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Cyber-Physical Systems and


Tuan A. Trinh

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Network Economics Group Lead

Luxembourg, May 13-14, 2016

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Examples of CPS

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Make it easier and safer

for humans to work side-


Giving robots the tools

to learn the preferences

of a human coworker

(MIT, 2012)

of a human coworker

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Economic impact of ICT in Europe


Europe accounts for 30% of world production of

embedded systems with particular strengths in

the automotive sector, aerospace and health.

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Economic impact of ICT in Europe

(2013)In the ARTEMIS program , the European Union,

had spent € 7 billion on embedded system and

CPS by 2013 – with a view to become a world

leader in the field by 2020

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Economic impact of ICT in Europe


The United States is still a global leader in cyber

technologies and well-positioned to gain/maintain

a competitive advantage in CPS

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Economic impact of ICT in Europe


Japan is capitalizing on its traditional strengths in

this field to make technology advances.

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Economic impact of ICT in Europe


The great potential of CPS is motivating countries

such as India and China to forge ahead into the


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Smart Interactions

Big Data and Next

Generation Data Analytics

Cyber-physical Systems and Robotics

Sensor networks

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Intelligent Energy Management for Public Underground

Spaces through Cyber-Physical Systems

Courtesy: SEAM4US

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Intelligent Energy Management for Public Underground

Spaces through Cyber-Physical Systems

Big Data and

Courtesy: SEAM4US

Big Data and Next

Generation Data Analytics

Sensor networks

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Cyber-Physical Systems vs. Embedded


• Embedded system: “integration of information processing into products”– Time and concurrency

• Cyber-physical systems: Orchestration of computational resources with physical systems computational resources with physical systems and environment [Edward Lee (UC Berkeley), 2006]

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Embedded systems

Embedded systems

Physical Environment

Physical Environment

Cyber-physical systems

Cyber-physical systems

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Definition according to National Science

Foundation (US)

• Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the synergy of computational and physical components.

• Emerging CPS will be coordinated, distributed, and connected, and must be robust and responsive.

• The CPS of tomorrow will need to far exceed the systems of today in capability, adaptability, resiliency, safety, security, and usability.

• Examples of the many CPS application areas include the smart electric grid, smart transportation, smart buildings, smart medical technologies, next-generation air traffic management, and advanced manufacturing.

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Vision: Internet of

Things, Data and

Services, e.g.

Smart City

Cyber-Physical Systems

Internet of Things, Data and Services(Enabling technology: Cyber-Physical Systems)

Networked Embedded Systems

e.g. autonomous aviation

Embedded Systems

e.g. airbag

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Components of CPS



A/D converter

Sample-and- D/A








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Component of CPS – networking perspective

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Traditional control system

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An extreme view of cyber-physical


Cyber Physical

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Components of CPS – Control theoretic perspective

ZoH : practical signal reconstruction done by a conventional

digital-to-analog converter (DAC , holding each sample value

for one sample interval.

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Characteristics of Cyber-Physical


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Cyber-Physical SystemSystem

Typically, CPS are reactive systems:

“A reactive system is one which is in continual

interaction with its environment and executes at a pace

determined by that environment“ [Bergé, 1995]

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Cyber-Physical System

Hybrid systems

(analog + digital parts)

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Characteristics of cyber-physical systems


Cyber-Physical System

Dedicated towards a certain application

Knowledge about behavior at design time can be used to

minimize resources and to maximize robustness

• Dedicated user interface

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Characteristics of cyber-physical systems


Cyber-Physical System


•Frequent changes of environment

•High volume of (sensored) data traffic; fluctuation

•Delay, delay fluctuation

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Characteristics of cyber-physical systems

Reactive Dedicated

Hybrid Dynamic

Cyber-Physical System

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Broad challenges for cyber-

physical systemsphysical systems

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Scientific and technical challenges

• Integrating complex, heterogeneous larg-scale


• Interaction between humans and systems

• Dealing with uncertainty• Dealing with uncertainty

• Measuring and verifying system performance

• System design

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Design process of CPS

Phase 1

• Application knowledge

Phase 2

• Specification

• Hardware/Software componentsPhase 2 • Hardware/Software components

Phase 3

• Design repository

• Application mapping

Phase 4

• Design

• Test

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Challenges for CPS software design

• Dynamic environments

• Capture the required behaviour

• Validate specifications

• Efficient translation of specifications into implementationsimplementations

• How can we check that we meet real-time constraints?

