Page 1: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

File Ref: F68752


6th February 2019


Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) as Chair (Professor Peter J. Dean) Dean of Postgraduate Coursework Studies (Professor Graham Brown) (Deputy Chair) Nominee of the Chair of Academic Board (Professor Robyn Carroll) Nominee of the Dean of Graduate Research School (Dr Sato Juniper) Academic Secretary (Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy) Nominee of the Director, Future Students (Recruitment) (Mr Joel Wittwer) Nominee of the Associate Director, Admissions (Mr Rick Ackerman) Associate Director, Student Services (Mr Tim Martin) Academic Coordinator, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) (Dr Kathy Sanders) Nominee of the President of the UWA Student Guild (Mr Lincoln Aspinall) Nominee of the President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association (Mr Alexander Sparrow) Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) of each faculty or nominee and the nominee of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Education):

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education (Professor Philip Hancock) Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (Associate Professor Dianne Hesterman) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (Dr Daniela Ulgiati) Faculty of Science (Associate Professor Peter Hammond) School of Indigenous Studies (Mr Mel Thomas)

IN ATTENDANCE Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally Jackson, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education)


This is to confirm that the next meeting of the Curriculum Committee will be held from 2.00pm to 4.00pm on Wednesday 13th February in the Senate Room.

Members are advised that this agenda has been formatted to be ‘electronic device friendly’ by including bookmarks to provide easier navigation throughout the document. Click here for details.

Part 1 relates to items for noting. Part 3 is for discussion. A member may request the transfer of an item from Part 1 to Part 3.

Relevant background information has been provided for each item on the agenda, but if members require further details they are welcome to contact the Executive Officer (via [email protected]).

Ms Kath Williams Executive Officer, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education)


The Chair will welcome members to the first meeting of the Curriculum Committee in 2019 and in particular welcome the following new members:

• Mr Tim Martin

Page 2: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

File Ref: F68752


• Mr Lincoln Aspinall • Mr Alexander Sparrow


The Chair will record any apologies. Members are reminded that apologies should be forwarded to the Executive Officer (via eo-deancswk prior to the meeting.


The Chair will invite members to declare potential for conflict or perceived conflicts of interest, if applicable, with regard to items on the agenda.

1. MINUTES – REF: F68752

Confirmation of the:

• minutes of last meeting 10th October 2018; • noting of decisions 19th November 2018; and • noting of decisions 17th December 2018.

Minutes are available from the Committee’s web page.


2. MEETING DATES FOR 2019 – Ref F68752-04

Members will note that the meeting dates and the cut-off dates for receipt of agenda material for 2019 for the Curriculum Committee have been confirmed as follows:.

Meeting Date Meeting Time: 2pm – 4pm

Cut-off date for receipt of agenda material Venue

Wednesday 13 February 30 January Senate Room

Wednesday 13 March 27 February Senate Room

Wednesday 10 April 27 March Senate Room

Wednesday 8 May 24 April Senate Room

Wednesday 12 June 29 May Senate Room

Wednesday 10 July 26 June Senate Room

Wednesday 14 August 31 July Senate Room

Wednesday 11 September 28 August Senate Room

Wednesday 9 October 25 September Senate Room

Wednesday 13 November 30 October Senate Room

For noting.


An online induction package for new members is available. The package is primarily for the information of new members but should also serve as a reminder to all members as to the protocols for best practice of the Committee. Members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the induction information and use this as a resource during their term of membership.

For information.

Page 3: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

File Ref: F68752




In accordance with the Committee’s practice, the Chair will briefly outline the role of Committee and the expectations of its members, which are guided by the following University policies and practices:

• Constitution of the Curriculum Committee; • Principles for the Operation of Committees; • Rules for the Operation of Committees; • University Committee Members’ Code of Conduct; and • The Effective Committee Member.

Noted in Part 1 (Item 3) is the provision of an online information package for members’ reference.

A review of the Committee’s performance in 2018 was conducted in December 2018 by Performance Analytics, Office of Strategy, Planning and Performance. The Chair will speak to the result of this performance review, which is attached to the agenda (Attachment A).


Members are reminded that timelines for submitting new proposals and change to approved curriculum are planned to ensure that proposals are approved in time to meet all UWA internal process and Government reporting deadlines. Internal process includes, but is not limited to, the following:

• Marketing (International and Domestic) • TISC • ACIR – The Good Universities Guide • CRICOS registration • Government reporting • UWA Open Day • Enrolments • Timetabling • UWA Handbook

While it is recognised that continuous improvement of UWA curriculum offerings can be subject to late ‘unplanned’ reasons, for example responsiveness to student feedback, faculties are encouraged to meet submission timelines wherever possible.

Attachment B provides a summary of recommended timelines for 2019 and further details are available from the UWA Curriculum Management website. Early submission is strongly encouraged.

For discussion.


Undergraduate and Postgraduate units may be made unavailable for a variety of reasons including resourcing issues and availability of teaching staff etc.

However, units that have been made unavailable for a number of years may also be misleading to students. In turn this does not lend itself to a good student experience. Furthermore, administrative processes are impacted.

At present there are currently 238 units that are not available for offering for the current year and the previous two years. Reports on the relevant units by faculty are available for download via the Reports and Exports section of CAIDi and are available on request.

The Chair will initiate a discussion including consideration of some related principles for the future operation.

Page 4: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

File Ref: F68752



Planned annual changes to undergraduate curriculum may occur at the unit level and/or major level and/or honours level and will need to take place, where relevant, in line with the University Policy on Changes to Units and University Policy on Courses – Undergraduate.

To this end, the Committee is asked to consider the following change proposals:

Bachelor of Arts

Item TRIM Curriculum item Change summary Att F37892

F29290 F37891 F18/3323

MJD-ITLNA Italian Studies MJD-ITLNB Italian Studies MJD-ITLNI Italian Studies ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medieval masterpiece for the modern world

• Unit sequence • 1 new unit


The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to MJD-ITLNA Italian Studies, MJD-ITLNB Italian Studies & MJD-ITLNI Italian Studies and associated new unit proposal (ITAL3816), as set out in the attachments, effective from Semester 2, 2019. For discussion and approval.


Planned annual changes to postgraduate curriculum may occur at the unit level and/or postgraduate course level and will need to take place, where relevant, in line with the University Policy on Changes to Units and Courses – Postgraduate Coursework.

To this end, the Committee is asked to consider the following change proposals:

Faculty of Science

Item TRIM Curriculum item Change summary Att F78468 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework) • Change to about this

course • Change to admission

rules • Change to minimum

volume of learning • Change to course

structure • Change to quota


Members will note that the approval of the quota resides with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education. The Chair recommends that the Curriculum Committee approve the proposed changes to 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework) as set out in the attachments, effective from Semester 2, 2019, subject to the approval of the quota by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education. For discussion and approval, where relevant.

