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26 May 2020

Serving the children of ES

Recovery Planning for Settings Re-Opening From 1 June, 2020

Responding to the Government’s phased return plans and drawing on current planning in East Sussex childcare settings.

Text in orange is Out of School Setting (OOSS) guidance only

Text in purple is from the most recently updated Government guidance as of 21 July 2020

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak 21 July 2020This guidance has been updated to reflect that early years settings can return to normal group sizes. It now includes content from the Planning guide so that all information is in one place and the Planning guidance has now been removed. It also includes updated information about autumn funding, wraparound care, managing requests for site visits for new admissions in September and reporting to Ofsted.

Setting Name:

Owner/Chair of Committee:




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Serving the children of ES

Action planning for a phased extension to the opening

Organisation and staffing

Action Comments for consideration Issues due to the context of our


Lead DateDeadline


1 Keeping staff and committee members up to date with Government guidance and advice

DfE guidance and resources are being updated daily; consider who will take responsibility for keeping owners and trustees up to date.

The DfE guidance for settings contains links to:

overarching guidance opening of schools and other

educational settings to more children from 1 June

implementing protective measure in settings

Protective measures for holiday or after schools clubs or other holiday clubs

Guidance for parents and carers of children attending OOSC

communicating with parents and carers

Covid 19 Infection prevention & control

Supporting vulnerable children Public Health England’s review:

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups

Provide a point of advice and guidance in the setting e.g.

The DfE latest documents and guidance webpage is updated regularly: n

DfE guidance for schools and education settings –

Opening schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers:


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manager/committee/owner for enquiries.

Decide how to share the information with staff.

Use of free early education entitlements funding during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Keeping Children Safe In Education statutory guidance applicable from September 2020

It is important that providers understand and follow current government guidelines on protective measures to prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). Specific protective measures guidance has been released for different types of premises, for example places of worship and outdoor spaces.

From the start of the autumn term 2020, local authorities should continue to fund providers which are open at broadly the levels they would have expected to see in the 2020 autumn term had there been no coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. More information can be found in the guidance “Use of early education entitlements funding during coronavirus”

reopening-schools-and-other-educational-settings-from-1-june (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-


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PHE review of the impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities

Coronavirus (COVID-19) : getting tested

What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak


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Serving the children of ES

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak

Use of EYEE funding


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Keeping Children Safe in Education (from Sept 2020)

2 OrganisationConsider the setting organisation in light of Government advice

Settings should thoroughly review their health and safety risk assessment and draw up plans as part of their wider opening.

Settings should have active arrangements in place to monitor that the controls are effective, working as planned, and updated appropriately considering any issues identified and changes in public health advice.

Carry out or refresh your existing risk assessment in line with the HSE guidance, identifying protective measures (such as those listed in the guidance on Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)).

System of controls

This is the set of actions early years settings must take. They are outlined in more detail within the Actions for early years guidance.


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1 Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend settings

2 Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual

3 Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

4 Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and bleach

5 Minimise contact between groups where possible

6 Where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

Numbers 1 to 4 must be in place in all settings, all the time.

Number 5 must be properly considered and settings must put in place measures that suit their particular circumstances.

Number 6 applies in all specific circumstances.


Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS)

Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS)

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak

Actions for education and


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Response to any infection:

7 Engage with NHS Track and Trace 8 Manage confirmed cases of

coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the setting community

9 Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice

10 notify Ofsted

Numbers 7 to 10 must be followed in every case where they are relevant.

Any confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) in the setting (either child or staff member), and if the setting is advised to close as a result, should be swiftly reported to Ofsted through the usual notification channels.

If your operating circumstances do change (i.e. you open or close), please let Ofsted know by sending an email to [email protected] with ‘Change in operating hours’ in the subject field. In the body of the email, please confirm the unique reference number for each setting and the details of the change. Check the terms and conditions of the

public liability insurance policies and consult with the insurance providers

childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Continue to follow guidance in Coronavirus (COVID19): implementing social distancing in education and childcare settings:

Follow:COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and


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Serving the children of ES

and brokers to determine their coverage for coronavirus (COVID-19).

All planned activities should be risk assessed in light of coronavirus, and due consideration given to how usual practice may need to be adapted.

Consider adjusting fire alarm procedures, for example assembly points, and how you will ensure that staff are trained in them.

Amend your current policy on sickness management to ensure your setting has a protocol in place for responding to a suspected case of coronavirus.

Bearing in mind the updated advice, consider how the setting day could run: Consider start and end of the day –

staggered timings, different entrances, plan parents’ drop-off and pick-up protocols that minimise adult to adult contact. Consider whether physical distancing markings could be used.

Following Public health advice, decide how to remove and where to store all soft toys, and any toys that are hard to clean, such as those with intricate parts. Where practicable, remove soft furnishings, for example pillows, bean bags and rugs.

Ensure staff to child ratios set out in the EYFS framework are adhered to.

