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Danarena ba ga Sekororo Mstho.

T§e ditaba ke t~a mokhekolo Kasodi lforoto ke Mcitebele re

bolothe Thegor~ana, re bolottitswe ke Masekane, metr.ene ya bogolo­

golo ge • the rena d1lclareb9 re be re thepela e le rene bare

bego re phela ka bogwera bja rena. Ge go bik1swa kharebe yewe

e bego e le mogwera wa rena bakhekolo be be ba kl':.ona gore bare

bit~e mowe ba b~nago gcre kb.arebe yewe e thogo bikiswn e ka

thekiswa e bego mogwera wa rena re bot~iwago gore re mildse l•

monna yowe a ratanago le y3na. Kharabe e bee le gOna mogwera

2. wa rene ya moroto we Jlatebele. Leins la gagwe •bee le llpyafe,

e bee le morodi'wa Fepyanare. B bee le kharebe e yj,olo y8we

a bego a ratana l• monna wa gagw4. Laina la gagw@ e bego e le

Rkwlkw3. Ebe e le wa ga Tfbela. Nkw,kwf ba gabo babe ba agile

mowe ba re1;0 ke ge. Palane.. Ga P&lane e be e le khaiswi le

Thedikw~. Nkw3kw8 ka t§at~1 le leng_. o be a b1t§a bagwera ba

gagw3 gore a ye le bOna eo beka mosad1 wa ~agw~, Mpyate. Uonna

yowe Nkw§kw§ go a thene bogwene b& mowe u t~i~ a go g6no mosnrli

babe ba thea thebe gore ee motho a thile ga gabo kharebe yewe

3. a ratanago le yena o tswanethe r,ore & diyena, le yow& n:;.gwera wa

gagw3 o be a sea ke a e ya bogwene, le motha o o thi. Ebe 6

the mothene ya ge mosadi a tha nyalwa ka malepe, goba (let~her,e).

Dikharebe di be di phel8 ka eo kwara mab6leJ le 6na masor,ana ~

be a kwara makheswa. Nkw§kwt le mogwere wa g~gw~ ge ba thane

bogw3ne bja gagW,, mothene wa bo )4pyaft1, go be go th11ne Mpya,

I.esogana ge a thoga gagabo o ilea bot~a bE2 tabo gore le sale le

thibise bawe re tswalanago le b6na gore lkw~kwe o ile bogw4ne

£0 beka Jlpyaf3. Ba gabo Nkw8kw~ ge go thele ba 11a ba bit§a rnctho

4. gore ka ~oka ga bona bathe go khanela ngwet§1, ge b~ mowe rA r.abo

Nkw~kw§ ba ile ba thala lapa la bo Nkw§kw8. Nkwfkw~ o be a thailo

mowe bogw,na bJa gogw3; ge a thane bogw~nO o ilea dula mowe

khorone ya bo kharebe gwa thoka mpja ye e ka ba go bago, gore e

bale mese gore gone batho khorone. Nkv~kw~ le moewera wa gsgw§

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ba 11a ba dula mowe khorone bj alo ba the ke ba bom,11 ke be mo the.

Nkw3kw8 le makhathe wa gagw8; leina la makhathe e bee le

Lekokopyane, e bee le wa ga !om.ana, papagw~ e bee le Pupy~ns.

5. Masogana awe ge ba dut!i ga ba ka ba theba gore ge bale mowe

khorone ba ka rene, ba 1le ba dula mowe khorone le merwalo ya

bOna bosego kamolm ba thea bomva ke ba mothe. Jlasogana ba ile

ba katwa ke boroko ge ba khomethe, bare ge ba phafoga ba b6na

gore go th9le; ba ile ba kwa ka maforo a bo kharebe ba thens Sodini.

Ya ba ks moka bo thela, ba sitwa gore be 'boyele gae go thibisa

batswadi gore ba thebit§ane. Ge ba le mowe Sodini, Nkwekw8 le

mogwera wa gagw8 ba ile ba thwa g6na mowe le Sodini. Ba 1le bs

bonwa ke badi_sa ba dikhomo ba le g5na mowe le Sodini la Thegorwana.

6. Nkw§kw3 le makJlathe wa gagw~ ba ile ba r6ma badisa gore ba ba , I

thuse ka t!;a go le gl,na mowe thethokhwene. Ba gabo Nkwi§kwt

ba ile ba sala ba thaba dikhomo t§a gore ngwetti e e tha, ge

lettat§i le dikela batho ba 11a ba thala lapa la bo Nkwekw8. Ge

let!atti ;le dikela dikharebe di 1le t~a romelw& methene go thepela

dikhopela maseka le dikhogo tta go nosa ngwet!i yewe ba theb~go

gore a ya tha la Nkw4kwl le makhathe wa gagwe. Nkwekwe o be 4

ene tsepo kn ge kharebe e bee nyethw~ ka malepe, Le y5na k...~~reb9

bagwera ba gagwg babe ba beldlwe kamoka go sethe y§na Mpyaf~

?• f~la gare ga thaka t§a gagw§. Nkw,kw@ le makhat:te wa gegwe,

Lekokopyane, be ile ba thwa ba utamile mowe Thethokh~ne tha :r.ruru

wa T.hegorwana, ba t§haba go honwa ke batho. Nkw3kw! le Lekckopyan•

ba 1le ba rema mo!imanyana y8we a bego a bitswa gore ke Ph~ko

gore a thuse ka go ba nyakela mokhalabje ySwe leina la gagw~ o

bego e le TAhulrudu wa ga Kadike. T§hukudu e be e le mokhalE;bje

wa moroto wa Mank~ a pale, babe ba bolot§1t§we ke khosi

Mat§hengwane. T§hu.kudu o be a bolothe thebene ya Lewalecolora,

mowe e bego e le legaga la bntho ba Makhut!wi ge babe ba t~habela

8. g~na dintwa t1a llaswatse, Ge Tthukudu a thile, masogana ba ile

ba mo khopela thaloso gore e kaba ge motho a ile bogw~ne o thepela

bjane. TAhukudu o ilea bot!isa NkwAkwA le Lekokopyane gore

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khane la nyaka go ya bogw3ne? B8na ba ile ba lebeletjar..a ka matho,

ba motAa gore re tho ya bogw3ne ge re apisitAe basadi. Re b6na

gore re ka tha ra sitwa ke mela~ ya bogwlne ge re gothe.

Molthalabje T.§hukudu o 1le a thaloset!a masogana awe bo Nkwlkw8

le Lekokopyane mela~ ya ge motho a 1le bogwene. A theya thebe

9. gore Nkw3kw8 le Lekokopyane ba palethw4 ke go amogelwa bogw4ne

bja Mna. TAhuk:udu o ilea rea ge motho a thena ka khor«S ya mowe

a tAiyago gena mosad1, le re go thena ka khorO la dula tathe, ge

le dutA1, mankbathe o thoma go gothola thekhuba, ge ba theya le

kwa le gothola kamoka go tithela ge ba e the go le kwa; ge b8na

ba thile, ba tho le r•lela marwalo ya lena, ge le le ka gare ga

ntho, le nyaka motho a ye go le dumedisetta go ba bagolo, e be

mowe le thalosago ka mowe le thilego bogwene ka g8na. Lena ga

e bale th1le go b6na kbarebe le tho thalosa. Ge masogana ba

10. knle ka mowe TMlukudu a go ba bot§a, ba 1le ba mo thogela. Ge

let§at§i le dikela ba ile ba t~ena mothene wa bo Mpyaf~; e bee

le let~at!inj la bobedi; ba ile ba dira bjalo ka ge a ba bottit§e.

Nkw&kw& le Lekokopynne ba ile b& swaba·ka ge ka gae ga bo bC,na

ba ile ba siya ba thibisit~e metswalele gore ba thQ. Uasogana ba

1le ba bot§a motho gore a botAe Mpyafi ba t§labe. MpyafA o ile a

gana gore ba t§habe, tela masogana ba ile ba khothelela gore ba

thegele ytna. E be e le ka let~at§i la boraro, ·o ile a dumela

gore ba thogele y~na.

ll. T!e ditaba ke t§a mokhalabje Mamorolane. & bee le wa ga

Pha§a Moroto, ke Jlelau, re bolothe ka Thegorwana, re bolot~ittwe

ke Timamogolo. Ge re bolla, moeta-pele wa rena e be e le

Jlasekane goba Rakholokwana. Re be ra bolla ka tathe ga thaba ya

Thedikwf mowe e bego e le thebo tha Timamogolo. Ge re bolla

methane ylwe diph6~f~l~ re be re tAoma thabene ya Magok.:)lo la

godimo ga thaba ya Di~ke le morUJ!i wa thaba ya Mamotwane. Re be

re fi tha le thabene ya Sokare. Thabene ya D10ke re be ba re isa

go t&oma mathabo le dikome. Thabene ya Sokare re be re ela go

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t§oma dikolobe t§a muru le d1pela ttewe e_ bego di hwlt!ws

bothallene bja mowe muruni wa g6na. Ge re le mowe Sokare re be

12. re hwlt§a l• d1noth1 ka bont~i bja t§ona. Thabene ya Ma~otwane

re be re lata dikolobe le d1noth1, Thaba ya Mamotwane ego

okamela ga ba ga Mametje. Dinothi le diph8St~18 e bee le t~a

go thela banna ka t§ona, gore re hwet~e boroko ge re bona gore

bare ganela gore re e thele, Ge re 1le ra b8na gore bo-rabadia

(banna) ga bare fa thebaka tha gore re• thele, re be re ntja

d1noth1. Ga re ba thethe e be mowe ba ka khona go gore ba ye

ka magae. 04 re bolaile lethabo goba kolobe, re be re r1pa therope

re the phuthele ka molope wowe re thwago re o loga ge re le mowe . t

e bego re ethwa g6na. Molope o be o tat1wa letiat!i kamoka. Ge

13. re thela bo-rabad1a (banna) re be re khetha e mogolo gare ga rena

gore e be yowe a tho gophosa molope gore a k1the,!!10nna yowe •

rego ge re lebelela ra b~na gore ga a rate gore go• thela.

