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• Radiation Safety Program Audits

• Leadership Safety Assessments

• Life Safety Code Audits

• OSHA Program Audits

• OSHA Record Keeping Audits

• Incident and Accident Investigations

• Compliance Assessments

• Pathway and Risk Assessments

• Exposure Assessments

• Occupational Safety Subject Matter Expert Assessments

• Readiness Assessment Planning

• Root Cause Analysis

• Effectiveness Reviews

• Corrective Action Recovery

Dade Moeller Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) Consulting ServicesAlthough Dade Moeller started as a health physics consulting company based on the radiation protection expertise of its founders, today we offer much more. Our ES&H consulting services can address your needs in the areas of radiation protection, occupational safety, industrial hygiene, environmental protection, and quality assurance.

Program Audits and AssessmentsDade Moeller brings extensive practical experience to every assignment, and our clients have come to depend on our ability to identify significant issues and recommend innovative improvements. Our observations and opinions are always honest and forthright when discussing potential concerns. We present information on uncertainties, risks, and costs, and recommend proactive solutions for our customers. Dade Moeller has established a record of quality, integrity, and candor in our audits and assessments.

Dade Moeller has performed comprehensive annual audits of medical and industrial radiation safety programs involving licensed radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation. The audits help our clients ensure that their radiation safety programs meet all regulatory and license requirements, and they identify and correct program weaknesses prior to an official federal or state regulatory inspection. Our audits follow the guidelines established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in NUREG publications, as well as guidelines for sources of ionizing radiation regulated solely by the individual states.

We are thoroughly familiar with health, safety, and environmental regulations and know how they apply in real-world circumstances. And following our audits and assessments, we have developed and implemented critical system controls tools including contract and needs assessments, audit programs, requirements analysis, interface controls, and life-cycle cost analyses.

Types of Assessments and Audits Include:

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Emergency ResponseDade Moeller has provided emergency response services for several clients, including responses to major disasters such as the Gulf oil spill in 2010 and the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011. On a smaller scale, our staff has been instrumental in helping clients respond to spills of radioactive liquids and hazardous chemicals, lost radioactive materials, improper disposal of radioactive and hazardous materials, and incidents involving contamination of workers. We conduct surveys of contaminated personnel, facilities, and equipment to ensure proper remedial actions. Regarding radioactive materials, we are licensed by the States of Maryland, Washington, and Tennessee to provide emergency response activities to:

• Isolate, identify, and package for transport licensed materials found in trash

• Perform decontamination and decommissioning activities

• Package and prepare for transport licensed materials, sealed sources, and devices containing licensed material

• Possess equipment contaminated with residual amounts of radioactivity incidental to the services described above

We can provide a 24-hour emergency response phone number for our clients to request consultation and on-site emergency response services. Our radioactive material licenses are accepted in all other states under reciprocity agreements with the NRC and Agreement State agencies.

Litigation SupportDade Moeller has received acclaim for our work on radiation litigation cases. Unlike most consulting firms who lend their expertise in the litigation arena, Dade Moeller does not focus exclusively on plaintiffs or defense – we focus on good science. We have had the privilege of illuminating and clarifying the boundaries where good science and the public interest meet. Notably, we can:

• Develop expert reports on radiation sources, exposures, doses, and risks

• Provide technical analyses of reports by opposing experts using the principles of good science

• Identify and, if necessary, reconstruct historical radiation and exposure risk

• Provide respected expert witnesses

• Interpret the technical basis of laws and statutes defining requirements for radiation protection

• Evaluate historical compliance with standards, requirements, and license conditions

• Identify and coordinate the support of nationally recognized experts in medicine, engineering, chemistry, hydrogeology, risk analysis, and other fields

We serve clients throughout the litigation process on all matters involving exposure to radioactive and hazardous materials. Our efforts help our clients ensure positive representation in court; understand allegations, laws, and scientific principles; develop their best case consistent with the principles of good science; and emerge with their reputations intact.

