

PRODUCT CODE: 9CG100, CORDY GANO-100ML, MRP.RS:2800, DP. RS:2500, PV-1000 AND SV-1000.

Product Description:DEHSAN TRADING INDIA PVT.LTD Offers First time in India CORDY-GANO

A unique product which can rejuvenate the health of all age groups.It is not less than SANJIVANI HERB for those people who wants to rebuild their health.-Cordy Gano is a extract of three precious herbs which were not available for ordinary people because these herbs were very rare & very high priced . Only royalty could afford to buy by paying a lot of money.In the modern age scientists have researched these herbs thoroughly and have learnt theit cultivation and use.-Cordycep, one of the main herb used in cordy- gano came into lime light in 1993. In Olympic Games Chinese athlete won many gold medals & broke many world records. When contacted about this secret, Chinese coaches revealed the use of cordycep by their athletes. Cordycep contains many ingredients which give support to heart, liver, lungs and kidney.The second herb used in Cordy -gano is Reishi or Ganoderma Lucidum or Lingzhi. This herb is worshiped in China and Japan . This is also called the Herb of Immortality.The reason for healthy and long life of Japanese and Chines people is because of the regular use of Reishi Mushroom in their food .This herb is mentioned in Chinese Herbals encyclopedia named “Shen Nong Herbal Classic” which is equal to Charak- Sanhita of Ayurveda. This is also known as “King of Herbs”.In ancient time different names were given to this herb and it is mentioned in different religious books .In Holy Koran it is named as “Health Manna”. This Manna is called Rishi Parsad in India. This is well known fact that emperor of Ming Dynesty in China lived up to 120 years only because of this herb Lingzhi or ganoderma.In ancient Chinese history this is documented as herb of longevity.The third herb used in Cordy gano named ASHWGANDHA is well known in India. Ayurvedic physicians use this herb for general weakness, stress, fatigue and as an aphrodiasic(BAJIKARAN). This is also called Indian Ginseng and is being used in many countries. It gives strong support to nervous system. The name cordyceps actually describes a genus of fungi that includes more than 400 unique species of parasitic types. Fungi are essential parts of many ecosystems, but this particular genus also has a great deal of importance for people, as it has been traditionally used in herbal medicine for centuries. These 田 lub headmushrooms have a wide range of chemical components and compounds that make them particularly valuable in traditional medicine, as they are globally available and relatively inexpensive. The wide spread of the Cordyceps genus make it particularly desirable. Cordyceps fungi varieties contain certain biochemicals that mimic current pharmacological substances in a natural way.cordyceps. Cordy Gano is helpful in re-establishing the complete health by balancing all the bio functions of human body and gives a healthy and long life.

IMPROVES BIO-INTELLIGENCE OF IMMUNE FUNCTION ( IMMUNO-MODULATION).ACTS AS ANTI- AGEING.(REJUVENATION).REFLIEVES STRESS & FATIGUE.BOOSTS ENERGY LEVELS.Directions: 15-20 drops two or three times daily in water or as directed by your health care provider. Shake well before use.Store i a cool & dark place. Do not refrigerate.Cautions: Ingredients of Cordy-Gano have very long history of safe use worldwide however if pregnant of nursing please contact your health care practitoner before use.Ingredients: Amount per serving 1ml. A proprietary blend equivalent of 1000mg of adaptogenic fresh mycelial mushroom(Chhatrak) biomass of Ganoderma Lucidum(40%), Cordycep sinensis (40%), Withania somnifera ( Ashwangandha) (20%), Water & Ethanol as solvents.Health Benefits of Cordyceps:Energy Booster: One of the most undeniable health benefits of cordyceps is its ability to significantly boost energy levels and has long been known to athletes for the bursts of energy it can provide. Cordyceps increases the amount of oxygen uptake in the body and enhances cellular energy production, thereby providing that extra push for people who need a shot of energy!Heart Health: Research studies on the effects of cordyceps have come up with many exciting results, especially in relation to cardiovascular health. One study showed that patients given a powdered supplement of cordyceps were significantly less likely to suffer heart failure. This is mainly due to the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of the herb, which can prevent heart arrhythmias and other complications.Cholesterol Levels: On a similar note, one of the chemical pathways affected by cordyceps is closely related to cholesterol levels. 釘 adcholesterol levels go up, and 堵 oodcholesterol levels can go up, effectively protecting the heart, as well as numerous other organ systems that are affected by cholesterol, such as our metabolism and endocrine system. You can help prevent atherosclerosis and subsequent heart attacks and strokes by making cordyceps a part of your weekly herbal treatments.Respiratory Function: As mentioned above, cordyceps is able to increase the amount of oxygen taken in by the lungs, and while this is helpful for athletes, it is also beneficial for those suffering from respiratory conditions, such as asthma or chronic bronchitis. By increasing your oxygen intake, you help prevent respiratory distress and weakness. Also, increasing oxygen levels helps to oxygenate the body 痴 extremities better, so organ systems as a whole run more efficiently.Cancer Prevention: People are always looking for the next big solution in the battle against cancer, and some of the unique biochemical compounds found in cordyceps certainly fit the bill in that respect. There has been direct correlations between the consumption of Cordyceps sinensis and tumor size reduction. By shrinking tumors, cordyceps can help slow the spread of cancer, and even make it easier to eliminate or put into remission. This is combined by the antioxidant activities of cordyceps, which helps to eliminate free radicals throughout the body.Immune System Booster: Cordyceps directly stimulates the production of NK cells (Natural Killer cells), which are one of the body痴 first lines of defense against infection and illness. These immunoprotective effects help with a wide range of ailments, from cancer to the common cold and everything in between.CordycepsinfoAnti-Aging Properties: Although many people claim to know the secret to anti-aging, some of the most reliable research stands behind using cordyceps, which has powerful concentrations of anti-aging compounds that can help to rejuvenate the skin, eliminate dead or dying cells, and improve the appearance of blemishes, wrinkles, and age spots, effectively shaving years off your life!Sexual Dysfunction: One of the most interesting effects of cordyceps is its apparent impact on sexual dysfunction in men. Numerous research studies have shown that men suffering from low levels of sexual energy or poor libido saw clear improvement after adding cordyceps herbal supplements to their diet.Detoxify the Body: Although the exact chemical pathway of this is unclear, studies have shown that kidney health improves notably after only one month of regular cordyceps herbal usage.


Product Code: 1MO200- Murivenna Ayurvedic Oil-200ml,Mrp: Rs:350, Dp: Rs:300, PV-120 & SV-120Product Description:Murivenna is a special medicated oil developed regionally in india out of highly potent herbs like Pongamia Glabra, Aloevera, Piper Betle, Moringa Oleifere, Erythrina Indica, Borreria Hispida, Alliumpeca, Asparagus Racemousas and Rice Bran Water , processed in coconut oil as base. Murivenna is popular for the appreciable results it has in the treatment of acute injuries like sprain, cramps, closed, fractures and bruises. Murivenna has marked results in the treatment of arthritic disorders like pain, swelling, stiffness, spasticity and other acute as well as chronic ailments present in the joints. Murivenna oil is an Ayurvedic Healing Oil. It is known for curing the wounds of the Kalari warriors. It is massaged into the skin to help reduce pain, bone fractures and other serious maladies which come from fighting. Directions of Use: Warm the oil slightly and apply on body 1 hour before bathing. Murivenna: Useful in contusion, joint dislocation, bone fracture, as an external applicant. Murivenna is ideal for sprains and contusionswounds. Relieves sprains, muscular contraction, swelling, helps to join fractures and relief to rheumatic pains. Apply on the affected part. In cases of bruises and wounds, clean them and apply the oil straight into the wounds and bandage it. Not for internal use. Murivenna Oil uses: It is used for application over fresh wounds, old non healing wounds. It quickens the process of wound healing.It also relieves pain and inflammation in fractures and sprains.It is a very good pain relieving oil.It is useful in arthritis pain.How to Use: It is used for oil massage.

It is used for Pichu oil procedure, wherein cotton swabs are dipped in this oil and applied over joints and sprain areas for quick pain relief.

Daehsan Linzhi 3 in 1 Classic Instant Coffee With Ganoderma Mushroom Extract:

Product Code: CLC200- Linzhi Coffee 3 in 1(Sugar Free), Mrp: Rs:800, Dp: Rs:700, Pv-250 & Sv-250.Ganoderma Mushroom coffee as a daily health drink has gradually been recognized and accepted by people all

over the world.Seen from its name, Ganoderma Coffee is a food that combines coffee with ganoderma (a kind

of edible fungus, said to be more nutritious than Ginseng. Known as the "Miraculous King of Herbs",

ganoderma is listed as a Superior Herb in Sheng Nong Pharmacopeia, an ancient Chinese Herbal asterpiece).

Ganoderma coffee can help the users achieve physical and mental health. Besides, its fragrance is more attractive.What are the health benefits of ganoderma Mushroom extract coffee?Ganoderma has the functions of immunity improvement and liver protection, supported by some studies on polysaccharides, triterpenes, and other bioactive compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia of this fungus.

It is understood as adaptogenic, anti-allergenic and anti-hypertensive due to the presence of triterpenes. Apart from these properties, lingzhi has been found to be anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, antidiabetic, anti-hypotensive, and protective of the liver. It has also been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, and to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.

Because of these properties, ganoderma has been regarded as blood pressure stabilizer, antioxidant, analgesic, a kidney and nerve tonic. It has been used in bronchitis prevention and in cardiovascular treatment, and in the treatment of high triglycerides, high blood pressure, hepatitis, allergies, chemotherapy support, HIV support, and even for fatigue and altitude sickness.

Some peer-reviewed studies indicate that ganoderic acid has some protective effects against liver injury by viruses and other toxic agents in mice, suggesting a potential benefit of this compound in the treatment of liver diseases in humans.

