Page 1: DAILY ALBANY AftGUS. 21/Albany NY...Gum Copal do Mastic do Arabie do Myrrh Russia Isingli Green-st., at the corner of Beaver," (a'fe ... ly Beef and Pork, Smoked Beef and Hams, Smoked

DAILY ALBANY AftGUS. t . CtOlirK/ . / . , Prt»urtat*< Stmt*.

m^ /*,.«?• «•*** **er**(__1___J w * * • * _____________

*" fKKMI.

TTsTVv AfM'.Ud, w « * i . v - T w e _o_sreperae-

£ £ n e r w i l l » e i » c * ^ » ^ ^ - » « — ^4««re_»ee i he proprietor.,) Ml" *»> arrearafes are serf. ^ ^ .

" J i T _ * v e a t . ^ : « i * « > r t r f six weeks for • « £ » " •

> s J w w _ n o e W « a ^ ' ^ ^ T J J t l ^ l S .•to for rata • m-«pwuuMcru»«. la aucaac*.

V O L . X . .

« E R I C A S S U N D A Y S C T I O O L UN-.I ._._, _.__ «> _ - • - - o. I t

doors A ION- Now Depository in Albany, No. I t

eem* perfottol gayaVali* reaaires ia advance,

A II letter* and aaaUMMamaaO* a»»«i ae a**-paii.

D O T E S T U F F S , A * . - * " - •ubfcnbera orfcr . fat the lowest prices lor c ^ or aoproTod

______ mm extensive aaaortmoiit of genuiae D R U G S S | £ & C J > & 3 DYE S T U F F S . V e ; among •re die feUuwLugs , J%irmriMt

Opium 1-ofwooo Aieee Camphor Magnesift Castor Oil' Brimstone Sulphur Epsom Salts . Glauber Salts Borax Crude

do refined Calomel

RedPreciptate Liquorice Ball

do Root febMN Pink Root Cream Tartar Sulphate do Senna Rhubarb Spirit Turpentine

Silver Black Lead American do Also a quantity of India and English Seme Twine. Druggists, merchants and others will find it lor

r interest to cell before they purchase elsewhere. J. A J. W . BAY,

myS Cor. of State and South Market streets.

Logwood Nicaragua Fustic * Camwood Copperas Blue Vitriol OH do White do Madder Indigo Nutgalle Cbrome Yellow Cochineal Annatto Prussian Blue Drop Lake Aqua Fortis Red and White Lead Rotten Stone Gum Copal

do Mastic do Arabie do Myrrh

Russia Isingli

Green-st., at the corner o f Beaver," (a'fe south of State-street.)

I his Depository, recently established, has been opened under the most favorable ausoieea and on a scale more extensive than any north of the city ol New-York. Depositoriaa and achoola can now be supplied with the publications of the American Son* day School Union, in all their variety, and to aary desirable extent, on the same terms as at the parent institution in Philadelphia.

In addition to the above, there will at all times be kept the publication ol the Massachusetts and oth­er Sunday School Unions, and all such other books as are adapted to be useful in Sunday school libra­ries, com p nsi n x nearly one thousand different works of approved character. Also, a Isrge variety of standard and miecellsneoue religious books, lor cler-

Emen's libraries, church libraries, and religious nily reading. New works of value will be re­

ceived as a^on aa published. N. B. The attrition of ministers. Sunday school

depositories, schools and teacher*, and the religious public generally, is respectfully invited to this es­tablishment. -

Orders for books, and any communications rela­ting to the business ol the deposi torv, may be ad­dressed to E. H. P E A S E , Agent,

n*!5 Albany.

FR O V I S I O N S T O R E — T h e subscriber re­spectfully informs his friends and the public in

general, that he has opened a Store (No. 7 H idson street), where he begs leave to off- r such articles as Butter. Cheese, Lara, barreis and half barrels rami-ly Beef and Pork, Smoked Beef and Hams, Smoked and Pickled Tongues, ail sf which he offers lor cash aa low aa can be bought in thia city or elsewhere.

no5-tf J A M E S GIBBONS.

C1H %KLES B U T L E R , Attorney at Law and ' Solicitor in Chancery, has opened an office lor

the transaction of professional busidese in the city of New York at No 33 Wall streeu Dated N. York, November 7. I«W4. nntn-tf

£L. P A S 8 A Ej An opeot

a T J t ^ . from the ___! anVAmericari

• • "'' •• snip -i wini . P A S S A G E F R O * I R S L A H D ^ -An opportunity now presents itself for

arena of having their fri suds come from the various parts ol Ireland, in good American shine, by way of Liverpool,

where no detention will take place. An opportu­nity like the present seldom occurs, as one of the firm ia expected to anil from New-York for Liver-

B©I on the Iftthday of January, in the packet ship ihernia, sod returns from Liverpool again in the

ahip South America, on the 1st June. T h n N company has adopted with a view of travelling through every county in Ireland, for the sole pur­pose of accommodating the friends of thoee persons engaging with this line. Drafts con always be ob­tained as uaual. Applyor address 246 Pi arl-streel

D O U G L A S . R O B I N 8 0 N A Co.. or Messrs. ROBINSON, B R O T H E R S ,

dslt _ :14***1**0'*


C O M M U N I C A T I O N W I T U I R E -LAN I>-P_tsages can be secured and money sent hums with regularity and safety from No. 246 Pearl-street, payable in every province and county in Ireland.

Province Leinster— Dublin, Month, Louth, Ltoklord, Weetmeath, Kings County, Kildere. Queens County, Wicklow, Carlow. Kilkenny and Wexford.

Province Ulater—Londonderry, Antream. Done­gal, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Down, Arrnath, and Ca-van.

Province Connauaht—Rltgo, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Gal way.

Province Munater—Cork, Waterfbrd, Kerry, Li­merick. Tioperary and Clare.

Letters forwarded to the subscribers from any part of the United States, post paid, will duly be sen' on or. the Liverpool packets, sailing 1st, 8th, 16ih and 24th of each monih. Apply or address

D O U G L A S , R O B I N 8 0 N A CO. 246 Pearl-at-, New York, or

ROBINSON. B R O T H E R S , de8-3m Liverpool.

LA W O P F K ' E -opened an office


South Market street. Albany^have recently made ^Jh'* ££ groat addition to their stock oi'£>*« Sfnjfs and Paints, among which are the following:—

White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red

Brown White

Pane White fipcuee Yellow Yellow Ochre Chromic Yellow Patent Yellow Ivory Mack Prussian Blue Rone Pink Dutch Pink Smalls Verdigris Ground do. White A Red Chalk Spirits Turpentins Terra de Sienna Gum Shellac Gum Copal Gum Sandrtc Gum Arabic Stone Yellow Litharge Umber Vermillion Fuller's Soap V!so—Orleans Indigo,

Paint Brushes Sash Tools Marking Brushes Annatto Cochineal Press Papers Tenter Heoks Nut Galls Sand Paper Romtn Pipes Corks Sal Nitre Glauber and Epeom Salt* Glue Lamp Black Gold Leaf Silver Leaf Paint Oil Winter Strained Sperm Summer do do Olive Oil Blue Vitriol Oil Vitriol White Vitriol Alum Copperas Flotant Indigo Bengal Indigo Log Wood, Nicaragua,

Wood, Turmeric, Cream

- J U H N A. CUREY has in the village of Saratoga

Sprinirs. Saratoga county, where he will attend to sueh professional business in the several courts of law and f quay as mav be entrusted to hiscare. Be­ing located in the vicinity of the vice chancellor of

circuit, the undersigned will attend to such ajfenciee and other bus nees in the court of chancery as may be sent to him by the proleasion, from other parts i»i the state. Dated Saratoga Springs, Oct. 525. 1834. oc3l-tl T, RO B E R T M c L A C I I L A N

forms the public, that he ban reapecUully in-commenced the

manufacture of MUSICAL I N S T R U M E N T S at <>5 Chapel. 2d door from State street, where he keeps constantly on hand a general assortment at whole­sale and retail.

N. B. All kinda of repairing done with neatneaa and despatch. oc3-tf


I ustic, Red Wood, Cam . . *~~. • — «~«.~, -Tartar, Red do., Sal Ammonia, Flour Sulphur. Roll Brimatone, Borax, Madder, Teazles, Clothiers' Screws, Jack Carda. Wool Carde, Whitewash Brushes, Clwthters' do., Demijohns, l>am<.n.ia. Co­pal and other Varnishes, Spanish Segars, Aque For­tis, Grained Tin, Writing Paper, Stone Ware. Stone Stove Pipes, Paste Blacking.

G R O U N D D Y E W O O D 3 , of their own manu-acture, such as will be warranted of the firet quality.

American Glass, from ft by a to 16 by 12; English Crown, from 7 by 9 to 20 by 24; do in crates.— Ground Paints of all colors, wholesale and retail.— Brushes of every variety. Also, a large and general assortment oi AMERICAN BROADCLOTHS J CA8SLMERES, S A T T I N E T S , S H I R T I N G ^ and S H E E T I N G S , at the manufacturers' prices.

m/2U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D I S P E N S A R Y . No.

