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  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016





    Impacting communities

  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016




    TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2016

    Channelling shared value

    a company at the forefront offood and beverage industry,

    stl has always taken a strongnd in its commitment togress sustainably.

    Nestl is focused on enhancingciencies throughout its

    erations while instilling bestctices along the supply chain

    d working closely with partnersptimise its environmentalformance in producing qualityducts.

    Hence, Nestl is determined toke a positive impact on andich communities through itsiness philosophy of Creating

    ared Value (CSV). The companyommitted to long-term growthough collaborative developmenth local communities.

    CSV is an integral part of thestl way of doing business andures the communitys quality of

    by exerting a positive impact inee core areas nutrition, waterd environment, and ruralvelopment.These areas have the greatestential for joint-value creation

    d are an integral part of Nestlstainability commitments.

    Based on our CSV philosophyand our Nestl Corporate BusinessPrinciples, we have successfullyconducted business and createdvalue in the local community formore than a hundred years now.

    As a responsible company, webelieve that this goes hand-in-handwith national laws andinternational standards.

    As a result, we have earned thetrust of local consumers and


    THE forests of Malaysia play anintegral part in sustaining thenatural ecology and biodiversity ofthis country. They also act as aform of protection against soilerosion and water pollution.

    To protect and rehabilitate the

    forests and promote environmentalsustainability, Nestl Malaysiainitiated Project RiLeaf in 2011(see infographic).

    In November 2013, Nestle,through Project RiLeaf, started acollaborative effort to promotereforestation and palm oilsustainability with Yayasan SimeDarby (YSD).

    Project RiLeaf aims to restore theriverine forests along the lowerKinabatangan River throughreplantation, minimise waterpollution by soil sedimentation andfertiliser run-offs, and promotegreater awareness of sustainableoil palm practices among the localcommunity.

    The Kinabatangan landscape hasbeen a major cultivation area forpalm oil since the 1980s but theincreasing rate of palm oilplantation paired with rapiddeforestation poses a threat to themega-diversity of the area.

    Nestl, a full member of theRoundtable on Sustainable PalmOil (RSPO), is committed to thedevelopment and acquisition ofsustainable palm oil. In a joint

    nourished generations ofMalaysians, proving that it ispossible for the company to do wellby doing good for society, saysAlois Hofbauer, managing directorof Nestl Malaysia Berhad.

    Efective awareness

    In conjunction with WorldEnvironment Day on June 5, NestlMalaysia directed its CSVcommitment to water and theenvironment through efficientwater management and ProjectRiLeaf in Kinabatangan, Sabah(see infographic).

    According to, one in 10people lack access to safe water inthe world today, mostly due torapid economic and infrastructuredevelopment.

    Hence, water management is acrucial step in ensuring everyonehas access to clean water.

    As a founding signatory of theUN Global Compact CEO WaterMandate, and a key memberof the Water Environment andFederation Water Task Force and2030 Water Resource Group, Nestlhas placed responsible watermanagement as its top priority,says Hofbauer.

    Last year, Nestl Malaysiaachieved water great savings in its

    manufacturing activities and aimsto further reduce water usage in itsproduction activities.

    Nestl Malaysia also sets anexample by managing its ownwater consumption responsibly inboth its production plants andadministration buildings.

    The company has reduced theamount of water used throughout

    rees being transportedo be planted along theanks of the lowernabatangan River asart of Project RiLeaf.

    Nestl Malaysia ensures that 100% of wastewater from factories is treated

    and complies with local environment regulations before being discharged.

    its manufacturing operations byraising awareness in factory staff,re-using processed water forvacuum and process pumps,recycling processed water in theoperations unit and directing someof this treated water to socialblocks while ensuring high hygienestandards.

    The company is planning toinstall Reused Treated Effluenttechnology in the near future, withfurther treatment for non-potableusers such as cooling towers andsocial blocks.

    It also aims to implementtechnology that will enable thereuse of processed water in the

    manufacturing process.To guarantee clean and safe

    water, Nestl Malaysia has reducedwater consumption throughout itssupply chain by encouragingvendors, suppliers and farmers topractise water conservation.

    To encourage conservation at thesource local farmers NestlMalaysia spearheaded researchand development on semi-aerobicrice (Sari) farming with its ricefarmers in Kedah through theNestl Paddy Club initiative.