Although the experiences in fighting cancer are more inconsistent, the extract has been claimed to be effective in regressing tumors. The results depend on the type of cancer and the severity of the condition. It is usually recommended that it be used in combination with other prescribed medical treatments and as part of a fu zheng formula with a variety of supporting herbs. The Ganoderma extract has been employed to help substantially reduce or eliminate the side-effects of radio- and chemotherapies if it is taken before, during and after the treatments. It has been found clinically to reduce side-effects like hair loss, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, sore throat, loss of appetite and insomnia.

To put it simple, ganoderma Mushroom has 10 health effects, which can be found at 敵 anoderma key effects1. Effect on Tumor2. Liver Protection & Detoxification3. Effect on Cardiovascular4. Aging Prevention5. Effect on Neurasthenia

6. Effect on Hypertension7. Treatment of Diabetes8. Effect on Chronic Bronchitis & Bronchus Asthma9. Effect on Hyper Susceptibility10. Effect on Beauty CareAbout coffee, right amount help maintain a good health.

1. Coffee is the source of antioxidants in Diet:While fruits and veggies are still the richest sources of antioxidants, it turns out that for Americans, coffee is the main basis of antioxidant consumption (according to the Institute of Coffee Studies at Vanderbilt University). Black tea and bananas came in second and third place, respectively. Surprisingly, both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee provide similar amounts of antioxidants.2. Coffee increases your Metabolism:Studies also show that coffee is very beneficial in terms of weight loss. It is a common misconception that coffee is an appetite suppressant, however, your morning cup can significantly speed up metabolism by about 10 percent.3. Coffee can improve short-term Memory:According to studies published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, caffeine is a cognitive stimulant that actually boosts brain functioning. Furthermore, coffee reduces levels of beta amyloid, a protein in the brain that is responsible for Alzheime disease.4. Coffee is actually good for your Teeth:We all know that one of the biggest cons of drinking coffee is a stained smile, but the beverage can also have a positive effect on teeth. According to a 2009 article published in the Wall Street Journal, people who drink coffee are less likely to have cavities. Roasted coffee beans have antibacterial effects against microorganisms like Streptococcus, which play a hand in causing tooth decay.5. Coffee can help prevent/stop Headaches:Have you ever wondered why caffeine is one of the main ingredients in migraine medication like Excedrin Migraine? WebMD explains that blood vessels increase in size during a migraine-- caffeine works to decrease the size of blood vessels before they can affect nerves in the brain. So, drinking coffee in the early stages of a headache can help minimize the severity later on. Lingzhi 3-IN-1 is sure to be your everyday coffee-break beverage. Work pressure and hectic life style nowadays make people feel stressful easily. Take a moment and relax a cup of this unique-tasting health beverage.

Daehsan Reishi Soap

Product Code:1002NG, Reishi Soap, Mrp:Rs:200, DP:Rs:170, PV-90 & SV-90Daehsan Reishi Soap:Reishi Soap is specially formulated and enriched with Ganoderma extract and aloevera extract. It gently cleanses the skin while preserving its natural oils without damaging skin structure. .Reishi Soap leaves your skin feeling smoother and softer. Reishi soap with ganoderma extract will make your skin radiant, supple and smooth while relaxing your nerves. Having no artificial colorings, it is suitable for all types of skin.

Ingredients:Ganoderma Mushroom, Sodium Palmate, Glycerin, Ganoderma, Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Aloevera.Reishi Soap Net Weight: 80+80 gms.


PRODUCT CODE 4ADS800, MRP. RS: 1350, DP.RS:1190, PV-600 AND SV-540Anti Diabetic with Stevia Juice a potent combination of Bitter Gourd (Karela) syzygium Cumini, indian goose berry,Stevia, Ashwangandha & Aloevera which helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Bitter Gourd is very low in calories, rich in phyto-nutrients like dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Bitter Gourd notably contains phyto-nutrient, polypeptide-P. In addition it also contains hypoglycemic agent called charantin which may help to increase glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in the cells of liver, muscle and adipose tissue. Jamun (Java Plum) : Jamun is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C. This fruit contains a large number of minerals and provide fewer calories.

Ingredients: Indian Blackberry/Jamun/Syzygium Cumini, Bitterguard.Mormordica Charantia, Indian Goose berry/Emblica Officinails, Gymnema/Gurmar/Sugar Eater, Treminalia Chebula, Terminalia Belrica, Ashwagandha and Aloevera barbedensis, Stevia, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium, sorbate and Citric acid in permitted quantity.NATURAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT.NOT FOR MEDICINAL USE.DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Shake well Before use.20ml with 100ml water early in the morning before break-fast and after dinner every night.Consult your doctor or dietician before regular intake.Keep away from direct sunlightDue to natural product sight colour and taste can change & sedimentation may occur.Use within 1 month of opening the lid and place in Refrigerator.Do Not buy if the bottle is puffed or leaked.Caution: Pregnant or Lactating Ladies and Children below 5yrs or age are advised not to consume this juice without Doctor's approval.

Jamun for Diabetes Treatment:The jamun fruit and jamun leaves are good for diabetes patient. The black plum has anti-diabetic features. Jamun helps to convert starch into energy and keep your blood sugar levels in check. In the summer season, the sugar patient should eat jamun regularly because of its low glycemic index. Jamun reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrusting. The extract of bark, seeds, and leaves are too beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. In a recent study in CDRI, Lucknow, India, it has been found that the dried alcoholic extract of the seeds are good to reduce the level of blood sugar. The decoction of the bark and powdered seed is good in the treatment of diabetes. The extract of the bark, seeds and leaves are good in decreased of sugar in urine (glycouria). Jamum and jamun seeds are

hypoglycemic effects. Jamun seeds powder contains jamboline, a type of glucose, which helps to control the conversion of starch into sugar.

Medicinal uses of Jamun:One of the best medicinal benefits of jamun is its anti-diabetic properties. The black plum works against diabetes and convert sugar into energy. The Jamun fruit is good for digestive system because of its coolant features. Jambul is being having astringent properties, helps to prevent acne, blemishes, wrinkles and pimples. It is also good for blood due to more amount of iron. The presence of vitamin C is beneficial for fair skin complexion. Jamun is having many bio-chemical compounds, which includes flavonoids, essential oils, gallic acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, betulic acid, etc., which are beneficial in managing and treating of many diseases.

Indian Goose Berry: The health benefits of Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla, can be partially attributed to its high vitamin-C content. Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart, strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination of free radicals, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, increases skin health, promotes healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens eyes, improves muscle tone and, acts as an antioxidant

GYMNEMA:Gymnema has several important uses. Dr. Michael Murray, a naturopathic physician, botanical medicine expert and author of "The Healing Power of Herbs," notes that gymnema is one of the most practical herbal recommendations for improving blood sugar regulation in diabetics. Gymnemic acids help desensitize your taste buds to sweet tasting foods when they are placed directly on your tongue, which may help diabetics and others consume fewer calories. Research suggests that gymnema is one of the few herbs that may enhance your body's production of the hormone insulin.

SODIUM BENZOATE:•Increases memory and is cognitive enhancer, by increasing Long Term Potentiation (LTP) and synaptic plasticity (R). The mechanism is via NMDA activation (R).

•Increases growth factors in the brain such as BDNF and Neurotrophin-3 via CREB activation (R).

•Treatment for Schizophrenia (R), Alzheimer’s (R), Bipolar (R), Depression (R), ALS (R), Parkinson’s (R), Anxiety (R) Dementia (R) via NMDA activation.

•Decreases cholesterol just as much as some statins (R). The pathway that increases cholesterol synthesis is inherently inflammatory, which is why statins are considered powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. The cholesterol itself isn’t inflammatory; rather, enzymes in the pathway are (R).

POTASSIUM SORBATE :Potassium sorbate is a synthetic compound that is used for a variety of commercial and domestic uses, for example in the baking industry as an alternative to yeast. In addition it is also used in other industries like dried meat, cheese, apple cider and other products. The primary use of potassium sorbate is to increase the shelf life of various commercial products without causing any alteration in the taste, smell or color of the food. It is generally preferred over products like sulphur (since metabolism of sulphur produces obnoxious gas sulphur dioxide that may produce an undesirable taste sensation or burping). Besides, addition of potassium sorbate also aids digestion. However, its possible side effects cannot neglected.

STEVIA:Stevia is used as a substitute for sugar, especially for diabetics. It contains a compound called steviol glycoside that is not absorbed by the body and cannot be broken down and hence, is flushed out directly. It stabilizes your blood sugar by increasing insulin resistance, inhibits the absorption of glucose and promotes the health of the pancreas.

Tip: Stevia tea is one of the best concoctions to keep one’s blood sugar under control. Just steep some stevia leaves in warm water for about five to seven minutes. Drink this tea either hot or cold two to three times a day.

Daehsan Moringa, Aloevera With Stevia Juice Mix 800ml

MORINGA JUICE: Benefits Moringa Juice for Health:Facts who verily, juice of moringa have benefits that extraordinary for health of our bodies. Even organizations the world such as WHO, recommends in order that infants and children-child, in its infancy, for consume leaves of moringa.

Ingerdients: Moringa, Aloevera with Stevia mix Juice with Sodium Benzoate, Potassium sorbate and Citric acid in permitted quantity. This Juice is a blend of herbs possessing as a very important Ayurvedic medicine in Ancient times. Aloevera and Brahmi is having anti-oxidant properties, whereas Mornga provides powder and helps body to recover from disorders.NATURAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT.NOT FOR MEDICINAL USE.DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Shake well Before use.20ml with 100ml water early in the morning before break-fast and after dinner every night.Consult your doctor or dietician before regular intake.Keep away from direct sunlightDue to natural product sight colour and taste can change & sedimentation may occur.Use within 1 month of opening the lid and place in Refrigerator.Do Not buy if the bottle is puffed or leaked.Caution: Pregnant or Lactating Ladies and Children below 5yrs or age are advised not to consume this juice without Doctor's approval.

