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Page 1: D47 Sunshiner -  June 2015

F ellow Toastmasters,

I am honored to have served as your District Governor for 2014 – 2015.

When I joined Toastmasters nearly three decades ago, had anyone told me that I

would have been District Governor in the future,

I may have instantly revoked my membership. In

April of 1987, I attended the District 47 Spring Conference held at a hotel on University Drive in

Ft. Lauderdale, I was only a guest. It made such a

profound impression that I returned home and

joined a club one week later. Over the years this

organization has transformed, polished and shaped

me into the person I am today and for that I am

exceedingly grateful!

Although my transformation through

Toastmasters took many years to reach maturity,

it was eventually realized because of the

wonderful people I met who took the time to

nurture and mentor me by pouring their skills and talents into me. The real reason I

had the opportunity to endure the blood, sweat, tears and growing pains of becoming

a more effective communicator and leader was because of you! If I could, I would do

it over and over again.

During my development as a leader there were valuable lessons learned. I realized,

self must be put aside, sacrifices must be made and servant leadership is the key! I

learned, lip service is not an option; weakness is forbidden and patience is truly a

virtue. As your outgoing District Governor, I enjoyed serving you. I am humbled by

your confidence and goodwill and I fully enjoyed the year of service. The friendships

I’ve developed will last a lifetime and I’m looking forward to sharing many more good

times with you in the future.

This year we are celebrating 60 years of existence as a district and on July 1, 2015, we

will reach yet another milestone in the history of our District when a new team will

assume the leadership of our beloved district. Our incoming CEO, Jeanine Kinsey

who will commence her term with the new title of “District Director.” This District

team is poised and ready to serve you. They are excited for the wonderful

The Grand Finale!

Organization Name

Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Title


THE SUNSHINER News from Southeast Florida and The Bahamas


District 47

June 2015


Club Anniversaries

Photos galore

Toastmasters across District 47

District Highlights

Giving back The Sole Men are of service. Page 3

Point of order

LGET Jeanine Kinsey gives final tips. Pages 4, 5.

Growth, change are good

LGM Lou Brown updates club progress. Pages 6-8

The Charge

PRO Marlene Bryan urges members to showcase #D47. Page 10.

What a man!

A salute to Tony Longley, Page 14

Let me just say

Sunshiner Editor Andrea Robinson reflects on the year that was. Page 22

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opportunity to lead, coach and inspire members to achieve

greatness, with a renewed focus on the growth and development

of every member. I encourage you to give them your full

confidence and support. Meanwhile, the class of 2014-2015 will

be recorded as the last “District Governors” in the history of

Toastmasters International.

This past year was not by any means “a bed of roses”. There

were numerous challenges to overcome, some of which seemed

insurmountable. However, my team and I remained committed

to the cause and focused on the ultimate goal as emphasized by

our theme, “In Pursuit of Excellence”. To keep us grounded, we

rooted our actions in the four “Core Values” of Toastmasters International, which are: “Integrity, Respect, Service and

Excellence”. This is how we made it through the year. Our

ultimate dream however, is to be a “Distinguished District”. We

hope you’ll work with us right up to the final minute on June

30th if necessary to make this goal a reality.

So, fellow Toastmasters, whenever the bed of roses, seem more

like a bed of thorns and situations appear too difficult to face or

when you are overwhelmed and feel like giving up, do what I do;

meditate on these words by Reinhold Niebuhr, “God grant me

the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know

the difference.” I hope these are words you can live by and

you too will be encouraged to press on.

On behalf of the dynamic team with whom I’ve been honored to

serve, I thank you for your unwavering support this year and

together we wish you all the best for great success in the future!


Anthony (Tony) Longley, DTM

“In Pursuit of Excellence”



Published by Toastmasters International District 47: Southeast Florida and The Islands of The Bahamas.