    As CSV is an integral part of howNestl runs its business, it isessential for the companysmanagement to be personallyinvolved in CSV strategies and

    policies.I am accountable for the success

    of the company and success is notlimited to profits but also howmuch value we create for thesociety in Malaysia, saysHofbauer.

    nFor more information,

    Its Our Job to Save Water: Heres How We Do It

    Achieved savingsfor waterusage of3.8%

    Promotes waterconservationthroughout manufacturing

    Excess water discharged

    into the environment is

    100% cleaned


    Water savingsapproach applied in

    lowlandpaddy fields

    Proven to reducewater usage up to 30% 40%



    Water savings of

    65,686m per year

    Average usage of

    1,200peopleor 300families



    reforestation and oil palmsustainability initiative

    Aims to create a landscape where people,

    nature and agriculture can coexist

    harmoniously in their water needs.







    effort with Universiti MalaysiaSabah, Nestl Malaysia engagedwith palm oil smallholders withinthe Kinabatangan floodplains toimpart back-to-basics, goodagricultural practices, says AloisHofbauer, managing director of

    Nestl Malaysia Berhad.On March 2, Nestl and YSD

    extended their partnership untilnext year, formalised with amemorandum of understanding.

    The ceremony also celebratedthe success of Project UpLeaf aninitiative that championssustainable oil palm practices.

    Norazizah Pibu, an oil palmsmallholder, says, I can see thepositive changes through ProjectRiLeaf, and it fills me with pride towork together in protecting theenvironment and our home alongthe Kinabatangan River.

    Nestl also wants to empowerthe local community to takeownership of the environment

    they live in. As part of Nestls CSVapproach, Project RiLeaf empowersthe local community throughKomuniti Anak PokokKinabatangan (Kapok), a capacity-building initiative where localfarmers can cultivate indigenoustree seedlings for reforestation thatare purchased from community-based seedling producers.

    In the long run, Project RiLeafwill contribute to the protection

    and sustainability of theenvironment for generations tocome by preserving Malaysias

    stl Malaysias committedto taking theessary steps

    to ensure

    he long-termsustainabilityof Malaysias


    ough effortssuch as its



    forests as a national treasure andreducing water pollution throughsustainable agricultural practices.









    A Kinabatangan riversidereforestation and oil palmsustainability initiative thataims to create a landscapewhere people, nature andagriculture (oil palm) canco-exist harmoniously intheir need for water.

    Covering over


    (Equivalent to over 3,200football fields)











    (Tree planting & purchaseof trees seedlings)




    Project RiLeaf empowers local oil palm communities to embracesustainable practices.

  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016



  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016




    TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2016

    Minister of Health Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam (leftmost), Sunway Groupschairman Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO (third from left), and representativesfrom Sunway Group and its partners at the launch of the InternationalSymposium on Precision Medicine.

    Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO, (left) with Prof Jeffrey D. Sachs at SunwayUniversity.

    Sustainabilitythrough education

    one of Malaysias largestporations with businessisions in property, construction,pitality, retail and a host ofer industries, the Sunway

    oup has continuously refined itsmeworks and processes intainability.n his message in the Sunway5 Sustainability Report,

    nways founder and chairmann Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO, said,his commitment to sustainability

    ers how we do business, solvellenges, use resourcesciently and hold ourselvesountable, and allows us tone our business strategy.We respect and support ourployees, communities and

    vironment because it is the rightng to do, he said.triving to meet Dr Cheahs

    adfast commitment to future

    nerations, a main focus ofnway is to expand on qualityucation and enable deservingdents, regardless of race,gion and beliefs, the

    portunity to attain educationough the Jeffrey Cheah

    undation (JCF).

    eing globalntributionunway has long established itsnce on sustainable and sociallyponsible practices in forming anegral part of its businessmework that informs andpes impactful actions to addressial and environmental

    llenges.n a move that demonstrates

    nways promise to play an everger role in an increasinglytainable-centric world, JCF has

    date gifted its largest financialmmitment to the United Nations

    tainable Development GoalsG) US$10mil (RM40.4mil) toablish the Jeffrey D. Sachsnter on Sustainablevelopment at Sunway UniversityApril.The gift recognises that

    ieving the SDG requires theective global expertise ofdemia, policy, civil society, andiness.

