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Changing lives, opening minds

New Competences, For a European School2014-1-RO01-KA101-001375

Cultural figures of Oas (Satu Mare)

by Crina Daraban

Page 2: Cultural figures of Oas

Changing lives, opening minds

New Competences, For a European School2014-1-RO01-KA101-001375

Oas presentation• Oas (located in Satu Mare County, in the north-western Romania) is one of the most original and most

picturesque areas folklore of Romania. The originality of this hearth millennial who "kept as an island of ethnic archaism remaining traces of a social life until recently the beginnings of the world" (George Focşa,

Oas, 1975) has fascinated many researchers.

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New Competences, For a European School2014-1-RO01-KA101-001375

• In 1800, Szirmay Antal, who wrote the first monograph of the province, noted that "if only Rome is located on seven hills, Negreştii - the largest town of the province - is the seventy-seven, although it has only 300 houses" .Researchers found hearths, human settlements and tools showing that Oas was a territory inhabited continuously since Paleolithic civilization belonging to Starcevo-Cris, 8000 years old. Oas territory was not part of the Roman province of Dacia, residents while keeping the status of free people in this historical and geographical context.

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• Ion Muşlea considered that the Romanian name of the region derives from the Hungarian word "AVAS" which means: "1. forest with large trees and old; The first documentary accredited to date we find a statement of 17 November 1270 (and only XIII century), when King Stephen confirmed a five noble estates in Oas (Rominiei History, Publishing House, Bucharest, 1960 vol. I, p. 321-325)

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• We consider the defining criteria for determining and defining an ethnographic area Oas are:a) A stable local population continues, with endorsements from the Paleolithic.b) A historical and economic development of their own.c) A speech own specific characters phonetic, lexical and morphological.d) defining ethnographic characters (settlements, music, dances, architecture, traditional customs, occupations: cattle, fruit cultivation, crafts etc).e) The consciousness of men that form an entity, a cultural and ethnographic unitary structure of M,, or keep the rye / Osen's my country / For me or take the oats / Osen not a coward,,.

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Ioniță G. Andron

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John (Ionita) G. Andron (b. April 20, 1917, Racşa, Oas - d. April 23, 1989, Negresti Oas) photographer, lawyer and Greek Catholic theologian.He was the son Ion Andron Greek Catholic priest, parish Racşa, originally from the village of Country Chioarului Pribileşti. His mother, teacher Ghizela Andron created the first collection of folk art and oşenească eldest son conveyed this passion. After primary school in his native village, attending high school,, Mihai Eminescu "Satu Mare (1927-1934), then right to Chernivtsi and Cluj (1935-1940) and theology at the Theological Academy in Cluj Greek Catholic (1941-1944)

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In high school Satu Mare had another meeting that will mark his life that Professor Joseph Schneider, who initiated and guided in photography. From this moment on camera accompanied at all times. He started taking pictures since 1934 with Voigtlander Bessa camera,, "widescreen film received from his father, beginning with high school classmates, family, hunting trips and then more and more peasants from Racşa and other villages oşeneşti. Associate photography with self-study of ethnography Oas. In 1942, while a student at Cluj, makes up a sketch book,, Monograph Oas album in Photos. "The text is very important remained unpublished for first demonstrate excellent knowledge of ethnography Oas and then intends to systematically photograph area , which was then marked by an exceptional archaic.

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With the support of martyr Bishop Ioan Suciu printed in 1942 in Oradea album,, Sights from one corner of the country ", and the following year, 1943,, album titled Call of the Mountains" - the printing diocesan Greek Catholic Diocese of Oradea. Published notes about Oas and photos in the newspaper,, Transylvania ", the only Romanian publication admitted during 1940-1944.In 1946 returned to law school and take their license. We then work as a clerk and trainee lawyer Seine where in 1948 he married Eleonora Somcuteanu. In 1958 the family is established definitively Negresti managed to build a house. By the end of its life livelihood of law, will photograph and write.

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From 1934-1944 period dating back some 5,000 blocks, and by the end of his life, in 1989, made about 100,000 black and white negatives, color negatives and slides. He left a real treasure forever, tens of thousands of blocks, hundreds of pages in manuscript about Oas villages. He manages to publish one book, album "Oas", published in 1977 Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca and released at Sala Dalles in Bucharest.By striving Family House "Gutinul" Baia Mare has published two books, "Racşa - hearth Romanian nation" in 1996 and "Racşa - places and people" in 2001. His work, preserved in manuscripts, remains to be truly valued from now on.

