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Unit 33 Stop Motion AnimationStatement of intent

Task: Generate finished ideas for a 60 second stop motion animation, with original soundtrack.

(You must consider your potential audience. You should submit: An appropriate treatment/script; a detailed and annotated storyboard with timings; All pre-production test material (visual and sound) and development work).

Candidate name: Danny Bradley

Theme: E stings

Title of the Animation: The Invasion

Story or plot of animation

A person goes to sleep in their room and shut the door slightly so we can still see a strip of light on the wall and the outline of the persons head, then show a stick man of some form climbing out of his head on the wall the man goes through a journey of troubles and problems as he tries to climb up the wall where the strip of light is. Spiders, other giant insects and purple monsters which try to kill him but he bravely battles them off and as he kills them they splat into E4 then fall down the wall, he carries on until he reaches the gold at the top, as he grabs the gold he falls of the balcony, as he is falling he pulls out an umbrella and slowly falls down through the clouds and skyscrapers until he reaches back towards the person, it finishes with him vanishing into the person and then the persons alarm clock goes off and he wakes up.

Reasons for selection of theme (including inspiration from the work of others)

I choose to create an E sting because you can create a stop motion on any theme as long as the E4 logo appears. The logo also can appear in any format. It is a really versatile competition and winning the completion would be amazing exposure for my work.

The reason I selected this theme

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is because it is a fun idea which will appeal to all age groups, including E4s target audience of 16-35.

Also because the idea for my stop motion is fairly simple I think visually it will work well.

I gained some inspiration from this video; I want to do something similar except with stickmen.

Target Audience

According to Channel 4 E4 is...

E4 is the entertainment destination for a cutting edge young audience Its eccentric and witty persona and strong branding make it a massive talking

point E4 is on Freeview, DSAT and cable, and E4 HD on Sky increasing its

audience potential big time It also won channel of the year at The Broadcast Awards in Feb 2011

E4 is one of the most original digital channels, sucessfully launching mega hits like Skins, The Inbetweeners and Misfits

With loads of Facebook appreciation groups, E4 is here to entertain reaches 2m+ a month and has great brand opportunities


Ident could potentially be seen in between the following programs.

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These shows are funny and relevant to my age group, I want my Ident to reflect this.

Creating the competition was also a great way for channel 4 to show its viewers it respected their talent and creativity which will make their channel seen make interested in its target audience.

Equipment needed

Various coloured paper Blue tac Camera Tripod.

I will be shooting this in a bedroom of some form, probably mine. I will need lots of paper, pens and a few little props such as cotton pads as clouds.

Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message

I will place my camera in a set position, like the creator did in the Post it note Stop Motion and in Gulp

I really like the effect of making the objects move rather than the camera. It works well with stop motion, making it look as if the objects are moving across the floor.

I will zoom in and out and experiment with depth of field to place more focus on different parts of the action.

I will explain this more in my story board and dope sheet.

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Ideas for sound track

Although for the 10 second E sting using commercial music isnt’ allowed for the full 60 second stop motion I will use a track by Slow Club - I was unconscious, it was a dream as the back ground track


I will also add my own sound effects and noises.

For the 10 second E sting I will just use the sound effects I have created and some of the sound effects provided on the E4 website

Risk and health and safety considerations

Risk Assessment attached to story board & dope sheet