    This strategic collaboration

    ween JCF, the centre and theited Nations Sustainablevelopment Solutions Networkociation (SDSN) will lead to theation of the worlds bestriculum as well as academic

    d executive programmes ontainable development at

    nway University.This includes the Masters intainable Development Practice,rogram on Sustainablevelopment on the SDSNs onlineucation initiative, SDSNedu andto 10 textbooks focused on theGs.At its launch, Dr Cheah, who is

    founding trustee of JCF andncellor of Sunway University,

    d, I believe we have taken anportant step to develop globalertise needed to move Malaysia

    d Asia forward in the area oftainable development and totect and preserve the planet.rof Sachs is the director of

    SN, professor of health policyd management and director ofe Earth Institute at Columbiaiversity in the United States,visor to the UNs secretary-

    general and a world-leading experton economic development and thefight against poverty.

    This partnership signals thevision of Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheahin recognising that sustainabledevelopment is the definingchallenge of our times, saidProf Sachs.

    He has delivered speeches onsustainable development twice in

    recent years at the Jeffrey CheahDistinguished Speaker Series heldin Sunway University and visitedSunway most recently on May 14to speak at an exclusive dinner talkon the implications of the ParisClimate Agreement for South-EastAsia.

    World-class education

    With a credo of Nurturing theseeds of wisdom, JCF owns andgoverns, in perpetuity, all ofSunway Education Groups 12learning institutions that includeSunway University, MonashUniversity Malaysia, Jeffrey CheahSchool of Medicine and Health

    Sciences, Sunway College, SunwayTES Centre for AccountancyExcellence, Sunway InternationalSchool and six other institutions.

    As a not-for-profit organisation,the foundations operatingsurpluses are reinvested to providesustainable quality educationthrough numerous scholarships,research grants and the expansionof faculty and facilities on campus.

    Operating on the fundamentalprinciples of giving back to society,having a vision in perpetuity,and providing quality education,JCF has disbursed more thanRM210mil in scholarships as of theend of last year.

    Through the Sunway Education

    Group, JCF has forged academicties with renowned higher learninginstitutions, including HarvardUniversity in the United States,University of Oxford, University ofCambridge and LancasterUniversity in the United Kingdom,and the French Le Cordon Bleunetwork of culinary and hospitalityschools, to ensure its studentsreceive the very best availableeducation.

    School adoption

    As Malaysias largest education-focused social enterprise, JCFcontributes at the primary andsecondary education levels byfunding the restoration of schoolsacross peninsular Malaysia.

    Schools that have benefited fromJCFs donations are SJK (C) CheeWen in Subang, SK Bandar

    Sunway, SMK Bandar Sunway andSK Convent Klang in Selangor, andSMJK (C) Yuk Choy and SJK (C)Gunung Hijau in Perak and KuenCheng Girls School in KualaLumpur.

    With the firm belief that thebusiness of education is more thana matter of dollars and cents, JCFaims to continue bringing qualityeducation to Malaysia, thus raisingthe countrys standard of educationand forming effective leaders ofthe future.

    Leadership in medicalresearch

    JCFs commitment to education

    also includes educating thepublic on forward-lookingacademic research onmedical advancements.

    In March, the InternationalSymposium on Precision Medicine

    Singing for a causeDUE to its ties with HarvardUniversity, JCF is proud to hostthe Malaysian leg of HarvardKrokodiloes Musical World Touron June 28 at SunwayInternational School.

    Activities organised in

    conjunction with the tour includea charity dinner, a public concertand a conversational session onlife at Harvard with the famous acappella group.

    The Krokodiloes is made upof 12 tuxedo-clad HarvardUniversity undergraduates whoentertain audiences worldwidewith their unique blend ofsmooth a cappella harmony and

    music from the Great AmericanSongbook.

    In previous years, the proceedsgenerated from this event went tothe Nepal Relief Fund of MERCYMalaysia and the JCF CommunityScholarship to provide students

    affected bylast years earthquake andthose from disadvantagedbackgrounds with the opportunityto pursue higher education.

    This year, the HarvardKrokodiloes collaborates withDialogue in the Dark (DiD) toincorporate a fresh new take ontheir concert by performing in thedark.

    Last year, Sunway Universitybecame the first higher educationinstitution in the country tosupport Dialogue in the Dark(DiD) an international socialenterprise enabling the public toexperience a non-visual world

    through exhibitions andworkshops.As such, this years proceeds

    will be awarded to DiD to create,increase awareness as well ascreate tolerance and acceptanceof the visually impairedcommunity among the generalpublic.