14 Peck Slip,corner of Water street, New-York.

DR. E V A N S continues his improved practice as usual, at his well established Dispensa

,ry No. 14 Peck Sli >. The public arerespectlull apprised that Dr. Evans, being regu­larly educated in the city of London, has been a member

ef said faculty thirty seven years—has had twelve years' hospital practice, and ia well k w » a as a araetuioner in thia city for the last sixteen years. The great aucces* attending Dr. E*ana practice in all delicate caeea, viz: syphitlw, gonor­rheas, gleets, stricture*, &c. induce ignorant pre­tenders to copy after him. Many valuable members of society are daily falling sacrifice to the artful baits held out by those unpnncipal experimental-ista. Strangers are particularly cautioned not to be deceived, oy ingenious puffing advertisements ot any description, but call a*d judge for themselves,

Also, to be had at the above Dispensary, No. 14. [ Peck slip. cor. Water at--Manerva's Box, containing

Also, a preventative for the above, if used in due time.

E T The offices snd entrances are welt arranged andsecrecv mav be dependedon. ivl2

AL R A N Y I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y , Office 56 State-street—The Albany Insurance

Company continue to insure buildings, goods and merchandise against lo«sor damage by hre. at the rates established by other offices in the state.

I S A U H T : > W N S E N D , Pres't. DIRECTORS.

Francis Bioodgood, Rut'us H. King, Thomas Russell, Richard Yates, Benjumn Knower, Augustus James, Teunia Van Vechten, Gideon Hawley, fiarent Bleecker, Marcus T . Reynolds, Gerrit Y. Lansing, Lewia Benedict.

JOHN E. LOVE I T , Sec'ry. All applications for insurance must be made in

writing, and the subject tor insurance accurately de­scribed. felfi-2tn

AT W O O D ' S A M E R I C A N S l E - L . P E N S — N e w invention—Messrs. C. Atwood

St. Co., respectfully inform the'pubtie that they have now opened an office at No. 9? Maidcn~_ne, New-York, where they are constantly receiving a aup-pty ot this desirable article from their manufactory. The recent heavy importations o' foreign pens, has induced the subscribers, to start the business in the United States, and where they hope by their exer­tions tomertt a share ot patronage. All orders for pens, by mail, wiUbe promptly supplied snd strict-attended to. C. A T W O O D A CO.


NE W - Y O R K L f F E I . N S C R A N C E A N D T R U S T COMPANY—At the meetings of the

Board >i Trustees, held January 6th 18 JS, and Feb­ruary 3d i S ki, the loUowiug gentlemen were nomi­nated as Trustees of the New York Lile Insurance and Trust Company.

Cornelius W. Lawrence, of the city of N. York, Benjamin L. Swan, do do Stephen Warren, do Troy. fell aw at A. NTCOLL, Secretary.

M I S S I O N A R Y M A P ex M A N U A L , and other new books of the American S. S. Union,

received st the Deposit ry, No. 1* Gresn at. fee E. H. P E A P E .

LO N G Bead and <*ilk Purses, for sale at too Va­riety Store 3»tt South Marke at., by

j»28 S T E P H E N VAN SCt lAACK. TjMIR S A L E . - A BARGAIN—A Horse, Cat-M. ter and Harness— The cutter is beili m a fash­ionable style and <JJI e new, so likewise is theh-r nees. The horse is young, but gentle, handauu.e, and sound, good in i l l ber paces, either in harness or under the saddle. Any person wan ing the above, will please cell on E. THuMA<5.

j e » ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ L I V I N G S T O N , Attorney and

and Solicitor and Coun-j . •—•- .^...w.w- _. . M . . to room

the City-Hell. ja^4-lawKw

n V E W f O M R , S U R G E O N D E N T I S T , > No. 329 N. Market atreet.

References—Ore. March A Armsby. Dr. Green Dr. Shaw Dr. Van Antwerp, Mr. Tnoe. McElroy and Gen. C Humphrey jy23-*lm

TH R E E Beautiful Paintings. juf»t ree'd at the Looking Glnse Store of ROB'T L. KEAR­

NEY—1 pair of landscapes by Miller, and the En­tombing ofOur Saviour, attributed to Van Dyke. Thia picture was purchased by col. Trumbull in Paris (or the late Thomaa Jefferson, and remained in hie possession till his death. de3

A L I 1 A N Y C L I N T O N F U R N A C E , No. 68 Beaver street—The aubscriber keeps con­

stantly on hand at the above Furnace, a supply of Plough Castings of all the different kinds and pat­terns in use. including Rich's side-hill plough.

Also, Caldrons, Smut Mills, Portable Furnaces, Weightafrom 7 to 56 lbs,Sash Weights, &c. Ste.

All descriptions of Factory and Mill Castings made te order, on the most favoreWeje*yha>

m'.'v JOEL R A T H U O N E . • \ I O T l C E - T h e ALRANY T Y f E AND S T E . 1 1 REOTYPE FOUNDRY is removed lrom Li­berty street to No. 2 Green at., first door from State st.f where orders for Stereotyping, and lor Type and Printing Utensils of every kind, will be thankfully received and promptly executed.

au29 H. H. L I T T L E .

P A S 8 V G E F R O M I R E L A N D — Persona settled in the United Mates, wish­ing to send lor their relatione and friends from any of the porta of Ireland, or from Liverpool, to come out early in the spring,

should lose no time in making their engagements, so that the passengers may have full time to prepare lor the voyage, and to give them the chance of the first ship. Those persons iving st a disumro car apply by letter, tpost paid! which will meet en attention. Drafts as usual for any amount payable at sight in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply or address

D O U G L A S , RORINSON & CO. 246 Pearl-st.,N. Y_,or

ROBINSON, B R O T H E R 8 , de8—1m Liverpool.

T H E O L D P E A R L - S T R E E T HOUSE, A N D OHIO H O T E L , 84. 86,88 and 90 pearl street, and 54, 56 and 58 Water at., New York—Thesubecriber respectfully informs the merchants and

the public in general, that he has become the pro­prietor of the above establishment, having purchas­ed the furniture and leased the house for a term ot Sears for a Commercial Boarding House, and he

atters himself, from the long experience he haa had in the business, he can give general satialaction; and for the convenience of his customers he haa attached an Ordinary to the establishment, so that they may obtain Warm Dinnera from »2 till 4 o'clock, for their accommodation. The location of this estab­lishment ia too well known to need a description, being in the business part of Pearl atreet. and in the immediate vicinity of Wall street and the principal Transportation Companies. It is also convenient te the auction stores, now generally located in Wil liana, near Pearl at. Fifty Rooms are added to the above establishment.

N. B. Terms for Board $ I per day. ap4-tf B. D O U G L A S S .



d | I L CANS—100 oilcans, consisting ol ^barrel, ™ " barrel and hah barrel, of first rate quality, jap-pan'd and lettered in a superior atyle, mst finished andforsaleby A. H. A U S T I N , N o . 343 N.

mrt4 Marketst f doorf>«m State.

J U S T K E C ' D — A beautiful engraving of the Pedler, by Stewart after Wilkie, st tht. L4>ok-

ing Glass Store. 3̂ 28 N. Market st. oc28

A m N E T W A R E H O U S E — J . M. ROB­INSON & CO., No. 17 Green street, in the

new brick block between Stale and Beaver sta., have on hand and are constantly receiving, a general as­sortment of Cabinet Furniture, such as mahogany sofas, mahogany secretaries and bookcases, mahoga ny and black walnut sideboards, mahogany and black walnut bureaus, mahogany and black walnut dress­ing bureaus, mahogany and black walnut work stands, mahogany and black walnut centre tables, mahogany, black walnut and cherry tea tables, curl­ed maple ana cherry oureaus, ctierrv work, light and wash stands, high post bodatoada, black, walnut and maple French bedsteads, black walnut and Boston rocking chairs. From the advantage of having a shop in the western part ot thisstate, where they man­ufacture their furniture bv water power, they pledge themselves to sell as good an article, and much cheap­er, than can be purchased at any other shop in the U. State*. Please call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. au4

Pt ' B L l C noti*e is hereby given, that the entire stock of C L O T H I N G ol the firm of GRA­

HAM or, CO. is ordered to be sold off, without re­serve, at No. 427 South Market, corner of Division street, Albany, consisting of a large quantity of box coats; ©live, orown, adelaide, steel mixt petershams of very rich colors; a lot of frock and dress coals, coatees, hunting coats, camblet cloaks, Boston wrappers.

lOOti pairs of cloth and cassimere pantaloons 500 do strong sattinett do 700 do strong English cord do 600 do moleskin, some super 400 d» strong cloth 400 round lackets, of different kinds 300 double breasted vests, al' colors 400 Valencia Vests, very beautiful patterns 300 velvet, fig'd and plain, new style 400 pea coats, allsiiee 100 strong wrappers, linen and flannel Shirts, drawers, &c. ike Also, 700 second hand coats; 1 lot pantaloons. A quantity ot box coats and pea coats. To be taken away aa soon aa purchased, as the

store mom ia wanted immediately. Don't forget the number 427 S. Market, corner of

Division street, Albany. oc2


has just received by the latest arrivals, an extensive as-ortment of silk and cotton fnng-s and galloons, worsted damask curtain ornaments, A c . ; also fine and common paper hangings, comprising a great va­riety of patterns. He has constantly on hnnd su­perb transparent paintings for curtains, hair and moss mattresses, live geese feathers, beds, common do, paillasse?, Ac ; will make to order to the latest fashiens, window and bed curtains, carpets, Otto­mans Jtc. dec.

