2Crew: 9/2 Troops: 1Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Interceptors 1, Psychic Crew 4, Scout, Stealth 4+In Service: 2256+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 F 4 Twin-Linked

Light Pulse Cannon 8 P 1 Twin-Linked

Light Pulse Cannon 8 S 1 Twin-Linked

Fighter Carrier Skirmish

Hecate Class Battlecruiser (Hyperion variant) BattleThe proud Hecate Battlecruisers, veterans of the Dilgar war, were but toys before the vengeful Minbari, thrown intohopeless battles with no chance of survival. Only one came through the war, the Temeraire, battered and with morecorpses than crew aboard it served for years as a sector command cruiser. Its final captain chose to rebel against Earthand it was one of the few survivors of the ill fated raid on Jerico. Several other rebel Hyperions were upgraded to matchits powers, if not its heritage, but none survived the final battle for Babylon 5.Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45

oHull: 6

Damage: 45/8 Crew: 45/12 Troops: 4Craft: 1 Aurora Starfury flightSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Command +1, Interceptors 3, Jump Engine,In Service: 2226-2268

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Laser Cannon 18 B (f) 6 Beam, Double Damage

Heavy Plasma Cannon 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage

Heavy Plasma Cannon 12 P 10 AP, Double Damage

Heavy Plasma Cannon 12 S 10 AP, Double Damage

Heavy Plasma Cannon 12 A 4 AP, Double Damage

Hyperion Class Cruiser Raid

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Kilimanjaro Class Tender RaidA adaptation of the venerable Fuji Class, the three Kilimanjaro were designed with one purpose in mind – to service andrepair the Psi Corps fleet, crewed by dedicated and above all loyal technicians and scientists. Whilst they are notdesigned to act as warships they were upgraded with various technology as the galaxy became ever more dangerous.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 30 / 10Crew: 42 /12 Troops: 2 Craft: 2 Black Omega Starfury Flights,Special Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Anti-fighter 2, Fleet Auxiliary, Interceptors 2, Lumbering, Psychic Crew 4,In Service: 2256+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Fusion Cannon 12 F 4 Mini-Beam

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 P 10 Twin-Linked

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 S 10 Twin-Linked

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 A 6 Twin-Linked

Mothership RaidHuge hybrids of the Skylark-class and Bradbury-lambda passenger liners converted to be hyperspace fortresses forhundreds of Psi Corps telepaths, the Motherships are where the real power of the Corps lies. These ships were designedto be mobile bases, only ever leaving hyperspace for supplies and the very occasional deployment mission. Rigged withsome of the most advanced telepath-enhancing technologies the Corps has managed to research, both of the remainingMotherships are a base in and of themselves. Hyperspace is now no refuge for Psi-Corps and consequently one ship isnow safely hidden in Vorlon Space, whilst the other is deep in Brakiri territory, shielded by substantial bribes and mindcontrol.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 o

Hull: 4 Damage: 38/6Crew: 36/5 Troops: 4Craft: 4 Black Omega Starfury flightsSpecial Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Anti-Fighter 6, Interceptors 4,Lumbering, Psychic Crew 5, Stealth 4+In Service: 2250+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Laser 30 B (f) 4 Beam, Double Damage

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 F 8 Twin-Linked

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 P 8 Twin-Linked

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 S 8 Twin-Linked

Olympus Class Corvette SkirmishOlympus Class Gunship Skirmish

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Omega Class Advanced Destroyer WarConstructed secretly by the Brakari, the Omega designs have cost the remnants of Psi Corps much in resources. Withthe grudging co-operation of the Minbari, who have outfitted the few vessels thus far produced with limited advancedtechnology, they are proving to be ships with potential. Its is a sign of the increasing influence of Psi Corps over the rebelremnants that these ships are crewed by a large proportion of mundanes.

Speed: 8 Turns: 1/45Hull: 6 Damage: 65/10Crew: 74/15 Troops: 3Craft: 4 Black Omega Starfury FlightsSpecial Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Anti-Fighter 4,Flight Computer, Interceptors 6, Lumbering, Psychic Crew 4, Stealth 3+In Service: 2263

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Neutron Laser 30 B (f) 6 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Graviton Pulsar 12 F 12 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 P 20 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 S 20 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 A 8 AP

Neutron Laser 30 B (a) 4 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Alfred Bester,A rising star in the corps before their dissolution in 2257, Alfred is a passionate mandedicated to the protection of his people – the telepaths. Proud and determined, he meetshis end at the final battle for Babylon 5. Alfred Bester is available for Psi Corps fleets from2257- 2268 and has the following abilities:Inspired Command, Powerful Telepath – A ship commanded by Alfred Bester gains thePsychic Crew 5 trait, which replaces any previous rating, The Master Plan, Top Gun.When placed in a ship, Alfred Bester raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same

way as an Admiral and obeys all other rules for Admirals. He also has the Unique Trait.

Lyta Alexander, Touched by the VorlonsLyta is one of only two known humans to enter Vorlon space and return. Driven anddangerous in her pursuit of her masters goals, she survives the end of Babylon 5 and seeksvengeance on the destroyer of her Patron, the Vorlon Kosh.Lyta Alexander is available for Psi Corps and Vorlon (*) fleets from 2257 onwards and has thefollowing abilities: Analytical Mastermind, Meticulous Planner, Powerful Telepath – A shipwith Lyta Alexander on board gains the Psychic Crew 6 trait, which replaces any previousrating, The Master Plan. When placed in a ship, Lyta Alexander raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same wayas an Admiral and obeys all other rules for Admirals. She also has the Unique Trait. (*) If Lyta is chosen for a Vorlon Fleet she must be placed on a Psi Corps ship chosen fromthe list above. This is an exception to normal fleet selection rules and she does not have tobe aboard the highest priority ship in the fleet.

“You can not harm me, you can’t stop someone who has been touched by Vorlons”Lyta, Mars, 2263

“Hello... what have you come as? Sad isn't it, what the desert can do to weak minds”Chloe in reply

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Campaigns: Refits and Other DutiesPsi Corps Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games. As always, if acertain refit or duty cannot be applied to a specific ship for any reason, re-roll the result. Unless otherwise stated, multipleresults of the same type can be applied to the same ship. So, for example, if a ship rolls Reinforced Hull twice, it will gaina +20% bonus to its Damage score and a –2 penalty to its Speed.

Psi Corps Refits

2d6 Refit

2 Silent and Stealthy: Once per battle, you may force an enemy to re-roll his Stealth roll in order to target thisship. Re-roll this result if this ship does not possess the Stealth trait.

3 Turbo Weapons: Choose one weapon system. It immediately gains the Double Damage trait but has its AttackDice reduced by half (rounding up) +1.

4 Missile Rack: The ship gains a single turret-mounted missile rack, Range 30, 2 AD, Precise, Slow-Loading,Super AP. This may only be applied once.

5 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with theStealth trait. This may only be applied once.

6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).

7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 5 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD.This may only be applied once per weapon system.

8 Enhanced Interceptor Network: If the ship has Interceptors as a trait, it gains a +1 bonus to its Interceptorscore. If Interceptors are not present, the ship gains Interceptors 1. This may only be applied once.

9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.

10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.

11 Advanced Focussing Lenses: Choose one Boresight(f) weapon system. It changes to a Forward firing arc

12 Flight Computer: The ship gains the Flight Computer trait if it did not have it before.

Psi Corps Duties

2d6 Other Duty

2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to the local Raiders has paid off well. You may immediately add oneRaiders ship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.

3 New Captain: A new Captain takes command of the vessel . Once per battle, the ship may attempt to take twoSpecial Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects of both SpecialActions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with theCome About! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neitherinvalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.

4 Now You See Me…: This ship has been conducting scouting exercises all over the system, forcing other fleetsto chase it as it gathers crucial information. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.

5 Psi Cop: The crew’s dedication to duty has been rewarded (!) with a Psi Cop being made at home on board, andeveryone on board suddenly finds renewed vigour in their duties. The ship may re-roll any Crew Quality check itis called to make.

6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteers to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights offighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.

7 Against the Tyranny of Earth: The ship gains a group of veteran soldiers. Add +1 Troops.

8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering officers of another ship has volunteered to serve aboard this vessel.Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.

9 Psi Corps Fleet Operative: Your crew is joined by a Psi Corps telepath specially trained in fleet combat. He isable to bend his mind to the intricacies of fleet manoeuvres and guide Captains as to the best course of action.Gain a +1 bonus to your Initiative whenever this ship is present in a battle. This may only be applied once.

10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw shipsaway from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet AllocationPoints available.

11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map and mark it down as being under yourcontrol.

12 Extra Telepaths: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Psychic Crew score.

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Babylon 5 Diplomatic Station BattleThe first diplomatic station to survive the construction process without collapsing, exploding or being consuming in theevolution of a new species. A shining beacon of hope, it is doomed to fail in a galaxy being overtaken by darkness. Thestation has only basic defences as it was intended to be defended by the Great Machine and under the protection of theVorlons.

Hull: 4 Damage: 145/73/30 Troops: 30Craft: 4 Aurora Starfury flights, 2 Frazi flights,Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Carrier 4, Command +1, Escort, Fleet Carrier, Immobile, Scout, Space Station, Unique,In Service: 2261 – 2267

Weapon Range AD Special

Graviton Pulsar 18 5 AP

Pulse Cannon 15 5 Twin- Linked

Babylon 5 Battle Station ArmageddonBy 2268, the Great Machine was shattered, the Vorlons were at war with their brethren the Ancient Enemy whilst theMinbari were hard pressed by the Earth Alliance. A shining beacon of hope had become a flickering candle, armed with anair of desperation as the combined fleets began to surround it in preparation for the final assault.

Hull: 4 Damage: 345/170/75 Troops: 30Craft: 2 Aurora Starfury flights, 4 Nial flights, 2 Flyer FlightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 10, Carrier 4, Command +1, Escort, Fleet Carrier, Immobile, Scout, Space Station, UniqueIn Service: 2268

Weapon Range AD Special

Advanced Neutron Laser 52 3 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage,

Advanced Neutron Laser 52 3 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Fusion Cannon 27 8 Mini-Beam,

Both Versions of the Station include a Medbay Module and the Battle Station also has Space Dock and War RoomModules.

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The Anla’shok

The Anla’shok ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Anla’shok.

Priority Level: PatrolFlyer Wing (4 flights) Nial Wing (2 flights)Shial Wing (2 flights) Latara Class Fast Scout

Priority Level: SkirmishNolo’Tar Class Frigate

Priority Level: RaidLeshath Class Heavy Scout Ishara Class Provider

Priority Level: BattleKishara Class Carrier

Priority Level: WarTara’Lin, War Cruiser

FightersFlights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right. Some ships are noted ascarrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any timebefore or during the battle and do not cost anything extra – the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.

Anla’shok Special RulesThe following special rules apply to all Anla’shok fleets.

Allied Fleets: The Anla’shok is often forced to use ships and crews from various worlds to supplement its own ships orhide its involvement when engaged in operations. When using an Anla’shok fleet, you may spend up to 2 Fleet AllocationPoints of your allowance on ships from one of the following fleet lists; Narn Regime, Minbari, Psi Corps / Human Rebels,or any League fleet. In campaign games, the Anla’shok may have a maximum of 2 Fleet Allocation Points at Battle levelspent on allied ships at any one time. They are not restricted in this way when choosing fleets for individual scenarios – intheory, the Anla’shok could field ships bought from another fleet list with nothing from the Anla’shok fleet if the scenariowas at Patrol level.

Rangers: The Anla’shok is fortunate in that it has superbly trained and fanatical Rangers to crew its ships –. All Anla’shok(but not Allied) ships gain a +1 bonus to their Crew Quality scores, to a maximum of 6.

Skin Dancing: Anla’shok pilots may Skin Dance when piloting Nials, Flyers or Shials.

Anla’shok Initiative: +4

Flyer Flight Patrol (4 flights per Wing)Used by the Religious caste, the flyer is a small but extremely potent vessel, although not to the same extent as theWarrior Caste’s Battle Flyer. Armed with a single fusion cannon for defence, in the hands of a skilled pilot, the flyer can bea match for many of the front line fighters used by other races.

Speed: 12 Turn: SM Hull: 4 Damage: –Crew: – Troops: - Dogfight: +1 Craft: –Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 4+, Fighter, Stealth 5+In Service: 2004+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Fusion Cannon 2 T 2 Mini-Beam

Ishara Class Provider Raid

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Kishara Class Carrier (Neshatan Variant) BattleDeemed obsolete by the Warrior Caste, the old carriers were relegated for use by the Religious Caste to transport pilgrimsinto Vorlon space in safety, but several now serve the Anla’shok. Durable and with their flyers mostly replaced by fighters,the Kishra has proved a useful asset. It can prove a formidable sight with itsdorsal fin emerging from a dust cloud, surrounded by fighters, often catchingunwary ships off guard.

Speed: 10 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 56/14Crew: 62/15 Troops: 2Craft: 1 Flyer flight, 6 Nial or Shial flights,Special Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 4, Advanced Jump Engine,Carrier 3, Command +1, Fleet Carrier, Flight Computer, Stealth 4+In Service: 2010+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Neutron Laser 24 F 2 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 F 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 P 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 S 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 A 4 Mini-Beam

Latara Class Fast Scout (Torotha Variant) PatrolThe Anla’shok have managed to acquire a few of the fastest capital ships in the Minbari fleet and transformed them intoScouts, able to locate and observe movements of the Ancient Enemy and its pawns. The Latara has much less firepowerthan the original frigate but enhances its ability to move quickly enough to evade any enemy ships.

Speed: 14 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 4 Damage: 12/4Crew: 14/5 Troops: 1 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Agile, Atmospheric, Flight Computer, Scout, Stealth 5+In Service: 2056+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Fusion Cannon 12 T 2 Mini-Beam

Leshath Class Heavy Scout RaidThe original version of most advanced scouting vessel of any younger race, the Leshath combines serious firepower withalmost total invisibility. A few of these remarkable vessels have been diverted by the Religious Caste to serve theAnla’shok.Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45

oHull: 4 Damage: 24/8

Crew: 28/9 Troops: 3 Craft: 1 Nial or 1 Flyer flightSpecial Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 4, Advanced Jump Engine, Agile, Flight Computer, Scout, Stealth 6+In Service: 1995+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Fusion Cannon 18 F 6 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 P 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 S 4 Mini-Beam

Fusion Cannon 18 A 4 Mini-Beam

* The Lesthath has no range limit on the use of its Scout trait, instead of the usual 36” range. In addition, when using itsScout trait, a Leshath will reduce a target’s Stealth trait to 1+, instead of just lowering it by one. This effect is lostimmediately if the Lesthath scouting the target ship is destroyed and does not effect the Ancients.

Nial Heavy Fighter Flight Patrol (2 flights per Wing)

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Nolo’Tar Class Frigate SkirmishLightly armed, the Nolo’Tar is a throwback to the last Great War against the Shadows. Especially useful in trainingmissions and evacuations, this transportation frigate was a common sight during that war, mostly being used to ferryrefugees from planet to planet when the war drew too near.Speed: 8 Turns: 2/45

oHull: 5 Damage: 26/5

Crew: 22/4 Troops: 4 Craft: 1 Nial or 1 Flyer FlightSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Atmospheric, Flight Computer, Jump Engine, Stealth 3+In Service: 1226+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Fusion Cannon 12 F 4 Mini-Beam,

Fusion Cannon 12 T 4 Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked

Shial Stealth Fighter Flight Patrol (2 flights per Wing)

Tara’Lin, War Cruiser (Sharlin Variant) WarThe Tara’Lin is a fully operational training centre and asset stockpile with dozens of vehicles and supplies to deploy withthe hundreds of Rangers on board when necessary. Between its lethal weaponry and scores of well-trained warriors, theTara’Lin is a fleet unto itself – but a resource far too rare and important to simply waste in commonengagements or equal battles.Speed: 8 Turns: 1/45Hull: 5 Damage: 60/20Crew: 66/22 Troops: 4Craft: 1 Flyer Flight, 4 Shial FlightsSpecial Rules: Advanced Anti-Fighter 6, Advanced Jump Engine,Command +3, Flight Computer, Lumbering, Stealth 5+, UniqueIn Service: 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Neutron Laser 30 F 4 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 F 6 Mini-Beam

Neutron Laser 30 P 2 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 P 4 Mini-Beam

Neutron Laser 30 S 2 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 S 4 Mini-Beam

Neutron Laser 30 A 2 Beam, Double Damage, Precise

Fusion Cannon 18 A 6 Mini-Beam

Marcus Cole, True SeekerMarcus Cole is a searcher, he looks for justice and hope in a galaxy descending into fire anddarkness and at first the Anla’shok provided the inspiration and ability to undertake the task he hadset himself. Yet as the chosen of the Shadows and the Vorlons respectively clashed over thebodies of the fallen on Mars, Marcus sets out to look for a better path away from the manipulationof the Ancients. Marcus Cole is available for Anla’shok fleets from 2257 onwards and has the

following abilities:Lucky, Pike Master – Marcus trains all those under his direct command in the ancient martial art and all troops on boardMarcus Cole’s ship add +1 to rolls made against boarders, usually killing enemy troops on a 4+ roll. Survivor,When placed in a ship, Marcus Cole raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral and obeys allother rules for Admirals. He has the Unique Trait.

Space Stations

The Anla’Shok Fleet can use Minbari Modules but are limited to no better than Raid Level stations

“Tell them that from this place we deliver notice to the Parliaments of conquerors that a linehas been drawn against the darkness, and we will hold the line no matter the cost”

Captain John Sheridan

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Campaigns: Refits and Other DutiesAnla’shok Fleets use the following tables for Refits and Other Duties when playing campaign games.

Anla’shok Refits

2d6 Refit

2 Focussed Neutron Generators: One neutron laser weapon system on the ship replaces its Double Damage traitwith Triple Damage.

3 Powerful Sensor Arrays: The ship gains up-rated sensor arrays that are so powerful that they can almost blindenemy ships. No enemy ship within 10” may opt to use a Special Action in its turn.

4 Point Defence: The ship gains a small weapon system designed to destroy close-in attackers. The ship gainsAdvanced Anti-Fighter +1.