Page 5: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

Curriculum Committee – Survey 2018

Introduction At the end of each year, members of the Academic Council and its sub-committees are asked to evaluate their committee’s performance during the past year through a survey. This report presents the results for the Curriculum Committee. Summary of results The survey was distributed to 16 committee members. Responses to the online survey were received from 5 members of the Curriculum Committee, representing a response rate of 31%. In this survey the structured items requested a response on a 4-point scale. The percentage results of the top two categories (e.g., agree and strongly agree) have been combined for a grouped measure of performance. A higher percentage score for the top two categories represents a better result. Overall, members rated the performance of the Curriculum Committee positively. Sixteen questions received a rating of 100%, and a further 4 questions scored above 80%. A percentage score of 70% or less in the top two categories suggests a need for improvement. In this survey no question received scores of 70% or less. Detailed results, including verbatim respondents comments are presented below.


Page 6: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

Role of the Curriculum Committee and its members

Question n Number Percentage % top two


Strongly disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly agree

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly agree

1 The role of the Curriculum Committee is clearly defined in its Constitution ................................. 5 0 0 3 2 0.0 0.0 60.0 40.0 100.0

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly agree

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly agree


The Chair and Executive Officer have provided me with clear and sufficient information about my role and responsibilities as a member of the Curriculum Committee, and the induction I received when I joined was useful .................................................................................................................................................. 5 0 0 3 2 0.0 0.0 60.0 40.0 100.0

* Percentage of responses in the top two categories (Agree or Strongly Agree)

Performance of the Curriculum Committee

* Percentage of responses in the top two categories (Agree or Strongly Agree, Effectively or Very Effectively for Question 6 and Confident and Very confident for Question 7)

Question n Number Percentage

% top two


Strongly disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly agree

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly agree


The Curriculum Committee operates according to the University’s Principles for the Operation of Committees, Rules for the Operation of Committees, and University Committee Member’s Code of Conduct .................................................................................. 5 0 0 2 3 0.0 0.0 40.0 60.0 100.0


The Curriculum Committee has performed appropriately in decision-making on key curriculum related and policy matters during 2017 .................................................................. 5 0 0 3 2 0.0 0.0 60.0 40.0 100.0


The Curriculum Committee has performed appropriately in the process for the endorsement/approval of relevant University policies during 2017 .......................................... 5 0 1 2 2 0.0 20.0 40.0 40.0 80.0


In your role as a member of the Curriculum Committee, how effectively have you been able to use your skills, abilities and experience to fulfil the roles of the Curriculum Committee and Committee(s) concerned? ................................................................................................ 5

Not at all effective

Not very effectively Effectively

Very effectively

Not at all effective

Not very effectively Effectively

Very effectively

100.0 0 0 4 1 0.0 0.0 80.0 20.0

Not at all confident

Not very confident Confident

Very confident

Not at all confident

Not very confident Confident

Very confident


How confident are you that you can obtain any information or advice you need about Curriculum Committee and related activities from the Chair, Deputy Chair or the Secretariat? ............................................................................................................................ 5 0 0 1 4 0.0 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0


Page 7: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

Curriculum Committee agendas and minutes

Question n Number Percentage % top two

categories* Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

8a Agendas were received in sufficient time to allow members to give due consideration to the business .................................................................................................................................... 5 0 0 0 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 100.0

8b Agendas provided clear, sufficient, and focussed information which enabled members to understand the issues, engage in debate and make well-informed decisions ............................. 5 0 0 1 4 0.0 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0

8c Agenda items made clear what the Curriculum Committee was being asked to do .................... 5 0 0 2 3 0.0 0.0 40.0 60.0 100.0 8d Agenda papers were well organised and easy to navigate ......................................................... 5 0 0 0 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 100.0 8e Minutes of meetings were accurate, clear and sufficiently full..................................................... 5 0 0 1 4 0.0 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0 8f Minutes were received within a reasonable time after meetings ................................................. 5 0 0 0 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 100.0

* Percentage of responses in the top two categories (Usually or Always) Conduct of Curriculum Committee meetings

Question n Number Percentage % top two


Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

9a The Chair conducted meetings efficiently and effectively ........................................................... 5 0 0 1 4 0.0 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0 9b The Chair enabled all members to participate in meetings ......................................................... 5 0 1 1 3 0.0 20.0 20.0 60.0 80.0

9c The Chair ensured that the Curriculum Committee devoted about the right amount of time to items on its agendas. ................................................................................................................. 5 0 1 2 2 0.0 20.0 40.0 40.0 80.0

9d Members of the Curriculum Committee acted professionally at meetings ................................... 5 0 1 1 3 0.0 20.0 20.0 60.0 80.0 * Percentage of responses in the top two categories (Usually or Always)

Key relationships

Question n Number Percentage % top two


Less than

satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Less than

satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent

10a The working relationship between the Chair and the rest of the Curriculum Committee was: .. 5 0 0 1 4 0.0 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0

10b The working relationships between members of the Curriculum Committee were: .................. 5 0 0 1 4 0.0 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0 * Percentage of responses in the top two categories (Good or Excellent)


Question n Number Percentage % top two


Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly

agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly

agree 11. With regard to the membership of the Curriculum Committee during 2017: a. The mix of skills, experience and other attributes amongst members enabled the Curriculum Committee to perform effectively and added value to the Curriculum Committee's operations.

5 0 0 3 2 0.0 0.0 60.0 40.0 100.0

* Percentage of responses in the top two categories (Agree or Strongly Agree)


Page 8: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally

CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT LIFECYCLE FOR 2020 OFFERINGS Review and change your curriculum

Annual change and new proposals (via CAIDi) February 2019 May 2019

All data fields

Annual review of courses and units to be taught next year

For undergraduate curriculum: recommended latest submission of new proposal or change request from faculty

planning office by end of April

For postgraduate curriculum:Recommended latest submission of new proposal or change request from faculty

planning office by end of May

September updates (via CAIDi)2 week window for final unit updates in early September

Limited fields open for changes to units: availabilities (teaching periods), incidental fees, unit rules, coordinator, contact hours, textbooks

Approval and system updates (including Callista, Timetabling and Handbook)

Curriculum ManagementOffice of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Updated January 2019

Late urgent change for Semester 1 (via CAIDi fast-track) November 2019 February 2020

Limited fields open for change: unit rules, coordinator, contact hours, textbooks and handbook notes

Handbook published and Enrolment begins November 2019

Late (unplanned) change for Semester 2 (via CAIDi fast-track) June 2020 July 2020

Limited fields open for change: unit rules, coordinator, contact hours, textbooks and handbook notes