Consider any risk assessments that you will need to undertake to ensure the

childcare settings-

Continue to follow guidance in Coronavirus (COVID19): guidance for educational settings:

SEND risk assessment


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safe care of groups of children can be maintained at all times, taking the need for staff breaks into account

If the demand for places is higher than the setting’s current capacity when protective measures are in place, it may be necessary to have a temporary cap on numbers of children attending the setting. If necessary, settings should prioritise providing places to vulnerable children and children of critical workers, then 3- and 4-year-olds, in particular those who will be transitioning to Reception in September, followed by younger age groups.

Parents and carers should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should also be the same for staff.

Parents and carers should also be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. Dependent on the factors listed above, you may need to have groups of less than 15 children.

Childminders and other settings should consider how they can work with parents to agree how best to manage any necessary journeys, for example pick-ups and drop-offs at schools, to reduce the need for a provider to travel with groups of children.


Home learning /


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Serving the children of ES

From 20 July, early years settings will no longer be required to keep children in small, consistent groups within settings.

Settings should still consider how they can minimise mixing within settings, for example where they use different rooms for different age groups, keeping those groups apart as much as possible.

Decisions on group sizes for your setting should be based on:

the current government guidance on social distancing

the ability of the children in attendance to maintain social distancing

the age of the children in attendance nature of your activity or provision (for

example, static, classroom set-up rather than an activity that requires a range of movement)

the size or layout of your premises

However, to reduce the risk of transmission, children and young people who attend your setting should be kept in small, consistent groups, and of no more than fifteen children and at least one staff member.

If you are unable to keep children in your setting in small consistent groups for future sessions, you should only operate your


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provision outside and follow the government guidelines on the Phased return of sport and recreation in England, which allow up to six people from different households to meet outdoors. In doing so, providers should ensure, as far as possible, children practice social distancing in line with the government’s current guidance and that they keep children in groups of no more than 6, including staff members


Where early years settings are also caring for children over the age of 5, they should ensure they are also following guidance on Protective measures for out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak which includes guidance on group sizes

Providers that care for children both under the age of 5 and over the age of 5 separately, where it is possible to do so, may choose to apply the measures outlined in this guidance to those children under the age of 5, and the measures outlined in the protective measures guidance for out-of-school settings to those over the age of 5. Where providers have mixed age groups together they will need to, as far as possible, keep all children irrespective of age in small consistent groups of no more


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than 15 with at least one staff member, or with more staff members to meet relevant ratio requirements. Wherever possible, ensure staffing

arrangements are consistent on a weekly basis, rather than a daily basis, in order to limit contactsMaximise use of private outdoor space

Childminders and early years providers may take small groups of children to outdoor public spaces, for example parks, provided that a risk assessment demonstrates that they can stay 2 metres away from other people at all times. This should be restricted to small groups and should be done in line with wider government guidelines on the number of people who can meet in outdoor public places. Providers should not take larger groups of children to public outdoor spaces at one time.

Plan the timetable and selection of room or other learning environment to reduce movement around the setting or building.

Continue to provide an environment that invites learning across all 7 areas as far as is practicable

Decide which activities could be delivered minimising the sharing of resources between groups, for example for painting, sticking, cutting. Malleable resources i.e. play dough should not be


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shared. Consider how all groups of children can

be given equal opportunities for outdoor learning ensuring outdoor equipment and toys are appropriately cleaned between being used by different groups. (Do not use sandpits)

Plan how children can learn in age-appropriate ways about how they can keep themselves safe, including regular handwashing and using tissues

Identify and plan how best to support high needs groups, including children with SEND, vulnerable children and disadvantaged children when the setting reopens. Ascertain which external services you usually work with are available and plan accordingly to meet your setting’s circumstances

In light of the removal of bubbles from 20 July, early years settings and local authorities should continue to keep risk assessments for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) up-to-date and should look to bring back more children with SEND in accordance with the SEND risk assessment guidance. Their return should be informed by their risk assessment, to help settings and local authorities ensure that the right support is in place for them to come back.

Stagger break times (including lunch), so that all children are not moving around the setting at the same time.

Encourage parents and children to walk


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or cycle to their setting where possible. Reduce face-to-face contact with and

between parents and carers where possible.

Consider how you can use technology to communicate with parents and carers digitally, for example when providing handover information at the end of the day.

Ensure that social distancing and good hygiene practices continues: In play rooms Ensure that toilets do not become

crowded by limiting the number of children who use the toilet facilities at one time.

Settings must ensure that children clean their hands regularly, including when they arrive at the setting, when they return from breaks, when they change rooms and before and after eating. Regular and thorough hand washing is going to be needed for the foreseeable future.

Cleaning hands more often than usual - wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered

Ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

Use any spare internal space for lunch and exercise at half capacity. If groups


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take staggered breaks these areas can be shared as long as different groups do not mix (and especially do not play together) and adequate cleaning between groups is in place.