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Dade Moeller Radiation Protection Services Consistent with our roots in the health physics profession, we are proud to offer a full range of radiation protection services. With over 17 years in business and a staff that includes more Certified Health Physicists (CHPs) than any other private entity in the United States, if you have a need or problem involving radioactive materials, radiation generating machines, or radiation exposures to personnel, we have the expertise to help.

Radioactive Material License ApplicationsApplying for and maintaining a radioactive materials license can be technically daunting and expensive. We can streamline and expedite the licensing effort by helping you:

• Prepare new license applications

• Develop written radiation safety programs

• Communicate with regulators on your behalf

• Qualify or provide your radiation safety officer

• Implement and maintain license conditions

• Specify required equipment and services

• Train personnel to fulfill license requirements

Dade Moeller secured the license for a radioactive material disposal site in nine months, an unparalleled schedule accomplishment. For a new analytical laboratory, we developed the radiation safety program and obtained a specific license in approximately two months. Dade Moeller experts can ensure success in securing and maintaining a license for your business in a cost-effective and timely manner.

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Instrument CalibrationDade Moeller has performed more than 15,000 calibrations of radiation detection instruments. We offer exposure and contamination calibrations as well as on-site calibrations of fixed monitoring equipment. Our calibration procedures follow ANSI Standard N323A-1997, “Instrument Test and Calibration, Portable Survey Instruments.” On completion of calibration, we issue a detailed calibration certificate for each instrument. In addition, we label each instrument to document applicable calibration data for quick reference in the field.

Radioactive Sample AnalysisDade Moeller analyzes thousands of samples annually for government and commercial institutions. Using liquid scintillation and gamma counting technology, our well-trained technical staff can provide defensible analysis for many different types of samples including:

• Filter or Swab Testing

• Contamination Swipe Samples

• Leak Tests

• Urine Bioassays

• Water Samples

Our staff understands the importance of rapid turnaround of results that are required to manage a radiation safety program. Analysis is generally completed the same day samples arrive. On completion, we will provide a complete report that details the analytical results.

Our lab adheres to a rigorous Quality Assurance program that meets and follows the standards provided under ISO/IEC 17025, ASME/NQA-1, and the NELAC Standard. Our laboratory capabilities enable us to achieve detection limits and make isotopic determinations consistent with nationally recognized standards.

Final Status SurveysDade Moeller has been highly successful in defining final status radiation limits for closure and environmental restoration, advancing public understanding, and moving restoration forward based on valid assessments. We have performed numerous final status surveys (FSS) for biomedical research, pharmaceutical, and academic institutions in support of license amendments and request for termination. Our FSS projects are based on the guidance provided in the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) and have produced technical reports that have been consistently accepted by regulatory agencies.


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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medical PhysicsOur staff is ready to assist you in ensuring your operations minimize radiation doses to workers and patients and comply with federal and state regulations. Dade Moeller provides physics coverage and clinical support for therapy departments including chart checks, brachytherapy, and routine quality assurance. We also provide support during busy clinical times, either due to increased workload, installation of new equipment, or vacation coverage. In addition, we have licensed inspectors who can perform the required state inspections for linear accelerators, tomotherapy, simulators, and diagnostic units, including C-arm fluoroscopic, radiographic, CT, MRI, and other machines. Our medical facility services also include supporting your radiation safety program, nuclear medicine, and radiation safety committee through on-site inspections, training, meeting assistance, and serving as the Radiation Safety Officer.

We assist with licensing and accreditations of the American College of Radiology (ACR), the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC), and other accreditation bodies. Additionally, we can design or provide reviews of quality management programs and provide clinical reviews of your department to suggest methods for increased patient safety and efficiency.

X-ray Machine and Service RegistrationState regulations require the registration of x-ray producing machines. Dade Moeller can assist you in the registration of your equipment and the preparation of documents and reports required by your state.