Submit articles, questions and comments to [email protected]. DISTRICT 47 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

District Governor

Anthony "Tony" Longley, DTM

Lt. Governor Education and Training

Jeanine Kinsey, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing

Louis “Lou” Brown, DTM

District Public Relations Officer

Marlene M. Bryan, DTM

District Secretary

Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL

District Treasurer

Laura Thezine, ACS/ALB

District Sergeant At Arms

Thomas Plant, ACB/ALB

Immediate Past District Governor

Francis Molina, DTM

Division Governors

Div. A: Heather Mahoney, ACS/ALB

Div. B: Karen Lake, ACB/ALB

Div. C: Michael Thorn, DTM

Div. D: Valerie Johnson, ACB/ALB

Div. E: Jason Stewart, ACS/CL

Div. F: Deborah Young, DTM

Div. I: Delmaro Duncombe, DTM


TLI Training Coordinator: Antoinette Fox, DTM

Contest Coordinator: Indira Sands

Fall Conference Chair: Diana Loy, DTM

Spring Conference Chair: Lydia Harris, DTM

Club Coach & Advocate Chair: Beverly Cordner, DTM

Webmaster: Stanley Lloyd, CC

Parliamentarian: Matt Kinsey, DTM

Audit Chair: Glenn Parks, ACS/CL

Social Media Chair: Maria Alexandra Sanchez, DTM

Sunshiner Editor: Andrea Robinson, ACB/ALB

Copy Editor/Proofreader: Hieu Huynh, DTM

The Grand Finale!

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I believe there are two types of people in this world.

GIVERS, and TAKERS. Now ask yourself, which one

are you? Before you answer, consider this. The

TAKERS, for reasons I cannot figure out, continually

take for themselves from others, organizations and

their community. No regard is given for what they can

do in return to reciprocate. The GIVERS think less of

themselves, and regardless of benefits derived are

always there to help others, their organizations, their

community and those less fortunate.

Toastmasters, like many organizations in our

community, is a nonprofit organization. We all seek the

same support from the community, and the generosity

of donors. Corporate America is always looking for

groups to support, and are very aware of those groups

that not only provide a valuable service, like we do in

Toastmasters, but also GIVE BACK.

A recent event took place in Broward County sponsored by the


Shoes.” Four of your fellow Toastmasters volunteered and participated in

this event to support and give back to the community. Launa Carbonell,

Jose Alvarado, Darryl Jones, and David Esposito are examples of GIVERS.

Launa Carbonell was given the task of finding and selecting 27 “SOLE

MEN,” whose job it was to take care and spoil 400 women, for an

evening of “WINE WOMEN AND SHOES.”

We knew it was going to be a tough job but Jose, Darryl and David said

“someone’s got to do it,” and as Toastmasters rose to the challenge.

The event was very successful and these men, can't wait to do it again,

even though it was such a tough job.

The important thing is not the event that you choose, but the giving back.

Fellow Toastmasters we need to do this more often. We live in a

community that has many organizations that need volunteers, and we are

a group of 3,000 strong. Let's get recognized as not only great speakers,

but as leaders who are willing to give of themselves, without regard for

reward, but for helping other.

Take the challenge and find your own group or event to help. If you can't, contact Launa to volunteer for next year’s

event, because Jose, Darryl, and David will be getting tired as this was a tough job.

Volunteerism: A tough job, but someone’s gotta do it

Left to right: Toastmasters David Esposito, Launa Carbonell, Darryl

Jones, Jose Alvarado volunteering at the United Way of Broward

County event WINE WOMEN AND SHOES, Launa was chair of the

Solemen and David, Darryl and Jose were her "Sole Men."

Jose, David and Darryl are hard at work — for

a worthy cause, of course.

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W e have come to the end of another year, and what an

amazing experience it has been! I have been honored to

serve as your Lt. Governor Education and Training and

am looking forward to serving as the first District Director for our

District. As your clubs finish this year and start the new year, below is

important information you should know.

Club Officer Lists:

If your club did not submit their officer list online before July 1st,

you will need to contact Toastmasters International right away

to get that done so that your new members have access to the

Online System for submitting applications, awards and more.