N. B. Live geeae feathers, common do. hair and moss oi superior qualities, in large or small packa­ges- ocH

A L B A N Y C L A t S l O A L a K S l O O L - ^ A n A institution designed tor the instnasximvof bows in the highest brancbe* of an EngUsh ajad ClsasicaJ Education, has been organised with die above tide.

The trustees havirqr procured an eligible site for a building, have oburoed the use of die building in Montgomery street belonging to the Feansle Acade­my, lor the present year.

The School will be •pened at this pises on Wed­nesday the Nth of May, under the superintendence of Rev. Samuel Center.

It will be divided inTnfoursVpnrnnensa, commen­cing with the study of the English alphabet, snd ad­vancing to the qualifications tor entrance into Col-lege. or for the s*uveemp!oyTnent* of hie.

T e r m s - ^ 8 per quarter fbt thejfirst department; $6forthesecjnd; $5 for the third; $3 lor the 4th.

Application mav be made for terms to Rev. Sam-uel Center, or either oMheTrosuies.

SAMUEL C E N T E R , Principal.


no22 JOHN WILLARD, Trustees. L W A Y S D Y 1 S O A N D Y i J T U T -ING—The subscriber feels diankful to die pub

ic for the preference snd en<ouragement he haa e -eeived since he haa taken the dying and scouring establishment, formerly earned on by Mr. Robert Martin; and he still hopes to meet the desires of die public in doing their work ia the best possible msn-

From his own practical knowledge, together with the best ol workmen, be feels able to warrant the public that their work will be done to their satisfsc-tion. Tobeaht'it— I

All the various shares of dying done, All ihe colore undei the sun.

N. B Monno, Cashmere and Thibet shawls cleansed and dressed in the French style; black merino and cashmere shawls restored to their origi­nal color without injuring their borders. Strict at­tention will be paid to cleaniog gentlemen s wear­ing apparel; collara and breasts ot ream warranted to be kept in perfect ahape. From his superior con­veniences, s suit of clotnta can be dope tn a lew hours, so tl at the traveller, as well as the citasen, can be accommodated by calling st No. 14 Store

All'orders thankfully received snd ntomptly at­tended to at No. 14 Store Lane, opposite the Centie Market, Albany. . . . . ,

Now all who wish te make s dash In colors most alluring; ' i Or all who would their dirty robes Should have a thorough acownng, Muat send the aame to Store Lane. Mark well the number O " 14 And I'll assure them satiafied— I'm serious in mysporting. ' _ _ _ „


fTTHE subscriber having disposed of her dying ee-1 tablishment No. 43 Hudson street to Mr.

Robert Cam nhel. her late foreman, taken this oppor-tuni'y to offer to a generous public her grateful .hanks for the extensive patronage she has received at their hands; she is gratiBed that the enncern has passed into the hands «f a gentleman whom she can confidently recommend t<> the public encourage­ment. Mr. Camphel haa he«n the pemcipal con­ductor for the last five years; is well and thoroughly acquainted with the business; a first ram workman, prompt in his engagements, and will I doubt not, entirely satisfy ine expectations ot h««»«*0!"?'* ,~~ Albany. Jan. 19, 1835. ELIZA A. MARTIN.


vejrea sy oaiavmi JWCUUM to run terry along said Howe's land, ai street, ens bundled and eee feet; •aid Howe's land, and parallel to i


Pearl street—JOHN I G G E T T respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he alters and repairs Lamps ot all descriptions, in the newest and most approved plan.

He also keeps constantly on hand a complete as­sortment of 'I in and Sneet Iron Ware, at wholesale and retail prices, as low as can be purchased in the state. Also, copper, cistern and liquorpumpe, Tea Kettlea, Glue Kettles, and all small articles in the Copper line, made in the neatest manner. Pedlera

articles of Tin Ware are particularly requested to

Rags and old Metal of ail kinds ra&en tn exchange for the above articles. All kindb of repairing done neatly. Persona having Rags and old Metal on hand would do well to call, as he willafford Ware at whole sale prices.

Country and town Standard Weights and Mea sures and Scale Beams kept on hand, at the above place. AllWeightsandMeaauressealedatthe ahort dsit notice

anlft-dac JOHN I G G E T T . Sealer_

H A K B U S - 1 bbl interior Gu-« Ara


D Y I N G A N D S C O U R I N G E S T A B L I S H ­M E N T .

O L D S T A N D , No. 43, Hudson-street, Albany —The subscribers having taken the above es­

tablishment lately occupied by Mrs. Martin, will continue the same on their own account. As Mr. Camphele, one of the proprietors, has been the prin­cipal conductor for the last five years, he trusts by his punctual and faithful execution of business, to merit a continuance of public favour. In conse­quence of the increase of business, the establishment has been recently much enlarged, which will enable his work worthy of further encouragement.


NE E D L E S — H e m m i n g & Son's superior nee dies (warranted) may ba purchased at the va­

riety store 392 South Market street. jalS S T E P H E N VAN SCffAACK.

TO S A D D L E R S — J u s t received, a large as­sortment of saddle, gig attd stanhope trees; also

a few cwt deers hair; Tor sale by S T E E L E * W A R R E N ,

«p20 3T>flS. Market at.

CO N N E C T I C U T S H A D N O . 1 in half barrela, mackerel No 1 in halt barrels; for sale

at 323 N. Market at. opposite the post office. oc22 JAMES McCABE.

S J O A P A N D CANDLES—I0U boxes dipt and

'J — - » ' — , n • a." MCTROAN; * f«29 No. rtft Stalest.

N CHANCE*Y-toa H. Jackson, Maria _t

sesLvs. WlUtam Fetere and ChrisUsM A. Us wife. George i * Paytter. aed Lydla Aaa kia w.fc. ftela* 8. Carll sad Sally B. bis wife. Andrew C. Hegeanae sad C B. his wife, William P. Wright and Eluu his wife, mas iackeoa, Mary Bradaaaw, Bsfcart Jackson, Jacksea, Lydla Jackson, Elisasea Jackson. Isaac WB> teu and Aaty hit wife. Saauwl J. Underbill and Marv hi* wife, Adonijah i. Uaderlull aad Pfeese H. _ wite, Wil­liam Jackson and Sally his wife, and John Jackson and Marvhiawife.

In pursuance of an order of this Court. ataeS is the above cause, bearing date the ninth day of January, eoa thousand eight hundred aad ihirty-dve, aU aersoes ha via* any general lien or incumbrance by judgment, ox decree, eaeny u _ vised share or interest, efanyev' the parties in the lands aad premiees set forth ia to* bill of cotaplaiat la the above ranse, aad bercuiancr desaribed; and all per-seas, parUes or net amities, te the aseve suit, who have either aaeneral or apeciBe hen er incumbrance upon the shares or laserest of the above named parties, or either of j them, ia the said lands aad premises, and of which nartinon is sought, are required to produce to sac, the undersigned. Master in Chaaeery, on or before the sixth dav of third month (March) next, at tea o'clock in the forenoon of that any, at my eaaoe, situate number three hundred and thirty-one Pearl-street, in the city of New-York, proof of all sueh Bens and incumbrances, together with satisfactory evidence of the aaaoant due thereon; whieh land* and pre­mise* are thus bounded aad described, vis.:—Ail those eer-