Approval and system updates (including Callista, Timetabling and Handbook)


circumstancesurgent change

to any data field at any


Submit proposal for

critical change with

justification (via CAIDi)

Contact your Faculty for the

relevant processes

specific to your Faculty

Approval and system updates (including Callista, Timetabling and Handbook)

Approval and system updates (including Callista, Timetabling and Handbook)



Page 9: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


Proposed changes for major as at 07/02/2019

Fast-track changes to MJD-ITLNA Italian StudiesTRIM: F37892

ID: 2331

Showing proposed fast-track changes for 2019

Unit sequence

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Unit sequence

Student numbers are crucial to the Italian Studies major at this time, as staffing levels are low and the programme is attempting toregroup and rebuild. Three years ago staff decided to offer Level Three units based on topics close to their own research interests, i.e. inaspects of Italian linguistics (sociolinguistics, migration and linguistics, linguistic history). These have not proved popular and staffsurveyed students in second semester 2018. Students expressed a very clear preference for more ‘traditional' cultural elective units,based on broader cultural issues. ITAL 3816 has been developed to meet this demand.

Introduced units:+ ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medieval masterpiece for the modern world [as option] [Proposed]Removed units:- ITAL3815 Linguistic History of Italy [was option]

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Current unchanged sequence

Level 1

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL1405 Italian Studies 5 6 points Active

ITAL1406 Italian Studies 6 6 points Active

Level 2

Take all units (18 points):

ITAL2407 Italian Studies 7 6 points Active

ITAL2408 Italian Studies 8 6 points Active

ITAL2812 The Shape of Italian:Communicating BetweenWorlds

6 points Active

Level 3

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL3409 Italian Studies 9 6 points Active

ITAL3410 Italian Studies 10 6 points Active

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

ITAL3813 Italian and Migration 6 points Active

ITAL3814 Sociolinguistics ofContemporary Italy

6 points Active

ITAL3815 Linguistic History of Italy 6 points Active

Proposed changed sequence

Level 1

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL1405 Italian Studies 5 6 points Active

ITAL1406 Italian Studies 6 6 points Active

Level 2

Take all units (18 points):

ITAL2407 Italian Studies 7 6 points Active

ITAL2408 Italian Studies 8 6 points Active

ITAL2812 The Shape of Italian:Communicating BetweenWorlds

6 points Active

Level 3

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL3409 Italian Studies 9 6 points Active

ITAL3410 Italian Studies 10 6 points Active

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

ITAL3813 Italian and Migration 6 points Active

ITAL3814 Sociolinguistics ofContemporary Italy

6 points Active

ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medievalmasterpiece for the modernworld

6 points Proposed Addition

to sequence

Mapping of outcomes

Outcomes mappingdocument URL

Page 10: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


History of endorsements/approvals for changes

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 10-01-2019 Endorsed: John Kinder

Faculty 10-01-2019 Endorsed: AD L&T Phil Hancock

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Comparing current approved data to the data as it will be on 07/02/2019 if changes are approved. Report generated 06/02/19 08:02.

Page 11: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


Proposed changes for major as at 07/02/2019

Fast-track changes to MJD-ITLNB Italian StudiesTRIM: F29290

ID: 980

Showing proposed fast-track changes for 2019

Unit sequence

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Unit sequence

Student numbers are crucial to the Italian Studies major at this time, as staffing levels are low and the programme is attempting toregroup and rebuild. Three years ago staff decided to offer Level Three units based on topics close to their own research interests, i.e. inaspects of Italian linguistics (sociolinguistics, migration and linguistics, linguistic history). These have not proved popular and staffsurveyed students in second semester 2018. Students expressed a very clear preference for more ‘traditional' cultural elective units,based on broader cultural issues. ITAL 3816 has been developed to meet this demand.

Introduced units:+ ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medieval masterpiece for the modern world [as option] [Proposed]Removed units:- ITAL3815 Linguistic History of Italy [was option]

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Current unchanged sequence

Level 1

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL1401 Italian Studies 1 6 points Active

ITAL1402 Italian Studies 2 6 points Active

Level 2

Take all units (18 points):

ITAL2403 Italian Studies 3 6 points Active

ITAL2404 Italian Studies 4 6 points Active

ITAL2811 Italian Culture in Word andImage: from the Middle Agesto the Risorgimento

6 points Active

Level 3

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL3405 Italian Studies 5 6 points Active

ITAL3406 Italian Studies 6 6 points Active

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

ITAL3813 Italian and Migration 6 points Active

ITAL3814 Sociolinguistics ofContemporary Italy

6 points Active

ITAL3815 Linguistic History of Italy 6 points Active

Proposed changed sequence

Level 1

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL1401 Italian Studies 1 6 points Active

ITAL1402 Italian Studies 2 6 points Active

Level 2

Take all units (18 points):

ITAL2403 Italian Studies 3 6 points Active

ITAL2404 Italian Studies 4 6 points Active

ITAL2811 Italian Culture in Word andImage: from the Middle Agesto the Risorgimento

6 points Active

Level 3

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL3405 Italian Studies 5 6 points Active

ITAL3406 Italian Studies 6 6 points Active

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

ITAL3813 Italian and Migration 6 points Active

ITAL3814 Sociolinguistics ofContemporary Italy

6 points Active

ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medievalmasterpiece for the modernworld

6 points Proposed Addition

to sequence

Mapping of outcomes

Outcomes mappingdocument URL

Page 12: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


History of endorsements/approvals for changes

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 10-01-2019 Endorsed: John Kinder

Faculty 10-01-2019 Endorsed: AD L&T Phil Hancock

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Comparing current approved data to the data as it will be on 07/02/2019 if changes are approved. Report generated 06/02/19 08:02.

Page 13: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


Proposed changes for major as at 07/02/2019

Fast-track changes to MJD-ITLNI Italian StudiesTRIM: F37891

ID: 2326

Showing proposed fast-track changes for 2019

Unit sequence

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Unit sequence

Student numbers are crucial to the Italian Studies major at this time, as staffing levels are low and the programme is attempting toregroup and rebuild. Three years ago staff decided to offer Level Three units based on topics close to their own research interests, i.e. inaspects of Italian linguistics (sociolinguistics, migration and linguistics, linguistic history). These have not proved popular and staffsurveyed students in second semester 2018. Students expressed a very clear preference for more ‘traditional' cultural elective units,based on broader cultural issues. ITAL 3816 has been developed to meet this demand.