Club Officer Training:

It is time to make sure that your officers attend training

to support the success of your club. Our first Toastmasters Leadership Institute was on Saturday,

June 27th, and we had over 150 people attend training. The upcoming dates are:

July 4th – TLI - Nassau, Bahamas

July 11th – TLI - Boca Raton, Florida

July 18th – Officer Training – Freeport, Bahamas

August 8th – TLI - Miami, Florida

August 22nd – TLI - Stuart, Florida

August 29th – Officer Training – Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Register online at

Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contests:

It is time to start planning your Club Contests for the Fall Contest Season. Club Contests should be held

before August 15th, and your Area Directors will be contacting you to let you know when your specific Area

Contest will be.

Fall Conference:

The Fall Conference will be held in Nassau, Bahamas at the Atlantis Resort on November 6-8th. Registration will be

open in the next week or so, and you do not want to miss out!

Workshop Presenters:

Applications are being accepted for Workshop Presenters through July 30th.

The forms is available for download at: Please click Here. If you have any problems, please email

Point of order: just a few more tasks to cap an amazing year

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[email protected] for a copy of the form.


Online registration will open soon at

Hotel Reservations must be made before October 6th. Details can be in the conference information in this

issue of the Sunshiner, or at

Advertising and Sponsorships:

Packages are available for purchase and we encourage you to talk to your employers and businesses that you

believe Toastmasters can benefit from. This is an opportunity to have over 300 members from all over South

Florida and the Bahamas see their business ad. Online purchase will be available at very soon.

Thank You,

Jeanine Kinsey

Lieutenant Governor Education & Training

District 47 Toastmasters

954-778-0599 (cell)

[email protected]

Point of order: just a few more tasks to cap an amazing year

P lease welcome our new Trio effective July


Jeanine Kinsey, DTM – District Director

Lynda Hammond, DTM – Program Quality


Chim Francisco, DTM – Club Growth Director

The team is already working hard to help end this

year on a strong note and get 2015-2016 off to a

strong start. Next month’s Sunshiner will include a complete list of all of the new team members.

We are also launching a new Website on July 1st at where you will be able to find all of

the contact information for the new team.


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“Change is the only constant in life.”


I f I had to use one word to describe this Toastmasters’ Marketing

year in District 47 that word would be “rebuilding.” Every

organization goes through cycles – periods of growth followed by periods

of contraction. District 47 Toastmasters is no exception. We encountered

many changes this past year and none as significant as the changes to our

membership ranks. While we grew overall in total members, we shrank in

terms of total clubs. However, the average number of members per club

grew which is a good recipe for club sustainability. Further, we’ve positioned ourselves well for future success by eliminating

underperforming clubs and implementing a district-wide club sponsor/

mentor/coach/advocate training program. New clubs will benefit from the

skills and knowledge of trained sponsors and mentors who will provide a

solid foundation for every new club – significantly increasing the chance of

long-term success.

Speaking of new clubs, we’ve had several charter over the past few months. Please welcome them to our District 47


Toasting Under the Sun – Toastmasters Club, Chartered 3/13/2015

Dade Country Toasters, Chartered 4/10/2015

The Best Communicators, Chartered 4/15/2015

FG Knights, Chartered 5/18/2015

In total we’ve had 10 new clubs charter this year! This is a great accomplishment indeed and a testament to the

commitment of our members to the District mission.

Many members took advantage of the various membership building campaigns that took place over the past year,

including the Smedley Award, Talk Up Toastmasters!, Beat the Clock!, and the Annual Membership Program.

Congratulations to the following clubs that added new members to their rosters since March:

Growth spurts, changes yield sustainability and greatness

1 New Member:

Achievers of Excellence Club

Art of Speaking Toastmasters

Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters


Cat Miami

Club Paradise

Daybreak Toastmasters Club

Doral Toastmasters

E.T. Communicators

FCC Toastmasters

First Exuma Branch Club

Florida Keys Toastmasters Club

Freeport Eagles

Miami Dade Toastmasters Club

New Providence Branch of


Outspoken Toastmasters

Palm City Orators

Power-Full Voices

Proud Speakers Club

RBC Legends

Scotia Dynasty Club

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Toast of the Gold Coast Club

WCR Palm Beaches Noon


2 New Members:

1st US Portuguese Toastmasters

Beckman Coulter Toastmasters

Broward College Toastmasters


Cable Beach West Club

Chickcharney Toastmasters Club

Club V.O.I.C.E.