K tain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brooklyn, hi the county of Kittys, and state of New-York, numbered progressively, from one to seventeen, both inclusive. Parcel number one—Begin­ning at anoint on the westerly side of Willow street, dis­tant one hundred aad seventy-two feet one inch northerly from the northwesterly center ef Pierpont aad Willow streets, and running from thence northerly along Willow atreet one hundred and three feet three inches, to land con­veyed by Samuel Jackson to Fisher Howe; thence wes-

and parallel to Pierpont ' i thence northerly along

parallel to Willow street, one hun­dred aad fifty feet to land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson to Henry Beerkman, aad sew owned by OevM Leavitt; thence westerly along said Leavitt's land and land conveyed by tat said Samuel Jackson to David Cod-wise, and now ewaed by Frederick T. Pest, three hun­dred and one feet, to the eaateify aide of a certaiu intend­ed atreet eaned Furman street; thence northerly along said intended street, called Furman street one hun­dred and fifty-eight feet nine inches, to land late of Henry Waring; thence westerly along said last mentioned land, ninety-seven feet live inchea; thence southerly along Mid WaniM/* land, tweuty feet tea inches-, thence westerly, stilt along said Wariag's land, to the East River; thence southerly, and in various other course* aad directions, along the said Bast River, to land of Hesekiah B. Pierpont; and thence easterly along said Pierpont'* land to Willow atreet, the place of beginning.— gutiject. Nevertheless, ia regard te such part or portion of the said parcel above described, as original­ly lay between the high and iuw water mark* of the said river, to an annual rent to the Mayor, Aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, or their assigns, of thirty dollar* and thirty seven cents, payable on the first day of May in every year, until the first day of May, ia the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-four inclusive, and thence forward to aa annual rent of sixty dollar* aad seventy-five cents, payable on the first day of May in ev­ery year, for ever thereafter. Parcel number two— Be-5inning at a point oa the westerly aide of Hick* street,

istaat one hundred and fifty-six feet one inch, northerly from the northwesterly corner ef Pierpont and Hick* streets, and running from theare northerly along Hicks •treet twenty-three feet eight inehee to land of George Hicks; thence westerly along said Hick'* land, two hun­dred and two feet two inches, to Willow street; thence southerly along Willow street twenty-three fret four inch­es to land formerly owned by Hesekxah B Pierpont -, aad thence easterly along the raid last mentioned land, two hundred and two feet two inchea to Hicks atreet, the place of beginning. Parcel number three.—Beginning at a point oa the westerly side of Henry street, distant one hundred aud twenty-six feet seven inches northerly from the northwesterly corner of Pierpont and Henry streeu, aad running from thence northerly along Heary street three hundred aad fifteen feet six inches, to land now or late of the heirs or devteeeaef Aert Middagh, deceased; tbence westerly along the land last menuoued, fifty-one feet four inches, to land owned by, or in the occupation of the Brook! vii Female Institute; thence southerly along the said land last mentioned, and laud of David KunUerly, one hundred and fifty three feet seven inches; thence westerly

the place __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ oa the westerly «de of Bridge ner of certain lota of MUM! MN Jaeksna to E_Jeh Rayaor, sad r uunu-g' Crom erty along Bridge street, two -- - *—


' "^l__si«_^jC,

*______*̂ *__2 *%"**?* • s MM a__r^___eft_ri_a

_ 3 *


feet one inch, tfTfcuid sew er hue of thence wesbtriy alone the lend last feet eight incises, to land now ot hue of thence northcrlv, along the land last mentioned, and land of John Dikeman", James Eagle, aad W__n_ Smith, re-essttiveiy; antfakw along Chapel street, two hundred aad eighty feet two incites, te the laid conveyed a* i Eujeh Rayaor: and theare eastern, along the grntioasd, one hundred aad tea feet eight inches, to Bridge street, the place of begianiag. Parcel number thir­teen -Beginning at the southeasterly earner at BrMfe aad Nassau streets, aad running from thenoe lastarty along Nassau atrtrt ninety-nine feet six inches, toa let of lan<l conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson te Hei thence •outherfr along the land last n__rtioe_ saves feet; thence easterly along the said last, land, andlaadof George at vers, Kdward Highte. and Mar tin Moon, reepectirely, one hundred feet six _s_kes to Stsn-ton street. thence southerly along Staatoa atreet fifty feet, to slot of land conveyed bv the said Samuel Jackson tu Bernard Desendorf; thence westerly along the land last mentioned, and land of Andrew Desendorf. and William Martin, seventy-five feet; thenre south_rly along the lead of said Martin, one hundred feet to Concord street: theaee westerly along Concord atreet twenty-five feet, Jo a lot of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson te MiUfor* Smith; thence northerly along the mad last awntiimed oae hundred feet; thence westerly along the land last men­tioned, and land of Henry Mead, and Bamael Stnnguatn, one hundred fret te Bridge street; and theaee north, rh along Bridge •treet one hundred and thirty-seven feet to Nassau atreet, the place of bt__-aa> Parcel number fourteen—Beeinmng at the southwesterly corner of Stan­ton and Concord streets, aad running from theaee southerly along Stanton street, three hundred and *ixty -nun: feet nine inches, to land of Evaa M. Johnson; thence westerly along the land last mentioned two hundred feet two inches, la Bridge attest; thence northerly along Bridge street two hundred aad twenty-three feet four inches, to a lot of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson to Matthias Yandnipe; thence easterly along the land last men­tioned one hundred feet; thence northerly along said land, and land ~" "*— — - -

Lea" _j_l_fr ____!' *T_f fiTnrTTT

__^«S^?l d _ W . l a l * t M I W s . . W ^

patterns to their ieraner assortment, BOW pofcbsl. Car the benefit of tbetrcountry cxMomrrt. a new and perfect liat of plough ensuing*, n_in__sctured by

2 , . , Bryant's No. 1.2. 3 . 3 & 4 , , Gibsons N o . 2 J, 4, 5 cY «., v Y W t (wTrseswrn'nJ No- LU, * at 4 , A. . T W s No. V A _ W > 3 t t _ T f o , 0 , 1 . * A 2*., rfsWison.No. 2, l i . , RusseffsNo. 2., Woods, No. C. 8 _ . 1 L 2 dk S o k , Chwnbertsin'i No. 3.

Also, the ealabtatad «de-b_J nkwgb; tofether with shares of various other kinds.

Country feunders can besuppUed uritb ptg-troB, fire-brick, coal, Amfcov sand aitd clay.

Boring, turning snd hsiabing, in all tbeir vsriens branches, executed with nenmast and despatch.'— Axes, sc re ws cu t to order.

Waa. V. Many (MHInrrtght) will frrniah plans •od calculations for mi lis. Ac

Patterns made to order. Cotton msfbinistsrasy af

nace made of Scotcn iron. Ail orders will receive prompt attention.

ings forwarded to soy pert ol the United States or Canada- Orders may be addressed to Many dc-Ward, 84 Beaver-street, Albany, or to the cere of , Messrs Erastna Corning & Co. , of whem, also, every information may be obtained. jal8

B~ A R « A I ! . 8 — P u r c h a n e r e of DRY G O O D S are respectfully invited te call st No. 319 Nortb

Market atreet, where b now selling off very chesp, a large stock of seasonable goods, consisting in part of broad cloths, caasimerea, merinos, merino ctrcs»-siana. plain and fancy merino, thihet, camels' hair, hernani, crape and silk shawls, plain, printed aad damask chatty, plain snd fig'd silks, ailk velvets and sat tins, cord crapes, -gimp,blonde bobbinetand thread laces and edging, lustring and gauxe ribbons* plain snd embr'd belts,-a larjre assortment of white and col'd cotton, worsted snd lambs' wool hose,

__-, . _ , _ t ^ ' _ _ • _ _ _ * u i • M _ ^ ' ^ l i i S t M ^ d i T k i ^ i o w 7 i « m l e T O V i d n w r t i i i ( i nesterly alung the land Inn _s_i_nad twenty-five feet; I J 5 ^ 3 j g a 5 S _ _ S ' " * f i t t i n g , (hmssk ts-twenty-five feet; Ui« nee northerly ak»ug said land one hundred and two feet eight inches, to Concord street; aad thence easterly along Cunsord -treet tme hundred and twenty-five feet to Stanton street g _ place of beginning. Parcel number fifteen— Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Nassau aad Stanton streets, and running from thence easterly along Nassau strett two hundred and eight feet to <;<>ltl 'street; thence Southerly along Gold atreet one hundred feet, to a lot of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jacksea to David Stuart; thence westerly along the land last mentioned one hundred feet; thence southerly along saul last mentioned land Uiirty-eeven feet; thence easterly along the said land one hundred feet to Gold street i thence southerly along Gold street one hundred feet to Ckmcord street; thanee westerly along Concord street two hundred and six feet five inches to Stanton atreet, and thence northerly along Stanton atreet two hundred and thirty-erven feet to Nassau atreet, the place of beginning. Parcel aamher sixteen Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Stanton and Concord streets, tind running from thence easterly along Concord atreet two hundred and six feel to Gold street; thence southerly along Gold street three hundred and sixty-one feet six inches to land of Evan M. Jnhn-<ni', thence westerly along the land last mentioned one hundred and three feet eight uu-bes, to certain lots of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackaon to James Titus; thence norther h along the land last men­tioned fifty-nine feet eleven inches; thence westerly along said land one hundred feet to St anion atreet -, and thence northerly along Stanton atreet three hundred and four feet ten inches to Concord atreet the place of beginning. Parcel number seventeen—Beginning at the southeas­terly corner of Gold and Nassau streeu, and running from thence easterly along Nassau street one hundretl aad fourteen feet seven inchea to hind now or late of James Engle; thence southerly along the land last mentioned six hundred and fifty aix feet to land of Evan M. Johnson; thence westerly along the land last mentioned sixty-eight feet four int ben to Gold street; and thense northerly along Gold street six hundred and fifty-six feet seven inches te V atreet the place of beginnin*; which said parcel seventeen) last above described, wa* however at

ble linen and napkins, drapery muslin, plain and fig'd mulls, book musim, blonde gauze sad lace veils sad aha wis. Ac Ac, -•

, a 3 ^ H A. H A R R I S , Aneat.