5 Silent and Stealthy: Once per battle, you may force an enemy to re-roll his Stealth roll in order to target this ship.

6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).

7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 5 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD. Thismay only be applied once per weapon system.

8 Superior Helm Control: Add a +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during a Come About! action.

9 Hardened Structure: The ship is specially braced to ward off the effects of the most devastating hits. Reduce itsDamage threshold number (the point at which it becomes Crippled) by two points.

10 Advanced Gravitic Drive: The ship gains a +1 bonus to its Speed score.

11 Extra Hanger: The ship gains a flight of Shials (or an extra flight of the same type it already possesses).

12 Silent Runner: The ship is modified to be super stealthy but this comes at the expense of energy output. Increasethe ship’s Stealth score by one but reduce its Speed by –2.

Anla’shok Duties

2d6 Other Duty

2 Contact Made: A diplomatic mission to the local Raiders has paid off well. You may immediately add one Raidersship (or wing) of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority level to your fleet roster.

3 New Captain: A determined new Captain takes command of the vessel. Once per battle, the ship may attempt totake two Special Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects of both SpecialActions apply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with the ComeAbout! action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neitherinvalidates the other, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.

4 Now You See Me…: This ship has been conducting scouting exercises all over the system, forcing other fleets tochase it as it gathers crucial information. You gain a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.

5 Minbari Telepaths: A group of Minbari telepaths joins your ship’s crew. Stretching forward with their minds, theystrain to divine the intentions of the enemy. Once per battle, you may automatically win the Initiative for the turn.This may be declared after your have rolled dice for Initiative.

6 Veteran Fighter Pilots: A squadron of top guns volunteers to serve on your ship. Up to two on board flights offighters may increase their Dogfight score by +1.

7 Vorlon Directive: The ship encounters a servant of the Vorlons who relays specific instructions for the entire fleet.In the next campaign turn, you will attack any Strategic Target of one randomly determined fleet. This will be aBattle-level Annihilation scenario and will be nominated before any Initiative is rolled for. This battle will be your gofor the turn. If you win the battle, any RR points gained in the next campaign turn will be doubled.

8 Veteran Engineers: The elite engineering officers of another ship has volunteered to serve aboard this vessel. Adda +1 bonus to any Crew Quality checks made during Damage Control. This may only be applied once.

9 Intelligence: This ship has been used to gather valuable intelligence on the activities of the other fleets, grantingyou a +2 bonus to your Initiative for the next Campaign Turn.

10 Diverting Raid: Launching a lightning strike, the ship strikes at the heart of an enemy, causing him to draw shipsaway from his main force. Choose another player’s fleet. In its next battle, it will have one less Fleet AllocationPoints available.

11 Superior Strategic Position: A routine patrol uncovers a Strategic Target previously thought to be worthless.Immediately generate a new Strategic Target on the campaign map under your control.

12 Assistance Rendered: A timely rescue mission to an allied ship in distress is well rewarded. You may immediatelyadd any one ship of your choice of Skirmish or lower Priority Level to your fleet roster. This ship may be chosenfrom Narn or League fleet lists but it may not come from a fleet that you are currently fighting against in thecampaign.

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The Shadows Close In…

With recent losses still weighing heavily on his mind; Tarken was in no mood to hear the message that Vee’Kar – hisReligious Caste advisor – had brought before him. Once again, a Vorlon emissary had visited Vee’Kar aboard his ship –the carrier Stormbringer – to bring instructions for the Minbari fleet. This time, the mysterious envoy had told Vee’Kar thatthe Minbari would be required to strike against the ancient enemy directly!

Tarken was furious with the Religious leader; surely he could see that the Vorlons were sacrificing the Minbari in an attackthat was doomed to failure, all for the sake of distracting the Shadows from the Vorlons themselves! Vee’Kar would notheed Tarken’s words and insisted that they takethe fleet to the Shadow held toxic world on the faredge of the Persephone system.

Despite Vee’Kar’s insistence, Tarken would notleave Londinium completely unprotected and leftthe defence in the hands of the veteran captainTalar, whose Tigara class cruiser – Valen’sHammer – had seen the most experience in thePersephone campaign so far. With the Tigara,Tarken left the Leshath – Obsidian Arrow – and thetwo newly arrived Torotha class frigates –Vengeance and Retribution – which had been theonly reinforcements sent from the council after hisrecent defeat. Tarken knew that he had fallen outof favour, and only a victory would see an increasein resources being allocated to him for theremainder of the campaign.

As one, the handful of ships dropped out of hyperspace, within sight of their target; Tarken’s own flagship – Valen’s Wrath– in the lead. Behind that, the depleted carrier – Stormbringer – that would normally transport four entire attack wings ofNial fighters, but now only one remained. Flying close formation with the Neshatan was the Tinashi class warship – ThePride of Thessin – whose neutron laser, Tarken was hoping to add to his own ships increased firepower, in the hopes ofstriking a devastating blow to the largest Shadow vessel encountered.

The Leshath scout – Veil of Tears – broke off from the main group and, as was the standard Minbari tactic, took upposition behind a nearby dust cloud. The rest of the Minbari ships moved cautiously forward, scanning for the Shadowforce…

Though the Leshath relayed readings concerning up to four possible Shadow scout vessels, there was no mistaking thetrio of ships that sat ominously in the Minbari’s flight path. Two stalkers sat, like a pair of trained hounds, either side of aShadow warship. The mighty ancient waited, like a giant insect caught in amber, seemingly lifeless. Tarken knew that,within the space of a single heartbeat, the great ship could hurtle forward at alarming speed, but he was committed to theattack and hoped to get his weapons to bear before the ancient craft could unleash its own, frightening, firepower.

Unfortunately, as the Minbari crept silently closer, theShadows suddenly sprang to life! The scanners confirmeda number of contacts that indicated movement from thestealthy scouts, that always accompanied any Shadowfleet; but it was the three warships that concerned Tarkenthe most. All three of the craft leapt toward the invadersas if controlled by a single mind, which, Tarken surmised,was likely the case, and they brought their weapons tobear upon Valen’s Wrath. The trio of Molecular SlicerBeams slammed into the Neshatan, paring away thereinforced hull. Luckily, Tarken had ordered theprecaution of securing the blast doors and critical systemsaboard the ship, and so the normally lethal weaponry onlysucceeded in lightly damaging the engines power relays.

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With the three targets before them, the combined Neutron Lasers of the Neshatan and Tinashi focused on the nearest ofthe stalker vessels; Tarken knew that the lessresilient battle craft would be more likely tosuccumb to the barrage… but, as the Minbari haddiscovered to their cost many times in the past, theShadows do not easily give up any of their brood,and the Stalker, though momentarily ‘stunned’ bythe attack, still held to its spark of life. Even whenthe Morshin’s own beam added its power to theonslaught, the stalker lived on!!!

The Minbari, outnumbered and outmanoeuvredcould only watch as the Shadows movedeffortlessly into firing positions all around them. TheLeshath, which had move into the illusoryprotection of the dust cloud, found itself face-to-face with a Shadow scout vessel!

Again, the Shadow ships, whose weapons systems responded at a thought, fired before even the highly trained Minbariweapons officers could complete their re-targeting. This time, the combined fire of the warship and stalker could not beabated, and the proud Valen’s Wrath, along with its brave crew and loyal admiral were no more…

The Minbari fleet was thrown into confusion by the loss of Tarken and their most powerful craft, the crew aboard theTinashi warship – The Pride of Thessin – were so distracted, that they only managed a glancing blow on the damagedstalker, and only succeeded in reducing its powerful shields.

Left in disarray and confronted by such an implacable foe, the Minbari could only flee! However, the Shadows were in nomood to allow their prey to escape and easily ran down the routed craft… the Vorlons’ plans for the Minbari had onlysucceeded in sealing their fate in the Persephone system!

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The Centauri“The Centauri have bowed to the whims of other races for too long. Now we will show the galaxy ourtrue spirit, beginning with those …those thrice-damned Narn.”

Emperor Londo Mollari, 2263

Many thought the days of the lion of the galaxy were over, that no more would the great and powerful Centauri Republiccast eyes upon the worlds of others. Its seeming submission to the growing power of the Narn Regime continued thisperception until 2262 when the dispute between the two powers suddenly flared into out right war. Under the revitalisedleadership of Emperor Londo Mollari, the Centauri have not only stemmed and beaten back the Narn and their sometimeallies the Drazi, but have gone onto the offensive driving the Narn back to their home world. The alliance with their“cousins” of Earth serves both races very well at present – each having powerful enemies to confront and confound. Thegreatest symbol of the new power of the Centauri is the Valerius Class battleship, named for the son of the Centauri godof shipbuilding, Urobach, even though the first ship, the Emperors flagship is itself named for his favourite concubine –Adira Tyree.

Notes: Demos has 7 AD Ion Cannon, The Secundus Class Battlecruiser carries 2 flights of Sentri’s instead of BreachingPods.

The Centauri Republic Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Centauri Republic.

Priority Level: PatrolHaven Class Patrol Boat (2 ships) Kutai Class Gunboat Razik Wing (4 flights)Rutarian Wing (2 flights) Sentri Wing (4 flights)

Priority Level: SkirmishAmar Class Fast Carrier Corvan Class Scout Demos Class Warship (ISD 2220+)Darkner Class Frigate Maximus Class Frigate Maximus Class System DefenderMorgrath Class Frigate Vorchan Class Warship

Priority Level: RaidAltarian Class Destroyer Balvarin Class Carrier Elutarian Class DestroyerLeonidas Class Strike Cruiser Magnus Class Destroyer Sulust Class Escort DestroyerTaldaria Class Explorer Virlisi Class Logistics Ship

Priority Level: BattleDargan Class Strike Cruiser Liati Class Advanced Cruiser (ISD 2263+) Lion’s Lair Royal LinerPrimus Class Battlecruiser Secundus Class Battlecruiser

Priority Level: WarCari Class Advanced Battlecruiser Balvarix Class Battle Carrier Octurion Class Battleship

Priority Level: ArmageddonAdira, Valerius Class Royal Battleship (ISD 2265 and is Unique until 2267)

Admiral: Lord Calax

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Balvarix Class Battle Carrier WarThe transformation of the Royal Navy began with the Liati and the Adira but other ship classes were also infused with newtechnology. The Balvarix was designed to provide a suitable platform for the sleek new Rutarian fighters that werereplacing the older Sentri and Razik flights, whilst remaining capable of inflicting punishment on an enemy. Its obvioussimilarities to the new Valerius class Battleship included increaseddefences and enhanced weapons which made the Balvarix a powerfuladdition to the revitalised Centauri military.

Speed: 5 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 68/13Crew: 70/16 Troops: 4Craft: 14 Rutarian flightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Carrier 4, Command +2,Fleet Carrier, Gravitic Energy Grid 2, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine,Lumbering.In Service: 2265+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Matter Cannon 15 F 8 AP, Double Damage

Ion Cannon 12 F 14 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 P 8 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 S 8 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 A 6 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

“Okay, we made a mistake. I'm sorry. Here, open my wrist.""Centauri don't have major arteries in their wrist.""Of course we don't. What do you think, I'm stupid?"

-- Londo Mollari to an unnamed source, c.2243

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Cari Class Advanced Battlecruiser (Primus Variant) WarWhilst the mighty Octurion proved to be at the limits of its adaptability, the Primus proved a suitable test bed for theadvanced technology that would allow the Centauri to regain their place in the galaxy. The Great Houses of Hessius andDurnado have combined to provide the best fighters, defences and beam system to provide a mighty new vessel for theLion of the Galaxy. It was designed to close rapidly with and destroy the enemies of the Republic, especially the Narn andhas proved itself against many Alien races.

Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 52/12Crew: 65/15 Troops: 6 Craft: 2 Rutarian flightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 2, Atmospheric, Gravitic Energy Grid 2, Jump Engine, Flight Computer, Interceptors 2,In Service: 2260+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Advanced Battle Laser 18 F 6 Beam, Double Damage, Precise,

Heavy Ion Cannon 15 F 6 AP, Double Damage, Twin Linked,

Ion Cannon 12 F 16 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 P 8 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 S 8 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 A 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

We will take them now, just like in the old days when my dear Republic moved inand conquered the entire Beta System in nine days.

We came out of the sky, a veritable cloud of starships, then we fell upon them.

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Leonidas Class Strike Cruiser (Vorchan Evolution) RaidA logical evolution of the Demos, as the latter was a development of the Vorchan, the new ship featured an experimentaldefence system and staggeringly powerful weapons. As soon as they were ready, they were thrown into the fray andwhilst proving extremely effective, were usually destroyed in the process. There is however, no shortage of noblemendesperate to command these deadly ships.Speed: 12Turn: 2/45


Hull: 5Damage: 28/6Crew: 32/7Troops: 1Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Gravitic Energy Grid 2,Jump EngineIn Service: 2266+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Ballistic Torpedoes 20 F 6 Precise, Slow-Loading, Super AP

Ion Cannon 12 F 14 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Maximus System Defender SkirmishA one-ship system defence fleet, no other design has been attributed with the successful repulsion of attacking forcesfrom Republic space more often than the Maximus. This original version was a durable and well armed brawler, easilycapable of engaging superior number of raiders and which proved its worth across the expanse of the Republic andbeyond. The later incarnation of the Maximus is designed to act as a fleet defender, shielding the capital ships of therepublic from enemy fire.

Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 16/5 Crew: 18/6Troops: 1 Craft: noneSpecial Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Interceptor 1, In Service: 2150+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Ion Cannon 12 F 8 Double Damage, Twin Linked

Twin Particle Array Turret 6 T 4 Accurate, Weak

Lions Lair, Royal Liner, (Primus Variant) Battle / Special (10 CFP)A palpable symbol of the power and glory of the Centauri Republic, the Lions Lair is a transformed Primus ClassBattlecruiser. Adorned in gold and with staterooms replacing crew quarters, it is a palace in space with almost as manyservants as trained crew. However elite guardsmen patrol thecorridors, whilst the best the Royal Navy can offer guide the shipthrough space. Defensive systems are prime, but the ship still retainspotent claws should the Emperor and his Court feel in the need ofentertainment. A squadron of Sentris are retained on board to providedisplays of the superiority of Centauri pilots and of course it nevertravels alone. After its near destruction in 2263 the ship washonourably retired to make way for the Adira, which in turn was theforerunner for a whole new class of battleships.

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 40/12Crew: 45/15 Troops: 3Craft: 2 Sentri FlightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Command +2, Elite Crew (5),Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2, Unique,In Service: 2200 – 2263

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Battle Laser 18 F 6 Beam, Precise

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Octurion-class Battleship WarThe Octurion is a massive vessel, once the largest in the Centauri fleet, and serves many roles. It is a mobile fire base, aplanetary bombardment ship, a command centre for an entire battle group, and anything else its firepower and auxiliarysystems will support. An Octurion present in an area automatically makes it the fleet’s command ship. It is rare to seetwo Octurions in the same sector of space, but when it occurs the highest ranking commanding officer’s ship maintainsseniority.

Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 70/18 Crew: 85/24Troops: 8 Craft: 4 Sentri or Razik flightsSpecial Rules: Anti-Fighter 3, Command +2, Jump Engine, Interceptors 1, LumberingIn Service: 2202+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Battle Laser 24 F 6 Beam, Precise

Matter Cannon 15 F 12 AP, Double Damage

Ion Cannon 12 F 12 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Matter Cannon 15 P 8 AP, Double Damage

Ion Cannon 12 P 10 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Matter Cannon 15 S 8 AP, Double Damage

Ion Cannon 12 S 10 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Matter Cannon 15 A 4 AP, Double Damage

Ion Cannon 12 A 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Taldaria Class Explorer (Balvarian forerunner) RaidTaldaria Clas ships are now very rare in the Republic, with little interest in expansion or exploration, the few remainingships are found almost exclusively in the fleets of House Hessius and interestingly House Kodiro. The Royal Navy longago converted its Taldaria’s into Balvarin class Carriers. The original design still retains a substantial fighter escort, but

has numerous shuttles and advanced robotic probes to allow exploration of unknown worlds.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 44 / 10Crew: 55/12 Troops: 4 Craft: 4 Razik Flights,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Carrier 2, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Scout, Shuttles 2,In Service: 2195+

.Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Ion Cannon 12 F 6 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 P 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 S 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Ion Cannon 12 A 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Virlisi Logistics Ship RaidThe process of becoming a "Lion of the Galaxy" forced the Centauri to make some early realisations - one of these wasthat logistics, while unglamorous and boring, was an absolute necessity. The Virlisi Logistics ship is just that, unglamorousand boring in its un-Centauri like bulk but vitally necessary to ensure the Republics war machine remains effective.Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 58 / 16Crew: 62/18 Troops: 2 Craft: 1 Razik Flight,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Fleet Auxiliary, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2, In Service: 2208

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Ion Cannon 12 F 6 Double Damage, Twin Linked

Light Ion Cannon 8 P 6 Twin-Linked

Light Ion Cannon 8 S 6 Twin-Linked

Light Ion Cannon 8 A 6 Twin-Linked

If a Virlisi takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle it generates 6RR, which can be used for repairsonly; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

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Centauri Space Stations use the following Modules

Advanced Hangar Module 7 HardpointsContaining the advanced Rutarians, the presence of these space superiority fighters on a space station will ensure itssafety against almost any enemy.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will also add the Carrier 4 trait, and four flights ofRutarians.

Ballistic Torpedo Module 4 HardpointsMounting rows of Torpedo Tubes, a Centauri space station can dominate any enemies at range.Each Ballistic Torpedo Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Ballistic Torpedo Rack 45 3 Double Damage, Precise, Slow-Loading, Super AP

Battle Laser Module 6 HardpointsMounting the deadly battle laser, a fortified space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Battle Laser Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Battle Laser 27 6 Beam, Precise

Guardian Array Module 3 HardpointsCentauri stations make use of their advanced interceptor technology to provide them with an interceptor grid.A Guardian Array Module will add the Interceptors 5 and Escort traits to the Core. Each additional Guardian Array Modulewill increase the Core’s Interceptors trait by +5.