Jlorotone wa rena· go be go ene le mat§hoka (banna ba go tia) gore

e be b~na ba tho gophosa molope. Ge molope o kithile rabad!a bo

dika bo ya phuphutha e be ke moka re rothwe, borabadia ba thoge

le molope •. Gape molope owe ga o phuttull~a, ga o y& dumelelwa

goro·borebadia ba o khaole lenti ka mphaka, one mola6 wa gore •, .

ba o hunulle ka thela yewe o tatilwego ka mola6 owo o themilwego

14. ka Ona, ge ba ile ba o khaola dinti ka mphaka, ke molato ~ go

yowe a go ripa, o t!hwanethe gore a lere ka khomo go monye wa

Jtema. Oare ga rena mat&leka e bee le bo Mankhekhethe, Phube,

llaelane le bo Rgipa.

Mamorolane monna yowe wa Moroto ya Kelau o bolela ka monna

yo mongwl, leina la gagw& e bee le Nthole, e bee le monna wa ga

Jlangena, mosadi wa gagwe e be a le Malefiso, e bee le ngwana

Nkwana, o be a mo t ~ere Phokene. B be e le mo sadi yo monna' wa

gagw@ a tha ratego gore a eme le banna ba bangt·:~, ge a kwethe ka

nthe, o be a mo leta le gare ga bawe a bonago a ethwa le b8na.

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15'. Ba be bs ethwa ba e lwa ka rnetha kamoka. Nthole o be a the ya

kholue bore mosadi wa gagwi o thwa le bag~era ba gagw&, o be a

ere le thwa le rutana maake le bawe o bego thaka t§a gagwf, ba

be ba e thwa ba 1sana kborcSne. Ka t!at~1 le lengw§ ge Nthole a

ilea lwa le mosad1 wa gagw8, yowe e b£go e le !laletiso, Mal.efiso

o ilea tMlabola khor6ne ya khosi timamogolo ka ge Malefiso a be

a sethe a tenne ba gabo Nthole ka go thwa a t~abela gona, ge

a teilwe ke Nthole. Ge Malefiso a 11e mowe khorone ya Timamogolo,

16. o 119 a epega ka mofle a teilwego ke monna wa gagw3 Nthole.

Malefiso o be a gant§hwa go t~ia dikhane le bawe e lego bagwera

ba gagw8, ba o kego o tswalana le bBna. 0 be a thoriswa gore a

t~e ~me le b~na. Ka t§at~i le leng~A ge mos~di yowe Maletiso,

o ithe ga a t§h~bethe khorene, ge a epega ka mowe a thwago a e

lwa le monna wa gng'J'!8 ka gona, ga ba ka ba mo kholwa, ba ile ba

oo makela ka mowe a bogo a thalosa dipolelo t6a gagwe ka gena.

Banna ba khorO ba 1le ba mo elot~a gore ka gore le ya thophana

17. le yowe monna w& gago gore a the a llllwe ke khane ya ro letr.

mosad1, banna ba ile ba bot~a :Malef1so gore a begele rnonna wa

eagw~ ka go t§ia leeto la go ya ga gabo Ntholo. Mosadi o ilea

elet§wa gore a rwale therl>tO zodimo ga thogo ya gagvJ3. Malefiso

o 1le a laelwa gore t~at§i lewe o tho go Mna o kwane la monna

yowe wa gogo, o tho ore botfe go thogela lona t~at~i lewe.

Kalefiso o ilea khopela monna wa gagw& yowe e bego Nthole gore

a mo ise r,o b5na bo mmag~~, babe ba acile nagene ya Marotene.

18. Ge Nthole a kwane ie monna wa g&gwA, .llaletiso o ilea ya khorone

gore re kwane le monna wa ka gore a nkise go bona mme le papa •

.Malefiso o ilea bot§wa gore ge le thepela le thela, wns ge o

rwele thorcte o the tswarelle ka matsogo a gage, o tho hwet§a re

beile motho godimo ga n-JOthare o tho go thwella nama. Ge lo thena

moruni wa nowe nckene ye. Makhut.§w:1. o bot.§e Nthole gore a re

kbut§e, ke lapile. Ge ba thena movio muruni ba ile ba rola gore

ba khut§e, &• ba khut§1 t~e, :Rthole o ile a makala ge a bena nama

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ka gare ga theroto tha Maletiso. Mthole o 1le a bottisa llalet1so

19. gore nama • kwa kae? llalefiso o 11e a bot8a Rthole gore a ke re

ke kwa ke go et1le pele, rins ore e kwa kae? Menna o ilea re

ke re mpot§e mowe o tterego gona nama. la go thoma gore ba

arabisana, M'aletiso o 11e a tsogele. monna wa gagwt matha. A res

gapa le go ntlta o ye. ntita, mpot,s mowe go kwago g~na nam8 l E T

bile khane e is&go ntwene go tithela ge ba goma g~na mowa murun1

wa noka ya :Makhut§w1. Ge bale gare ga thela ba ile ba gathana

la monna yo mongw3, leina la gagri e bee le Thea.lose, e bee le

20. wa mol'oto wa llakwa. Nthole ls mosadi w, gagwa Ualefiso ba ile

ba ema mowe ba go gathana g6na le Thealose. Jthole o ilea

thalosa go mokhalebje yowe ba go gathane le yfna mowe thilene •

• Ge Thealose a kwele ka mowe Nthole a go mmotAa ka gona, .llaletiso

o 1le a ba patha ka le§ata, Ge go le bjalo, Thaalose o ilea

elet§a Nthole gore a ise Ma.letiso khor~ne. Gs lthole a 1le le

mosadi ka khorene, b&nn~ b~ lrhor6 ba ile ba bot6isa go Ntholo

gore e kaba ge lele gare ea thela mosadi o kile a rog&. naa?

21. Nthole o 1le a bona e le gore b4nna ba khor6 ba ganelethe y4na,

a bona gore a kwane le bans ka di~ol9lo t~a b~na. Nthcle re a

bCna·gore ba thogela go theldsa mosadi, o ile • ba khopela gore . f •

a tete, banns ba ile be re o be o tha dielane ge o etha mono

khoron~? C na le molato ls mosadi wa eagc, gobane o bee le wena

le y3na, rena ga re thebe thelo ka nama. Nthola·o ilea tiwa

molato wa gore a lete ka pudi t§e pedi. Nthola o ilea lefa

mosadi wa gag~ ka khapello.

22. TAe ditaba ke t§a mokhekolo llasodi Moroto ke liatabele, re

bolothe Thegorwana,re be ra bolot~wa ke llasekane goba Rakholokwana.

Jlasod1 e be • le morat§a Timamogolo, o be a the mowe Thegorwana

go thoga ka dilmosi t§a pale go be io the ya dumolelwa gore ba

ruwe dild)ogo. Jrothane wa bo rena le go fithele methane yeno ga

go ruiwi dikhogo methane wa mosata. Be re ke d1tata mathala,

b&na be mosata dikhcgo t~a bona ba phela ka go fisa methene ya

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bawe ba. tSftlanar;o le b5na. Rhogo methene wa roos&ta kt' moila wa

bena. Batho ba ll~khut!w:1. ba 'be ba phela ke go dula Dinakene.

Dinakona lee mo the wa khole le mowe ba agile go g~na. Motte ·,a

23. Dins.kene o agwa maaemone mowe e bagc go dula magoso a bogologolo.

D1ntwa t!a lmswatse babe ba ba fatfa ,ona mo~e Dinakanene. B~tho

babe ba ero re ba tedit~a go !ola mabele e bon~ babe ba boya

go o.ula magae a bena. .l4ethene yewa le pula e be e neswa gona

mowe l?E. rage ke Dinak.ulene. 1./!athene ya khale ge khosi e hwile,

e be a theya bolokwe, e ba e bewa ka nthone mowe go the ya th'lnego

bat.ho, o be a bewa godimo ga bo-Apa go f1thela ge thetoto the

bola. Ka f&tha ga bo-A~a gc be go bewa dipittana t!a go ageletea

meth1 ewe a k,wago mow• thetotone •. llath1 8 be a jomiswe. go ne£a

c11pUla ka er .. Q gcre ge ngwaga o. thena, ba retole ka t§e dinglie

24. dithare gore diplila di be 6ena. Khosi e bee thabja ka ngwaga

wa bobadi, e be· mow0 batho ba bot~wago gore ba th~me go lla, le

go rwale meriri •. Ge mctho a ilea bonwa a ltarils thogo, o be a

lefiswa .klt khou~. Meriri_a boa rwala go r1thela ge go thenc

thelemo, e be roowe batho ba bot&wago gor$ ba kere ~eriri ya tcta.

Ce go kerwa merir1, bathe ka :noka ba bo ba d1ya mabjalwa gore a

iswe ~thane wa mo.seta. Ge mabjalwa a 1swa oosats go be go thalija

lo dilrholL.O, dinku le dipudi. g be .e bs mokete o .a-i0eolo wa go

llela khosi. fula ya. math5w me ngWQgene, e boa bit~wa gor~ ke

ya the11e tha khcsi. Ge pula a nole, go be go the mothc ye aka

25. lemagc ~ole gaga go tha y& ka gwa Jmowela gore gc lemiwe. Ca

motho aka lama fGle o baa fiwa gore a lefe ka khor.10.