Gold assau

(number . the time

of the decease of the said Samuel Jackson, and still is subject to the rights and interesui of William Forhush, and James Fletcher, now or late of the said village of Brooklyn,

NE W B A D D A & rm

'•»_» INK. X bic, for sale by


HAIR lfKR V B I * 8

L O O K I - J Q - G L A H 8 S T O R E — N O . 3 2 8

sizes, by the box or single one. mHW R O B ' T

A N D O I L - C L O T H If. M A R K E T - 8 T .

T H E aubscriber begs leave to inform his triends and the public, that he has always on hand an excellent as­sortment of Lookina-Glaases, framed in the neatest manner. Also, a good supply of Oil Floor Cloui8. which he wiil sell at the lowest prices. Portrait and all Other kinds of Picture Frames made at the shortest notice, and in superior style. All kinds of Upholstering Ornaments finished al the shortest notice — Brackets of every de scription made to or der. Country dealers supplied with either or any ot the above arti cles, on the moat rea sonable'erms. Look-ing-Gisas Plates, of all

V- K E A R N E Y

E1 Cffcnsellor st Law. and Solicitor and sailor in Chancery, bas removed bis office No. 8 in "

_feW ttkXH F A N C Y P R I M T S - ^ A U o n a w N: stylo twill'd chinix and chair prima, iuat re

oetvedat _ WM. B A G L E Y ' S . oclo* corner S. Market A Hudson st*

ffTa gdfkA Lbe Live Gecre Foathers just ree'dand t_HJr\Fvr ter sale at the lowest rate b j

P. M. M O R A N G E , No. :U3 North Market st.

A I O T I C x S — E . T H O M A S informs hie friends he ^ v has removed to No 13 Suite atreet (next door east of Mr. Penniman's Oil Store), where he offers •or sale, at wholeeals, a i extensive as»>rtment of FOR£fG!f W I N E S A N D LIQUORS.

E. T. devotion the whole of his attention to the Wine »nd Liquor trade, pledgee himself to supply

1 , on as favorable term. no 14-6

persona dealing ia the articles, i as any house in New York.

A Freeh aupply of" Hunt's sovereign ointment tor aaltrheum, burns, suras, * c ; for sale by

J. AJ. W. BAY. Druggists, oe*Mae ©or. S»s_» A 8 . Market sts.

gTaLD Brown Java Coffee of superior quality, for

Ugh, m „^ lu^gffSSSiflt-LU C I F E R MATCHES—Warranted good,

at wholesale sad retail, st tbe V*n$tf Store, 393 S«uth Msrket-atreet.

de37 S T E P H E N VAN 8 C H A A C K .

p A J l D U S f At I 0 4 P - A supply of Strain .

** Oureare the daya ot lact, nut ol fahle." P E C T O R A L E S S E N C E O F B O N E S E T t n o r American spontaneous production—A spe­cific, which in all coughs, colds, and every disorder connected with consumptive habits, ia avored (from a just tribute of ita merit) by being recommended and used by some of die first physicians in America. Ilia known to be a strong extract from the native boneaet plant, and prepared with aromatic*, to ren­der it both agreeable to the taste and effectual in ita operation. It ia now, to the good fortune ofall who surler under lung complaints, and conaompttve ca­ses, made a standard article of several highly respect­able families in this state, and much *>ught tor by the traveller, the orator, as well as the invalid. Its preparation is confined to the elaboratory in the Lock Hospital, No. 3 Store Lane, Albany, much to the benefit of those who use it. ss the careless man­ner in whieh medicines are often compounded and adulterated in the shops, too often disappoint the presenber, and endanger the life of the patient. At this place only, this essence, which was never held forth as a secret remedy, can be obtained, and no single complaint haa ever yet been made, of ita not Droving more or leas bonertciaJ.

Caution—Aa there are seversl spunous<*rti«les sold as imitations ef the genuine essence, throughou thia stste. all being different prepatstionapf the herb boneaet. it would be well for patrona. and advocates of this real family medicine, to apply in person to tbs proprietor at his residence, 33 Green st., or at his offices, where eitixsns end strangers in Albany, fa­milies restdingjn its vicinity, sndtaesstiving in the eounOT, Dr7CCK>K_Vn«f>«*M;r soaustnts^bat they ean be supplied with thia excellent cough medi­cine _n Quantities to any extent, na smple supply hsvini. been prepared during the summer months to jneetiie fall a_3winter demands, snd may be had genuine onlv st No. 3 Store Lena, Albany, eel 4 ' 1 H I E K M O M E T E R S — Kendall's, warranted, 1 Disullers*. Brewers* snd Weather Thermome-

^ ^ % V £ l « *% WARM?. Mm' ___£__ fen Vt -Waft r

Has removed from Hudson at. to a suit of rooms in the second stery No. 3u_ 9 . Market, and opposite Beaver St., which he has fitted up in a manner that will enable him to attend with promptness and assi­duity to hianumcrouspatronsand the public in ge­neral.

He willcutand dress hairin the style best adapted to unite personal improvement with good taste, and in any of the various modesof the prevailing fashion.

Children will receive his particular attention. His shaving-room is fitted up with every conve-

nience. and nttended by approved assistants, jail

A L B A N Y E A U L E A I R F U R N A C E & M A C H I N E SHOP Nos. 80, 82 and 84 Bea­

ver st., MANY «S_ W A R D , proprietors, manu­facture every description of iron casting required for nulls, faotortes, rolling mills, nail factories.

Turning, boring and finishing executed at ahort aotce .

~M. A W . have on hand potash kettles, bark mills, ouuldrons, sash weights plough castings, sleigh shoes, ploughs, corn crackers, corn shelters. Ac.— Also, smut mills of very superior construction, war­ranted superior to any others in use. English fire brick, fire clay and sand for saleat all timea. dr27

T > A I N T I N O 2 G L A Z I N G — T h e subscribers I will attend to auch orders as they may receive in the following branchea, v«:

House, Sign and Ornamental Painting and Glax-ing. in all its varieties.

Sloops and canal boats painted with neatneaa and despatch.

They have also Specimen Imitations of different kinda of Wood and Marble, which they will be happy to ahow auch of their friends as may choose to call.

SMITH A PORTER, mr21 .77 S. Murket atreet.

' l i R l ' M l l l ' L L ' S D E C L A R A T I O N O F 1 INDEPENDENCE—The cepy right of this

splendid Engraving having been purchased of Col. Trumbull at the price of $*»,000, Copiesarenowof-lered to the public at the reduced price of .10; the subscription price having been $20. Col. Trumbull spared neither expense nor trouble in procuring cor­rect likanesaes, and the print is allowed by all, to stand without a rival as a correct historical picture.

Subscriptions received at the Looking Glass and Prim Store of ROB'T L. KEARNEY, No. 328 North Market au, Albany, where the print may be examined.

W I L L O W Travelling Bankets, of various forms and sites, for sab st the Variety Store 392

South Market st., by ja3l S T E P H E N V A N SCHAACK.

CH A M P A G N E — A n c h o r , Diamond and Grape bragdschampagne, f»r sale at323 North Market

street opposite die poet office. _oc29 J A M E S McC A B I L _

HA R D W A R E O N C O M M I S S I O N — 1 5 0 dosen cast steel snd steel plated aHovela snd

spsdee 100 dosen hoes 140 do bay and manure forks

10 do hay and straw knives 150 do scythes of Harris* Dexter's, Watera*,

Thayer'a, Farwall's, snd Hsrwood's manufacture. 30 do scythe snaths

150 do axes and hatches of Simmons' snd Wsl-den's manufacture

50 do socket framing chisels 30 do Haue's patent steel squares

1000 augers, common and polished 60 boxes tacks, brads and sparables

100 roils sheet brass, assorted Nos. from 15 to 36 70 dosen steelyards, weighing trom 50 to 300 lbs. 60 do globe lanterna, assorted sixes

ISO da pocket books and wallata S00 do jappanod la.nps snd candlesticks Samples ean be seen at the American Hardware

Store, 53 Stste st. The above will be sold to the trade at the lowest

____.*_. ^ 0 W»r»A f c* my IS A geg t for $ • JWU&C t OWf,

H A R N E S S At T R U N K . . -BAYEUX & LLOYD ipi»rni their friends and the public, that they have tormed a connexion in business, and open­ed a a«ore at No. 437 South Market street, nextdoor south of the old stand formerly occupied by Allison A Weed, and recently by Samuel R. Weed, where they intend keeping every description of SAD­DLES, H A R N E S S , T R U N K S , W H I P S , &c. They flatter themselves that their articles will equal if not excel any othets in the city for elegance and durability. Military gentlemen are also informed, that they can be supplied on short notice with every description of horse equipage. Gentlemen wanting any article in their line, are respectfully invited to call and examine their goods,ahd all those who may leave their orders, may depend upon having hem executed with promptness and fidelity. Albany, Sept., 1834. _•___*'_

DENTISTS DR S . C U Y L E R A N E L S O N have associ­

ated themselves in the practice of Denial Sur­gery. Their Office is at No. 31 Beaver atreet, op­posite the South Dutch Church, where ail operations on the Teeth will be attended to a« heretofore. oc3

' I H I E subscriber haa removed from Liberty a t to _ Na. 2 Green atreet, where he continues the

Stereotyping of Books, Blanks and Jobaot all kinds, in the best manner, having a complete assortment of new and fashionable type; also plates for engrav­ing on, and cuts.

