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I Came to be Awesome at Crossfit, Not Skinny

CrossFit is about rediscovering your strength…

Pushing your boundaries and proving to yourself again and again that you are still strong and can still surprise yourself.

Women love CrossFit..

it’s because it fights the odd misconception that girls have some sort of aversion to hard workouts.

Not all women are after the path of least resistance and most calories burned.

There’s no high like the one that you get when you do something you’ve never done before.

You feel it when the jump rope makes that zinging sound as it goes around twice, because another girl told you to focus on your wrists, not your feet.

You’ll feel it when your chin finally gets above the pull-up bar because your coach told you to focus on rotating at your shoulder instead of pulling straight up.

CrossFit women don’t look like toothpicks because this workout isn’t about how we look. It’s about who we are, and that looks different.

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