Page 1: DANTE NEWS Gold · 2018. 12. 3. · Società Dante Alighieri Gold Coast Inc. ... BSB 034216 Acct No 862414 *Use Surname

DANTE NEWS Gold Coast 18 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Qld Australia

Mail: P.O.Box 6862 Gold Coast MC 9726

Ph: 07 5575 5772 Fax: 07 5575 5772

Web site:

Email: [email protected]


Dear members

We have come to the end of another busy year. I hope you

and your families have a peaceful Christmas and a wonderful

start to the New Year. In June next year we will be

celebrating 30 years since we founded the Dante Alighieri

Society on the Gold Coast. Thank you to all my committee

and teachers for your support in promoting the Italian

language and culture.

On the 24th November I was invited to an informal going

away party for the Italian Consul, Ludovico Camussi. It

seems like it was only yesterday that he came to visit our

centre just after he arrived. That was just over 4 years ago!

The new consul arrives early in January. When the Consul

was saying his farewell and thank you to all the Italian

Committees and his staff he decided to surprise me with the

Italian Award “Ordine Stella d’Italia Cavaliere” with a

beautiful pin and brooch as well as a Certificate signed by the

President of the Italian Republic. These awards are not given

lightl. The Consul proposes it, then it goes to the Ambassador

who sends his recommendation to the Italian Government. It

was awarded to me for my voluntary work with the Italian

Community and in the promotion of the Italian Language and

Culture. I was so proud and honoured to receive this!!

Grazie, Ludovico.

Cordiali saluti, Giovanna Santomauro

Società Dante Alighieri Gold Coast Inc.

December/dicembre 2018

ISSN 2206 - 9828

Like us on Facebook – Dante Gold Coast We are also on Instagram


(discounts in Italy for members)


Wednesday 19 December

Amici della Dante lunch




18 Fairways Drive, Clear Island Waters

Ph: 5575 1966 /0499074910 Lunch – Wed. Thurs. Fri. 11.30a.m. - 2.30p.m.

Dinner – Wed. to Sun. 5.30p.m. - 9 p.m.

25 December – Christmas Lunch

Please phone Club for bookings.





Family owned & operated. Est. 1977

Ph. 5532 1733

email: [email protected]

P.O. Box 1932 Southport Q. 4215

COLLAS MORO ROSS 46 Watson Esplanade


PH. 07 55399099

Email: [email protected]



PRESIDENT: Giovanna Santomauro 5539 5528 SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Rita Lo Presti 5527 0797

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Pagina 2 December/dicembre 2018 Gold Coast Dante News


November saw the end of our main courses. Thank you

to all who frequented our classes this semester. We hope

to see you back next year.

Several students are returning for mini-courses. Not all

the courses are going ahead as we did not get the

minimum number required. Students will receive an

email of the courses available and they will also be on

the website. If you did not write your name down for a

mini-course but later on consider doing one, complete

the online enrolment form and make the payment.

Students always ask for extra conversation. We try to

provide this opportunity in a casual atmosphere and free.

Unfortunately, 2 Chiacchiere was cancelled as there

was not enough support.

Also, our “Prova del Cuoco Dante” did not get the

support required and was cancelled, this affected the end

of semester function which was changed to a dinner at

the Gold Coast Italo Australian Club with the Coro

providing beautiful entertainment.

We try to vary our activities and functions. We are

always open to ideas so please let us know what you

would like us to organize.

I would like to thank all the Dante teachers for their

continuous work in trying to provide a wide range of

classes and activities for our students. Grazie!

Buon Natale a tutti

If you have any questions or concerns-

please call me on 55270797

Or Email- [email protected]

Rita School Director

2019 Classes - Semester 1

All the information ( fees, timetable, calendar and

forms) is available online.

Important Dates

'Early bird special': $420 Includes $20 annual membership

** Must be received on or before

Friday 18th January 2019**

After the 18th

Jan 2019- $440

Late direct debts will be charged the higher rate.

Payment - Cash / Cheque / Direct Debit BSB 034216

Acct No 862414

*Use Surname as Reference of Payee

Enrolment form

Every student either new or returning must complete a

new enrolment form.