Pula ya :rele mo ngwagene e ne mc1la o. mogol~ "JvA. magosi gor11 ~,,1~

ke ya magosi. Taba ytwa e bee khodiswa ke bakhalabje le

bakhekolo ba kt.ale bawe e bego ba theba mo11a wa ngw&g:; ge o

thoma. Batt.o ba .khala bs. be ba kholwa ,:ore pule e neswa ke

magosi. Uoila o mongw6 wa bagologolc ke w& Dith~O. 1.loila owe

o tl:.atiile le mathene yano, ge motho n ilea gata dith08 go the

ya khowela ke molato o mogolo. Magos1 bare ke d1papa legodimc

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di lengwa ka mola8 wa t§ona. Ga go tho lemyawa dith6e, go lattwa

26. phalafala ya go khowela gore batho ba thOme go lema. Ge batho ba

ile ba ga§a pele ga khowelo, ba di epolla ge di th8ma go mela,

go thoga mowe e be rnolato wa gore bagaAi ba t1we molato wa go leta

ka dikhomo, Ke molato o mogolo ge motho a ilea gaAa dith"o pele

ga khowelo ya magosi. Methane ya khale basad1 ba ldle ba ga8a

dithoe bathe Thegorwana. Pula e ile ya gana go na. !hosi o 11•

a bit!a basadi gore bathe khorone go thekiswa, e bee le methane

ya ge go busa Timamogolo. Basadi ba ile b~ tiwa molae wa gore ba

ye le banna gore ba rate mowe di bego di ga§1t,we gona. Ia morago

27, ga mowe ba ile, basadi ba tiwa molato wa gore ba lefe ka dikh.omo

le dinku. ~ morago ga mowe ba tilwe molato, pula e ile ya thOma

go na. Basadi bawe ba go ga§a dithoo pele ga khowelo ya khosi ba

ile bs bit§wa gore ke baloi.

Gape dithoo ke moila le go motho wa monna, ge a ilea thena

therapeng, go kwala gore o go§oga bopele goba marete; go kwala

gore a lekelela ya bake moka ga tha tho thwa a boyela godimo.

Ke polelo yewe e thebjago ke basadi ba.khale.

Jloila o mongwl wa magosi ke dinthwa. Ke moila wa pula gee

le nako ya gore di ratywe, go rata bakhomana ba dik:hos1n1, e be

mowe go thabjago mokhosi wa gore p~lane o le dinthwa. Ge motho a

28. 11• a di rata pale, o tiwa molato wa gore a letiswe ka khomo.

Dinthwa ke moila o mogolo go magosi a masata ga go ka mowe motho

aka khonago go di rata pele gage go the yak.a gwa kwala gore

pulane o le dinthwa, 1e e the methane ya bogologolo motho ge a ile

a bonwa a ratile, o be a bolawa ke magoai gore o tabogile molac5

wa magosi. Ge dinthwa d1 ratilwe go tiwa pulane ya magosi, • be

mowe mane le mane a tho go khona gore a tswege thealo tha gagwe

ka taelo ya magosi awe a go thoma mola~ owe wa go rata dinthwa.

Go thoga ka magosi a pale le methane yfno ya lebono, dinthwa di

29. thebya kudu ka moila gagolo bawe ba nego le bolwethe bja malopo.

Ge motho a 1le a ja dinthwa mothene wa gabo a the a bonwa a ya

ka mothene owe o nego le motho wa malopo, a titha a nwa methi

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goba a tswarela the tswana motho a e gona wa malopo, motho yowe

ke moka o te•ke-ge-thw•, o tho th~ma go babj a. Xa thela e ngw3

ge motho a enwa methi mothene ge a thoma go t!warela thetswana

o a• polela gore le the te-ke-gelwe, ke thereso le gee ke go

ne motbo wa malopo aka the ke a a sala a re-ke-gelwa. Ge motho

30. wa malopo a 1le a tekegetswa go tithela mowe a bab3ago, go bit§wa •

ngaka ya malopo gore e the go thusa molwethe. Pila go thoma ka

gore go 1we go tbepela go laolwa, ge dingaka di ile t§a re o

fekegethwe, ke mo•• tho rego ge ba boile e be mowe molwethe a

ka khonago gore a opelwe meropa ya malopo •• N~• gee tha go mo

alafa e tha le d1thebele t§a dit!1d1 tAewe e bego t~a malopo.

lgaka gee thile le dithebele e thoma ka go laola ka taa gagwf

dikh~ara go nyaka bolnthe mmelene wamolwethe, le go bona gee

31. ke e tha mo fodisa. lgaka gee laothe e tho re go benye ba

molwethe, bolwethe ke bjo·bothata mothone wa lena. B~na benye ba

molwethe ba tho ;re mo leka ka go mo alata. lgaka ka khopelo e

tho re ke tho lelta. Go dumela ga ngaka go alatySne ga molwethe

e tho re nyakane khogo ya go mo leka ka yena kapa pud1. Ge dilo

t§ewe di le g6na di thiswa go ngaka gore ngaka e bola•• apeye

nama_ e t§bel• dit§idi namene e 4e le molwethe yowe a bego gona.

Ge motho o sele le ye:na aka ja • nama yew• e tAhethwego tjidi,

32. o tho thenwa ke mal6p6 ka bake la tA1d1 yewe • tthethwego mowe

namene ya khogo goba ya pudi. Ge let!at§1 le ya go dikela ngaka

e tho re go benye ba mothe na le ka the nyake meropa gore re opele

molwethe alaty3 malopo. Batho ge ba e kwa meropa e opya mowe

mothene ba tha go bSna malopo. lgaka e bee le gona tathene la

.llakhutAwi, leina la gagw4 e be ba e re ke JlamatMli. I be e le

yowe e bego ngaka ya malopo. Xa t§at§1 le lengw, o be a thelwa

ke batho go b6na ge alata molwethe mothene wa gabo Jlalenkupego

33. go be go babja mmagw• Jlalenkuplgo. KamatM11 g~ a thomile ·go opa

maropa, batho ba mathoko ba ile ba tha go b8na ge a bina. Basadi

ba ile ba mo opelela meropa ge a bintAa molweth• yowe Nkup,go.

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Ba be ba mo reta lta dikopf)lo t§a gagw3, ge ngaka e binnthe molwethe

o 11• • thogelwa gare ga lebatha· gore a bonwe ke batho. Mamatjh1

o be a tswere Nkuplgo ka,-letsogo. lkupfgo o ile a ettisa gore a

bine le ge • be a babja. Jda.mat&h.1 o be a mo thothatAa ka gore,

tabogela god1mo.Nkup8go o be a the a khone gore a emise ma8to a

34. gagwl ka ge a.1le a babje thebaka the the telle. Ea morago ga

mowe Nkupago o 11• a dudiswa tathe. Kamat!h1 a thtSma go bina,

mosadi_ yow• o be a tselela l• godimo. Basadi ge ba bona a t6el~la

godimo, ba ile ba mo ror1sa ka kopelo ya gagw& •• Xopelo ya gagwa

yl• • bego ba mo opelela y6na • res Woi-ya-wo, wo1-ya-wo, ge ba

• r17alo o be a topa le m.agala a mollB a thweyela ka ganone ga

gagwf, a mangwi a b1na god1mo go ~na. Basadi ba 11e ba b6na

mathakha ge mosadi Y"6w• a bina ka nako o be a t§habela lstokene.

35. Basadi ba mo rak1se, ge ba mo tswere ba mo thwele mowe go bego go

dut61 Nk.uplgo. Ge go thele, llamatAh.1 o be a• re go benye ba

mothe, theace P'1di ke thabe. Ge pudi e thabyilwe • be dinama

di t6elwa t61d1 gore a JI.le molwethe wa gagwt tfla. Ngaka yfwe

Jlamat§hi ge go thene khoso goba pudi 1• gore• thabje o be a gana

gore alate molwethe. ?Ina mos•di yowe llamatAhi o be a • re ge

motho a babJa one ma1ape. Le dingaka tie dingwl di tiisa gore

36. ge motho a babJa ke bolwethe bja ma6to di r• k.e malopo. Ba 1sa

mowe phey&ne s ya gore o tekegethwe ka ttona dinthwa.

Magosi b8na ba tiiswa ke t§ona dingaka,ce ngwaga o th6ma

batho ba siba d.i6lo gore bathe go di rata. Methene ya khale

bawe a bego ba ere ge go ratyfl~ dinthwa ba di isa go ta pulane,

ke ba ga Mutupa. Ke bawe • bego go the bega b6na, babe ba agile

mowe go bego go agile Sikwane, khaiswi l• mowe ba rego ke

l'olokotone.goba Kbubetawane. Ke go ya ka thoko ya leboya ge nx,tho

37. a thoga Jlak:hutiwi. llamat§hi gee. ile alaf'a motho ka bolwethe bja

malc;>po, o mo themelela ph3ko mo mogolone. Phlko e bale naka la

pudi ka gare go t!elwa dithare le gore lenaka le thibje ka motu.

Molwethe a botswe gore a the ke a le khaola ge aka le khaola o

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o tho babJa. Xe polalo ya e bewago ke mcsadi yowe e lego

Kamat~. Ke yowe a thebj ago ke basadi ka kalato yewe ba rego


ke malopo. 0 be agile mothe wa gagwl mowe ba rego ke Jlathomelone,

methane ya bogologolo. Methane yena ga thebj• mowe a 1lego g"n•.