    Tickets can be purchased

    Our commitmentto sustainabilitycovers how wedo business,solve challenges,use resourceseciently,

    hold ourselvesaccountable andallows us to refneour businessstrategy.

    Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO

    (ISPM) took place at SunwayUniversity and was jointlyorganised by distinguishedmembers of Gonville and CaiusCollege, University of Cambridge;Brasenose College, University ofOxford; Harvard University; andSunway University.

    Backed by the Health Ministryand Akademi Sains Malaysia, thisevent was co-hosted by SunwayUniversity, Sunway MedicalCentre, the Jeffrey Cheah Schoolof Medicine and Health Sciences,and Monash University Malaysia.

    A total of 11 medicalresearchers from the UK, theUS and Hong Kong gathered todiscuss the latest globaldevelopments in precision

    medicine research and itsimplications on the future ofhealthcare in Malaysia andSouth-East Asia.

    An innovative approach todisease prevention and treatmentthat takes into account differencesin peoples genome, environmentsand lifestyles, precision medicinegives clinicians tools to betterunderstand the complexmechanisms underlying a patientshealth and disease, allowing formore effective treatment.

    Educating on the latestinnovations in precision medicineand providing free admission tothe symposium was part of JCFscontributions to society.

  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016



    csr 5

    Striving for positive changeWHILE Sunway Group hasundertaken numerous initiatives toenrich the lives of communitiesand address important social andenvironmental challenges over theyears, it believes there is alwaysmore that can be done.

    Contributing in terms ofmonetary aid, time, infrastructure,research and resources, Sunwaysendless commitment to thebetterment of social andenvironmental issues are in linewith some of the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG)identified by the United Nations(UN) last year.

    These 17 development goals

    aim to create solutions to globalproblems, including poverty,hunger and inequality, andwork towards building peaceful,just and inclusive societies whileensuring lasting protection of theplanet and its natural resources by2030.

    Conserving theenvironment

    With the goal of buildingresilient infrastructure, promotingsustainable industrialisation, andcombating climate change and itsrelated impacts, Sunway strives tocreate green buildings thatincorporate more efficient

    construction, renovation,operation, maintenance anddemolition techniques.

    Sunway has managed togradually reduce its energyconsumption in all of its buildingsby replacing fluorescent andincandescent light bulbs withLED alternatives, upgradingand monitoring air conditioningand ventilation systems as well asinstalling more energy-efficientchillers.

    The Pinnacle Sunway is acorporate building accredited byMalaysias Green Building Indexand has been given SingaporesBuilding and ConstructionAuthority Green Mark Gold

    certifications.Serene Villas at Sunway City

    Ipoh is part of the Green Buildinginitiative, which redefines urbannature living as the developmenthas energy- and water-efficienttechnologies in each unit and issurrounded by a green reservepark.

    Connecting thecommunity

    In addition to green buildings,Sunway introduced the Bus RapidTransit-Sunway Line Malaysiasfirst dedicated and elevated electricbus system that enhances theconnectivity, accessibility and

    mobility of commuters betweenBandar Sunway, Subang Jaya andUSJ.

    Launched in 2012, the eco- anddisabled-friendly electric busesferry more than 500,000commuters on a 5.4km track withstops at Sunway Resort City (SRC),KTM stations and LRT stations.

    The 2.3km elevated coveredCanopy Walk completed last yearwas built for the convenience and

    safety of commuters on foot withinSRC.

    An eye on biodiversity

    As biodiversity boosts ecosystemproductivity, Sunway aims tominimise the loss of biologicalspecies and restore naturalhabitats whenever possible.

    At Sunway Iskandar, world-classcity living goes hand-in-hand with

    lush greenery and serene waterbodies. Emerald Lake, for example,is surrounded by fruit trees andhas more than 1,500 fish.

    A mangrove study wasconducted along Sungai Pendas inSunway Iskandar to unlock orextract value from its naturalenvironment and ensure anyeconomic development complieswith the highest environmentalstandards.

    Kayak tours, performances andthe construction of watch towersand boardwalks were also carriedout to spread the message ofconservation.

    Water for life

    Bandar Sunway is built upon800 acres (324ha) of derelictmining land comprising a tinmining pond rich in nutrients andother chemicals.

