cse-winter-18-lecture2Computer Security
Analysis and protection of computer systems in an adversarial setting
What is an adversary?
• An adversary is someone who seeks an outcome detrimental to your interests
• We assume rational adversaries I.e., they act to maximize their payoff
Adversarial Setting
Opposing objectives well-defined
Adversary or Attacker?
• An adversary becomes an attacker when they act in a way that is detrimental to your interests
• Distinction is not hugely important Adversary often used in cryptography
Attacker often used in computer security
Both ultimately mean “bad person”
How do we define attackers?
• Motives: Curiosity
Classes of Attackers
Analysis and protection of computer systems in an adversarial setting
What do we mean by protection?
• Protection of systems against an adversary
Secrecy: Can’t view protected information
Integrity: Can’t modify protected info or process
Availability: Can’t deny access to system for others
Computer Security
Analysis and protection of computer systems in an adversarial setting
Traditional definition
to whom personal (or organizational) information is to be released.
This paper will not be explicitly concerned with privacy, but instead with the mechanisms used to help achieve it.’
The term “security” describes techniques that control who may use or modify the computer or the information contained in it. ’
Security specialists (e.g., Anderson [ 61 ) have found it useful to place potential security violations in three categories.
1) Unauthorized information release: an unauthorized per- son is able to read and take advantage of information stored in the computer. This category of concern sometimes extends to “traffic analysis,” in which the intruder observes only the patterns of information use and from those patterns can infer some information content. It also includes unauthorized use of a proprietary program.
2) Unauthorized information modification: an unauthorized person is able to make changes in stored information-a form of sabotage. Note that this kind of violation does not require that the intruder see the information he has changed.
3) Unauthorized denial of use: an intruder can prevent an authorized user from referring to or modifying information, even though the intruder may not be able to refer to or mod- ify the information. Causing a system “crash,” disrupting a scheduling algorithm, or firing a bullet into a computer are examples of denial of use. This is another form of sabotage.
The term “unauthorized” in the three categories listed above means that release, modification, or denial of use occurs con- trary to the desire of the person who controls the information, possibly even contrary to the constraints supposedly enforced by the system. The biggest complication in a general-purpose remoteaccessed computer system is that the “intruder” in these definitions may be an otherwise legitimate user of the computer system.
Examples of security techniques sometimes applied to com- puter systems are the following:
1) labeling files with lists of authorized users, 2) verifying the identity of a prospective user by demanding
3) shielding the computer t o prevent interception and sub
4) enciphering information sent over telephone lines, 5 ) locking the room containing the computer, 6 ) controlling who is allowed to make changes to the com-
puter system (both its hardware and software), 7) using redundant circuits or programmed cross-checks that
maintain security in the face of hardware or software
8) certifying that the hardware and software are actually
a password,
implemented as intended.
It is apparent that a wide range of considerations are pertinent to the engineering of security of information. Historically, the
be found in [ 11, and an interesting study of the impact of technology ‘A thorough and scholarly discussion of the concept of privacy may
on privacy is given in [2]. In 1973, the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare published a related study [ 31. A recent paper by Turn and Ware [4 ] discusses the relationship of the social objective of privacy to the security mechaniams of modern computer systems.
tems that handle clacrdfied defense information, and priwcy for systems ‘W. Ware [ 51 has suggested that the term security be used for sy%
handling nondefense information. This suggestion has never really taken hold outside the defense security community, but literature originating within that community often uses Ware’s defmitions.
literature of computer systems has more narrowly defined the term protection to be just those security techniques that con- trol the access of executing programs to stored inf~rmat ion .~ An example of a protection technique is labeling of computer- stored files with lists of authorized users. Similarly, the term authentication is used for those security techniques that verify the identity of a person (or other external agent) making a request of a computer system. An example of an authentica- tion technique is demanding a password. This paper concen- trates on protection and authentication mechanisms, with only occasional reference to the other equally necessary se- curity mechanisms. One should recognize that concentration on protection and authentication mechanisms provides a nar- row view of information security, and that a narrow view is dangerous. The objective of a secure system is to prevent all unauthorized use of information, a negative kind of require- ment. It is hard to prove that this negative requirement has been achieved, for one must demonstrate that every possible threat has been anticipated. Thus an expansive view of the problem is most appropriate to help ensure that no gaps a p pear in the strategy. In contrast, a narrow concentration on protection mechanisms, especially those logically impossible to defeat, may lead to false confidence in the system as a whole.4
2) Functional Levels of Information Protection: Many dif- ferent designs have been proposed and mechanisms imple- mented for protecting information in computer systems. One reason for differences among protection schemes is their dif- ferent functional properties-the kinds of access control that can be expressed naturally and enforced. It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional p r o p erties. A rough categorization is the following.