38. Jlalopo ke bolwathe tfla, ge motho aka babja ke bolwethe go 1sa

thebaka the the telle <Ung aka di re ke malopo, e le gore ke ka

mowe molwetho a otelethego ke go bab~a ka gena. Rgaka ka go rialo

e thoma go themelela molwethe d1ph4ko. Jt>golone wa molwethe gore

ke ph&ko • thibela malwethe awe a malopo. Ph&ko ke naka la purU

ka gare ga lona go t§elwa di t§1d1. Ge lenaka le thethe ka di tjidi,

le tibj a ka motu, • be mowe le tiwa go molwethe, go the na le

thelo th• the. khubedu, leina la thona bare ke Tatabaloi. Lenaka

le aparwa mogolone wa motho yowe a alatyilego bolw•th• bja malopo.

39. Bgaka e bit!a motho yowe gore ke lethosana la yc5na, o botjwa le

gore a th• ke a latha lenaka lewe a tilwego lona, o tsibiswa gore

ge o ka latha lenaka o tho babja. Ka nete ge motho ~ilea latha

ph3ko ngalta e ya khona go~e e thinyl dithare t§a ~na gore motho

a thslw ke bolwethe bja gagwf e le ka mat3t3 awe a diyago ke

y~oa ngaka. Ge bolwethe e le ba bant§1, ngaka • ya khona gore e

re go ~na, ba e thuse ~• ditiwaro t!a bcSna. Gee le lethabul1t

ba e topela mokhope gore ba mo te c5na, taba yewe ya malopo e fokotia

40. badumedi ka gobane ge ngaka a ka hwet§a bawe e bQ thusago ge ba

1le ba babja ere ke mathosana a ycSna le ge ngwana a 1le alstya

ke ngaka ere ke balwethe ba gagw&. llodumedi o bot!wa gore a e

thuse ka mowe a bonego gore ngwana wa gagwt o hwat!ane tbuse go

ngwanene •• gagwa.

Ngaka e ngwi e e thebjago kudu ke Mokhadi, monna wa gagwe e

bee la Tjankir1r1. Tjanldriri o be a t!ere mosadi wa gagw3 wa

ngaka e bee la ngaka wa go theba go alafa malopo. Basadi krun.oka

ba mo theba o bina malopo bosego motho yowe a sokologa go a theya

ka a thena thekolo o phakisa go thogela bqdumedi ka baka lewe la

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41. bolwethe b~owe b~a Dlalopo. lfgaka ge 1le ya kwa gore modumedi wa

gore o ya babja e ya khona gore e mo those therosone e le ka mowe

a bonago gore o golethwe ke bolwethe. I:udu gee le motho yowe a

1lego a sokologa a the ya ka a thena thekolo. Ngaka e t~hota

batho ka gore one malopo. Ge ngaka ile ya alata modumed1 ka

gore one malopo, ke moka ipotho yowe o thogela bodumadi. Batho

le bBna ge ba 1le ba kwa taba yewe ya modumedi ba thepela ba mo

thega·mowe ba dula go g8na. Gore one malopo ke mowe lentiu la

mod1DJ le theya 11 ye go ka gena. Ke mowe go bont8ago poyela

42. morago ka batho bawe ba sokolo ga go e le ka go tsepa motho, e

the ka go tsepa modimo bont§1 bja batho bawe ba theya ka go ba

thena thekolo ka go hwet§a ke letAo ya thuto. Thuto ke thela e

e tiilego bodumedini, bont§i b~• batho ga ba rate ge motho a thena

thekolo e le wa mosadi. Thuto gee bee ka thena bathone be

basadi e be• ka ba bont§a thwnelo gore ba khone go khothelela

ger• ga mabothat·a a malwethe awe ba rego ke malopo. Jloila ke

thela e ngwl ya go thopa go dumela ga motho ka baka la thela ya

go thoka theroso le ge motho a ilea dumela.

43. Jloila o mongw& ke wa J4arula. Marula ke moila wa batho kamoka,

ge go th-'mile lethabula motho ga a tswanela gore a jA marula, go

esu gwa lemiwa, batho ba ka babja. Marula a tiwa ngwana wa pele

gore go j, yena pele, ka morago gage go jile ngwana wa pela, go

ja moratho wa gagwl ba ja ka go thathamana ga bena. Marula a j&wa

ka tAidi yewe batho ba e t1wago ke dingaka. Ge motho a ilea ja

lerula a the ya lc5ma o tekege tta ba bangwt, go tithela ge ba ka

babja ka baka la yowe a jllego lerula a the ya b<Snwa. Go lcSma

marula ka molacS wa bagologolo, e the gore go thC,me batho bawe ba

khale, le methane ylno go the bjalo. Batho ba tha phela ka go

lc5ma marula ka ngwaga o mongwl le o mongwl,go phelwa ka go lcSma

44. kudu batho bawe • kego bane le malopo. Bana ba themelelwa

ditha~ t~a marula megolone gore ba theke ba tekegelwa phGko ke

thibela phlk&gelo. Phiko yewe e thebja kudu ke bakhekolo ba e

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thokomela ge go the na 1·ethabula. · ~ rh~ko e kholo ngwega o

mongw8 le o monew' go phaswa di})h&ko lapene. Ph&ko e phaswa ke

motho wa Hhad1 lapene, Lapa la khadi ke mowe bana ba mothe ::tamoke

ba khobakanago g~na gore ha l~trta eena •. Ge go ilwe gwa the ko ewa

phaswa phOko bana be. mothe kamoka ba fekeeelwa. Khndi ke mosadi

wa pela ka thetswalo th~ bona, g& bale lapene lete le lefe. Ge

e le gare ga lethabula moils o monfw3 k• wa mabll&. Moila-wa

4;. mab31~ ke a Le~t§a kbad1 gee l& le lethabulat e thoma gore e

bot§e bawe e ba phaset§ago gore ba e fe mab4l3 gore a the a diwe

mapoto a go phaaa diph8ko t~a ngwaga ore la ore. Uapoto ge go

longwa a t~helwa tathe mowe go longwaio gena •. Diph~ko di phaswa

ka ngwaea o mongwl le o mongw8 g• go the ya ka gwa rhaswa bana

ba mothe be tekagelwa. Ge ba 1le ba lebala go phasa batho ba

fekeeelwa ka 6na. Jlab~l• awe a j8lwe goba the ya ka ba lomisa


Moila o mongwl ke llotAakwauie. liot~alr.wane ke dikenywa t!a

mathGmo a ngwaga ofe la ofe, tela lll8thene yeno ga se batho ba

bant61 ba\ie bathe phel&.go ka go lc5ma mo1la yewe ya batala. lik,ila

46. o fokott1t§we ke bodumed1 go tha lOma dikhos1 le t~ona dingaka.

Gore Timaoogolo a hw1le, go ilwe gwa bewa Masodi. Ge a dut6i

thetulona tha bogosi, o 1le a h,,elwa ke ngwana. Jlasodi o ile a

t~aba gore e be ylna khosi a gopela gore batho ba mmolayethe . I

ngwana yowe • bego a hwile. Batho ba 11e b11. leka gore a tsware

thetulo tela o ile yena a gana, a re le __ rnmpolayethe ngwana le nna

le ka mmpolaya go bile bjalo le lehono aka a dut10la ilascdi o ile '

a thoga.a ya go dula lhw1t1ni ya .Malobe; ke mowe a gila go gOna.

Ke ka thoko ya mowe bodikela tAat!i. bja thaba ya ~khane.

47. fAe ke ditaba t!a mokhekolo Masabe moroto wa gagwl ke ~lau,

bana ba pudi y& go tswala mafatha marsgela t&ne. Oe re bolla

bk>lobe e bee le melta e bee le ngwana Mothala. Re bolothe

Tading, re bolot61tiwe ke Ktllebe. Ltalebo. e bee le morwa Mothala,

e be e le yowe a tswalago ke Kotswana. O be a e kwa Thelalo.

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Malebe e be a thotile Thelalo ka go tthaba, a tha • age llak:huttrl. ke tt ge Morema. Morema o be e tswalwa ke Methe. l'Iotho

e bee le Lettbele. Jlotho o be a e kwe. a tthaba Balobedu, a

t~aba •zwlltse, o be a pat.l-i1lv.'e ke 34apono. I be e le l!okone.

I.e rena Bakone, o the ~ne naka tia pudi go bAtagsna bolwane bo

gtne !Ile> Dinakene, re be re agile MamagokubJe. l!amegckubje ke

thaba e mole khaiawi le thaba ya lewa le M.agod1, khaiswi le mows

48. to ngilego khosi Mametje nokene re Lepelle. l!owe llamsgokubja, re

1le ra ~athwa ke Mapono gtina. Ge re e tha go aga Makhut!wi, re

be ra kwa re le Tb.sbine. Thabine re be ra pathwa ke mo tfillabo wa

ea ba .Mclc;tobe., e le yona nako yowe nagene ya ba Makh.utfwi go bego

go busa khosi Timamogolo. Thabine mowe go be go agile Makhoba.