If you are operating provision for multiple small groups of children throughout the day, you should allow sufficient changeover time between different classes to allow for cleaning to take place and to prevent children and parents or carers waiting in large groups.

Settings should use best endeavours to support children attending the setting as well as those children remaining at home, making use of the available home learning ideas.

Settings must ensure they understand the NHS test and trace process and how to contact their local Public Health England health protection team.

Settings must take swift action when they become aware that someone who has attended has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). Settings should contact the local health protection team.

If settings have two or more confirmed cases within 14 days, or an overall rise in sickness absence where coronavirus COVID-19 is suspected, settings may have an outbreak, and must contact their local health protection team (HPT)


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who will be able to advise if additional action is required.

3 OpeningCommunicate as early as possible with parents/carers that the setting will be undertaking a phased approach to extending their opening from the 1 June prioritising critical worker children and vulnerable children and those children going in to Reception in September 2020

Settings should thoroughly review their health and safety risk assessment and draw up plans as part of their wider opening.

in line with the risk assessment and timetabling of the day, putting in place a cleaning schedule that ensures cleaning is generally enhanced and includes:

o more frequent cleaning of rooms that are used by different groups

o frequently touched surfaces being cleaned more often than normal

different groups don’t need to be allocated their own toilets, but toilets will need to be cleaned regularly and children must be encouraged to clean their hands thoroughly after using the toilet

Ensure that all health and safety compliance checks have been undertaken before opening by checking with the owner of the premises.

Work with other relevant parties when carrying out your risk assessment, such as your staff members, the owner of the premises where your provision is being held (for example, if renting a school hall or community hall, the owners or voluntary management committee) and/or your local authority, to identify

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak


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the risks, to determine protective measures to put in place and to establish who is responsible for implementing each protective measure.

Parents and carers should not be allowed into the setting unless this is essential, and children should be dropped off and collected at the door if possible.

Settings should consider providing virtual tours for prospective parents and carers wishing to visit the setting for September admissions. Start to consider how you may be able to work with parents to settle children in whilst maintaining safety come September

Maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace GDPR allows you to request contact information from your staff, customers and visitors and share it with NHS Test and Trace to help minimise the transmission of COVID-19 and support public health and safety. (this also applies to OOSS)

Plan how children of critical workers and vulnerable children will be accommodated alongside other children.

Consider how you will involve parents and carers in planning and agreeing any changes to support, including reviewing EHC plans.

Shielding advice for all adults and children will pause on August 1st, subject to a continued decline in the


Prof Barry Carpenter Think Piece:


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rates of community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). This means that even the small number of children who will remain on the shielded patient list can return to settings, as can those who have family members who are shielding.

Consider that some children who would attend are shielding or live in households with someone who is extremely critically vulnerable and is/has chosen to shield, and that these children will not be expected to return. This should be considered alongside official government guidance on shielding.

Parents and carers should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should also be the same for staff.

Childminders and other settings should consider how they can work with parents to agree how best to manage any necessary journeys, for example pick-ups and drop-offs at schools, to reduce the need for a provider to travel with groups of children.

If it is necessary for a childminder to pick up or drop off a child at school, walking is preferable. If this is not practicable, then a private vehicle is preferable to public transport.

Encouraging all children attending their setting to walk or cycle to the setting or

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-

Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS)

Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS)


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get dropped off by a member of their household in a private vehicle rather than taking public transport.

Support parents to understand that if demand for places is higher than the setting’s capacity when measures to allow physical distancing between groups are in place, it may be necessary to have a temporary cap on numbers of children attending the setting.

Consider working with the local authority to support children attending a nearby setting on a consistent basis.

Communicate your plans for the wider opening of the setting from 1 June with parents and carers, ensuring they are aware of all new measures put in place to reduce risk of transmission of coronavirus, how this impacts them and their responsibilities in supporting this..

Where appropriate, review your policies and procedures with parents and carers and inform them of any updates you have made.

Parents and carers will also need to be aware of protective measures that have been put in place by the owner of the premises that you are operating your provision out of.

Ensure that all parents and carers understand that if a child has coronavirus symptoms, or there is someone in their household who does, they should not attend the setting under any circumstances.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) : getting tested

Below are links to resources which may be helpful in supporting the children that attend your setting to learn about coronavirus (COVID-19) and promoting safety measures, such as frequent handwashing.

e-Bug has produced a series of helpful coronavirus (COVID-19) posters: Horrid hands Super sneezes Hand hygiene Respiratory hygiene Microbe mania


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Ensure parents and carers are aware that all children attending the setting, and members of their household, will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus and they are encouraged to get tested in this scenario.

Minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does or have been advised by NHS Test & Trace to self-isolate, do not attend your setting

Letter, text and/or email with information about where/when parents can drop off/collect their child/ren and what they need to bring to the setting, as detailed in section 2, Organisation. Limit the use of shared resources.

Update setting website if applicable and share information about opening times and which learning/welcome spaces will be open.