Classes commence the week beginning Monday 4th

February 2019.

Private Classes If you would like private classes over the break,

early bookings would guarantee your preferred

day and time. Please ring me to discuss this


Monday night classes

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Pagina 3 November/novembre 2018 Gold Coast Dante News

la pagina della cultura

(A Cura di Connie Canale)



When ricotta is made, the solids in the milk are separated from the liquid by coagulation. However no matter how

careful the cheesemakers are, some solids are lost to the whey. To retrieve these, the milk is heated until the solids

come to the surface as small white lumps. These are skimmed off and drained in woven baskets until the curd is

solid enough to stick together and can then be turned out. The result is a soft, moist, basin shaped cheese. Ricotta

ripens between three to five days and has a fat content of around 20 per cent.

Good ricotta should be firm but not solid and consist of a mass of fine, moist, delicate grains – neither salted nor

ripened. One of the finest ricottas is FIOR DI MAGGIO which has a texture not unlike delicate bread and butter

pudding. It is slightly grainy and melts in the mouth. Unfortunately, much of the ricotta made today uses semi-

skimmed milk instead of whey and the texture varies tremendously. Sometimes it can be gritty, lumpy, or even wet,

causing problems to those trying to use it in traditional recipes. In Italy, ricotta appears in several guises …

RICOTTA ROMANO is made from sheep’s milk and is only available between November to June. RICOTTA

SALATA is a salted and dried version that resembles Feta, while RICOTTA INFORNATA is a Sicilian specialty

that is baked until it is lightly browned whereas Northern Italians like their ricotta smoked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a simple recipe to make ricotta at home.


1 litre whole milk, 1 tbsp lemon juice (or white vinegar), 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 cup whole yogurt, 1/4 cup heavy cream.

In a high pot pour in the milk, yogurt, heavy cream, salt and vinegar/lemon juice. Turn on heat to very low, and let it

simmer until it slowly starts to curdle. Meanwhile line a strainer with a few layers of cheesecloth (or a thin tea

towel) and set it over a deep bowl. Pour the milk into the strainer and let it drain. Wait about at least 15 minutes or

leave it there overnight, preferably in the fridge. Your ricotta cheese is ready to eat. Always store ricotta covered in

the fridge. ENJOY!!

BUON NATALE E FELICE ANNO NUOVO A TUTTI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DANTE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL IS NOW DUE. Please add your membership number to the renewal form.

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Da bambino

Per un ragazzo cresciuto in Inghilterra, la vita era dura a causa della guerra.

Tutto era razionato, le persone erano povere e lavoravano per bassi salari.

Vivevo in una piccola casa vicino al fiume Thames.

Gli inverni erano freddi e molte persone morivano di tubercolosi. Ma la gente era onesta e felice e le persone si

aiutavano a vicenda.

Ero basso, con i capelli rossi. Vivevo con i miei genitori ed i miei fratelli.

Amavo il canotaggio, il nuoto ed il calcio. Andavo al cinema ogni lunedi’ sera. Roger Spong (B3)

Da bambina

Quando ero piccola avevo i capelli biondi e ondulati. Ero alta ed un po’ cicciotella.

Ero sempre contenta e parlavo con tutti.

Abitavo a Shepparton in una fattoria. La mia casa era grande con tante camere. Avevo una piscina ed anche un grande

giardino. Eravamo in cinque: io, mio papa’, mia mamma, mio fratello e mia sorella.

Mio papa’ e’ greco e lavorava sempre. Mia mamma si prendeva cura di noi bambini e puliva la casa.

Non mi piaceva andare a scuola ma ero brava. La mia materia preferita era la matematica.

Giocavo a Netball. Mi piaceva molto e giocavo in attacco. Le partite erano ogni sabato.

Mi piaceva uscire con gli amici ed andare al cinema. Alexa Damianopoulos (B3)


Our gnocchi making went well and we tried very hard to speak only in Italian when we were cooking. I’m sure we

made many mistakes, and our sentences were very short, but it was a lot of fun. Here are a couple of photos. We

nearly forgot to take some so these are towards the end of our cooking, and of course, eating. We put some verbs on a

small whiteboard to prompt us. We also didn’t do the traditional serving of gnocchi in the sauce but chose to serve it

separately so we could use the amount we each preferred. So, almost authentic gnocchi. Lyn Kirwan

La classe di Beginners 2 – venerdi mattina

Fiona Basile

Chris Grehan and

Lyn Kirwan

Making gnocchi

and getting ready

to eat them.

