Page 1: Current legalities (and legislation) in Greek Life and where it could all head

Current legalities (and legislation) in Greek Life and where it could all head..

SACSA 2012

Page 2: Current legalities (and legislation) in Greek Life and where it could all head

DisclaimersGeared as an “update”I am not a legal expert, making educated assumptions about some itemsWe’ll cover legal and legislation that could be impactfulWe will likely miss something

Page 3: Current legalities (and legislation) in Greek Life and where it could all head

Order of BusinessNational ScopeState issuesHot Topics

Page 4: Current legalities (and legislation) in Greek Life and where it could all head

Federal LegislationHalting Hazing Act of 2012Fredericka Wilson (D) F-17th• Contains provisions for

campus by campus determination, burden of proof is different from campus to campus

• Loss of Federal Financial aid for both the hazer and the person being hazed

• Likely not to move forward because of the election, question marks currently in the bill

• Same classification as drug trafficing

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Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (HR

1547/S781)Sponsors continue to add, however the election has all but put this on hold and there have been signals that it will have to be attached to a tax bill of some kind.

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Cleary Act*high level of discussion about “Campus Security Authorities” (CSA)

*Volunteer Alumni Chapter Advisors being discussed as a potential CSA for campuses

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All comers policies*First explored by Vanderbilit regarding religious student groups* Greeks granted an exemption to be able to maintain selectivity* Currently monitoring

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MiAKA*Homosexual men who have allegedly sough a lawsuit against AKA for discrimination

* Significant, anecdotal evidence but there is no lawyer or actual member who has stepped forward.

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State based topicsHazing (GA); similar to Cong. Wilson’s legislationCarry/Conceal Weapons laws (Arizona, MS) Increases in on line learning (FAU)

*Auxilliary Groups continue to be a challenge

*Day to Day issues still continuing

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Topics you may have?

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Denny Bubrig, Director of Greek LifeSamford University 800 Lakeshore DriveBirmingham, AL [email protected]