    The lake is used to water theentire landscaped area in thevicinity, reducing the demands onavailable groundwater anddomestic water supply.

    To support the sustainability of

    the lake, Sunway has installedinnovative diffuser technology toinject compressed air into the lakefrom the bottom and dose the lakewith beneficial bacteria andenzymes.

    This move helps the company tocontrol the various types of algae,ammonia, weeds and organicsediments in the lake whileimproving the water quality andmaintaining fish health. The lake

    also conforms to water qualitystandards, making it safe forrecreation.


    One of the UN SDG is to ensurehealthy lives and promote well-being for all ages.

    Working together with theHealth Ministry (MOH) and othernon-government organisations,

    Sunway supports the nationshealth agenda by aiming to makeall Sunway-owned buildings withinSRC smoke-free by 2018.

    In line with Sunways founderand chairman Tan Sri Dr JeffreyCheahs belief in creating a healthyand smoke-free environment forall, the Sunway Smoke-freeWorkplace Policy wasimplemented two years ago toeducate employees on the benefitsof a smoke-free environment.

    Sunways numerous smoke-freeinitiatives are recognised by MOH,which has led to Sunway winningThe Blue Ribbon OutstandingAchievement award in 2014 andobtaining Blue Ribbon Certificates(initiatives that support the WorldHealth Organizations FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control).

    Keeping thecommunity safe

    In making cities inclusive, safe,resilient and sustainable, Sunwaypartnered with the RoyalMalaysian Police, Malaysia CrimePrevention Foundation and theSelangor state government to

    launch the Safe City Initiative in2001.

    Security and safety withinBandar Sunway has grown eversince, paving the way for theSunway police booth to beupgraded into a police stationwith 100 personnel.

    Besides sponsoring two vehiclesto serve as mobile police stations,Sunway will invest in a new policestation to foster a better workingenvironment for the police force.

    Sunway has also boosted thesafety features at its flagshipSunway Pyramid shopping mall byconstructing a Tourist PoliceService Centre as well as installingpanic buttons to help combatcrime.

    SRC visitors and residents canbe assured they are within a safeenvironment that has 3,000 CCTVs,round-the-clock patrolsand a Sunway security force of1,000 personnel 500 of whom

    are auxiliary police who havecompleted intensive training atthe Malaysian Police TrainingCentre.

    Other green activities

    SRC is recognised as Malaysiasfirst fully integrated greentownship and was awarded theSilver Award by the countrysGreen Building Index in 2012.

    Sunway has invested more thanRM5mil into landscaping andbeautification efforts, whichincludes the maintenance andcleanliness of landscaped areas,roads, paths and street lights.

    Other commendable efforts

    include a recycling programmeinitiated in 2003 that generates500,000kg worth of recyclablewaste per year and a Styrofoam-free initiative enforced in Sunway-owned cafeterias to encouragepeople to bring their owncontainers for takeaway meals.

    nFor more information onSunway Groups efforts insustainability, visit

    The Bus Rapid Transit-Sunway Line ensures a convenient and greencommute between Bandar Sunway, Subang Jaya and USJ.

    SunwayGroup ismaking greatefforts toreduceenergyconsumptionin all itsbuildings.SunwayResort Cityand thePinnacleSunwaycorporate

    building areexamples ofSunwayssustainabilityefforts.

    Sunways sustainability initiatives encompass the 28-acre (11.3ha) lake at Sunway South Quay. Sunway treats the lakewater for sustainable consumption within the township.

  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016




    TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2016

    Supporting nature and the peopleCOGNISING the importance ofing back to the community and

    ntributing positively to thevironment, Bank Islam Malaysiahad is not only committed toanising social welfare activitiesalso spreading conservation

    d environmental awarenessoss the nation.

    Through its social responsibilitym, AMAL, the bank is involved inriad initiatives to createghter futures for communitiesough projects such as school

    option programmes, educationrkshops, community-buildingivities and the Projek Bantuanmah programme that providesmes for impoverished families.AMALs most recent event waseen Day 2016 that was held on

    y 20 and 21 in the small fishingwn of Sematan, Sarawak, located

    km to the northwest of Kuchingar the Sarawak-Kalimantander.