Destined For Success Toastmasters


First Edition Club

Friendly Club of Fort Lauderdale

Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters


Givers Gain Toastmasters

Homestead Toastmasters

Juno How to Talk

Key West Toastmasters

MIA Tarmac Speakers

Miracle Mile Toastmasters Club

Pinnacle Seekers

P.T.A.B. Toastmasters Club

Scientifically Speaking

Soaring Eagles Club

The Trailblazers

Tyco Talkers

University of Fort Lauderdale

Toastmasters Club

Voice of Champions Club

3 New Members:

Abaco Lighthouse Beamers

Broward Bilingual Toastmasters Club

City of Delray Beach

Club Awesome Toastmasters

Coral Springs Chinese Bilingual


Cutler Bay Toastmasters

Davie Toastmasters

Electrifying Voices

First Bahamas Branch of


Freddy’s Forum Toastmasters Club

Great Fort Lauderdale Toastmasters


Great Persuaders of Atlantis Club

Grove-Gables Toastmasters

Motorola Communicators Club

Pembroke Pines Club

RiverWalk Toastmasters Club

Talk of the Town Club

Wellington Toastmasters Club

4 New Members:

Achievers Club

Bill Gove Golden Gavel Club

Club Destiny

Coral Gables Club

Fort Pierce Toastmasters

NCCI Toastmasters

North Miami Beach Toastmasters


Office Depot Toastmasters Club

Plantation Club

Pompano Beach Toastmasters

Power Speakers Club

Sawgrass Toastmasters Club

Sensor Toast Club

The Fountain of New Life

Toastmasters Club

The Luminaries At The Boca

Chamber Toastmasters Club

5 New Members:

Boca Raton Toastmasters

CITRIX Toastmasters

Delray Newsmakers Club

Gold Coast Toastmasters Club

Healing Communicators Club


Miami Lakes Club

Miami Toastmasters en Espanol

Palm Beach County

Port St. Lucie Speakers

Stuart Martin Chamber

West Kendall Toastmasters Club

6 New Members:

American Express Toastmasters

High Voltage Voices

Pembroke Isles Toastmasters

Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club

Treasure Coast Toastmasters Club

Universal Toastmasters Club

West Boca Toastmasters Club

West Broward Toastmasters

7 New Members:

American Express Communication


Secure Speakers Toastmaster Club

South Dade Toastmasters Club

Talking Heads of Stuart

The Ultimate Toastmasters

Toastmasters at FIU Business

8 New Members:

Brickell Toastmasters Club

Miramar Bilingual Speakers


PwC Digital Toastmasters

The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club

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9 New Members:

Toast of Las Olas

Wynwood Inspire Us Toastmasters

10 New Members:

Hollywood Toastmasters

Luminaries Toastmasters Club

Miami Beach Toastmasters

11 New Members:

Devry University Miramar


13 New Members:

BPB Talking Heads

Weston Area Toastmasters Club

19 New Members:

Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club

Adding new members to our clubs is important. Retaining existing members is equally important. Congratulations to

the following clubs with the highest net membership growth over the past year:

Toast of Las Olas – Net Growth of 18 Members

Pinnacle Seekers – Net Growth of 10 Members

Talking Heads of Stuart – Net Growth of 8 Members

Power Speakers Club – Net Growth of 7 Members

Delray Newsmakers Club – Net Growth of 7 Members

Chickcharney Toastmasters Club – Net Growth of 7 Members

Congratulations to all clubs that achieved their membership growth goals and best wishes for continued success.

Continue to conduct membership building campaigns, continue to share the value of the Toastmasters program

with your family and friends, and continue to provide your members with a high quality club experience. The

rebuilding is done – it’s now time to reap the rewards!