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Ionita G. Andron was not only a photographer but also a passionate collector. His house in Negreşti-Oas housed a collection of ethnographic and folklore, a small museum was visited by many travelers Oas, among which were the Peter Comarnescu, Liviu Ciulei, Dan Haulică, Constantin C. Giurescu, Paul Miron, G. Istrate etc. His house was rightly considered the first museum of Oas. Also Negresti Oas School of Technology bears his name. His work both documentary and artistic value; Although not having a degree in visual arts, artistic talent was noticed and appreciated by renowned art critics like Peter Comarnescu, stating that it is perhaps the greatest Romanian photographer.

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Maria Petca Poptean

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Maria Petca Poptean (n. 2 January 1954 Târşolţ, Satu Mare). Between 1972-1980 a member of the Ensemble "Oas" in Negresti Oas as a singer, dancer and member of the group ţâpuritoare. Also in the same period (1973-1979) works with Ensemble County Center for Conservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Satu Mare. Between 1975-1985 was collaborating Professional Ensemble "Oas" in Satu Mare, then from 1990 until now is a freelance vocal soloist, collaborating in various events at home and abroad, including radio and television. In 2005 founded and instructs folk group "Magura" in common Târşolţ. In 2008 founded Cultural Association "Oas Rhapsody" in order to promote and support young talent fighting for the conservation of the traditions Oas. Activity discography: In 1979: Electrecord records on the theme "Wedding Oşenească"; then in 2001 comes with Volume I CD "Mouth-me of what made"; 2004 volume 2 CD "handcuffed him Oas" then in 2006 appears Volume 3 CD "do not mess with osanu" and in 2007 appears Volume 4 CD "Where clatter osanu ".

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Maria Tripon

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Maria Tripon (b. July 14, 1962, the town Negresti Oas) - Teacher, singer and folk music ambassador oşeneşti, - Honorary citizen of the town Negresti Oas - Established in 1997 Folk "Sânzienele" in Negresti Oas, a group of children and young people, representing the ethnographic area Oas, - In 2004 becomes performer and artistic coordinator of the most prestigious ensemble of Oas (Folk,, Oas "Negresti Oas) Education:- Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" in Cluj-Napoca Discography:1999 - audio cassette carol "We walk to roam" - the first album of Christmas carols in Oas)2003 - Volume - Drag me,, i glad I '- audio cassette and CD, 2005 Volume carols,, we walk wandering "2012 - DVD entitled "Dear me was cetera„, 2013 - Osen folk album "Oşancă and I'm Zac Marie"

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Awards, diplomas, awards:• May 2006 - National Village Museum Dimitrie Gusti,, "grant academic excellence• May 6, 2007 - The Department for Culture and National Cultural Heritage, CJCPCT Satu Mare County Council, awarding Jubilee 1957-2007, for his contribution over the years to the shows performed at Folk Festival "Sâmbra sheep", celebrating 50 years;• August 19, 2012 - City Hall, City Council Negreşti-Oas, awarded the title "Honorary Citizen" of the city Negreşti-Oas, for outstanding achievements in the development of artistic and cultural traditions keeping Negresti-Oas.

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Finta Floare

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Finta Floare (b. 1930 in the city of Negresti Oas) In 2012 he received the title of Living Human Treasures awarded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the only person in Oas and Satu Mare, which holds that title, and among the 13 people in the country.

Many people have heard of Flower Finta, its name being linked closely Oas. Female hardworking, we can characterize as generous and hospitable, Flower Finta receives from her home Negreşti anyone wants to know the traditions and customs oşeneşti. For more than 30 years has gathered in a room all objects forefathers. The room is now a gem of Oas, the wooden beams and walls şterguri room, ceramic dishes olur and presenting garage.Now, "aunts" Flower of Finta has 82 years with the same passion of youth Stra oşeneşti sew, make towels and collars. Flower Finta is nowadays one of the few who knows oşence to blend flag to decorate the bride or sons. It is also a known folk healing, especially in burns. For her folk tradition is so holy, keep and share intangible cultural heritage "

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John Chioreanu-Oas

(January 16, 1922, Prilog - November 29, 2011, Baia Mare) Tireless researcher, always open to discover and convey knowledge, agricultural and conf PhD. University has published over 30 books and hundreds of articles from various fields: Osen folklore (Folk Music from Oas), scientific papers, philosophy, literary. Attracted by the music oşenească promoted authentic music. The major contribution has a sound track record -on and transcribed the notes - oşeneşti 200 songs, which he donated to the Institute of Ethnography and Folklore.

He served as Oas few have been able to do, considered the most virtuoso ceterasi for correct interpretation of the music authentic oşeneşti (Gh. Focşa).