    The annual programme, which isw in its sixth year, saw theticipation of more than 160unteers from Bank Islam,iversiti Malaysia Sarawakimas), UCSI Sarawak Campus

    d Sekolah Kebangsaan Sematan.

    unifed eort

    Kicking off the event at thewns multipurpose hall, Bank

    ms general manager (Eastlaysia region) Abdul Malek

    dullah in his opening speechd, The Green Day programmene of Bank Islams corporateponsibility initiatives that

    m to preserve the naturalvironment.Previous Green Day activitiesluded the planting of trees,aning up of beaches andareness talks, which wereried out in Sabah, Malacca,

    Selangor and Terengganu, saidAbdul Malek.

    He added, For our first GreenDay event in Sarawak, we willdeploy five artificial reefs madefrom cockleshells that wereproduced by Unimas.

    Lowered into the seawaters ofSematan and Lundu district, theseartificial reefs are designed to raisethe population of marine life in thesurrounding waters of Sematanand consequently increase theeconomic levels of the localcommunity through fishing andtourism.

    According to Azmir Abdul Malek,head of brand and marketingcommunications at Bank Islam,

    We contributed a total ofRM30,000 for Unimas to producethe artificial reefs and we estimatethere is much to be gained in termsof social return of investment aswe have the collective expertisefrom the Unimas research team,Department of Fisheries Malaysiaand Forestry Department ofSarawak working on this project.

    We are looking forward to

    seeing the outcome of thisprogramme in a few months time,from the data that will be providedby the team monitoring the reefpark especially on the populationof marine life and number oftourists visiting the town.

    Fun for the kids

    A series of activities wasorganised as part of this two-dayevent; the first event on the secondday was for the little ones.

    By mid-morning, laughter andexcitement could be heard fromthe local primary school, as all 105students of SK Sematanparticipated enthusiastically in the

    Green Day Challenge.Loosely based on reality shows

    such as The Amazing Race, theGreen Day Challenge requiredstudents to complete a series oftasks such as answering questionsrelated to environmentalconservation and collectingrubbish from a section of the localbeach.

    While this was taking place, agroup of volunteers comprisingstudents from UCSI UniversitySarawak Campus were busysprucing up and tidying the schoolcompound.

    A group of artists led bySylvester Jussem from Unimas alsopainted a colourful mural of an

    underwater scene depicting thefive cockleshell artificial reefs andlocal sea creatures on the wall ofone of the school buildings.

    Engaging the community

    That day, the normally quiet andpeaceful town was buzzing withlife as the local community enjoyedthe activities arranged by thevolunteers.

    We feel that contributing to agreener and cleaner planet iseveryones responsibility so we tryto engage different segments of thecommunity in our activities, saysAzmir.

    Also present at the event wererepresentatives from theDepartment of Fisheries Malaysiaand Forestry Department ofSarawak who were the advisorsand enforcers in charge of theartificial reef deployment.

    The Department of Fisheries alsobrought with them a combinationof fry that were to be released intothe sea as part of the event launch.

    Besides being treated to aGendang Sarawak performance on

    stage, residents were keen toreceive free dental check-ups

    The cockleshell

    articial reefDEVELOPED by UniversityMalaysia Sarawaks Faculty ofApplied and Creative Arts, fivepyramid-shaped artificial reefsmade partly from cockleshellswere lowered into a reef parkaround Talang Talang Islandsnear Sematan, Sarawak, as it

    was identified to be an eco-friendly solution to encouragethe growth of marine life in thesurrounding waters.

    Generally regarded as wastematerial, the cockleshells werenot only an economicalternative building material butthe shell properties and mineralcomposition was discovered toimprove water pH levels.

    The rough texture ofcockleshells mimics that of thenatural reef and has beenshown to be more effective atattracting fish compared withsmooth surfaces, thus expeditingthe growth of marine organismsand corals.

    This is the first time BankIslam has incorporated aninnovation from a localuniversity for its Green Dayactivities.

    The deployment of theartificial reef was carried outunder the guidance ofDepartment of Fisheries(Sematan office) and SarawakForestry Department.

    provided by the Health Ministryand learn new culinary techniques

    and tips from UCSI Universityshospitality students who conductedfree cooking demonstrations.


    On stage, AMAL took theopportunity to make a zakatpresentation (donations underIslamic law for charitable andreligious purposes) to theunderprivileged.