On a personal note, I wish to thank all of you for your amazing support and encouragement this past year. My

experience as Lt. Governor Marketing has brought me so much. I have learned so much from my mentors – our

esteemed District Governor Tony Longley and our Lt. Governor Education and Training, Jeanine Kinsey as well as

the many leaders of the District Executive Committee – the Division Governors, Area Governors, District

Treasurer, District Public Relations Officer, District Secretary and District Sergeant at Arms. I have gained valuable

leadership insights through participation in District activities and exposure to various club cultures. Best of all, I have

made many new friendships, which would not have been possible if I had not assumed this position. I will forever

remember this experience as a District Leader and the folks I am proud to call my family. District 47 rocks!

Yours “In Pursuit of Excellence!”

Louis Brown, DTM

District 47 Lt. Governor Marketing

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H ow quickly a year passes. Another Toastmasters year is

coming to a close.

We had a lot of goals ahead of us when we first started the year.

We completed many of those goals with input from our District

Leaders, District Executive Committee members and you our


We were able to deliver multiple Sunshiner Newsletters (11, notes the editor), including our special Jubilee Edition, thanks to our

Sunshiner Editor, Andrea Robinson, and many of your contributions.

We sent out frequent notification and updates via our Social Media

pages, the Sunshiner, District 47 website and our email marketing

campaigns. We appreciate all your feedback for improvement and

pats on the back.

Our webmaster, Stanley Lloyd, updated the sites and was quite busy

creating and opening up the multiple registration events as well as

learning to work in the new applications.

Our team of photographers, John Schneyer and Paul Finkelstein,

with assistance from Andre Kelly and others were ever present to get the right shots. They were successful in

capture many memorable images of our events throughout the district.

I am very proud to have served with such thoughtful, dedicated and fun-loving folks. They made my job much easier

than it could have been.

As I hand off the PRO’s duties to D. Dave Foster, I know that I am passing the baton to someone who is passionate

about the district and performing his best for us all. Please welcome him as you did me. Provide him the assistance

he will need to make it another great year for District 47.

Serving in the District to help our members improve and grow is a rewarding one. If you have the opportunity and

the time to do so, I encourage you to do it. It has blessed me in many ways.

It has been such a pleasure and an honor serving as your District 47 Public Relations Officer (PRO) during the

Toastmasters year 2014-2015. Have a fantastic 2015-2016 year!


Marlene M. Bryan, DTM

Public Relations Officer

District 47

Region 8

Toastmasters International

As the year ends, please continue to showcase our district

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Club Name City Club # Area Division Charter Date Years

