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  • Cursors in PL/SQLIncludes cursor example and continuation of first cursor examplePlease use speaker notes for additional information!

  • Explicit cursorWhen using an explicit cursor in PL/SQL, there are four things that must be accomplished by the programmer: The cursor must be declared The cursor needs to be opened Fetch the results of the query into the variables declared in PL/SQL The cursor needs to be closed

  • DECLARE v_name; v_yrgoal donor.yrgoal%TYPE; v_state donor.state%TYPE; CURSOR donor_cursor IS SELECT name, yrgoal, state FROM donor;BEGINOPEN donor_cursor;FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;WHILE donor_cursor%FOUND LOOP INSERT INTO donor_part VALUES(v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state); FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;END LOOP;CLOSE donor_cursor;END;/Explicit cursorsSQL> edit cursor1SQL> @ cursor1

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM donor_part;

    NAME YRGOAL ST--------------- --------- --Stephen Daniels 500 MAJennifer Ames 400 RICarl Hersey RISusan Ash 100 MANancy Taylor 50 MARobert Brooks 50 MA

    The table donor_part was empty before cursor1 was executed. After running the anonymous block, there are now six records in the table. They correspond to the six records that were in the donor table.

  • Explicit cursorSQL> SELECT * FROM donor;

    IDNO NAME STADR CITY ST ZIP DATEFST YRGOAL CONTACT----- --------------- --------------- ---------- -- ----- --------- --------- ------------11111 Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St Seekonk MA 02345 03-JUL-98 500 John Smith12121 Jennifer Ames 24 Benefit St Providence RI 02045 24-MAY-97 400 Susan Jones22222 Carl Hersey 24 Benefit St Providence RI 02045 03-JAN-98 Susan Jones23456 Susan Ash 21 Main St Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92 100 Amy Costa33333 Nancy Taylor 26 Oak St Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92 50 John Adams34567 Robert Brooks 36 Pine St Fall River MA 02720 04-APR-98 50 Amy Costa

    6 rows selected.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM donor_part;

    NAME YRGOAL ST--------------- --------- --Stephen Daniels 500 MAJennifer Ames 400 RICarl Hersey RISusan Ash 100 MANancy Taylor 50 MARobert Brooks 50 MAInitial FETCH got the first record from the table and put the data into the variables. The INSERT inside the loop put the data from the variables into the new table.The FETCH after the INSERT (the last command in the loop) got the second record from the table and put the data in the variables. The INSERT inside the loop put the data from the variables into the new table.The FETCH after the INSERT (the last command in the loop) got the third record from the table and put the data in the variables. The INSERT inside the loop put the data from the variables into the new table.

  • DECLARE v_name; v_yrgoal donor.yrgoal%TYPE; v_state donor.state%TYPE; CURSOR donor_cursor IS SELECT name, yrgoal, state FROM donor;BEGIN OPEN donor_cursor; FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state; WHILE donor_cursor%FOUND LOOP INSERT INTO donor_part VALUES(v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state); FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state; END LOOP; CLOSE donor_cursor;END;/Explicit cursorThese are the variable names declared to receive the data from the table.The cursor is created with a select statement. The select statement will be processed by the cursor providing the rows to be processed in the block.The OPEN statement opens or activates the cursor - this means the select is executed to fill the cursor with rows.The FETCH statement gets the first record in the cursor and moves the data to the defined variables. This is the initial FETCH.The FETCH which is the last statement in the loop will get all other records.The WHILE loop will continue to execute while there is still data in the cursor. This is tested with the %FOUND. Note that when the loop is entered, the FETCH of the initial record has already been done. The INSERT statement will insert the data from that record into the table named donor_part. Then it will execute the FETCH which is the last statement in the loop to get the next record. As long as a record is found, the INSERT will be done followed by another FETCH. When the FETCH is unsuccessful, the WHILE will terminate because of donor_cursor%FOUND.When the loop is complete the cursor is closed.INSERT puts a record into donor_part containing the information that the FETCH put into the variables.