Benefits moringa Juice for health:1. Increase metabolism2. Increase the cell structure the body's3. Refresh the eyes and brain4. Improve the serum cholesterol natural5. Increase the normal function liver and kidneys6. increase energy7. Antioxidants that are beneficial to beauty8. Supports the sugar levels normal the body9. Characteristically anti inflammation10. Aid digestion

Consuming moringa juice, then the balance nutrients needed by the body could be fulfilled. Besides that it leaf moringa also could overcome the complaints who caused by deficiency vitamin, and minerals; such as disorders on eye, buildup of fat and liver, beri-beri, dry skin and rupture-rupture also for sufferers anemia.Do not hesitate again, for consume moringa juice, maybe indeed not be so popular vegetable spinach or carrots.

Benefits and efficacy of Moringa Juice, In general it can be consumed, as it contains nutrients, and high protein, many benefits moringa for health benefits moringa plant is squeeze the leaves, can be used as cover wounds.


PRODUCT CODE 4WNA800, MRP. RS: 1350, DP.RS:1190, PV-600 AND SV-540Noni, Aloevera WheatGrass Mix Juice is loaded with so many nutrients that your body isn't hungering for other foods to compensate for any lack of vitamins or minerals.Daehsan India come with the fresh Noni,Aloe Vera Wheat Grass Juice for our customers. Being named as a nutritional storehouse, the aloe vera provides the necessary amino acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins that are useful in the growth of tissues, support digestion and enhance the nutrient absorption. With a high concentration of chlorophyll active enzymes and other nutrients, the wheatgrass gets immediately absorbed in the blood streams and gives instant energy.Ingredients: Noni, Aloevera, Wheatgrass Powder mix Juice With Sodium Benzoate, Potassium sorbate and Citric Acid in permitted quanitity.NATURAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT.NOT FOR MEDICINAL USE.DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Shake well Before use.20ml with 100ml water early in the morning before break-fast and after dinner every night.Consult your doctor or dietician before regular intake.Keep away from direct sunlightDue to natural product sight colour and taste can change & sedimentation may occur.Use within 1 month of opening the lid and place in Refrigerator.Do Not buy if the bottle is puffed or leaked.Caution: Pregnant or Lactating Ladies and Children below 5yrs or age are advised not to consume this juice without Doctor's approval.


Aloe Vera is a wonder herb with many health benefits. It is a fine natural antioxidant. Drinking Aloe Vera juice for weight loss is an effective option. Regular consumption of Aloe Vera juice increases your metabolism thus helping you in reducing body fat. It also detoxifies your system thus cleansing your digestive system and further reducing weight. Not only Aloe Vera is good for weight loss, it also has side effects. It is advised to consult a doctor before consuming Aloe Vera juice.

To make this juice, remove the upper skin of the leaves, grind it and take out the juice. The juice can be filtered and stored in refrigerator. It is recommended to drink one teaspoon of Aloe Vera juice every day, fifteen minutes prior to a meal. You may add honey and lemon to get the bitterness out. The course of consuming Aloe Vera juice for weight loss should be followed for a week or two.

If you are taking diabetes medicines, consult your doctor first before having herbal juices. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also talk to their doctor.If you experience exhaustion, nausea, dizziness or dehydration, speak with your doctor.

NONI JUICE:Daehsan Noni is a nutritional botanical beverage specially formulated from Morinda citrifolia and is enriched with Roselle. Which is commonly found in the tropics, Morinda citrifolia (Noni) has been traditionally used as health drink among the South Pacific region tropical people to promote health.Noni is free from preservatives, sugar, artificial colours and flavours. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is hygienically packed under stringent conditions to ensure that you can savour all its natural goodness. A theory as to why noni juice causes weight loss is that when it is consumed it produces nitric oxide in the body. Muscles use and metabolize a lot of energy and nitric oxide which is produced in the body is involved in the process. Nitric oxide pulls energy from different sources for muscles to use, and one of the sources is from fat cells in the body. This reduces triglycerides (energy) stored in fat cells, which reduces the weight of the fat cells. Drinking noni juice increases the amount of nitric acid in the body, which increases the amount of triglycerides that are removed from fat cells resulting in weight loss.

Noni juice is extracted from Noni fruit (resemble to pineapple) that grows on Noni tree. Noni juice should be prepared by putting a bunch of ripe noni fruit into a container and covering it. That’s it. It needs to sit and the juice will start dripping from the fruit. Noni juice is recommended to take in small amount initially. Starting from 1ounce one can exceed amount up to 3 ounce. It must be taken1-oz. serving in the morning on an empty stomach at least 20 minutes before having food and another 1-oz. serving in the evening.


Wheatgrass is packed with amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E and minerals like iron, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, magnesium, calcium, amino acids, vitamins C, A and E, B12, B6 and chlorophyll. For weight loss, wheatgrass is very low in calories and has no fat and keeps one from feeling hungry or having cravings. Cravings are a huge part of obesity. Addicting foods with empty calories promote weight gain. Wheatgrass can keep one satisfied throughout the day, calming craving possibilities. Wheatgrass juice is a powerful source of potassium, which aids in increasing muscle tone helping to burn calories. Wheatgrass can provide the endurance and energy needed to burn of calories without getting fatigued. The nutrients in wheatgrass speeds up metabolism and this converts calories to energy. You can burn more calories and this helps with weight loss. Wheat grass juice also helps with weight loss by getting the thyroid gland moving. Hypothyroidism slows down metabolism causing weight gain. Wheatgrass juice boosts metabolism and prevents obesity and indigestion.Wheatgrass juice is very potent A daily drink of 1oz (about 30ml) of wheatgrass is recommended to start with, increasing to 2oz (60ml) after a couple of weeks as long as it makes you feel good. It's a good idea to drink it on an empty stomach. A shot glass holds 2oz of juice.

Benefits of Stevia

A number of studies show that Stevia can be beneficial in the treatment of many health conditions. Stevia is believed to have anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-glycemic, and anti-hypertensive properties which may help with hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, chronic fatigue, indigestion, upset stomach, heartburn, weight loss, cold and flu, gingivitis, tooth decay, cavities, dandruff and hair loss, brittle bones or osteoporosis, streptococcus, candidiasis, bacterial infections and skin conditions such as cuts, wounds, rashes, itchiness, blemishes, acne, seborrhoeic dermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, and wrinkles. It may also improve energy levels, strengthen immune system, stimulate mental activity, and may also help in withdrawl from tobacco and alcohol addiction.

Nutrient breakdown of STEVIA |

• Contains zero sugar, zero calories, and zero other macronutrients. • Up to 300 times sweeter than sugar

• Has been studied in relation to increasing insulin sensitivity, although it would be wise if much more studies were done on humans

• One study showed in comparison with sucrose and aspartame (artificial sweeteners) stevia helped reduce postprandial (after eating) insulin in the body.

• May induce insulin secretion, but also increases insulin sensitivity and reduces blood glucose (i.e. what insulin is supposed to do in our bodies).

DAEHSAN MULTIGRAIN HEALTH MIXMultigrain Health Powder also known as Sathu Maavu is a mixture of various grains, lentils, nuts and spices. All these ingredients are roasted and ground to a fine powder. This can be served either with milk and sugar or buttermilk and salt. It is very healthy and is suitable for all ages. To complete a healthy diet plan one should consider the nutrition of multigrain. This grain comes from such things as whole wheat, Ragi,Soya bean,Bengal Gram,Ground Nut, Brown rice, Flaked Rice,Sago, Jowar,Bajra,Amaranthus Seed,Oats, Green Gram,Almond, Cashew Nuts, Flax Seed, and Cardamom . Careals & Small millets:65%,Pulses & legumes :21%, Nuts & Oil Seeds-8.75%, Sago-5%, Cardamom Powder)flavor)-0.5%. A switch to multigrain products may be your healthiest decision. HEALTH BENIFISTS:Ideal food for all age groups, multigrain foods will be high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Complex carbs are great for energy production, and this can help with exercise and losing weight. They break down slower so they can provide energy over a longer period of time. They can be found in foods in their most natural condition like breads with multiple whole grains. The levels of protein will aid the body in tissue repair and production of antibodies that will help fight sickness or infection.In addition, they will contain nutrients, fiber and essential minerals like magnesium, copper and iron. Multigrains that contain whole grains will be filled with essential fatty acids, B-vitamins, starch and fiber. Magnesium will help build strong bones and teeth. It will also help with metabolism. Fiber is great in helping the body stay regular and maintaining a healthy colon.Adding Multigrains to a Diet:Now that you see some of the benefits, it is now time to see how you can fit in these healthy foods to your diet. Multigrains can be added to any meal throughout the day. At breakfast you could start with a multigrain oatmeal with some blueberries mixed in. At lunch you could have a peanut butter and strawberry jam on two slices of multigrain bread. And then at dinner you could have a healthy portion of multigrain rice right next to a chicken breast.Nutrition Matters:Taste and nutrition must go hand in hand if one is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Multigrain foods have many of the essentials the body needs for daily energy and the building of a strong, healthy body. So next time you reach for a loaf of bread or bag of rice take a look to see how many whole grains it contains. That may be the best decision you make during your grocery shopping errand.Method Of Preparation of Porridge:

1) Thoroughly mix the content before use. 2) Take 25g to 35g of mix, add 170 ml of water or milk. Mix the slurry to obtain lumps free. 3) Add either salt or sugar to taste. 4) Boil the mixture with continuous stirring to get desired porridge consistency.

DAEHSAN PROTEIN PLUS ( A COMPLETE HEALTH DRINK). Daehsan Protein Plus contains Doilichos soja , Vidarikand, Ashwgandha, Shatavari, Amla and Ayurvedic ingredients i.e.Protein plays a leading role in your body's growth and maintenance for a better health a daily intake of protein is necessary because your body does not store excess protein. Most of the protein sources like meat, cheese, eggs and whole milk etc have high levels of fat and cholesterol. Protein Plus gives you a nutritious alternative to meats and dairy products. It is a convenient way to increase your protein consumption, which helps to maintain your energy level between meals and helps you maintain lean muscle mass.