Bakhaga ba 11& bare tsogola bogale mowe ra go bona gore ga go na

khut!o, le rena Bakone ke mowe ra go fallela nagene ya Tading,

go ya go aga ,ana. R'l 11• ra rakwa ke leburu ra 1a Marotene ga

be. ga Thekht!khune re be ra ya ks go t!haba gore re buswe ke leburu.

ltwa ya tlwmE. nagen~ ya ga Maf~tl. I be ntwa e le ya Ngwanamohuba

yowe a go t!he.bela ga !lcktaga. Gore !akhaga ba mo thus3, ga a

49. thena !okt~aga, ba ile ba b6na gore go thatafile, Bakhaga be ile

be ther..t§ha Maburu ka gare ga b~na. Maburu ba ile ba thena ka

gare ga kfrBk! ba tsv:ere dithunya ba th8ma go thunya bale ka ~

gar~ ga k~r3kl. Ge re e kwa bawe ba go phona mows ~t~ena, ke bo

Jothc, le bo Mag~ma, 111 bo Marale. Bont!i bJa batho ba ilo ba

rettwa ka hburu. Batho babe bathe ya. lemoga gora ba thunywa

ke .Maburu. Ke mowe gwa go fela le§aba la ba 1lakhut~wi, ba ile ba

b~na gore ba !ela ba thoma go ttihaba, ba s$the ba bone melomo ya

d1thun1a t§ewe e begc d1 nyarathe mowe mafaseterene a k&rGk8.

lte mov.,a ba go th6ma go t~aba. Masabe le be. gabo ba ile bs thc.;a

;o. ga Thekhukhune ba bC,na gore ba ga !hekhukhune ba ba thorisa. Ba

1le ba tha io aga gafe gobs .riakhuttwi, lehono thelemone tha

ngwaga wa 195'0, ba agile Lekau, khaiswi le mowe go bego b:1 ga

Jloraba. Ge mo tho a !eta ga ba ga lloraba, o thana mowe go agile go

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ba ga Rakhwale. Lekau ke khwi ti e libela go ya thc5ko 70 leboya,

go rota mowe ke co thena nokone .ya Thegwai. Thegwai yona e t~hela

noka ya UekhutAwi, yewe e elago e libila th~o ya gc ya bothabela­

t§att1. !Jak.huttwi e feta }:ha1swi lA thaba ya Laphat~1, mc~e e

bago e le thsbo tha go tthabela Mapcno gtna methene ya pele lo go

t§habiset!a dikhomo gens.

;1. T~e ditaba ka t~a molmekolo .MAscdi. moroto wa gagwi ke

?:.St8bel~. llathena ya khale ge khos:1 e th.a nt~a peu, go be ro ronwa bans ba banyana, babe ba bitswa e le ba bant~1 gore ba ye

go l~ma moOta wa khosi. Ba be ba eba le molobe wa bBna yowe e

thogo ~eta k:t:os1 ya b~na ge gc lenwa !!:O~ta ta be ba gate peu,

rula e em y~ thc5ma go na, babe ba ga§a peu t~hemne ya khosi,

t §herno yewe e be e le ka Thegorwana. Banenysna ba e thomo go

lOma let~att1 kamoka, ge let§at!i le dikela ba theme go go belela

ba yA gae, ba e ya ioothene wa khosi go bega gore re l8m1le.mo0ta •

.Mot\ta o be o lenwa ks ngw~ga o mongw3 le o mongw~, e le gore l:e

g~na bathe ba thogo go bulwelwa gore yo mongwf le yo mong~4 a

52. theme go l~m.~ ya gagw~ t~hemo. Banenyana go be go e ya bawe ba

themago go kwa matswele. Pule get e th~ma go nae bee hwet~a

goro mab:13 a gatit~we mcwa U1Catene wa khosi • .Methens ya lehono

mo6ta go l4ma batho ka dipholo t§a.bena, o le ba bant~i, bawe ba

buswago ke khos1 ya b6na. Ge motho a ilea gana go ya go 16ma o

nttis~• pudi, goba a ntthe khomo, ka ta~lb ya khosi. Ge go

len~1lwe ?rL>we t~hemone, basadi le bena ba thibisws gore ba ye go

a thagola motta owe wa mosad1 wa khosi. Ge basad1 bn 110 go thwa

ba thagole., go at:•wa d1je g6na mowe rno«'tena, d1pud1 di a thabja,

go lebogi 1w mowe basadi ba thwelego ba thagola ka gena. llo6ta

;3. wa kbosi, methone ya lehono o 1engwa mowe ba rggo ke Lorraine, ke

wa nw:,sadi yo roogolo wa khosi, mab~l~ a gena ba that~• letholo ge

ba e ya go ga!a ke peu ya g8na, methane ya pele-le bena banenyana

ba be ba e thela negene re ba e ya go l~ma mo!Sta. Uotheire y~no go

thibelwa ke gore batho ba gana gore ban.a ba b8na ba I thele nagene.

»c,eta o lengwa ke bawe ba yago go bolla, go twi ba ya k8pyanene,

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K~pyane ke mola~ wa thago ya batala gore khosi o tswanetbe gore

a bolot§e k8ma ya bale. Batho ka·baka la go b6na tbuto ba gana

go dira bjalo ka batala.

54. Jlasodi ke mokhekolo wa ka bogosin1 yowe a bego e le yina yowe

a thebago go direla bogosi manaka a dipula. · Go be go le y&na yowe I

a thebago ka metuta-tuta yo ~na. Jlethene yeno o a a t~haba ka go

theba gore pula ke ~na-e tet§it~ego le§aba. Ge motho a ilea

the ke·a lemoga ka mowe go kwago phero, ge a e ya go a tswarela o

a hwa, bont!1 b~a batho ba hwile ka go t§helwa ke t§idi yowe ya

dipula. Pula ya ba llakhut§w1 e neswa ka manaka awe a bego a bewa

dithabene, tela methene y3no a llolwe ke d1phetp1 le dit~e1w,

a le g~na mowe dithabene. Manaka a dipula a be a bewa tathe ga

55. thaba yewe ba rego ke Selethou. le thaba • kholo e khaiswi le

thaba ya Jlagokolo. Ke mowe go bego go bewa le manaka a dipbeto,

ditako le manaka a go th1bela ge go• the madimo gore pula e khone

go na ka tswanelo. A be a thebja ka megako ya 6na. Ge pula e na,

khos1 e bee khona gore e.ageletAe marothi gore• Mne gore go

butbwl o re mogako owe pula • nago ka 6na. Ge 11• ya bBna gore

go buthwe mogak.o wa go the loke, motho o be a ronwa gore a ye go

o thiba, ka go theba gore ga o ya loka. I nee le gore a thebe

56. gore pula • e nago ke ya ote mogako. Kmudi wa manaka a d1pula o

be a lemoswa gore a thebe metuta yewe ya manaka awe a bego a le

g6na mows thabene, mowe Th.elethou. Batho ba llakhut!w1 ge ba thoma

go thena lefathene la Makhuttwi ba 1le ba hwet!a e le thaba • yewe

e bego e ne dithou. Dithou e bee le t!e dint61 gona mow• thabene,

t§e dingwa di lwe tia bolawa ke batbo. Ka.t'uta ye mengwl ya ditbou

di 1le tAa t§haba le metuta ye mengwl ya d1pho~t616 tae e bego di

tbebja lee 7a d1khokone, dithotbwa, dikamela le dipbalatala. Kan.aka

awe a tAona ke awe a bego a t&elwa dipula le diphtko. B be• le

57. manaka a we a go hwet!wa • l• a mabothe gore a t~ele di thare ka

gare ga ona. Thaba ya Thelethou e bapetbwe le thaba yewe ba rego

ke Kamabala e ka thoko ya go ya bodikela, le yona e bee le thebo

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tha go tAhabela go yona Maswatse awe a go tha methene ya khale.

ThalNme yen ya Jlamabala, e be go tAhabela batho bawe e bego ba

agile mowe Phokene, bawe e bego e le ba ga Nkwana, tela bcSna ba

be ba thea thebe go nesa ga pula.• be ba e hwet§a go bawe

ba llakhutAwi bawe e bego bale mowe 1'hegorwana bawe e bego gwere

;a. ge o ka omana le motho wa b8na ba go phose ka molwa o dut~1, o

th6me go thabja ke mad1, e ba motho o hwa a eme ka mephoso yewe ya

b8na, .e le gore k• mephoso yewe e bego ba e t&lela mowe manakene

awe a dithou. Khos1 Timamogolo o be a khona gore a tetoge kota

kapa lepara la tA1p1 kapa mothare. Ge • b~na gore o ya go thakana

le batho mowe thilene, ge le mo !'1t1le, o tho mona a laka mowe

a bego a • ya. gcSna. Mokhalabje yowe Timamogolo o be a thaba batho

kamoka. Ge batho ba fya mowe a b&go a dula gc5na, babe ba

59. kwatama fathe ka matolo ba thcSme go phuphutha ka magoti. B be

mowe ba monago le go bolabola le yfna. B be mowe ba mo tago dilo

ttewe ba thilego le t&ona ka ge dikhosi t§a khale di be di b6nwa

ka thelo, pudi goba khomo_. Gape khosi t!a khale ge motho a thabile

khomo o be a isa lethakori, e le the bego tha go bega khosi ge

thebego the the ya ka tba iswa motho o be a nt§a khomo e e phelago

ka khaplllo, e bee le molae wa magosi a khale. Thebego go iswa

gcSna mowe go thabilwe go ka lerumo. B bee le molacS wa batho

kamoka ba thelete bawe ba bego ba buswa ke khosi ra bona.

60. T§e ditaba ke t§a :nokhekolo llathwana moroto wa gagwe ka

Jlangana re bolotbe ga Nkwana re bolot§it§we !l&katane, o be agile

Ehubet4hwane. lthubet~wane ke khaiswi le mowe nokene ya Salane.

l4athwane o be a e ne papagwt agile mowe ba rego ke Mant§w1r1.