Hangar Module 4 HardpointsComplete with rapid deployment systems, hangars give a space station its own wing of fighters.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will also add the Carrier 4 trait, and four flights offighters (Raziks or Sentris).

Ion Cannon Module 1 HardpointBatteries of light weapons mounted on a space station can deal with any minor threat and help discourage larger ones.Each Ion Cannon Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Ion Cannon 18 3 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Launch Bay Module 2 HardpointsLaunch bays give a space station access to a limited number of fighters.Each Hangar Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will add two flights of fighters (Raziks or Sentris).

Matter Cannon Module 2 HardpointsMounting rows of weapon batteries, a fortified space station can be a terrible enemy.Each Matter Cannon Module will add the following weapon system.

Weapon Range AD Special

Matter Cannon 21 5 AP, Double Damage

A House Hessius Space Station may also use the following Module

Gravitic Energy Grid Module 9 HardpointsDrawing energy from advanced power sources, this module projects a Gravitic energy grid across the entire station,providing an effective defence.Each Gravitic Energy Grid Module will increase the Core’s Damage by +5/+2/+0. It will also add the Gravitic Energy Grid 1trait. Each further Gravitic Energy Grid will add +1 to the Gravitic Energy Grid trait, but only a maximum of four suchmodules may be attached to a single core.

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Lord Calax, Rising StarSetaena Hessius has high hopes for her young nephew, seeing in him a possible heir to her placeas Head of the increasingly powerful House. He is presently in charge of dealing with the usefulbut dangerous Drakh – a task at which he seems to excel despite his years, perhaps due to hispowerful telepathic abilities which match his powerful patron. Lord Calax is available for Centaurifleets from 2260 onwards and has the following abilities:Exploit the Alien – A ship commanded by Lord Calax may roll on the following refit table insteadof the normal Centauri refit table to reflect the advances the House has gained from the Drakh.

Inspired Command, Powerful Telepath – A ship commanded by Lord Calax gains the Psychic Crew 4 trait, whichreplaces any previous rating. When placed in a ship, Lord Calax raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way asan Admiral and obeys all other rules for Admirals. He also has the Unique Trait. He can be placed in any of the followingships: Balvarix, Cari, Dargan, Leonidas, Liati, Octurion,

House Hessius Refits

2d6 Refit

2 Gravitic Energy Grid: The ship gains Gravitic Energy Grid 1. This refit may only be received once and not if theship already has this trait.

3 Jump Engines: The ship gains the Jump Engine trait if it did not have it before and has at least 20 Damagepoints. If the ship already possesses the Jump Engine trait, it gains the Advanced Jump Engine trait instead.

4 Flight Computer: The ship gains a Flight computer if it did not have one already.

5 Precision Targeting Array: Choose one weapon system on the ship. It gains the Precise trait.

6 Long Range Targeting Systems: Choose one weapon system. It has its range extended by 50%. However,when using this extra range, halve the number of AD used (rounding down).

7 Additional Weapons Fitted: Choose one weapon system that has at least 6 AD. It gains an additional 2 AD.This may only be applied once per weapon system.

8 Advanced Sensor Arrays: The ship gains a +1 bonus to any attempts it makes to target an enemy with theStealth trait. This may only be applied once.

9 Reinforced Hull: Add +10% to the ship’s Damage score but reduce Speed by –1.

10 Supercharged Thrusters: The ship gains a +2 bonus to its Speed score.

11 Hangar: The ship immediately gains a hangar and a flight of Rutarian fighters, regardless of whether it possessesone already or not.

12 Huge Hangar: The ship gains a Huge Hangar (if the ship has at least 40 points of damage) and a free Drakh lightraider. It may only receive this refit once and the Raider may only be replaced if destroyed and at the cost of 12RR points.

Centauri Republic other duties – replace rolls of 3 on the other duties table with the following entry:

3 New Captain: A respected Noble takes command of the vessel. Once per battle, the ship may attempt to take twoSpecial Actions in the same turn. These may not be the same Special Action and all effects of both Special Actionsapply. Therefore, a ship cannot combine the Run Silent! action (which requires no turning) with the Come About!action (which increases turning). It could combine Run Silent! and All Power to Engines! as neither invalidates theother, effectively allowing the ship to run silent at full speed.

The Adira,

a Valerius Class Battleship,

The flagship of the Royal Navy and the mostpowerful ship in the Centauri fleet.

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The Narn“Roughly 150 of your years ago, the Centauri came to our world. Narn was a green and fertile placethen. We greeted them in peace and spent the next 100 years in chains, but we never gave up hope.We formed a resistance, learned their secrets, turned their own machines against them, and finallydrove them from our world.”

G'KarThe Narn are at a crossroads, a mere handful of years ago they stood at the threshold of humbling their formeroppressors, the Centauri. Then it all slipped away, resurgent and rearmed the Lion of the Galaxy showed unexpectedresources of both determination and technology. The dubious alliance with the Drazi has proved less valuable than theCentauri’s own with the humans of Earth. A potential gold mine of Ancient technology with the finding of an AncientVorlon artefact only brought more death and destruction to the blood soaked Homeworld and the last chance of newtechnology was crushed by the Masters of Order, the Vorlons. The Centauri are closing in once again and hope is afading thing – the Narn leaders are now talking defiance and eventual revenge more than victory.

Notes: The G’Quan (and variants) have 6AD Heavy Laser Cannon, War Leader G’Sten is available from 2250+The G’Vrahn has no Command trait and a normal Jump Engine.

The Narn Regime Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Narn Regime.

Priority Level: PatrolD’Tarn Escort Gunboat Frazi Wing (5 flights) Gorith Wing (5 flights)Sho’Kos Class Police Cutter (2 ships) Sho’Kov Class Torpedo Cutter (2 ships) To’Reth Wing (3 flights)

Priority Level: SkirmishKa’Tan Class Escort Destroyer Ka’Toc Class Battle Destroyer Rongoth Class DestroyerRothan Plasma Destroyer Sho’Kar Class Light Scout Cruiser T’Rakk Class FrigateThentus Class frigate

Priority Level: RaidDag’Kar Class Missile Frigate Dag’Tar Class Heavy Frigate G’Karith Class Patrol CruiserG’Sten Class War Cruiser T’Loth Class Assault Cruiser T’Rann Class Bulk CarrierT’Shon Early Explorer Var’Nic Class Long Range Destroyer

Priority Level: BattleG’Lan Class Mag Cruiser G’Quan class Heavy Cruiser G’Tal class Command CruiserProject X324 T’Voth Class Command Cruiser

Priority Level: WarBin’Tak Class Dreadnought G’Quonth Class Attack Cruiser G’Vrahn Class Fast Cruiser

Priority Level: ArmageddonKa’Bin’Tak Class super dreadnought

Admirals: G’Sten, M’Tar,

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Dag’Tar Class Heavy Frigate (Dag’Kar Variant) RaidThe Dag’Tar came into being due to the high attrition rate of the Dag’Kar Missile Frigate as the war continued. . Extraarmour plating was fitted to give the vessel more survivability and durability. The bulky e-mine launchers were removedfreeing up a lot of space with in the spacious hull. New weapon systems were added including point defence systems todeal with troublesome fighters due to the lack of its own protective fighter compliment. In fact the only weapon systemthat remained was the ion torpedo. The new ship has proved to be somewhat of a success being cheaper and easier tomanufacturer in the continuing war.

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 30/6Crew: 38/8 Troops: 5Craft: none,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 1, Jump Engine,In Service: 2264+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Ion Torpedo 30 F 4 Precise, SAP

Medium Pulse Cannon 10 F 6

Light Ion Cannon 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Light Pulse Cannon 8 P 6

Light Pulse Cannon 8 S 6

Light Pulse Cannon 8 A 4

D'Tarn Escort Gunboat PatrolThe Narn Regime had often found that its shipping lanes were prone to attacks from Centauri privateers and mercenaries.To combat this, the Narn Regime designed and built a ship, which was cheap to produce and maintain yet could hold itsown and defend the freighters it was assigned to protect. The result was the D’Tarn Escort Gunboat. The D’Tarn, likemost other Narn ships is structurally solid but is not well armed. Its weaponry consists of pulse cannons and particle gunsmounted on many hard points giving excellent all around firepower for defending freighters. The D’Tarn is also, onoccasion, brought into military campaigns, usually to defend larger capital ships from swarms ofenemy fighters.

Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45, Hull: 4Damage: 16/4Crew: 18/4Troops: 1 Craft: noneSpecial Rules: Agile, Anti-fighter 2, Escort,In Service: 2250+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Pulse Cannon 8 F 3

Heavy Particle Gun Turret 6 T 6

“You will know Pain

And you will know Fear

And then you will die

G’Kar to Londo

Message at the beginning of the

Narn - Centauri War in 2262

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Project X324 (T’Loth Corruption) BattleThe devastating aftermath of the Thirdspace incident above Homeworld left many ancient vessels shattered and brokenabove a burning planet. Whilst the Vorlons executed a remarkable clean up of the dead and dying ships, even theirrenowned efficiency missed some pieces amongst the devastation. The X324 was a top-secret project to try to use theancient technologies in an effort to stem the tide of renewed Centauri aggression. Until Drakh refuges providedassistance, the Narn scientists had made little progress with the devious Shadow technology and none with the defiantVorlon technology – many having perished in the process. The Drakh helped forge the Shadow tech into a powerfulshield and transplanted the deadly accurate guns. The ships sheer durability coupledwith the new shield technology should have made it almost invincible – until theVorlons arrived at the deserted moon and showed the true power that the ancientscommand. All traces of the research, scientists and their work was eradicated.

Speed: 8Turn: 1/45,Hull: 5Damage: 74/15Crew: 90/21Troops: 2Craft: 2 To’Reth flightsSpecial Rules: Lumbering, Shields 10/1, Unique,In Service: 2267 only

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Energy Mine 30 F 4 AP, Energy Mine, Slow-Loading, Triple Damage

Heavy Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 F 6 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 P 8 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 S 8 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

Phasing Pulse Cannon 8 A 8 Accurate, Double Damage, Super AP

To’Reth Fighter Bomber Flight Patrol (3 flights per Wing)A wartime development, the To’Reth is a leap forward in Narn fighter craft design, its engines having been tailored toprovide superior manoeuvrability and survivability in dogfights. The array of weapons include an under slung ion torpedomount which can prove a nasty shock to unwary Centauri and Drazi.

Speed: 10 Turn: SM Hull: 5 Damage: – Crew: –Troops: - Dogfight: +2 Craft: –Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 3+, Fighter In Service: 2260+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Particle Gun 2 T 4 —

Light Ion Torpedo 4 T 1 AP, Precise

T'Shon Early Explorer (T'Loth Forerunner) RaidThe aftermath of the liberation from the Centauri was a time of expansion and a desperate search for new resources,ironically often at the expense of fellow sufferers of Centauri rule or primitives that resembled the Narn of old. The T’Shonwas a survey ship, a diplomatic envoy and where necessary, an assault ship.

Speed: 4 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5Damage: 65/12 Crew: 80/20 Troops: 12Craft: 2 Gorith flights,Special Rules: Command +1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Scout, Shuttles 4In Service: 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Energy Mine 20 F 2 AP, Double Damage, Energy Mine, Slow Loading,

Light Pulse Cannon 8 F 10

Light Pulse Cannon 8 P 10

Light Pulse Cannon 8 S 10

Light Pulse Cannon 8 A 10

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T’Rann Class Bulk Carrier (T'Loth Variant) RaidThe majority of the so called heavy carriers were recalled due to their dismal performance in battle and converted to moreuseful ships helping to maintain the vital supply routes for the Narn war machine as well as providing vital food shipmentsacross the regime. The cavernous hanger bays were stripped out to provide huge cargo holds, but both fighters andtroops remained on board to enable them to resist any foolish raiders that may try to engage them.

Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5Damage: 65/12 Crew: 80/20 Troops: 6Craft: 2 Gorith flights,Special Rules: Jump Engine, Fleet Auxiliary, Lumbering, Shuttles 2In Service: 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Pulse Cannon 8 F 10

Light Pulse Cannon 8 P 10

Light Pulse Cannon 8 S 10

Light Pulse Cannon 8 A 10

T'Voth Class Command Cruiser (T'Loth Variant) BattleThe T’Voth is the original Narn Command Cruiser, used by many War Leaders in servitude to the Regime. The T’Voth wasan advancement on the T’Loth carrying upgraded weapon systems as well as a command bridge. It is capable of soakingan incredible amount of damage and thus maintaining the safety of the command staff aboard. Although the G’Talsupersedes it, it does fulfil a role within the regime and is still produced due to its sheer survivability.

Speed: 8Turn: 1/45


Hull: 5Damage: 85/17Crew: 102/25Troops: 5Craft: 1 Frazi flight,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Command +1, Jump Engine, Lumbering,In Service: 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Ion Torpodeos 30 F 2 Precise, SAP

Heavy Plasma Cannon 20 F 8 AP, Double Damage,

Light Pulse Cannon 8 F 12

Light Pulse Cannon 8 P 12

Light Pulse Cannon 8 S 12

Light Pulse Cannon 8 A 12

M’Tar, Scourge of the AlienM’Tar has seen the Regime increase in strength and power for most of his life with only dimmemories of the occupation. He is emotional and aggressive officer, eager to prove himself anddefeat the enemies of the Narn race and as a Member of the Ga’To Jutan, that means any alien.M’Tar is available for Narn fleets (and only Narn fleets) from 2256 onwards and has the followingabilities:Inspired Command, Instil Fervour, Onwards to Victory – A ship commanded by M’Tar mayremove any modifiers to speed inflicted by critical hits by taking an additional D6 points of damage

each time he does this. This damage is immediately applied and can not reduced by Close the Blast Doors. Top Gun,When placed in a ship, M’Tar raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral and obeys all otherrules for Admirals. He also has the Unique Trait. He can be placed in any of the following ships: Bin’Tak, G’Karith,G’Quan, G’Tal, Var’Nic.

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The League of Non-Aligned WorldsThe Abbai Matriarchy

The Abbai have been concerned about the way the galaxy seems to be dissolving into chaos ever since the Earth –Minbari war and its shock conclusion. The Juyaca Dreadnought was launched as a direct response to the EA invasion ofthe Vree and the name ship for its class proved its worth in 2264 at Babylon 5, helping to defend that station from theEarth Alliance. As the Great Powers continued to gear up for the war, the Abbai quietly and carefully continuedpreparations themselves – working with several Brakiri corporations to provide both races with a defence against theterrifying new ships being unveiled by Earth and the Minbari. The Brivoki is a triumph and the most powerful warshipavailable to any of the League – It remains to be seen if it can stand against the forces that are preparing to tear thegalaxy apart.

The Abbai Matriarchy Fleet List (*)from the Juyaie! Source book – Ship Stats reproduced here with permission.The following forms the entire fleet list for the Abbai Matriarchy.

Priority Level: PatrolHas’ra Anti-fighter Drone Wing (6 flights) Kotha Defence Drone Wing (6 flights) Bisaria Class Escort FrigateShyarie Class Jammer Frigate Tiraca Class Attack Frigate

Priority Level: SkirmishBiraca Class Fast Frigate (*) (ISD 2256) Fetula Class Warrant Cutter Marata Class Diplomatic TransportMilani Class Carrier Shirasa Class Restorer Thyarie Class Drone Command Ship

Priority Level: RaidBimith Class Defender (add one 45 turn and remove Lumbering) Masuma Class Command ShipMilaie Advanced Destroyer (*) (ISD 2262) Sulith Class Medical Frigate

Priority Level: BattleLakara Class Cruiser (Combat Laser has 18” range)

Priority Level: War Priority Level: ArmageddonJuyaca Class Dreadnought (ISD is 2256+) Brivoki Class advanced warship

Admirals: Shaath Turessa

Abbai only Trait: Drone Carrier – As long as the Drone Carrier remains on the table and is not crippled or skeleton

crewed, all Drone flights within 12” are not destroyed when acting as interceptors if a 1 is rolled. Whenever a drone flightis removed within 30” of a the Drone Carrier, roll one dice, on a 4, 5 or 6 the Drone flight was recovered and can berepaired and re launched next turn. Add a +1 Bonus to the dice roll if the Drone flight was within 8” of the Drone Carrierand a –2 Penalty if the flight was destroyed in a dogfight. If the roll is lower than this, it is completely destroyed and willnot reappear. A Drone Carrier may always deploy half of its flights before the start of any battle. A drone carrier may lendits Anti-Fighter dice to Drone flights within 8” in exactly the same way as the Escort Trait.

Birarca Fast Frigate (Tirace Variant) SkirmishTaking the venerable Tiraca Hull, the Biraca was designed to escort the Juyaca into battle and offer covering fire. Whilstthe Juyaca concentrated on larger targets the Biraca would try to pick off the smaller ships. Packed with extra generatorsto power the heavier shields, the Biraca could withstand significant punishment to fulfil it’s role.

Speed: 10 Turns: 2/45, Hull: 5 Damage: 20/5 Crew: 16/4Troops: 1, Craft: None Special Rules: Shields 10/2,In Service: 2256+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Combat Laser 15 F 2 Beam, Precise

Quad Bolters 12 F 3 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Quad Bolters 12 P 3 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Quad Bolters 12 S 3 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

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Has’ra Anti-Fighter Drone Flight Patrol (6 flights per Wing)The war against the Dilgar showed that Abbai ships could be vulnerable to massed fighter wings and consequently adefence against them was required. Unwilling to risk lives in miniature coffins, the Has’ra drone was designed to help dealwith enemy craft by flying close escort. It resembles a pyramid and is armed with a multitude of pulse guns, making it ableto shred its opponents, even if they are far too weak to effect a true starships hull.

Speed: 10 Turn: SM Hull: 4 Damage: – Crew: – Troops: - Dogfight: 0Craft: – Special Rules: Anti-fighter 1, Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Fighter, In Service: 2236+

Kotha Defence Drone Flight Patrol (6 flights per Wing)Pilotless like the Has’ra Medium Drone, which is used to tie up enemy fighter squadrons with sheer numbers, the Kotha isdesigned to provide an additional active defence for Abbai ships. Armed with a single short ranged particle array, it is ableto intercept enemy fire and thus help preserve the lives of those on board the ships. It is, however such a highlyspecialised craft, it is almost helpless against enemy fighters.