Achievers Coral Springs 2903 34 C 6/1/1969 46

Key West Key West 6298 55 E 6/1/1986 29

Miami Dade Miami 8251 52 E 6/1/1991 24

Voice Of Champions Doral 7082 50 E 6/1/1996 19

Sunset Speakers West Palm Beach 5222 43 D 6/1/1998 17

Wellington Wellington 6775 44 D 6/26/2002 13

Club V.O.I.C.E. Ft. Lauderdale 3278 24 B 6/17/2003 12

Beacon Point Advanced Weston 808677 10 A 6/23/2005 10

E.T. Communicators Nassau 1050379 63 F 6/11/2007 8

Dynamic Persuaders Nassau 1200778 62 F 6/23/2008 7

Miami Beach Miami Beach 1293723 52 E 6/30/2009 6

Art of Speaking Hollywood 1348034 12 A 6/15/2009 6

B.U.T. Nation Builders Nassau 1358961 92 I 6/29/2009 6

B.P.S.U. Majestic Marlins Nassau 1360933 63 F 6/29/2009 6

Electrifying Voices Miami 1457364 50 E 6/24/2010 5

Outspoken Coral Springs 1469413 24 B 6/30/2010 5

Broward Bilingual Fort Lauderdale 1498739 21 B 6/16/2010 5

BAF Stars Nassau 1504246 61 F 6/16/2010 5

Palm Beach Advanced North Palm Beach 1510120 43 D 6/22/2010 5

Luminaries Nassau 1510789 94 I 6/23/2010 5

Pinnacle Seekers Nassau 1513325 60 F 6/25/2010 5

Glades Belle Glade 1561818 44 D 6/6/2011 4

Club Paradise Deerfield Beach 1567808 34 C 6/30/2011 4

Grove-Gables Coconut Grove 1582184 53 E 6/20/2011 4

The Palm Beach Palm Beach 1588575 43 D 6/20/2011 4

Secure Speakers Jupiter 1770067 42 D 6/30/2011 4

The Ultimate Weston 1774302 10 A 6/17/2011 4

Achievers of Excellence Nassau 1811702 60 F 6/6/2011 4

Boca Raton Advanced Boca Raton 1888268 33 C 6/24/2011 4

MIA Tarmac Speakers Miami 1913022 50 E 6/30/2011 4

Pembroke Isles Pembroke Pines 2566217 10 A 6/28/2012 3


Congratulations and Happy Anniversary greetings are

extended to the following clubs. Thank you for your

contribution to the growth and success of District 47. On

behalf of District Governor Tony Longley, the District

Executive Committee, and all members across South Florida

and Islands of The Bahamas, we wish you a successful,

President’s Distinguished Year!

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Cable Revolutionaries Nassau 2591529 92 I 6/28/2012 3

Coral Springs Chinese Bilingual Coral Springs 3196587 34 C 6/21/2013 2

The Fountain of New Life Miami Gardens 3248923 13 A 6/27/2013 2

City of Delray Beach Delray Beach 3299156 30 C 6/30/2013 2

Miramar Bilingual Speakers Miramar 3034515 12 A 6/16/2014 1

Talking Heads of Stuart Stuart 3589459 40 D 6/11/2014 1

Cat Miami Miami 4054964 52 E 6/27/2014 1

Palm Beach County West Palm Beach 4055202 43 D 6/27/2014 1

District 47, let’s cheer our Fellow

Toastmaster as he competes in the

World Championship of Public

Speaking. Register today!

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To be completely honest, when I joined Toastmasters a few years ago, I could not grasp

the organization’s tag line, “Where Leaders Are Made.” I dismissed the formality of the

organization’s language and rigid meeting structure as antiquated. Toastmasters felt

contrary to the informal, social media-based way we interact in modern society. That

was then and this is now. Currently, I am completing my second term as club president

and a year of service as Area Governor. Clearly I changed and want to share how and

why I came to understand that Toastmasters is, in fact, “Where Leaders Are Made.”

In the beginning, I complained and grimaced my way through imitating others in the

club. My mentor tried to convince me of the importance of doing thing the

organization’s way based on tradition. “Because we have always done it this way,” has

rarely compelled me to change. However, I did come to realize that being distracted

by how members spoke and by how meetings were run was my ego’s need to do things

my way. So I stopped actively resisting. Spiritual stalwarts like Deepak Chopra and

Eckhart Tolle call when you stop resisting surrendering. In Path to Love, Deepak Chopra says, “It’s much easier to surrender on

your own, and then let God show up.” As a new Toastmaster, it was easier for me to surrender, and then let leadership

show up. The club meeting is where social skills, like respect and honor, which seem to be disappearing from modern society

are emphatically reclaimed.

New members follow the Competent Communication manual to become effective speakers. Thankfully the club indulged me

and allowed me to present at nearly every meeting. After completing my third speech, I grasped that I was in leadership “boot

camp”. Cultural Anthropologist, Angeles Arrien, wrote in the Four Fold Way®, “The task of leadership is to show up, be visible

and empower others through example and intention.” Arrien goes on to explain that leaders exhibit personal power in three


Power or Presence: Presence is about showing up and not hiding. The goal of the Ice Breaker speech is not just to speak

publicly, but to speak publicly about yourself. In many cases, the specter of sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences

about yourself in a room full of strangers can be daunting. Getting it right takes the deft touch of a leader.