Mantswiri ke thabena ya ba ga Iomana, papagw§ .Mathwane e be ina

la gagwl • le Koloko. Baile ba ya go aga mowe ba rego ke Khelese

(Calais). llathwane o be a t!arwe ke Mogale. Kogale e be e le

morwa Rakampi ka t§at§1 le lengw& o kile a tha~ja ke ge a kile a

hwet!a ke mokhekolo ro mongw8 leina la gagw3 e bee le Makwalane,

e be• le mokhekolo wa moroto wa llelau, o kile a t§ia marukhwl a

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61. monna wa gagri a a kwara a tha gae ga mokhekolo yowe Mathwane a

fitha a th8ma go mo loAa. Ebe e le ka nako t~a bosego, a bot~•

Kathuane gore ke phiri malwethe, ke let6at~1 o be a ere ke kwa

Magakala. llathwane o ilea mo alela magogo mowe nthone ya gagw4

ge a teditte go mo alela, o ilea th6ma go bitAa moBne yowe a

bego a ere o kwa Me.gakala, leina la gagwf e bee le 11akwa11ana.

62 Ge be. le mowe nthuue yewe a bego a mo alethe magogo, a makala ge

a bBna mo~ne wa gagwe e lego ~kwailane, yowe a mo thebago, ge ba

le mowe nthon• mokhekolo Makwailane a thoma go mo thega. Mathwane

a th6ma go thabega gore moene wa gagd o rene a mo thega, e bile

mowe bathe ba mothe kamoka ba go th6ma go thega lilOkhekolo yowe

MathwanG • .Mokhekolo-yoMt Jlakwailane e be gwa ba taba ya go ba

makat.§e ge a kw&rl marukwe a monna wa gagwt, y§na o be a ere ke

be ke re le tho ntheba naa? Makwailane e be e le molmekolo wa

63. 1Je swasa. Bena ba mo the ba ile ba makala ge Makwailane a kw8re

marukwB a monna wa gagw& bana ba ile ba mo thega ba mo saset~a le

ka dim~ya ga a be thogela ge a k1t1ma e bee ke ke mokhalabje.

Taba yewe ya mokhekolo yon e ile ba tsoga bee thega le ge go


Gape mokhekolo yowe e bee le thethal1f1 gare ga thaka t!a

gagwl, o be a e ne matolotolo bjalo ka motho wa monna. Meswasa

ya gagw3 ka nako a be• swabisa le banna ka gore o be aka bit~a

mo tho wa monna gore tlui1 o nkethele, ge monna a ile a mo siya a

t§babe e boye ka gae.

64. T§e di taba ke t~a e Uohlaba wa ga Jfadike moroto we

gacwf ke Makhau re bolot§1t§we ke Masekane 1 re bolothe Thegorwana.

Masekane e the y8na lesogana. Masekane a tha busa ka molae wa

tbethogo tha bogologolo, o be a ere ge moloi a ilea loya motho,

babe be beg• go ylna, y4na o be a ere bstho ba ye mor~un1go

nyaka moloi ka I:'lOreu. Ge moloi a ilea tswarwa ke moreu wa dingaka

motho o be a boswa khor6ne g ya gagw3. Moloi o be a thegwa

matorone a gagwl gore mane le mane a rete a mo tswela ka mare,

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le gore a kh1;ri;hw~ ka letswele ka morago ga mowe o be a thiswa go

tnasole a gag'& go fithela ge moloi a bol'awa ka molamo wa Pethwa

65. ge a hwile o be a beswa lea tnasimelo awe a bego a berekwa ke masole

a khosi. · Le motho ge a ilea utswa o be a thiswa khor6ne le yetna

a bapolw~ ka masimelo a tha phela, moll8 o be o tiyelelwa ka dikota \

t§e·\ d~kholo gore o gole. Ji>tho wa lehodu yena ;o ·be a kwapiswa. a

tha ~hela, le ge a lla co be go tha hole thelo, go fithela ge a j .

e hwa ka go kwapiswa ka ona moll~. Ge a hwile, o be a porawa ka

6na·:mo110 ge a bukwile o be a t§iwa go iswa go khosi gore e fetole

dithare ka nama, ttewe di thogo §umiswa ke khosi gore e beye

diph~ko t§ewe di thogo t~elwa gare ga manaka a·dithou gore e be

66. t §a go ne sa p ul.a ka t ~cSna. Ma thane yewe go be go the a kwale

baloi le mahodu bjalo ka methane ya lehono; ka go t~haba gore

lehudu goba moloi babe· ba bolawa ka leho le thethogo. Boloi ·bo

thile bja th~ma go ata gare ga batho ba 14akhut6w1 gore go thena

makhowa. 14akhowa ba ile ba thoma gore ba ganette gore ge le re

motho yo ke molo1 le ·. mmona ka ene, e bile khana e kholo go ti the la

ge Illakhowa ba beya molacS wa go ganela dikhosi gore ·moloi ga a

g~na, gobane gale theba thela yewe le khodisago ka gona. Go thoga

67. ge makhowa ba emelethe boloi le go thibela gore le the tha bolaya

mahQdu, baloi le mahodu~baJle ba bale matha go kwola pale le go

loya batho.

Methane ya ge go busa khos1 Timamogolo go be go let§wa

phal.afala ya go khowela gore Ma.!oboro ba ye go bolla, le gore ba

ye go gola Ma§thwa a go 1sa go khosi Timamogolo, go gola Maethwa

go be go e ya le mathuma~a, ·ba be ba ··a golJ let§at~i kamoka ga

lona, babe ba e ya gae ge let§at~i le eya go dikela, ge ba thena

gae ga khosi Timamogolo babe ba thoma go phuphutha ka magoti ba

kwatamile fathe ka dikhuru, ge ba phuphutha babe ba phuphutha go

68. go fithela ge ba e res bat§ha. Ebe mowe ba thBmago gore ba ye

magae ga gabo bBna. Ma3thwa a be aga dikwa ke mohumagadi wa khosi

gore khosi e §ebe bouswa ka 6na. 11.afthwa e bee le a go loba

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khosi ka Bna. Khosi Timamogolo o be a kwana le gore a §ebe bouswa /

ka ena Jla~thwa. Ma8thwa a be a golwa thabene ya Phuthe la thabene

ya Sar(§nl/ Ke mowe a bego a golwa gona. Ge le§oboro goba /,


lethumata a the ya ya o be a nt§iswa khomo goba a lere ka d1pud1.

Mathena yeno ga go tha na me1ae y~we ya gore ma~oboro goba mathumata i{

69. ba gole maSthwa ge b& e ya go boll a. Ma6thv,a ke mofuta o mongVJe

wa d1t~18 di ba g~na gee le gare g& thelemo. Gee le lethabula

malthwa a th8ma go the kepela rathe ge a fedit~e go ei;ela mata a

Cna a a hwa. Ma~thwa a bjalo ka t§ie ye ba rego ke thegongwane

fela thegongwane ke the the kipana, le go tha the a tisa go tha

ge a le lethabula, the kile tha ba gona ka thelemo tha ngwega wa

1928. Ebe e,nako ya ge batho ba fola mab§l~. Ethe go thoga ka

thona thelemo thewa e,su tha ka the boya, thile tha golwa ke batho.

?O. Baile bathe ke ba lemoga ge the thene gore the tho ba thinyet§a

mab316 awe a bego baa t§hethe ma§alene a bena. · Batho ba ile ba

khanela ga ba b6na thegongwane babe ba gopola gore ba b6ne mo§ebo

wa go §eba mauswa a b8na •. Ge batho ba gothe thegongwane ba tll

that61tte ma.saka a b8na ba b6na e le gore bjalo the ba thinyetae

mab~l~ a b~na. Ke mowe ba go th6ma go lla ka ge ba b8na gore the

kokona mab~l~ a b5na, ba ile ba gopola gore the tho !eta, thona

ga tha ka tha fota the ile tha talokha ngwaga the le g6na. The

71. ile tha j~la mab~l6 a le metutuni. E bile mowe batho ba go kwela

mab3lf a b6na bothoko, gape e bee re gee le mothegare the be the

fofela godimo ge lat§at§i le ya ge dikela e be mowe the boyago go

dula fathe. Benye ba masemo ke ge ka lona lebaka lewe ba e thela

mowe e bego ba robethe eona mabel3 a b6na, e be ba e thela gee

le .mothegare, gee le mothegare let§att1 le be le retela ba bangwl

batho ba ile ba llela go khol1 Timamogolo gore a the those the re

jlla mab3le. Baile ba ya gae ga gagwe babe fethw§ gore kene o

?2. the ya those Thagongwane babe ba mmot§a le gore ge o the ya the

those re ka the tha go dills thelo gobane o thogela thegongwane

the re j§la mab~l~ a bana ba rena. Ba bangw3 batho babe ba gopola

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le gore ba mo thogele. Ge e le dikhomo le dipudi d1 ile t§a hwa

ka go thoka bjane bjowe e bego he ke di ka bo ja. Batho ba bile

ba khudugela mowe ba rego ke Ma.ripelena gore dikhomo d:2. hwet§a

bjane g~na. Ebe ba b$na ge dikhomo die hwa ka go the j! tholo.

Bathe ba 1le ba fet.§a ngwaga bale g$na mowe Maripelene le methapa

73. ya b~na ya d1pud1 le dikhomo. Mab81~ go 1le gwa phona bawe e bago

ba fed1t~e go fola a le mathone bawo e bego ba tha tola la go roba

ga ba .ka. ba hwet§a thelo the 11a tha ba lob1sa a le gona mowe

ma!alene. & rile ge thegongwane the fitile ya ba mowe batho ba

kwanago le kho!li ya bona le bawe ba go ya merakene mowe Maripelene.