Introduced units:+ ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medieval masterpiece for the modern world [as option] [Proposed]Removed units:- ITAL3815 Linguistic History of Italy [was option]

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Current unchanged sequence

Level 1

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL1403 Italian Studies 3 6 points Active

ITAL1404 Italian Studies 4 6 points Active

Level 2

Take all units (18 points):

ITAL2405 Italian Studies 5 6 points Active

ITAL2406 Italian Studies 6 6 points Active

ITAL2812 The Shape of Italian:Communicating BetweenWorlds

6 points Active

Level 3

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL3407 Italian Studies 7 6 points Active

ITAL3408 Italian Studies 8 6 points Active

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

ITAL3813 Italian and Migration 6 points Active

ITAL3814 Sociolinguistics ofContemporary Italy

6 points Active

ITAL3815 Linguistic History of Italy 6 points Active

Proposed changed sequence

Level 1

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL1403 Italian Studies 3 6 points Active

ITAL1404 Italian Studies 4 6 points Active

Level 2

Take all units (18 points):

ITAL2405 Italian Studies 5 6 points Active

ITAL2406 Italian Studies 6 6 points Active

ITAL2812 The Shape of Italian:Communicating BetweenWorlds

6 points Active

Level 3

Take all units (12 points):

ITAL3407 Italian Studies 7 6 points Active

ITAL3408 Italian Studies 8 6 points Active

Take unit(s) to the value of 6 points:

ITAL3813 Italian and Migration 6 points Active

ITAL3814 Sociolinguistics ofContemporary Italy

6 points Active

ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medievalmasterpiece for the modernworld

6 points Proposed Addition

to sequence

Mapping of outcomes

Outcomes mappingdocument URL

Page 14: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


History of endorsements/approvals for changes

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 10-01-2019 Endorsed: John Kinder

Faculty 10-01-2019 Endorsed: AD L&T Phil Hancock

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Comparing current approved data to the data as it will be on 07/02/2019 if changes are approved. Report generated 06/02/19 08:02.

Page 15: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


Proposed unit as at 06-02-2019

ITAL3816 Dante's Inferno: a medieval masterpiece forthe modern world

TRIM: F18/3323ID: 6032

This unit is not yet approved.

Unit information

Code ITAL3816

Title Dante's Inferno: a medieval masterpiece for the modern world

Level 3

Unit type Undergraduate unit in major(s)



Faculty Arts, Business, Law and Education



Unit coordinator Associate Professor John Kinder

Proposed 12/11/2018

First year of offer 2019

Credit points 6 points

Contact hours Lectures: 2 hours per week; tutorials: 1 hour per week; for 10 weeks.

Elective? True

LOTE? True

Broadening category


Broadening Category A

Area of Knowledge(for broadening)

{"Area of Knowledge (for broadening)" blank}

Type of Broadeningcategory A

Language Other Than English (LOTE)

Why BroadeningCategory A


Designrequirements forthis type ofBroadeningCategory A

Requirements for proposing a ‘Category A’ broadening unit as a LOTE unit:1. The main focus of the academic content of the unit must be focused on enabling the student to develop cultural, fluency and literacyskills for the mastery of a foreign language.

2. Learning outcomes of the unit must be designed to enable students to communicate clearly, effectively and appropriately in a foreignlanguage by way of developing a range of competencies. These competencies, which could vary depending on level of literacy training,may include the following:(a) Reading comprehension, pronunciation and oral skills;(b) Written expression and interpersonal communication skills;(c) Reading and analysing texts in different contexts;(d) Demonstrate metalinguistic understanding of the foreign language and English; and(e) Application of the fluency and literacy skills in different contexts.

3. Assessment must adequately demonstrate that the student will meet requirements 1 and 2.

Page 16: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


Academic information

Content This unit is a study of the Inferno by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). The Inferno is the first part of Dante's Divine Comedy, oneof the great works of world literature. In this unit the work is studied in relation to its medieval context, the politics of thetime, the Christian world-view of the poet, the many references to Classical culture, the development of Italian poetry andlanguage.

Dante's Divine Comedy is one person's account of his search for meaning and for integrated, holistic knowledge of the truthin all spheres of his life, both public and private, intellectual spiritual and political.

The objectives of the unit are to equip students to read the text in the original Italian, to understand the text in its contextand to reflect on its relevance to our contemporary world. Reference will be made to Dante's earlier works and also to theother two parts of the Comedy, the Purgatorio and the Paradiso.

Outcomes Students are able to (1) read Dante's Inferno in the original Italian and understand the principal contextual allusions; (2)apply theoretical understandings to the Inferno; (3) demonstrate an understanding of the structure of the Inferno in relationto Dante's world view; and (4) use the Italian language at Level B2/C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages (CEFR).

How outcomes willbe assessed

# Outcome How outcome will be assessed

1 read Dante's Inferno in the original Italian and understand the principal contextual allusions reading tests, research essay, online discussionforum

2 apply theoretical understandings to the Inferno research essay.

3 demonstrate an understanding of the structure of the Inferno in relation to Dante's world view research essay, online discussion

4 use the Italian language at Level B2/C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages (CEFR)

Reading: reading testsWriting: Online discussion forum.

Assessment items Indicative assessments in this unit are as follows: (1) reading tests; (2) research essay; and (3) online discussion. Furtherinformation is available in the unit outline.

# Assessment Indicative weighting Failed component

1 reading tests 30%

2 research essay 50%

3 online discussion 20%


Supplementary assessment is not available in this unit except in the case of a bachelor's pass degree student who hasobtained a mark of 45 to 49 overall and is currently enrolled in this unit, and it is the only remaining unit that the studentmust pass in order to complete their course.


Teaching organisation Notes %

00120 Humanities Coordination and teaching 100%

Unit rules

Prerequisites ITAL2404 Italian Studies 4 or ITAL2204 Italian Intermediate II or ITAL2406 Italian Studies 6 or ITAL2206 Italian Advanced II orITAL2408 Italian Studies 8 or ITAL2208 Italian Advanced IV or approval of Convener; and ITAL2811 Italian Studies 11 orITAL2812 Italian Studies 12 or ITAL2820 or ITAL2821 or ITAL2822

Corequisites Nil

Incompatibilities Nil

Unit offered/shared in courses

Intended courses BA Italian Studies

Course Course type Status in course Role

MJD-ITLNB Italian Studies Major Active from 2020 Option

MJD-ITLNI Italian Studies Major Active from 2020 Option

MJD-ITLNA Italian Studies Major Active from 2020 Option

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Teaching period Location Mode Details

Semester 2, 2019 Crawley Face to face Expected class size: 25

History and committee endorsements/approvals

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 17-10-2018 Endorsed: Email from Dr N Curthoys, TL Humanities 17 October 2018Approval reference: x 2107

Faculty 31-01-2019 Endorsed: AD T&L Phil HancockApproval reference: ext 1835

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Displaying data as it is on 06/02/2019. Report generated 06/02/19 08:02.