Stereotype plates altered and repaired st the short­est notice. seti H E N R Y H. L I T T L E .

It in conntries abroad you may happen to atray (And don't think this advice is a Pun.) f

Whether southward or west lies the traveller a way, Take pockets of this quantum suft

'Twill add to the seat widi which life all pursue, And thoush rivals there are in the trade.

To counsel with others, stay I be nut ia haste, And never This Office evade. Mankind are fond ol novelty, and in their eager­

ness to adopt the specifics for almost every disease, which are daily blaxoned into notorierr often times mee t w i th egregious deceptions. But there is an es-sential difference between the presumption of an em­piric and the confidence of s medicsl practitioner, teunded upon science, atudy and experience; be­tween men who have devoted their beat years to the acquiaition of medical knowledge, and those who arrogate to themselves merits which they do not de­serve, snd ability which they do notposaeaa. Per­il ips theasremaraaare uncalled tor, bysplan of me­dicine so secure in the approbation and patronage of the public in general, aa that prepared at the Albany Lock Hospital, but it k desirable to state from what source and what suthonty this pubhe benefit has

° The distressing symptoms of syphilis, tbs results of a mer-urisl course of medicine, mlact, all the fstsl gonsoouences ol disease snd an impnre stste ot the svstem, render it one of the moot fearful and vexa-Uons evils of humanity; to denes a' resnedy for die afflicted patient and entirely to subdue this invader of health and happiness, men of ssuoence in the medical profe sion havs devoted imny studious and anxious hours; but in affording relief tn this or that particular symptom, each seemsito hava<overlooked someothe. material point. Dr. COOKE, however, baDDily conquered all difficulties; he hns accurately examined their several prescripticaa and modes of treatment, snd has at length P ^ o n s d from the united experience ol hie father and himself, sn in_d-lible remedy tor all venereal eases of whatever shape, date or condition. With such circimasxanoas, it is the bounden duty ef every onei sosfflicttd to have re course to this esiablixhmcnt, A theirappbcsuon will be rewarded by the happy conscioismsss thst thsy are neglecting no eardily meana to ckafiah and pro­tect themselves agaicstairtbs fatal consequences pf v n e m l diseass. Tbs most proleind secreey ob­served, end charges reasonable. These requiring professional aid, may stsll times spply with conh-denee ,bylet»rorowrv«se .

Addrasa Dr. COOKE. No. 3 8t_re Lane, Alba.

ny. de23

ST E E L Y A R D S O N C O N S t O N M B N T -400 steelyards, aseevtadsaes, to weigh from 40

to SOOpounda, warranted correct, and for sale at the o w e * Uctory P ^ ° N 0 R M A K F a A N C I g .

m4 No. 53 State at.

along the land of the said Da. id KUnberly, three hundred ropemakers, and of John Seaman, now or late of the •___$ and thirty-*!* feet nine inches, to Hicks street; thence -'•— " "-"—' «••>--- • southerly along Hicks street, seventy-seven feet, to a lot of ground conveyed by tee said Samuel Jackson to Ostuiiau Jacksou; tbence easterly, and parallel to Pierpont street, one uundredteet; tbence southerly, and parallel to Hick*. street, thirty-three feet; thence westerly and parallel to Pierpeat street, one hundred feet to Hick* street; tbence souUR-rly along Hicks street, one hundred and fiva feet one inch to land of Hecekiah B. Pierpont; thence easterly along lha land last mentioned, four hundred aad fourteen feet four inches, to Henry street, aforesaid, the place of beginning. Subject, nevertheless, to an easement or right of way of the width ot* sixteen feet six inches, ever and along the southerly aide thereof, called Love Lane, as contemplated aad provided for in and by certain articles of agreement, made aad executed by the said Hamuel Jack­aon and Heeekiah B. Pierpont, respectively, bearing date the twentieth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the raid county of Kings, tn Liber No. 30 of Con­veyances, dee. page 304. Parcel number four—Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Henry atreet. distant one hundred aad twenty-three feet five inches northerly from the northeastern corner of Pierpont and Henry slrenta.and running from tbence northerly along Henry street forty-two feet seven inches, to land conveyed In the said Samuel Jackson to John 8. Wiley and _. orge 8. Wiley, thence easterly along the land last mentioned, and parallel to Pierpont street, eighty-four feet six inches to a lot of land conveyed In the said Samuel Jack-on to Nathan Young; tbence southerly along the said Young's land, mid parallel to Henry street, twenty-seven feet six incites; thence eas­terly along the said Young's kind, and parallel to Pierpont street, Uurty-uine (eel nut inches; tbence northerly along aai I Young's land, and parallel to Henry atreet, seventy-five feet, tbence westerly still along the said Young's land, and parallel to Pierpont street, twenty-four feet, to the vvtley,•STUD*re mentibY_d;^h-hcir_teth-rly "along the land last mentioned and land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson to Moses Reeve, and parallel to Henry street se­venty-seven feet six inches, to land conveyed by the raid Samuel Jackson to Richard Morrcll; thence easterly along the land last mentioned, and parallel to Pierpont atreet, ninety-six feet; thence northerly, still along the land last mentioned, aud land conveyed by the raid Samuel Jackson to Jeremiah Lamburtsnn, Nancy Bellamy and Amass Wright, reapedively, and parallel to Henry street, ninety-seven feet, or thereabouts, to land now or late of the heirs or,devisees of Aert Middagh, deceased; l__ace easterly, laongthe land last mentioned, fifty-one feet two inches th laud now or latt* of the heirs or dev of John V. Sw_rt-cope, d<. eased; thence southerly, along said J_>t mentioned land, two hundred and sixty-nine feet seven inches, to land of Hezekiah B. Pierpwnt; and thence westerly along the land of said Hezekiah B. Pierpont, one hundred and ninety five feet aix inches, to Henry street, the place of beghtaing. Subject, nevertheless, te an easement or right of way over and along the southerly side thereof, ef the width of fifteen feet one inch al Henry street, and gradually increasing to the width of twenty-seven feet eleven inches at the eastern extremity thereof, in favor of the above named Nathan Young, aad of Henry Havens, hereafter mentioned, re­spectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, arising by implication from the afwresaid conveyance to the said Nathan Young, and from the conveyance hereinafter men­tioned to the raid Henry Haven*; and also to a right of wav granted by the said Samuel Jackson, to the above named Richard Sforreli, Jeremiah Lambertsan, Nancy Bellamy, and Annua Wright, respectively, and tbeir respective heir* aud assigns, of the width of sixteen feet over aad along the easterly side thereof, adjoining their respective lots, and extending from tbence to Love Lane aforesaid, to be held and enjoyed by them respectively, until a certain contemplated street, along the raid easterly side of raid lots respectively, shall be permanently opened. And except­ing always, (from the said parcel number four abova de­scribed,) a certain lot of ground on the northerly aide of Love Lane aforesaid, containing, in ft out and rear, each twenty-six feet six inches, ana in length on each side, seventy-six feet, which, together with the bouse erected thereon, was granted and conveyed, by the said Samuel Jackson, to the raid Henry Havana, by deed or indenture, bearing date the seeend day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and recorded in the office oftheslerk of the said county, in Liber. No. _1 of Conveyances, &c. page 146. Parcel number five—Begin. mug on the northerly side of Sands street, at the easterly corner of a lot of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jack­aon to Jeremiah Lambertaon, and running from tbence northerh along the lot last mentioned, and a lot of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson to Edward Harris, two hundred feet to Prospect sneet; tbence easterly along Prospect street, fifty feet to a tot of laud conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson to James Titus; tbence southerly, along the land last mentioned, ninety-seven feet six inches, to an alley five feet wide; tbence westerly, along said alley, twenty-five feet, thence southerly, also, along said alley, and along a lot of land conveyed by the raid Samuel Jackson to Francis lie Bevoise, one hundred and two feet