PRODUCT CODE 9401, MRP. RS: 700, DP.RS:600, PV-250 AND SV-250

DAEHSAN KIDS PROTEIN:A yummy smoothie made with Soya protein, Ashwagandha, Vidarikand and Shatvari great tastewith the goodness of health comes with Kids and Adult pack separately .Very tasty and tongue lickering taste which each of us would like to have during any stage of life.The Waoooo...!!! factor is always there in every sip of it just sit back and enjoy the nicely flavouredchocolate & straberry drink anywhere any time .Isolated Soy protein is sourced from Solae(Du pont, USA) provide the strength to our cellularsystem,The Ashwagandha take care of cellular metabolism to achieve optimal efficiency at cellular levelVidarikand is very much beneficial to keep our Intestinal gut healthy, improving our staminaShatvari is responsible for balancing our hormonal secretion and rejuvinate our body naturally.

Benefits of SHATAVARI • Shatavari is a very important herb, used as a rejuvenating tonic for women for thousands of years, and

it is one of the most popular Ayurvedic medications. It is an herb that will help the reproductive system heal in a positive manner

• It has the ability to balance the pH levels of the vagina; it nourishes the body, and cleanses dry membranes so that the fluids are balanced completely.

• Fertility rate increases because Shatavari nourishes the ovum.

• Shatavari can be used by males to reduce sexual problems such as reduction in inflammation of sexual organs and even impotence. It can also help increase the love felt between two partners.

• This medication consists of therapeutic features such as isoflavoness, soluble fibers, and complex sugars. These components help in digestion. They can also fight against heartburn and colitis. The medication consists of components that create a cooling effect and therefore it can lower fever, inflammation, and even stomach ulcers.

• Shatavari can fight cholera, typhoid fever, dysenteriae, E.coli, and Staphyoloccus aerus. These bacteria can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Benefits of Ashwagandha

• It strengthens the immune system, and increases blood circulation. • It is prescribed to improve sexual potency among men. • It is to cure any skin ailment like pimples, rashes etc. • It helps in reducing joint inflammations. • It removes toxins from the body providing it with more vigour, health and vitality. • It promotes insulin production, helping diabetics. • The removal of toxins and rejuvenation properties help in maintaining weight. • It is considered as a strong relaxant and antidepressant, lowering stress & anxiety.

• It stops cell degeneration and promotes regeneration in old as well as new nerve cells.

Benefits of Vidarikand • Vidarikand is used to reduce intestinal dryness; and benefits a lot in hepato-splenomegaly. • Vidarikand is very beneficial in cardiac debility and bleeding disorders. • Vidarikand works well in hoarseness of voice, cough, dysuria and phthisis. • Vidarikanda rejuvenates male reproductive system and increases quality and quantity of semen. This

helps to increase sperm count and sperm motility. • It strengthens the body and boosts its immunity. • It is widely used in diseases of skin which cause discoloration. As increases moistness of skin it helps to

reduce dryness of skin.

Organic Tulsi Green TeaTulsi or holy basil is common at every Hindu home and are known for its therapeutic benefits. Tulsi tea, basically made from Tulsi leaves, now promoted by various brands, has gained popularity of its health benefits. Lets have a look at few of the benefits of drinking Tusli tea..

• It is devoid of caffeine and therefore can replace tea and coffee. • Increases your metabolism and helps in weight loss. This happens mainly as you are not gulping down

sugar laden lattes and mochas or even your regular expressos. • Rich in antioxidants and help to prevent aging and prevents cancer. • Helps to destress and soothes and calms your system. • Acts as a decongestent and helps relieve colds and improves immunity.

Tulsi may be mixed with other herbs to improve the benefits.Organic India Tulsi tea is excellant and is easily available at various stores. If you do not find it in your hometown, you can always grow it at home and stew it with water.My recommendation is to drink tulsi tea before and after meditation as it helpes to create the mood to meditate successfully and maximize the benefits..

100% ORGANICTulsi Green Tea is a unique combination of Tulsi & Green Tea, which helps in weight reduction. Studies suggest that green tea boost metabolism and helps burn fat. Both Tulsi and Green tea are rich in antioxidants, which eliminates free radicals from the body and have a vast array of remarkable health benefits. Our wonderful combination of both the herbs helps in refreshing and energizing the body and mind. Tulsi Green Tea is good for body, mind and soul. Drink up and enjoy!

Stress Relieving & Slimming

Enjoy the health benefits of Tulsi and Green Tea*Reduces Stress

• Rich in antioxidants and other nutrients • Guards against cough & cold • Enhances stamina • Builds immunity

• Eliminates toxins

Drumstick ( Moringa)PowderMoringa oleifera or horseradish tree, is chiefly a tropical tree which is known in many parts of the world with its regional names as drumstick tree, kelor, nébéday, mlonge, malunggay, benzolive, saijhan, marango, and sajna. Moringa oleifera, commonly called the 'drumstick tree', is well known for its multi-purpose attributes, wide adaptability, and ease of establishment. Its leaves, pods and flowers are packed with nutrients important to both humans and animals.History of DrumsticksDrum sticks have been utilized from last 5000 years in India like a day-to-day item throughout its season time. Nowadays it’s been noticed individuals who got their own houses they take chance to grow this particular plant. Essentially in case you look at the past record in very old edition encyclopedia of New Standard Encyclopedia you will understand, years back this tree is initially from Northern part of India and Russia. Later on these plants were taken up to southern parts of India. Later it absolutely was seen in other areas of Asia countries. Gradually whole Africa, South America, North America, and several parts of Europe were seen with this plant. Growing of the plant isn’t so complicated however this tree stems is extremely weak and simply broken due to excessive quantity of gum in branches. Drum stick branch could be cultivated by cutting and drafting. On other hand it may be cultivated by its seeds also. Only important things is that, you need to keep watering the plant right until its full grown to 8, 9 feet. Essentially fully grown trees reach to the height of 30 to 4o feet. They got really small leaves.Health Benefits of DrumsticksDrumstick, as everyone knows is also referred to as moringa oleifera or even horseradish tree. It’s really a ‘yard stick’ for health, as it is known to be very therapeutic for the human health in one way or another. This particular veggie offers all type of nutritional advantages and in addition cures numerous health conditions. Drumstick, from the stems, leaves and seeds are recognized to have got therapeutic qualities. Here are some health advantages of drumsticks:

1. Fights cold and flu Drumsticks are recognized to have a great content of Vitamin C. And if you’re experiencing low because of cold as well as sore throat, have drumstick soup to get comfort immediately. Drumstick leaves are commonly known to get therapeutic qualities and is also beneficial in dealing with asthma, wheezing along with other respiratory system difficulties.

2. For strong bones

The green vegetable features large quantities of iron, Vitamins as well as calcium. Drumsticks are recognized to offer healthy and strong bones and are also believed to purify the blood. Drumstick leaves particularly are said to be the blood purifier. For better outcomes have smashed drumstick leaves along with milk.

3. Pregnancy and Lactation Using this tonic on a regular basis by pregnant women will supply them with essential calcium, iron and vitamins. It will help them get over slowness of the uterus, help easy delivery reducing post-delivery problems. A vegetable prepared from leaves boosts breast milk soon after giving birth. The vegetable is prepared by boiling the leaves along with salt and water. The water is then drained off and they’re smeared together with ghee and eaten.

4. Avoids infection Drumsticks have a superior content of anti-bacterial qualities and are also valuable in avoiding infections within the throat, chest, as well as skin. Drumstick leaves and also flowers are utilized in preparing soups since they are anti-biotic naturally. It may also be utilized in dealing with fungal skin ailment.5. Digestive Disorders Drumstick is additionally useful for digestive complaints. A teaspoonful of fresh leaf juice, combined with honey plus a glassful of tender coconut water is offered 2 or 3 times like a herbal medicine throughout the management of cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, colitis and jaundice.6. Lung problems:This particular effective herbal plant is extremely great at dealing with asthma and various other lung associated difficulties. The steam water of drumstick vegetable is generally breathed in throughout the lung problem, which yields extremely helpful outcomes within couple of days.7. Excellent iron tonicThe juice extract of the helpful herbal plant is regarded as a great tonic for young kids. This particular tonic helps you to reinforce the Bones and in addition cleans the blood. For pregnant as well as feeding mothers, this is a great tonic since it contains all of the important components just like calcium, iron, and vitamins etc.8. Glowing skinThe juice of drumstick veggie is extremely useful in improving the glow as well as shine of the face. Usually, it is combined together with lime juice and is particularly quite effective in getting rid of acne, blackheads, pimples, along with other skin difficulties.