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Active postgraduate coursework course as at 07-02-2019

73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework)TRIM: F78468

ID: 1408

Showing proposed fast-track changes for 2019

Administrative details

Faculty Science


Psychological Science

Course coordinator Dr Lisette Kanse

Availability ofcourse for 2019

UnavailableAvailable for new enrolments but will be available in future years

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Availability ofcourse for 2019

From Semester 2, 2019.The School of Psychological Science have been asked to fast-track the approval of changes to this program in order to allow it to beoffered for enrollment in Semester 2, 2019.

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.


Course code 73550

Title Master of Business Psychology

Abbreviation ofaward


Type of degreecourse

Master's by Coursework

AQF course type andlevel

Master's (Coursework) — Level 9

Structure type Named

CRICOS code 093572E

About this course This course provides extensive specialist training in the application of psychological theories and principles to workplacesettings so as to improve organisational performance whilst also enhancing employee wellbeing. The course offers trainingin the following areas: (1) Psychologicalundertaking effective research in organisations; psychological assessment forenhanced personnel selection outcomes; (2) Improvingemployee training and skill development; implementingorganisational change initiatives effectively; improving work design to enhance employee effectiveness, wellbeing, healthand safety; (3) Applyingapplying the principles of human factors to optimise human-system interactions; (4) Implementingorganisational change initiatives effectivelyteam development and team work; (5) Undertakingand effective research inorganisationsleadership behaviour. The course also includes the option to participate in an industry placement and/or asignificant practicum componentgroup thesis project, giving studentsyou the opportunity to apply the principles theyyouhave learned in organisations, under guidance.

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to About this course

These changes have been made to better reflect the proposed course content and the flexibility for students to choose individualisedpathways through the course.

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Approved 17/10/2016

First year of offer 2017

Volume of learning

Volume of learning 96 points

Does minimumvolume of learningcorrespond tostandard admissionrequirements?


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Course availability for students

Course offered tostudent categories

Domestic fee-paying; International students (student visa holders); International students (non-student visa holders);


Applicability of theStudent Rules,policies andprocedures

1.(1) The Student Rules apply to students in this course.

(2) The policy, policy statements and guidance documents and student procedures apply, except as otherwise indicated inthe rules for this course.

Academic ConductEssentials module

2.(1) Except as stated in (2), a student who enrols in this course for the first time irrespective of whether they havepreviously been enrolled in another course of the University, must undertake the Academic Conduct Essentials module (theACE module).

(2) A student who has previously achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module is not required to repeat themodule.

Admission rules -English languagecompetencyrequirements

3.(1) To be considered eligible for consideration for admission to this course an applicant must satisfy the University'sEnglish language competence requirement as set out in the University Policy on Admission: Coursework, except asotherwise indicated in the rules for this course.

(2) Applicants with qualifications from overseas institutions where English is not the medium of instruction must provideevidence of English language competence, with applicants presenting with the IELTS Academic requiring an overall score ofat least 7.0 with no sub-score less than 7.0.

Admission rules -admissionrequirements

4. To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—

(a)(i) a three year bachelor's degree in Psychology, accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC),with; and

(ii) a WAMweighted average mark of at least 70 percent in the third year (Level 3) units of the degree, or equivalent asrecognised by UWA.

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Admission rules -admission


Opening up the MBusPsych to candidates with any Psychology degree maximises the potential applicant pool.Our other 'business' psychology degree, the Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology (MIOP), is accredited by the AustralianPsychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and is restricted to students who have come through APAC accredited undergraduate andhonours degrees. This makes the MIOP inaccessible to a very large number of both national and international students, for whom theMBusPsych should be attractive.

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Admission rules -ranking andselection

5. Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on—

(a) academic merit;

(b) a satisfactory personal statement, including any relevant occupational or practical experience, as recognised by UWA;and

(b) two satisfactory referees, as recognised by UWA;


(c) an interview in which eligible applicants will be assessed based on the personal qualities considered desirable inpsychology practitioners, with invitation to attend the interview based on Rules 4, 5(a) and 5(b) and the interview quota forthat year;

and and

(d) the intake quota for that year.

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Admission rules -ranking and selection

We want to take previous marks into account during selection too, however this was not listed before.Marketing department informed us that for international applicants it might be hard to provide referees that are sufficiently familiar withthe Australian university systems to be able to provide useful references; hence the need for referees has been removed.

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Articulation and ExitAwards

6. This course does not form part of an articulated sequence.

Course structure 7.(1) The course consists of units to a total value of 96 points (maximum value) which include conversion units to a value of24 points.

(2) Units must be selected in accordance with the course structure, as set out in these rules.(3) Students who have completed a bachelor's honours degree in psychology with an upper second class Honours (2A), oran equivalent qualification as recognised by UWA are granted credit for conversion units up to a value of 24 points.

Satisfactoryprogress rule

8. To make satisfactory progress in a calendar year a student must pass units to a value of at least half the total value ofunits in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty.

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9. A student who has not achieved a result of Ungraded Pass (UP) for the ACE module when their progress status isassessed will not have made satisfactory progress even if they have met the other requirements for satisfactory progress inRule 8.

Progress status 10. A student who fails to make satisfactory progress under Rule 8 is assigned a progress status of 'Excluded' unless theFaculty decides otherwise in light of exceptional circumstances.

11. A student who does not make satisfactory progress in terms of Rule 9 is assigned the progress status of 'On Probation',unless they have been assigned a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' for failure to meet other satisfactory progressrequirements in Rule 8.

Award withdistinction rule

12. To be awarded the degree with distinction a student must achieve a course weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 80per cent, which is calculated based on —

(a) all units above Level 3 attempted as part of the course that are awarded a final percentage mark;

(b) all relevant units above Level 3 undertaken in articulating courses of this University that are awarded a final percentagemark;


(c) all units above Level 3 completed at this University that are credited to the master's degree course.

Course structure

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Unit sequence

The School of Psychological Science is seeking approval to fast-track changes to the approved Master of Business Psychology (73550) toallow it to be offered for an intake in Semester 2,2019, rather than in 2020 as originally planned.

The revised structure is, configured so as to:1. Provide a distinct course offering from the Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology (MIOP) (so that they target a differentstudent group: domestic studentsthose who do not see value in accreditation as a Psychologist, domestic students who do not have or arenot interested in a double major or honours in Psychology, and international students for whom there are currently limitedto growinternational offerings in psychology at UWA);2. To be maximally efficient in using existing units or proposing units that, wherever possible, may be used in other degrees (whilstmaintaining sufficient distinctiveness, as outlined above).3. To be efficient in offering a smaller, optional research project than that in the MIOP, and 1 rather than 3 practical placements, withfewer restrictions on who can supervise or the type of placement that would be suitable than in the accredited MIOP and to offer acoursework only option. Discussions with potential students and the broader work market suggests that there are prospective students forwhom these changes will be preferable. Those who have been out in the workplace will prefer the coursework only option, since they willnot feel the need to obtain practical experience. Students who have already completed a substantive research project at undergraduatelevel will be interested in the placement unit, but not in research. Students who have come straight from an undergraduate degree withno work experience may well want to take up the optional group research project and the placement. We anticipate, therefore, that, asthe program grows, we will reduce research and practicum supervision costs as we recruit more students who have already been in theworkplace as the MBusPsych becomes better known.