Power of Communication: Communication and leadership are inseparable. Your communication choices (the words,

stories, pace and tone) influence the connection made with an audience. It is one thing to stand up to speak; it is another

to communicate effectively. Preparing a speech requires the alignment of content and timing to deliver the right message.

The “right” message is saying what you intend, substantively and experientially, in a way the audience receives it in a deeply

satisfying way.

Power of Position: Being a Toastmaster compels you to take a position; to literally take a stand. What imagery comes to

mind when you think of taking a “stand”? For me, I see two things. First, I see a couple standing before their deity, their

family and their community to exchange vows. I ask you, barring a physical issue, how often do people get married sitting

down? Second, I see soldiers. To take a stand on the battlefield means to “hold a particular piece of ground in the face of

adversity”. In Toastmasters, every time you open your mouth you must physically stand. Standing is active, self-supporting

and embodies a willingness to publically commit to the words and ideas that flow through you. Conversely, sitting is

passive and is literally the opposite of doing something. There are members who have been in Toastmasters for more than

a year without giving their Ice Breaker speech. They have been “sitting it out”. Not me. Toastmaster has proven to be a

training ground for leadership because it demands that you show up; create a communication flow that connects to the

audience; and defend, through words and arguments, a position.

Toastmasters provides a supportive, creative environment where members adapt and grow. Toastmasters really is “Where

Leaders Are Made”.

Lynette Jones

District 47, Division B, Area 22 Governor (2014 to 2015)

First Edition Club (#00639107) President (2013 to 2015)

Why Toastmasters really is ‘Where Leaders are Made’

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Photos by

Marlene Bryan

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Travel "Back to the Future" with D47!

Registration for the 2015 Fall Conference

November 6th - 8th will open soon.

Friday Evening - Early Arrivals enjoy a special session with Sheryl Roush

Friday Night Reception and Immediate Past District Governor Roast

Educational Workshops presented by our members

Saturday Lunch & Evaluation Contest and Hall of Fame

Saturday Dinner & Humorous Speech Contest and DTM Walk

Workshops and two sessions with our Keynote Pressenter, Sheryl Roush -


Atlantis Paradise Island - Beach Tower

One Casino Drive - Paradise Island - Nassau, BS



Please only book your rooms using the instructions below. The District Conference price is based on our members taking advantage of the

hotel and we need you to help us by staying at the hotel and booking as part of our Room Block.


The following rates are good for 3 days before and after the conference:

Room Rate (1 or 2 persons) Rate for additional persons

Beach Tower Run of House $99.00 $50/person

Beach TowerTerrace Double $99.00 $50/person

Beach Tower Wateview Double $99.00 $50/person

Beach Tower Waterview King $99.00 $50/person

These rates are exclusive of mandatory taxes, resort levies, gratuities, service fees and other charges (the “Resort Charges”)

Each attendee shall submit a credit card number, or a deposit equal to two (2) night’s guest room/suite rate as a guarantee, at

the time the attendee makes the reservation. Attendee’s credit card will be charged the two (2) nights’ guest room/suite rate

at that time. Refunds will be issued on individual attendee’s reservations cancelled at least thirty (30) days in advance of the

confirmed arrival date. All guaranteed reservations will be held until 3:00 am on the day after the attendee’s confirmed arrival

date. Attendees must pay balance of all guest room, Resort Charges and other incidental charges upon checkout.

All payments shall be made in United States dollars by check, wire transfer drawn

on a United States bank or acceptable credit card.

Rates include:

• Exclusive use of Atlantis pools and waterslides (Adult only Cain pool is exclusive for Cove guests only)

• Full access to beaches, lagoons, marine habitats and The Dig

• Daily fish feedings and educational tours

• Use of lap pool, basketball courts, ping-pong tables and shuffleboard courts

• Admission to Atlantis Theatre

• Library with complimentary checkout privileges and internet access • Continuous resort shuttle between the Atlantis towers, One&Only Ocean Club, Harborside Resort, Ocean

Club Golf Course, The Cove Atlantis and Atlantis Sports Center

• Daily introductory snorkel lesson, casino gaming lessons and flora and fauna walking tour of Atlantis grounds

Join us for our “Back to the Future” Conference at the Atlantis Paradise Island

Resort where we will continue our Celebration of 60 Years of District 47!