• How do we validate embedded real-time software?

– large volumes of data

– testing may be safety-critical

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Operating system requirements for CPS

• General requirements for embeddedoperating systems

• Configurability

• I/O

• Interrupts• Interrupts

• General properties of real-time operating systems

• Predictability

• Time services

• Synchronization

• Classes of RTOSs,

• Device driver embedding

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Expectations and design challenges of


• Dependability

• Efficiency

• Meeting real-time requirements

• Hardware properties, physical environment• Hardware properties, physical environment

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• Reliability R(t) = probability of system working correctly provided that it was working at t=0

• Maintainability M(d) = probability of system working correctly d time units after error occurred.

• Availability A(t): probability of system working and • Availability A(t): probability of system working and available at time t

• Safety: no harm to be caused

• (Security: confidential and authentic communication)

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• Code-size efficient

(especially for systems on a chip)

• Run-time efficient

• Weight efficient

• Cost efficient

• Energy efficient

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Real-time constraints

• A real-time system must react to stimuli from the controlled object (or the operator) within the time interval dictated by the environment.

• “A real-time constraint is called hard, if not meeting that constraint could result in a meeting that constraint could result in a catastrophe“ [Kopetz, 1997].

• All other time-constraints are called soft.

• A guaranteed system response has to be explained without statistical arguments [Kopetz, 1997].

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Intellectual Property (IP) in CPS design

© Fujitsu Corporations

• Increasing design complexity

• Lack of internal capabilities/sharing risks

• Narrow time-to-market

• Budget constraints – lower development/maintenance costs

• Better development infrastructure available outside

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© Fujitsu Corporations

The initial stage involves creation of Architecture and Specification,

design partitioning and budgeting

• In coordination with the techno-marketing team

• Decide on the features to be supported, window of production and

release to market.

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© Fujitsu Corporations

The engineering and procurement team, depending on the internal

expertise and funding, scope out the effort to meet the production


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© Fujitsu Corporations

In partnership with IP vendors and other vendors (e.g. for

semiconductor businesses, the EDA vendors, Design Services vendors,

Foundry, Packaging and Assembly vendors) to develop the final


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An IP example from the semiconductor sector

IP enabled servicesIP ecosystem



& Reuse

Value proposition from IP vendor

•Silicon proven





Value to customers

•Customization services

•Integration services

•Vertical knowledge based Value Added Services

•Testing and deployment


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Institutional, societal, and other


• Trust, security, and privacy

• Effective models of governance

• Creation of CPS business models

• Understanding the value of CPS• Understanding the value of CPS

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Security and Privacy Issues in

Cyber-Physical SystemsCyber-Physical Systems

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“The Internet of Things is a

security nightmare” - EFFsecurity nightmare” - EFF

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"One way of protecting data is to

not collect it in the first place."not collect it in the first place."

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Differences between corporate IT security and

CPS security

• Software patching and frequent updates, are not well suited for control systems– economically difficult to justify suspending the operation of an

industrial computer on a regular basis to install new security patches

– Some security patches may even violate the certification of control systemscontrol systems

• While availability is a well studied problem in information security, real-time availability provides a stricter operational environment than most traditional IT systems

• Large industrial control systems also have a large amount of legacy systems– most of the efforts done for legacy systems should be

considered as short-term solutions; underlying technology must satisfy some minimum performance

• Network dynamics

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New security problem in CPS/Control

systems• Authentication, access control, message integrity,

separation of privilege, etc. can all help– Traditionally focused on information (security)