inches, to Sands street; and thence westerly, along Sands street twenty-five feet to the place ef beginning.— Parcel number *ix—Beginning at the southwesterly comer of Prospect and Gold streets, aad i uniting from thence westerly along Prospect atreet one hundred feet; thence southerly two hundred feet to Sand* street; tbence easter­ly along Sand* street, fifty feet, to a tot of land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackaon to Edwin Smith; thence northerly, along the laud last mentioned, ninety-raven feet ax inches; thence easterly, still along the land last men-uoned, fifty-feet to Gold street; aad thence northerly, along Geld atreet, one hundred and two feet six inches to Prospect rtreet, the place of beginning. Parcel number seven—Beginning on the southerly side of Pospect street at the easterly corner of a lot of land conveyed by the raid Samuel Jackaon to John Seaman and Hugh Morrison, and running from thence easterly along Prospect street, fifty feet, to a lot of land conveyed by ih* said Samuel Jackson to John F.Walton; thence southerly, aloag the land last menuoned and an alley, one hundred feet, to a tot of land now or lately owned by J. S. McDonald; tbence westerly along the land last mentioned and a tot of laud conveyed by the said Samuel Jackson to Andrew Mercein, fifty feet, to an alley; thence northerly, along raid alley and the land conveyed as aforesaid to John Seaman and Hugh Morrison, one hundred feet, te Prospect street, the place of begin­ning. Parcel number eight—beginning at Uie northwesterly corner of Sands and Jackson streets, and running from tbence westerly along Sand* street one hundred and se­venty-five feet thence northerly, twe hundred feet, to Prospect stteet; thence easterly, one hundred and seventy five fed to Jackson street; aad thence southerly, two hundred feet to Sands street, the place of beginning.— Parcel number nine—.Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Sand* and Jackson streets, and runnin* from thence easterly along Sands atreet, seventy-five feet, tea tot of laud conveyeil by the said Samuel Jackson to Catherine Dickerson, tbence northerly, two hundred feet, to Preav peet street; thence westerly, seventy-five feet, to Jaeksna street; aad thence southerly two hundred feet, to Sands sbeet,Uie place of beginning-, together with an aBey «f the width of five feet, extending from the easterly side of raid parcel, between the s.:id lot conveyed aa aforesaid to Catherine Dickerson, and a tot of laud now or late of Owen McCabe, to another alley now called Dickerson'* alley. Parcel number ten—Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Prospect and Navy streets, and running from thence southerly along Navy atreet, one hundred and fifty feet, to land conveyed by the said Samuel Jackaon to Thomas Dickerson; thenoe westerly, along the land last mentioned, •eventy-five feet, te other land, conveyed a* aforesaid te the raid Thomas Dickerson; thence northerly, along the land last mentioned, oae hundred aad tifty feet, to Prospect atreet; and tbence easterly, along Prospect street,acvaaty. five feat, to the place of beginning. Parcel number eleven-Beginning at the soutbeaatcrlY comer ef Front and Gold streets, and runnrna from thence easterly along Frost sneet, one hundred feet, loan aBey, raven feet six Inches wide; thence southerly, along raid alley, one hundred saw seventy-four feet, to the rear of tot number (410) four hun­dred aad twenty, as laid down aad itiaignslil ea a asap filed in the Clerk's office of said county, by Thomas Cooper, Master ia Chancery, and dated the fifteenth day of Febru­ary, one thousand eight hundred aad ax; thenre westerly, atong the rear of raid last meaUoaed lot, aad of lots number («}foe_-bi_idreda_dtw_Bty-__e,(«_i;

puke, rortemaker, respectively, or of their resj ecu v. exec-tors, administrators, or assigns, as tenants for years, under and by virtue of twa certain indenture* of lease made and executed by and between the raid Samuel Jackson in his life time, and the said William Forbuah aad James Fletcher, and the raid John Seaman, respectively and hereinafter particularly mentioned, that ia to ray—an in­denture bearing date the first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand 'eight hundred and twenty-two, made between the raid Samuel Jackaon of the first part, and the raid William Forbush and James Fletcher, of the second part, whereby the raid Samuel Jackson granted, demised, and to farm let to the said Wilbam Forbush and James Fletcher, their executors, administrators, and assigns, all that pan or portion of the said parcel number seventeen, which is bounded on the north by Nassau street, on the east by the aforesaid land of the above named Jame* Engle, on the south by the aforesaid land of the above named Evan M. Johnson, and un the west by a straight line drawn from a point in the boundary last mentioned, distant thirty-five feet from the said land of the said James Engle. to a point on the .out her l> aide of Nassau street, dis­tant fifty eight feet from the raid last mentioned land, for the term of fifteen years, from the raid first day of May, in the year last aforesaid, yielding and paying therefor to the said Samuel Jackson his heirs or assigns yearly, and every year during the raid term, the yearly rent or sum of sixty-five dollars, on the first day of May, in fu-h and every of the said years; and paving and discharging all such taxes, duties, and assessments, as should or might during the said term, be charged, assessed or imposed upon the said de­mised premises, with the right and privilege of holding and enjoying in manner aforesaid the raid demised premises, for tin further term of five years, from and after the expira­tion of the term before mentioned, on their paying as aforesaid the additional yearly rent of fifteen dollars yeartg, and every year, during the aaid •*H^.^_lmj;«" talting, _lffryiifg"awaV;an_ removing from and off the raid demised premises, at the expiration of the term or terms so demised, all auch buildings or erections as should or might b* built or erected thereon by tbem, the raid William Forbush and James Fletcher, their executors adminisl ratora or assigns; and an (other) indenture bearing date the said first day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two made between the raid Samuel Jack*, n of the first part, and the said John Seaman, of the second part, where­by t he raid Samuel Jackson, granted demised, and to farm let to the said John Seaman, ins executors, administrator* and assigns, all the residue of the raid parcel number se­venteen, for the like term of fifteen years from the day and year lost mentioned, yielding und paying therefor to the said Samuel Jackaon, his heirs or assigns, yearly and every year during the said term, the yearly rent or s'mu of eight)-five dollars, on the first day of May in each and every of the said j ears, and paying and discluuging all such taxes, duties, and assessments as should, or might, during the raid term (last mentioned) be charged, assessed, or imposed up­on the said (last mentioned) demised pi-cause*, with the (like) right and privilege of holding and eqjo> ing in manner aforesaid, the said (last mentioned) demised prcmiacs for the further term of five year*, from and after the expiration of the said last mentioned term, on his or their paying aa aforesaid, the additional yearly rent of fifteen dollars yearly and every year, during the said (last mentioned) additional term of rive years, and with the (like) right and privilege, also, of taking, carrying away, and removing from and off the raid (last mentioned) demised premises, at the expira­tion of the Midterm or terms so demised, all sueh buildings or erections as should or might be erected thereon by him, the aaid John Seaman, hi* exscutars, administrators, or as­signs; which raid indentures of lease respectively, and the rights and interest* thereby granted and convc) ed, still re­main outstanding and in full force and effect.

Also, all that certain farm or tract of land whereon Wil­liam Vaudewater, late of the town of Hempstead, in the county of Queens, and stale aforesaid, resided in his life time, and whereof he died seised, situate in the said town of Hempstead, in raid county of Queens, and containing one hundred and forty acres of land, or i hereabout s. and which in a certain deed or indenture of conveyance thereof, made between Phebe Yandewater, Samuel Valentine, and Oliver Vandewater, administratrix and administrator* of all and singular, the goods, chattels, and credits, w huh were of the •aid William Vandewater, deceased, of the first part, and the said Samuel Jackson, by the name and description of Samuel Jackson, of Brooklyn, in Kings county, gentleman of the second part, bearing date the twenty-fifth day of May, in the year ef our Lord one thousand eight hundred aad twenty-four, and recorded sa the twenty-seventh day of the same month in the office of the Clerk of the said , county of Queens, is described as follows, that is to ray :— AU that certain fturm or homestead, whereon the said Wil­liam Vandewater lately lived, situate lying and being near Jerusalem, in the township of Hempstead, aforesiaid, ad­joining the great plains, and partly thereon, bounded aa fol­lows: on the southwest and west by Parinenus Jackson's land or fence, aa the fence now stands; on the north by the open plains or fence, a* the fence now stands. on the east by the road or fence, as the fence now stands, until it comes to a white oak sapling opposite Jackson Seaman** wood land; then crossing the road about three j ants to the north of a button wood tree; from thence by the fence, a* the fence now stand* to the place of beginning, containing by estimation one hundred and forty acres of land, be the aame in quantity more or less, aa by the raid deed or inden­ture, or the record thereof, reference being thereunto bed, may more fully and at large appear, with all and singular. the rights, member*, easement-, advantages, privilege*, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the raid farm, or tract of land, belonging or In any wise appertaining. Dated New-York, first month (January) 14, 1_3_,

BENJAMIN CLARK, Master tn Chancery-jaS3-6w

SHEJET IRON—150 bundles Russia sheet iroa 100 bundles Ph iladelpbis do 400 do English do. in good order

aal2 J O E L n _ A T l i B O N £ .


