Page 1: CTR rings are a symbolic way to remind each of us that we have a choice in everything that we do

CTR rings are a symbolic way to remind each of us that we have a choice in everything that we do

Religious symbols have been in use ever since religion gained structure and form. Symbolism is an

important part of every religion and each aspect of a symbol denotes a deep meaning. Wearing a

symbol is also an assertion of one’s faith and also helps the wearer to feel protected and safe. Wearing

some religious symbol also tells of the faith of the particular person. Religious symbol’s take on many

forms across the world and the most famous and well recognized symbol would be the Cross of Jesus

worn by Christians across the world. Another symbol that is also well recognized is a CTR ring. CTR rings

are worn by those affiliated to the Church of Latter Day Saints or LDS. A CTR ring is a symbol of faith and

has been very popular since it was first designed in the 1960’s. The ring is engraved with the letters CTR

on a green shield. CTR stands for ‘Choose the Right’ and the green shield symbolizes the evergreen tree

and the shield as protection from temptation.

CTR rings have gone from being just a symbol of faith and are now rings that are proudly worn among

the members of the LDS church as a statement about the values that they believe in. The emblem

received wide acceptance among the members and decades later is still as popular as when it first came

out. Initially made of simple nickel, today this ring is available as an adjustable one in various designs. Its

popularity spans children as well as college students and adults who prefer this to fashion rings. The

rings are very easily available at various LDS distribution centers. The church of the Latter Day Saints has

also made licenses available for CTR rings and other related products to be sold through retailers. Now

not just rings but all kinds of products are available at these licensed stores. There are also online stores

that stock a wide variety of religious products to choose from.

Stores that sell religious products, many of these designed by members of the LDS church are very

popular. The variety available is popular among the youth as well. Products with the CTR symbol are also

popular as inspirational gifts and as appropriate gifts for religious occasions. Choose from religious

images and figurines, bags and totes, oil vials, jewelry, clothing, designer rings and even items for art

and home décor. With the advent of internet, shopping for these products is now easier. One can

browse through the sites that have these products and there are sites that stock religious products from

different manufacturers of religious products. This is a good way to browse online to find that perfect

gift that symbolizes a reminder to always do good and to keep the faith.

By shopping online, one can easily have these gifts sent across the world at nominal rates. Online

shopping also helps a browser to find CTR rings that are now designed as beautifully as fashion rings.

Page 2: CTR rings are a symbolic way to remind each of us that we have a choice in everything that we do

Give designer rings a change by wearing a CTR ring that speaks about your commitment to the faith.

Now, designer rings are also available with the CTR symbol and fashion rings face competition from the

beautiful designs that are available with the CTR symbol.