  • DECLARE v_name; v_yrgoal donor.yrgoal%TYPE; v_state donor.state%TYPE; CURSOR donor_cursor IS SELECT name, yrgoal, state FROM donor;BEGINOPEN donor_cursor;FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;WHILE donor_cursor%FOUND LOOP IF v_yrgoal > 50 THEN INSERT INTO donor_part VALUES(v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state); END IF; FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;END LOOP;CLOSE donor_cursor;END;/Explicit cursorSQL> edit cursor2SQL> @ cursor2

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM donor_part;

    NAME YRGOAL ST--------------- --------- --Stephen Daniels 500 MAJennifer Ames 400 RISusan Ash 100 MAThe IF statement only INSERTs records where the year goal is greater than 50. Only the three records shown met the criteria.

  • DECLARE v_name; v_yrgoal donor.yrgoal%TYPE; v_state donor.state%TYPE; CURSOR donor_cursor IS SELECT name, yrgoal, state FROM donor WHERE yrgoal> 50;BEGINOPEN donor_cursor;FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;WHILE donor_cursor%FOUND LOOPINSERT INTO donor_part VALUES(v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state);FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;END LOOP;CLOSE donor_cursor;END;/Explicit cursorSQL> edit cursor2aSQL> @ cursor2a

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM donor_part;

    NAME YRGOAL ST--------------- --------- --Stephen Daniels 500 MAJennifer Ames 400 RISusan Ash 100 MAInstead of selecting the record after they have been FETCHed with the IF, you can SELECT the records that meet the condition in the CURSOR with the WHERE clause.

  • Explicit cursorDECLARE v_name; v_yrgoal donor.yrgoal%TYPE; v_state donor.state%TYPE; CURSOR donor_cursor IS SELECT name, yrgoal, state FROM donor WHERE yrgoal> 50;BEGINOPEN donor_cursor;FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;LOOP INSERT INTO donor_part VALUES(v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state); FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state; EXIT WHEN donor_cursor%NOTFOUND;END LOOP;CLOSE donor_cursor;END;/SQL> edit cursor2bSQL> @ cursor2b

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM donor_part;

    NAME YRGOAL ST--------------- --------- --Stephen Daniels 500 MAJennifer Ames 400 RISusan Ash 100 MAThis code changes to a simple LOOP with an exit based on %NOTFOUND instead of %FOUND.

  • DECLARE v_name; v_yrgoal donor.yrgoal%TYPE; v_state donor.state%TYPE; CURSOR donor_cursor IS SELECT name, yrgoal, state FROM donor;BEGINOPEN donor_cursor;FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;WHILE donor_cursor%ROWCOUNT < 5 AND donor_cursor%FOUND LOOP INSERT INTO donor_part VALUES(v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state); FETCH donor_cursor INTO v_name, v_yrgoal, v_state;END LOOP;CLOSE donor_cursor;END;/Explicit cursorSQL> @ cursor3

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM donor_part;

    NAME YRGOAL ST--------------- --------- --Stephen Daniels 500 MAJennifer Ames 400 RICarl Hersey RISusan Ash 100 MAThe while loop will terminate after 4 records have been processed or when no more records are in the cursor. %ROWCOUNT is used to determine when 4 records have been processed.

  • WHILE donor_cursor%ROWCOUNT < 5 AND donor_cursor%FOUND LOOPLogicRowcount > 4Stop processingYNNo recordsStop processingYNProcessOR LOGIC: Logic for if row count is > 4 OR there are no more records stop processing. Otherwise process the records.Rowcount < 5YNRecords to processProcessYNStopprocessingStopprocessingAND LOGIC: Logic for if row count is < 5 and there are records to process, process. If either condition is false, do not process.