Consider the accessibility of communications e.g. parents with EAL, parents of vulnerable children, or are there parent of children with SEND that need a personal phone call?

Remind parents and carers of the complaints policy setting out the routes to accept and resolve any low level concerns that arise.

Acknowledge anxiety and reassure parents and children about social distancing measures, health and safety


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arrangements and how the setting will offer support for all children as part of their well-being and for some pupils more targeted emotional support and intervention.

As children return to the setting, we would expect leaders and staff to consider their children’s mental health and wellbeing and identify any child who may need additional support so they are ready to learn, assess where children are in their learning, and agree what adjustments may be needed to the setting curriculum over the coming weeks.

Staff will need to identify and support any vulnerable children and parents that return to settings, for example, by signposting them to appropriate local services such as health visitors, mental health services, and domestic or substance abuse services, and school nurses where applicable.

Ensure that emergency contacts are updated in advance of wider opening and consider where these may need to change, for example if previous emergency contacts are in a shielded group. Plan how you will communicate your protocol to parents and carers and ensure they understand their role and will be available to collect their child if necessary.

Ensure that all parents and carers understand that if a child has


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coronavirus symptoms, or there is someone in their household who does, they should not attend the setting under any circumstances.

Settings must ensure that staff members and parents/carers understand that they will need to be ready and willing to: Book a test, provide details of anyone who they have been in close contact with if they were to test positive for covid-19, self isolate.

Settings should not request evidence of negative test results or other medical evidence before admitting children or welcoming them back after a period of self-isolation.

4 StaffingReview staffing plans for both phased and full opening.

Restarting of furloughed staff to come back to the setting.

Before deciding on whether to open your setting, you should consult your staff members to ensure that they are available to work.

Contact staff and check availability – ensure decision making is transparent and fair. Remember that you may be working with some staff who are anxious and may value the opportunity for discussion and reassurance. Consider staff wellbeing, including any support that may be needed for those who have suffered bereavement

Where possible, the presence of additional members of staff should be agreed on a weekly basis, rather than a daily basis to limit contacts.

Check advice from your HR provider if

Check advice from your HR provider (if applicable).

ACAS Coronavirus -

Government guidance on how settings can access the job retention scheme:


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applicable Consider different staffing scenarios. Consider the impact of staff availability

and their qualification levels on staff to child ratios and on other relevant provisions in the statutory framework for the EYFS, including the requirement to have a designated safeguarding lead and the expectation to identify a SENCO. This should be reviewed in conjunction with government guidance on temporary changes to requirements in the EYFS during the coronavirus outbreak, which sets out changes to qualification requirements to be included in staff to child ratios and to paediatric first aid requirements.

When working out staff ratios you should consider how many staff you have available to work in your setting, as well as:

Do you have at least one person with first aid training available to work in your setting?

Do you have at least one person with up-to-date Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) training available to work in your setting? You may want to consider a deputy DSL to cover in the event of the DSL being unwell or otherwise unavailable.

Do you have a caretaker and / or cleaning staff available to work in your setting?


Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-

Early Years Foundation stage: coronavirus disapplications:

COVID-19: guidance for households with possible infection.


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Consider appropriate staff:child ratios for your setting. You should have no more than 15 children per small consistent group and should have at least one staff member per group, though dependent on the circumstances of your provision you may need to have groups of less than 15 children.

Ensure there is a SENCO or a named individual with oversight of special educational needs provision for children with SEND. Particular care will be needed in planning for children with SEND to return to their settings.

Update staff accordingly ensuring they are aware of and understand all new measures to reduce the transmission of coronavirus and their roles and responsibilities. Ensure staff can review processes and procedures and to ask questions and raise any concerns in advance.

Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals, including OOSS staff, should follow the latest government advice on shielding in order to keep themselves safe. From Saturday 1 August the guidance will be relaxed so clinically extremely vulnerable people will no longer be advised to shield. Those who need to work and cannot do so from home will be advised to return to work as long as their workplace is coronavirus (COVID-19) secure.

Have plans in place for covering staff who are on a 12-week ‘shielding’ and


Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) : getting tested

COVID-19 PPE review of the impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities


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contingency plans for if this time is increased further by the government.

Plan for staff that are self-isolating and consider that staff may need to self-isolate in the future. Consider emergency cover should staff need to go home.

Settings must ensure that staff member understand that they will need to be ready and willing to: Book a test, provide details of anyone who they have been in close contact with if they were to test positive for covid-19, self isolate.

Ensure that all staff understand that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, should not attend the setting in any circumstances

Ensure staff understand that if they develop coronavirus symptoms, they are entitled to a test, and are encouraged to organise one in this scenario following government guidance on getting tested.

Consider the instruction and training that staff will need on infection control, for example putting on, taking off and disposing of PPE if a child or staff member starts to show symptoms whilst in the setting.

Agree a policy for updating your staffing audit on a continuous basis and how you will communicate this with staff and parents.