    The recipients of goody bags andmonetary aid included 25individuals from the localcommunity, SK Sematan along with30 of its pupils, and Masjid NoorulIslam Kampung Tanah Hitam.

    A special prize presentation washeld for the winning groups of theGreen Day Challenge and boysunder 12 years old who won theazan (call to prayer) competitionthat took place at the mosque thenight before.

    Prize winners received schoolbags, medals and food hamperssponsored by AMAL Bank Islam.

    The events on stage soon led tothe penultimate activity of the day a lucky draw that saw residentstaking home food hampers andthree bicycles that were offered asthe top prizes.

    The event concluded with a freelunch for the townsfolk.

    nFor more information on AMAL,visit

    Left: A colourfulmural waspainted in SKSematan as partof Green Day2016.

    Right: Childrenof SK Sematanparticipating inthe Green DayChallenge.

    Bank Islams head of brand and marketing communications Azmir Abdul Malek (in green) and general manager (EastMalaysia region) Abdul Malek Abdullah (in black) with other Bank Islam staff at the launch of Green Day 2016.

    e cockleshell artificial reefs were lowered into the seawaters near Sematanaise the population of marine life.

  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016



  • 7/26/2019 CSR - 14 June 2016




    TUESDAY 14 JUNE 2016

    More thanjust giving back

    ORPORATE social responsibilitySR) initiatives have now become

    integral part of many bigrporations and small-and-edium-enterprises.CSR has come a long way from19th-century roots in corporateilanthropy. The aim then was tot ethical behaviour and

    mployee welfare at the core of arporations business.In the 1960s, CSR was used as aw means to engage with ampanys stakeholders anditiatives eventually beganrgeting broader issues andmmunities surroundingmpanies and the reach of theirsiness.Although the scale of CSR

    itiatives differ in terms of size,

    siness model and value, theart of the effort lies in

    mpacting the organisationsimary stakeholders, especiallynsumers and the employees.Consumers and employees areo sides of the same coin andeping them in balance ensuresng-term business sustainability.In addition, with the growingce of development, it is difficultr companies to turn their head

    way from local communities andvironmental policies. Thisakes CSR a core component insiness today.Hence, CSR initiatives haveifted from bare monetaryntributions to playing a role in

    e development of sustainablemmunities through the activevolvement of employees.

    hanging conventions

    When it comes to CSR, theindset of organisations hasanged over the years to reflectsponsible business practices andhas become less about anronym in advertisements andarketing collaterals.Companies often struggle withe true value of a CSR initiativea tug-of-war between benefitinge society and the interest of thesiness.According toMaking The Most

    Corporate Social Responsibility,blished by consultantscKinsey & Company in 2009, aR venture that prioritisescietal benefits more than thesiness interest comes off asilanthropy and sits poorly in

    rms of business and employeerception.On the other hand, a CSR effortat has more of a benefit to thesiness than the society is

    considered propaganda andimpacts the serviced community

    negatively in terms of the effortand outcome of the initiative.

    The right balance is to create alasting partnership that would notonly perk up business but also reapbenefits for the community. Theaim is to create a shared initiativerather than contributions.

    For example, Nestl MalaysiasCSR approach maximises sharingvalue; this philosophy is ingrainedin its CSR policy.

    According to Alois Hofbauer,managing director of NestlMalaysia Berhad, the companysconcept of Creating Shared Value(CSV) stems from the philosophythat for a company to be successfulover time and create value for

    shareholders, it must also createvalue for society.

    The CSV model, therefore,focuses on creating economic andsocial values simultaneously. Inother words, we are creating jointbenefit or shared value for bothour shareholders and society atevery stage of our value chain,adds Hofbauer.

    Companies also look to impactemployees through volunteerismby giving them the opportunity toget involved in the companys CSRwork while fulfilling their ownsocial or community obligations.

    As CSV is practised throughoutthe company, Nestl personnel areencouraged to get involved and

    give back to society where everyemployee is allocated 16 workinghours a year to do volunteerwork, says Hofbauer.

    Bridging the gap

    In a multicultural nation such asMalaysia, it is quite common tofind diversity among employees ina company and the communitiesbeing served.

    Many companies strive to have amore plural employee populationand inclusive work culture notonly to improve productivity andgrowth in their business but also toensure that employees are happyworking together to achieve their

    goals.In the pursuit of gender andability equality, many companies inMalaysia are looking to set thestandards for a more inclusiveworking environment.