Pagina 4 December/dicembre Gold Coast Dante News

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Pagina 5 December/dicembre 2018 Gold Coast Dante News




What a wonderful gift I have been given by my father. I am half Italian and very proud of that

heritage….now, anyway. When I was growing up, I was dismissed by many as a ‘wog’, so I hated my olive

skin and curly hair. These days, I embrace all my ‘Italian-ness’ and to be honest, I think those people who

once called me terrible names would now be rather jealous that my skin is still firm, my hair still natural

and I have a home away from home on the other side of the world.

And while my father, Tony (born Antonio), rejected his Italian heritage for decades so he would fit into

Australian society, I feel blessed that he rediscovered it in 1990 while on a holiday back to Europe with my

mother Marilyn.

I had the opportunity to first visit Dad’s home town of Vasto, Abruzzo in 1997. Vasto is actually a hill top

town, with a beach side precinct called Vasto Marina. It is smack-bang on the Adriatic coast and has a

beautiful medieval centre with so many fascinating buildings dating from the 15th century. Back then, I

spent two weeks there with my parents, aunt, uncles and cousins. What an amazing time it was, leaving me

with some of the fondest family memories. I returned to Vasto with my husband Patric in 2002 and we met

Dad there so he could be our guide. It was a brief visit but we enjoyed the company of family in the small

nearby villages of Guglionese and Casalbordino, and ate some of the best cured meats and pasta. This year

my husband and I took our children Isabella and Alexander to this beautiful seaside town. Dad was, of

course, waiting for us upon arrival. We stayed in an apartment at Vasto Marina – right on the beach. I

would highly recommend an apartment as this is by far the cheapest option. We were in Italy for 4 weeks

but our three days in Vasto were the most relaxing by far. I was going to talk about San Marino, Rimini

and Florence in this column, but I have decided to encourage you to visit this ‘off the beaten track’ place


Here are my top 5 tips for Vasto (and surrounds)

1. Look at the history - visit Piazza Rossetti and see the impressive Caldoresco Castle The original parts of the castle date back to the 14th and 15th centuries.

2. Spend a full day at the beach – head down to Vasto Marina and hire a couple of chairs and an umbrella. It is worth every euro.

3. Eat some seafood – fish and shellfish are must-haves in Vasto. Tasty clams, octopus, mussels, prawns, squid and fish soup are all on offer. Check out Da Mimi ristorante on the beach and follow up that feast with a gelato from Biancaneve Gelateria. Also try the beautiful Castella Aragona -

4. Take time out to remember why we are free and visit The Sangro River War Cemetery, but you do need to know that although the cemetery is permanently open and may be visited at anytime, the cemetery main gate is kept locked outside of the gardeners ‘ working hours to prevent wild boars entering at night. Yes – WILD BOARS - so don’t visit at dusk or too early! The cemetery contains 2,617 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War.

Next stop – San Marino, Rimini and Florence.

If you have a story to share on a recent trip to Italy, please send me your 500 words (or less) –

[email protected]

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Pagina 6 December/dicembre Gold Coast Dante News


“Essentially Mindful Essentially You” Have you ever considered using Essential Oils to support you with:


Anxiety and Stress

Immune System

Reducing the toxic load in your home


Muscle pain and tension And so much more… Charlotte can provide you with a personal consultation and see how you can integrate these 100% pure, Therapeutic Grade Oils in your daily living. Make that one change to feel better inside and outside and look after your family and loved ones. Contact Charlotte to have a chat: Phone: 0420399563 Email: [email protected] Website:

AMICI DELLA DANTE – There were 24 people

at our November lunch. Look forward to seeing

you at our next one on the 19th


Page 7: DANTE NEWS Gold · 2018. 12. 3. · Società Dante Alighieri Gold Coast Inc. ... BSB 034216 Acct No 862414 *Use Surname


I nostri studenti hanno aderito alla settimana della cucina italiana scrivendo la loro ricotta preferita o una

originale di loro creazione.