Staff are aware of the safeguarding



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issues that can put children at risk, such as abuse and neglect, and the signs to look out for.

Discuss any additional support that may be needed to ensure staff wellbeing and consider how this can be put in place in your setting. Consider how to arrange regular opportunities to get feedback from staff on the new arrangements.

Parents and carers should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should also be the same for staff.

5 External contractorsContact the external companies and inform them that the setting will be opening and ask about staff availability and provision going forward.

Contact the setting meal service provider (if appropriate).

Contact fruit provider (if appropriate). Contact milk provider (if appropriate). Contact transport providers (if


Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020


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Children under the age of 11 are exempt from wearing face coverings on public transport, and the regulations relating to face coverings exclude school transport services

6 Policies and proceduresEnsure policies and procedures are agreed and updated as required. Communicate policy and procedures to staff, parents/carers.

All of the following also apply to OOSC

Registered Person/s to review and agree, where needed, relevant polices: (but not limited to):

Covid-19 Policy and procedures and any risk assessments that have been written.

Sickness management that includes an agreed protocol for responding to a suspected case of coronavirus and ensure setting is prepared.

Confidentiality Policy. Safeguarding and Child Protection.

– prepare for new KCSIE 2020

Data Protection Policy.- update to reflect GDPR allows you to request

NHS guidance re symptoms and shielding

Opening schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers:


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contact information from your staff, customers and visitors and share it with NHS Test and Trace to help minimise the transmission of COVID-19 and support public health and safety.

Equalities Policy – updated to reflect unequal impact of Covid-19 on different ethnic groups

All staff to be made aware of: Updates from the DFE and

guidance from the Public Health England 2020.

Arrangements for the return of children and parents.

New or up-dated policies and guidance

Liaise with parents of children with SEND to discuss how their child’s needs may be met in the setting or how information can be provided to support them/the children at home. Liaise with the ISEND team where appropriate.

Update the setting’s website with new/updated policies and information if applicable.

Share any significant findings of the risk assessment with your staff and on your website, if you have one


PHE review of the impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities

Keeping Children Safe in Education (from Sept 2020)

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-


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What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020


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Temporary changes to legislation for children with SEND

7 FinancesConsider revising budget forecasting

Registered person/s to review and agree revised budget.

Ensuring sourcing of essential supplies and continue to plan for supplies for full reopening.

Check current guidance for PPE requirements.

Business support


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8 Vulnerable familiesOngoing financial support for families

Support for families in financial difficulties: Links with LA, social services and other

agencies and services.

DfE advice for parents:

9 EventsConsider planned setting events and decide what can or cannot go ahead and how government guidance can be adhered toe.g. children transitioning to school

Consider different ways of doing things Manage events in line with social

distancing guidance.

Transition Guidance

Continue to follow guidance in Coronavirus (COVID19): implementing social distancing in education and childcare settings:

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-


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Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Health and Safety

Action Comments for consideration Issues due to the context of our


Lead DateDeadline


10 CleaningEnsure thorough cleaning to include cleaning of setting

Comply with Government Health and Safety Guidance – check website for most up to date guidance. Staff should be aware and are aware of the COVID-

COVID19 cleaning in non-healthcare settings:


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prior to opening and ongoing cleaning arrangements as settings start to implement a phased opening.

19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance which should be followed in the event of a suspected or confirmed case

in line with the risk assessment and timetabling of the day, putting in place a cleaning schedule that ensures cleaning is generally enhanced and includes:

o more frequent cleaning of rooms that are used by different groups

o frequently touched surfaces being cleaned more often than normal

different groups don’t need to be allocated their own toilets, but toilets will need to be cleaned regularly and children must be encouraged to clean their hands thoroughly after using the toilet

Cleaning products supplies and

availability. Discuss with staff the additional

cleaning requirements and agree additional hours to allow for this.

Minimise the sharing of resources between groups, for example for painting, sticking, cutting and outdoor construction activities, which should be thoroughly cleaned before and after use by different groupsCleaning frequently touched surfaces more often than usual using standard products, such as detergents and


Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020


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11 Health and Safety checksCarry out a Health and Safety check of all areas of the setting, including the outdoor spaces.

If your site or buildings have been closed, or if parts of the building have been out of use for a long period, then you should consider undertaking a health and safety check of the buildings concerned.

Consider legionnaires checks if premises have been closed.

Where premises may have been closed for several weeks, there are increased risks related to safety concerns around water hygiene as well as building and occupancy safety. You should ensure that all health and safety compliance checks have been undertaken before opening by checking with the owner of the premises.

As per Health & Safety Policy Check access to hand washing

facilities and other hygiene measures.

Remove unnecessary items from playrooms and other learning environments where there is space to store it elsewhere.

Remove soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean (such as those with intricate parts).