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Phyllis May, DTM, is

secretly enticing us to

join this club. She

reports that Key

West Toastmasters

were having a

'working' happy

hour....working on

our Happy New Year

meeting in July.

Everyone involved will

get to check off #6 in

the Leadership

Manual provided they

all come

they will. It wasn't painful at all.....just happy, happy, happy!


Toastmaster Terry Spencer reports that Davie

Toastmasters began their annual Youth

Leadership Program with the children of the

local Indian-American group. It's always fun and

it's amazing to see how much confidence the kids

gain in just eight weeks.


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Congratulations to the

incoming Executive

Committee at Boca

Raton Toastmasters!

This year's officers of

Boca Raton

Toastmasters. L-R

President Steve Winters,

SAA Bob Offer,

Treasurer Steve

Maffetone, Secretary

Gary Sharp, VPPR Heath

Jones, VPM Gary Martin,

VPE John Schneyer.

Picture by Frederique



Congratulations to the new leaders of the

Weston Area Toastmasters Club!! President -

Julie Romaniw, VP Education - Fayola Delica, VP

Public Relations - Yeisel Lozada, VP Membership

- Luis Lozada, Treasurer - Maritza Zea, Secretary

- Mariana Carrasquel and Sergeant at Arms -

Brandon Diaz.


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Toastmaster Shelley Sokol reports that the New

North Miami Beach Toastmasters Club 3840 board met

with incoming Area Director Monique Gibson!! We

had a great meeting & are looking forward to growing

our club!!!


Toastmaster Ernesto G. Williams says lights blazed on

Friday May 29th, 2015 in the Sunshine Capital of

Luminaries Toastmasters Club #1510789 when 9

present members and 6 absent members were officially

installed as Luminites! This club just keeps getting

better and better!


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By John


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Photos by



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Got News? Please share with The Sunshiner! We want to hear from you!

Consider The Sunshiner your source for news and information about the happenings in your club,

area, division and across the district. For this to be a successful endeavor, we need your input.

We’re interested in the events, successes, triumphs and fun in the clubs and in personal feats. This is

the place to celebrate club achievements, milestones, and individual accomplishments.

Please email your information or ideas to [email protected].

T ime to reset the dial and move on to other things.

Today marks my last day as Sunshiner Editor for Toastmasters District 47. The experience has

been amazing on several levels. There was awesome, good, bad, crazy, ugly and in-between. I've

enjoyed the ride, and know that after reflection I will appreciate the lessons gleaned and


The greatest value of this experience for me has been in meeting so many new people across

the district. This role pulled me far beyond my clubs and Division Awesome, and allowed me to

interact with quite a few characters. I shouldn't call names, lest I omit anyone. You know who

you are.

Thank you, Anthony J. Longley, for this opportunity to serve my fellow Toastmasters. Big ups to

Marlene M. Bryan for pushing me to utilize my talents to benefit a different audience, and for

being a much-needed sounding board at times. Gracias to John Schneyer, Paul Finkelstein, Tony Longley and Andre Kelly for

the photo stash. Excellent work. Merci beaucoup to Hieu Huu Huynh and Ruth Field Beck for providing an extra set of eyes

for proofreading, and to Stanley Lloyd for tolerating the late appeals to post the newsletter.

I'm moving into another leadership role with a different organization at the end of this year. In the interim, I will complete the

one last speech for my ACS. I've waited six months or so. I look forward to having more time for my home clubs, Universal

Advanced and Universal, and The Fountain of New Life. I'm sure I'll see y'all around at conferences, though.

There are some awesome people in District 47. Please get to know the stories of our clubs and members. You will be


I wish you the best. To my successor, God bless.


Andrea Robinson, ACB/ALB

Editor, The Sunshiner 2014-2015

Toastmasters District 47

"In Pursuit of Excellence"

District 47, it’s a wrap!