Speed: 10 Turn: SM Hull: 4 Damage: – Crew: – Troops: - Dogfight: -1Craft: – Special Rules: Atmospheric, Dodge 3+, Fighter, In Service: 2240+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Particle Array 2 T 1

Masuma Class Command Ship (Milani Variant) RaidSeveral Marata Class ships were quietly converted to provide rapid response craft for the Shaath.Extremely well defended, they are relatively safe places for them to co-ordinate the fleets efforts.

Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 25/8Crew: 40/10 Troops: 1 Craft: 2 Kotha Drone Flights,Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Command +2, Interceptors 1, Shields 10/2In Service: 2258+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Combat Laser 15 F 2 Beam, Precise

Quad Particle Array 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Quad Particle Array 8 P 6 Twin-Linked

Quad Particle Array 8 S 6 Twin-Linked

Milaie Advanced Destroyer (Millani Variant) RaidAnother retrofitted design, the Milaie was an upgrade of the Milani hull. Stripping out the Carrier bays, the Milaie hadvastly improved shields, more powerful engines, as well as the latest Quad Bolters and Gravitic mines purchased from theBrakiri. Designed to disrupt enemy formations, these ships often returned to base with numerous hull breaches.

Speed: 10 Turns: 1/45, Hull: 5 Damage: 24/6 Crew: 35/7Troops: 1, Craft: None Special Rules: Interceptors 1, Shields 15/3,In Service: 2262+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Gravitic Mines 30 F 4 Double Damage, Energy Mine

Combat Laser 15 F 2 Beam, Precise

Quad Bolters 12 F 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Quad Bolters 12 P 6 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Quad Bolters 12 S 6 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Quad Bolters 12 A 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

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Shirasa Class Restorer (Shyarie Variant) SkirmishThe Abbai create beautiful but practical ships and are devastated when their creations fall victim to enemy fire, rather thansee them abandoned and destroyed they created Shirasa class restorers. The most recent version has been equippedwith a Gravtion Shifter to assist in the manoeuvring of materials and also the damaged ships themselves.

Speed: 10 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 12 / 3Crew: 18/6 Troops: 1 Craft: None,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Fleet Auxiliary, Interceptors 1, Shields 12/2, In Service: 2254+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Graviton Shifter 10 F - Gravitic Shifter

Quad Particle Array 8 F 6 Twin-linked

Quad Particle Array 8 P 6 Twin-linked

Quad Particle Array 8 S 6 Twin-linked

Quad Particle Array 8 A 6 Twin-linked

If an Shirasa takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, it generates 3RR, which can be used forrepairs only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

Sulith Class Medical Frigate (Bimith Variant) RaidThe Sulith was designed to provide emergency medical response to ships in the field and give the ability to assist otherraces should they be subject to plague or other disasters. It proved an important asset but also sadly a target for Dilgarship captains to attempt to capture, especially those serving under Jha’Dur. The difficulties of dealing with traumatisedpatients and defending against boarders led to a substantial security force on board, usual alien mercenaries which oftenled to other problems………Speed: 10 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 30 / 6Crew: 45/9 Troops: 3 Craft: 1 Kotha Drone Flight,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 4, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Shields 16/2, In Service: 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Quad Particle Array 8 F 6 Twin Linked

Quad particle Array 8 P 8 Twin Linked

Quad Particle Array 8 S 8 Twin Linked

Quad particle Array 8 A 6 Twin Linked

If a Sulith takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, may replace 16 lost Crew points for every RRpoint spent on recruiting new crew for a ship.

Thyarie Class Drone Command Ship (Shyarie Variant) SkirmishThe Thyarie is designed to allow full command and control over the varied drones that the Abbai use as fighters, for theyare loath to risk their lives in such fragile craft. The extensive on board repair facility means that the supply of drones canalmost seem inexhaustible.Speed: 8 Turn: 1/45

oHull: 5 Damage: 12/3

Crew: 26/6 Troops: 1 Craft: 6 Has’ra Drone flights,Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Carrier 2, Drone Carrier, Shields 12/4, In Service: 2248+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Quad Particle Array 8 F 3 Twin-Linked

Quad Particle Array 8 P 3 Twin-Linked

Quad Particle Array 8 S 3 Twin-Linked

Quad Particle Array 8 A 3 Twin-Linked

Shaath Turessa, Defiant Ship-Mother,The galaxy is falling into darkness, the armies of light and order flailing against the tide, yet they fighton. Turessa is at the forefront o f this defiance ensuring her ships and crews are the best theMatriarchy can field. Turessa is available for Abbai fleets from 2256 onwards and has the followingabilities: Inspired Command - So long as Turessa’s ship is on the table and not crippled or reducedto a Skeleton Crew, the fleet gains an extra +3 bonus to its Initiative rolls. This bonus is cumulativeand may be added to the bonus granted by ships with the Command Trait if Turessa is placed onthat ship, Meticulous Planner, Operational Control,

When placed in a ship, Turessa raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral and obey all otherrules for Admirals. She also has the Unique Trait.

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Brakiri Syndicracy

The descent towards all out war has been good for the various companies of the Krona for theyhave supplied weapons and other necessities to many and varied clients. The Drazi, Narn, PsiCorps and others have all spent fortunes enriching the Brakiri. They have not neglected theirown weapons or warfare in these times, especially with rival corporations Executive Actiondivisions being prepared to slit their competitors throats. The powerful Brivoki Class is theflagship of several large corporate fleets and the Brakiri look forward to enriching themselvesmore as the war continues – Chaos is, it seems, good for business.

The Brakiri Syndicracy Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Brakiri Syndicracy.

Priority Level: PatrolFalkosi Wing (6 flights) Pikatos Wing (5 flights) Riva Wing (3 flights)

Priority Level: SkirmishBrikorta Class Light Carrier Ikorta Class Light Assault cruiser Shakara Class Scout cruiser

Priority Level: RaidBatrado Class Armed Transport Brokados Class Battle Carrier Halik Class FrigateHaltona Class Frigate Iltarin Electronic Warfare Ship

Priority Level: BattleAvioki Class Heavy Cruiser Ekalta Class Heavy Cruiser Kabrokta Class Assault CruiserKaliva Class Lance Cruiser Sukario Class Mining Ship

Priority Level: WarCidikar Class Heavy Carrier Corumai Class Dreadnought Takata Class Mine CruiserTashkat Class Advanced Cruiser

Priority Level: ArmageddonBrivoki Class Advanced Warship

Admiral: Kirix Lar Tuleth

Iltarin Electronic Warfare Ship (Halik Variant) RaidThe Iltarin was built by the special projects division of the Im-Resha corporation to spy on their rivals and when requireddisrupt their communications. The redoubtable Halik hull was fitted with the most advanced electronic suite that theBrakiri had available, but this very sophistication makes it considerably more vulnerable. The Iltasin has been refitted withpowerful engines and thrusters and is manoeuvrable enough to fly right into an enemy fleet formation, disrupting it with itsarrays of Comms Disruptors and Gravitic Shifters.

Speed: 10 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 4 Damage: 24/6Crew: 28/8 Troops: 2 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Agile, Anti-Fighter 2, Jump Engine, Scout, Stealth 4+,In Service: 2262+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Comms Disruptor 15 F 2 Super AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 F 4 AP

Graviton Shifter 10 F - Gravitic Shifter

Graviton Pulsar 12 P 4 AP

Graviton Shifter 10 P - Gravitic Shifter

Graviton Pulsar 12 S 4 AP

Graviton Shifter 10 S - Gravitic Shifter

Graviton Pulsar 12 A 4 AP

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Ekalta class Heavy Cruiser (Avioki variant) BattleThe Ekalta class Battlecruiser was designed as a replacement of the iconic Avioki design. Sporting advanced gravityweapons the Ekalta is the first Brakiri ship to use Im-Resha designed shields, the latter inspired by Abbai technology.However increased power demands of the new weapons and shields have meant little room to spare for other systemsand even an amount of armour has had to be removed to make room for power systems.

Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 6 Damage: 48/8Crew: 50/8 Troops: 4 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shields 8/2 In Service: 2264+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Advanced Graviton Beam 18 F 4 Beam, Slow-Loading, Triple damage

Heavy Graviton Pulsar 16 F 6 Super AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 P 8 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 S 8 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 A 8 AP

Sukario Class Mining Ship (Avioki Variant) BattleIn times of peace, the Sukario is a formidable mining machine, specialising in exploiting asteroid fields with its ability toshift and manoeuvre asteroids and slice them with is cutting beam. The owning corporations also use these huge shipsas repair and recovery vessels – often utilising the minerals and metals they have recovered from their mining activities.In times of war, they are often allocated as fleet support vessels and find themselves involved in battles, luckily they areheavily built and frequently survive with little more than scars and minor damage.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 6 Damage: 64 / 10Crew: 68/10 Troops: 1 Craft: 1 Falkosi flight,Special Rules: Fleet Auxiliary, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine, Lumbering, In Service: 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Laser Cannon 20 B (f) 2 Beam,

Heavy Graviton Shifter 12 F - Gravitic Shifter

Graviton Pulsar 12 F 6 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 P 6 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 S 6 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 A 6 AP

If a Sukario takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, the owning player gains 6 RR for each asteroidfield in play.

Kirix Lar Tuleth, Executive Oficer, Special Projects Division,Kirix is descended from the some of the most successful, devious and unscrupulous Brakirimerchants in their history. He is prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure he continues thatlegacy, increase profits and retain his place in the corporation. Kirix is available for BrakiriSyndicracy fleets from 2250 onwards and has the following abilities: Master of Deception,Operational Control, War is my Business - Kirix uses his ship to conduct various deals withshady characters, add a bonus 1d6 RR points every turn in a campaign. When placed in a ship,Kirix raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral and obey all otherrules for Admirals. He also has the Unique Trait.

“Wealth is not only what we have, but what we are!”

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Drazi FreeholdIt almost seems that the Shadows should have a soft spot for the Drazi for they embody much of their philosophy in life –conflict breeds strength – the weak fall away to leave the strong and capable in power. The Shadows have not touchedthem directly as yet – or if they did – it is so far back in their history as not to be remembered – and why should they?They seem to be serving their aims so well in the current period of strife – fighting both the Centauri and Narn in greatsweeping battles that are tearing apart a good portion of the known galaxy and drawing other races into the maelstrom.They may succeed or fail but they will fight all the way to the end.Recent events have changed this, as Earth began its transformation through Shadow technology, the Drazi discoveredtwo badly damaged Shadow vessels in their own territory – apparently dormant and unable to contact their own kind.Concerned with the advances that others were making, the Drazi attempted to adapt the remnants to several of their ships– the result is the Dusk Hawk - a wondrous creation, but something that the Drazi have, at present, no way of replicating.

Note: The Sleekbird class Assault Cruiser carries a flight of Star Snake fighters instead of Breeching Pods.

Priority Level: PatrolClaweagle Class Assault Frigate (2 ships) Eyehawk Class Scout Cruiser PreyhawkSky Serpent Wing (3 flights) Sleekbird Class Assault Cruiser Star Snake Wing (6 flights)Sunhawk Battlecruiser

Priority Level: SkirmishDarkhawk Missile Cruiser Darkhawk Class Torpedo Cruiser Guardhawk Battle EscortJumphawk Command Cruiser Solarhawk Battlecruiser Strikehawk Battle CarrierWarbird Cruiser

Priority Level: RaidBlackhawk Class Strike Cruiser Dusk Hawk Prototype Firehawk Advanced Cruiser

Priority Level: BattleNightfalcon Battle Carrier Raptor Class Fleet Gatherer Stormfalcon Heavy Cruiser

Priority Level: WarThe Dusk Falcon

Blackhawk Class Strike Cruiser (Firehawk Variant) RaidDesperate times require desperate measures and the Blackhawk was one of them. The ship was designed to Jump intoan area, attack a priority target and overwhelm it with firepower before retreating. To this end the ship was designed with aJump Engine and relatively long-range weapons, including two Narn supplied Ion Torpedo Launchers and flights of StarSnakes to act as close escorts. When the ranges close, a variety of Particle weapon arrays add to the firestorm, hopefullyknocking out the target. Ironically as the war went on the Narn would find this ship as often used against them as theCentauri.

Speed: 12 Turns: 2/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 28/8Crew: 32/10 Troops: 1 Craft: 2 Star Snake flights,Special Rules: Agile, Dodge 5+, Jump Engine,In Service: 2264+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Particle Cannon 15 B (f) 4 Beam

Heavy Particle Repeater 12 B (f) 8 Double Damage, Twin Linked

Ion Torpedo 20 F 2 Precise, Super AP

Particle Repeater 12 F 6 Twin-Linked

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Darkhawk Class Torpedo Cruiser (Sunhawk Variant) SkirmishPrior to the start of the Narn-Centauri War, the Narn supplied Ion torpedo launchers to the Drazi as part of secretagreements that would bring them into the war on the side of the Narn. The Drazi used them to upgrade some of theirDarkhawk Missile Cruiser, renaming them as Torpedo Cruisers. As the war descended into a three-way fight, the Narnstopped shipping Ion Torpedo’s and the surviving cruisers were refitted to their original design.

Speed: 12 Turn: 2/45o

Hull: 4 Damage: 12/3Crew: 14/4 Troops: 3 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Agile, Atmospheric, Dodge 5+ In Service: 2250 - 2264

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Particle Cutter 12 B (f) 2 Beam

Ion Torpedo 20 F 3 Precise, Super AP

Dusk Hawk Prototype RaidIn 2247 two shattered Shadow ships were discovered by a Drazi patrol on a rogue moon passing through their territory,although their true significance and heritage was not revealed until years later.Experiments and adaptations proved partially successful- even though much of theancient vessel was beyond either understanding or recovery - and the first prototypewas ready in time for the battle for Babylon 5 in 2264. Unfortunately, although it wasa powerful vessel, it fell to EA guns relatively quickly – much to the disappointment ofthe Freehold.Speed: 12 Turns: 2/90 Hull: 5 Damage: 24 / 5Crew: 30 /10 Troops: 1 Craft: none,Special Rules: Agile, Dodge 4+, Jump Engine, Shields 3/1, Unique,In Service: 2264 only

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Phasing Molecular Repeater Cannon 12 F 8 Accurate, AP, Double Damage,

Whilst not skeleton crewed or otherwise prevented from attempting special orders, the Dusk Hawk prototype MUST begiven the All Power to Engines! OR attempt the Concentrate All Fire-power OR Initiate Jump Point Special Action eachturn and may not be given any other Special Actions.

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The Dusk Falcon WarFollowing the destruction of the first prototype at the battle for Babylon 5, Draziscientists immediately looked to improve upon the design. Evidence from the shipsdata logger, recovered after the event, showed that the craft was "impulsive" and thatthe shadow personality was overriding crew controls. Rather than see this as aweakness, the design team allowed the new vessel more freedom and she has proveda revelation in space trials thus far. This new ship was then sent out with the finestcrew that the Drazi could muster as they prepared to strike back at the Narn and theCentauri.

Speed: 10 Turns: 2/90 Hull: 5 Damage: 48 / 8Crew: 60 /16 Troops: 4 Craft: 2 Star Snake flights,Special Rules: Agile, Dodge 6+, Elite Crew (6), Jump Engine, Shields 6/2,Stealth 4+, Unique In Service: 2266+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Particle Cannon 18 B (f) 4 Beam, Triple Damage,

Phasing Molecular Repeater Cannon 12 F 12 Accurate, AP, Double Damage,

Heavy Particle Blaster 8 F 8 Double Damage

Her crew guides the Dusk Falcon (no more than this), for she revels in speed and sheer firepower, delighting in the deathof those who oppose her. Each turn, if not skeleton crewed or otherwise prevented from attempting special orders, she isautomatically given the Concentrate All Firepower! special action (she automatically succeeds). A CQ test of 10 must bemade to give her a different Special Action instead.

“Path of Destruction”

“Slow, so very weak and slow, how did they live like this?” she pondered feeling the humanoids moveabout her new body. Little reptile men, full of fire and anger – that she could appreciate and absorb,enjoying the palpable emanations of anger and aggression. The entire ship quivered slightly as shesavoured their emotions, causing fear and raised tension across the huge vessel much to heramusement.This new body was like its builders, crude and inflexible, but it would serve and was at least betterthan the cold lonely exile of before. She did not like to think of that time, the aftermath of theencounter with the bright destroyers, enemies of her creators…………the pain and fear she felt asshe was forced to flee the battle and her dying brethren. She remembered the pursuit and thenturning at bay finding a previous victim crushed against the soothing cold of a planetoid. Hurt again,her children killed, but she made them pay for it, slicing and cleaving their bright, bright ships, oh theydid pay………. But then bleeding and broken, she could go no further and fell at last beside the oldbody of a long lost brother, calling for help that would never come………She slept, seeking oblivion from the cutting pain of her shattered body, from the loss of the new onewho had joined her existence…………its soft body decaying and fading even as hersremained…………sadness and loss filling her again…………….Then the little reptile men had come, at first she had thought them to be the skulking Drakh andsulked, refusing to accept their help and attempts at restoration – where were her belovedcreators………Yet she came to understand the difference and that in their own, small brief way, thesehumanoids were warriors and sought the same path of destruction. She choose to allow them tomeld her to their crude metal, seeking at least a echo of her previous strength…….And now she had to admit, she was enjoying herself as she slowly caressed the hull of her target withher senses, her presence hidden from the prey. Unable to wait any longer, she screamed inexultation as she launched herself at the large crescent shaped ship. Its purple and gold brightnessfalling into shadow as she crossed in front of the system star and descended upon it, carving andgouging with her talons and teeth of purple fire…………….