  • SET SERVEROUTPUT ONDECLARE v_drive_no drive.driveno%TYPE; v_drive_name drive.drivename%TYPE; v_contamt donation.contamt%TYPE; v_tot_contamt cont_info.contamt%TYPE; CURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno; CURSOR donation_cursor IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno; BEGIN OPEN drive_cursor; LOOP FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name; EXIT WHEN drive_cursor%NOTFOUND; IF donation_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE donation_cursor; END IF; OPEN donation_cursor; v_tot_contamt := 0; LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; dbms_output.put_line('The current amount is: '||v_tot_contamt); END LOOP; INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt); CLOSE donation_cursor; END LOOP; CLOSE drive_cursor;END;/SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFExplicit cursorInner loop that will process the information in the donation cursor.Outer loop that processes the information in the drive table.SQL> edit cursor6a

  • SQL> SELECT * FROM drive;

    DRI DRIVENAME DRIVECHAIR LASTYEAR THISYEAR--- --------------- ------------ --------- ---------100 Kids Shelter Ann Smith 10000 0200 Animal Home Linda Grant 5000 0300 Health Aid David Ross 7000 0400 Half Way Robert Doe 0 0Data and resultsSQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 105200 Animal Home 75300 Health Aid 20400 Half Way 0

    SQL> @ cursor6a

    The current amount is: 25The current amount is: 45The current amount is: 55The current amount is: 105The current amount is: 40The current amount is: 75The current amount is: 10The current amount is: 20

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL> SELECT * FROM donation 2 ORDER by driveno;

    IDNO DRI CONTDATE CONTAMT----- --- --------- ---------11111 100 07-JAN-99 2523456 100 03-MAR-99 2022222 100 14-MAR-99 1012121 100 04-JUN-99 5012121 200 23-FEB-99 4011111 200 12-JUN-99 3533333 300 10-MAR-99 1023456 300 14-JUN-99 10

  • drive_cursor

    100 Kids Shelter200 Animal Home300 Health Aid400 Half WayCURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno;Explicit cursorCURSOR donation_cursor IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno;donation_cursor 25 20 10 50FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name;v_drive_no is now 100v_drive_name is now Kids ShelterNote that v_drive_no is 100 so only records from donation where driveno = 100 are selected. LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; END LOOP;v_contamt v_tot_contamt 25 25 20 45 10 55 50 105 SQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 105INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt);CLOSE donation_cursor;At this point, the donation_cursor is closed and control returns to the outer loop where a FETCH is done from the drive_cursor getting 200 Animal Home. The inner loop is then entered and the donation cursor is filled with donations for drive number 200.

  • drive_cursor

    100 Kids Shelter200 Animal Home300 Health Aid400 Half WayCURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno;Explicit cursorCURSOR donation_cursor IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno;donation_cursor 40 35FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name;v_drive_no is now 200v_drive_name is now Animal HomeNote that v_drive_no is 200 so only records from donation where driveno = 200 are selected. LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; END LOOP;v_contamt v_tot_contamt 40 40 35 75SQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 105200 Animal Home 75INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt);CLOSE donation_cursor;At this point, the donation_cursor is closed and control returns to the outer loop where a FETCH is done from the drive_cursor getting 300 Health Aid. The inner loop is then entered and the donation cursor is filled with donations for drive number 300.

  • drive_cursor

    100 Kids Shelter200 Animal Home300 Health Aid400 Half WayCURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno;Explicit cursorCURSOR donation_cursor IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno;donation_cursor 10 10FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name;v_drive_no is now 300v_drive_name is now Health AidNote that v_drive_no is 300 so only records from donation where driveno = 300 are selected. LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; END LOOP;v_contamt v_tot_contamt 10 10 10 20SQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 105200 Animal Home 75300 Health Aid 20INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt);CLOSE donation_cursor;At this point, the donation_cursor is closed and control returns to the outer loop where a FETCH is done from the drive_cursor getting 400 Half Way. The inner loop is then entered and the donation cursor is filled with donations for drive number 400.