Baile ba boya gae le methape ya b6na ya dikhomo le dipudi ka ge

babe ba b$na. bjane e le gore bo sethe bo methe. Ke mowe batho ba

74. ilego ba bona gore gone bokaone.

llohlaba o bolela bolwathe bja basadi, ge mosadi a ilea phuma

mpa goba a thapa a b8ne khwedi, batho-ba k:hale babe bathe bjalo

ka bana ba baswa. ge mosad1 a 1le a tiwa mpa ke lesogana goba monna,

babe bathe ya ~bu.mi mpa ya gagw~ ka go mo ta dithare babe ba

mo thogela go fithela ge a thusega. Ba methane Y'no ga se ba bant§i

ba bBna bawa be ba thogelago gore bathe ba thusege kudu ge mpa e

ile ya ba go motho wa kharebe. Batswadi ba ngwana ke b6na ba dirago

pho§o ge ba bena ge ngwana a ene mpa ba ya go dingaka gore di bare

7;. dithare gore ba fy~la fy~t§e mpa e thee nyane gore ya the thebj~

ke batho tabs yewe. Ke kotse e kholo mo mothone. Batho ba banna

ba fet§wa ke taba yewe ya go phuma. dimpa.:. Ge mpa e ilwe ya phumiwa

monna ge a 11a a thenela mothone yo mo bjalo ka go mo ethela motho

yowe ke moka a ana bophelo motho wa go thenela mosadini wa go phuma

ge a tbabe gore o kile a phuma mpa a e polele, o to homola go

fithela ge le§aba lee hwa ka go e thela le y~na. 0 tswara banna

ka madi awe a ilego a a phuma ge a bile le _mpa. Mosadi yowe a

kilego a phuma mpa ka go nwa dithare o fet§a le~aba ka madi awe a

?6. a gagw3. Motho wa monna o sitwa le go e polala go fithela ga a

e hwa. Ngaka ya go khona go alafa bolwethe bja eo rhuma mpa ka

nako e ng~6 ga e khone thelo. Lege ngaka e ka ~husa motho, o tho

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thepela mengwaga e the mekae, e be motho o thenwa ke bolwethe bja

thekhuba e be ke mowe a thogo go le hwela. Ga go na ngak.a ya go

phedisa motho ge a ilea thena mosadini wa go phuma mpa. E tela

ke kotse go rena batho ba banna, gobane mosadi a phume mpa lehono

khwedini ye e latelago mosadi o ya nokene a th.ape a be bjalo ka

77. kharebe, bannn ba thcSme go mo duma le go mo khopela gore re ya~

nya~ ka go mo ethela. · M:>sadi ga a gane o to dumet~a banna kamoka

go wela godimo ga ·gagwe.

Yengw3 kot~e ke ya ge mosadi a b8ne khwedi, ya ba o gathana

la motho wa mor.ina. Ge motho wa monna a khopela motho wa go bona

khwedi a thalose gore ke b6ne khwedi o to homola go fithela ge a

tho kutha banna yowe aka mo khopelago. Mokhekolo yo mongwa o

thalosa ka gore batho ba khale babe bathe na mokwa owe o bego

gona methene y3no. Molato ke gore ba e thekisa ka dicha18t§.

78. Xharebe gee b6ne gore lesogana le ne mohola le gore aka thapela

a botta bahwerwa·ba gagwe gore mosadi goba kharebe yola ore one

bolwethe ke mowe ba thogo· bot~a motho thereso. Methane ya khale

ge mosadi a ilea kutha monria o be a bot§wa gore a mo alate, ge

motho a ilea hwa le yena o be a bolawa ka molaO wa dikhosi. Banna

babe ba phela mengwaga a metelle. Go thogela mowe ke ga go thane

makhowa. Ka morago ga oowe malao ya magosi e ile ya th~ma go ya

rathe le go the thokomel~~ batho le magos1 ba ile ba thorela melsO

ya b5na.

79. T§e ditaba ke t§a mokhekolo Mal~h8 m.oroto wa gagw3 ke Makhau

re bolothe Tbegorwana. Ge re bolla moloba-e bee le Masodi, e be

e le morod1 wa Thetagwa tha Lephat~i, o ilea hwa mowe ba rego ke

Malet~hut~hu • .Maletthut§hu ke khaiswi le mo,,e ba rego ke Tsolamethi,

0 1le a hwa ka the13mo tha ngwaga wa 1949. Ka morago gage yowe ba

rego ke k lhudu a beilwe thetulone tha bogosi Thetagwa e bee le

mokhalabje yo mogolo khor.Sne ya ba Jlakhut§wi. 'lia13ho o tswalwa ke

Mogolrolod1, Mogokolodi o tswalwa ka Madikwele, ylna ga go thebege

gore o be a tswala ke mane. Ual~hcS o t~erwe ke Pharuma. Pharuma

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e be e le morwa Diose wa ga Moagi yowe wa go thunywa ka thethunya

80. a le godimo ga p8r~ ka ntwa ya bakhaga. Diose o be legwa ke

mokhalabje Uat~awela, Molapo a thatta. Mattawala go k,.iala ka kudu

gore ke yowe a bego e le mothibi wa difate t~a ph~fo gore pula e

ne; lo gore ge let§at§i e le le legolo, a bone gore pula a neswe.

0 be a the~ela a namethe p§r~. O boa thepela go fitha le

Phalaborwa le ga Mametje. 0 be a thepela a khobelela dil8ba t§a

khosi •. Go bawe a bego ba sitwa gore bathe go Timamogolo, o be a

gile khaisVvi le mothe wa ba mosata. Pharuma ngwana we gagv1~ ke

liotflakw§ leina go be go tumile la Sara, o be a t§erwe ke ba ga

Ramaila, ba agile bokhaga. Ke mowe mosata wa bona o bero gona.

81. fitJnna wa Sara.leina la gagw& ke Phil1mon, mmagwe ke ?Jmatj1~ ke wa

ga Rakhwale ba agile mothe wa bona fa.the ga thaba ya Lekhane, mowe

go bego go agile lekhowa e be a le Matheti~i. Ba ga Rakhwale ba

agile mowe ba rego ke Pit!ene, mowe go bego go agile mokhalabje

.Mamotsaet§a. Mal~h~ yena ke wa ga ?a4ab1ne, o be agilo nokene ya

Salata. Ba be ba dut§i le llat~hakane awe a go tha ba e kwa

T~hakane khaiswi le Pothokisi, go kwala gore ba ile ba thoge ga

gabo b~na ka go t~aba ntwa, babe ba ka bogosi le khosi yowa e

82. bego e le Salobane. Mal~bcS methena ya lehono o agile mowe ba rego

ke Balloon, o agile molwanene wa naga y~ ba Balloon le ba Makhut~w1

ka thoko ya go ya bodikela bja thaba ya Lekhane. l!al~h6 o batagane

le ba ga Sha1, bawe ba go thoga ·ka Thagorwana baa aga gona mowe

ba rego ke Lekhe~ena. Mal~h6 o be a dut~i mowe go bego go agile

Theapana, e bee le ngaka, o ilea thoka gcSna mowe • .Maleho methane

ylno o the g6na mowe, o bolela ka ditaba t~a balo1 bawe e bego ba

thepela ka t§hwene gcSna mowe thabene ya Makhwara. Ba tho ba Makhutsw:

ge b~ e tha go aga go kwala gore ba thile ba hwet~a lekhwara go be

83. go the a mele bjane goba methara, go kwala gore baloi babe ba

rutana gena boloi go thila gwa thoma go mela m~thare ka morago ga

mo go thile batho ba ga Thekl>rorO •. Bonts1 bja methare ke re~b6la

le merotho, e hwet!wa ka bothalo g6na mowe go bego Lekhwara, go

tumile kll.du ka baloi bawa e bego ba rutana dithuri g6na. T~wene

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a be e bonwa le ge e le mothegare ·, le d1phir1 'le di th.wane le

dit§h~tih3. Dibatana t~ewe go kwala gore batr.o ba be ba loya ka

t~ona, mathene ·yewe yakhale. Methane y§no {;£ di tha bonwa. Bjalo

84. ka methene ya bot;ologolo go kwala gore di hwile le banye ba t~ona.

Gant~l bany8 ba tala gore di be di bonwa ke batho ba go tshoma

diphoofolo, go be go e:no leina la gag;·,·& a be e le

Samaname. Kat§at§i le· lengwe bare o ilea ya go tshoma g5na

mowe Lelr.llwarene la thaba ya Lekhane o ile a kwa lent!m gona mowe

Lekhwarene le re, wena o fet~a bana baronage rena ro re re phela

ka bana ba lena le re baloi ba thapha bana ba lena. Mokhalabjo

yo~o Semanama o 1le a thabega ge a tha bone thelo gore ke ene thalo

85'~ the the bolelago le yena. Y~na a thoma go t~oga a gomela gae a

kitima a thibisa bakhalabje ba mothe gore ke maket§e ge ke le mola

Lekhwarene lent§u le rea "le thapha bana ba rena, ge ke lebelela

mo thoko ga ka Mna thelo, fela ke ile ka thalwa ke go t§hoga."

Mokhalabje yo mongw3 leina la gagw8 e be ba ere ke Mamorumodi.

0 1le a re Le~warene gone diphcSfcSla t§ewe baloi ba thepalago

magae arena bosego ka tsona, naa? 0 1le wa ya mowe thabene?

Yena a re ee, Mamorumodi o 1le a th8ma go thalosa ka mowe a thebago

86. d1thur1 t~a thaba yewe. Gore o b113 le mathatse ge re go bona.