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Preyhawk (Sunhawk Variant) PatrolShortages on the front line often meant that when the Drazi captured or salvaged an enemy vessel, its weapons werestripped to provide replacement weapons for damaged Sunhawks. This has led to the designation of the Preyhawk classcruiser. These ships suffer from a unusually high attrition rate because of its special weapons layout, which often seemto attract enemy ships and fighters like hornets, especially from the Centauri who regard it as a affront to have their ownweapons used against them.The Preyhawk has a standard Sunhawk profile but replaces its weapons with one of the following choices:

Centauri Front ISD 2262+

Matter Cannon 15 B (f) 4 AP, Double Damage

Ion Cannon 6 F 4 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

EA Front ISD 2264+

Phasing Pulse Cannon 12 B (f) 8 AP, Double Damage,

Narn Front ISD 2264+

Light Pulse Cannon 8 B (f) 6

Energy Mine 30 F 2 Energy Mine, One-Shot, Triple Damage

Raptor Class Fleet Gatherer BattleEveryone recognises Drazi ships, sleek and deadly war machines with enough agility toget the required weapons lock. However the Raptor is relatively slow, large, bulky andseldom seen. Filled with necessary supplies, engineers and spare parts, the ability tosupport a fleet in the field has earned it a vital place in the Drazi war machine.

Speed: 8 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 6Damage: 52 / 12 Crew: 68/14 Troops: 6Craft: 4 Star Snake flights,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Fleet Auxiliary, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Shuttles 2,In Service: 2220+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Missile Rack 30 F 6 Precise, Slow-loading, Super AP

Superheavy Particle Blaster Battery 16 F 12 Double Damage, Twin-Linked

Particle Blaster 8 F 8 Twin-Linked

Particle Blaster 8 P 8 Twin-Linked

Particle Blaster 8 S 8 Twin-Linked

Each Raptor that takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle generates 12RR, which can be used forrepairs only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

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Gaim Intelligence

In the years following the Earth Minbari war, The Gaim Intelligence was increasing active, as ifgalvanised by the appearance of the Shadows. Several of the High Queens have taken theunprecedented step of leaving the homeworld, their gigantic hive-ships soaring through hyperspacetowards unknown destinations beyond known space. Some claim that they have seen the death ofthe remaining races and seek to escape its end. Others speculate that other Gaim worlds are out inthe darkness and the Queens exodus is part of a great galactic mating dance to ensure the diversityof the species.

Murunka Repair Ship (Shrunnka Variant) RaidAs the Gaim Intelligence stretches its mind towards the stars and the opportunities to enrich the Hive their powerful newwarships are maintained and serviced by Murunka repair ships full of dedicated workers. These ships have lessadvanced technology than the front line warships and are bedecked in primitive plasma projectors to deal with any enemythat attempts to interrupt their work.

Speed: 6 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 38 / 7Crew: 50/10 Troops: 6 Craft: 4 Klikkita Flights,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 4, Carrier 2, Fleet Auxiliary, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Shuttles 2,In Service: 2248+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Gatling Laser 10 F 4 Beam,

Photon Bomb 20 F 2 AP, Energy Mine, Slow Loading,

Plasma Projectors 8 T 8 AP

If an Muranka takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, it generates 6RR, which can be used forrepairs only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

Erratic Vi’duis, Ambasador Breed,Vi’duis is an erratic, which means although his devotion to the Queen is unquestioned, he hasconsiderably more free will than most. He has travelled and mixed with many races, ingesting tactics andmethodology as he moved about the galaxy. Now he has returned to the Intelligence to use hisknowledge in battle as the High Queens prepare for their exodus – none shall dare to obstruct them.Vi’duis is available for Gaim Intelligence fleets from 2252 onwards and has the following abilities:Analytical Mastermind, Command the Drones: Vi’duis may, for a short period of time, command theobedience of the drones aboard his ship, even in the absence of a Queen. If the fleet loses all its

Queens, this ship will not have its Crew Quality reduced nor will the fleet’s Initiative be reduced. Protect the Queen – Likeall Gaim, Vi’duis will have no hesitation in sacrificing himself for his Queen. – If a Queen ship is attacked and his ship iswithin 4” and within range of the enemy attacking, Vi’duis can force the enemy to attack his ship instead – this is donebefore any dice are rolled. When placed in a ship, Vi’duis raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as anAdmiral and obey all other rules for Admirals. He also has the Unique Trait and may be placed on the following ships:Sataaka, Skunnka, Stuteeka. He ignores the normal requirement for placement on the highest Priority ship.

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Where the Brakiri have profited nicely from the strife in the galaxy, it has only meant more trouble for the pak’ma’ra as theseemingly ever increasingly numbers of Raiders sought to steal the highly prized Quantium-40. One especially large andambitious group even attempted to assault Melat but was repulsed by the formidable system defences. The governmentthat supplied the raiders group with their ships and resources is likely to been less than impressed with the results……..

Dur’shi Explorer (Avioki Variant) RaidThe pak’ma’ra can be found across the galaxy and travel there in various ways, including their own unique equivalent ofthe Earth Explorer vessels. Having purchased massive, and most importantly jump capable Batrado transports, theytransformed them in their own indomitable fashion and set off to discover the places that others would not bother toinvestigate.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 5 Damage: 64 / 10Crew: 68/10 Troops: 1Craft: 1 Porfatis Flight,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering, Scout, Shuttle 1,In Service: 2240+

.Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Plasma Torpedo 25 F 2 AP, Slow-Loading, Triple Damage

Plasma Cannon 10 F 4 AP

Plasma Cannon 10 P 6 AP

Plasma Cannon 10 S 6 AP

Resh’Kas’u Carrier RaidThe turmoil of the galaxy resulted in more and more raider groups, many seeing the pak’ma’ra as their natural prey.Although the attack on Melat was repulsed, convoys were still the subjects of repeated attacks. The Resh’Kas’U classcarrier was purposely designed and constructed by the pak’ma’ra to carry and tender the Porfatis whilst accompanyingconvoys. Whilst the Resh’Kas’U has an extensive defensive array which protects it from enemy fighters, its armament isnot the heaviest and it can be suffer badly from attacks by enemy capital ships. Thesubstantial compliment of the formidable Porfatis Defense Boats can swing the outcome ofa battle and have saved many lives.

Speed: 6 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 5 Damage: 35/5Crew: 40/6 Troops: 1Craft: 6 Porfatis Flights,Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 5, Carrier 2, Fleet Carrier, Jump Engine, Lumbering.In Service: 2256+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Plasma Cannon 15 F 2 AP, Double Damage

Plasma Cannon 10 P 6 AP

Plasma Cannon 10 S 6 AP

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."- W.B. Prescott

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Thar’not’ak Plasma Cruiser BattleAs more and more of the League concentrated on building up their own fleets, the pak’ma’ra saw the need to be able tobuild their own heavy warships should they not be able to purchase them. Hence to fill the roll of the Gunship, theThar’not’ak was developed. It has a solid hull and is well armoured with enough solid plasma weapons to repulse intrudersinto pak’ma’ra space. The plasma torpedo is an extremely potent weapon and blastsfrom it can literally destroy smaller ships with one shot, it is also extremely good atcrippling large capital ships.

Speed: 6Turn: 1/45


Hull: 6Damage: 46/6Crew: 54/8Troops: 2Craft: none,Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 4, Jump Engine, Lumbering.In Service: 2259+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Plasma Torpedoes 25 F 8 AP, Slow Loading, Triple Damage

Heavy Plasma Cannon 15 F 8 AP, Double Damage

Plasma Cannon 10 F 10 AP

Plasma Cannon 10 P 8 AP

Plasma Cannon 10 S 8 AP

Heavy Plasma Cannon 15 A 4 AP, Double Damage

Plasma Cannon 10 A 4 AP

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The Vree Conglomerate

In June of 2254, the Earth Alliance surprised the galaxy again when they invaded Vree space, the resolute resistance thatthe enigmatic Vree put up was quickly swept aside by a new generation of warships and their determined captains. Themajority of the powerful Guilds were crushed with only a lucky few with a substantial presence outside their home spacesurviving.

Note: All Vree fleets may not be used after 2254, but can still form part of League fleets or act as Allies to other fleets afterthis date as normal, representing surviving Guilds. The Xaak and Ximm have an ISD of 2250, the Z’Takk was neverdeveloped.

Extraction BeamsThe Vree are able to abduct individuals or even small groups by using extraction beams – these are not designed for usein combat but on occasion they have been used in battle and have proved suprisingly effective. Extraction Beams mayonly be used against ships or stations with the Immobile trait, that are Running Adrift or have not moved during the turn inwhich the Extraction Beam is used. These weapons do not inflict damage or critical hits, but cause crew loss as normal.Extraction Beams do not affect the Shadows, Vorlons or the Ancients in any way and do not affect ships with operatingShields or GEGs. Any Vree ship may exchange its Antimatter Cannon for Extraction Beams (these can also be revertedback to Antimatter Cannons in Campaigns for free in the Repairs and Reinforcements phase of the campaign turn).

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Extraction Beam 12 T Equal to the AD of the Antimatter Cannons removed Mini-Beam, Precise

The Vree Conglomerate Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Vree Conglomerate.

Priority Level: PatrolTzymm Wing (3 flights) Xaar Class Patrol Boat Ximm Class Close Escort (ISD 2250+)Zorth Wing (3 flights)

Priority Level: SkirmishVaarka Class Escort Scout Vaarl Class Scout Saucer Xeel Class War CarrierXirr Class Bombardment Saucer Xixx Class Torpedo Saucer Xorr Class War Saucer

Priority Level: RaidXaa’l class Support and Examination Ship Xill Class Battle Saucer

Priority Level: BattleXaak Command Saucer (ISD 2250+) Xonn Class Dreadnought

"Dancing is silent poetry."- Simonides (556-468bc)

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Xaa’l Class Support and Examination Ship (Xill Variant) RaidThe Vree are old and powerful, and have many methods of expanding and retaining their knowledge. The Xaa’l wasunknown to the other races before the Dilgar war and necessity brought them to the front line to help ensure the Vreeships were able to continue the fight. A mixture of research vessel and engineering ship, the Xaa’l is able to use theimpressive technology at the disposal of the Vree to repair and rebuild their fleet in times of war. In times of peace it isseldom seen as it conducts research on worlds far from the prying eyes of the galactic powers.

Speed: 6 Turns: 1/90 Hull: 5 Damage: 34 / 9Crew: 40/10 Troops: 2 Craft: none,Special Rules: Anti-fighter 8, Fleet Auxiliary, Jump Engine, In Service: 2220+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Antimatter Torpedo 15 T 6 AP, Double Damage, Precise,

Antimatter Cannon 15 T 4 Double Damage, SAP,

Extraction Beam 12 T 4 Mini-Beam, Precise

Xon,A surviving member of the Explorers and Adventurers Guild, Xon is a clever and resourceful shipscaptain, although he was previously more interested in gaining interesting and amusing samples ofprimitive races. Xon is available for Vree fleets from 2250 onwards and has the following abilities:Analytical Mastermind, Legendary Tactician, Powerful Telepath – A ship commanded by Xon gainsthe Psychic Crew 4 trait, which replaces any previous rating. Skilled Abductor – Xon is adept atstealthily spiriting away key personnel or agents of his opponents. You gain +2 bonus to your initiativein campaign turns. When placed in a ship, Xon raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same wayas an Admiral and obey all other rules for Admirals. He also has the Unique Trait. He may be placed in

the following ships: Vaarl, Vaarka, Xaak, Xaa’l

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RaidersIt is a time of increasing opportunity for the growing bands of raiders – whilst some are little more than vicious pirates –others are part of vast criminal organisations – and some are privateers or renegades acting on behalf of variousgovernments such as the Centauri, Narn and Earth.

Blockade Runner RaidThere are many reasons for ships to take the risk of running blockades – ranging from drug smuggling, slave tradingthrough to humanitarian efforts and inserting spies. The ships that undertake this dangerous work range vastly inappearance but are almost always built for speed and agility. Most carry substantial point defences and reinforced hull andarmour

Speed: 10 Turn: 2 / 45 Hull: 5 Damage: 28/6 Crew: 32/8Troops: 1 Craft: noneSpecial Rules: Afterburner, Agile, Anti-fighter 2, Atmospheric, Dodge 5+, Interceptors 1, Jump Engine,In Service: 2190+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Matter Cannon 8 F 4 AP, Double Damage

Twin Particle Array Turret 8 T 6 Twin Linked, Weak

Omega Destroyer BattleThe Omega heavy destroyer was to be the premier warship of EarthForce, its design created as the Earth/Minbari warraged on. The Psi Corps obtained the plans when the design was cancelled in favour of the Warlock and paid the Brakirito build it to their specifications. Whilst intended only for the rebel fleet, several cheaper versions have subsequentlybeen sold by creative Brakiri executives. The Omega has a heavy weapons load and a rotating ship segment thatgenerates artificial gravity and it serves perfectly as a command ship for thegovernment sponsored but deniable raiders operating on behalf of the Narn, Centauriand others.

Speed: 5 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 6Damage: 48/10 Crew: 62/14 Troops: 6Craft: 2 Delta-V flights,Special Rules: Anti-Fighter 6, Command +1, Interceptors 2, Jump Engine, Lumbering,In Service: 2264+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Medium Laser Cannon 20 B (f) 6 Beam, Double Damage

Heavy Plasma Cannon 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage

Graviton Pulsar 12 F 6 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 P 14 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 S 14 AP

Graviton Pulsar 12 A 6 AP

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Scavenged Ship Skirmish

The raiders are often forced to cannibalise and jury rig various salvaged vessels to make one working ship able totraverse space, hit the target and return home. These ships often contain parts from various races including Centauri,Narn, EA and Drazi – all of whom have left hundreds of shattered vessels across the galaxy. Their appearance canconfuse defending warships long enough to slip past to their true target in the midst of a swirling melee.

Speed: 5 Turn: 1/45o

Hull: 4 Damage: 20/5 Crew: 22/6Troops: 1 Craft: none Special Rules: none,In Service: 2190+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Light Pulsar 8 F 8

Light Pulsar 8 P 6

Light Pulsar 8 S 6

You may choose any three of the following (but you may only select each choice once) customisations to represent thework of the salvage crews.

Customisation BenefitReinforced bulkheads and additional crew quarters +8/0 Damage, +8/0 Crew.Heavy armour plating +1 Hull.Powerful manoeuvring thrusters (*) Agile, Dodge 5+Interceptor Network Interceptors 2.Point Defence System Anti-Fighter 2, Escort.Weapons upgrade and enhanced targeting Light Pulsars gain Twin-Linked.Missile battery Missile Racks 20" 3AD Front, Super AP, Precise, Slow-Loading.Combat Laser mount Laser Cannon 18" 1AD Boresight, Beam, Double Damage.Salvaged railgun battery Railgun 12" 2AD Front/Aft, AP, Double Damage.Refurbished Plasma weapons Plasma Cannon 8" 3AD Front, 2AD Port/Starboard, AP.Hanger Bay Auxiliary Craft: 2 Delta-V Fighters.Enhanced Bridge and Communication system Command +1.Engine refit (*) Speed 9, Turns 2/45, Dodge 6+.Assault ship Atmospheric, Troops 4, Shuttles 2

(*) If both Engine refit and Powerful manoeuvring thrusters are chosen, the ships dodge remains at 5+.

Lady Aria, Avenging AngelAs the war between the Narn and the Centauri rages on, a seemingly almost eternal struggle, manyhave lost friends, family and their homes. Lady Aria has lost all these and more when the Narnstruck at the valuable resources of her home world of Beta 3. She was celebrating her birthdayaboard her father’s warship when the first salvo of energy mines struck the ship. The battle wasshort and brutal, both in space and when the Narn boarded the Primus itself. Guests, bodyguardsand her family died around her, yet she survived and more, outrage and anger overcame her fearand she picked up a gun and killed the Narn boarders with it. She has never put it down again andstill seeks vengeance on the Narn for her loss. Accompanied by several retainers, she has used theremnants of her families fortune to build a small fleet of ships, most crewed by non-Centauri who donot resent a woman being in command.

Lady Aria is available for Raider fleets from 2263 onwards and has the following abilities:Inspirational Leader, Lucky, Resources – As the surviving member of her House, Lady Aria had access to massiveresources, although these have been substantially reduced as the House now has a male guardian in her absence. Whenselecting a fleet, you may also select the following Centauri ships: Corvan, Haven, Kutai, Maximus System Defender,Razik Wing, Vorchan.When placed in a ship, Lady Aria raises its Priority level by one in exactly the same way as an Admiral and has the UniqueTrait. She must be placed in one of the following Centauri ships - Corvan, Maximus System Defender, Vorchan and is anexception to the rule that an Admiral must be placed in the highest priority ship or one with the Command trait. She maynot be moved to a non-Centauri ship.

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The Drakh

The Drakh are a shattered race, their Unity is gone – slashed and burned at thehands of their ancient enemy – the Vorlons. The remnants of their race have fledinto the darkness, forced to hide with inferior races and renegades as they attemptto survive. Some amongst them are bitter that the humans seem to have taken theirplace as favoured of the Shadows, whilst others continue to try and serve theirancient masters as best they can. House Hessius of the Centauri has given many“sanctuary” but is unaware of their true heritage or the threat that their presencemay bring upon them from the Vorlons. Others found refuge with the Narn beforetheir work was erased along with their existence.

Notes: ISD, the Drakh are thousands of years old and don’t have an ISD, with the exceptions noted below. The AmuMothership and Ma’cu Carrier are modified as follows: remove all the Breaching Pods from both and 12 Troops from theAmu and replace them with the following Shadowtech weapons:

Shadow Soldier Projectiles: The Drakh have access to wondrous technologies from their ancient patrons – theShadows. In this case dark soldiers are kept within pods, partly to protect the Drakh themselves and fired into enemyships to wreak havoc. Shadow Soldier Projectiles may only be used against ships or stations with the Immobile trait or thatare Running Adrift, or have not moved during the turn in which the Shadow Soldier Projectile is used. These weapons areimmune to Interceptors and will ignore Shields and Gravitic Energy Grids. Shadow Soldier Projectiles do not affect theDaughter of Darkness, Shadows, Vorlons or the Ancients in any way. For each hit inflicted roll on the following table forthe damage rather than the normal Attack Table

D6 Assault Damage Crew Effect1-2 Brutal Onslaught -0 -2 - .. .3-4 Running Slaughter -0 -3 -1 Troops,5 Rampage -1 -3 -1 Troops, .6 Bloody Massacre -1 -4 -2 Troops, No Damage Control permitted this turn

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Amu Mothership - Shadow Soldier Projectiles 12 F 4 Double Damage, Slow Loading, Super AP,

Ma’cu Carrier - Shadow Soldier Projectiles 12 F 3 Double Damage, One Shot, Super AP

The Vorlons and Minbari shattered the Drakh Unity in 2265, after this date they may no longer field the Amu Mothership orthe Temple ship.

