Page 1: Cs: compressed sensing Jialin peng. Introduction Exact/Stable Recovery Conditions – -norm based recovery –OMP based recovery Some related recovery algorithms

Cs: Cs: compressecompressed sensingd sensing

Jialin pengJialin peng

Page 2: Cs: compressed sensing Jialin peng. Introduction Exact/Stable Recovery Conditions – -norm based recovery –OMP based recovery Some related recovery algorithms

• Introduction• Exact/Stable Recovery Conditions

– -norm based recovery– OMP based recovery

Some related recovery algorithmsSparse RepresentationApplications



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high-density sensorhigh speed sampling……A large amount of

sampled data will be discarded

A certain minimum number of samples is required in order to perfectly c

apture an arbitrary bandlimited signal

Data Storage

Receiving & Storage

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Sparse PropertySparse Property• Important classes of signals have naturally spars

e representations with respect to fixed bases (i.e., Fourier, Wavelet), or concatenations of such bases.

• Audio, images …• Although the images (or their features) are natur

ally very high dimensional, in many applications images belonging to the same class exhibit degenerate structure.

• Low dimensional subspaces, submanifolds• representative samples—sparse representation

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Transform coding: JPEG, JPEG2000, MPEG, and MP3

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The GoalThe GoalDevelop an end-to-end system • Sampling• processing • reconstruction• All operations are performed at a low rate:

below the Nyquist-rate of the input (too costly, or even physically impossible)

• Relying on structure in the input

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Sparse: the simplest choice is the best oneSparse: the simplest choice is the best one

• Signals can often be well approximated as a linear combination of just a few elements from a known basis or dictionary.

• When this representation is exact ,we say that the signal is sparse.


In many cases these high-dimensional signals contain relatively little information com

pared to their ambient dimension.

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high-density sensorhigh speed sampling……A large amount of

sampled data will be discarded

A certain minimum number of samples is required in order to perfectly c

apture an arbitrary bandlimited signal

Data Storage

Receiving & Storage

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IntroductionSparse priors of sig

nalNonuniform sampli

ngImaging algorithm:


Alleviated sensorReduced data……

modified sensor

Data Storage

Receiving & Storageoptimization

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x×1N ×1N


Φ y• =


×1MSensing Matrix

×N N

×M N

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compressioncompressionFind the most concise representation:

Compressed sensing: sparse or compressible representation • A finite-dimensional signal having a sparse or compressible repr

esentation can be recovered from a small set of linear, nonadaptive measurements

• how should we design the sensing matrix A to ensure that it preserves the information in the signal x?.

• how can we recover the original signal x from measurements y?• Nonlinear:1. Unknown nonzero locations results in a nonlinear model:the choice of which dictionary elements are used can change from signal to

signal . 2. Nonlinear recovering algorithmsthe signal is well-approximated by a signal with only k nonzerocoefficients

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IntroductionLet be a matrix of size with .For a –sparse signal , let b

e the measurement vector.Our goal is to exact/stable recovery the unknow

n signal from measurement.The problem is under-determined.Thanks for the sparsity, we can reconstruct the s

ignal via .

Φ M N M NK Nx M y Φx

How can we recovery the unknown signal:

Exact/Stable Recovery Condition

0min , s.t. x y Φx

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Exact/stable recovery conditions• The spark of a given matrix A• Null space property (NSP) of order k• The restricted isometry propertyRemark: verifying that a general matrix A satisfi

es any of these properties has a combinatorial computational complexity

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Exact/stable recovery conditions

The restricted isometry constant (RIC) is defined as the smallest constant which satisfy:

The restricted orthogonality condition (ROC)is the smallest number such that:

2 2 2

2 2 21 1K K x Φx x


,K K ,K K

, 2 2, K K Φu Φv u v

Restricted Isometry Property

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Exact/stable recovery conditions

Solving minimization is NP-hard, we usually relax it to the or minimization.

01 , 0 1p p

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Exact/stable recovery conditionsFor the inaccurate measurement ,

the stable reconstruction model is


1 2min , s. t. x y Φx

y Φx e

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Exact/stable recovery conditionsSome other Exact/Stable Recovery


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Exact/stable recovery conditionsBraniuk et al. have proved that for some random

matrices, such as Gaussian, Bernoulli, ……

we can exactly/stably reconstruct unknown signal with overwhelming high probability.

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Exact/stable recovery conditions

cf: minimization1

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Exact/stable recovery conditionsSome evidences have indicated that

with , can exactly/stably recovery signal with fewer measurements.

min , s. t.p

x y Φx

0 1p

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Quicklook InterpretationQuicklook Interpretation• Dimensionality-reducing projection.• Approximately isometric embeddings, i.e., pairwise

Euclidean distances are nearly preserved in the reduced space


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Quicklook Interpretation Quicklook Interpretation

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Quicklook InterpretationQuicklook Interpretation

•the ℓ2 norm penalizes large coefficients heavily, therefore solutions tend to have many smaller coefficients.•In the ℓ1 norm, many small coefficients tend to carry alarger penalty than a few large coefficients.

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AlgorithmsAlgorithms• L1 minimization algorithms iterative soft thresholding iteratively reweighted least squares …• Greedy algorithms Orthogonal Matching Pursuit iterative thresholding• Combinatorial algorithms

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CS builds upon the fundamental fact thatCS builds upon the fundamental fact that

• we can represent many signals using only a few non-zero coefficients in a suitable basis or


• Nonlinear optimization can then enable recovery

of such signals from very few measurements.

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• Sparse property• The basis for representing the data• incoherent->task-specific (often overco

mplete) dictionary or redundant one

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MRI ReconstructionMRI Reconstruction

MR images are usually sparse in certain transform domains, such as finite difference and wavelet.

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Sparse RepresentationConsider a family of images, representing natural and typical image content:•Such images are very diverse vectors in•They occupy the entire space?•Spatially smooth images occur much more often than highly non-smooth and disorganized images •L1-norm measure leads to an enforcement of sparsity of the signal/image derivatives.•Sparse representation

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Matrix completion algorithmsRecovering a unknown (approximate) low-

rank matrix from a sampling set of its entries.

min rank : , ,ij ijX

X X M i j NP-hard

Convex relaxation

*min : , ,ij ijX

X X M i j

*min , ,ij ij FX

X X M i j Unconstraint
