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Think about your ideal customer

For Business to Business customers

Go deeper. Think about a typical day in the life of your ideal customer prospect.

Avatar Name? Age? Married? Children?

Lives where? School Attended?

Job Title? Profession?

Income? Political?

Religious? Hobbies?

Gender? Level of Education?

Favorite brands?

Favorite Websites (website they visit frequently)?

Source for breaking news?

Source for industry or business news?

Uses Twitter? Facebook? LinkedIn? Instagram?

Who are the authority figures, thought leaders, or big brands they like or follow?

What books/magazines does your ideal customer read?

What events do they attend?

Where does he/she visit a lot?

What music does your ideal customer listen to?

What movie does your ideal customer watch?

(Yes/ No)

Industry? Number of Employees?

Annual Revenue? Years in Business?

Located at? Sells to?

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Beatrice 35years yes 2

Lagos Babcock university

Small business owner Kiddies thrift wears


N/A Travelling, reading, hanging out with friends and family.

Female Graduate level

Trade 1

1000,000/annum 3 years

Lagos Male/Female clients

Topshop,Primack, Zarakids, H&M

ThredUP, Ebay,Poshmark


yesyes yes yes

Burberry, Gucci, Hermes, Chanel

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert kiyosaki and sharon Lechter.Religious events, School events, social gatherings.

Tejuosho market, Balogun market.

Religious music

Mount zion movies



Dig even deeper to define your ideal customer’s problems, hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

List problems your ideal customer is having that makes them an ideal customer for your business.

What is the worst thing that could possibly happen to your ideal customer if their problem isn’t

eventually solved?

How would this make your customer feel?

How might their boss react (for business to business)?

What would their friends think?

What could happen to their career or personal lifestyle?

What could be the financial consequences?

What could be the professional consequences?

What could be the personal consequences?

What is your customer afraid of?

What is the best thing that could possibly happen to your ideal customer if their problem is solved?

Industry? Number of Employees?

Annual Revenue? Years in Business?

Located at? Sells to?

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1) Beatrice lacks a proper sales funnel that hinders her from maximising her sales on social media platforms.2) she needs to scale her business.3) she needs to be more enlightened on the various social platforms she can harness to reach out to her target customers to maximise sales.4) She needs to major up with her competitors as more people are into the kiddies thrift business and are becoming more enlightened with gaining customers through media platforms.

Beatrice will eventually get frustrated with not meeting up with sales and outrun by her competitors.

Frustrated and unmotivated

Beatrice friends will probably think she is poor in handling business.

Beatrice will probably have less money or run into debts in the worst case scenerios, have less time for her family and friends and obviously less freedom.

Beatrice may end up financially messed in all angles.

She may be redflagged amongst her competitors as being the one who failed to keep up.

Personal consequences will be her losing touch with family time and being agitated over her situation.

Beatrice worst fears is her business folding up because of poor sales strategy and being outrun by the sea of competitors.

Beatrice will get more clients, make more impacts in her content creation and get better results in terms of sales.



What would their “perfect solution” look like?

What is it that they really want, more than anything else?

What would they be willing to pay almost anything for?

What is his greatest hesitation in buying your products or services?

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The perfect solution for Beatrice is to outsource experienced digital marketing expert like myself to hold her through the steps of properly channeling her sales funnel to get more leads, have proper conversion rates and maximize her social media space to propel her business to the targeted audience.Beatrice want to grow her business more than anything else.

Beatrice will be willing to pay to have a vast knowlegde of how she can properly harness digital platforms to grow her business and get more results.

The greatest hesitation will be the intangible side of rendering a service business as most customers like to see and touch what they are paying for. In this case, trust has to be built on first.
