Page 1: Daniel Cucino s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and … · The colorful Marian shrine and prayer

Daniel Cucino’s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and His Church

Daniel Cucino recalls fondly his mother encouraging him as a 1st grade Tiger Cub and faithfully bringing him to the weekly Wednesday Scout meetings. That was in 2005. Less than a year later on Oct. 12, 2006, Daniel’s mother, Barbara Ann (Malone) Cucino passed away from cancer.

However, the support he received from his mother, and Daniel’s own determination to see something through to the end has brought him ten years later to the rank of Eagle Scout.

“Being an Eagle Scout is something I’ve always wanted to do,” Daniel explained. “I think it would also make my mother very proud by sticking with something to the extent of earning as high as you can.”

Daniel’s Eagle Scout Project – a Marian shrine with a pool, waterfall, and prayer garden surrounded by three stone benches – is dedicated to his mother as an ongoing memorial.

Father Ernest Ruede, Pastor of Infant of Prague Catholic Church, Jacksonville, was Daniel’s beneficiary and approved the Eagle Scout project which is on the church grounds.

“Daniel has a big heart and had a determination to do this project,” said Vickie Bailey, the Director of Religious Education at Infant of Prague. “He’s a great student and even the other kids in Confirmation class said they look forward to him in class.”

A member of Troop 937 in Snead’s Ferry, Daniel along with his father and 18 year old sister Casey make the 40 minute drive to attend Infant of Prague Church.

Daniel admits his Catholic religion “has helped me through a lot. Religion was always my ‘go to’ when my mother passed and I’ve learned as a Scout it’s always important to give back.”

Daniel’s father explained “Scouting is a great experience for the boys and they deserve a lot of credit. They foster an ‘I can do it’ attitude, and they go and get it done.” On a personal note, he admitted: “It was hard when my wife passed and it’s tough being a single parent; there’s a lot of juggling.”

Daniel, a 15 year old sophomore at Dixon High School in Holly Ridge has a 4.7 GPA and is a member of the National Honor Society although he’s quick to point out: “Scouting is my major hobby.” And as far as future goals… “I’d like to be President of the United States, or maybe go into medicine and be a neurosurgeon like Dr. Ben Carson.”

“My dad is very supportive of me as a son,” Daniel pointed out. “And my mother was really a great help. She brought me every Wednesday to Tiger Scouts. It’s hard at home without her, but I have a supportive family and I’m able to cope. However, it’s never not hard losing a parent.”

“The most fun I’ve had in Scouting has been camping,” Daniel recalls. “I love it and have a great time.” He remembers especially his summer camp experiences at Camp Durant in Carthage, NC.

To cover the $1,500 expense of construction materials, Daniel solicited and received donations from several local businesses: EL Jones Development, C&S Paint, Alderman Building, SFI Group Inc., Rick's Repair Service and Sneads Ferry Oil & LP. Daniel also received support and individual donations from Arlene Auricchio, Robert Clark, and the Calandra, Hickey, Hoopes, Joyce, Luciano, Valdes and Verrelli families.

BSA Troop 937 is sponsored by First United Methodist Church of Sneads Ferry, 305 Lakeside Drive. Meeting time is Wednesday 7pm.

Page 2: Daniel Cucino s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and … · The colorful Marian shrine and prayer

Eagle Scout Daniel Peter Cucino of Troop 937 Sneads Ferry, proudly stands behind his Eagle Scout project constructed at Infant of Prague Catholic Church, Jacksonville.

This dedication stone shows this Eagle Scout project was truly a labor of love.

Page 3: Daniel Cucino s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and … · The colorful Marian shrine and prayer

Happy Times as a Family. This prized photo is a remembrance of Daniel’s mother Barbara Ann (Malone) Cucino who passed away Oct. 12, 2006. Also pictured are Daniel’s sister Casey and father Daniel.

Daniel fondly recalls his mother encouraging him as a 1st grade Tiger Cub in 2005. Becoming an Eagle Scout in May, 2015 is something she would surely be proud of.

Page 4: Daniel Cucino s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and … · The colorful Marian shrine and prayer

Here Daniel couldn’t wait to try on his Webelos Scout uniform. The Webelos rank is the last step in the transition from a 5th grade Cub Scout to a 6th grade Boy Scout.

In February, 2010, Webelos II Cub Scout Scout Daniel Cucino (left) “crossed over” to Boy Scouts and received his Boy Scout neckerchief (right picture, center).

Page 5: Daniel Cucino s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and … · The colorful Marian shrine and prayer

This pre-construction photo shows the future plans outlined in red spray paint.

Carefully staked out, the future Marian pool area was meticulously dug out by hand.

Page 6: Daniel Cucino s Eagle Scout Project: A Tribute to His Mother and … · The colorful Marian shrine and prayer

Troop 937 Life Scouts Marcus Simmons (left) and Brendan McDowell lay the smooth stone outline of the reflecting pool while another volunteer finishes off the poured cement which will support stone benches on three sides of the pool.

The colorful Marian shrine and prayer garden offers three stone benches for visitors to spend some quiet meditative time next to the pool and small waterfall. A solar panel light which shines on the Holy Mother statue is set by timer to turn on each evening.