In addition, states require the registration of any person who engages in the business of installing or servicing radiation generating machines. Services requiring registration can include, but are not limited to:

• Installation and servicing of radiation machines and associated components

• Calibration of radiation machines or radiation measurement instruments or devices

• Radiation protection or health physics consultations or surveys

• Personnel dosimetry services


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Dade Moeller Occupational Safety and Health Services

For years, Dade Moeller has been helping clients develop and implement Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and Industrial Hygiene (IH) programs that effectively prevent and control health and safety hazards in the workplace. Clients rely on our expertise for implementing cost-effective worker protection measures that enhance productivity while ensuring regulatory compliance. Our company has more than 40 safety and health professionals, many of them certified [e.g., Occupational Health and Safety Technologist (OHST), Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST), Certified Loss Control Specialist (CLCS), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), and Certified Safety Professional (CSP)]. Hiring Dade Moeller provides your company with access to our depth and breadth of staff.

Our services include:

• Assessing and controlling hazards

• Optimizing employee protection and health

• Providing project start up and turnkey services to develop, implement, or upgrade safety or industrial hygiene programs in response to customer needs or changes in regulatory guidelines

• Evaluating impacts and providing support for new or changing regulations or standards (e.g., 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR 1926)

Staff specialized safety focus areas include:

• General Industry

• Construction

• Chemical Weapons

• Oil and Gas

• Commercial and Government Nuclear

• Food Production Facilities

• Wind Farm Construction and Maintenance

• Litigation including Workers’ Compensation

• Specialized or Tailored Safety and Health Training

Our staff is skilled in IH sampling and field analysis, from sampling technicians to CIHs with 30 or more years of experience. IH sampling includes, but is not limited to, air, bulk, surface and direct reading instrument sampling, using OSHA, NIOSH, and EPA sampling methodologies.

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Safety and Health Program Development

Dade Moeller is an industry leader in developing, assessing, and implementing OSH and IH programs in both commercial and government sectors. Our corporate expertise has been developed through work performed for commercial clients, the Department of Energy, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Department of Defense, and nuclear power utilities. We have in-depth knowledge of the types of issues that have proven to be critical to safe operations, including Job Hazard Analysis/Job Safety Analysis; rigging; scaffolding; confined space entries; ergonomics; asbestos, beryllium, and lead; organic vapors; and proper use of personal protection equipment.

Areas of expertise include:

• Regulatory Compliance

• Construction Safety

• Industrial Safety

• Chemical Exposure Assessment and Monitoring

• Hazard Assessment

• Respiratory Protection Programs

• Hearing Conservation

• Ergonomics

• Program Audits

• Employee Training

• Decontamination and Demolition Safety

• Emergency Preparedness

Incident and Accident InvestigationDade Moeller’s safety staff includes subject matter experts in industrial hygiene, occupational safety, safety engineering, process safety, laser safety, and consequence assessment. Our staff members have led or participated in a number of incident or accident investigations including near-misses, personnel overexposure investigations, OSHA investigations, and investigation of accidents involving fatalities. We offer staff members trained in root cause analysis and corrective action development, and we provide an independent and disciplined approach to incident and accident investigations.

Services include:

• Incident Investigation

• Accident Investigation

• Occupational Safety Subject Matter Experts

• Program Reviews

• Bargaining Unit Interface

• Report Preparation

• Root Cause Analysis

• Development of Corrective Actions

• Effectiveness Reviews

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Dade Moeller Environmental Services

Dade Moeller understands that complying with environmental statutory and regulatory requirements is essential for any business. Our knowledge and experience with environmental programs enables us to anticipate environmental requirements for a program or project lifecycle, helping our clients avoid surprises and maintain compliance.