Consider how resources can be used safely and in which circumstances and which items it might be more practical to remove


Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020


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during this time. Update COSHH information to

reflect new products. The owners of shared spaces must

continue to meet all existing health and safety obligations with regard to ensuring that their premises are safe for providers to hire and to operate from. It is also the responsibility of the OOSS providers that operate from these shared spaces to ensure that they are implementing the protective measures as set out in this guidance.

Specific protective measures that should be put in place to run safer outdoor provision during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including:

minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, or who have been advised by NHS Test & Trace to self-isolate do not attend your setting

keeping facilities and equipment clean - touch points (e.g. handrails and gates) should be particular areas of focus for increased cleaning



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using signs, posters and regular reminders to build awareness of good handwashing technique, the need to increase handwashing frequency, avoid touching your face, and to cough or sneeze into your arm rather than your hand

providing more waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection

providing hand sanitiser in multiple locations

using disposable paper towels in handwashing facilities, where possible

minimising use of portable toilets setting clear use and cleaning

guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing is achieved

2 SystemsCheck all utilities are fully working and operating as normal, especially buildings which have been unoccupied.

Recommission all systems before re-opening, as would normally be done after a long holiday period. This includes gas, heating, water supply, mechanical and electrical systems, and catering equipment.

Check your fire safety systems including making sure: your fire alarm system and emergency lights are operational, and all fire doors are operational.


13 SitePrepare the site for

Plan and display suitably accessible information and posters for

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective


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increased child access

parents/carers/visitors in welcome areas. E.g. Government guidelines for hand washing and social distancing etc.

Ensure that there is access to drinking water, facilities for hand washing, and access to hand sanitiser if appropriate.

Ensure appropriate arrangements for any contractors on site including social distancing..

measures in education and childcare settings-

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

14 Infection controlCommunicate infection control measures to staff and visitors.

Consider the

Identify training and CPD needs Display information posters Include guidance on handwashing and

hand sanitiser facilities and the use of toilets

Update the setting’s website if applicable

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings-


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accessibility of this information

Preventing the spread of infection

Ensure policy and procedures are in place as necessary. (Limiting movement around the building, use of shared equipment such as toys and books etc. Also plans should someone fall ill with symptoms of Covid-19 whilst onsite)

Update the setting’s risk assessment as further children are phased in.

Ensure children learn in age-appropriate ways about how they can keep themselves safe, including regular handwashing and using tissues

Preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) involves dealing with direct transmission (for instance, when in close contact with those sneezing and coughing) and indirect transmission (via touching contaminated surfaces).

minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend childcare settings

cleaning hands more often than usual - wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered

ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as

implementing-protective-measures-in-education-and-childcare-settings/coronavirus-covid-19-implementing-protective-measures-in-education-and-childcare-settingsSafe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020


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detergents and bleach minimising contact and mixing by

altering, as much as possible, the environment (such as room layout) and timetables (such as staggered break times)

If anyone in the setting becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow ‘Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’. (This also applies to OOSS)

If a child is awaiting collection, they should be moved, if possible, to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door with appropriate adult supervision. Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation. If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people. If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, they should be taken to a separate bathroom if possible. The bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else. (This also applies to OOSS)

PPE must be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained (such as for a very young


Annex B: Resources to help children to learn about coronavirus


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child or a child with complex needs). (This also applies to OOSS)If a member of staff has helped someone with symptoms they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves. They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell. Cleaning the affected area with normal household disinfectant after someone with symptoms has left will reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people.

In some cases it may be necessary for settings to introduce a temporary cap on numbers, to ensure that children are kept in small groups, and to avoid mixing of children between groups. If this is necessary, settings should prioritise vulnerable children and children of critical workers, then 3 and 4 year olds, in particular those who will be transitioning to Reception in September, followed by younger age groups.

Wherever possible, settings are encouraged to avoid visitors entering their premises. ensure they only come into the building when strictly necessary, for example if providing an essential service or essential support for a child’s health and wellbeing.

Any homemade non-disposable face coverings that staff or children, young people or other learners are wearing when they arrive at their setting must


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be removed by the wearer and placed into a plastic bag that the wearer has brought with them in order to take it home. The wearer must then clean their hands. Disposable face coverings should be placed in a refuse bag and can be disposed of as normal domestic waste unless the wearer has symptoms of coronavirus, in line with the guidance on cleaning for non-healthcare settings.

Ensure correct disposal of waste from people with symptoms of coronavirus, such as disposable cleaning cloths, tissues and PPE:

put it in a plastic rubbish bag and tie it when full

place the plastic bag in a second bin bag and tie it

put it in a suitable and secure place marked for storage for 72 hours

Waste should be stored safely and securely kept away from children. You should not put your waste in communal waste areas until the waste has been stored for at least 72 hours.

If settings have two or more confirmed cases within 14 days, or an overall rise in sickness absence where coronavirus COVID-19 is suspected, settings may have an outbreak, and must contact their local health protection team (HPT) who will be able to advise if additional action is required.