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Dr. Mihai Pop

(b. November 12, 1936 in the town Chiuzbaia - d. 2004 Negresti Oas) MD, director of City Hospital Negreşti over two decades - an honorary citizen of the town Negresti Oas. He founded the New Hospital and the Church "Annunciation" site. Personality moral prestige was involved in political, cultural, economic, social. Art Gallery and Museum Oas Negresti Oas new hospital bearing his name.

Doctor exception of selected personality and culture inexhaustible spiritual resources, dr. Mihai Pop was also an illustrious son of the Greek Catholic Church, educated in a spirit of deep respect for the great patriotic leaders of the Transylvanian School and Greek Catholics in Maramures, Oas and Transylvania that have shaped and have reached the national ideal of the Great Union.

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Floare Hotca(b. July 2, 1940 in the city of Negresti Oas) - minstrel and Craftsmen He received the title of "Light of villages", awarded by the County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Satu Mare in 2013.

Active craftsmen in traditional cultural landscape Oas, being present in a lot of activities aimed at preserving and promoting local heritage: bees, radio and TV footage Christmas customs, Easter folklore informant in research undertaken by the University of North of Baia Mare, Faculty of Ethnology etc. Excellent Collaborates with City Hall and City Council Negreşti Oas, Negreşti Oas City Culture House Museum Oas, Satu Mare County Museum, CJCPCT Satu Mare, etc.).

She participated in national and international festivals: Sâmbra Sheep - annually in May; Fair craftsmen - annually in the Days of Negresti Oas; Handicraft Fair, Prague - 2009; Plums Festival, Golden Medieşu - 2011; Brandy Festival, Satu Mare - 2011; Satu Mare Tourism Fair - 2013; Fair crafts and gastronomy, Ukraine - 2013. He was rewarded with the Diploma of Excellence, Negresti Oas - 2008, 2009, 2011.

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Ioan Țânțaș

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Ion Țânțaș  painter (b. July 5, 1909, Tur - July 15, 1973, Vama) The first genuine painter Oas, with all its seals ethnographic and mythical landscapes, customs, faces Osen, Oas origin. Ion Tantas was born in the family of Greek Catholic cantor-teacher Vasile Tantas of Tur, noncommercial first religious school in the village who, guided by his father. After graduating from the School of Fine Arts in Bucharest became one of the most beloved and skilful brush handler in what was called the "School of Steriadi" in Bucharest. A leading exponent of Romanian painting of 40-70 years. In 1938 is the first solo exhibition in the lobby hall "Dacia" Satu Mare. In a period so difficult to culture in general and especially creativity, Osen epic,, painter knew to avoid servitude activism parade through trade, following the great painters successfully pathway slippers, Ressu, Ghiaţă or Baba ".

A good portrait, virtuoso drawing and studies of movement and expression, passion and landscape lights Northern Transylvania, but a different approach, cordial and vibrant sensitive than that of the famous exponents of the "Baia Mare School", in neighborhood. The artist felt attracted - a "requirement" of those years marked the dogmatic imperative - thematic compositions problems with leaning more towards the animated characters and attitudes solemn, pathetic and heroic easy. Since 2006, the Museum is Oas permanent collection of art of the painter Ion Tantas.

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Vasile Ionici  29 aprilie 1934, Cămârzana– 11 februarie 2013, Cămârzana. În anul 1946 a terminat 4 clase primare. În anul 1970 a început cursurile Şcolii Populare de Arte din Satu Mare sub îndrumarea profesorului şi pictorului Ion Popdan (27 mai 1935 Ardud – 23 martie 2000 Satu Mare). Acesta a consacrat şi un album de artă elevului său, Vasile Ionici din Cămârzana.

În anul 1971, a obţinut premiul I la Expoziţia republicană de artă plastică a artiştilor amatori. După o serie de expoziţii pe plan local şi naţional a luat parte personal la expoziţia artiştilor plastici de la Budapesta. În anul 1976 lucrările sale sunt expuse în India şi Egipt. În anul 1977 a participat cu lucrări la expoziţia intitulată „Artişti amatori din România întâmpină Centenarul Independenţei de Stat”, care a fost vernisată în S.U.A. şi Canada. În acelaşi an a participat şi la o expoziţie internaţională intinerantă în ţările afro-asiatice. Are lucrări în colecţii muzeale sau particulare, din ţară şi străinătate.

În octombrie 2013, pictorul Vasile Ionici, considerat un maestru al artei naive, a fost desemnat ,,Luminător al satelor” de către Consiliul Judeţean Satu Mare şi Centrul Judeţean pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Satu Mare.