    Even though company-employeesocial events are commonlyorganised to foster such arelationship, CSR initiatives haveproven to be far more successful atinstilling unity among co-workers

    and this reflects on how CSRprojects encourage nation-building

    in line with the development of thesocioeconomic standards ofMalaysians.

    According to Tan Sri Datuk SeriRazman M. Hashim, deputychairman of Sunway Group, as oneof Malaysias major sources ofstrength, diversity is reinforced inmost of Sunways CSR initiatives.

    In the majority of our CSRinitiatives, we reach out toindividuals from manysocioeconomic groups, gendersand abilities. Through personalinteractions with them, we arereminded that diversity offersstrength.

    In tandem, our currentworkforce has become more

    diverse than previous decadeswith many businesses embracingdiversity as a driver for profitableand stable growth. We leverage ondiversity to drive performance,strengthen the quality of theworkforce and improvethe nations economiccompetitiveness, says Razman.

    CSR initiatives encourageemployee engagement and agreater sense of professionalsatisfaction at work, with higherattraction and retention ofemployees to the company, thusboosting business outcomes andreducing costs associated withdisengaged employees.

    A 2007 survey conducted by

    Kenexa Research Institute, anIBM company that providesemployment and retentionsolutions, showed that working for

    an organisation whose employeespositively view corporate

    responsibility efforts has asignificant, favourable impact onhow employees rate their pride inthe organisation, their overallsatisfaction, their willingness torecommend it as a place to workand their intention to stay.

    This is illustrated in Sunwaysrecent CSR history Razman saysSunway Groups CSR initiativeshave significantly bolsteredemployee engagement.

    Through volunteering together,the employees cultivate a closerrelationship between them, in aspirit of mutual understanding ofthe companys purpose to create abetter future for the communitieswe serve, he says.

    Empowering individuals

    People are at the core of anyCSR initiative. Whether it is theworkforce involved or thecommunities benefiting from it,CSR is a way for people to gainvalues and skills along the way.

    CSR initiatives offer theopportunity for employees to slipinto the shoes of the people theyare servicing and experience howthey can make a difference insomeones life.

    Bank Islam, for example,believes CSR activities are not justcompany initiatives that employeesare passionate about but such

    initiatives can enrich employeelives through values learnt in theprocess.

    We hope that the experience

    will encourage first-timevolunteers in our programme

    to be more socially obliged.We also hope that it will satisfy

    the spiritual values of employeesand enhance their sense of prideand loyalty to the company, saysSyed Zaharum Amidi SyedMohammed, manager ofcorporate responsibility, brandand marketing communications.

    Bank Islam encourages localbranch employees to come upwith ideas for CSR initiativesbecause it believes that employeesbetter understand the lifestyle andneeds of the communities theyserve.

    This allows employees to makeactive decisions in planning CSRinitiatives and its execution as

    well as instils a sense ofleadership.

    CSR initiatives also allow small-medium enterprises and startupsto further establish a businesspresence while fostering betterrelationships between employeesand communities.

    XXL Events Asia, an eventsstartup company, organised KualaLumpur Indie Fashion Week 2016last month where the companyworked closely with the NationalCancer Society Malaysia (NCSM)and fashion schools.

    We had 10 cancer survivorswalking the runway with speciallydesigned garments byparticipating student fashion

    designers to representempowerment and a portion ofour proceeds throughmerchandise sales will bechanneled to NCSM. Our aim wasto show that fashion cares and weachieved that, says Alvin Sinclair,founder of XXL Events Asia.

    According to Sinclair, the CSRinitiative sheds light on thecommunity of cancer survivorsand how individuals from anyindustry can contribute to combatthe disease.

    CSR projects offer theopportunity for individuals tolearn from each other and fosteraltruistic values among employeesand communities alike.

    It is clear that CSR initiativeshave a far greater impact than justmaking a difference for localcommunities benefiting fromthem.

    The positive outcomes of CSRinitiatives have been shown toextend beyond organisationallevels and the companysstakeholders, thus boosting acompanys marketability andlong-term viability.

    CSR initiatives should benefit both community and business cohesively toensure that the positive outcome is sustainable and is achieved by theprimary stakeholders. (Source: Making The Most of Corporate SocialResponsibility, published by consultants McKinsey & Company.)

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