9. ImpotencyThe powdered type of this excellent veggie is utilized to prevent impotency, semen thinness, as well as early ejaculation etc. Additionally, it also turns out to be extremely helpful for treating the problem of sexual debility and enables in the better operating of the male along with Female Sterility.10. Tonic for Children The leaves function as a tonic for babies as well as growing kids. For better results, juice needs to be obtained from leaves, filtered and combined with milk. This mix becomes a fantastic tonic for strong and healthy bones as well as for cleansing bloodstream.11. Urinary Disorders A tablespoonful of coagulated fresh leaf juice, combined with a glass of fresh juice of cucumber or even carrot, is an efficient medication for scanty urination as well as continuous burning in urethra because of higher acidity of urine. A teaspoonful of the juice along with 10 gm. of rock salt once daily is utilized for stopping extreme urination of non-diabetics.12. Increases Bone DensityAfter consuming drumstick regularly for just two months it’s been proven that it raises density of bones. This is extremely great for growing up kids.13. Reduces Cancer LevelConstant ingesting of drumstick and its leaves decreases the probability of creating cancer by 80% and it has been proven females who are victim of breast cancer recover fast out of this sickness.14. Reduces Intestine Tumor or UlcerIntestine tumor or even ulcer could be decreased and lots of tests have been carried out in past that was

optimistic in lessening size of ulcer just by offering drumstick extract.15. Improves Vision of Eye and RetinaIt enhances the vision of eye additionally clears the toxins through the retina that boosts the lifetime of retina.16. Reduces Ladies Period CrampsDrumstick leaves soup whenever taken constantly for 21 days; it changes the cycle of period in ladies which will help in cutting the cramps.17. Uterus FibroidIt lowers the size of cist on uterus; therefore it will help in lessening the pain underneath the naval in ladies. In certain villages still this method is utilized by middle aged woman’s to cut back the pain sensation in abdomen.18. Asthma, Bronchitis, TuberculosisPerson needs to prepare the soup from leaves of Drum stick twice daily as well as take in fresh soup. This helps to make lungs powerful eliminates the toxin through the lungs that are settled due to smoking cigarettes or even heavy industry air pollution.19. Beneficial for Brain InjuryDrumstick and its leaves are extremely helpful for all those kind of head injury. Even doctors suggest patients to get this after going through operation on brain.20. Improves Digestion problemAfter consuming the leaves and drumstick for specific time period, it will help interior organ to operate effectively. As kidney lever function enhances, it will help intestine to boost the quality of gastric juice. It will help in Digestion problem.21. Reduces Diabetic LevelIn 1982 few experiments were carried out in Tamil Nadu on 36 diabetics. Out of which 30 individuals demonstrated optimistic outcome of decreasing sugar level within blood.22. Makes Gall Bladder HealthyIt will help in enhancing the function of gall bladder, which really helps diabetes individuals to decrease the sugar score. Those who are not diabetic it assists them to keep their gall bladder healthy and balanced.23. High acidic Urine (Dysuria)Eliminate the extract from drumstick leaves or even best practice to grind leaves in carrot juice and also take in 300 ml each 6 to 10 hours. Also start the toxin free process to eliminate bacteria or even virus through the body. It provides excellent result. In couple of days’ time acid in urine minimizes.24. Improves Nervous and Immune systemIt has been demonstrated in past continues ingesting of drumstick assist person enhance the defense mechanisms and in addition observed that individual is quite healthy with no cold or even viral fever. Somewhat boost in blood hemoglobin have been also documented recently.

• Juice of Drum stick when mixed in milk and offered to children greatly helps by strengthening their bones as it is said to be a great source of Calcium. Also drumstick is said to be a great blood purifier.

• Pregnant women should often eat drumsticks as it helps ease any kind of pre and post delivery complication.

• Drumstick soup helps ease any kind of chest congestions, coughs and sore throats. • Inhaling steam of water in which drumsticks have been boiled helps ease asthma and other lung

problem. • Finally drumstick juice greatly adds to the glow on one’s face. Make a mixture of drumstick and

limejuice and dab it on your face. You will find your face glowing greatly.

Moringa nutrition factsMoringa oleifera, known popularly as drumstick tree, is a tropical plant grown for its nutritious leafy-greens, flower buds, and mineral-rich green fruit pods. It is a well-recognized member in the Moringaceae family of trees, and thought to be originated in the sub-Himalayan forests of the Indian subcontinent. It possesses

horseradish-like root and, hence, known to the western world as horseradish tree. Their young, tender seed pods are popular as murnga in Tamil, and malunggay in Philippines.Moringa is a drought tolerant, medium-

sized, evergreen tree that prefers warm, frost-free climates to flourish. Its tender leaves and twigs can be harvested at any time from a well-established, 1.5 to 2 meters tall plant. Taller plants bear cream-white, small size flowers in clusters throughout the season, which subsequently develop into long slender dark-green, three-sided, edible seedpods with tapering ends. Each pod measures about 6-18 inches in length with constrictions at the seed nodes giving them a typical drumstick-like appearance. Inside, each pod features fleshy pulp and round pea-sized seed encased inide a wing-shaped coat (hull).

DAEHSAN REISHI MASHROOM POWDERHave you ever heard of Reishi Mushrooms? Have you used Eastern medicines and medical treatments? If No, you are missing a supplement with lots of health benefits! Reishi Mushrooms were discovered by Chinese. Locally the term represents “Mushroom of Immortality”. People who consume reishi mashroom powder will enhance their overall health and well-being. A very important ingredient in these mushrooms would be polysaccharides. The water soluble compound is filled with many positive health benefits. Those who consume Reishi Mushrooms frequently will have the wit to fight against many diseases and complications, without facing any side effects. This article focuses on the health benefits of Reishi Mushroom Powder."Reishi Mushroom" is recommended as a dietary supplement and is a rare miraculous mushroomrich in medicinal properties because of active ingridientsPowerful Antioxidant· These mushrooms are very strong antioxidants. Antioxidants protect thebody from the negative effects of free radicals that are formed inside the body by daily exposure tothe sun, chemicals, and pollutants. Ganoderma are proven to boost the immune system, especiallywhen taken with other antioxidant supplements.Anti Carcinogenic· It is believed that Ganoderma can suppress the growth of tumors in peoplewith cancer. It can reinforce the membranes in cancerous cells to keep the tumor from spreading.For this reason, they are often used in efforts to prevent cancers.Anti Allergic· Ganoderma are also beneficial for people suffering from asthma and otherrespiratory conditions because it seems to have a healing effect on the lungs. They are good forbuilding respiratory strength and curbing a cough.Anti-Inflammatory· Ganoderma have anti-inflammatory properties and are therefore usedsometimes for patients who have Alzheimer’s and heart disease. This is based on the idea thatinflammation plays a part in each of these conditions. The pain that accompanies otherinflammatory conditions like neuralgia and arthritis may also be lessened by Ganodermasupplements.· As far as benefits for the heart, Ganoderma can improve the Oxygen Intake capacity in our blood vascular system thereby increasing the efficiency. It can help to lower cholesterol and some of theingredients may help combat high blood pressure.Ingredients in Ganoderma So exactly what is in Ganoderma that give it so many health benefits? Scientists have learned oneactive ingredient is polysaccharides, which contain beta glucan. Beta glucan is known for its abilityto enhance the immune system – in fact it is one of the strongest immune system supplementsAnother ingredient in Ganoderma is triterpenes. The type found in Ganoderma is a ganoderic acidthat has been proven in studies to ease the symptoms of allergies by stopping the release.

DAEHSAN NONI PREMIUM WITH ASHWGANDHA & KOKUM:If you are looking for good health and well being for you and your family, you will benefit greatly from Noni Premium. It restores damaged cells back to normal function, and keeps tissue healthy to prevent organ failure. Noni Premium has many anti-aging and life extending properties.

SmartValue brings all the health benefits of the Noni fruit and Ashwagandha in Daehsan Noni Premium Plus. Ashwagandha grows in India and Africa. The roots of ashwagandha are believed to have health benefits for various conditions including inflammation (arthritis) and a wide range of infectious diseases.

Daehsan Noni Premium Plus is made from the fruit of Indian mulberry tree, Morinda Citrifolia (Noni), kokum and medicinal plant ashwagandha, without any chemical residues and toxins. Noni fruit is the world's richest source of cellular rejuvenating enzymes, that fortify the immune system. It restores damaged cells back to normal function, keeps tissue healthy and prevents organ failure and fights chronic diseases. It is also very useful for enhancing the efficacy of medicine. Kokum is good for liver and heart. Kokum helps in decreasing acidity and is good for digestion.It also controls weight, lowers cholesterol.

Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifer)Ashwagandha boosts the immune system, relieves stress, provides mental calmness and promotes overall wellness. It has a strong nourishing and protective effect on the nervous system. It possesses potent rejuvenating, antioxidant properties.

Health Benefits:. Revitalizes the body. Makes you feel Younger. Releases Stress. Helps resist diseases. Enhances Energy. Improves digestion. Colon cleanser. Helps in increasing metabolism. Helps in weight management

Daehsan Noni Juice With Garcinia (Morinda Citrifolia)Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as great morinda, Indian mulberry, nunaakai (Tamil Nadu, India), dog dumpling (Barbados), mengkudu (Indonesia and Malaysia), apatot (Philippines), kumudu (Bali), pace (Java),

beach mulberry, cheese fruit or noni (from Hawaiian) is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae.1) Noni fruit contains carbohydrates and dietary fibre in moderate amounts. These macronutrients

evidently reside in the fruit pulp, as M. Citrifolia juice has sparse nutrient content. 2) Noni is a powerful nutraceutical drink that has been used by millions for more than 2000 years. Today

Doctors recommend Noni the World over as a Herbal Dietary Supplement which prevents at a molecular level by building cells. There is no other supplement like Noni.

Garcinia Combogia:Garcinia cambogia is a small, sour tropical fruit used traditionally as a condiment and to prevent formation and increase release of intestinal gas. The dried fruit rind called Malabar tamarind has been used traditionally to treat rheumatism and gastrointestinal complaints. The fruit rind extract is rich in a compound called hydroxycitric acid. This compound may inhibit fat production, especially fat produced from excess dietary calories as carbohydrates. Garcinia cambogia may also help curb your appetite, but this effect was not found in a clinical study of overweight women receiving the supplement, according to “Physiology and Behavior.

Features• Effective in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis • Revitalizes the cells • Makes you feel Younger • Relieves Stress • Purifies Blood • Enhances Energy • Helps Resist Diseases • Corrects Digestion

Daehsan Psyllium Husk Isabgol Bhusi Psyllium husk is commonly known as Isabgol in India. Isabgol is grown in India and Pakistan. Isabgol is the

husk of the seeds of the plant Plantago ovato. Isabgol is hygroscopic in nature and it swells and expands to become mucilaginous.Psyllium husks/ Isabgol contain both soluble as well as insoluble fiber. It is a mix of 70% soluble and 30% insoluble fiber. Isabgol has a lot of health benefits.