MBusPsych has been designed to recruit students with any undergraduate psychology major (single or double) so conversion units are notrequired.

Rationale for removing the placement unit: the new structure only has one placement.

Introduced units:+ PSYC5556 Work Design [as core] [Proposed]+ PSYC5518 Team Work [as core] [Proposed]+ PSYC5559 Leadership [as core] [Proposed]+ HRMT5518 Strategic Human Resource Management [as option] [Active]+ EMPL5412 Employment Relations [as option] [Active]+ EMPL5501 Strategic Workplace Relations [as option] [Active]+ HRMT5501 Diversity and Inclusion [as option] [Active]+ HRMT5504 Introduction to Human Resource Management [as option] [Active]+ INMT5504 Business Process Management [as option] [Active]+ MGMT5507 Management and Organisations [as option] [Active]+ MGMT5605 Professional Business Communications [as option] [Active]+ MKTG5408 Marketing Analysis and Planning [as option] [Active]+ MKTG5578 Client Management [as option] [Active]+ MKTG5561 Marketing Management [as option] [Active]+ MGMT5660 Applied Project Management [as option] [Active]Removed units:- PSYC5546 MBP Practical Placement 2 Part 2 [was core]

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Proposed changed sequence

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Take all units (60 points):

PSYC4418 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Psychology 6 points Active

PSYC5514 Assessment and Selection 6 points Active

PSYC5515 Organisational Development and Change 6 points Active

PSYC5518 Team Work 6 points Proposed Addition

to sequence

PSYC5542 Human Factors 6 points Active

PSYC5544 Professional Skills 6 points Active

PSYC5556 Work Design 6 points Proposed Addition

to sequence

PSYC5559 Leadership 6 points Proposed Addition

to sequence

PSYC5573 Psychology of Training 6 points Active

PSYC5830 Human and Organisational Factors in Managing Work Health and Safety 6 points Active

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Take units to the value of 36 points, with at least 24 points of units from this group, and a maximum of 12 points of elective units as approved ona case by case basis by the Course Coordinator or the Head of the School of Psychological Science:

EMPL5412 Employment Relations 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

EMPL5501 Strategic Workplace Relations 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

HRMT5501 Diversity and Inclusion 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

HRMT5504 Introduction to Human Resource Management 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

HRMT5518 Strategic Human Resource Management 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

INMT5504 Business Process Management 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

MGMT5507 Management and Organisations 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

MGMT5508 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership 6 points Active

MGMT5605 Professional Business Communications 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

MGMT5660 Applied Project Management 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

MKTG5408 Marketing Analysis and Planning 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

MKTG5561 Marketing Management 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

MKTG5578 Client Management 6 points Active Addition

to sequence

PSYC4440 Organisational Research Project Part 1 6 points Active

PSYC4441 Organisational Research Project Part 2 6 points Active

PSYC5513 Research Methods in Applied Settings 6 points Active

PSYC5545 MBP Practical Placement 6 points Active

marks a unique unit.

Mapping of outcomes

Outcomes mappingdocument URL

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Australian Qualification Framework outcomes

AQF outcomes:Knowledge

Students will exit the course with a strong knowledge of the application of psychological principles to business settings,where business settings includes organisations of all forms, industries, and sizes. The specific areas that are developed inthis course include:• Building an understanding of psychological theory as it pertains to the successful functioning of organisations;• Understanding the principles that guide training, learning, and skill-development in organisational settings;• Applying principles of human motivation to improve worker engagement, well-being, and satisfaction;• Building an awareness of the conditions for enacting effective organisational interventions;• Developing the skills to undertake objective evaluations of organisational interventions;• Understanding the various forms of psychological assessment and their best practice applications in organisationalsettings;and• Developing an appreciation of associated ethical, professional and legal issues relating to business interventions (such asoccupational health and safety, and equal opportunity legislation).

AQF outcomes:Skills

Students will develop expert, specialised skills in the application of psychological principles to business settings. Uponcompletion of the course, students will be able to review, analyse, and synthesise knowledge and provide solutions tocomplex problems relating to the 'human side' of work.

Specialised technical knowledge and skills will be obtained through both coursework and extensive practicum componentsof the course, and the research component of the course for those students completing conversion units.

Students will exit the course with highly developed assessment; intervention; research and evaluation; and communicationand interpersonal skills in the area of business/organisational psychology.

AQF outcomes:Application ofknowledge andskills

Graduates from the course will have knowledge and skills which will allow themto practice in business and organisational settings safely and independently. Graduates will demonstrate the application ofknowledge and skills to:• administer and interpret a wide range of psychological tests and assessment instruments;• develop and apply a range of evidence-based interventions to improve organisational and individual outcomes including:training, organisational design/development, policy development, personnel selection; human-computer interactions; andengagement/well-being;• liaise and work effectively with other professionals in a range of organisational contexts; and• independently and collaboratively apply professional skills in an ethical manner.

Course delivery

Course delivery withother faculties

Faculty Contribution

FAC10 Arts, Business, Law and Education Students will be required to complete between two to six elective/option units from a list of approvedBusiness School units.

Mode of delivery Internal


Location Percentage

UWA (Crawley) 100%


Quota? Yes

Quota number 40 per year

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Quota number

see above

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

How quota isallocated

Initially, we will trial 20 per semester, but amend this as the demand characteristics for the program become apparent.

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to How quota isallocated

No previous response had been provided.

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Reason for quota see above

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Quota consultations The factorquota of 40 students per year is predicated on an understanding that limitsadditional FTE will be available toteach and supervise the maximumstudents. There is the potential to grow the quota in the future. The number of places wecan offer is a function of the availability of placements (in external organisations) and the demand for placement andresearch projects from the students, both of which are optional. Given current pressures on staff, who are providingplacements and research supervision to a large number of APAC-accredited students, we do not have the capacity,currently, to supervise the number of students that we can enrol in each year is the volume of placements that areavailable, and the timehave undertaken to enroll. The offer of the personnelMBusPsych is predicated on the requirement tosuperviseincrease staffing, commensurate with the placement studentsincrease in workload. The school isThat said, demandfor our Honours degree far outstrips supply, and we currently have no postgraduate offerings in Psychology for studentsgraduating with a good position where it is unable to satisfy the current demandssingle-major or for placementinternationalstudents; that is we are turning down some good opportunities to place students! We see this without an APAC-accreditedPsychology degree as a means with which to grow the placement program, however. Accordingly, there is an upper limit.Sincethe potential for very high demand from the School and University's reputations are on the line when we sendabove forthis course. We have excellent relations with local industry who have indicated keen interest in taking our students out, butwe would need the staff to build and maintain those relationships and to organise the placement administration, wewillwhich is time-consuming work. We also insist on undertaking a rigorous student selection program similarneed staff towhat is currently enacted in Medicineteach the new units and coordinate and supervise the research projects. This willnecessarily result in a reduction of enrollees.