  • drive_cursor

    100 Kids Shelter200 Animal Home300 Health Aid400 Half WayCURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno;Explicit cursorCURSOR donation_cursor IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno;donation_cursor FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name;v_drive_no is now 400v_drive_name is now Half WayNote that v_drive_no is 300 so only records from donation where driveno = 300 are selected. LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; END LOOP;v_contamt v_tot_contamt 0 SQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 105200 Animal Home 75300 Health Aid 20400 Half Way 0INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt);CLOSE donation_cursor;At this point, the donation_cursor is closed and control returns to the outer loop where a FETCH is done from the drive_cursor getting no data. Therefore the inner loop is exited and the drive_cursor is closed.No donations to drive 400

  • SET SERVEROUTPUT ONDECLARE v_current_drive_no drive.driveno%TYPE; v_drive_name drive.drivename%TYPE; v_contamt donation.contamt%TYPE; v_tot_contamt cont_info.contamt%TYPE; CURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno; CURSOR donation_cursor(v_drive_no VARCHAR2) IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno; BEGIN OPEN drive_cursor; LOOP FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_current_drive_no, v_drive_name; EXIT WHEN drive_cursor%NOTFOUND; IF donation_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE donation_cursor; END IF; v_tot_contamt := 0; OPEN donation_cursor (v_current_drive_no); LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; dbms_output.put_line('The current amount is: '||v_tot_contamt); END LOOP; INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_current_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt); CLOSE donation_cursor; END LOOP; CLOSE drive_cursor;END;/SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFExplicit cursorSQL> edit cursor7a2xIn this example the drive_cursor is opened and the first fetch puts the driveno from the first record into v_current_drive_no.Then, when the donation cursor is opened it takes the drive no that is passed to it and opens the donation cursor looking for a match.You could in reality pass any thing you want to the donation_cursor and have the WHERE clause tied to the pass.

  • Explicit cursorSET SERVEROUTPUT ONDECLARE v_current_drive_no drive.driveno%TYPE; v_drive_name drive.drivename%TYPE; v_contamt donation.contamt%TYPE; v_tot_contamt cont_info.contamt%TYPE; CURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno; CURSOR donation_cursor(v_drive_no NUMBER) IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE TO_CHAR(v_drive_no) = driveno ORDER BY driveno; BEGIN OPEN drive_cursor; LOOP FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_current_drive_no, v_drive_name; EXIT WHEN drive_cursor%NOTFOUND; IF donation_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE donation_cursor; END IF; v_tot_contamt := 0; OPEN donation_cursor (TO_NUMBER(v_current_drive_no)); LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; dbms_output.put_line('The current amount is: '||v_tot_contamt); END LOOP; INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_current_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt); CLOSE donation_cursor; END LOOP; CLOSE drive_cursor;END;/SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFSQL> edit cursor7a2This example differs from the previous one because it defines the drive number as a numeric and has to deal with appropriate conversion to make the processing work. SQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 105200 Animal Home 75300 Health Aid 20400 Half Way 0

  • SET SERVEROUTPUT ONDECLARE v_current_drive_no drive.driveno%TYPE; v_drive_name drive.drivename%TYPE; v_lastyear drive.lastyear%TYPE; v_calc drive.lastyear%TYPE; v_contamt donation.contamt%TYPE; v_tot_contamt cont_info.contamt%TYPE; CURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename, lastyear FROM drive ORDER BY driveno; CURSOR donation_cursor(v_drive_no VARCHAR2, v_calc NUMBER) IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno and contamt > v_calc ORDER BY driveno; BEGIN OPEN drive_cursor; LOOP FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_current_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_lastyear; EXIT WHEN drive_cursor%NOTFOUND; IF donation_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE donation_cursor; END IF; v_calc := v_lastyear/500; v_tot_contamt := 0; OPEN donation_cursor (v_current_drive_no, v_calc); LOOP FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; EXIT WHEN donation_cursor%NOTFOUND; v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; dbms_output.put_line('The current amount is: '||v_tot_contamt); END LOOP; INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_current_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt); CLOSE donation_cursor; END LOOP; CLOSE drive_cursor;END;/SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFExplicit cursorSQL> edit cursor9