Dade Moeller has extensive experience in planning environmental projects, managing sampling activities, and evaluating the resulting data. We have facilitated over 40 Systematic Planning Processes encompassing all types of decisions for waste treatment and disposition, contaminated facility remediation, natural resource management, and environmental restoration. The systematic planning approach is central to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental characterization programs and requires mediation skills, technical expertise, and knowledge of environmental regulations. Dade Moeller personnel regularly assess environmental testing laboratories located around the country for performance adequacy based on the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) components, the 2009 criteria from The NELAC

Institute (TNI), and requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Dade Moeller works with clients to strategically plan environmental data collection, sampling, and analysis for environmental projects. We guide clients in determining the type, quantity, and quality of environmental data needed to balance risk and cost, and to support technically defensible decisions. This process can ensure our clients

Deep Water Horizon Response

Provided rapid-response to NOAA through Industrial Economics, Incorporated (IEc) to provide Sample Quality Management services.

Established Sample Intake and Logistical Centers in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida (2 centers), covering more than 1600 miles of coastline.

Manages the quality of information & environmental samples.

Provides Procurement, Storage and Rapid-Response Supply for NOAA intake teams.

Performs On-site Processing (Accessioning) of environmental samples & data.

Trains Environmental Sampling Teams and Lead Sample Techs, in data handling, nomenclature of samples, chain of custody, and timing of data.

Places properly trained technicians for sample and data intake on boats in the Gulf Region.

Mobilized over 125 specialized personnel (with over 65 full-time) over a 4 month period since May 24, 2010 .

Processed over 30,000 environmental samples.

Provided more than $500K in environmental sampling supplies.

Assisted in the collection of over 5000 environmental samples at sea.

Manages Over $300K in fixed facilities and equipment.

Coordinated over 1500 intakes of environmental samples, observation data and embarked on rapid-response supply runs.

Headquartered in Richland, WA, Dade Moeller ( is a nationally recognized professional consulting firm with offices in 12 states and over 200 ESH&Q professionals.

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meet, and in some cases, exceed project budgets and schedules. Dade Moeller provides Systematic Planning for environmental projects involving:

• Soil/Groundwater Characterization and Remediation

• Integrated Environmental Monitoring

• Risk Assessments

• Decontamination and Decommissioning

As an example of our capabilities, Dade Moeller provides rapid/emergent sample quality management services in support of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) for the British Petroleum Deep Water Horizon oil spill. We operate a team with more than 70 environmental scientists and data quality management personnel, establishing operations across all 1,600 miles of the Gulf Coast. In less than a year, our environmental specialists successfully processed more than 60,000 samples in a multitude of matrices and environmental media with less than 1% loss of sample integrity.

We are helping our clients reduce their regulatory compliance burdens and maintain their corporate image through environmental stewardship by helping them establish, upgrade, or maintain compliant environmental programs. We can:

• Assess emission control programs for compliance with license requirements and environmental regulations

• Design environmental monitoring programs in support of license application and implementation efforts

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Founded in 1994, our Company proudly bears the name of Dr. Dade W. Moeller, CHP, PE, a premier scientist and educator in the fields of health physics and environmental health. From the Company’s inception, we have been dedicated to establishing and maintaining high standards for professional integrity, work commitment, and technical excellence, the hallmarks embodied by Dade

Moeller throughout his distinguished career of more than 60 years.

Today, our Company provides the full range of professional and technician services in environment, safety, health and quality assurance to commercial and public sector clients. We have superior capabilities and exceptional depth in radiation protection, health physics and worker safety. With office locations nationwide, our staff is recognized for expertise and proven performance in:

• Radiological and Nuclear Safety• Occupational Safety and Health• Public and Environmental Health Protection• Training Academy

Dade Moeller helps our clients protect human health and the environment from potential exposures to radiation and hazardous substances and ensure compliance with state and federal regulations governing the safety and health of workers, the public, and the environment. We employ more than 200 experienced professionals including Certified Health Physicists, Certified Industrial Hygienists, Certified Safety Professionals, and Professional Engineers, many of whom have contributed to national and international policies, regulations, and industrial standards in their fields of expertise. Dade Moeller has more Certified Health Physicists than any other private entity in the nation, and our staff is further distinguished by renowned leaders in virtually every area of radiation protection and health physics.

Corporate Headquarters1835 Terminal Drive, Suite 200 • Richland, WA 99354 • (509) 946-0410 •