Rationale and impactassessment for changeto Quota consultations

see above

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Duration, intake and attendance

Duration of course 1.52

Rationale and impactassessment for change

to Duration of course

minimum volume of learning is now 96 points

Change notes Change made on fast-track change revision form.

Duration of courseat maximum volumeof learning


Intake periods(broad)

Beginning of year and mid-year

Intake periods(specific teachingperiods)

Semester 1, Semester 2

Attendance type Full- or part-time

Time limit 5 years

Additional Information

Additionalinformation(detailed proposal)

Domestic and International fees for this course will be the same as for the Master of Industrial and OrganisationalPsychology (53580).

Given the demand for graduates with the ability to carry out effective research in organisations, the purpose of theconversion units is to provide the three-year trained students with an opportunity to acquire the necessary research skills.The four-year trained students will have already acquired these skills, having successfully undertaken an independentresearch project in their Honours year.

History of endorsements/approvals for changes

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 17-01-2019 Endorsed: Endorsed by the Postgraduate Education Committee of theSchool of Psychological Science, RX, xx February 2019.Notes: The Faculty of Science and the School of Psychological Sciencehave been asked by the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor SimonBiggs, to fast-track the approval of changes to this program in order toallow it to be offered for enrollment in Semester 2, 2019.

Faculty 05-02-2019 Endorsed: Science Faculty Board Res 03/2019

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Comparing current approved data to the data as it will be on 07/02/2019 if changes are approved. Report generated 06/02/19 11:02.

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Proposed unit as at 06-02-2019

PSYC5518 Team WorkTRIM: F19/415

ID: 7243

This unit is not yet approved.

Unit information

Code PSYC5518

Title Team Work

Level 5

Unit type Unit in postgraduate courses

Faculty Science


Psychological Science

Unit coordinator Dr Lisette Kanse

Proposed 01/02/2019

First year of offer 2020

Credit points 6 points

Contact hours 3 hours per week for 12 weeks

Academic information

Content Teams are a key element of most organisations and are central to effective organisational performance. Teams can takemany shapes or forms, can be created for a variety of objectives, and can be put in place for a variety of durations, rangingfrom a few hours to permanent.This unit covers various aspects of team work, including group dynamics and processes, team design, team effectiveness,personality and diversity in teams, shared mental models, and virtuality. Students will be introduced to the latest researchand insights in these areas and have opportunities to apply their learning in practice in class exercises and assignments.The unit prepares the students to be able to provide effective guidance to organisations regarding team work design, teamcomposition and team processes.

Outcomes Students are able to (1) demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts, models and theories relevant to team work;(2) critically evaluate the usefulness of concepts, models or theories relating to team work for a variety of work settings andsituations; and (3) confidently discuss how major concepts, models and theories relevant to team work have been and couldbe applied in a particular work setting.

How outcomes willbe assessed

# Outcome How outcome will be assessed

1 demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts, models and theories relevant to team work team project, individual assignment

2 critically evaluate the usefulness of concepts, models or theories relating to team work for a variety of worksettings and situations

team project, individual assignment

3 confidently discuss how major concepts, models and theories relevant to team work have been and could beapplied in a particular work setting

team project, individual assignment

Assessment items Indicative assessments in this unit are as follows: (1) team project and (2) individual assignment. Further information isavailable in the unit outline.

# Assessment Indicative weighting Failed component

1 team project 30%

2 individual assignment 70%


Supplementary assessment is not available in this unit.


Teaching organisation Notes %

00140 Psychological Science ROE 100%

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Unit rules

Prerequisites Enrolment in 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework), or53580 Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, or01880/54580 Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Corequisites Nil.

Incompatibilities Nil.

Unit offered/shared in courses

Intended courses 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework)53580 Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology01880/54580 Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Course Course type Status in course Role

73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework) Postgraduate coursework course Active from 2020 Core


Teaching period Location Mode Details

Semester 1, 2020 Crawley Face to face Expected class size: 40Contact hours: 3

Handbook fields

Textbooks Readings will consist of scientific publications to be provided via the Learning Management System.

Additional information

Unit has indigenouscontent?


Additionalinformation fromproposer

This new unit is proposed as a core unit for the Master of Business Psychology course and will be offered as an elective forthe Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology course as well as the Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrialand Organisational Psychology course.The content of this unit concerns a key area of knowledge and skills for those working in Organisational or BusinessPsychology, as was also pointed out in the School's most recent accreditation review by the Australian PsychologyAccreditation Council (APAC). Most organisations nowadays use teams to get work done and knowing how to make theseteams work effectively will be a hugely beneficial skill for our graduates.

Consultations checklist

Consultations - Employer, employer group, professional body and/or accreditation body- Leading Australian and/or overseas universities offering courses in a similar field- Other Western Australian universities offering courses in a similar field- UWA research activity, centre or affiliate- Other faculties or schools of the University, including relevant academic staff which may have an interest in thiscurriculum.

History and committee endorsements/approvals

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 21-01-2019 Endorsed: Endorsed by the Postgraduate Education Committee of theSchool of Psychological Science, R2.3, 21 January 2019.

Faculty 01-02-2019 Endorsed: Science Faculty Board R2019/03Approval reference: [email protected]

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Displaying data as it is on 06/02/2019. Report generated 06/02/19 11:02.

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Proposed unit as at 06-02-2019

PSYC5556 Work DesignTRIM: F19/416

ID: 7242

This unit is not yet approved.

Unit information

Code PSYC5556

Title Work Design

Level 5

Unit type Unit in postgraduate courses

Faculty Science


Psychological Science

Unit coordinator Dr Lisette Kanse

Proposed 01/02/2019

First year of offer 2019

Credit points 6 points

Contact hours 3 hours per week for 12 weeks

Academic information

Content Work design is concerned with the composition and organisation of a person's work tasks, activities, relationships, andresponsibilities. This unit covers the existing theories and models of work design and teaches available strategies, tools andtechniques for better work design, that enhance employee motivation, effectiveness, productivity, wellbeing, health andsafety. A history of work design is provided and the effects of good and bad work design are demonstrated in a classexercise.

Outcomes Students are able to (1) demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts, models and theories relevant to work design;(2) critically evaluate the usefulness of concepts, models or theories relating to work design for a variety of work settingsand situations; and (3) confidently discuss how the major concepts, models and theories relevant to work design have beenand could be applied in a particular work setting.

