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Page 1: Culture across the globe


Group name:Entrepreneurs

Page 2: Culture across the globe

INTRODUCTION E-SAQAFAT NEED TAG LINE AND LOGO Product LINE : includes shawls, rillis, Ajrak, sindhi topi khusaas and gift stuffs. Mission statement “To promote our culture world wide by selling value addedcultural products”

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SWOT ANALYSIS OF E-SAQAFATStrength s: First movers advantage Availability of resources User-friendly site Promotion through social media Our brand and our

unique products

Weaknesses: Financial resources Difficult to make

logistic chain Distribution issues to

other countries No physical store Less coherence in

team No policies set or


Opportunities• Demand outside

Pakistan• People willing to pay

more• Strong heritage of


Idea can be copied easily

• high taxes• Unsupportive Govt

• High chances of failure• No experience

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HOW WE MARKET OURSELF Facebook page E-Saqafat Likes coming fromThroughout the world.We promoted on Cultural groups History group Business groups

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CANVAS MODELKey partners logistics home handicraft makers key resources key Activities search best suppliers and logistic agencies inbound and outbound logistic providers after sales services for customer care

services revenues will be collected through online


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Canvas modelvalue proposition we will offer high quality with rich colors

magnificently designed sindhi handicraft cultural products for all ages in Europe and America.

Customer relationships After sales feedback exchange return policies will be there for customers ease Blogs for suggestions

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Canvas model

Target market Youngsters teenagers adults old ages and children Primary customers: Youngsters Secondary : old ages Tertiary : kids

Channels Online website Facebook message Home delivery through logistics (erp system will

be there to integrate our supply chain) Phone calls Emails

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Craft men team, management team our suppeliers and distributors & web designer( Jahangir shah)

Physical Land building machines vehicles and ware houses

Intellectual Copy lights, other intangible recourses such as

brand logo tag line our developed methods and software's.

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Cost structure 60% equity 40% debt Wages to craft men commission to agents

other distribution expenses are our major costs

Revenue streams We will collect cash from customers

through credit cards debit cards and western union by selling our products to them though our channels

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EXECUTION PLANMAY to JULY plans We will be having contract with our suppliers, villagers of Matiari,

Hala, BhitShah,and Khairpur under the control of logistics and there will be proper supply chain management.

We will find venture capitalist who can invest in our business which will be helpful for us in starting operations.

AUG TO NOV plans We will arrange our small warehouses , there will be two kinds of

warehouses 1. production warehouse: goods produce at short time will be

stored at these warehouses 2. ready to flight inventory warehouse : goods will be transferred to

these warehouse where they will be packed and supplied to the European countries.

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production warehouse will be in Khairpur, ready to flight inventory warehouse will be in Karachi. Till NOV we will be having proper supply chain in Pakistan and roles and tasks will be cleared.Dec-Feb planswe will have contract with our logistics which will distribute goods to the ordered customers .

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Customers will order the products through our website, they can also tell us about any specifications they want size, color etc.

They will be shown the final prices of products they choose and they will receive the form on which there will be payment procedure elaborated along with details of product return policies.

They will also be shown the time it will take the product to get to them.

Then customers can choose the way they want to pay in the form discussed above. Then we will make the product and ship it to our consumers through logistics.

How customers will get value