  • Explicit cursorSQL> SELECT * FROM drive;

    DRI DRIVENAME DRIVECHAIR LASTYEAR THISYEAR--- --------------- ------------ --------- ---------100 Kids Shelter Ann Smith 10000 0200 Animal Home Linda Grant 5000 0300 Health Aid David Ross 7000 0400 Half Way Robert Doe 0 0The first row from the drive brings in 100 Kids Shelter 10000.v_calc is 10000/500 or 20The drive number of 100 and the calculation of 20 are passed to the donation cursor when the cursor is opened.CURSOR donation_cursor(v_drive_no VARCHAR2, v_calc NUMBER) IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno and contamt > v_calc ORDER BY driveno;

    OPEN donation_cursor (v_current_drive_no, v_calc);

    This means the first four records match drive number 100, but only the first and the fourth have contamt > 20.When 200 and 5000 are passed, the calculation results in 10 and both for 200 meet the 10 criteria.When 300 and 7000 are passed, the calculation results in 14 and while both records meet the 300, neither has a contamt greater than 14.SQL> SELECT * FROM donation 2 ORDER by driveno;

    IDNO DRI CONTDATE CONTAMT----- --- --------- ---------11111 100 07-JAN-99 2523456 100 03-MAR-99 2022222 100 14-MAR-99 1012121 100 04-JUN-99 5012121 200 23-FEB-99 4011111 200 12-JUN-99 3533333 300 10-MAR-99 1023456 300 14-JUN-99 10

  • SQL> @ cursor9The current amount is: 25The current amount is: 75The current amount is: 40The current amount is: 75

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL> SELECT * FROM cont_info;

    DRI DRIVENAME CONTAMT--- --------------- ---------100 Kids Shelter 75200 Animal Home 75300 Health Aid 0400 Half Way 0Explicit cursorSQL> SELECT * FROM donation 2 ORDER by driveno;

    IDNO DRI CONTDATE CONTAMT----- --- --------- ---------11111 100 07-JAN-99 2523456 100 03-MAR-99 2022222 100 14-MAR-99 1012121 100 04-JUN-99 5012121 200 23-FEB-99 4011111 200 12-JUN-99 3533333 300 10-MAR-99 1023456 300 14-JUN-99 10SQL> SELECT * FROM drive;

    DRI DRIVENAME DRIVECHAIR LASTYEAR THISYEAR--- --------------- ------------ --------- ---------100 Kids Shelter Ann Smith 10000 0200 Animal Home Linda Grant 5000 0300 Health Aid David Ross 7000 0400 Half Way Robert Doe 0 0

  • Explicit cursorSET SERVEROUTPUT ONDECLARE v_drive_no drive.driveno%TYPE; v_drive_name drive.drivename%TYPE; v_contamt donation.contamt%TYPE; v_tot_contamt cont_info.contamt%TYPE; CURSOR drive_cursor IS SELECT driveno, drivename FROM drive ORDER BY driveno; CURSOR donation_cursor IS SELECT contamt FROM donation WHERE v_drive_no = driveno ORDER BY driveno; BEGIN OPEN drive_cursor; FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name; WHILE drive_cursor%FOUND LOOP IF donation_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE donation_cursor; END IF; OPEN donation_cursor; v_tot_contamt := 0; FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; WHILE donation_cursor%FOUND LOOP v_tot_contamt := v_tot_contamt + v_contamt; dbms_output.put_line('The current amount is: '||v_tot_contamt); FETCH donation_cursor INTO v_contamt; END LOOP; INSERT into cont_info VALUES(v_drive_no, v_drive_name, v_tot_contamt); CLOSE donation_cursor; FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_drive_no, v_drive_name; END LOOP; CLOSE drive_cursor;END;/SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFThis shows the initializing fetch and the embedded fetch for the outer WHILE loop.This shows the initializing fetch and the embedded fetch for the inner WHILE loop.SQL> edit cursor7b