The Drakh Fleet ListThe following forms the entire fleet list for the Drakh.

Priority Level: PatrolKama’re Scout

Priority Level: SkirmishAtas’dara Stealth Shuttle Kama’re Sas Patrol Cruiser Ria’stor Heavy RaiderSa’ria’stor Light Raider Shal’da Shield Ship (*)

Priority Level: RaidRia’stor Gris Fast Destroyer Sa’dravash Light Cruiser Tus’da Heavy Scout (*)

Priority Level: BattleLa’cu Production Ship Ma’cu Carrier Ria’vash Strike CruiserTemple Ship (until 2265) (*)

Priority Level: WarDra’vash Cruiser

Priority Level: ArmageddonAmu Mothership (until 2265)

(*) Taken from the Juyaie! Source book – Ship Stats reproduced here with permission.

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Atas’dara Stealth Shuttle SkirmishThe Atas’dara is a triumph of Drakh engineering, able to insert either an emissary of darkness into the ranks of theirenemies or deposit a dangerous and powerful horde of shock troopers onto an unsuspecting planet. Its technologyenables it to pass unseen, matching that of their Minbari rivals, and it later proved vital in the terrible months following theshattering of the Unity, allowing many Drakh refuges to make their way to safety.

Speed: 10 Turns: 1/45 o

Hull: 5 Damage: 20/5 Crew: 22/6Troops: 4 Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Atmospheric, Flight Computer, Gravitic Energy Grid 1, Stealth 5+,

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Pulse Cannon Battery 10 F 4 AP, Twin-Linked

Pulse Cannon 10 P 2 AP,

Pulse Cannon 10 S 2 AP,

La’cu Production Ship (Carrier Variant) BattleThe great fleets of the Drakh are produced and maintained beyond the reach of the younger races, safe in the depths ofspace and moving from location to location with the rest of the Unity. The La’cu ships are able to form and adapt the shipsof the Drakh fleet, as well as repairing the glistening hulls and increasing the regenerative process through its many banksof bio-reactors.

Speed: 4 Turns: 1/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 48 / 9Crew: 48/8 Troops: 4 Craft: none,Special Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Fleet Auxiliary, Flight Computer, Gravitic Energy Grid 4, Huge Hangers 2,Lumbering, Shuttles 2,

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Pulse Cannon Battery 10 F 10 AP, Twin-Linked

Pulse Cannon Battery 10 P 8 AP, Twin-Linked

Pulse Cannon Battery 10 S 8 AP, Twin-Linked

Pulse Cannon Battery 10 A 6 AP, Twin-Linked

If an La’cu takes part in a battle and is still in play at the end of the battle, it generates 12RR, which can be used forrepairs only; any unspent RR following the repair phase is lost.

Shal’da Shield Ship (Light Raider Variant) SkirmishThe role of the shield ship is to protect the larger ships of the fleet from incoming fire. The crew of these ships arespecially chosen as they must be willing to die for the Unity. The shield ship itself is a stripped down light raider, fitted witha heavier Gravitic energy grid than would usually be found on such ships. Carrying no weapons, the shield ship may carryout the special order listed below.

Speed: 14 Turns: 2/90 Hull: 4 Damage:: 17/4Crew: 17/3 Troops: 0, Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Agile, Dodge 4+, Flight Computer, GEG 3

Special Action. Manoeuvre to shield: A Drakh shield ship may attempt to put itself in the way of incoming fire directed atanother vessel from one nominated ship. The shield ship must manoeuvre into the firing line, and make a CQ check of 9to be positioned correctly. The Shield ship may not dodge the incoming fire, and takes all fire from the nominated vessel.A shield ship may not dodge at all when performing this special action, but if not shielding may dodge as normal.

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Temple Ship BattleA rare and very important ship in the Drakh fleet. The temple ship is one of the only Drakh ships to show any directconnection with the Shadows. A hybrid between a Light Cruiser and a Shadow Ship, the Temple ships are the spiritualhomes of the Drakh. As well as transporting scriptures, theyalso house Drakh cloning Technology. A Temple ship is not awarship in the true sense but they are extremely tough, and arenever seen without a heavy escort

Speed: 8 Turns: 2/45Hull: 5 Damage: 35/7Crew: 60/10 Troops: 12Craft: NoneSpecial Rules: Advanced Jump Engine, Command +2,Flight Computer, GEG 4, Self-Repair 1D6,In Service: until 2265

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Molecular Slicer 18 F 3 Beam, Precise, Triple Damage

Pulse Cannon 10 F 6 AP,

Pulse Cannon 10 P 6 AP,

Pulse Cannon 10 S 6 AP,

Pulse Cannon 10 A 6 AP,

Special: The troops and crew onboard a Drakh Temple ship are fanatical warriors whose sole duty is to protect thescriptures and cloning tanks. As such, this vessel can never be subjected to the “stand down and prepare to be boarded”special action.

Tus’da Heavy Scout (Heavy Raider Variant) RaidA jump capable scout was one thing the Drakh needed, but seeing the capabilities of their enemy, it soon becameapparent that they needed to match the abilities of the Leshath. The obvious choice for this was to take the existing HeavyRaider and fit it with the requisite systems. The result is a fragile, but very potent scouting vessel.

Speed: 10 Turns: 2/45 Hull: 4 Damage: 18/4 Craft: NoneCrew: 18/3 Troops: 1Special Rules: Advanced Jump engine, Agile, Dodge 5+, Flight Computer, GEG 1, Scout, Stealth 5+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special

Heavy Pulse Cannon Battery 15 F 8 AP, Twin-Linked

Special: the Heavy Scout gains +1 on it’s rolls versus stealth due to advanced Drakh / Shadow technology

“Even sharks need parasites”Ian Pattison

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Death from the Darkness

Throughout 2259 the Minbari and Earth engaged in a series of testing skirmishes, each seeking to ascertain the strengthsand weaknesses of the other. Whilst these encounters never escalated in to total war the battles were real enough forthose fighting them.This scenario recreates one of these short brutal fights with a pair of Delphi Scouts – the EASCossack and the EAS Caprice probing the borders of Minbari space. A reinforced Minbari patrol engages them and drewin the scout’s escorts from hyperspace.

Historical Note: The two Delphi Scouts lured the Minbari into a trap but the Cossack paid for its success, quickly beingdestroyed by the largest Minbari ship, its renowned new stealth system no match for the Leshath’s scouting ability.However in return the Shantavi quickly fell prey to the Exterminator and its accompanying Shadow Star wing. The twoTeshlans’s heavily damaged the Leningrad and although it survived, its regenerative abilities were overloaded and itsweapons shattered, even as the Destiny and Eclipse carved the flanking Tigara into pieces. The battle becameincreasingly desperate, wreckage and bodies drifting in the void. As the conflict concluded the shattered Caprice and thebadly wounded and adrift Destiny were unable to pursue the Vigilance as it slipped away, seemingly held together bynothing more than the Captains will.

Earth Alliance The Minbari2 Delphi Pathfinders (EAS Cossack and EAS Caprice), CQ 4 1 Shantavi, (Enduring Light), CQ 51 Exterminator (EAS Leningrad), CQ5 2 Teshlan Cruisers, (Hearts Desire, Duty) CQ 43 Shadow Stars (EAS Destiny, Eclipse, Spectre) all CQ 4 2 Tigaras, (Concord, Harmony), CQ 4

1 Leshath, (Vigilance), CQ4,

Pre-Battle Preparation: The EAS Cossack and EAS Caprice are placed anywhere in their Deployment Zone and theConcord, Harmony and Vigilance are then placed within 6 “ of each other and within 24 “ of at least one of the two EAScouts. Roll for Initiative as normal, with the losing fleet setting up the rest of their ships first if they are not in hyperspace.Generate stellar debris randomly. Both sides are permitted to keep any or all of their remaining vessels in hyperspace.

Game Length: 12 Turns, or until either side has no ships (excluding fighters) on the table (Stricken, Destroyed andSurrendered ships do not count as viable ships).

Victory and Defeat: This Scenario uses Victory points in order to determine who wins (treat as a Raid level Scenario)

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Into the Lions DenIn 2263 the Narn and Drazi struck at the embodiment of the Centauri will and power, their new Emperor Londo Mollari ashe arrived in the Quadrant 17 system. As the battle was joined it became obvious that the intent of the Narn and Draziwas not merely to slay the leader of their enemy but to capture him!

Unless otherwise noted all Ships have Crew Quality 4

The Narn The Drazi The CentauriBin’Tak Dreadnought, CQ 5 Firehawk, CQ 6 The Lions Lair (counts as Battle PL)G’Quon Cruiser, 2 Darkhawks 2 Liati, both have CQ 5,2 Ka’Toc Destroyers, 2 Claweagles 6 Vorchan,2 T’Loth Assault Cruisers Guardhawk 2 Maximus,Var’Nic Long Range Destroyer 2 Jump Hawks Balvarin Carrier (Sentri fighters),

Space Station (Sentri fighters)

Pre-Battle Preparation: The Lions Lair and Quadrant 17 Space Station are placed as shown below with the 6 Vorchanescorts then placed anywhere within 12” of the Lions Lair. The Narn and Drazi combined fleet is deployed in itsdeployment zone. Roll for Initiative as normal, the remaining Centauri vessels enter from their table edge on Turn 1.

Game Length: 12 Turns or until the Lions Lair is captured –in which case the game ends Immediately. No ship maydisengage.

Victory and Defeat: This Scenario uses Victory points in order to determine who wins (treat as a Battle level Scenario)but if the Narn & Drazi Combined fleets capture the Lions Lair they gain Total Victory regardless of any other factors.

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Eradicate the corruption

The Narn were hard pressed by late 2267, hammered by both the Centauri and the Drazi, whilst foolish orders from abovehad recently aggravated the Earth Alliance. The Drazi had been battered out of the war for now but it was only a matter oftime before they hit back hard. The near apocalyptic events at homeworld had yielded remnants and traces of ancienttechnology that had been spirited away to a secret research facility near Quadrant 24, Zudac. The Vorlon technology hadproven both dangerous and defiant, whilst the Shadow technology had proved equally dangerous and totallyunpredictable. It was only when a cadre of aliens called the Drakh arrived to assist the science team that any realprogress was made. However even as Lyta Alexander helped the Narn recreate their telepaths she discovered the secretproject’s existence and shortly after a Vorlon fleet arrived to eradicate the corruption to prevent the Narn following thehumans in to Darkness.

All ships have Crew Quality 4 unless otherwise noted.

The Narn The Vorlons

Project X324, Light Cruiser, CQ 5G’Lan Class Mag Cruiser, CQ 6 Seeker2 G’Karith Class Patrol Cruisers, both CQ 5 2 Destroyers1 Sho’Kar Light Scout Cruiser 2 Strikers4 Sko’Kos Patrol Cutters 4 flights of Fighters

Pre-Battle Preparation: Place a Jump Gate as shown, the Narn fleet is deployed first with all ships facing the Jump Gate.The Vorlons choose one ship (not fighters) to be placed in each deployment zone as marked on the map. The rest of theVorlon fleet remains in hyperspace and enters from the Surprise entry point on turn 2. The Narn player may not use theirjump engines and must attempt to escape via the Jump Gate, this is considered to belong to the Vorlons as they are overriding its controls. Roll for Initiative as normal. Stellar debris is generated normally. The Narn may not escape via anytable edge and are considered destroyed if they do so.

Game Length: 12 Turns or until all the Narn ships and fighters have either left the table or been destroyed.

Victory and Defeat: This Scenario uses Victory points in order to determine who wins (treat as a Battle level Scenario)with the Attacker gaining Victory points as normal. The defending player earns the usual points for destroying enemy shipsand in addition gains the full Victory Points of every ship that exits via the Jump gate.

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“Sacrifices must be made in order to gain Victory…….it is better that they be made by others”

Alyt Caran, Undying FlameJune 3

rd 2270,

The Minbari realm was besieged by Earth, the Minbari became increasingly desperate, trying to find ways to engage theelusive Earth strike fleets. The new leader of the Warrior Caste decided to sacrifice some of the surviving human rebelsthat had fled to Minbari space following the loss of Babylon 5. Co-ordinates of the "parasites" were leaked to EarthForceintelligence. As the 3

rd Strike Fleet began its attack run on the rebels, the Undying Flame prepared to enact vengeance

on the humans. Shortly before the strike fleet had arrived, the remaining Psi Corps mother ship, Isis and her two escortshad arrived to help retrieve key personnel presently aboard the Succour. The treachery of the Minbari would mean itwould have to fight to survive…………..

Psi Corps (Defender) Earth Alliance (Attacker)Deployed within 6” of the former Minbari facility 3

rd Strike Fleet commanded by Captain Elizabeth Lochley,

Isis, Mothership, CQ 5, EAS Cassandra, Delphi Class Pathfinder, CQ 5,Succour, Kilimanjaro Fleet Tender, CQ 4, EAS Eliminator, Exterminator, CQ 5,Exeter, Olympus Corvette, CQ 6, EAS Destiny, Shadow Star, CQ 6,Scimitar, Damocles, CQ 5, EAS Nights Razor, Shadow Star, CQ 5,Sabre, Damocles, CQ 5, Gold Wing, Dark Fury Wing – 3 Dark Fury flightsFormer Earth Alliance fighter pilots, Silver Wing, Dark Fury Wing – 3 Dark Fury flights- 3 flights of Aurora Starfuries Black Wing, Dark Fury Wing – 3 Shadowbolt flights

Minbari Undying Flame, Veshitan, CQ 5,

Begins in hyperspace and may enter at the start of any turn via jump point as normal – but may not jump point bomb.The Initiative score of the Psi Corps is used, rather than the Minbari one.

Victory Points: (treat as a Raid level scenario), additional Victory Points are earned and lost as follows: Each and everyfighter kill gains the opponent 1VP. If the Mothership survives, add +10 VP to the Psi Corps score, add +10 to the Earthscore if it is destroyed.

Historical Outcome: The Earth Alliance ships attacked swiftly, but the Eliminator was quickly destroyed as the UndyingFlame emerged from hyperspace. Destiny destroyed the Mothership but shortly afterwards found itself alone as its sistership fell victim to the deadly lightning cannon of the Veshitan. The Cassandra managed to hurt the glittering vessel but fellvictim to the hard fighting Sabre – its guns having already sent the Nights Razor helplessly adrift before the targetingarrays of the Minbari cruiser. Only the Destiny managed to escape.

The Rebel player deploys 3dust clouds in or at leastpartially within theirdeployment zone.

The Earth Alliance playermay deploy up to 3 asteroidfields anywhere outside theRebel deployment zone, butthey may not be within 6 “ ofeach other.

Only the Minbari player mayuse hyperspace in this

scenario. Only Earth andMinbari ships may

disengage. The Earth entryedge is considered to belong

to the attacker.

Stars in theNight

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So many stars, so bright and yet so fleeting for, as she watched, they began to fade anddisappear…….

Something was wrong……….

Wait, not stars – ships, large and small, exploding in the cold depths of space, they were ships, shenow realised.

Chloe groaned and sat up, coughing and then spitting blood. Her ship lurched again as it flung itselfout of the way of a beam of green energy wide enough to envelop and vaporise the frantically twistingShadowstar. A pair of fighters flashed past the ship, caught in a moment of mutual destruction on theviewing wall, neither the human or Minbari pilot managing to eject in time.

Looking down she discovered her left arm was encased in the shimmering darkness of the commanddeck, enwrapped in tendrils of biotechnology, repairing her shattered bones and restoring torn skin.Carefully she detached her nearly renewed limb from the healing embrace, feeling the concern andworry of the Daughter of Darkness. Equally carefully, she touched her aching head, feeling theclotted blood in the normally fine black strands of her hair.

A vast Sharlin cruiser appeared in front of the Shadowstar, drifting and burning as a fusillade ofenergy bolts hammered into it from the massive turrets of a Nova Superior cruising alongside thedying warship. It continued to loom as Chloe crawled towards the central command chair from whichshe had been flung when the Jujaca had finally managed to hit the ship that had previously slicedhuge sections from its hull.

Her escort wing had quickly finished the Abbai flagship in a series of devastating precise strikes,covering the wounded ship with their own hulls as they did so. Two still remained, attempting tosafeguard her ship as it spiralled and evaded though the maelstrom of the battle at Epsilon Eridani.

One of them, the Destiny, absorbed a barrage of shots from a squadron of Nial fighters, interposingitself between them and the Daughter of Darkness. Point defence systems lashed out from bothescorts, claiming several craft before the remaining Nials were swept away by a cloud of Swiftfiredrones. Darker than the void itself, their guiding mothership glided past, screaming in exhalation ofthe joy of the swirling melee.

Heaving herself into the chair, Chloe gasped in pain, several wounds reopening, blood seeping ontoand into the glittering blackness of the floor. She melded her mind fully with her ship, feeling itswounds and pain, meshing them with her own as she took control.

Pleasure flooded through her as the ship embraced her mental commands and dived beneath theMinbari cruiser, riding the blast wave as its reactors went critical. Ahead a Vorlon cruiser cored aWarlock with its deadly beam, slicing the vast ship neatly in two, spilling debris and people into thevoid. In revenge, leading the Destiny and Evolution, the Chloe Morden/Daughter of Darkness entityscreamed in a mixture of anger and pleasure as they made their attack run on the now doomedVorlon vessel……………….

