

Dirk Hamel-Wood P2Dirk Hamel-Wood P2

Hygiene Standards

• Germans are known to be one of the most clean nations in the world.

• When it comes to hygiene, German children are taught early about its importance.

• The German word for toilet training, Reinlichkeitserziehung, literally translates to "cleanliness training" in English.

Hygiene Standards

• A quote by Goethe, a a famous German author, reads, "Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean."

• In some parts of Germany, this is actually carried over as a specific tradition—Kehrwoche.

• Kehrwoche is a rotating system in which residents of an apartment building are assigned a specific week where they are responsible for keeping the steps, cellars, and sidewalks clean.

Hospital Controversy

• Recently, there has been some controversy due to a series of infant deaths in a German hospital.

• This is supposedly due to the use of a contaminated feeding drip.

• Because infants have a weaker, undeveloped immune system, this left them easily open to infection.

Hospital Controversy

• This controversy may lead to better hygiene protocol in German hospitals, such as more frequent hand-washing and sterilization of apparatus like the feeding drip.

• Other measures include the use of rubber gloves and the correct clothing.

Brothel Controversy

• 4 brothels were raided by police in Berlin, Fellbach, Heidelberg, and Wuppertal, and two of them were closed due to unsanitary health conditions.

• Even institutions of ill repute like brothels do have strict health requirements.

• A german official said, "... it indicates a breach of the right to human dignity of the prostitutes who work there."

Brothel Controversy

• Apparently, the food stored there had broken the health regulations.

• Examples like this show how strict hygiene requirements are in Germany for businesses.

Quiz Questions

1. What is the literal translation of Reinlichkeitserziehung?

A. Clean bathroom

B. Hygiene

C. Cleanliness training

2. How many German brothels were shut down?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 1


• 1. C. Cleanliness training

• 2. B. 2


• Me. I wrote this PPT.

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