    *Oracle supports the implicit cursor which is created and managed by PL/SQL when the block processes a SQL statement and the explicit cursor which is created and managed by the programmer/developer.This presentation includes information from three handouts:Cursors in PL/SQLCursor ExampleContinuation of first cursor example.*An explicit cursor is the key to managing multiple records one record at a time in your PL/SQL code.*The cursor structure allows you to process multiple records, one record at a time within PL/SQL.On the next slide will look at the data and on the following slide we will look at the components of the block.*As you can see, information from the donor table is now in the donor_part table.When the FETCH after the INSERT (the last command in the loop) does not retrieve data the LOOP will end.*Note that the variable names use TYPE so that they have the columns on the donor table that is being used as input to the block code.Notice that there is an initial FETCH that fetches the first record. Then the processing loop is entered and the record gets processed. There is another FETCH at the bottom of the processing loop which will get another record. *Two of the records on donor have a year goal of 50 and one has a null year goal. These three records were not inserted because of the IF statement.*Because of the WHERE clause only records with a yearly goal greater than 50 are in the cursor. Therefore only those records get processed to the new table.*Please be sure to check the notes for cursor attributes. They are discussed in the notes but not in this presentation*As stated, I want to only process 4 records but in case there are not 4 records, good programming means I also test for essentially end of file - in this case, no more records in the cursor. So if row count is > 4 OR there are no more records, processing will terminate.When I put these conditions in a WHILE loop, I have to phrase them as the conditions to keep processing. Therefore, I say keep processing while rowcount is < 5 AND there are still records.*This shows the logic discussed on the previous slide. Notice that the same objectives are accomplished but one expresses the logic with the OR logic that decides when to stop and the other expresses the logic with the AND logic that decides when to process.*This slide starts looking at the handout cursor example.The code that I have written will take the first drive from the drive table, go to the donation table and accumulate all of the contributions to that drive and write the results as a row/record on the cont_info table.It will then go back and read the next row/record from the drive table and go to the donation table and accumulate all of the contributions for that drive and write to the cont_info table.Processing will stop when all of the drives from the drive table have been processed.The check for donation_cursor%ISOPEN is not needed for the logic. It is used to demonstrate the command.*The two tables that are used in the next cursor example are drive and donor. This slide shows the data.The output that is produced is also shown*Note, in this demonstration I am not showing the line that I displayed from the inner loop as a tool to help with understanding.The drive_cursor has 100 Kids Shelter and the donation_cursor has records with a drive number of 100.*There are two donations to drive 200. They are for 40 and 35 so the total of 75 gets written to the new table.*There are two donations to drive 300, each of them is for 10. *Since there are no donations to drive 400, the code is exited after the first attempt at the FETCH.*This starts continuation of first cursor example (but this example does not appear on the notes).This example does not take full advantage of the power of passing a parameter. In fact processing could be done prior to the opening of the donation_cursor and a wide variety of information could be passed.Note the output is the same as in previous examples that did not use the parameter.*This slide starts with continuation of first cursor example (this one refers to the first example in the notes). The information being covered is a cursor with parameters. The open statement passes parameter values to the cursor that will be used in the query when it is executed. For each parameter you define in the cursor, there must be an actual parameter in the OPEN statement to correspond to it.The select statement used with a parameter does not have the into clause.Note the output is the same as previous examples with the dbms lines and the rows inserted into the table.*Note that two parameters are passed to the donation_cursor when it is opened and the WHERE clause tests both of the parameters. Therefore only rows that meet the criteria are put in the cursor.*The output from this processing is shown on the next slide.*This shows the processing and output from cursor9.*This slide shows the same logic but it uses the WHILE loop instead of the simple loop.The output is the same as the output from the other loops where all records are processed.