Riso 2 tazze

Acqua 10 tazze

Le verdure a piacere

Formaggio a piacere


1. Bollire l’acqua in una pentola e, una volta bollita, abbassare la fiamma

2. Buttare il riso nella pentola e bollire per 19 minuti.

3. Quando e' pronto, scolare il riso e lavarlo con acqua calda

4. Tagliare le verdure in piccoli pezzi (per esempio pomodori, olive, cipolle) e il formaggio Coon

(o un altro formaggio a piacere)

5. Scegliere abbastanza riso come per uno spuntino

6. Mescolare le verdure con il riso in una ciotola e dopo riscaldare nel microonde per poco piu' di

un minuto (Dipende dal microonde)

7. Aggiungere la salsa di soia a piacere.

Si puo` gustare questo spuntino in qualsiasi ora del giorno. La ricetta e' cosi' semplice che puo'essere preparata

anche dai mariti!!

Gerard Wilkes

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My take on the Italian classic and a favorite in my house!


200g Plaistowe 70% chocolate

4 Tablespoon cacao powder (can use regular cocoa)

1 cup of flour

1 Tablespoon cinnamon

1 Tablespoon ground ginger

1 teaspoon black pepper

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

1 cup chopped dried figs ( or 1/2 figs half citrus peel)

2 ½ cups of nuts- I used almonds and hazelnuts

¾ rapadura sugar (can use regular sugar)

½ cup of honey

Zest and juice of 1 lime.

Pre heat oven to 160 degrees and line a large cake tin

Combine dry ingredients well ( I stir in each ingredient as I go)

and add lime zest and stir.

Melt chocolate and stir in honey then add quickly to the dry ingredients, stirring well.

Add lime juice if you need moisture.

Once well combined press the mix into cake tin and cook for 30-35 mins on 160 degrees.

Allow to cool then enjoy!

Hayley Wills

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5 granny smith apples

1 orange – rind and juice

1 lemon – rind & juice

3 eggs – lightly beaten

½ cup lemonade

½ cup sultanas

2 tbsp vanilla essence

1 tsp lemon essence

1 cup caster sugar

16g sachet lievito vanigliato


3 cups self raising flour

Sunflower oil – to shallow fry


1 – Peel, core and grate the apples into a bowl

2 – Add the rind and juice of each orange and lemon, eggs, lemonade and sultanas

3 – Add vanilla essence and lemon essence, caster sugar, sachet lievito vanigliato and a pinch of salt

4 – Stir to combine

5 – Sift in the flour until mixture becomes dense. If mixture is too runny add flour and if it is too thick add


6 – In a saucepan, heat oil on a medium heat. Test it is at the right temperature by placing a small drop of batter

into the oil, it should bubble and rise to the top. If it sinks to the bottom the oil is not hot enough.

7 – Using a teaspoon, spoon small balls of the mixture into the oil

8 – Allow to fry until golden brown on bottom side, then using a spoon turn them over and squash them against

the bottom of the pan, forcing any uncooked batter to bubble out

9 – Continue to cook until golden all over

10 – Remove from oil, placing the fritelle on paper towel to remove excess oil and cool

11 – To serve, dust with icing sugar


Store at room temperature covered with paper towel, to avoid losing crisp texture

Best eaten on the day made.

Angela Carnell

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170 g caster sugar

230 ml milk

finely grated zest of 1 lemon

1 vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped

100 ml extra virgin olive oil

3 tsp mistra or sambuca (optional: see Note)

2 eggs, lightly beaten

1 ½ cups (200g) self raising flour

½ tsp bicarbonate of soda

7- 8 apricots cut in half (I substituted to glazed apricots)

flaked almonds for sprinkling

fresh ricotta and honey, to serve (optional)


Cooling time 1 hour 10 minutes

Preheat your oven to 180 C (160 C fan forced) Grease and flour a 21 cm square or 27 cm x 21 cm rectangular

cake tin (or line it with baking paper).