Ka ttat§i le lengwe o k1le a kwa IOOkhalabje Tfmeka le 11.athake ba

bolela bjalo ka ge ore bot~a. Gone diphiri le dit~8t§h~ g~a

mowe Lekhwarene la thaba ya Lekhana, p di phela i~na. Go ne

mefuta-futa ya d1thuri mowe Lekhwarene. Geo be o ile wadi bBna

ka matho, o be o ka the bonwe. Mokhalabje o be a e g5na wa go

t shoma to feta wens, o ile • loba g<Srta mowe Lekhwarene. Le1na la

gagw3 e bee le Laonkhi e bee le wa ga Pitho. 0 be a bolaya le

87. d1nkw3 a e nos1. Batho ba gabo ba ile ba bona ka dimpJa t~a gagw&

ylna bathe mone. Go kwala gore o ilea hwet4a dibatana t§ewe e

the sugu eke a di bOna, gone le thapa l'!lOwe di phelago g6na, ba

re ke bo§1k.wabothabonwe-ka-matho. Thapa lewe le beilwe metuta-tuta

ya dithuri go lona. Y~na go kwala gore o ilea hwela gona,

Bo41kwabothabonwe-ka-matho. Ge a b6na dibatana t§ewe o ilea re

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o ya go di bolaya, ka go di pho§a ka mathapa. Ge a thomile go di

pho§a a kwa lentAu le re lehono o gathene le borana, gae o ka the

go bl>ne ke nete, o 1le-.a hwa. Dingaka di ilwe t§a bit§a ka bont~i

88. bja tsona gore di the go la8la, e bee le bo Makhwekhwethe le

Khobenyena, le Khakw8. Benage ba thile, ba ile ba thalosa gore

o t§erw3 ke dithuri t~a mowe thabene ya Lekhane. Banna ba ile ba

iswa gore ba mo nyakele,. Banna be J.iakhut~wi ba ile ba hw8t~a

dimpya_ tta gagwG fela ga e le motho ga ba ka ba mo hwetta go

fithela le lehono • .8osikwabothabonwe le th&{:a lewe go ba go the

motho yo aka retago go lona, ge a tshoma goba a thepela ka baka

la dithuri t~ew, e bego di phela go lona, le dit~wene tta gona.

Dingaka di ile t~a tthaba le mekhotha ya bona ya ditheb~le ba bOna

gore £0 thomilwe taba ye bothata. Dingaka ka bo t§ona ga ba ka

89. ba rata gore ba supe mowe go ilego motho. Ka gee bee le gore

ga go thebje gore go ka renw! ka ttona dithuri t§ew, t§a mowe

thabene. Ding aka ·t§a go thcSma go t§haba, e bile bo Mpuru le

.Mabuwakanye, o be agile ka rnthe ga thaba ya Rakubu. Go 1lwt! gwa . .


thoga le bawe e bego ba thile go bona, gare ga batho go be go na

le monna e bee le PhAdiswa y4na o ilea re .go beny~ ba motho,

m_phene khomo t§e thano ke tho le laola bjalo. G9 dikhomo di ile

t§a thebe gona t§a gore ba mo patele,taba ile ya sita banna bawe

e beto ba nyaka motho yowe wa bona wa go t§awa ka dithuri.

lllakhwekhwethe y§na o ilo a sala a tha ra·taba the le Monk.he, ba

be sala be fomisa gona mowe gc, bego go thethe batho. Ebe e le

banna ba moroto o o th11,. e be ~ le Mankw&, ba ile ba thcSma go


t§haulana ka MatMloba a bona a bo ngakat ba baka go laola ka mowe

motho a 1lego. Bathe ba ile ba leka gore ba ba lamole, gwa thoma

ntwa ya dingaka. ba role rene. Makhwekhwethe a re go bona o gana

ge ke re ke ya le laola ore nna ke ya tora. Danna ba ile bare

go ban& thogelane go lwa, ya bake mowe batho ba b~nago gore ga

go na mohola, batho ba 11e ba tho£a mowe mothene e le gore ba b~na

91. ntwa ya banna bawe ba babed.1 ba dingaka. Go thoga g~na t§at§i

lewe batho ba 1le ba thoma go lemoga gore d1ngaka di la~la batho

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X34/tt6 ka go fora batho. E bile taba ya go tholega go b6n~ banna bawe

ba mowe ba babedi e bego ba lwela go laBla. Banns kn~ ba ila bare go

b6na, fO kaba bjane ge .le ka lwela go la5la, e be go ka ba kaOne

ge le ka lac5la ka mokhatha wa yo mongw&. Banna ba dingaka ga ba

kwana gore ba ka la6la ka .mokhatha ka o thii, e bi.le khane go

fithela ge ba thoga.

92. T§e ke ditaba ke t~a Kolamo le mosadi wa gagw&. Pele ga khoro

ya lianarene Molam" o be a e na le mosadi wa gagw~, a th6ma go

t&haba le monna e.mongwt leina la gagw3 e bee le NtAheu. Nt~hlu

o 1le a tho bolana le ruosadi wa JfolamB ka morago ga mowe o 11e a

thoga le mosadi yowe lebaka le mengwaga e meraro. Menna wa gagwl

KolamO a mo nyaka a the thebe mowe a ilego gona ka newaga wa bBne,

o 1le a mo hwtt§a a na le monna yowe e bego Nt!h~u. Ga a mo

hwlt!ane, llol~ o 11e a tha le Ntth3u pale ga khoro ya Banarene I

gore a tholwf. Banna ba khoro ba ile ba thekisa Nt§h@u le mosadi

yowe wa ~lamO. Nt§hlu o 1le a emim1a pale ga khoro • .Morena

93. lekhotha la Banarene, nna Nt§heu ke thogile le mosad1 wa l.lolamo

tfkano ya mengwaga ye merara. llosadi ~e be ke tha bolane le yfna

Danna ba khoro ba 1le ba bona yowe Nt§hfu phoso ka go thoga le

mosadi wa monna yowe llola.m6. Nt§h8u o 1le a e tumela ka mow~ a

e ponago phoso,' banns ba khoro ba ile bare, o e p8na phoso ka ene?

lt!h6u o ilea dumela phoso ka pudi t§e pedi, banna ba khoro ba

ile ba mo dumela gore a thise pudi tt•we tAe pedi. Ge Ntthlu a

thile le pudi tAewe t§e pedi, banna be lekhotha ba ile ba rera gore

a gate mosadi yowe wa Molamo ka pudi t§e nne. Ntth&u, o 11e a

94. dumela k& mowe a bonwago a e na le molato ka gona. Ntth3u o ilea

bot§a banna ba lekhotha gore ke dumela mowe ke nego le molato,

fela ke khopela thebaka tha go ya.go nyaka. Banna ba lakhotha ba

1le ba mo dumela bare o the le pudi t§ewe kll let§atti la katholo,

o 1le a bot§wa gore a the le t§ona ka let~at§i la mokibela, ka

morago ga mowe banna ba lek:hotha ba ile ba .thena go mosadi, mosad1

o ile Ii rea Nna monna yowe fltAh,~ ke th& bo:f_ane le y3na ka e

tumela go boyela go monna wa ka nka the thw~ ke th~ boyeletta ka

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thoga le yowe Nt§h~u, banna ba lekhotha ba ile ba kwana le dipolelo

t§ewe t§a mosadi yowe Sara.

95'. The ke thereto tha ngwana wa mokhomana wa ga Uatho, leina la

gaewl ke Nk.oko,

lhomo ea swa! e ganwa ke mane?

B ganwa ka nna kat1&1 a masogana,

Ka kotse ke bat, .bogale,

Ke gana di tologela moopetsi

Kare a ke t11 khwad1. ke tiya thamaga

Ke tiya ke di kateleletAa Jfagobarene

Kc re madi a Uokone a the nthatge dimpa.

Ke tsw11~ ka teta tha nkhadinyane

Ka hw~t~a nt~i e sila letsoko

Bo Leobu ba nekella go soba ',

Maburu ba ge lemi sa dikolobe.

Ke magatikele a ga-tikela NktA lekhwarene

timhillkkuzm:xklln1UJ1g ....

Ke re ngwana makata let§a mphuludi

Seballe ke bathanka ba phaka t~e dikholo dingangaba

-Ba t§wa go thopa thelo the bothata

Banna ke mokokobedi o moso dipataka.

96. The t§wa ka borwa mothela wa tholo tetoga

1'het§hep1 rego ise .llarotene klllUCx:Kapa

Kowa nagene t§abo Thekwati morwa Thulare.

Polomethi ke ye lethaka ga e ke e thapha

E ka tologa bodiba e ka e thapa e ena mothela meth1n1.

Ke pud1 e bathe ke tsoga mosata

Ke tsoga pele ga bo Nko~et~i le bo Kholoke.

Kenna manyuga ke nna mankwata-nkwata

Nala le nyuga le noka ya Uakhut§wi

Xe leba motsane thapet&a morole.

Nna nare e kholo ya Makhut§wi khoduma lerole.

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Ke leba kwa sagale ga mosad1 a mothala.

Kenna Mokafofa ke nna naso ya nt~ha mokaka

D1 t§huwana kamoka ra holotela,

Kenna M.okafota yo mogolo wa Makbut§wi

97. A rego a fofa aka go fofe khosi gcSna

Go fofa Maphatakalla t§1~ t§a mosito o mogolo •

.Kowa MakhutAwi ga·Thek8ror8 Thegala-gala

Makhut§wi a bo Mogale ga mothabo wa Maat§helane

Ba re t§helane meth1 dinakene

Lehono naka di a lla kowa ga gesu

Nkopat§i boutha kOma ga mmathari a namane

Gamma pelega batho.

Kenna nare e kholo gare ga dinare

Lebo Mot§hana a mma le siba ke tswala ke khomo

Ga gesu mcila re ilela tene.

Ke botile bogale gare ga marumo.

Ke Nkoko wa bo nthuse le the b8ne motho la nyat§a

lilotho ga nyat§we ka matho,

Ke ngwana wa khoro t§e dikholo

Kowa .llakhut§w1 ga Thek<SrcSrcS thela gale.

ENDS 5.f554 .