• It can control loose motions and dysentery. • The husk helps in promoting bowel movement. • It helps in getting rid of bad breath. • Toothache can be treated as well. Mix Isabgol in vinegar and apply it on the painful tooth. • It is cool for the digestive system. • One can lose weight. • Anal fissures can be cured by it. • It is effective in treating colon and can also prevent it. • Blood glucose leaves as well as insulin can be regulated by it. • It is rather inexpensive form of treatment

English name: AloesHindi name: Ghee Kunwar Sanskrit name: Ghrita Kumari, KumariLatin name:Aloe vera Tourn ex. Linn Pennel

A perennial under shrub about 2-4 feet in height with fleshy succulent leaves having horny prickles on their margins. It is common throughout the country and also found in many other parts of the world. Leaves are used for various formulations particularly for cosmetic preparations.

ApplicationIts use is recommended in Ayurveda as a skin conditioner and in the treatment of non-healing ulcers, burn injuries and in treating the liver diseases like jaundice. Experimental studies on Aloe suggest its positive cosmetic value and wound healing properties. Also it was observed that internal use of Aloes evokes positive immune response in experimental animals. The use of Aloe vera is bestowed with multifaceted benefits for skin. By virtue of these properties, it is used frequently in the skin care preparations across the globe.

DAEHSAN Aloevera Cucumber Cream with Saffron Benefits :• Cleans, Moisture's,Tones and conditions the skin.• Eliminates black spot under eyes.• Eradicates all type of facial and skin marks.• It helps in reducing the blemishes.• Protects the skin against ultra violet rays.• Helps in reducing acne problem.• Nourishes the skin and make skin shiny glowing.• It helps in reducing wrinkle problem. • It protects the skin from sunburn.• Useful in the treatment of various skin problems such as eczema, burns Psoriasis, inflammation, wounds etc.• It lightens the dark spots on face.• Soothe itching and helps restore natural beauty.

DAEHSAN SPIRULINA COCOA POWDERToday Spirulina is hailed as the best green food available. Recommended by WHO and promoted by thousands of nutritionists around the world, Spirulina undoubtly has profound health benefits. But owing to its bitter/pungent taste and smell, consuming raw Spirulina becomes difficult. Hence it is available in capsules & tablets form also. Now Daeshan India brings to you the same Spirulina in powder form mixed with Cocoa to make easier for people who prefer consuming it raw. It is 70% Spirulina and 30% Cocoa, and is free from preservatives. 100% certified organic.

Nutritional Facts (as per label): per 100 gms

Calories 140

Total fat 10 gms

Saturated Fat 3 gms

Sodium 20 mg

Total Carbs 10 mg

Dietary Fiber 2 gms

Sugar 4 gms

Protein 4 gms

Direction for use: 1 teaspoon twice daily with milk


• Fights Diabetes • Cholesterol Control • Skin, Eye,Hair • Stablises blood pressure• Increases blood production

Spirulina Cocoa PowderHealth Benefits:Natural source of protein, Vitamins, Mineral & Fibres blended with Cocoa Powder gives extralEnergy to our Human Body necessary to carry out our day to day activity & Nourishes our body

Spirulina BenefitsSpirulina is a microalgae that has been consumed for centuries due to its high nutritional value andsupposed health benefits. Today, popular lifestyle personalities endorse Spirulina as a secret, potent"superfood," a "miracle from the sea."Many people promote Spirulina as a treatment for a range of metabolism and heart health issues,including weight loss, diabetes and high cholesterolSpirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins andiron. It also has essential amino acids (compounds that are the building blocks of proteins). In fact,protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina's dry weight.Another study of 52 adults, ages 37 to 61, examined Spirulina's effects on people recently found tohave high cholesterol. Study participants took 1 gram of Spirulina supplements a day for 12 weeks,and gave fasting blood samples at the beginning and end of the study. By the end of the experiment,average levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and the potentially harmful LDL (low-densitylipoprotein) cholesterol decreased

Cocoa BenefitsAntidepressant EffectsAccording to Elson Hass in his book “Staying Healthy With Nutrition,” cocoa may provideantidepressant benefits. He explains that cocoa contains the substance phenethylamine, which is aneurotransmitter found in the brain that acts as a mood elevator and natural antidepressant.TheUniversity of Michigan Health System (UMIM) states that cocoa may also have the ability to boostendorphins, which act as natural “happy” opiates and are responsible for the highs that are often feltafter exercising, laughing, having sex or winning the lottery. Finally, UMIM says that cocoa mayboost serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter that antidepressants target in order to boost overallhappiness levelCocoa and AntioxidantsCocoa also contains approximately 43.6 mg of flavonoids per gram. Flavonoids are part of apowerful group of antioxidants known as polyphenols, and according to Medical News Today,cocoa is one of the highest polyphenol-containing foods. In addition, hot cocoa contains moreantioxidants per cup than a serving of red wine or tea, and Science Daily explains it may even bethe healthiest choice of the three. Science Daily also states that drinking cocoa may help to fightcancer, heart disease and aging through its antioxidant boosting effect. Medical News Today warnshowever that most commercial cocoa powders have the antioxidant-containing flavonoids removedbecause they taste bitter; therefore, in order to obtain the health boosting benefits, consider buyingraw cocoa powder, which is a minimally processed cocoa powderAdditional Cocoa BenefitsIn addition to the above possible health benefits of cocoa powder, UMIM says that cocoa may lowerLDL cholesterol, reduce the risk of blood clots, increase blood flow to the arteries, lower high bloodpressure, boost cognitive performance and provide essential minerals such as calcium andpotassium So as a whole it Keeps your spirits up, your cholesterol down, and your skin radiant withthis powerful powder.

DAEHSAN STEVIA LIQUEDStevia is a green, leafy plant that is native to South America.It has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. The plant has also been bred for its strong, sweet flavor and used as a sweetener.However, the refined stevia sweeteners used today often don’t resemble the whole stevia plant at all.You can buy whole or crushed stevia leaves, but most often you are getting an extract (either liquid or powder), or a refined version of the plant’s isolated sweet compounds.The two major sweet compounds that are isolated from the stevia leaves are called Stevioside and Rebaudioside A. These two compounds are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar.Here is an important point… most of the studies use stevioside, the isolated sweet compound. It would be hard to reach pharmacologically active doses of stevioside just by using stevia as a sweetener. Stevia is about 10% stevioside, by weight.

What are the Benefits of Stevia?A number of studies show that Stevia can be beneficial in the treatment of many health conditions. Stevia is believed to have anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-glycemic, and anti-hypertensive properties which may help with hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, chronic fatigue, indigestion, upset stomach, heartburn, weight loss, cold and flu, gingivitis, tooth decay, cavities, dandruff and hair loss, brittle bones or osteoporosis, streptococcus, candidiasis, bacterial infections and skin conditions such as cuts, wounds, rashes, itchiness, blemishes, acne, seborrhoeic dermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, and wrinkles. It may also improve energy levels, strengthen immune system, stimulate mental activity, and may also help in withdrawl from tobacco and alcohol addiction.

Uses of SteviaDandruff and Hair HealthStevia concentrate is believed to be beneficial for dandruff, dry scalp, and dull, dry and thin hair. People have noticed stronger, dandruff-free and rejuvenated hair after the regular use of Stevia. Simply mix 3-4 drops of Stevia concentrate into your regular shampoo and wash as normal. Also, after shampooing, using stevia tea as a conditioner and rinsing it out after 5 minutes can help retain natural hair colour and strength.

DiabetesStudies and researches show that Stevia may stabilize blood sugar levels, increase insulin resistance, may even promote insulin production by promoting the pancreas health, discourage glucose absorption in the blood, and inhibit candidiasis - a yeast infection that flourish with sugar. Stevia is a great low carb, low sugar and low calorie sugar alternative and the steviol glycosides are not metabolized by the body and are excreted in the urine without getting accumulated in the body. A Study also suggests that Stevia may inhibit the craving for sweet and oily or fatty foods. Drinking tea made with crushed raw Stevia leaves, or with its extract or tea bags two to three times daily may help with hyperglycemia. To make Stevia tea, heat - not boil one cup of water and let a tea bag or 1teaspoon of its leaves steep in it for 5 -7 minutes. Drink it hot or cold. Or 3-4 drops of Stevia extract can be added to warm or cold cup of water. Also stevia can be used as a natural alternative to any other artificial sweetener being used.

GingivitisStudy shows that antibacterial properties of Stevia may help with gingivitis, cavities, tooth decay and mouth sores. It may suppress the development and reproduction of infectious organisms in the gums and teeth, inhibit the growth of plaque and may improve overall oral health. People who have used Stevia as a mouthwash has reported significant decrease in gingivitis and other mouth infections. Simply gargling with Stevia mouthwash and brushing with Stevia added toothpaste may be beneficial. To make Stevia mouthwash, add 3-4 drops of Stevia extract in half a cup of lukewarm water or steep half a cup of tea with its leaves or teabag and gargle

three to four times daily especially in the morning and at night. For toothpaste, mix 2 drops of Stevia extract to the regular toothpaste.

Heartburn and IndigestionPeople in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia have been using Stevia tea to soothe upset stomach, heartburn, and to improve indigestion and gastrointestinal function. Drinking Stevia tea after every meal may serve as a digestive aid and relieve heartburn and stomach pain.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)A few longer term studies done over a period of 1 and 2 years show that stevia may lower elevated blood pressure levels. Simply drinking Stevia tea twice daily may help stabilize the blood pressure levels.

OsteoporosisA study performed on chickens shows that by adding Stevia leaf powder to chicken feed it significantly increased calcium metabolism in the chickens and had 75% decreased eggshell breakage. A patent application for possible Osteoporosis treatment with Stevia suggests that stevia may help promote absorption of calcium in the body and help improve bone density. Suggested remedy is to make Alfalfa and stevia tea by steeping Alfalfa herb and Stevia half teaspoon each for 5-7 minutes. Drink it two to three times daily. Adding vitamin D powder to the tea or taking its supplements can be beneficial too.