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c-8000. A war against the Shadows ends and they return to slumber. The Vorlons visit many species,implanting themwith the idea of worshipping glowing angelic beings of light, a technical breach of the rules ofengagement.1101. The Minbari first begin to travel space and discover the ancient network of Vorlon jump gates.Decades of bitter struggle for dominance of the planet Durana leads to the extermination of the onesentient race, the Xon and the beginnings of the Centauri rise to power.A highly advanced space-faring society flourishes on Ikara 7 but after being invaded repeatedly theybuild 12 organic technology warriors to protect them but are ironically destroyed by them in theirattempts to keep the population pure.The Markab and several other species are tested by the Shadows and their “Soldier's of Darkness”whilst the Minbari and other races “Chosen” by the Vorlons are attacked by the Shadows in what willlater be remembered as a Great War.1251. Several damaged Shadow ships hide in the Earth Solar System (at Mars and Ganymede) tosleep and regenerate.1252. The Shadows occupy a continent on Narn's Southern Hemisphere as a base of operations andare observed there by G'Quon. He writes in his Sacred Book of this "Ancient Race" and their GreatWar. The book includes pictures of Shadow Warriors and Shadow vessels.1253. The Narns start attacking the Shadow base on their world who strike back by killing off all theNarn "mindwalkers" (telepaths).1254. The Great War goes badly for the Minbari as their allies are crushed one by one. Theircommand base is destroyed by the Shadows who proceed to lay siege to Minbar and despite theWarrior Caste’s best efforts the planet is devastated. The Vorlons step in to save their last chosenchildren and the Shadows back off from a final confrontation.1260. The Warrior Caste, despite their failure, grow more powerful and establish a ruling Council,they formalise the Anla'Shok ("Rangers") to fight the Shadows. The Vorlons form a new alliance ofraces against the Shadows and over several years drive the Shadows forces from the majority of theinhabited galaxy, but this is at a heavy cost as many races are lost or self destruct soon after. Overthe centuries the Anla'Shok become an army of spies and watchers, recruiting from various races tokeep an eye out for the return of the Shadows. This “debasement” of their task means they becomepriars to the Minbari Warrior Caste and are forced to forge links with the fragmented Religious Castewhose prophecies had failed to come to pass.1750. A ancient species dies out, first building the Great Machine of Epsilon 3, then leaving Varn asGuardian against their enemies, the Shadows.2018. The first Lunar colony is established at Mare Tranquilitis.2057. 4 July Ares 3 lands on Mars with a multinational crew of 4.2059-2062. The Vorlons secretly achieve success in altering humans to create telepaths.2061 The Lunar Colony is established in the Sea of Tranquillity.2080-2084. The Indonesian Consortium, trying to annex several Pacific Rim nations, allies withPakistan and the UIN (United Islamic Nations). Trouble begins between Pakistan and India, leading toglobal warfare and eventually World War III.2085. The Earth Alliance is established after the ravages of WWIII.2101. Humans return to Mars, setting up small scientific exploration and military bases.2113. The Centauri conquer the Narn.2115. The New England Journal of Medicine, suggests the proof of telepathy.The EA government establishes a Committee on Metasensory Regulation, headed by Senator LeeCrawford, to oversee the Telepath situation.Research by Johns Hopkins verifies the existence of Telepaths, beginning a major panic, and globalslaughter of suspected telepaths.

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2116. Pope Pious XV embraces the Telepaths as “blessed by God”.2117. The EA establishes the Metasensory Regulation Authority to monitor and regulate Telepaths.2148. Interplanetary Expeditions (IPX) establishes their eighth experimental station near SyriaPlanum and discovers remnants of a advanced civilisation. A number of unknown artefacts areremoved to the IPX labs in San Diego.2150. The Centauri begin their long decline from power.San Diego is destroyed by nuclear terrorists acting on “divine” instructions.2152. A telepath in Earth Force Security stops 3 terrorist plots during his career including saving thelife of EA President Elizabeth Robinson who subsequently passes equal opportunity laws. As one ofthe last acts of her presidency she establishes Psi Corps to both protect and regulate their rights.2155. Solis Planum is designated the site for Mars One, the first Martian colony2156. The Centauri contact Earth, claiming that Earth is a lost Centauri Colony. They lease thehumans time on their jump gates although eventually humanity is able to build jump gates of theirown.2157. At the Battle of Nu'Skok, the Centauri lose "the Eye".Earthdome is built in Geneva.2173. The Psi Corps build a secret research facility in Syria Planum to study the alien technologypreviously found there and to search for more.2177. The Mars Colony main dome is destroyed in a sneak attack by Earth Isolationist terroristskilling 487 people.Regula 4 is settled by low-tech separatists.2198. The Centauri sell humanity technology to terraform Mars, melting the Southern Ice Cap.2001. The Orieni-Centauri war begins with an Orieni invasion of the Usuuth CoalitionDisorganised Centauri Counter strikes into Orieni space are shattered with easeA number of Centauri systems to spinward of Homeworld are quickly captured before the disastrousbattle for Tagarhd exposes the complete lack of House-Navy co-operation2002 Throughout the year, more and more Centauri ships and even whole fleets are destroyed by theOrieni. Yet, resistance builds and the Orieni advance is halted towards the end of the year.2003 The Orieni reach the height of their advance, reaching as far as Quadrant 12, Tagarhd andMantukas. Despite loosing the majority of the spinward half of the Republic, the Centauri makeincursions into Orieni space, taking Usundikar and threatening Arkada.2004 The war begins enters a phase of brutal and escalating attrition with hundreds of ships beinglost over the coming months and over extending the Orieni capacity to replace losses.Following the death of the Orieni Admiral Hreki, the Centauri press onwards into Orieni space.2005-8 the increasingly organised Centuari fleet begins to grind down the Orieni defences, shatteringsystems and fleets.2009 Centauri warships enter and bombard the Orien system.2010. The war ends with Centauri victory and the Treaty of Seliffe,2011. The Orieni Empire collapsesThe Narn win their independence from the Centauri after a long war of attrition. They gainaccess to Centauri technology that was left behind and begin to sell weapons to various races to helpfinance their rebuilding efforts.2212. The Narn began to expand outwards and conquer several races, but are driven off by both theBalosians and the Gaim. Both races soon establish themselves as redoubtable Mercenaries and tostop further incursions purchase old war ships from the Centauri and other League races.2225. Several divisions of Balosian soldiers begin service on Centauri colony worlds in exchange formore old warships including several Balvarian class Carriers.2230. Turhan becomes the Centauri Emperor.The Dilgar invade the League of non-aligned sectors, beginning with the Alacans and Balosianswhose militaries are quickly shattered. Numerous League worlds are devastated by the invasionincluding several Abbai colonies and the Brakir homeworld.

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Warmaster Jha'dur is one of the leaders of the invasion and overseers the increasing brutal conquestof several worlds .She wipes out the population of Latig 4 by infecting them with Stafford's Plague.Simultaneously, the Drazi Freehold is invaded but proves too formidable to defeat and the two races

continue to battle hard for the whole of the war, trading worlds back and forth acrossthe border.The Narn continue to expand and the Centauri to decline, neither race help theLeague. The Dilgar engineer a short conflict at Gorash to continue their distraction

Earth Alliance remains initially non-committed, but after several incidents and a pledge to aid theMarkab should they be attacked they are drawn into the shooting war.2231. Jha'dur destroys the planets Tirolus, Comac 4 and Malax. Following two defeats in open battle by the Alliance she sacrifices the newlytransplanted Dilgar population and world of Mitoc – the proposed new Dilgarhomeworld.She returns to the Dilgar homeworld and brutally takes control of the Imperium.The Dilgar, lead by Jha’dur meet the Earth Alliance in three huge battles above Balos, defeatingthem twice but finally succumbing to Admiral Hamato’s fleet.In the confused aftermath of the massive battle, Jha'dur is secretly captured by the Minbari.2232. Earth Alliance finally frees Balos and the remaining besieged League worlds who join toassault Omelos. The Dilgar military are annihilated and the remaining civilians imprisoned in their ownhome system. As the final battle rages, a small fleet of Dilgar sleeper vessels escapes and leavesknown space.2235. Earth begins to expand across the galaxy whilst the Centauri and Narn continue to skirmish.Earth Alliance undertakes a number of Cyber experiments (using captured Dilgar technology) thateventually lead to Project Lazarus and cyber-enhanced troops. Mind-wipes become effective enoughfor use on criminals.The Centauri successfully carry out a Raid on Kotac under command of a young Noble, LondoMollari, who had previously proved himself at Gorash.A supernova wipes out the remaining Dilgar, few mourn their passing.2240. The Narn and the Centauri begin to dispute ownership of Ragesh 3.Londo Mollari represents Centauri interests on Earth, G’Kar represents Narn.2241. Dr Morden marries Cassandra Tyson, a fellow xeno-archaeologist.

An IPX team uncovers a Shadow ship buried under the sands of Syria Planum, aworker touches the ship with his bare hand and dies. A telepath named McDwyertouches the ship and goes insane. A Shadow ship arrives, digs the other ship out,and both leave making no attempt to contact the humans at this time, the ships aretracked by IPX to "Alpha Omega 3”.

2245. Despite warnings from both the Centauri and the Narn, the Earth Alliance sends a first contactmission to the Minbari,EAS Prometheus, EAS Hyperion, EAS Resolute escorting the DSEV Odysseus (an EA ExplorerClass vessel). The Minbari wipe out the emissaries and the Earth Alliance counter strike meets withfire and death, merely serving to further provoke the elder race. The Minbari begin to systematicallywipe out humanity starting with outlying bases and colonies including Nochtal, Regula and Jerico.2246. Planetary Draft begins. During the increasing one sided war, anengagement takes place between the Drala Fi ("Black Star") a Minbari WarCruiser, and six Earth Force vessels, including the EAS Lexington under Capt.Roger Sterns. The Lexington is badly damaged, and Sterns is killed. JohnSheridan, first officer on the Lexington, destroys the Black Star by mining anasteroid field and then transmitting a distress signal.Dr Morden’s pregnant wife is lost in hyperspace during a Minbari attack on the Jericho 3 Colonywhen the ship she is travelling on attempts to escape.

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The League and Centauri decline to aid Earth against the Minbari, the Narn offerweapons at exorbitant prices,Exploratory Ships are sent out into the galaxy to try to find new allies or newtechnologies to help Earth against the Minbari. An IPX probe discovers alien ruinson Alpha Omega 3.Catherine Saki and Lyta Alexander enter Vorlon Space in the Skydancer to try and convince themto intercede in the war.2247. The Icarus departs for the Rim, dropped off in real space by the Explorer vessel DeSoto, itbegins to interact with the IPX probe from a distance. The team wake the Shadows, some of thesurvivors choose to serve including Dr Morden when the Shadows return his wife - his daughter,Chloe, is born shortly afterward.Contact is made between Earth and the Shadows.On a former Earth colony world now being used by the Minbari as a Command and Control post anEA listening post is set up in the ruins of an ancient city. 46 of the 47 soldiers are killed by a awokenShadow Warrior as they try to flee in their ship. The Warrior then hitches a ride on the Copernicus asit investigates the derelict. 2248. The Mars government declares neutrality in the Earth-Minbari Wars as the conflict begins tocome to its climax, The EA Senate votes to suspend food shipments to Mars in retaliation for Martianneutrality in the war. Beginning of the Free Mars Movement.

The Battle of the Line marks the end of the 1st Earth/Minbari War as theShadows appear and devastate the Minbari fleet and Earth Alliance claim victoryto a shocked galaxy.Two months later A Narn probe in force at the edge of Earth Alliance space isbrutally repulsed, following this the Earth Alliance negotiates non-aggressionpacts with both the Centauri and the Narn. IPIX helps found Morden Industries

as a way of exploiting the gifts of the Shadows.The rogue moon Fraxius passes through Drazi space and two shattered and lost Shadow ships arefound by the Freehold.2248 Throughout January-April there are food riots on Mars, Earth Force brutally suppresses the

riots, and impose a provisional government directly accountable to EarthDome.2249. The Warlock begins construction as the Omega Destroyer program is cancelled.First Shadowtech enhanced Vessels begin trials.Problems with the new Fighter Dispersal system cause the death of 8 pilots and the system isdeactivated and removed from the two new Vengeance Class carriers.2250. G'Kar begins to serve on the Kha'Ri, the Narn Ruling Council. The first Shadow Star class shipis laid down, first Warlock class Battlecruiser begins space trials, the Omega destroyer program iscancelled.2252. The Drazi begin secretly supporting the Raiders who are attacking smaller races at the edgesof Drazi space and begin work on the Dusk Hawk project. The first two Shadow Stars, Shadow Starand Destiny begin space trails.2253 The first Exterminator class ships are launched.The Anla’Shok, whilst investigating the Shadow influence over Earth stumble across a differentsecret, a tiny Dilgar colony deep in Earth space.2254 The Earth Alliance invades Vree space – in retaliation for their aid to the Minbari during thewar and with reference to previous historical abductions of humans. The war lasts barely six monthsand showcases the new Alliance warships and their sheer power. Many League governments reactwith condemnation and begin increasing spending on armaments.The Explorer class vessel Cortez leaves for the Rim2255 The plans for the Omega Destroyer program are stolen.2256 Assassination of the Psi Corps Director Johnson on Ganymede. Rumours of attempted coupby Psi Corps circulated. A senate investigation into undue influence by Psi Corps begins.

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Anna and John Sheridan marry at Station Prime above the Centauri homeworld.Jason Ironheart begins a secret project for the Psi Corps.2257 Captain Sheridan takes the Warlock class battlecruiser Agamemnon out "onto the Rim"The Vorlon Empire sends an ambassador, Kosh Naranek, to meet with Earth Diplomats in neutralspace, the meeting is arranged through Psi Corps.December 21st– the Earth Alliance military goes to its highest state of readiness as the Psi Corpsattempt to subvert the Shadow influenced Earth Gov. Several days and nights of bloodshed result inPsi Corps being dissolved and an interment order being issued for all telepaths. Earth Alliancedeclares its border “temporarily” closed as it deals with “insurrection and terrorism” on Earth, Othergovernments are warned of “dire consequences” should they interfere with internal Earth politics.2258 First case of the New Drafa Plague discovered on Markab home world.The Narn Regime invades Ragesh 3, allegedly because the Centauri inhabitantsasked them to. Unrest begins on Centauri Prime due to the perceived weakness oftheir leadership.Senator Clark is elected President of Earth.Londo Mollari is seduced by the slave Adira Tyree, in order to obtain "the PurpleFiles" from him.The Centauri agree to negotiation on the Euphrates Treaty between Narn and Centauri with various

concessions granted by the Republic to the Regime. As part of the treaty, theEmperor announces the creation of a neutral diplomatic station to help solvedisputes between races and invites all others to participate. Members of theLeague agree to be a part of the new station and surprisingly the Earth Alliancealso agrees to participate. It is rumoured the Emperor will use the creation of thenew station ot make an formal apology to the Narn Regime, much to the horror ofmany Noble Houses.

2259. The first 2 diplomatic stations – reconditioned Centauri space stations on the Narn /Centauri border - are blown up by unknown terrorist forces. The third station is contracted to a Brakiricorporation, but cost cutting results in it collapsing before it can be opened.House Hessius of the Centauri are contacted by a previously unknown and advanced alien race – theDrakh.The first Dominator Class Battle Carrier is launched.G’Kar begins to speak openly against the rise of the new “Lion of the Galaxy”.A series of minor skirmishes take place between Earth and Minbari warships along their border butneither government declare outright war.2260 A hidden war begins as elements of Psi Corps fight back against repression of the humantelepaths by EarthGov. They receive arms and aid from the Narn and others (including theAnla'Shok).The Earth Alliance withdraws from the agreement to build and maintain the new diplomatic station.Refuges from the EA space, including some disgruntled warships and their crews begin to arrive inLeague, Narn and Centauri space, a few unlucky shiploads seek sanctuary in Minbari or Vorlon spaceand are destroyed or lost in hyperspace respectively.

Jason Ironheart visits the new station demanding sanctuary for telepaths,however the 4th station is destroyed with considerable loss of life as hetransforms into a more evolved entity.Warmaster Jha'Dur is found to be still alive. She offers animmortality serum to the galaxy, but is killed by the Shadowsbefore she can reveal it.

The Centauri "Eye" is recovered and given to House Hessius by the Drakh.The Vorlons declare that they will protect the new station – they name the site whereit will be constructed – Epsilon 3 and that it will be haven for all telepaths.Catherine Sakai returns to known space, accompanied by the telepath Lyta Alexander.

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Raiders begin to prey on those ships leaving Earth space.2261. The new station begins construction at the designated site, the Minbari(some say coerced by the Vorlons) pledge their support for the new station – itgains the unofficial name Babylon from the refuges that flock to it. Despiteefforts to officially name it – there is no consensus from the varied races and theunofficial name is adopted but the number 5 added to recognise the previoussacrifices on the other stationsThe first Shakrlis class Battlecruiser appears, bringing Council Member Delenn to Epsilon 3.Initial ambassadors are Kosh Naranek (Vorlons), Delenn (Minbari Warrior caste representative),G’Kar (Narn Regime), Vir Cotto (Centauri Republic), Alfred Bester (representing telepaths), JohnSheridan (humans), Michael Garibaldi becomes Head of Security for the station. The League formsa massively complicated method of electing their ambassadorial representative who changes everymonth.A chosen Minbari (of the Religious caste), Draal, becomes the Guardian of Epsilon 3, to the chagrinof the Warrior caste and Delenn.Londo meets with Lord Refa and other nobles to determine the course of the Centauri destinyOn the Mars Colony Earth use military forces puts down revolt.Experiments begin on the Narn homeworld to try to recreate Narn telepaths with the help of the PsiCorps. A Narn transport, the Khatkhata is intercepted by EA warships carrying human telepaths insleeper units into Narn space, diplomatic relations between the Alliance and Narn are broken off.The Narn Base in Quadrant 37 is obliterated by the Drakh as an “favour” to House Hessius who withother elements of the Centauri nobility are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the weakness ofthe Emperor.President Clark and the crew of Earth Force One are killed in a suicide attack by telepaths piloting a“stolen” Minbari flyer. Susanna Luchenka becomes President.Total Victory the new Earth Alliance flagship nears completion, its commander is assigned – CaptainSusan Ivanova.A salvage crew encounters the Copernicus and suffers the consequences, The Daughter of Darknessarrives with Chloe Morden on board to reclaim the warrior, and several crew die before she brings itunder her control.2262. The Narn Regime demand reparations from the Centauri for the destruction of their base inQuadrant 37, the Centauri Emperor, under pressure at home declines to comment publicly.Meanwhile on Earth, Londo Mollari continues to establish good relations with EarthGov.

