
Conformity Assessment Section (CAS) Executive Committee Teleconference Call

May 23, 2012 Meeting Notes

Participants : Harry Hodes – Vice Chair; Don Heirman (DH Consulting); Adam Gouker (A2LA); Ray Klouda (Elite Electronics); Steve Koster (Washington Labs); Doug Leonard (L-A-B); Scott Wentworth (Retlif labs); Milt Bush (ACIL CEO); Richard Bright (ACIL COO); & Tony Anderson (ACIL SEO). 1. Call to order:

The Vice Chair called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m. EDT.

2. Introductions:

Mr. Anderson read the roll call of members and guests present

3. Anti Trust Statement:

The members acknowledged they had read and understood their obligations under the statement.

4. Approval of Minutes of teleconference meeting held on 04-25-12:

Motion to approve: Mr. HeirmanSeconded: Mr. KloudaUnanimously approved

5. Action Item Register:

Action: Mr. Bush to report back to the CAS at the next meeting about the issue regarding reports being accepted in the CB system by a NCB and similarly the EMC reports not being accepted by the accredited labs.

Action: Mr. Bush to send to Mr. Anderson the China Position Statement for inclusion in the minutes.

Already actioned

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6. Strategic Plan: Review of Goals:

6.1 Strengthen the relationship between members, prospective members, related trade associations, regulators, and laboratory customers through ACIL programs, meetings and other member services, including advocacy initiatives - CAS Anchor Programs Violette

Mr. Violette was not on the call. Mr. Bush reported that the first two goals are lacking leadership of the task groups at the moment, and will be discussed at the July Board meeting.

6.2 To enhance relationships with all stakeholders through relevant and timely communication. Development of plan Violette

6.3 Create a dynamic information portal to be launched by March 2012 (in time for the Policies & Practices meeting) Violette

Mr. Bush explained that the new site is ready to be launched, but because the old site and new site cannot both be live at the same time a convenient time when the switch can be made with minimal downtime, has yet to be chosen.

Action: Mr. Anderson to send an e-mail to all CAS members asking for anyone interested in joining the task groups for goals 1 & 2 of the Strategic Plan to contact Mr. Bush.

Already actioned

7. Third Party product certification:

Nothing to report.

Action: Mr. Bush to get with Mr. Violette to discuss third party product certification.

8. American Council of Electrical Safety ( ACES) Report:

Mr. Reported on the ACES meeting held on April 26. (see attached)

Action: Mr. Bush to send to Mr. Anderson the ACES meeting minutes for inclusion in the CAS teleconference minutes.

Already actioned

9. Smart Grid Task Force Report:

Mr. Heirman presented his report of Smart Grid activities.

SGTCC has issued a press release calling for entities interested in becoming an ITCA and Mr. Heirman went over the application form. So far four bodies have self-identified, but it is expected there may be as

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many as 20 by the end of the year. The issue of ACIL becoming an ITCA was addressed again and a task group is to be formed to develop a draft ITCA application for ACIL to see where the deficiencies are in satisfying the requirements of the application.

The minutes of the SGTF held on May 22, 2012 are attached.

Action: Mr. Bush and Mr. Heirman to develop a draft ITCA application for ACIL.

The ITCA application form is available at the following link:-

10. Pre-Ballot Comments Requested for ANSI C63®-4-2012:

C63 4_2012revD1 05_redline

C63 4_2012revD1 05_clean

Mr. Hodes requested comments on the new ANSI C63®-4-2012 document. Comments should be sent on the comment form to him by May 30, 2012 at the latest as the ACIL response has to be submitted June 1, 2012.

Action: All members to send comments on ANSI C63®-4-2012 to Mr. Hodes using the comment form by May 30, 2012.

11. ANSI as a Conformity Assessment Coordinator for the United States:

Covered earlier in the meeting

Open Action: Mr. Bush to revisit the draft letter that had been prepared and would have an offline discussion with Mr. Unger. See action item 30-042512 on the Action Item Register.

12. TCB Council Update:

Mr. Koster had nothing new to report.

Open Action: Mr. Violette/Mr. Koster to send a reminder out to the membership about the TCB offer.See action item 24-022212 on the Action Item Register.

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Mr. Heirman asked if the TCB Council had mentioned CISPR 32 at the recent training and suggested that they should be looking at it. Mr. Koster said he would look into whre that was with the TCB council.

Action: Mr. Koster to look into where the TCB council is with the new CISPR 32.

13. PT Program activities:

Mr. Hodes reported on the upcoming A2LA audit of the ACIL PT Programs on May 31 and June 1.

14. Seal of Excellence Program:

Mr. Bright reminded members of the Seal of Excellence Program and stated that information was on the website for those interested.

15. Restructuring of ILI:

Mr. Bright explained that ILI had been dormant for some time, but was now being restructured so that all the ACIL educational activities can be run through the institute. There will be a new Board with a representative from each section and the Chair will be Jim Kuhn from Atlantic Testing. Mr. Hodes volunteered to represent the CAS section on the new ILI Board.

16. A.O.B.

16.1 Survey on Unfair Competition – Opportunity from OMB A-119 Workshop

Mr. Bush explained that at the recent OMB A-119 Workshop the question was asked as to how widespread was unfair completion by the government in the laboratory industry. As result ACIL has been asked to provide input and examples of such instances. Mr. Bush will be sending out a memo soliciting from the membership example with the name of the offending party and the revenue lost by such unfair competition. Members emphasized that all levels of government should be included as well as universities and colleges.

Mr. Bright updated the meeting that ETS-Lindgren was now a member of the CAS section.

17. Next Conference Call: June 27, 2012 11:00 a.m. EDT

18. Adjournment : 12:01 p.m. EDT

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