15 Kitchens Ensure arrangements are in place for


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Undertake a thorough clean of the kitchen prior to reopening before food preparation resumes.

cleaning and preparation of all areas and surfaces prior to extending the opening.

Ensure ongoing cleaning and hygiene arrangements as the setting extends the opening.

Check arrangements for cleaning and disinfecting all areas and surfaces prior to reopening.


Action Comments for consideration Issues due to the context of our


Lead DateDeadline


16 Safeguarding (including online safety) during the pandemic

Settings must continue to take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well during this period and have regard to the government’s statutory guidance on working together to safeguard children. The safeguarding and welfare sections of the EYFS still apply, including requirements relating to child protection arrangements. Settings should work closely with local authorities.Settings should consider whether any refresh or review of their child protection arrangements is needed in light of coronavirus (COVID-19). This could take the form of a coronavirus (COVID-19) annex and include:

how to identify and act on new safeguarding concerns about individual children as they return to

DfE safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers guidance:

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak


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childcare DSL (and deputy) arrangements any updated advice received from

the local safeguarding partners any updated advice received from

local authorities, for example EHC plan risk assessment, attendance and keep-in-touch mechanisms

working arrangements with children’s social workers and the local authority

what staff and volunteers should do if they have concerns about a staff member or volunteer who may pose a safeguarding risk to children

how the updated policy links to the broader risk assessment to be conducted before opening, described in the guidance on actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening

Prepare for KCSIE 2020

All staff and volunteers should be made aware of the new policy and be kept up to date as it is revised. (This also applies to OOSS)

Update Code of Conduct for staff to include COVID-19 issues

Ensure suitably trained people are onsite and appropriate staff training is arranged

Review online safety considerations in

Keeping Children Safe in Education (from Sept 2020)

East Sussex SLES Safeguarding team:

Online safety guidance for under 5s -

Online safety home activity packs during covid-19 -

Contact [email protected] 335270


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and out of setting - Settings should continue to consider what strategies they are using to keep children safe online during this period, including: (This also applies to OOSS)

checking apps, websites and search results before using them with children

supervising children when accessing the internet

Further details can be found in Safeguarding children and protecting professionals in early years settings: online safety guidance for practitioners.

This advice is also relevant for parents and carers.

Consider safer recruitment Setting to continue remote

safeguarding arrangements for children that remain at home

Ensure that record keeping is up to date particularly where children have not been in the setting, or where they have attended other settings.

Be alert to harms that may have been hidden or missed while they have not been attending settings.

Consider refreshing staff training on how to deal with disclosures and domestic violence.



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Identify and plan how best to support high needs groups, including children with SEND, vulnerable children and disadvantaged children when the setting reopens.

Consider how to encourage attendance of vulnerable children and the best way to support them to transition into the setting according to their needs and their individual family circumstances.

Whilst routine Ofsted inspections have currently been suspended, the safeguarding responsibilities of settings have not changed, and regulatory action including visits to settings which are triggered by safeguarding concerns will continue.

For Ofsted registered early years provision, it is intended that routine inspections will restart from January 2021 - by which time the EYFS is expected to be reinstated fully - with the exact timing of routine inspections being kept under review.

In the autumn term, inspectors will commence some regulatory activity to providers who have been judged ‘inadequate’ or ‘requires improvement’ and have associated actions to fulfil. Inspectors will look at what progress leaders and managers have made to meet actions set at the last inspection and how they are improving their practice. These visits will not result


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in a judgement. However, Ofsted will publish a short summary to confirm what it found during the visit.

17 Support for

vulnerable familiesPlan a support package for families who are vulnerable in order to help them transition back to setting.

Use risk assessments from during the lockdown period to make judgments about what adjustments need to happen in setting

Telephone calls to families Individual support plans around the

family of vulnerable pupils, working alongside other agencies as appropriate.

Plan and prepare a collection of signposting opportunities to share with families if needed e.g. bereavement advice, financial advice etc.

Decide which member(s) of staff will be the single point of contact for parents and communicate this to parents.

Update the website if applicable. Ensure policies and procedures are in

place where necessary. Brief staff to be alert to signs of poor

welfare, poor mental health or neglect that may have escalated during setting closures and agree referral route to DSL team.

Setting to continue remote safeguarding arrangements for pupils that remain at home.

Consider if staff require appropriate instruction and training on identifying and supporting vulnerable children and parents that return to the setting, for example by sign-posting them to appropriate local services such as mental health, domestic or substance abuse services.

Consider how vulnerable children, who

PHE’s review of the impact of Covid-19 on BAME groups identified “There is an association between belonging to some ethnic groups and the likelihood of testing positive and dying with COVID-19” “Longstanding inequalities have been exacerbated by COVID-19”

BAMEed’s resources


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are currently attending settings, continue to have their needs met and to be supported as the setting takes on more children

18 AbsenceUnderstand what is happening with regards to the recording of absences e.g. with parents who decide not to send children back to setting yet / families isolating

Ensure strategies are in place to help families to engage positively with the setting and learning.