Vir Cotto attempts to defuse the situation with the assistance of G’Kar andmanages to arrange a secret meeting between the Emperor and representativesof the Kha'Ri. Unbeknown to Vir, his efforts are compromised and a cabal ofCentauri nobles strike – on Centauri Prime, the Emperors nephew is killed in anexplosion which will later be blamed on Narn terrorists,who are killed shortly after. The Emperor, travelling

secretly on a Vorchan is ambushed and killed, whilst the Narn emissaries areattacked by a Centauri strike force. They summon their own hiddenreinforcements to enable them to fight free of the trap.On their return the Narn Regime declares war on the Centauri Republic.The Cortez arrives at B5 after spending 2 years "on the Rim", having been recalled to Earth for a refit.It refuses to return home, although some crew take ship back home aboard a freighter. Three weekslater the Cortez departs with a number of refugee vessels to escape the coming war, Catherine Sakiin her Skydancer accompanies them.Londo is recalled to Centauri Prime for "consultation on the war effort”, he visits his former aide, Viron B5 and tries to convince him to distance himself from the rebel humans and the Minbari, Virrefuses.A Virulent plague wipes out the Markab as they begin to mobilise their forces for the war.

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The station is visited by a News team owned by an Brakari corporation.Lyta Alexander arrives with a warning that one of Babylon 5's officers is an operative for Earth. AfterLyta probes most of the Command staff, Talia Winters, aide and lover to Bester is revealed as a spyand Lyta and Bester “rewrite her”.The Narn-Centauri war continues as the Darzi join the war on the side of the Narn and attack severaltargets in Centauri space. When the Narn attack Gorash 7, a huge brutal melee ensues before theCentauri drive the Narn fleet from the system with both fleets suffering heavy loses.The Earth Alliance begins manoeuvres along their border with the Narn and increasingly fragmentedSh’lassan Empire, the Narn move elements of their fleet to match these movements, reducing thepressure on the Centauri who strike back at the Drazi.The Babylon 5 Treaty, for the mutual defence of the diplomatic station is signed by a number ofmembers of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds and the Minbari.2263 Various alien missionaries arrive at the station before a series of terrorist attacks rock thestation. A visiting member of the Religious caste, Lennier is nearly killed by a bomb when he savesVir and Delenn’s life.In the depths of the Galaxy, a Vorlon Fleet appears before a collection of Drakh Motherships, theydeliver a warning for the Drakh to stay away from the young races of the Galaxy or face theconsequences, all but one Mothership is then quickly annihilated as a lesson.Whilst assisting the Free Mars movement, Marcus Cole, a human member of theAnla'Shok is confronted by Chloe Morden and her protectors. The Free Marsmovement is shattered and Marcus only survives due to Lyta Alexander’sintercession. Shocked by the brutality of the conflict between Chloe and herShadows and Lyta and her telepathic guardians, Marcus Cole leaves theRangers to find himself. Delenn meets with the Minbari War Council to suggest amore proactive response to the increasing Shadow influence over Earth afterKosh refuses to stage a combined Minbari / Vorlon assault.The Earth Vice President visits Centauri Prime aboard the Total Victory accompanied by herattendant escorts, for a “goodwill visit”.

The new Centauri Emperor, Londo Mollari makes arrangements following themeeting for a reciprocal visit, after his tour of the Republic. A combined Narn andDrazi Strike force attack The Lions Lair at Quadrant 1 – a truly epic conflict unfoldsas the escalating battle draws in additional ships from both sides. After two weeksfighting the Narn and Drazi are defeated and this battle marks the debut of a newand secret design of ship, a result of a collaboration between House Hessius andDurnado. The Liati Class Advanced Cruiser is proved a success. After a short

pause, the Centauri fleet pursue the Narn and shatter their outer defences, but are unable to finish thewar due to continued attacks by the Drazi. Londo orders a new Imperial Flagship to be constructed,which will form the basis of the Valerius Class battleship.The Brakari begin building Omega Destroyers for Psi Corps.2264. Marcus Cole decides to try and contact the First Ones as G'Kar starts prying into Rangeractivities.Angered by the lack of action against the Earth Alliance, a small fleet of former EA warships and PsiCorps vessels, some of the latter augmented by Minabri tech, begin raiding the Alliance.Marcus meets the "Walkers of Sigma 957.A large Earth Force battle group stationed at Jerico engages the renegade ships anddrives them off, they attempt to retreat to Arisa and find a fleet commanded byIvanova aboard the Total Victory waiting for them - those that refuse to surrender orflee are annihilated. Delenn aboard a Leshath observes the conflict. The EarthAlliance demand reparations from the Minbari for their aid to the Terrorists, theMinbari do not bother to reply. The Alexander arrives at B5 carrying former GeneralHague's body, the leader of the vanquished fleet.

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Omega Destroyers begin finding their way into government sponsored raider groups.A large Earth Alliance fleet arrives at Babylon 5 and demands that all-former EarthForce and PsiCorps personal are handed over. Delenn and Sheridan unite against the Earth fleet and with theassistance of Minabri and League ships plus the ancient weapons at Draal’s command defeat them.The battle sees various new ships used in battle for the first time including the Juyaca and theprototype Dusk Hawk although a Nova Dreadnought destroys that ship. Neither the Shadows norVorlons take part in the battle, to the surprise of both sides.Marcus speaks to senior members of the religious caste on the Minbari homeworld.Vir returns to Centauri Prime from B5 and finds that he is unexpectedly engaged to be married toSenna, daughter of Lord Refa. Lord Refa is assassinated and the couple flee to Babylon 5.Following a brutal civil war, the newly formed government of the Sh’lassan Empire is crushed by Earthin a week.2265 A Narn warship, the G’Tok, finds a huge alien artefact in hyperspace and brings it toHomeworld, the Narn begin to investigate it but suffer increasing problems with the mental stability oftheir Science team. A Vorlon fleet on its way to destroy the artefact is ambushed in hyperspace by amixed fleet of Third Space dominated Vorlons and Shadow ships, who then head for the Narnhomeworld. The mixed fleet arrives in orbit and begins to blast their way to the

artefact, as they do so a larger fleet of Vorlon warshipsappears and engages the others in a massive battle aboveHomeworld. The artefact is activated by a mind controlledVorlon and begins to open a portal to Third Space before the

Vorlon fleet manages to destroy it at significant cost. The rampaging Vorlon and Shadow warshipsdestroy a large portion of the Narn home fleet in the raging battle. Above Homeworld, G’Kar watcheshis planet burn once again as he drifts helplessly in a lifepod.The Adira is launched at Centauri Prime, some Centauri consider it bad taste to name the flagshipafter a concubine.House Hessius continue their rise to power after unveiling new advanced defence technology.Shadows appear within the Great Machine and slaughter Draal, following which it is destroyed in ahuge explosion, nearly shattering the planet. Both the Centauri and Drazi take advantage of theweakened Narn military to take several planets but also clash in other star systems generating threeway battles.Delenn is recalled to Minbari space and investigates a series of attacks on Minbari allies. Shediscovers the Drakh are behind them and informs Kosh. A combined Vorlon and Minbari fleetconfronts the Drakh Unity in Deep Space. The Drakh, confident their Shadow Masters will protectthem attack the Minbari Flagship, killing many of the Council. Delenn gives the orderto “Kill them All”. Aboard a Minbari Cruiser, Marcus watches the slaughter, as doesChloe Morden and her father on a nearby hidden Shadow Scout ship.Lady Mariel, former wife of Emperor Mollari, begins spying for the Centauri Office ofDevelopment and seduces Vir.2266. Londo and his chief advisors visit Earth aboard the Adira and “discuss areasof mutual interest”.Senna and Vir have their first child, Lasaa, a daughter.First Narn telepaths are created, half of them go insane and cause havoc, Lyta visits Narn to “train”the others.The remnants of the Drakh, their Unity shattered, attempt to find hiding places – some flee to HouseHessius and find their status little better than slaves – others to the Narn Homeworld. Those on theNarn homeworld assist in a secret programme using recovered Vorlon and Shadow tech from thegreat battle above Homeworld.

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A combined EA Shadows strike on a Psi Corps facility near the Nocalo system is foiled when aShakrils Battlecruiser arrives and shows its power. A previously unknown Shadow vessel,subsequently codenamed Mindflayer by Psi Corps proves that not all of their ships are vulnerable totelepaths.A hammerblow is struck against the Drazi military by a large battlegroup of Narn ships – mainly newG’Vrahn and Ka’Bin’Tak class vessels. With that threat neutralised the Narn prepare to strike at theirreal enemies, the Centauri. Following the news, Londo suffers a serious heart attack and nearlydies, Durla, the head of Centauri Intelligence, attempts to seize power but is assassinated by hismistress Mariel, partly due to his previous abuse of her.Ta'Lon is named as G'Kar's successor as Ambassador to Babylon 5 when G’Kar is recalled to Narn.2267. The Earth Alliance skirmishes with the Minbari at Nochtal and Norsa and achieves victories butis defeated at Nocalao.Lyta and her telepaths attempt to influence the Narn military to take back the worlds of the Sh’LassanEmpire. Several skirmishes take place between EA and Narn warships.Partly due to the increasing build up on the border with the Earth Alliance, the first true Centaurioffensive of the war begins.2268. A large Vorlon fleet arrives at Z’ha’Dum – seemingly to confront theShadows and their plans. They find the planet deserted and nothing challengesthem, even when they unleash the might of their planet killer to reduce the planetto shattered asteroids. However in doing so they destroy the last of the FirstOnes – Lorien and earn the enmity of the remaining other Ancients who ensurethat the Vorlon fleet does not return home.Babylon Five becomes a increasingly dangerous place as old rivalries and arguments resurfacebetween many races.Dr Morden secretly visits the Drazi homeworld, expressing his admiration for the new Dusk Hawk.A fleet commanded by Ivanova on the Total Victory annihilates a large Minbari strike force atProxima. The survivors retreat past Vega and inflict damage on the colony before regrouping atBabylon Five.Recording of Drakh ships, coupled with findings by a Dr Franklin point to them being responsible forthe death of the Makrab race.As wars across the galaxy begin to escalate, most races put their fleets on a war footing and preparefor the worst.Dr Morden arrives on board Babylon Five as an envoy from Earth – after meeting variousAmbassadors individually and speaking to the Council he is confronted by Kosh. The Vorlon revealshis true form, destroys Morden’s “Demon” guardians and then kills Morden as an example to thosewho would follow the Shadows teachings. Light-years away on the Total Victory, Chloe is conferringwith Ivanova when she feels her father’s death – she vows vengeance.The first Narn ship with Shadow technology nears completion, the experiments with Vorlontechnology having failed. Lyta informs the Vorlons of the experiments resulting in a small Vorlon fleetcrushing the secret outpost and its defending ships to try to stop further Shadow contamination of theyounger races. The Narn withdraw from the pact to protect Babylon Five.The Drazi and Centauri sign a mutual destruction pact regarding the Narn.2269. The Centauri take and hold Quadrant 14 and the Earth Alliance claims Regula and Quadrant15, stationing powerful fleets at both. The Minbari strike at Regula but after a brutal battle they arerepulsed.An EA strike force illegally enters Brakiri Space and destroys one of the two remaining Psi CopsMotherships. The Brakiri protest but do not react militarily.A second Vorlon Planet Killer is destroyed on its way to Earth by the First Ones, this time the Lordshipis destroyed in retaliation by the incredulous Vorlons. The First Ones enter Vorlon Space en massand engage the Vorlon fleet.Babylon Five is blockaded by the Earth Alliance, although vessels are allowed to leave.

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The Narn and Centauri meet in battle at Dross, both claim victory and although the Centauri arerepulsed, the Narn loose most of their new ships.A small Minbari fleet breaks through to Babylon 5 with Vorlon assistance but is unable to hold thebreach as the Shadows arrive to match their rivals in battle.

The combined Earth and Shadow battle fleet assaults Babylon Five, Kosh isdestroyed by Chloe and soon after much of the surviving population perishwhen Garabaldi and Bester detonate the reactors.Whilst the Alliance fleet is damaged in the explosion, they and the Shadowsannihilate the last Minbari and Vorlons remaining at Epsilon Eridani.Chloe and Ivanova meet to plan their next move aboard the damaged but still

battleworthy Total Victory.2270. All sides pause to regroup and repair their battered fleets, rest their tired warriors and attemptto preserve old alliances whilst forging new ones. Skirmishes continue on empire borders but nomajor conflicts break out through the year.The Anla’Shok loose contact with a team investigating sightings of unknown vessels in the desertedOmelos system.As the year draws to a close, the new leader of the Minbari Warrior caste announces to a stunnedgalaxy the presence of a Dilgar colony in Earth space. Despite the shock and outrage by the League,Earth Gov refuses to confirm or deny the accusation. They state that the Alliance borders remaininviolate and coldly remind the League representatives of Earth’s sacrifices in the Dilgar war – and thelack of same in the war against the Minbari.Several Shadow ships attempt to enter Vorlon space to see what has become oftheir rivals. Those that do so are destroyed or driven off by automated defencesdesigned for the purpose but they encounter no Vorlons.Londo Mollari has a son by “Lady” Adira, he names him Dius.2271. A new year brings a flurry of brutal actions as the Great Powers renew thewar in earnest – the Drazi and Centauri racing to beat the other in finallysmashing the Narn war machine and taking their homeworld. The Earth Alliance fends off attemptedincursions by a number of League races and threatens retaliation if this continues. The Abbai andBrakiri demand more information on the alleged presence of Dilgar in Alliance space, which is met bysilence from the Alliance. The Minbari attempt to take advantage of the tension and launch severallarge raids but are beaten back with heavy loses. Earth goes on the offensive and launches attackson Minbari support industries, their comparative mastery of hyperspace making a coherent defencealmost impossible. As the Earth Alliance slowly slash apart and dissect the Minbari realm, theShadows become less and less active in the battles. The Warrior Caste and elements of the ReligiousCaste find their position increasingly untenable and launch a doomed attack on Earth. Much of thefleet is destroyed in hyperspace before it can even reach the Sol system, the remainder by theplanetary defence grid and the home guard fleet.The Minbari race fractures and splits with the Worker Caste offering surrender, the remaining Religious Caste fleeing to Vorlon and Orieni space. The Centauri and Drazi meet above thebattered Narn homeworld, itself veiled in shattered ships, pause for a moment and then launchthemselves at each other.

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A new dawn

Captain Tennant watched silently as his bridge crew performed their duties with speed and efficiency,his insides tight with emotion as his ship began to break orbit. A vast ship full of power and promise,but with such an impressive heritage to match. Few ships in Earth Force had performed the deedsthat her namesake had done - many would be watching to see what she and her captain could do.

He tried to imagine what his father had felt when he had commanded his ship in the Dilgar war, hehad spoken much about the battles, his crew and above all his beloved ship. He had showed him hisequally famous grass skirt – had even offered it to his son it but Alexander knew he had not, as yet,earned it. Yet he had never really explained what it had felt like, the emotions that now coursedthrough the young commander, perhaps he knew he could not.

To his sorrow, his father was gone, never to discuss over a quiet beer these experiences they hadnow shared. He had been lost with his legendary ship, like so many others in the horror that had beenthe Minbari war. Destroyed by an enemy that refused to even let them see them. Even the Shaman’smagic had not saved him on that cold dark day……..

Now, his son would take up to the mantle and strike down those who would threaten Earth, bring fireand destruction upon the Minbari. Like the Dilgar before them, the aliens would know what it was togo to war with this world……….

On his orders the EAS Nemesis opened a jump point and set a course for fire and destruction.

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Ship Conversions:

I started this project with a conversion – turning a White Star into a Shadowtech version. All of my conversions areremarkably easy, as I am no model maker. The Shadow Star is created by simply gluing 2 long Scout tendrils on the topand bottom of the ship and getting Derina to paint them – see easy ☺. I don’t like the bridges on any of the White Starclass and I later found uses for them as part of the Minbari Tarth.

The Exterminator is just as simple - a few tendrils added to it,

The Dominator started life as a White Star Carrier before I reversed the top half’s orientation to give it a more menacing –spiky look. Add a few Scout tendrils at the Front and its more shadowy (even if Derina thinks it is actually ant like!)

The Victory is, you guessed it, simply more tendrils and a fewNova turrets – although I also straightened the wings more thannormal which people seem to like (it was an accident). TheDelphi is the same – I started by putting on one tendril at thefront but I kind of like Derina’s version more now! My versionbelow:

Moving on to the Minbari (similar just Vorlon bits added toMinbari ships – see no challenge really!) The Veshitan has thefront of a Destroyer added to the either “prong”. The Shakrlis is

a Sharlin with a number of Games Worksop Plastic Dryad pieces (the bit that goes on their back) standing in for tentacles.The Vorlon Scout is the remnant of the destroyer with a bridge bit from the carrier (I think) forming the front and anotherDryad back to give the front tentacles. Below – Earth Alliance Fleets led by the Total Victory.

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The Project – Just why!To be honest it all began when the possibility of a Shadow Star was being discussed on the Mongoose forum. Iwas intrigued and found the whole idea of this very cool, so much so I decided to make some – several posts onthe boards gained a surprisingly positive response and an obsession was born.I have always loved both the Shadows and Star Trek’s Mirror Universe and the two seemed a fun mix, then Idiscovered the artwork now on the cover and below and all became clear………………I was going to write a wholealternative universe! So Ladies and Gentlemen, you are reading the product of my fevered imagination and theresult of much immersion into the excellent A Call to Arms game.

I really hope you enjoy it, I have enjoyed writing it and that’s the only real reason it exists ☺☺☺☺ For fun!

Charles Lister

You’re better off with a Maximus!