Weight LossRecent medical research suggests that low at carbohydrates, calories and sugar Stevia may be beneficial in weight management. One preliminary research suggests that Stevia may interfere with the functions of hypothalamus and may aid weight loss by curbing the hunger sensation. Hypothalamus is a part of the brain which controls hunger, thirst and fatigue along with its other functions. Anti-glycemic activity of Stevia may also control blood glucose levels which is one of the major causes of weight gain. Stevia works as a tonic to increase energy levels in people battling for weight loss. Suggested remedy is to drink one cup of Stevia tea or mix 10-15 drops of Stevia concentrate in one cup of cold or warm water. Drink it 15 minutes before every meal.

Wrinkles and Other Skin ConditionsStevia is believed to be a remarkable healing agent for skin disorders. Its antioxidant, antibacterial and antiseptic activity may help with wrinkles, skin blemishes, dermatitis, eczema, acne outbreaks, scarring, rashes, itchiness and chapped lips. A small amount of Stevia concentrate applied directly onto the affected skin may promote the healing process. To smooth out the wrinkles, before going to bed, apply a paste made by crushed Stevia leaves or its liquid concentrate evenly all over the face and let it dry for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash and pat dry your face and apply a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil on the face and leave it on over night to benefit from its antioxidant effectsIn Japan and in many East Asian regions, stevia plant parts are being used to sweeten tea, sweets, sauce, confectionary, and soft drinks.Stevia extracts are further refined for use as table sugar. It can then be added in jam, yoghurt, ice creams, smoothies, deserts, chewing gum, and sorbets and also to sweeten bitter medicines.In Brazil, it is used as a remedy to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, stress conditions…etc.


Health Benifits of Nutri Organic VCO OlLLowers the LDL and increases the HDL cholesterol. Reduces obesity and excess body weight. Nutri Ko balances blood sugar and controls diabetes.Very effective in the treatment of hypothyroidism H Pylorie infection psoriasis and atopic dermatis etc. Nutri Ko act as a very good moisturizer prevents dryness scaling and flaking removes the wrinkles and sagging of skin. Excellent in skin care and hair care. Enables abundant hair growth, stops hair fall and dandruff

"Nutri-ko" Extra Virgin Coconut Oil as MEDICINE• Its highest content of Lauric Acid builds up the natural immune power of human body thereby making

it resistant to many of the bacteria, fungi and viral infections The Lauric Acid is converted into Monolaurins in huma n body which is known to destroy "Lipid Enveloped

• Viruses" such as Measles; Vasticular Stomatitis Virus; Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV – 1; Cytomegalovir (CMV) Virus; Influenza and effective even in HIV and H1N1)

• Lauric Acid provides excellent source of instant energy to sportsman elderly people and children • Increases the good cholesterol levels of HDL and simultaneously reduces the bad cholesterol levels of

LDL thereby decreasing obesity and overweigh • Its regular usage corrects the metabolic rate thereby prevents over eating and weight gain • Effective in thyroid disorders like hyper thyroidism • Eliminates H-Pylori bacteria, which is the root cause of hyper acidity and stomach ulcers • Helps to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

Its external application prevents many of the dermatological problems like dry skin, scaling and flaking of skin,Eczema, Psoriasis etc.

"Nutri-ko" Extra Virgin Coconut Oil as COSMETICS • As a body manage oil, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin, prevents drying, scaling and flaking of skin.

Removes wrinkles and sagging of skin and gives a youthful skin • Rubco Nutriko Virgin Coconut Oil is the best natural TONIC for body skin and rich in vitamins like

vitamin – A; D; E & K and slows down the ageing process because of its antioxidant qualitiesAs a natural baby oil, it nourishes the baby skin besides moisturizing it. Its bactericidal, fungicidal and viricidal properties protect the baby from various infections. It is an

• excellent remedy for diaper rash and keeps the baby skin soft and supple(Many of the international brands of baby oil are prepared with mineral oil – petroleum distillate – with added dosages of synthetic perfumes and colour)

• Rubco Nutriko Virgin Coconut oil is having mill greasy residue. It is non sticky and quickly absorbed into body tissues and hair follicles It helps in the regeneration of skin cells and prevents excessive

"Nutri-ko" EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL AS COOKING OILRubco Nutriko Virgin Coconut oil is also excellent cooking oil, which enhances the flavour and taste of many recipes and cousin’s. It is a zero cholesterol oil which is rapidly metabolized by the human body into energy and not cholesterol. The nutritional and medicinal values of Rubco Nutiko virgin coconut oil is not lost in heating because of its very high 'Smoke Point'.

DAEHSAN DIVE FIVEHow to Take Control Now :Healthy blood glucose (or blood sugar) control includes steps like following a balanced meal plan,engaging in an active lifestyle with sufficient physical activity, and taking blood glucose-loweringmedications as you need them over the years. You might also need other medications to controlyour blood pressure and lipids (cholesterol). Consider some additional lifestyle tips that can alsohelp control blood sugar and improve overall health.Innovative products introduced to take a controll over your Sugar Levels along with the Balanceddiet to enjoy a healthy life free from the worries of Diabetes and other ailments which is called''Dibe Five" consists of a natural extract from various plants having a good result in controlling theabnormal level of Sugar in Human Body ie Neem, Karela, Jamun, Ghritkumari and Vijaysar.Neem(Margosa Tree): Found abundantly in India, the bitter leaf has a number of amazingmedicinal properties. Neem enhances insulin receptor sensitivity, helps improve blood circulationby dilating the blood vessels, lowers blood glucose levels and reduces one’s dependence onhypoglycaemic drugs.Karela(Bitter Gourd): This contains an active principle called charantin, which is sometimescalled plant insulin, as it closely resembles insulin from cows. (Bovine insulin). For bettertherapeutic benefits, extract juice from four to five karelas every morning and take on an emptystomachJamun(Indian Blackberry): The seeds contain jamboline, which controls the excessive conversionof starch to sugar.Ghritkumari(Aloe Vera):It has been clinically proven to help assist the body in reducing glucoselevels as well as triglycerides.Vijaysar(Indian Kino):Modern day research and clinical trials on Indian Kino reveals that it possess several activeconstituents like (-) Epicatechin, Pterostilbene, Pterosupin, Marsupsin etc having strong blood sugarlowering property in diabetes.

DAEHSAN BRAIN AND HEALTH BOOSTERThe unique formulation of natural herbs like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha,Vacha, andGhritkumari give you the secret of enjoying Sound Health and Specially formulated Tonic for thepeople seeking active life without any health issue, blended with the catalytic properties of Bramhiresponsible for Memory power.Suitable for the children beyond 3Yrs in their Life cycle Journey that requires too much of memorypower and good health equally benefical to the elders loosing their memory because of agingprocess. It keeps the brain cell active and increases the Memory retention power while other herbskeep your body sufficiently active by their Active Ingredients thereby helping our body to maintainthe general parameters of our Body Function.


• Open & clarify the mind* • Strengthen memory & intellect* • Support focus & concentration* • Encourage a balanced emotional state* • Promote daytime energy & nighttime sleep* • Support healthy blood cells* • Promote healthy skin & hair

SHANKHPUSHPI:Primarily, shankhapushpi is used as a brain tonic. It is one of the best and prominent natural medicines that help in improving memory. The whole plant of shankhapushpi is used in medical treatment. Its consumption also prevents memory loss.

The herb is also used as one of the most important ingredients in the treatment of disorders/syndromes, such as hypertension, hypotension, anxiety neurosis, stresses etc.

• It is also beneficial in rejuvenation therapy and works as psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer. • The extract from shankhapushpi helps in reducing the level of cholesterol in blood, including

triglycerides, phospholipids and fatty acids. • The herb is helpful in fighting ulcers that are formed in the body due to glycoprotiens and mucous

secretions, improving the nerve tissues and bone marrow quality. • The studies on shankhapushpi have also put forward that it is beneficial in remedying hypothyroidism. • It is also one of the best herbs that are used for enhancing beauty and helps in nourishing all the layers

of skin. • The herb serves to induce a feeling of calm and peace, promotes good sleep and brings relief in anxiety

and mental fatigue. It brings a significant reduction in anxiety levels and neuroticism occurring due to varied stress levels.

• Shankhapushpi has an invigorating effect on overall health and promotes health and weight gain. • It also helps in removing certain types of fatty acids that are harmful for the body. • Not much research has been published in the western medical literature on shankhapushpi. There is one

study on the herb, which throws light on its anti-ulcer properties and its helpfulness in alleviating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, by reducing the activeness of a liver enzyme.


Known for inducing lucidity in the mind, vacha is a brain tonic which promotes higher mental functions. It is an ideal herb for meditators, students, musicians and all who need deep focus and attention in their work.VACHA is one of the most renowned herbs used for mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system. In Sanskrit vacha literally means speaking. It is a strongly aromatic, semi-aquatic perennial herb with a ginger-like stem which spreads into the ground. This rhizome part of the plant is of medicinal use.

SPIRULINA Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids including the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which has gotten a lot of attention for its anti-inflammatory properties, especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements like Fermented Cod Liver Oil. (I suspect that the benefits of GLA in Spirulina are even more than what the studies have found since these studies often use vegetable oils for their GLA source, and the other inflammatory compounds in vegetable oils can interfere with the anti-inflammatory ability.) It contains all essential amino acids. GLA is difficult to find in a food source and normally has to be created by the body. Spirulina is one of the few foods with a natural GLA content.

• Spirulina contains Omega 3-,6 and 9s and is especially high in Omega-3s. • Spirulina is extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the

immune system. • Spirulina has a very high concentration of bio-available iron and is excellent during pregnancy and for

those with anemia and will not cause constipation. The proteins and nutrients in Spirulina are very bioavailable and easy to absorb.

• Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including (according to Wikipedia): “Spirulina contains vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable”.

• This Spirulina (from Mountain Rose Herbs) was tested be an independent laboratory and found to have an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of over 24,000 which is 4x the ORAC score of blueberries. The ORAC score is generally used to measure antioxidant ability and concentration in different foods.

• Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk, making it excellent for children, the elderly and during pregnancy.

• Some research has suggested that Spirulina may be helpful for those with allergies and allergic reactions.