Continue ‘first day calling’ procedures for children on the vulnerable list who are expected in setting.

Seek advice and support from children’s services regarding individual children/families where attendance is a concern.

Consider parent/carer anxiety as a barrier to reintegration; liaise with key workers for the child (social workers, Family Key Workers, ISEND Practitioners etc.) to support conversations to reduce anxiety.

All vulnerable children continue to be expected and encouraged to attend educational provision where it is appropriate for them to do so.

If necessary, settings have the flexibility to focus first on continuing to provide places for priority groups and then, to support children’s early learning, settings should prioritise groups of children as follows:

o early years settings - 3 and 4 year olds followed by younger age groups.

For those children with a social worker, our expectation is that they should

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Home learning

Signpost to the Department for Education’s Hungry Little Minds campaign and other websites for activities that


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attend their educational setting unless a risk assessment concludes they will be safer at home.

Families should notify their nursery setting as normal if their child is unable to attend so that staff can explore the reason with them and address barriers together.

Settings should work with local authorities to monitor the welfare of vulnerable children who are not attending provision, and other children they might wish to keep in touch with, for safeguarding purposes.

Consider how to continue to support the learning of children who do not attend settings, including how these children can maintain contact with their key person and peers through the early years setting, and how parents and carers can be supported to provide a positive learning environment at home

parents and carers can do at home with children to support their early learning.


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Action Comments for consideration Issues due to the context of our school

Lead DateDeadline


19 Support systemsEnsure that there are support systems in place for staff and children to support their mental health and well-being

Set up systems so that staff can be offered additional supervision if needed and sign-posting to further support services if needed.

Be aware of the level of anxiety and trauma that some staff/children/ parents may feel

Be mindful that some children may have experienced and/or witnessed abuse during lockdown and need to feel comfortable to make disclosures to trusted adults.

Consider wellbeing support for all staff as required.

Settings to be aware of the availability of emotional wellbeing interventions for children who need it and refer as necessary (ISEND)

Mental Health at Work - https://www.mentalhealthat rus-and-isolation-supporting-yourself-and-your-colleagues/

NHS Every Mind Matters -

PSED Pathway and associated documents

20 Dealing with concerns

Provide an opportunity for parents and carers to raise issues and concerns

Dedicate a senior member(s) of staff to be the single of contact for parents via email and/or phone.

Update website if necessary. Inform parents. Update Staff/Owner/Committee

accordingly. Plan and prepare a collection of

signposting opportunities e.g. Bereavement advice, Health Visiting+ telephone lines for

What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak


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parents and carers. Refer to Early Years ISEND if

necessary for further guidance. Consider how you will involve

parents and carers to identify specific support for children and how children’s needs may have changed and to prepare for their return to your setting.


Contact [email protected] 335270

Link to the PCF:

For Coronavirus related support:

For other support and Business as Usual needs:

DfE advice for parents -

DfE guidance on


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vulnerable children

Charities and sources of support and funding e.g. Cruse Bereavement Care, Gingerbread , Working Families

What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak

Opening schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers:


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21 Mental health and well-beingPlan positive mental health and wellbeing learning opportunities to support childrens’ transition back to the setting

Senior staff to identify the groups/individuals within the setting who may have been particularly impacted upon by Covid and lockdown and create action plans to support these children.

Plan learning opportunities to support children’s transition back to the setting, e.g. support for mental health and well-being, bereavement advice if appropriate, information about routines etc.

Identify key families who may need extra support if possible.

Assembly plans (following social distancing guidance).

Update setting’s website if applicable.

Share this information with staff/parents/carers.

Consider parent/childrens anxiety about becoming ill or bringing the virus home to their family members.

Help children to learn about


Meeting children’s emotional needs guidance -

Leuven Scales for the assessment of wellbeing and involvement -

Unicef guidance on how to talk to children about coronavirus -

Safe Hands Thinking Minds (Covid, anxiety, stress resources and links) - http://www.safehandsthinkin


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coronavirus and how to keep themselves and others safe.

Settings should consider the mental health, pastoral or wider wellbeing support children may need, including with bereavement, and how to support them to transition into the setting after a long period of absence.

Settings may want to refer to the: Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak.

Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young peopl’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Transition, recovery and learning in the aftermath of a pandemic: A resource for nursery and primary schools -

Stories and videos to


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support children’s emotional wellbeing:

Prof Barry Carpenter Think Piece:

Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic


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22 Nurture and team buildingPlan opportunities for children to share their thoughts and feelings with staff and their peers.

Nurture opportunities to build a sense of belonging.

Pastoral care and support in place.

Lunchtime support. Nurture groups. Awareness when planning group

activities that for some children lockdown was not a safe or happy place (see wellbeing sections above)

Meeting children’s emotional needs guidance -

