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Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to the practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage, record and evaluate customer interactions in order to increase sales growth by expanding and enhancing relationships with their customer bases.

Managing customer relationship is a big part in business; customers are usually the ones who bring return to the company and keep it going. And how customer relationship is managed can appoint considerable effect on their return.

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According to ESOLPK, the goals of CRM business framework are the following:Using existing relationships to grow

revenueUsing unified information for excellent

service Introducing logical, replaceable channel

processes and procedures

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The efficiency of an organization is directly related to its ability to meet the challenges and most effectively respond to customer requests.

Minimize the response time to a request made through the website is an invitation to the conceivable customer look for an alternative solution in the competition.

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To answer this and some other challenges, organizations must access a Customer Management Solution which must merge the electronic channel (contact via website) and when applicable, the online sales channel (orders, customers, products, etc).

In direct response to a demand Dedicated MANAGEMENT and effective the ESOLPK develops standard solutions for CRM in response to customer and companies of management challenges.

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Choosing and implementation of the CRM solution requires a repetitive process with each step to be validated with end-users, the result will be useful tool for tracking data. The areas that enterprises need to consider are as follows: Solution has to be cloud enabled Solution needs to support any device and support offline

use Solution has to be intuitive to use and provide

information in an easy-to-use format Solution needs to be integrated to other key solutions

such as document management system, accounting etc.

Solution needs to have a future that the enterprise can count on

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CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems offer fast, time-saving functions that can provide businesses with a number of precious benefits. Here we take a look at the main three:

MarketingData management can be effectively handledby a CRM system, allowing you to:

Evaluate;Restore;Track;Record;Concentrate;Share – all without any effort.

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Your records will always be entirely up to date and you will be able to see which services are working well – and those that are not have good result.

Campaigns are easy to set up and run, meaning you can be perceptive or dedicated, depending on the circumstances.

You can also take advantage of goal tracking capabilities, meaning you get a real inner look when making main marketing decisions.

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Sales CRM’s can also help boost your sales in a

number of ways – for example: By enabling you to improve sales planning and

management (such as setting up price lists and discounts, recording scoring and conversion);

By automating processes (such as tracking leads all in one place, segmenting your customer database, identifying cross-selling opportunities etc);

By taking advantage of predicting analytics so you can identify key selling outline;

Giving your sales teams more time to focus on what they do best – selling – by automating processes.

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The benefits of Customer Relationship Management range all the way to your customers, too, because you can get a real perception in to who your customer is – so you only send them targeted communications, but you will inspire a feeling that they are actually valued – again, because you “know” them.

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By allowing you to gather all their data in one place, they do not have to answer the same questions again and again or offered products or services that they have just bought or do not need;

The vision you get in to your customers with the CRM software means you can customize a service specifically for them. So, if you are a business that sells products and you get a lot of after-sales calls relating to a certain product, the CRM tools will highlight this to you so you can solve the issue. This gives all-round better customer service.

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CRM software is now an essential part to all service businesses. CRM software centralizes customer data and information into “a single CRM database” so that managers can simply view an organized version of their customer data and manage customer relations better.

They also have automated functions for customer communication over e-mail, social media, and other channels.

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Common features of CRM software are the following: (1) Marketing automation (2) Sales force automation (3) Contact center automation (4) location-based technology

It makes managers’ work a lot simpler and enable them to analyze and track profitability.

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A lot of work goes into CRM; managers identify customers—they look at customers’ past record, their personal information, purchasing preferences and concerns.

They take the information to differentiate the services each customer receives, so that newsletter, discounts, etc. are customized for all customer groups.

Many, manager regularly interact with customers and get feedbacks. So, CRM is used to provide the best personal service to the customers that they enjoy their visits and develop customer loyalty.

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Now, all this processes seem very complicated—even more complex in the old days when there were no digital devices.

However, managers nowadays are cleverly implementing useful information technique to optimize CRM processes—E-CRM!