• Spirulina’s phosphorus content makes it helpful as part of a tooth remineralization regimen. • Emerging evidence suggests that it binds with radioactive isotopes and may be useful for

radioactivity exposure or radiation therapy. • The protein in Spirulina is highly usable and has a net protein utilization rate of between 50-61% • Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them. • Spirulina can increase fat burning during exercise.

DAEHSAN HAIR CLEANSER( ORGANIC BASE)Our Modern Market is flooded with the Chemicals all around and the time has come to be closer tothe Nature in various areas. Personal Hygiene is also an Important area where the role of HairCleansing is very Important,Looking at the benefits women now a day opt for is herbal shampoos. It is this herbal shampooswhich is greatly appreciated by women of today since it works wonders for hair growth and reduceshair fall too. In todays society, women are crazy over anything which is natural and organic and ourHAIR CLEANSER(Organic One) has the unmatched quality suitable for all the Family Memberswhich is cost effective and Beneficial too.The main reason why so is because it has no after effects on the hair. With the many herbalshampoos in the market, today Boldsky shares with you some of the best benefits of herbalshampoo and why we think that it is the best treatment you can use on your hair. You should alsoknow that herbal shampoos are made with only natural products like flowers, roots of medicinalplants and the juice of certain flowers.Therefore, it is advisable for you to use herbal shampoo on your haiR. HERBAL SHAMPOOS: TryThese Herbs For Your Hair Along with care, these benefits of herbal shampoo will also provide toyou a natural scent which every woman loves.Even if you are sensitive to certain hair care products, you needn't have to worry as it has no sideeffects on your scalp. Look at some of the benefits of herbal shampoo, we have shared with youHERBAL SHAMPOOS: Try These Herbs For Your Hair Along with care, these benefits of herbalshampoo will also provide to you a natural scent which every woman loves. Even if you aresensitive to certain hair care products, you needn't have to worry as it has no side effects on yourscalp.

DetailsOrganic Natural HAIR CLEANSER Nourishes hair shaft and roots. Cleanses hair and scalp. Removes dandruff, stops hair loss. Makes hair healthy from roots and shiny.

Directions for use :15-20 ml as per requirement daily or as directed bythe Physician. Apply on wet hair, massage lightly with fingers for 5 minutes and wash with clean water.Store in a cool & dry place Keep away from direct sunlight. Due to natural product slight color changes & sedimentation may occur.Shake Well before use.

DAEHSAN LUSH HAIR TONIC:Lush Herbal Hair Tonic is an excellent combination of Rubco Nutriko Virgin Coconut Oil and rare ayurvedic herbs. Lush Herbal Hair Tonic contains herbs which are known for ayurvedic hair care for centuries. It is an ideal hair care formulation prepared by ayurveda acharyas who have been practicing ayurveda for generations. Each herbs in Lush Herbal Hair Tonic possesses hair stimulating qualities. Lush hair tonic is an effective remedy for hair problems like hair fall, premature graying splitting of hair shafts and formation of hair lumps etc. Prevents dandruff and other dry scalp conditions like flaking and itching. Induces abundant hair growth. Keep the head cool and mental temperaments well balanced.Lush Herbal Hair Tonic is an excellent combination of Ayurvedic herbs with Virgin Coconut Oil .

Lush Hair Tonic – Key BenefitsStimulate vigorous Hair GrowthIntrinsic Medicinal Qualities of VCO is made available to HairEasily absorbed by scalp and hair folliclesKeeps the head coolKeeps the dandruff awayAct as a moisturizer and nourisher To the scalp and hair cellsExcellent formulation of time tested ayurvedic ingredientsLush Hair Tonic – Key IngredientsECLIPTA ALBAEMBLICA OFFICINALISCENTLLA ASIATICATINOSPORA CORDIFOLIAJUICE OF COCOSNUCIFERACOWS MILKANTIMONY SULPHIDEABRUS PRECATORIUS


NUTRI VCO NEW PACK 1000ML.Coconut oil is often described as the “healthiest oil on earth.”This wasn’t always so. For years it had a reputation of being unhealthy because of its high saturated fat content.We now know coconut oil is different from most fats and is actually good for us. We have listed twelve of the most important health benefits of this newly declared PowerFood.How Did Coconut Oil Get a Bad Reputation?

• Coconut oil is saturated oil. Saturated oils were understood to raise blood cholesterol and cause heart disease.• A specific study conducted 40 years ago seemed to verify this concern. Yes, it did increase heart disease.

But, what no one at the time seemed to take into account was that this study was done on hydrogenated coconut. The problems with hydrogenated oils are well documented by numerous studies. Even the general theory of saturated fats is now suspect. Read more about this here: Is Saturated Fat Bad For You?Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine. In tropical climates like Polynesia, Sri Lanka, and the Yucatan where they have a diet high in coconut oil, the people are healthier, have less heart disease, cancer, and colon problems than unsaturated fat eaters. It is now accepted that there is good cholesterol and there are good saturated fats.To quote Dr. Mary Enig: “The research over four decades concerning coconut oil in diet and heart disease is quite clear: coconut oil has been shown to be beneficial.”

Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil (cold pressed):

1. Thyroid-stimulating: Research shows that coconut oil contains a medium-chain fatty acids accelerate that stimulates metabolism, gives you more energy. 2. Get candida in check: Coconut oil has a good quantity of caprylic acid in it which is well known to kill off excess candida by targeting harmful bacteria. 3. Lowers cholesterol: It is rich in lauric acid which protects your heart by reducing total cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. 4. Helps with weight loss: Here is an interesting fact about coconut oil; even though it is a fat, it actually helps with weight loss! Read more here: Weight Loss With Coconut Oil. The healthy medium chain fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats; they are sent directly to the liver and are converted into energy. Thus the body does not store the fat in coconut oil as fat; it uses it to produce energy instead. 5. Helps keep diabetes in check: It does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream. Instead it helps control blood sugar by improving the secretion of insulin. Note: This is not a free pass to eat a lot of sugar and other dumb carbs. 6. Reduces heart disease: studies on people in the Pacific Islands found that their total caloric intake included thirty to sixty percent from fully saturated coconut oil. These Pacific Islanders have nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease. 7. Gastrointestinal malabsorption diseases: Combining Vitamin E supplements with coconut oil through the skin proved to be a good alternative for those with gastrointestinal malabsorption diseases. Study in Canada 1999 University of Western Ontario 8. Supports the immune system. It is rich in lauric acid, a nutrient that supports the body’s immune system. 9. Good for the skin: When applied externally it forms a protective antibacterial layer protecting the infected body part. Also, coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by helping to repair damaged tissue. 10. Nourishing for the brain: Studies show that it improves cognitive function, and stalls, or even reverses, neurodegenerative diseases in their early stages. 11. Ancient medicine:Coconut oil has been part of Ayurvedic medicine for 5,000 years in India.12. Speeds Recovery:People in Panama drink a glass of coconut oil to protect themselves from illness as it is also believed to speed recovery from sickness.Read about the numerous research studies done on coconut oil: Coconut Oil Research“Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric acid. Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human or animal body. Monolaurin is

the anti-viral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria!” according to research by Dr. Mary Enig.

Virgin Coconut oil: Mother of all oils• Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is abundant in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, thus making it the 'mother of all oils'.

• Extracted from fresh coconut kernel without any chemical processes, it is the purest form of coconut oil, water white in colour..

• Virgin coconut oil is a major source of Lauric Acid and Vitamin E.

• The virgin coconut oil is free from trans fatty acid, high in medium chain fats (MCFA) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) known as lauric acid, which is identical to special group of fats found in human breast milk.

• VCO is widely consumed as MCT oil for weight loss treatment, etc.

• MCT's are more easily and rapidly digested than other types of fats, as they require lower amounts of enzymes and bile acids for intestinal absorption.

• MCT's are metabolized very quickly in the liver and are reported to encourage an increase in energy expenditure, while decreasing fat storage.

• Numerous studies suggest that substituting MCT Oil for other fats in a healthy diet may therefore help to support healthy weight and body composition.

• High quality of this oil makes it an ideal massage oil for babies and also for skin and hair applications.

• It protects the skin from infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, prevents dandruff and hair loss.

• It even eases muscular pain.

• Supplement your body with antioxidants. Antioxidant is your body's natural defense against free radicals.

• It prevents the chain reaction of free radicals and mars sagging and unsightly wrinkles.

• Rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, virgin coconut oil slows down the ageing process and assures the best of life and beauty to your skin.

Product Code 61000PV- NUTRI- VCO 1000ML- MRP- 900, DP- 780,PV-400 AND SV-250

ORGANIC TULSI GREEN TEA CADDY 100GMS(100% ORGANIC )Tulsi or holy basil is common at every home and are known for its therapeutic benefits. Tulsi tea, basically made from Tulsi leaves, now promoted by various brands, has gained popularity of its health benefits. Lets have a look at few of the benefits of drinking Tusli tea..•It is devoid of caffeine and therefore can replace tea and coffee.•Increases your metabolism and helps in weight loss. This happens mainly as you are not gulping down sugar laden lattes and mocha’s or even your regular expresses.•Rich in antioxidants and help to prevent aging and prevents cancer.•Helps to destress and soothes and calms your system.•Acts as a decongestent and helps relieve colds and improves immunity.Tulsi may be mixed with other herbs to improve the benefits.Organic India Tulsi tea is excellant and is easily available at various stores. If you do not find it in your hometown, you can always grow it at home and stew it with water.My recommendation is to drink tulsi tea before and after meditation as it helps to create the mood to meditate successfully and maximize the benefits..

Disclaimer:The all information as provided in this email and attachment file complited from virous recerch reports internet google sites for only information purposes.These are only home remedies and to be used in consultation with expert.


We take the pride to inform all the Distributors that Daehsan Trading (India) Pvt. Ltd. is now a permanent member of IDSA."Trees change their leaves, not their roots", Daehsan is deeply rooted in India since the year 2001!

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