• How attacks affect the estimation and control algorithms?– Ultimately, how attacks affect the physical world

• Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have not considered • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have not considered algorithms for detecting deception attacks launched by compromised sensor nodes against estimation and control algorithms– Dynamics of physical systems bring more challenges and set of


• Information awareness to operators of control systems

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• Most of the effort for protecting control systems has focused on reliability (the protection of the system against random faults)

– urgent growing concern for protecting control systems against malicious cyberattacksagainst malicious cyberattacks

• Dimensions

– Prevention

– Detection and recovery

– Resilience

– Deterrence

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Prevention• Introduction of cybersecurity standards

– North American Electric Corporation (NERC) cybersecuritystandards for electric systems

• NERC is authorized to enforce compliance to these standards, and it is expected that all electric utilities are fully compliant with these standards

– NIST • SP 800-53—the guideline for security best practices which federal

agencies should meetagencies should meet

• Guide to Industrial Control System (ICS) Security

– ISA (International Society of Automation)• ISA SP 99: a security standard to be used in manufacturing and

general industrial controls


• SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition– Standardisation efforts with respect to access control and key

management in wireless sensor networks

NIST Special Publication 800-53, "Security and Privacy Controls for Federal

Information Systems and Organizations,"

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Detection and recovery

• Utilizing our knowledge of the physical systems, control systems can provide a paradigm shift for intrusion detection– e.g. by monitoring the physical system for anomalies we

may be able to detect attacks that are undetectable from the IT side, e.g. against resonance attack

• Identify deception attacks launched by compromised controllers and/or sensors

• Identify deception attacks launched by compromised controllers and/or sensors

• Implement a model-based detection scheme, e.g. as game between the detector and the attacker

• Utilizing ideas from control theory such as reconfiguration or fault-detection and isolation, to design autonomous and real-time detection and response algorithms for safety-critical applications that require real-time responses

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Resilience and deterrence

• Useful principles– Redundancy as a way to prevent a single-point of failure

– Diversity as a way to prevent that a single attack vector can compromise all the replicas (the added redundancy)

– Principle of least-privilege, and the separation of privilege(also known as separation of duty) principle(also known as separation of duty) principle

• In CPS, physical and analytical redundancies should be combined with security principles (e.g., diversity and separation of duty) to adapt or reschedule its operation during attacks

• Design novel robust control and estimation algorithms that consider more realistic attack models from a security point-of-view, e.g. Game Theory

• Deterrence

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Strategic R&D opportunities for

cyber-physical systemscyber-physical systems

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Robust, Effective Design and Construction of System

and Infrastructure

Science and


Develop cost-effective system design, analysis, and


Create domain-specific frameworks for design

Manage the role of time and synchronisation in Science and




Manage the role of time and synchronisation in

architecture design

Enable natural, more seamless human-CPS interactions

Develop systematic inter-process and inter-personal

communication for sensors and actuators

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Improve Performance and Quality Assurance of

Computational and Physical Systems


Create methods for system-level evaluation, verification,

and validation of cyber-physical systems

Develop science-based metrics (e.g. security, privacy,

safety, resilience, adaptability, flexibility, reusability,



Effectively characterize and quantify reliability amidst


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Effective and Reliable System Integration and



Development &

Create universal definitions for representing ultra-

large scale heterogeneous systems

Build and inter-connected and interoperable shared Development &


Build and inter-connected and interoperable shared


Develop abstraction infrastructure to bridge digital

and physical system components

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(See: enclosed slides)

1. CPS for green future mobile networks

2. CPS for Smart Home – Smart Grid

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Motivation: forces behind recent

proliferation of robots

• Ever faster processors

• Cheaper sensors

• Abundant open-source code

• Ubiquitous connectivity

• Advent of 3D

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Make it easier and safer for

humans to work side-by-side

Giving robots the tools to learn

the preferences of a human


Solving the problem of

scheduling a team of

heterogeneous agents to

complete a set of tasks with

(MIT, 2012)

complete a set of tasks with

upper and lower bound

temporal constraints and shared

resources (e.g., spatial locations)