a) Unprotected systems: Some systems have no provision for preventing a determined user from having access to every piece of information stored in the system. Although these systems are not directly of interest here, they are worth men- tioning since, as of 1975, many of the most widely used, com- mercially available batch data processing systems fall into this category-for example, the Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370 [ 91. Our definition of protection, which excludes features usable only for mistake prevention, is important here since it is common for unprotected systems to contain a va- riety of mistake-prevention features. These may provide just enough control that any breach of control is likely to be the result of a deliberate act rather than an accident. Neverthe-
include mechanisms designed to limit the consequences of accidental ’Some authors have widened the scope of the term “protection” to
mistakes in programming or in applying programs. With this wider definition, even computer systems used by a single person might in- clude “protection” mechanisms. The effect of this broader defmition of “protection” would be to include in our study mechanisms that may be deliberately bypassed by the user, on the ba& that the probability of accidental bypass can be made as smal l as desired by careful design. Such accident-reducing mechanisms are often essential, but one would be ill-advised to apply one to a situation in which a systematic attack by another user is to be prevented. Therefore, we will insist on the narrower d e f d i o n . Protection mechanisms are very useful in prevent- ing mistakes, but mistake-preventing mechanisms that can be delibera- tely bypassed have little value in providing protection. Another com- mon extension of the term “protection” is to techniques that ensure the reliability of information storage and computing service despite accidental failure of individual components or programs. In this paper we arbitrarily label those concerns “reliability” or “integrity,” although it should be recognized that historically the study of protection mecha-
systems. nisms is rooted in attempts to provide reliability in multiprogramming
‘The broad view, encompassing all the considerations mentioned here and more, is taken in several current books [ 61 -[ 81.
Traditional definition
• What is authorized? Allowed by the operator of the system
• Clear when there is a central authority and explicit policy E.g., DoD time-sharing systems
• Can be awkward to apply in some settings E.g., Click fraud malware on your smart phone
Secrecy (or confidentiality)
• Prevent unauthorized access to information
• Real world scenarios where you want secrecy? E.g., SSNs, power plant designs, nuclear codes
• Scenarios involving computers? E.g., password managers and email clients
• Prevent unauthorized modification of information, process, or function
• Real world scenarios where you want integrity? E.g., increasing bank account balance without deposit
• Scenarios involving computers? E.g., downloading files from the net
Information Integrity
• The focus of traditional computer security has been protection of information
• Why not just say integrity is “protection of information?” What about control or function of system?
Everything is information!
• Prevent impersonation of another principal Some authors call this origin integrity
• Real world scenarios where you want authenticity? E.g., depositing checks
• Scenarios involving computers? E.g., login
Does integrity include authenticity?
A: Yes, B: no
• Real world scenarios where you want availability? E.g., ATMs, bathrooms
• Scenarios involving computers? E.g., network denial of service, IoT heaters
• Which security property is violated if someone … … unplugs your alarm clock while you’re sleeping?
- A: secrecy, B: integrity, C: availability, D: none
• Which security property is violated if someone … … change the time on your alarm clock?
- A: secrecy, B: integrity, C: availability, D: none
• Which security property is violated if someone … … installs a camera in your room?
- A: secrecy, B: integrity, C: availability, D: none
• A person’s right or expectation to control the disclosure of their personal info
• What’s the diff between privacy and secrecy?
Great book:
• Policy: Set of allowed actions in a system
• Mechanism: Part of system responsible for enforcing the security policy
• Procedures ensuring that policy is enforced
• How can we get assurance? E.g., testing, code audits, formal proofs
• Why do we care about assurance? Justifies our trust in a system
Trust • Belief that system or component will perform as
expected or required Trusted: assumed to perform as expected/required
- If trusted component fails no security guarantee
Trustworthy: will perform as expected/required
- Enough evidence (e.g., clean API) that it will perform as expected
Untrusted: may not perform as expected/required
- Don’t rely on it to do the right thing
Trusted Computing Base
Trusted Computing Base
• Want TCB to be as small as possible Fewer things you trust fewer things you assume to
do the right thing
Trusted Computing Base
operating system utilities (e.g. passwd)
• On a Web server? OS, libc, HTTP parser, etc.