Place the sugar, milk and lemon zest in a medium saucepan over low heat and cook for 3 - 4 minutes, stirring

regularly, until the sugar has dissolved. Do not let the milk come to the boil. Turn off the heat and stir in the

vanilla seeds, olive oil and liqueur (if using) then let the mixture cool for 5 - 10 minutes.

Add the beaten egg, flour and bicarbonate of soda and whisk to form a smooth batter. Pour the batter into the

prepared tin and arrange the apricot halves on top any way you like. Sprinkle with the flaked almonds and bake

for 30 - 35 minutes or until pale golden and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Cool

in the tin for a few minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool at room temperature for 1 hour before

cutting. Serve just as it is or with honey-drizzled ricotta.


For an alcohol-free version, replace the liqueur with milk.

If using very small apricots, layer on to of each other so they won't completely sink into the batter as it cooks.

Happy cooking

Pamela Srebroff

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6 teaspoons gelatin

150g raw pistachios

1 litre cream

11grms caster sugar

1 vanilla bean

4 teaspoons ground cardamom


Soak the gelatin for 15 minutes in a little cold water.

Toast the pistachios for 5 minutes and roughly crush.

Pour cream into saucepan with sugar and vanilla bean, split in two, the cardamom and half pistacchios.

Bring to the boil on a gentle heat then take pan off the heat.

Add the gelatin and whisk.

Pour the mixture into one large or individual moulds.

Allow to cool at room temperature and then a minimum of 2 hours in the fridge.

Unmould onto a serving plate.

Garnish with fruit in syrup and remaining pistachios

Rosemary Johns

Page 12: DANTE NEWS Gold · 2018. 12. 3. · Società Dante Alighieri Gold Coast Inc. ... BSB 034216 Acct No 862414 *Use Surname


Makes 30 - 35 biscotti

2 cups (300 g. (Hi Fibre Plain Flour

2 tsp Baking powder

¼ teaspoon salt

¾ cup (100 cup ) pistacchio nuts

2 large eggs

Finely grated zest of one orange

¾ cup (150 gr.) caster sugar

90 g. melted unsalted butter

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

½ cup (60 gr. ) dried cranberries

1 egg well beaten for brushing

1 teaspoon raw sugar for sprinkling

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees conventional or 160 degrees fan forced. Line a large baking tray with baking


2. In a large mixing bowl combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Stir through pistacchios and set aside.

3. In a medium bowl whisk together eggs, orange zest and caster sugar until well blended and slightly lighter in

colour. Add melted butter and vanilla extract, whisk until smooth.

4. Pour egg mixture into the bowl with the flour mixture and stir gently with a wooden spoon until a moist

dough begins to form. Fold through dried cranberries. The dough will be sticky.

5. Divide the dough in half and form each portion into a 30cm. log, along the length of your prepared baking

sheet, spacing them about 8 cm apart. Flatten the logs so that they are about 2-3 cm. high, (wet your hands with

cold water to help shape and smooth out the sticky dough)

6. Brush logs lightly with beaten egg and sprinkle with raw sugar. Bake in preheated oven until golden brown

(20-25 minutes) transfer to a wire rack to cool for 20 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 160 degrees

conventional oven or 140 degrees fan forced.

7. Use a serrated knife to slice logs into 1.5 cm pieces and place them back on baking tray so they are sitting

right side up. Bake until try and crisp – about 10 – 15 minutes longer.

8. Let biscotti cool completely and store in an airtight container.

Tania Leyland

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Società Dante Alighieri, Gold Coast Inc.

PO Box 6862 , G.C.M.C 9726.

Web address –

Email address: [email protected]


Family Name (Mr,Ms,Mrs,Dr, ?)__________________________________________

Given Name(s)________________________________________________________

Dante Membership Number _____________________________________________

Other Persons Names and Membership Numbers if joining with a Family Membership



_____________________________________________________Post Code_______

Telephone H__________________W _______________Mobile________________

Fax____________________Email address__________________________________

Occupation__________________________________ Italian Citizen? Yes/No

Single($20)________________ OR Family ($25)_______________

Signature________________________________________ Date________________

Payment may be made by - Cash / Cheque / Direct Deposit into:

BSB 034216

Acct No 862414

*Use Surname as Reference of Payee