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Robotics applications

• Monitoring (environmental, security)

• Medical, e.g. tele-surgery, elderly care, drug delivery, remote, non-invasive examination

• Personal robotics

• Factory automation

• Agricultural robotics, critical infrastructure systems

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Robotics applications

• Monitoring (environmental, security)

• Medical, e.g. telesurgery, elderly care, drug delivery, remote, non-invasive examination

• Personal robotics

• Factory automation

• Agricultural robotics, critical infrastructure systems

China wants to replace millions of workers

with robots, unprecedented in scale!


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Robotics: Myths and Facts

Robots are intended to eliminate jobs MYTH

Manufacturing and logistics must adopt

robots to survive


robots to survive

Autonomous robots are still too slow FACT

Robots are too expensive MYTH

Robots are difficult to use FACT

IEEE Spectrum

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Applications of cyber-physical systems and robotics (1)

Innovative Products or


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics


Smart manufacturing and Production

• Agile manufacturing

• Supply chain connectivity

• Intelligent control

• Process and assembly


• Robotics working safely

with humans

• Enhanced


• Greater efficiency, agility,

and reliability

with humans

Innovative Products or


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics


Transportation and Mobility

•Autonomous or smart

vehicles (surface, air, water,

and space)

• Vehicle-to-vehicle and



• Drive by wire vehicle


• Plug ins and smart cars

• Interactive traffic control


• Next-generation air

transport control

• Accident prevention and

congestion reduction (e.g.

zero-fatality highways)

• Greater safety and

convenience of travel

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Applications of cyber-physical systems and robotics (2)

Innovative Products or


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics



• Electricity systems

• Renewable energy supply

• Oil and gas production

• Smart electricity power


• Plug-in vehicle charging


• Smart oil and gas

• Greater reliability,

security and diversity of

energy supply

• Increased energy

efficiency • Smart oil and gas

distribution grid


Innovative Products or


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics


Civil infrastructure

• Bridges and dams

• Municipal water and

wastewater treatment

• Active monitoring and

control system

• Smart grids for water and


• Early warning systems

• More safe, secure, and

reliable infrastructure

• Assurance of water

quality and supply

• Accident warning and


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Applications of cyber-physical systems and robotics (3)

Innovative Products or


Cyber-Physical Systems Impacts


• Medical devices

• Personal care equipment

• Disease diagnosis and


• Wireless body area


• Assistive healthcare


• Wearable sensors and

implantable devices

• Improved outcomes and

quality of life

• Cost-effective healthcare

• Timely disease diagnosis

and prevention

Innovative Products and


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics


Building and Structure

• High performance

residential and commercial


• Net-zero energy buildings

• Appliances

• Whole building controls

• Smart HVAC equipment

• Building automation


• Network appliance


• Increased building

efficiency, comfort, and


• Improved occupant

health and safety

• Control of indoor air


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Applications of cyber-physical systems and robotics (4)

Innovative Products and


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics



• Soldier equipment

• Weapons and weapon


• Smart (precision-guided)


• Wearable

• Increased warfighter

effectiveness, security, and


• Supply equipment

• Wearable



• Intelligent, unmanned


• Supply chain and logistics



• Decreased exposure for

human warfiighters and

greater capability for

remote warefare

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Applications of cyber-physical systems and robotics (5)

Innovative Products or


Cyber-Physical Systems

and Robotics


Emergency response

• First responder


• Communications

• Detection and

surveillance systems

• Resilient communications

• Increased emergency

responder effectiveness,

safety, efficiency, and • Communications


• Fire-fighting equipments

• Resilient communications


• Integrated emergency

response systems

safety, efficiency, and


• Rapid ability to respond

to natural and other


National Institute of Standards and Technologies


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How to efficiently implement Smart

CPS/Robotics in my company?

• Technology transfer

• Standardization aspects

• Other aspects