. ' "

• :^_S

_ 9 t S O U T H M A R K E T S T R E E T . The subscriber hereby expresses his grant ude to

hia friends who have so liberally patronized his es­tablishment, and intends to deserve the continuance of their custom. He now has on hand (and inrends to haveconatantly) anextenaive collection of House­keeping Articles, Fancy Good*. Pertumerys Toys, _tc. st wholesale and retail. The following is a part of the multitude of things in his store, vis. Willow traveUingbaakets ink

do knife do Backgammon boards do cradles • Chessmen and graces do waggons _c chairs Jack straws

Cedar and oak churns Chinese puzxl. do pails and tube Battledoors sod shuttle do snd maple kselers cocks

Patent painted pails Dominoes Shaker brooms and mopa Cups end balls

do neves and dippers Dissected pic tares A maps do herbs snd brushes Clothes and hai brushes

Hair and flesh Tooth and esil Comb ind curt Crumb and hearth Portrait painters Varnish Camels' hair

do do do do do do do

Knife boxes Mellows and ahuttles Trays snd bowls Paste and wash boards Boxes in nests Towel rollers Rolling and clothes pins Wooden ladles , Boxwood spoons A forks Lead points lor do Horn do do Dinner snd tea bells Root jacks Foot stoves and benches Psper files Yardsticks Grain scoops • , _ _ . . . _ . _ Bird cages, seed and glas- Erasive Powder

ses Pearl and hair do Spool stands Screw cushions Tea cup mope and mats Table matt Hemp, grass snd husk

door rusts German wax tapers . Magic A lucifer matches Persian de ot rose soap

do lanterns do do do lip ash Whale-bone A steel busks Naples and almond soap

Ever pointed pencil

Sugar nippers Carpet hammers Paste jiggers Fine razors incases do penknives 4"scissors

Powder pufis Aromatic tooth paste Carbonic dent inee Chlorine do

de tooth wash Preston salts The otto o* roses

Hair pins Fine pocket books do card casta

Ivory fine tooth combe do dressing do do pocket do

Cut beads of various col's Bears do g ^ J i U * • ti_fc_ffa_H) cologne water Bead baga snd purses Lavender and hone? do

de94 8 T E P H E N VAN S C H A A C K .

Cas:ilian and muak do' Camphor and oxygen soap Extract of tonqum bean

do betgamot do roses

Micaasar oil

(W A I R 8 ! C H A I H _ : : - R e c e i v e d One morn-J ing. Boston Rocking and Sewing Chain, toge­

ther with a large assortment of curled maple, taney cane and flag seat chairs, Ac, making in all a better assortment than was ever offered,-in this market be­fore. For sale cheap at the cabinet ware house N o . 17 Green street, by


TH E subscnaerfiavingbeen appointed Agent tor ths Insuring Lives by the New-York Life In­

surance and Trust Company, wiil receiveany appli-rjitmnsnt his r)fti_ _ A r«Us Buildine. fckiuih Mar-

J. B. LA F O R G E . ket street. my8

BU F F A L O R O B E S — 1 6 balesju«t ree'd and for sale by 8- MORGAN,

jal6 g State at.

BR A N D Y—10 half pipes brandy of the PeUivor-sin, Otard, Dupuy A Co., E and A, Seunette,

Adolphe, and other brands: also a quantity of quar­ter pipes do; lor sale at 13 State street by

no*) E. T H O M A S . O R P O R A T I I O N N O T C E - C i t y o f A l b a -ny, Clerk'a Office—The following apportion­

ment has been returned to the common council of the city of Albany, and will be confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown oa or before the 4th dsy of March next, to wit:

Aa apportionment of the expense for making a atone arch or sewer over Beaver creek in Johnson-street, across Green-street.

f-4-td R. W . PECK HAM, Clerk.

JJOSE WATBH. * | j ^ ^ f H U ^ l

CO R P O R A T I O N N O T I C E — C i t y oi Alba-ay, Clerk's Office—The following laws are now

pending before the common council of the city, to wit:

A law (or making a well and placing a pump there­in, on the west side of Lark st. between Washing­ton and State sts.

A law for excavating and McAdamizing twenty feet in width of North Market at., from tke Booth aide of Lumber st. to the north bounds of the city. -

A law to repeal a law for making s well, with a pump therein, st or near the intersection ot Hudson and Eagle eta-, passed December 30,1*34.

Any person having objections to the passage of said ani I laws, or either of tbem, will state them ia writing, '»•- * tad leave the aame st mv office ia the city hall on or

before the 23th day of February inst. fel8-td R. W . PECKHAM. Clerk.

tl O R D I A L S , * C . Anninstte, C__nele" / Mint. Rose Blanche, Noyesu and Citron Cor>

_ ^ _ _ R j _ ? * ^ T y _ _ B ' P r o p ' * W b 4 _ i y and Chen? •srnndjr; tor sale by

CO O K I N G S T O V E S — A . further supply o f the new improved Jewsharp Psttern Cooking

Stoves, just roc d snd for sale by no2l JOEL R A T H B O N E . 45 _t 47 Stalest.

WM . at A . G O U L D A C O . , Law Book­sellers, No. 104 State street, Albany, hsva

just published and tor sale : 11th v Wendell's reports 6th v condensed English Chancery reports, con

taining decisions ol Lord Chancellor, Lord Brough­am, Sir Lancelot Shad well, Vice Chancellor of Eng­land, and Sir John Leach maater of the rolls.

Col Iyer on partnership, a new work lb_4 8th v Peters' U, Suttee reports A new edt chancery court rules 11th v Pickering's Mass, reports Hoffman's chancery practice and app. Edwards' treatise on tustices' courts Sd v Amencsn common law v 5 Vermont rep'ts Chitty on bills, new edt 1834 Conkling's treatise Livingston's criminal code Law glossary oc29

V M T A N T E D I M M E D I A T E L Y three Stove Mounters to whom

wages will be given. P. LOW A, CO.

- T w o or first rate

n. . Apply at the stove factory of Troy, Oct. 0, 1833. ocS-tf

CO L E M A N ' S E N G L I S H M U S T A R D , for sals by the keg or pound bv

J. A J. W . B A T , nolO corner 8tste A South Market sts.

T \ j O T T » 9 C O A L S T O V E S at factory prices 1 " s good assortment, some oi which are verv ele­gant for halls, at ths Green at, stove factory. No. 6 and 8. oc2S D. S. L I T T L E rHTjHE subscriber has receivedfhis supply of iresh JL 8baker Garden Seeds st the Variety Store, 392 South Market-atrceu

js29 8 T E P H E N VAN S C H A A C K .

BO O T S , R O O T S — T h e subscriber has oa hand a large assortment of gentlemen's city

made boots which he offers at four dollars* per pair. Also, s great variety of eastern manufactirred, peg­ged, nailed and sewed, which may be had st very ow prices, st 380, under the Id Museum

dec 27 H. W E L L S . A R D E N 1 N O A N D S O D D I N G The subscribersgain begs leave to oner himself te)

the inhabitants of Albany s s Gardener and Sodder, in all its various branches. Early applications era necessmry apply st268 Washington s t

apt-U W . C. H A L S E

NO R M A N F R A N C I S . Commission Mer chant and Manufacturers Agent, for the sale of

AMERICAN H A R D W A R E , No. 53 State at., offers to the trade at die lowest factory prices, shov­els, spades, scythes, hoes, crowbars, Lay forks, hay knives, straw knives, sxes. adzes, hatchets, ham­mers, drawing knives, chieela, door locks, sugars, auger bitts, gimbleta, gimblet bitts, steel squares, brass plated trying squares, steel yerds, patent bal­ances, tacks, brads, sparablea. brass nails, brass and­irons, brass bead shovels snd tongs, fire pokers, aleigh bells, coffee mills, horse and wool cards, brass snd kritannis suspending lamps, britannia church communion ware, tea and coffee pots, tumblers, tea and table spoons, glass signal lanterna, sheet areas, akeet copper plated with stiver, military and other buttons, block tin cocks, fkueetu and pocket books and wallets, glue and glass ranted, fire proof aafety cneeta. dec 4ka_ war-

_P pure.


P) k T WlNE «t superior quality, ii reet from the __*__*_> dooka, warn

for sale at 13 Stale street, by

O S T O N R O C I _ l N O C H A i _ L » - T h 1 . d . y received at the New Cabinet Ware Hoase No.

17 Green st., a large sssortrngnt _£_*tjstse> Rocking sad Sewing Chairs, s matrite article.

mr 17 ^ J. H . R O B I N S O N A CO. S T O V E S O P A L L R I N D S ___JD 0 I Z J E S . r p H E subscribers have now_* ( b_wta vary eom-1 pkte assortment of their new nkfiep stoves,

coaaprtaang afi sizes of 3 bo i lerTffe f l -Tand fist eanioag stoves (having th« ' issswvi^tltatja *n& desopers), parlor and door __u__hiin» Wl . ' s tz box snd oven stoves, together wntkn sn ick of parlor stove for burning wood; s_so, Rus­sia, English and American sheet iron, l i s , hallow wsre, _-C A c , _ . « . , . .

Country dealers are particularly invited to call snd examine their assortment, as they sriU be supphad

»"'*•'-• I_VTV _'ffflbwax. sell Ne-awSastesf,

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