How outcomes willbe assessed

# Outcome How outcome will be assessed

1 demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts, models and theories relevant to work design group project, individual assignment

2 critically evaluate the usefulness of concepts, models or theories relating to work design for a variety ofwork settings and situations

group project, individual assignment

3 confidently discuss how the major concepts, models and theories relevant to work design have been andcould be applied in a particular work setting

group project, individual assignment

Assessment items Indicative assessments in this unit are as follows: (1) group project and (2) individual assignment. Further information isavailable in the unit outline.

# Assessment Indicative weighting Failed component

1 group project 30%

2 individual assignment 70%


Supplementary assessment is not available in this unit.


Teaching organisation Notes %

00140 Psychological Science ROE 100%

Unit rules

Prerequisites Enrolment in 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework), or 53580 Master of Industrial and OrganisationalPsychology, or 01880/54580 Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Corequisites Nil.

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Incompatibilities Nil.

Unit offered/shared in courses

Intended courses 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework)53580 Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology01880/54580 Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Course Course type Status in course Role

73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework) Postgraduate coursework course Active from 2020 Core


Teaching period Location Mode Details

Semester 2, 2019 Crawley Face to face Expected class size: 40Contact hours: 3

Semester 2, 2020 Crawley Face to face Expected class size: 40Contact hours: 3

Handbook fields

Textbooks Readings will consist of scientific publications to be provided via the Learning Management System.

Additional information

Unit has indigenouscontent?


Additionalinformation fromproposer

This new unit is proposed as a core unit for the Master of Business Psychology course and will be offered as an elective forthe Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology course as well as the Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrialand Organisational Psychology course.Some of the content of this unit used to be covered in a very superficial way (one class session) in PSYC5515, but as it issuch a core area for those working in Organisational or Business Psychology, it deserves far more detailed attention, which itwill get when it is given a unit on its own. Additionally, this will free up more space in PSYC5515 to cover other types oforganisational development projects.

Consultations checklist

Consultations - Employer, employer group, professional body and/or accreditation body- Leading Australian and/or overseas universities offering courses in a similar field- Other Western Australian universities offering courses in a similar field- UWA research activity, centre or affiliate- Other faculties or schools of the University, including relevant academic staff which may have an interest in thiscurriculum.

History and committee endorsements/approvals

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 21-01-2019 Endorsed: Endorsed by the Postgraduate Education Committee of theSchool of Psychological Science, R2.2, 21 January 2019.

Faculty 01-02-2019 Endorsed: Science Faculty Board R2019/03Approval reference: [email protected]

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Displaying data as it is on 06/02/2019. Report generated 06/02/19 11:02.

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Proposed unit as at 06-02-2019

PSYC5559 LeadershipTRIM: F19/414

ID: 7244

This unit is not yet approved.

Unit information

Code PSYC5559

Title Leadership

Level 5

Unit type Unit in postgraduate courses

Faculty Science


Psychological Science

Unit coordinator Dr Darja Kragt

Proposed 01/02/2019

First year of offer 2020

Credit points 6 points

Contact hours 3 hours per week for 12 weeks

Academic information

Content Leadership is a key variable affecting individual, group and organisational performance. In this unit students will exploremajor concepts, models and theories of leadership, including both conventional and alternative perspectives. Throughcritical discussion of leadership research and its practical applications in a range of organisational contexts, students willdevelop the knowledge and skills required to be an effective leader. In the unit, exercises, self-assessments, and case studyanalysis will be used to develop personal and interpersonal leadership skills and capabilities. Students will work together ona small group project to develop a better understanding of the leader's influence on group behaviour. Students will also betasked with the development of plans and actions to improve leadership competencies beyond the unit.

Outcomes Students are able to (1) demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts, models and theories of leadership; (2)critically evaluate the usefulness of both conventional and alternative perspectives on leadership for a variety of worksettings and situations; (3) work dynamically as a team to explore leadership and practice; and (4) analyse leadershipdevelopment needs and develop an action plan to improve leadership potential.

How outcomes willbe assessed

# Outcome How outcome will be assessed

1 demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts, models and theories of leadership small group project, case analysis, leadershipdevelopment plan

2 critically evaluate the usefulness of both conventional and alternative perspectives onleadership for a variety of work settings and situations

small group project, case analysis, leadershipdevelopment plan

3 work dynamically as a team to explore leadership and practice small group project

4 analyse leadership development needs and develop an action plan to improveleadership potential

case analysis, leadership development plan

Assessment items Indicative assessments in this unit are as follows: (1) small group project; (2) case analysis; and (3) leadership developmentplan. Further information is available in the unit outline.

# Assessment Indicative weighting Failed component

1 small group project 30%

2 case analysis 20%

3 leadership development plan 50%


Supplementary assessment is not available in this unit.


Teaching organisation Notes %

00140 Psychological Science ROE 100%

Page 30: CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY ......Ms Kathrin Stroud, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Feba Chacko, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Ms Sally


Unit rules

Prerequisites Enrolment in 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework), or 53580 Master of Industrial and OrganisationalPsychology, or 01880/54580 Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology.

Corequisites Nil.

Incompatibilities Nil.

Unit offered/shared in courses

Intended courses 73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework)53580 Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology01880/54580 Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Course Course type Status in course Role

73550 Master of Business Psychology (coursework) Postgraduate coursework course Active from 2020 Core


Teaching period Location Mode Details

Semester 1, 2020 Crawley Face to face Expected class size: 40Contact hours: 3

Handbook fields

Textbooks Readings will consist of scientific publications to be provided via the Learning Management System.

Additional information

Unit has indigenouscontent?


Additionalinformation fromproposer

This new unit is proposed as a core unit for the Master of Business Psychology course and will be offered as an elective forthe Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology course as well as the Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Industrialand Organisational Psychology course.The content of this unit concerns a key area of knowledge and skills for those working in Organisational or BusinessPsychology.

Consultations checklist

Consultations - Employer, employer group, professional body and/or accreditation body- Leading Australian and/or overseas universities offering courses in a similar field- Other Western Australian universities offering courses in a similar field- UWA research activity, centre or affiliate- Other faculties or schools of the University, including relevant academic staff which may have an interest in thiscurriculum.

History and committee endorsements/approvals

Event Date Outcome

School / ROE 21-01-2019 Endorsed: Endorsed by the Postgraduate Education Committee of theSchool of Psychological Science, R2.1, 21 January 2019.

Faculty 01-02-2019 Endorsed: Science Faculty Board R2019/03Approval reference: [email protected]

Curriculum Committee Not yet approved

Displaying data as it is on 06/02/2019. Report generated 06/02/19 11:02.
